Love Will Find a Way by Kings of Mercia
Summary: A story set in the sometimes seedy world of Rock and Roll………The words to the song ‘Will Love Find A Way are by our Deb, thankyou babe – we love you!
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 42 Completed: Yes Word count: 179238 Read: 54028 Published: 01/08/2005 Updated: 02/08/2005
chapter 7 by Kings of Mercia
Chapter 7

Cecily let herself in, dropped her purse and keys on the hall table, kicked off her shoes and called out for her friend.

“Dru………Dru, where are you?……………Dru…Dr- oh, there you are. Gosh, are all right?” Dru came wandering out from the lounge and she looked awful, very pale and wan.

“I’m ok…tired”

“That’ll be the jet-lag. Want a drink?”

“I made some tea, but you’ve not got any milk, I like my tea with milk”

“Sod tea, I mean a drink, drink. A proper drink!” Cecily went to the kitchen with Dru following her.

Cecily opened the fridge and surveyed the meagre contents. She grabbed a carton of leftover Chinese food, sniffed it, wrinkled her nose, and put it on the counter. The she took out orange juice, and lifted the lid of the pizza box to find one slice, which she put in her mouth and held there, while she threw away the box. Biting off a portion of the pizza and chewing, she then pulled a face and spat it out into the bin.

“I’m always giving myself food poisoning…” Cecily opened the freezer and took out a bottle of vodka, got two glasses out of the cupboard.

“No, not for me!” Dru put her hand over the glass.

“Don’t be silly!”

“Anyway, it’s too early!”

“It’s 3.40pm. Livener, pick-me-up, whatever, and it’s NEVER too early! – Besides which, I’ve been up since 8.30am!” Cecily poured the glass half full with the ice-cold vodka, and topped it up with the orange juice. She drank it down and poured another, holding the bottle poised over the other glass, she asked

“Sure I can’t tempt you?”

Dru had her head leant on her hand, she just shook it. Returning the juice and vodka to the fridge and freezer, Cecily saw the red light winking on the Ansaphone.

She pressed the ‘play’ button. The machine beeped, and a metallic voice stated that she had three messages, the first being from a man

“Hi baby, look, we’re all behind with the recording, so I won’t see you tonight. Hope you’ve got a nice film to show me …see ya”

“Who was that?”

“Hold on, let me find out who these other two messages are from, then I’ll tell you…”
Another male voice said,

“Cec, it’s me, Tucker, I forgot to tell you, you’re due your med test, so could you go to Dr Frost’s office before you come in tomorrow – thanks, later”

The final message was somebody trying to sell her insurance, which she cut off and ran the tape back.

“Was that your boyfriend?” Dru asked

“Rack, he’s lead singer with the band Noiz – gods, he’s hung like a donkey, and absolute animal in bed!”
Dru sat up, remembering what the message said

“He knows what you do?”
Dru asked incredulously. Cecily gave her friend a puzzled look.

“Yes, of course he does! In fact, it was he seeing one of my films made him call up the studio!”

“He doesn’t mind – you, you know, doing it with other men?”

“Why should he? He knows it’s just a job, me fucking other people, its just sex.

Besides, he has his groupies! Anyway, before I do anything else, I must book to see Dr. Frost…”
Cecily picked up the phone, and pressed speed-dial 4, and it rang

“Dr Frost’s office please…………Hello, can I have an appointment for tomorrow morning please………Cecily Adams…HIV test, yes, CS International………10am, right, thankyou, bye”

“CECILY!” Dru looked panic-stricken

“What?” Cecily asked, as calm as you like

“Are you? – I mean, do you think you’ve got, well, are you ill?”

“Ill, no why – oh, the test? Don’t worry; we have to have a test done every 6-8 weeks. Some studios say three months, others six, it’s just a precaution, gives everybody peace of mind”

“You don’t use condoms?”

“Ew, no, like bathing with your clothes on! – That’s why we have the tests, anyway. Look, as my nearest and dearest has seen fit to let me down tonight, fancy going out? Paint the town red – huh – show everybody old Dru’s back in town!”

