Whispers in the Dark by Ashlee
Past Featured StorySummary: Battling a demon on a routine patrol one night, Buffy is seriously injured. When Giles realizes the full extent of the damage, he knows there is only one person who can help her get back to the Slayer she used to be.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 43 Completed: Yes Word count: 59768 Read: 127884 Published: 01/08/2005 Updated: 03/05/2005
Helplessly, Hopelessly... by Ashlee
A/N Thanks to songgal for suggesting Jessica Andrews- ‘Helplessly, Hopelessly, Recklessly’ – it was mentioned on a different fic, but I managed to work it into this one :-)

Chapter 25 – Helplessly, Hopelessly…

Gently trailing a hand along the smooth expanse of her stomach, Spike smiled as he watched her sleep. She was so innocent when she didn’t have any worries. One hand folded under her cheek, the other resting on his arm as if she was trying to subconsciously reassure herself that he was really there.

Tenderly brushing a kiss along her forehead, Spike had to stop the onslaught of emotions from pouring out of him. “I love you,” he breathed in a whisper.

“Mmm, love you,” she murmured, her voice thick with sleep.

Spike’s eyes widened at her words.

“Buffy?” he asked a little louder, wanting to know if she was awake.

When there was no reply, he had to shake his head to clear it of her words. “Just dreaming,” he muttered. “It didn’t mean anything.”

Even though he wanted to believe that to save himself from the potential pain she could cause him, he knew that he’d already let her in. He’d claimed her. The demon saw her as his mate. And even though he knew that she could cause him pain, a stronger part of him was aware that she knew what she was doing. She wasn’t just a girl- she was also the Slayer, and if she didn’t want him to bite her, he never would have. Not just the fact that she could have stopped him, but Spike knew that he never would have
bitten her. It was entirely consensual, and that gave it an even deeper meaning.

“Spike?” Buffy whispered, slowly stretching her arms above her head and giving him a glorious view of her taut body.

Opening her eyes to his hungry gaze and watching as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip, Buffy had to giggle before pulling the sheet up to her chest and rolling on her side.

“You look like you’re about to devour me.”

“Wrong choice of words, pet,” he replied with a teasing smile, brushing the hair out of her face.

Buffy snuggled into his chest with a contented sigh. “What are we doing tonight?” she asked, looking up at him and batting her eyelashes as Spike chuckled.

“Oh, I’ve got plenty of plans,” he said with a raised eyebrow and lopsided smirk.

“Not that,” Buffy said, smacking him on the chest, laughing at the wounded look that seemed to cross over Spike’s face. “Okay, yes…that, too. But I was kind of hoping we could do something else.”

“Like what?”


“You have got to be kidding me,” Spike said with a laugh.

“Please,” Buffy begged, sitting up and leaning over his body to give him a soft kiss. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

“How so?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well,” she said, biting her lip as she looked at the ceiling, pretending to debate the answer. “I could…wear my favorite leather pants.”

Spike nearly groaned at the thought of her body slick with sweat as she swayed her hips to the beat of whatever song might be playing, the leather clinging to her skin as she moved.

“What else you got?” he asked, grinning as her eyes widened before a secretive smile played on her lips.

“I was thinking about my red halter with the draped neckline and the two strings that tie around my neck.”

Involuntarily breathing, Spike’s pupils dilated as a stronger wave of desire ran through him.

“Of course…if you don’t want to go…I can always find someone else to keep me company,” she said with a shrug, throwing the sheet away from her body and moving to get out of the bed when she heard a loud growl come from Spike, seconds before she found herself pinned under a very aroused and jealous vampire.

“You’re mine,” he said in a forceful whisper, narrowing his eyes when Buffy giggled.

“Does that mean you’re coming with me?”

“Bloody right I am!”

True to her word, Buffy was dressed in skintight black leather pants and a red halter, dancing with her friends under Spike’s watchful eye. She was doing a great job keeping the beat, considering she couldn’t hear it, and Spike was definitely enjoying the way her body was moving.

He prowled around the floor, much like he did the first night he’d seen her, only this time it was to keep a protective watch over her and make sure none of the pillocks dancing near her were getting any ideas.

“Do you love her?”

Turning at the sound of the familiar voice, Spike was moderately surprised when he saw Xander standing behind him.

“I do,” he said with a slight nod.

“Then I guess I’ll learn to live with it.”

Spike’s eyes widened in shock. “The lady of the house tell you to say that?” he asked with a smirk.

“Why would you say that?” Xander asked, avoiding his eyes.

Spike merely raised an eyebrow until the other man sighed in defeat.

“Anya threatened to withhold all sexual favors until I, and I quote, ‘stop acting like a pain in the ass and grow up already’,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking at the floor sheepishly.

Spike laughed before seeing the band taking a break and setting up the sound system for some slower songs. With a nod to the other man, he quickly made his way through the crowd of dancers, nodding at Willow and Tara as he passed before wrapping his arms securely around Buffy’s waist.

Turning around in his embrace, Buffy smiled and brought her hands up to clasp around his neck, moving with Spike’s body as the familiar slow song filled the club.

“Sing to me,” Buffy whispered, snuggling into his chest.

“What?” Spike asked with a smile.

“You’re the only one I can hear…please sing to me.”

Pulling her closer, Spike listened to the opening notes before singing.

“I can stand with the weight of the world
On my shoulders
I can fight with the toughest of the tough
I can laugh in the face
Of all my insecurities
Anytime, anywhere, anything
I'm strong enough

But when you're holding me like this
I'm carelessly lost in your touch
I'm completely defenseless
Baby, it's almost too much
I'm helplessly, hopelessly, recklessly
Falling in love

So let consequence do what it will to us
I don't care
Let the stars stand as witness to it all
Say the word and tonight I will follow you anywhere
I just can't pretend anymore
I'm too sturdy to fall

But when you're holding me like this
I'm carelessly lost in your touch
I'm completely defenseless
Baby, it's almost too much
I'm helplessly, hopelessly, recklessly
Falling in love

I am not afraid
I am not afraid

'Cause when you're holding me like this
I'm carelessly lost in your touch
I'm completely defenseless
Baby, it's almost too much
I'm helplessly, hopelessly, recklessly
Helplessly, hopelessly, recklessly falling
I'm helplessly, hopelessly, recklessly
Falling in love.”

Subtly trying to wipe the tears from her eyes as she pulled away, Buffy was amazed at the force of emotions that Spike seemed to invoke in the words.

“You okay, luv?” he asked in concern.

“Yeah,” she whispered. “We, um…we better go…patrol.”

Spike felt a chill run through him. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea tonight,” he said, feeling the uneasy feeling creep through him.

“Spike, I have to,” she said, trailing a hand over his cheek. “But if you’d rather not go, I’ll understand.”

“No!” he said more forcefully than he intended, causing Buffy to jump. “I mean…I’ll go.”

Placing his hand on the small of her back, Spike led her through the club and out the exit door. He had a bad feeling about this.

Thanks so much to: Pin, Rana, Pari, Cordykitten, pj, spuffette, Rachel, Franchesca, Steph, Alicia, Crystal Pegasus, blondiebear, Shawnie, gattaca, Mari, gypsy_jin, Jenn, samica & songgal1 for reviewing! I could be persuaded into posting another chapter tonight ;-)
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=7161