Falling Debris by jenjojen
Summary: This story was began in response to a Livejournal William ficathon. Spike shanshu's, and now he is on a journey to find out who he is.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 25598 Read: 21632 Published: 01/28/2005 Updated: 02/26/2005
Chapter 6 by jenjojen
Chapter 6

William had been on the construction site for about a week and everything seemed to be going well. He had rented a motel room, which had seen better days, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. He'd get something better once he’d saved up enough money. But for now it was going to have to do. Besides, who doesn't like orange shag carpeting and a bedspread that looked like a Muppet threw up on it? He was enjoying the job, well as much as anyone could enjoy construction. Las Vegas was a little flashy, not to mention hot and dry, but it seemed okay. Though it had only been a week, he felt like things could only get better. The only thing that was starting to disturb him was the dreams. They had always been there, but the frequency had increased. It had started his first night in Las Vegas, and he couldn’t really remember what they were about when he woke up. Nothing in the dreams was clear. They were full of images, sounds, and smells, but they were all abstract. There wasn’t a specific order to the dreams; they were just random. It frustrated him to no end, so he did what he always did, worked himself to death. Being exhausted helped keep the dreams at bay. Menial labor was extremely good for that. But try as he might, he couldn't help but dwell on the dreams as he went about his job. They distracted him, and distraction leads to 2 x 4's in the head.

With a sigh, he looked at his watch and decided that it was time for a break. He needed to clear his head before he started in on some of the more dangerous work. He walked over to the fence on the edge of the site and sat down next to a pile of bricks. William took off his hardhat and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was so tired. He really should get up and go get some water, but he couldn't find the energy. Just as he was closing his eyes, a shadow fell over him. He looked up and Xander was standing there staring at him.

Deciding to pretend like he cared, William looked up at him and asked, "Is there something you need, Xander?"

"No, I just thought you might like some water. That, and I thought I'd come check up on you and see how you were doing."

“I’m fine," William said as he took a drink of water, "Ta mate, that hit the spot"

Xander took a step and sat down next to him, "So where you living? Are you still at that motel?

"Yeah, I gotta wait until I save up a bit more money before I can afford an apartment."

"Cool, just make sure you let me know when you have a more permanent address.”

“Will do, boss.” Spike took another drink of the water and wished that Xander would leave him alone. He hovered like a mother hen. Unfortunately, Xander continued on.

“So, I have a proposition for you, buddy o' mine. It's Friday, so let’s go out and get a beer and celebrate your week long anniversary.”

William shook his head, "I don't think so, Harris. I'm not one for company these days."

"Who cares about company? I'm talking about getting as you British call it, pissed!"

Fighting a smile, William continued making excuses, "No, I can't. Really. I'm not a people person."

Xander continued to ignore his protests and kept on talking.

"After we get off, the two of us are getting a beer and that’s final." Xander stood up and walked back towards the trailer, leaving William baffled and slightly annoyed.

After shutting the door to the trailer, Xander sat down on the chair near the door. He couldn’t believe that he just did that, but he wasn't getting any kind of clues or information about William from just watching him. The guy was a robot. He got to work at seven in the morning and worked like a madman until five. If it wasn't for the fact that William took his designated breaks and lunch he could actually qualify as a machine. Crazy. His few attempts at starting a conversation with William while working was about as successful as talking to a tree, but then the tree would probably be more responsive.

Thank goodness Giles was coming on Sunday. This whole Spike thing was driving him insane. And tonight was going to be hard, since he wasn't the most suave guy around. He didn't want to make William suspicious, so he'd have to settle for the next best thing, getting him drunk. Xander stood up and walked over to his desk. He had a few blue prints to check over. He pulled them out and started to work, but his eyes kept on roaming to the pictures on his desk. . .one in particular. It was a picture of Anya, from before the wedding. He had been goofing off with one of the a href"disposable20cameras" onmouseover"window.status'disposable cameras'; return true;" onmouseout"window.status''; return true;">disposable cameras /a> that they were going to use for the reception. He picked up the photograph, looking at it more closely. He had caught her in a genuine moment of happiness, her face bright with laughter. It was beautiful. He had kept it in his wallet ever since he’d gotten it developed after the wedding that wasn't. It was the only one he had of her. Damn he regretted a lot of things. With a sigh, he put the picture down and returned to work.

After Xander left, William continued to sit by the fence. The last time he tried having a beer with work buddies, it had ended disastrously. He ended up running out of the bar, literally. He leaned his head back against the a href"chain20link20fence" onmouseover"window.status'chain link fence'; return true;" onmouseout"window.status''; return true;">chain link fence /a>. William knew that it had only been a week since he arrived in Vegas, but he had foolishly thought that everything would become perfect when he started his life here. It had been an idiotic idea, but he had embraced it full force. If it weren’t for the dreams....

Now he was stuck in Vegas with the same kind of job, with the same depressed feelings. The only difference was that his boss was out of his gourd. He took a final swallow of his water, grimacing at the lukewarm mess it had turned in to. He hauled himself up, pulled on the yellow, plastic hat that seemed to define his life and set off to work.