“I don’t know Cec…”

“Come on…where’s your Joie de vivre? You used to be worse than me at one time!”
Then Cecily thought that it was perhaps the medication she was on making her friend dopey and slightly morose.

“Look, let’s fill up the hot-tub, send for some take-out Chinese, and decide later, yes?” Dru nodded


“Do you ever see Spike now?”

“Spike – no…I know he’s still at Aphrodite, he’s Rack’s manager, but I haven’t seen him since you were last here, why?”
Dru shrugged and said quietly,

“Just wondered, that’s all. It all ended so badly.”


“Ok pet? – I’ll leave you to it then for a while, I’ll be back at, let me see………it’s one-thirty now…half past three, we’ll go for coffee, ‘kay?”

Buffy nodded and she then began talking with Ford, before going into rehearse.

Spike left the recording suite to go up to his office.

Who should be walking towards him, but the sexy duo, Vixen.

They were wearing skin-tight leather all-in-ones and spiky heeled boots; both showing a lot of cleavage.
They practically ran to him and curled themselves around him, almost purring, hands everywhere, caressing his chest, back, thighs, with Faith slipping her hand around and squeezing his buttock.

“Hmm…buns of steel!” Faith drawled, in her sexy rough voice.

“Now, now ladies!” Spike took Faith’s hand from his butt, and she slipped in around his waist instead.

“You two are naughty girls, aren’t you, huh?” They all giggled, and he still had his arm around each of them.

“And? What are you going to do about it, BIG boy?” Lilah slid her hand down his chest and abs; again Spike stopped her short of doing something indecent in a public place!

“I’m not that kind of bloke, I’ll have you know!” Spike said, grinning

“Shame…we could have had SO much fun together, just the three of us, don’t you think Fay?”

Faith was nuzzling Spike’s neck, and he could feel himself getting aroused, his neck was highly sensitive…trying to shrug away from her nibbling Spike wriggled

“Oh SO much!” Faith huskily agreed. Spike quickly extricated himself from the duo’s grasp.

“You’ll be the death of me you two will, now go on! Get that new video made!”

Normally, he would have slapped their bottoms playfully, but he decided it wouldn’t seem right now, somehow………the two girls laughed and went on their way.
Rolling his eyes and blowing out his cheeks, was a slightly discomfited Spike that went up to his office!

“Seriously, I’m sure he thinks we’re joking…what I wouldn’t do for that guy…!” Lilah said to Faith wistfully.

“Tell me about it! The guy’s a walking sex-bomb – I could eat him all up … starting in the middle!”

Faith agreed and they both giggled.


When he got to his office, Spike set about getting Buffy an ‘advance’ cheque written, he also got Cordelia to phone Ethan Raine to book Buffy a spot on his show.

“Not Glory then first?” Cordelia asked

“Good god no, it would be like throwing Bambi to the lioness” Cordelia smiled at Spike’s analogy

“Hmm, suppose you’re right, but you know he hates these last minute bookings”

“Just remind him who pays his wages, he’ll do it – besides which, once it goes out tonight that it’s Buffy on tomorrow, his ratings will sky-rocket”

“There is that, yes, ok, I’ll do my best”

Cordelia hugged her clip-board to her chest, smiled and left

At twenty passed three, Spike went down to the recording suite, and watched

Buffy from the booth. She had headphones on, and was singing into a microphone suspended from the ceiling.

“Hey, Ford…isn’t that a too high up, she seems like she’s having to stretch a little”

“No, it’s fine, helps the breathing – makes the voice stronger”
Ford explained.

“So, how did she do?”

“For a first-timer? Brilliant she’s a natural – like a duck to water, this is the second track she’s doing. She had the sense to bring in a tape of other stuff she’s done at home, and we picked this one out of a possible four, we’ll use this and another one she’s already done for the album. We could be all done and dusted within a couple of weeks, I’m sure”

The music stopped and Buffy stood waiting for the green light to come on indicating that the recording had stopped.
The green light came on, and the buzzer rang.

