Turn Back Time by hollowtear
Summary: Buffy is the new girl in town. William becomes her friend over summer break. After a great summer romance, Buffy and William find that they are in opposite social circles. Will they be able to last?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 19747 Read: 21976 Published: 10/02/2004 Updated: 04/05/2005
Separate Days by hollowtear
Chapter 8

“Buffy!” Anne called upstairs.

William whipped his head towards the door. Buffy’s eyes opened wide and she quickly tried to turn her shirt outside in.

“Buffy! Your sister’s here!” Anne called again.

“Coming!” Buffy called back. She pulled her shirt on and jumped off the bed. After fixing her clothes and hair she asked William. “How do I look?”

“Beautiful as always” William said after pulling his shirt back on. Buffy smiled and gave him a quick kiss.
“I’ll call you later, Will,” she called over her shoulder on the way out. She ran downstairs and found Dawn standing there with an impatient look on her face.

“What’s up, Dawnie?” Buffy asked walking up to the door.

“Mom wants to take us school shopping,” Dawn said.

“I could use some new outfits and some…” Buffy’s voice trailed off as she closed the door.


William went downstairs to check on his mother. He found her sitting at the dining room table covering her eyes with one hand. The other hand was grasping onto the table.

“Mother, are you all right?” William ran to her side and kneeled on the floor.
Without looking up, Anne said, “Yes, dear, just a bit of a dizzy spell.” William sighed and hung his head. She’s getting sick again. William looked up at his mother and said, “Come on, let’s get you into bed.”

Anne nodded knowing she wouldn’t win an argument against William. She sighed and allowed him to help her to bed. Maybe she’ll be better tomorrow. William hoped.


Buffy was exhausted. She’d been shopping most of the day, but she had all new clothes for school. Tomorrow was registration for her senior year. Summer was already almost over.

She put all her clothes away and went to call William. Several rings later, she heard an exhausted William answer the phone. “Hello?”

“William? Are you alright?”
“Yes, luv, just a little tired. My mother got a little ill and I’ve been caring for her since you left.”
“I hope she’s ok. I’ll let you go, but don’t forget registration tomorrow.”
“Of course, I’ll see you then, pet.” Buffy heard a click and sighed. Anne had been doing so well these past few weeks. She sincerely hoped Anne got better.
Buffy put the phone on the table and tried to occupy the rest of her day.

Buffy woke up and got ready to go register for school. She was kind of excited to see the people she would be going to school with. Her mom took Dawn so Buffy was on her own.

She went down to Sunnydale High and saw a fairly large crowd of high school students. Buffy got a little more excited. She wasn’t academic, but she wanted to see the popular people. She walked up to the school and went inside.

A few hours later, Buffy walked outside with a couple folders of paperwork and an appointment for cheerleading tryouts later that day. She had been a cheerleader at her old school and was looking forward to joining the squad this year.

Her eyes had been searching for William all day, but she hadn’t seen him.
She was starting to wonder about him. Buffy took one last look around and ran off home to get ready for tryouts. She was going to make the squad. She knew it.

William sat in the waiting room to hear from the doctor. His mother had collapsed that morning and he called Dr. Gull. Anne was being examined by the doctor at the moment and William patiently waited to hear anything. He’d been through this a few times before over the past few years. He knew that he could do nothing but wait. So he waited.


Buffy stood waiting for her turn to “audition.” There was one girl in front of her and another already auditioning. The girl was awkwardly jumping around trying to spell out words with her arms and shouting,

“… me an L!! Gimme an E!! What’s that spell?! Sunnydale!!! Yay!!!”

Buffy chuckled inwardly to herself. This is going to be easy. The head cheerleader watching was shaking her head and mouthing “No” to the girl in front of Buffy. That meant Buffy was up. She took a deep breath and walked forward to do her cheer. It was one from her old school but she changed the name to Sunnydale.

“Sunnydale! Sunnydale! We never fail! We never fail! Jump and
Shoot! Swish and score! The other team is such a bore! Yeah!”

Buffy finished with a smile on her face. She thought she did pretty good. The head cheerleader walked up to her and said, “I think it’s safe to say that you made the squad.” She looked at Buffy then said, “Are you new?”

“Yeah, I just moved here a couple months ago from LA”

“LA? You lived in LA? I would love to live there. So close to all those shoes.” Buffy smiled knowing what she meant. “Oh, I’m Cordelia and you should come to the Bronze tonight and meet everyone.” Cordelia and Buffy started walking to get their things.

“Sure! I’ll see you there?” Buffy was excited.

“Good. Around 8:00 is when the cute guys show up so I’ll see you then.” Cordelia said with a smile and walked off in the opposite direction.

Buffy grabbed her things and ran off home to get ready for the Bronze three hours early. Maybe William would want to go too. She’d have to find out.


William walked into the room his mother was in. Dr. Gull had just left and said that he could see her for a while.

“Mother?” William said quietly. He didn’t want to wake her if she was sleeping. Walking up to the bed, William saw his mother with her eyes closed and steady breathing. William pulled a chair close to the bed and wrapped his hands around his mother’s limp hand. When she woke up, he would be sitting there waiting for her.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=4733