The sun had begun its descent and William was trying to slip out before Xander could find him. He quickly put up his tools and hat, and ran out the front entrance.

"Oh, bloody hell."

Xander was waiting right in front of him parked near the curb. He leaned out the window of his car and yelled, "Caught you! You thought you were going to escape didn't you? Leave it to the Xan-man to thwart the evil blood-suckers plan!"

William rolled his eyes. "Ha bloody ha, and what’s with the evil blood-sucker thing? Were did you come up with that interesting nickname?”

Realizing his slip, Xander hurriedly brushed right past it.. "Um...get in! We're getting smashed tonight!"

William grudgingly opened the door and threw himself into the seat. "You’re bloody annoying, you know that?"

"Not as annoying as I'm going to be...Wait, that was kind of insulting to me. . ."

William started laughing, as Xander started the car and headed towards the bar.

A few hours and many bottles of beer later, the two men were in extremely high spirits. Xander was telling him about a date he had when he first moved to Vegas.

"It was horrible, man. The woman, well, she wasn't a woman. How was I supposed to know she was a man? She looked good to me, and it wasn't like he...she…or whatever was taller than me. I didn't find out until I ran into a friend of mine at the restaurant we were at. He thankfully pointed it out, and then I ran for the hills."

Wiping tears of mirth out of his eyes, William took another drink. "Bloody hell mate, that was some rotten luck."

"Tell me about it, I haven’t had a date since. I've been too chicken. That scared me to death. What if I hadn't run into my friend?" He shivered thinking of his narrow escape.

William burst out laughing again, then immediately sobered up, "Listen, Xander. I just want to thank you for making me come out tonight. You’re an odd sort, but I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard. . .or at all, actually."

Xander slugged him on the shoulder, "No prob, man."

They both looked down and stared into their drinks. The conversation having abruptly switched over to an awkward silence. Xander turned and looked over at him trying to work up enough courage to ask him about losing his memory. He didn’t want to make William uncomfortable or upset. He was actually starting to like the guy.

"William, uh, I’m a tad curious about what happened to you. You mind telling me?"

William turned red and took a pull of his beer. "I don't think so"

"Come on, have you ever really even told anyone about it? It could be good for you. Get it all out.”

"Xander, please don't make me do this. Just leave it alone."

He didn't know what to say, and he didn't want to push to hard and scare him off. He finally just flew with what his gut said and broached the subject once more. "I think you need to come clean, so if you make me pull the employer card I will. Please William, just tell me. I promise, it stays between you and me."

He didn't know if it was the five beers he had drunk, or if it was just because he was so tired of holding it in and feeling alone and isolated, but William finally decided to let it out. "Harris, you have to promise not to tell anyone. I don't know what half of what I'm going to tell you means, so please just hear me out first before jumping to conclusions."

"Okay, no problem. Do you need another drink or anything?"

"No, um. . .I don't know how or where to start."

"Wherever you want to, just let it flow. If it helps, pretend that I'm not even here."

“Okay, well. . .” Taking a deep breath, William readied himself for reliving one of the earliest memories that he had. "The first thing I remember is waking up in an alley in LA. I was covered in blood..."

An hour later and the story was done. The combination of alcohol and memories had nearly brought William to tears. Telling Xander about the past year had brought it all back to the front of his mind. He hadn't realized how far he had pushed the memories of those first few days away, and how raw his emotions still were. Now they were all pushing at him and pulling at him. He felt like he was about to explode in a thousand pieces. He put his head down on the table and tried to choke back the tears.

Xander was in shock. He didn't know what to say. Why did he make Spike open up to him? He couldn't remember, maybe someone could remind him. He felt sympathy for the man sitting in front of him, but was so confused by the situation, he didn't know how to respond. Shaking himself out of his funk, he stood up and walked around the table to William.

"Hey man, let’s get you home."

William let himself be pulled up and then leaned against Xander's shoulder as they walked toward the door. He couldn't seem to stand up straight. Must have been the booze. He knew he'd regret drinking when he woke up in the morning. The hangover was surely going to kill him. All he wanted to do was go home and go to sleep. Maybe the dreams would stay away for once.

"Just get me a cab, please. I'll find my own way home."

"Nope, can't let you go off all by your lonesome. You’re not the big bad Spike anymore."

"What the hell are you talking about, Harris? Who is Spike and why do you keep saying his name?"

"Um, I’m drunk too. . .don't listen to me because I don't even know what I'm talking about."

By the time they reached the car, William was half asleep. The alcohol and emotions had taken their toll. Xander helped him into the passenger seat of the car, and walked around to the driver’s side. He hadn't drunk as much as William had, so he was feeling okay to drive home, but he didn't know if he'd make it to William’s.

"Hey, Will, do you mind sleeping on my couch? It'll probably be safer for the both of us if I don't try to find your motel in my condition."


"I'll take that as a yes"

With that, Xander shifted the car into gear and headed towards his apartment.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=7946