“Was that ok? – I was a bit wobbly in the middle”

“Don’t worry, we can fix that, let’s have a break now”

Buffy nodded and took off the headphones and shook out her hair, fluffing it with her hand.
Spike opened the door.

“Oh you’ve really impressed Ford, he tells me you’re a natural, he’s really impressed!”

Buffy blushed and then Spike said,

“Come on – lets go grab a coffee or something – I’ve got something to tell you”


Dru followed Cecily out of the taxi outside ‘Cobra’ one of the hottest clubs in town.

“Cec, where are you going? Queue’s this way”

Dru said, watching her friend making her way to the entrance passed the huge waiting crowds. Waving a dismissive hand Cecily said,

“Queuing-schmooing! I don’t queue anywhere – come on, follow me!”
And to Dru’s utter amazement, Cecily said something to the doorman, who’d already recognised her and had the entrance door half way open for her.

“Sorry miss, you’ll have to-“

“It’s ok, she’s with me!” Cecily smiled, and the doorman apologised and pulled the door open a little wider to allow Dru through.

“See! Easy-peasy!” the two girls giggled and made their way to the ladies rest room.

Up in the 6th floor café, Spike was handed a sheet of paper by one of the messengers.

“Ah right then…tomorrow morning at eleven o’clock, you’ll be taken to the TV studios in Burbank, you’re going to be on Ethan Raine’s show, it’s recorded, and you’ll do your song, and just a little chat, just be natural, be yourself, and you’ll be fine, ok?”

“Oh god!”

“What – you’ll be fine you’ve already sang in front of a far bigger studio audience than he has, there’s ninety seats in his studio, you sang in front of eight hundred at ABC – you’ll be fine, I promise you”
Buffy nodded, then a sudden thought hit her.

“Ok…oh, what will I wear?”

“Don’t worry, there’s wardrobe and makeup there, in fact, have you heard of Andrew and Larry?”

“Oh yes, god, I LOVE those two! I love the way they bitch about each other, then bitch and pull to bits the outfits of the stars they haven’t dressed!”

“That’s them, well, they’ll put you right don’t worry. Now…I’ve got two things for you…first, I know how things are fixed at home, with the phone and that, so here you go, a cell phone for you, it’s pretty straight forward”

“Great, thanks! I was thinking I needed one”

“And here…you might think it’s a lot, but I promise you, you’ve earned it, it’s an advance”
Spike handed over a folded in half cheque. Buffy opened it, and her eyes bugged –

“Wow…oh my god!”
Tears sprang to her eyes, she covered her mouth
The figures and letters of $150,000 swam before her eyes, and she was overwhelmed, all her house problems were over now. She fumbled for a tissue,

“Sorry, I’m sorry, it’s…wow”
Spike wanted to gather her up in his arms.

“You ok pet?”
Buffy nodded as she blew her nose.

“I’m sorry!”

“Silly thing, you’ve no need to be sorry – after all the work you’ll do the next few months, you’ll be saying you’re worth ten times that!”

Buffy gave him a watery smile.
Another messenger gave Spike another sheet of paper, but this wasn’t anything to do with Buffy.

“Um, you know tomorrow, will you be with me?” Buffy asked hopefully

“I um, I hadn’t planned on…doing…anything else BUT to be with you!”
Spike changed what he was originally going to say. Buffy smiled and finished her juice and muffin.

“Good!” Spike smiled too…

“We must drop into Cordelia’s office on the way down, you need to sign for that cheque I gave you” Buffy nodded

“Right then, that’s us all done here, why don’t wait outside for me, I won’t be a sec”
Spike said to Buffy, and she nodded and went out of Cordelia’s office

“Is Xander around?”

“He’s getting that release contract form signed by Angel O’Connor as we speak”

“Oh, ok, doesn’t matter, I’ll see him later.”

“Shall I tell him you want him?”

