Midnight Clear by icemink
Summary: Takes place after "Damage". Buffy and Dawn are in L.A. to spend Christmas with their father, when they go to visit Spike. Unfortunately some one else already has designs on him.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 20372 Read: 19204 Published: 10/31/2004 Updated: 10/31/2004
Making Up's the Best Part by icemink
This was like a bad re-run. There she was standing outside his door again wondering what to say, what to do.

She knew she was going to mess it up again. She knew sharing her feelings was not her strong point.

Not to mention, what if he wasn't there. What if 'she', whomever 'she' was, was there. What would Buffy do then. What if he had a totally new woman there with him. Buffy didn't think she could deal with that. And another jealous rage wouldn't help things.

She started to leave. But then she thought the longer she waited the worse it would be. She came back to his door. But then she was afraid he'd slam the door in her face, wouldn't even talk to her. She started to leave again.

Back and forth, again and again, she kept going in circles, too scared to either knock on his door or leave.

She was back in front of the door again. This time she would do it. This time she would knock.

But before she could, the door flew open of it's own accord and she had to leap back to avoid being whacked in the face with it. There stood a very angry Spike.

"Come in, or go the hell away, just stop bloody tap dancing on my doorstep." He didn't close the door, he didn't even look to see what she would do, he just turned and went back into the apartment.

She went in and closed the door behind her.

"Spike I-"

Before she could continue he spun around again, and was suddenly standing close to her. Too close, almost nose-to-nose. Flames were practically leaping from his eyes.

"I changed my mind. Get the fuck out. I got nothing left to say to you."

He tried to stare her down.

"I'm sorry," it came out as barely a whisper, not because she didn't mean it, but because it was hard to speak up when being stared down like that.

He spun away from her. If he keeps this up, Buffy thought, I'm going to get dizzy.

"Yeah, sure you are," he didn't sound like he believed her, but he sounded a tiny bit less angry. "And what exactly is it you've come to apologize for?"

"For not being more honest," she said.

He laughed at her. "I think you're going to have to be a little more specific than that. I mean, when have you been the slightest bit honest with yourself or anyone else, in your entire bloody life?"

She almost hit him.

"I don't see why I should be honest when you don't believe me even when I tell the truth."

He was in front of her again, starting her down, using his eyes like swords to cut her down.

"Oh? Do tell. When were YOU ever honest with me?"

If he was going to stand this close to her, she figured she'd take advantage of it. She grabbed his hand in hers, mimicking their last gestures on top of the Hellmouth. "I love you." She had meant to say it forcefully, so he wouldn't doubt her. But once again his eyes seemed to steal her voice away.

That caught him by surprise.

Seeing that she actually had a chance to speak before he started yelling again, Buffy continued, "I love you. And I want to try and make it work. And I'm sorry about last night, but I was jealous okay? I was mad at you for being with someone else when you're supposed to be mine. And I don't even know if you want me anymore."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I want. . ." he looked at her again, and took her head in one of his hands, weaving his fingers through her hair. "I want you. Always. I love you Buffy, you know that."

His other hand strayed to her waist.

"So kiss me," she said.

He pulled her close and their lips touched, pulled away, and touched again.

One of her hands was on his chest and she began running it up and down feeling the tight muscles through the soft cotton.

The kissing stopped and he rested his forehead against hers, inhaling deeply. Breathing her in.

"Buffy," he said reverently. Then the hand on her waist moved around her, under her butt to lift her up off the ground while his other hand steadied her back. In two quick steps they were across the room and she was lying on his bed, with him standing over her.

She was wearing a red satin blouse and a black velvet skirt she had picked out for christmas. She propped herself up on one arm, looked him straight in the eye, and began to slowly unbutton her blouse.

He watched with hungry eyes and licked his lips.

She reached the last button, but before she could take off the shirt, Spike was on the bed next to her. He began kissing her neck as his hands reached for her shoulders and slipped the blouse off of her. Next he hooked his fingers under the straps of her red lace bra, just above her breasts, and ran his knuckles along her skin up to her shoulders. Then he slipped the straps down, and deftly undid the clasp in back.

As soon as her breasts where free he attacked them. His mouth went instantly to suck one nipple as his hand played with the other.

Buffy let out a sigh, and leaned back. Closing her eyes to block out everything but the feel of his tongue and fingers as he worshiped her breasts.

Opening her eyes, she began to run her fingers through his hair. She loved the feel of his hair. It was so silky and soft. She loved how it curled naturally, and it annoyed her that he always tried to slick it back.

As much as she loved the attention he was lavishing on her breasts, she couldn't help but greedily wish he'd move farther down. As if he'd read her mind, he lifted his head to look at her and flash her a devilish smile.

She heard two thuds as her shoes flew across the room. He ran his hands up the outside of her thighs, hooked his fingers into the waistband of her nylons and panties, and divested her of both in one smooth movement.

