Midnight Clear by icemink
Summary: Takes place after "Damage". Buffy and Dawn are in L.A. to spend Christmas with their father, when they go to visit Spike. Unfortunately some one else already has designs on him.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 20372 Read: 19197 Published: 10/31/2004 Updated: 10/31/2004
The Erinyes by icemink
Buffy felt silly wearing the lab coat. Especially since she had to roll the sleeves up several times. But her clothes had been pretty well ripped in back by the glass from the truck window. Luckily even if she and Fred didn't wear the same size coat their shoe size was the same and Fred kept an extra pair of shoes in the lab in case of gooky fluids.

By the time they rejoined the others in Angel's office, Wesley had already made his inquiries.

"As I suspected, the psychics weren't able to find Spike, however we did trace the Viper to an upscale apartment building not too far from here. I'm afraid I can't narrow it down any more than that." Wesley reported.

"No that's good. Just get me in the general vicinity and I should be able to sense Spike." Buffy said.

Wesley nodded, then continued, "You mentioned a woman earlier. Is there anything you can tell us that might give us an idea of what we are dealing with?"

"Um, she's a brunette. Actually I'm not entirely sure about the woman part. I had a dream, it was Slayeresque, but not definitively prophetic, you know?" Obviously they didn't. "Anyway, in the dream they were, you know, having sex, but the whole time she was carving these symbols on his chest."

Wesley grabbed a pad of paper and a pen from Angel's desk and handed them to Buffy. She closed her eyes trying to remember the dream. Luckily she'd taught herself to memorize arcane symbols a long time ago. You never knew when the bad guy would be wearing a clue, or have it tattooed to his forehead or something.

She quickly drew a couple lines and then handed it back to Wesley. "That's the only one I got a clear look at, but I think there were a total of three."

Wesley looked at what she had drawn and his eyes went wide and his face paled. "Oh dear," he said as if he'd discovered that someone hadn't put the milk back in the fridge. "You said there were three symbols yes?" she nodded and he took up the pen and quickly scribbled down something. He then showed what he had written to Buffy, "Were these the other symbols?"

Despite not having gotten a clear look at them in her dream, the moment she saw them she knew they were the correct ones, the same way one knew things in dreams. "Yeah, so what's happening to Spike?" she demanded.

"I have absolutely no idea. But it can't be good."

"Well that was informative." Gunn remarked.

"Wes, the symbols what are they?" Angel asked.

"Yes, well, the symbol Buffy saw is commonly associated with Megaera."

"Who's some demon king right?" prompted Gunn.

"No, quite the contrary, Megaera is hardly a demon. She's not even evil, really. She's one of the Erinyes, or Furies. The other two symbols are for Alecto and Tisiphone her sisters."

"The Furies, can't say they sound like people I'd want over for Christmas dinner." Gunn said.

"They're Greek gods of vengeance," Angel added.

"Like vengeance demons?" Buffy asked.

"Oh no. Quite different," Wesley said, "Vengeance demons grant wishes for people who suffered what are usually rather trivial wrongs in the great scheme of things. The Erinyes on the other hand punished crimes, usually murder, especially matricide. Generally by driving the murderer to kill themselves. However, I can't imagine how all of this could involve Spike. Even if someone wanted revenge for someone Spike had killed, well, they wouldn't need him to be physically present, all they would have to do is invoke the Furies and they would find him. And if he were being tormented by the Furies he wouldn't seem like a zombie. He'd most likely act crazy or depressed."

"So we don't know that this has anything to with what's happening to Spike at all," Angel said.

"I'd hardly discount a Slayer's dreams so quickly. But right now, I don't think this is going to tell us much. I'll have my department work on it, in the mean time, even if we are rushing in blind, I think our best course of action is to find Spike." Wesley said.

"Finally." Buffy said. She appreciated the need for research, it had certainly saved her more than once, but she was worried about Spike. She needed to see him, needed to know he was all right.


Despite herself Rebecca Worthington blushed when the vampire arrived completely naked, and completely erect. She couldn't help but wonder if he'd gone to another bar to pick up another girl.

It didn't matter. Such a girl was hardly likely to have the slightest clue as to who she had invited to her bed.

She lead Spike to the guest bedroom which had been locked on his previous visit so as to hide the iron chair that sat in the room.

"Sit," she commanded, and he did so. She quickly closed the manacles over his wrists and feet. He was completely under her control, and would remain so as long as she had access to his blood, but if the Watcher's Academy had taught her anything, it was never to underestimate a vampire.

She looked around the room. Everything was ready for the ritual.

The Erinyes may have turned her down her cry for justice the first time. They may have claimed that since two of the four responsible for her mother's death were already dead, their still living lovers would suffer more in life than in death.

But now instead of asking for their help avenging her mother's death, she would actually funnel some of their essence into the vampire, allowing him to become her tool of vengeance. He would be virtually unstoppable until Willow Rosenberg and Alexander Harris were dead.

Now if only she didn't have to worry about finding him some clothes.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=5364