“Nah, don’t worry, see you in bit”

“I’ll be here”

Cordelia said, without looking away from the monitor screen.
Spike went out into the corridor, and the sight that met his eyes gave him a jolt like an electric shock. There by the lift, was Buffy, just being let go from a big hug by Angel O’Connor, they were both grinning their heads off.

“Oh Spike!”
Cordelia came dashing out of her office, stood in front of him.

“You forgot this, can’t get in without it!”

She offered him the security pass so he could drive into the Burbank studio’s, but Spike shifted slightly to look over her shoulder, he was more intent on watching Buffy and Angel.

“How the fuck does he know her?” Spike said with quiet anger

Cordelia arched a brow, and looked over her shoulder. She turned back to face Spike. With the corners of her mouth turned down, she shrugged,

“I dunno”
Spike could hear snatches of their conversation;

“………Actually went back there and worked as a councillor! After I said I’d never set foot in the place ever again ………”

“Spike………Spike!” Cordelia said frowning
Spike dragged his eyes off the duo at the lift and looked at Cordy, but then soon refocused on the couple.


“……………Signed to Midnight Music now, better deal…………I had artistic differences with the other band members………”
Spike gasped incredulously,

“Can you hear him? - ‘Artistic differences’ my arse, they learned that he couldn’t sing, couldn’t dance, and couldn’t even fucking lip-sync to his own words! – My god, you can smell it from here!”
Spike said disgustedly

“Smell what?” Cordelia asked

“The bullshit!”

“Whatever, do you want this security pass or what – coz I’ve got things to do” Spike took it off her, and she went back to her office, shaking her head.

“Buffy” Spike called.

“…………Great to see you, keep in touch, won’t you?”

“BUFFY!” Spike said, letting his annoyance show through. Buffy began to walk backwards away from Angel

“Gotta go Angel, good luck, bye - (She turned and came up to Spike) Sorry Spike, old friend, well old boyfriend, actually!”

Buffy said grinning, but then she saw Spike didn’t look best pleased, and the smile fell from her face.

“Really? Well come on, doesn’t do to keep people waiting, gives a bad impression”
Spike pushed open the fire doors with gusto so they banged back against the wall. He was walking very fast, and Buffy had to trot to keep up with him.
She could tell he was annoyed. Without looking at her Spike said,

“Despite what he just told you, Angel O’Connor was sacked by Aphrodite records, he’s now signed to a rival company, so, I know what you do in private is your own affair, but don’t get too involved with him, Sweet wouldn’t like it, and he has just given you a generous advance of $150.000. Most only get $30,000 so don’t do anything to annoy him, count yourself lucky”

“Yes Spike! – I’m sorry – I didn’t think - ” Buffy felt awful that Spike was annoyed with her.
He in turn, felt like nine kinds of shit lying to her and being angry, he had no right, other than he fancied her like mad…

Xander put his head around Cordelia’s office door.

“Hi, seen Spike?”

“Just left to go back down to the recording suite with Buffy, why?”

“Here you go, the release form. I need a favour from him”

“Huh, I wouldn’t, if I were you” Cordelia warned

“What? – Why not?”

“He’s in a foul mood…that and the green-eyed monster” She muttered the last bit under her breath.

“Sorry what?”

“Nothing, can I help?”

“Do you know anything about this date he’s supposed to be getting me?”

“Date? No, what for?”

“Doesn’t matter, I’ll take my chances, see him later, bye”


“Just a little toot, it won’t hurt you, do you better than that shit the doc’s given you, I mean Dru, where’s you’re spark? You used to be the life and soul!” Cecily held the silver tube out to Dru

“But what if I…”

“What? What if you what? Started enjoying life again? Ooh, heaven forbid!” Dru took the tube off Cecily, and bent down and snorted half a line of coke. She sniffed and pinched her nose, sniffed again, wiped it on the back of her finger, sniffing again, and felt the immediate hit of euphoria.

“There…wasn’t so bad, was it…come on, seen some hot guys out there! Oh, hold on…” Cecily bent and snorted the half line left, sniffing deeply and pinching her nose, throwing her head back and laughing as they left the rest room.
This story archived at http://