Double Jeopardy by Kimber
Summary: This is a first of a series named "Who I Used To Be." It is my redo of season six. Buffy and Spike have issues and someone's plotting Buffy's demise, while others are have been waiting for her return.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 25100 Read: 9209 Published: 12/09/2004 Updated: 12/25/2004
Chapter Four by Kimber
Vicki cursed as she held the sleeping vampire in her arms. She had to put a sleep spell on him because he was getting agitated and saying things that did not make sense at first. "Not her, not the girl, can't do that to my girl." She realized the spell was not strong enough to make him forget that blonde bitch, Buffy. She then decided to make him sleep and wake up in her arms and think they had spent the night together.

About an hour later, she heard the crypt door open and a female voice call out her vampire's name. "Spike, are you here?"

Vicki smiled as she thought to herself, 'I couldn't have planned this better myself. Let the little Slayer come and see him in my arms.'

Buffy looked around the upstairs and noticed his leather coat thrown over the back of the chair in front of the TV. 'Well, we know he's home. Never seen him without that.' She moved over toward the ladder leading down into his bedroom. 'God, Spike, I hope you let me explain. I hope I can explain.'

She moved down the ladder, feeling nervous but ready. Ready to tell Spike how she was feeling and ask him if they could work things out so they could see what these feelings meant and if he thought they could take them further and not kill each other. A noise behind her alerted her that all might not be, as she would have wanted them to be. There was a soft moan that did not sound like Spike but more of the female variety.

Buffy turned and met the person's eyes directly and watched as the dark-haired woman who was naked with Spike, sleeping on top of her, stroked the small hairs of his neck. The pain of what she was seeing shocked her at first before the true anguish of his betrayal stabbed her heart and burned her soul, especially reading the woman's lips. "He's mine now."

She turned and climbed the steps; surprised she did not trip and fall. Her tears blinded her to the point her running was more instinctive then her truly knowing where she was going. Finally, she ended up at her mother's grave and fell to her knees. "Oh God, it was a lie. He lied to me. He never loved me. He never did."

Haig watched as she sobbed over the grave, his heart breaking for the young woman. He could not help but wonder what had happened in the vampire's lair to bring her such grief. He would investigate further after he made sure she made it home safely.


Vicki had fallen asleep, making herself more comfortable by snuggling up against the once-cold body that had now taken on some of her body heat under the covers. She was so deep in her sleep; she did not hear someone enter the bedroom. She did not see the look of hate that had entered the dark black eyes of one that smelled the magic in the air. 'The damn bitch had used magic to lure him into bed.' He could also smell that nothing had happened between them, no smell of sex could he find.

Haig knew now what had happened to make the Slayer so grief stricken. 'I will have to talk to Kyia about this tomorrow. The young woman must be made aware that tonight was not what it looked like.'

The demon glared toward the woman in the bed and committed her face to memory. His instinct told him his dealings with her were not over and that one day, he would confront her about her misuse of her craft and the unnecessary pain that it caused to his charges. 'Yes, young one, we will meet again.'

November 2, 2001

Spike felt groggy as he was waking up. He wondered when Buffy had come to his bed and what had happened that made her stay. 'Am I dreaming again?'

As he moved to breathe in her scent, he realized the smell was all wrong, that this warm body was not his Slayer, causing him to open his eyes to see who was in his bed, or for that matter, 'am I in mine?'

He opened his eyes and looked around, recognizing his bedroom, and then looked down at the dark-haired woman that was asleep in his bed. He gently eased away from her so he could get out of bed and put on his pants without waking her up. He was not ready for a face-to-face "what the hell happened here" kind of confrontation yet. All this time, he was trying to remember what had happened, from the time he had left Buffy, went to the Bronze, the woman in his bed that was making moves on him earlier, only drinking two beers, and now waking up, not knowing how this woman had gotten in his bed, let alone how he got into his bed.

The one thing he was sure of was the fact they had not done anything. He could smell the strange woman's scent in the bed since she was still in it. No trace of sex having happened could he find. 'Thank God, I could never do that to Buffy- it would kill me to hurt her that way.'

Spike did not know what he should do, so he did the only thing he could think of, and that was leave. He finished dressing and made his way to the sewers before making his way toward Clem's since the sun had just risen. He just hoped that when he returned, the girl in his bed would be gone and he would never see her again.

Vicki woke up a few hours after he had left and stretched, moving her hand back to check on her lover-to-be, only to find the bed really cold and empty. "What the hell?" she exclaimed as she sat up and looked around the room. Her clothes were still on the floor, but his were gone. She moved quickly and dressed before searching for any sign of Spike or where he may have gone, finding nothing. She knew she would have to play it cool and see how much of last night he remembered. The last thing she needed was for him to find out she had had him drugged. If he figured out that he had been drugged, she would have to play the injured party as well.

'Damn, why the hell did he have to wake up before me?" she fumed as she left to return home and regroup.