He took her right foot and kissed the inside of the arch. She squirmed remembering the massage he'd given her the other day. He left a trail of kisses up the inside of her leg, moving from her ankle all the way to the inside of her knee. Then he dropped the right foot, and did the same to the left.

It was driving her crazy. Why wouldn't he just get on with it?

"Spike?" came her plea.

He smiled, "What is it, pet. Something I can do for you?" His voice was pure silken innuendo. It made her shiver.


"Yes what, luv? What is it you want?"

"Devour me."

He chuckled, "Still giving orders, pet?"

"Please," she begged.

He growled in triumph before pressing his face into the dampness between her legs.

Buffy threw back her head in ecstasy as his cool tongue began to explore her. He traced her outer lips with his tongue, causing her to moan. Then he placed a finger inside of her and started to pump her. He paused after a moment, removed his finger and looked her in the eye as he sucked her juices off of it.

Then he began in earnest. His finger was back insider her followed by it's neighbor. His head was back between her legs and at last he began to tease her clit. He flicked the tip of his tongue at it, then licked it, then sucked it. Always shifting his actions at the right moment.

She could feel the passion building deep in her womb. Her legs were quivering and to steady them she dug her heels into his back. She used her hands to try and pull his face even closer to her center and her hips began to rise and fall as she tried to urge him on.

Somewhere she could here someone screaming. Then she realized it was her, "Oh god, Spike, Yes, More, Spike, God, Please, Yes," in an endless litany.

It was too much, it was unbearable. She was completely out of control. There was nothing to do but surrender to it.

Her body jerked violently as wave after wave of pleasure hit her. She crushed him to her, holding him in place as the orgasm washed over her.

Finally she let him go.

She watched contentedly as his tongue snaked out to lick her juices off his chin. Next he sucked his fingers one by one, looking directly at her still quaking body all the time.

"Hey, that's not right," Buffy suddenly said, indignant.

"What's that pet?" he asked, obviously puzzled since he was sure he'd done everything just right.

"You've still got ALL your cloths on." Before he could move a muscle, she pounced, flying off the bed to hit him square in the chest and to send them both crashing to the floor.

She grabbed at his shirt before he could figure out what she was doing and lifted it straight up, almost completely off of him. She stopped though just before the cotton passed his wrists and twisted the fabric, bringing his hands together, and forming an improvised restraint. She then tied the twisted t-shirt around the leg of the couch.

It was a very flimsy holding device for a vampire she knew, but the excited look in his eyes told her that Spike would play along with her little game.

She was straddling him now just above the waist, her pussy dripping onto his now bare abs. She reached up to his wrists and traced his tight muscles all the way down his arms to his chest. She leaned forward, dragging her nipples up along his chest until her mouth could reach his. With a wicked grin she bit one.

HIs whole body jerked under her and she could hear the couch scrape along the floor as he cried "Buffy!"

She laughed mischievously, and flicked her hair behind her head. Then she began to drag her her pussy down his body. She lifted herself up off of him when she would have been over the bulge in his jeans, holding herself up out of reach as he tried to trust up to meet her.

She made a clicks sound like she was scolding a child, "None of that now."

Looking him in the eye as he whimpered, she reached down and began to divest him of his jeans. She watched in delight as his cock sprang forward eagerly, straining to touch any part of her.

She had other plans though. She began to kiss his soft inner thighs. Then she licked them. Then she began to nip. He wriggled under her, hoping against hope to direct her mouth toward his cock. Finally he gave in.

"Please Buffy. God please suck my dick."

"Well . . ." she said as if it was a proposition that required serious thought. "Since you asked nicely. . ." She licked her lips.

Her mouth was on him then. She eagerly sucked as much of his length as she could into his mouth. She was done teasing him. Her mouth slid back up, until only the head of his cock was in her mouth. She sucked even harder, which pulled a long moan out of him.

Finally she put her hand around the base of his cock and started pumping him in earnest. As her mouth slid up and down along his length she alternated sucking and swirling her tongue around his member. Her other hand reached lower to find and cup his balls.

"Fuck. Yes. Buffy. God. Buffy. Please. Yes." He went on and on, "I can't. . . It's too. . . Now. I'm going to cum. Now. . . Buffy. Can't wait." But she didn't stop or even slow down her work. She wanted this. Wanted to taste him the way her always tasted her.

"GOD." There was a crashing sound as the force of Spikes orgasm caused him to flip the couch he was tied to, causing it to crash into the television and the wall. As the leg of the couch swept up into the air, the t-shirt slipped off of it, releasing his hands.

He lay there for a moment unaware of his surroundings. Then he realized he was free. He smiled at Buffy, who screeched, realizing she didn't have the time to recover she thought she would. She leapt to her feet, but he had his arms around her in a second. It was payback time.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=5364