Turn Back Time by hollowtear
Summary: Buffy is the new girl in town. William becomes her friend over summer break. After a great summer romance, Buffy and William find that they are in opposite social circles. Will they be able to last?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 19747 Read: 21976 Published: 10/02/2004 Updated: 04/05/2005
Painting Fun by hollowtear
Chapter 5: Painting Fun

Over the next ten days Buffy and William spent almost every waking minute together. They talked about everything from preferred animals to favorite movies. They talked about childhood memories, but William’s passion for music never came up. He didn’t want her to know about that side of him just yet. He was still embarrassed about that night in the Bronze and didn’t want to relive.

William had taken Buffy to Pottery Café, a cute little shop where you paint your own pottery. Buffy was painting a cute ladybug, William couldn’t decide so Buffy picked out a heart shaped jewelry box for him. Buffy had been talking about the movie they had seen earlier that day when a cute little redhead stopped at their table.

“William! Oh my god. I have been calling you for over a week and you haven’t been there. Why haven’t you been there? Are you okay? We have been worried.” Willow said practically in one breath. Her eyes fixed on William waiting for an explanation.

William had looked up when she said his name and looked at Willow with a slightly amused smile on his face. “I’m fine, Will. I’ve just been showing Buffy around town.”

Willow finally turned her attention to Buffy who was looking at her with confusion. Shit! I thought he said he was single. William noticed the confused look on both of their faces and said, “Buffy, this is Willow. She’s a very good friend of mine.” Turning to Willow he said, “Will, this is Buffy. She just moved into the house across from mine. I’ve been showing her around these past few days.” Relief filled Buffy’s eyes. Willow was only a friend. She was glad of that, she wanted William, and she didn’t want to deal with any obstacles.

“Hi.” Buffy and Willow said simultaneously. They smiled at each other and Willow asked her, “So where did you move from?”

“LA. My mom got a chance to open a new art gallery here so she packed us up and decided that a smaller town would be better for us rather than the big bad city we were living in. Luckily, William here has been showing me the sights.”

“Oh well than welcome to our friendly little town. Maybe we could hang out sometime.” Willow smiled warmly at her.

“Yeah, that’d be great.” Buffy said.

“As for you, William,” Willow turned towards him, “Xander and I were worried about after you ran out of the Bronze like that. Then when I called and you were never there, we thought you were mad at us because we talked you into going on stage,” William flinched at the memory. It was still a little fresh to talk about it. But Willow had let it out of the bag; maybe he could still avert having to go into detail though.

“I’m fine Will. I promise. I just wasn’t ready yet. Let Xander know I am not mad. Ok?” William said. He noticed over Willow’s shoulder that her mother was impatiently waiting for her. Willow turned and noticed too.

“Oh, I have to go. You call me later, William. It was nice meeting you Buffy. I got to go. Bye!” Willow said while running off.

“Bye!” Buffy called. She turned her attention to William and noticed that he had paled slightly. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Just a bad memory came back to me.” William shook his head. He looked at Buffy and noticed the question in her eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it now. Maybe some other time.”

Buffy looked at him for a moment before responding, “Ok.”

They sat in silence for a minute before William perked up and said, “I want you to have my heart.” He smirked knowing she would take it a different way than intended. And that was what he wanted. It was a double meaning and both were true. Her head shot up and looked at him. She smiled when she realized what he meant and took the heart shaped jewelry box out of his hands.

“Thank you for your heart, William. I will take very good care of it.” She batted her eyes at him. He looks so adorable right now.

William smiled at her. His need to kiss her was really strong. She is beautiful. Why does she keep spending time with me? She deserves so much better than me. William felt his self-confidence dissolve and looked down. Buffy sensed a change in mood and quickly grabbed her paintbrush. She dipped it in red paint and dabbed it on William’s cheek. William looked up at her and while smiling grabbed his paintbrush and tried to paint her back. Buffy grabbed his hands. Erupting in a fit of giggles, William became helpless. Buffy dabbed his face a few more times when a young man wearing a paint splattered apron walked up to them.

“I’m sorry, but you are causing a disturbance. I’m gonna have to ask you to please quiet down.” Buffy and William looked at each other and started laughing again. They couldn’t help themselves.

“Sorry, mate. We’ll be going.” William said between laughs. They picked up their pottery and walked up to the registers. William insisted on paying for Buffy.

They walked out of the shop with paint all over William’s face. Walking with Buffy, he was surprised that the people looking at his paint-smeared face didn’t bother him. They walked to William’s house laughing and joking the whole way. He loved spending time with Buffy and it seemed she enjoyed being with him.

They reached William’s front door. He opened the door and allowed Buffy in first. He was always a gentleman.

“I’ll be back in a minute. Just got to wash all this paint off my face.” He raised an eyebrow at Buffy and smirked while she laughed. William ran up the stairs as Buffy walked into the living room.

She had been here twice before; once when she asked William to show her around, and once for dinner. Anne had invited Buffy over for dinner when she heard who William was spending all his time with. Buffy thought William’s mom was really nice, but she looked a little sick. William had done everything possible to make sure his mom was comfortable. Buffy thought that was very sweet. Buffy sat on the couch and patiently waited for William to return.

Upstairs, William had scrubbed his face of all the red paint on his face. He went in to check on his mother and found her sleeping. She was sleeping a lot more lately hoping to get over her “touch of the flu”. William was getting more worried about his mother every week, but he couldn’t let her know it. She would just worry that he was worried. William quietly shut the door and went downstairs.

He stopped in the doorway to the living room. Buffy was sitting on the couch with her back diagonal to him. She was looking off in the opposite direction. William watched her and thought She is so beautiful'. How did I get so lucky that she wanted to be with me these past few days? Her hair was swept up into a ponytail with her bangs lining the right side of her face. Her slender neck looked smooth as silk. His eyes trailed down to her perky round breasts. Her spaghetti strapped shirt hung low enough on her chest that William could see the some cleavage. He imagined what it felt like to caress her breasts in his hands. Thumbing one of her hard nipples, he would gently nibble on her other erect nipple. He would kiss slow circles along her areola and down to the valley between her bosoms.

“William, I didn’t hear you come in,” Buffy stood up and walked towards him. William shot back to reality.He suddenly became very aware of his jeans straining across his crotch. William wanted Buffy so badly. He felt that he needed her.

Buffy continued walking towards him and said, “Are you ready to go?”
William watched her coming closer and noticed how red and kissable her lips were. When she was finally standing in front of him, William reached out and grabbed her. He crushed his lips against hers. Buffy squeaked in surprise and her eyes opened wide in shock. He had initiated the kiss. This was so unlike him, but she could get use to this.

Buffy finally opened her mouth slightly more and allowed William’s tongue to massage hers. She wrapped her arms around him and ran her fingers up his back into his hair. William ran his hands up and down her body and rested them on her hips. Buffy nibbled on his bottom lip and felt him smile. William broke the kiss and pulled away. He had his head down for a bit then slowly looked up into Buffy’s eyes. What would she think? Would she be angry with him for doing that?

Buffy focused on the look in William’s eyes, fear, anxiety, and passion.
“What was that for?” Buffy asked tilting her head to the side.

“Just because when I look at you, you take my breath away,” William practically whispered to her.

“Oh.” Buffy walked back up to him and put her arms around him. “ Well, I guess I owe you one.”

Buffy leaned in to give William another kiss. William could see his summer getting better already. It was going to be a good one.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=4733