Haig watched as she walked out of the crypt and headed home, not realizing she was not alone. He followed her as she made her way to her house. He could smell the anger and frustration, and he could not help but wonder what had happened when she had woke up alone. For he knew she was alone, having snuck back down earlier and found her sleeping single. No sign of the vampire was noticed, and the smell of magic was gone. 'I will be keeping my eyes on you. Your aura is dark and thick.'

He had called his wife earlier to tell her what had happened. She had been saddened but not surprised. He could not believe she had told him to leave things be for now, that in the end it would all work out. That they could not interfere with fate until it was time for them to do so. He continued to follow the little witch for now just so he could find out more about her and maybe get an idea of what she was up to, other than trying to seduce a master vampire.


Buffy sat, crying, as she wrote everything that she felt about finding Spike with that other woman, her tears staining some of the pages. When she finished, she decided she needed a shower. She quickly grabbed her stuff and ran into the bathroom. She felt her muscles relax as the heated water beat down on her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get last night out of her head but decided to look at it in from a different angle. For one, it was not like Spike to continue to sleep when someone entered his crypt.

The more she thought it all out, she understood what Spike most likely had done since she was sort of guilty of it, too, when Angel had left her for LA. He had turned to another person for comfort. That he probably got drunk and brought the woman home to help forget about her since she had said some really awful things to him that she was not sure he would forgive.

She hurried with her shower, feeling suddenly tired, having been up all night and most of the morning. Sleep would be important if she wanted be rested and in a together state of mind when she confronted her vampire with her thoughts and knowledge that he had taken a bimbo slut home with him and it had better not happen again. 'The fact is he never cheated on me. I'm the one that needs to be forgiven for the pain I have caused him. And no, bitch, that vampire is still mine.'

She took the towel and dried off before putting on her nightclothes and then crawled in under the covers. A sweet smile came to her face as the dream of her and Spike lying in bed, talking about their future and how much they love each other, began to play.


Spike woke up as the sun began to set, feeling rested and less out of sorts. He had concluded after talking with Clem that someone had put something in his drink last night. He would be having a nice little conversation with a certain bartender tonight, and the man better have some really good answers. Clem had let him crash in the spare bedroom and told him he could stay there until Petunia came back next week, Petunia being Clem's mother.

He stretched and felt his body hunger for what it needed- blood- and his girl. 'I'm love's bitch- what can I say?'

The vampire got out of bed and dressed, feeling like a new man. He was going to fight for his girl, and be damned the consequences. 'She will be mine, as I'm already hers.'

He opened the bedroom door and sauntered over into the kitchen to heat up some blood, planning on feeding and then going out to either finally win the girl in a battle of wills or die trying. He would make her understand that the only way to get him out of her life was by dusting him by her or someone else's hand. 'Done bein' the whipped dead boy. OH, BLOODY HELL! Now I'm thinkin' like the whelp.'

Clem hid his smile as he tried to ignore his friend. He knew that the vamp was having one great conversation inside his head. 'Wish I had a peek on what he was thinking right now.'

"So, are we going to the Bronze tonight and talking with Matt?" Clem asked, trying to keep from laughing.

"Yeah, and what the hell do you think is so funny?" Spike glared at the heavily wrinkled-skin demon.

"Just you and your little sideshow just now." Clem shrugged, not hiding his grin any longer. "Care to share, or can I make up my own punch lines?"

"Have a blast, mate." Spike rolled his eyes, not realizing he must have said some of his thoughts aloud. "I'm sure I would rather hear what you think I said and not what I did."

Clem knew better than to voice what he really thought. He was sure it had something to do with the Slayer, and right now, that was a touchy subject. He didn't want his friend to end up a pile of dust, and he was sure that was where the vampire was heading if he continued to pursue a relationship with the heavy-handed, hothead blonde female. "I called to make sure he was working tonight. He's due in at nine, Sal said."

"Thanks, mate," Spike replied as he put his mug of blood in the microwave. "I'll drink this, and then we will be off to catch a few hands of poker down at Willie's before headin' over to the Bronze."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Clem replied as he turned to his friend. "Do you need me to float you a few kitties?"

"Yeah, I could use it. Will pay you back, you know that, don't you?" Spike looked over at his friend, feeling bad he had borrowed from him several times and of late had not been able to pay him back.

"No problem. You helped me out a lot when I needed it. Now it's time to help you, is all." Clem winked, feeling he did owe Spike a lot since the vampire had taken care of him when he had been the Big Bad of Sunnydale before getting chipped. "Plus, my mother would never forgive me if I didn't help her William out."

Spike rolled his eyes as he watched the other demon's whole body shake from laughing. "Yeah, well, your mum has great taste, what can I say?"

Both males started laughing as they continued to talk about the best way to interrogate Matt with Clem saying he should be the bad cop kind of guy since he could hit him. Spike thought it would be worth the headache to hit him. Both of them decided they would draw the line at beating him severely or killing him since neither of them wanted the Slayer on their ass.
This story archived at http://