Leader of the Pack by hollowtear
Summary: This was for a V-day Ficathon. Just one chapter long. Set in 1955 Spike is a Bad boy, Buffy is a goody two shoes that falls for him. Can their relationship work?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3246 Read: 2090 Published: 02/15/2005 Updated: 02/15/2005

1. Leader of the Pack by hollowtear

Leader of the Pack by hollowtear

June 7th 1955

Willow Rosenberg was talking animatedly while walking down the aisle at the local candy store. She realized her best friend was no longer walking with her when a question went unanswered. She went off in search of Buffy. Retracing her steps she found her hiding behind the licorice staring in the direction of the magazines and comic books. Willow sighed and thought, Who is it this time? and went to join her friend.

Buffy Summers had been trying to decide between the chocolate and the cherry licorice when she heard the door open. She glanced up and her breath caught in her throat. The most beautiful man she had ever seen walked in followed by two rather loud minions. He wore a black t-shirt and black jeans with a long black leather jacket, despite the heat. His features appeared sculpted. His platinum blond hair and pale skin complimented his look. He waltzed in and headed straight for the comic books. His friends immediately started sampling the candy and caused a bit of a commotion arguing over something about Superman and Mole Men, but Buffy barely noticed them. She was so absorbed watching him that she jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Will! You scared me,” she half laughed. Turning her attention back to the blond she practically whispered, “Isn’t he gorgeous? I have got to talk to him.” Willow just smiled. Buffy took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves before she could chicken out; she walked out from behind the candy and headed towards the platinum blond. She was going to talk to him.


Spike turned the page of the comic book and shook his head. He didn’t know why he brought Xander and Andrew with him; they always acted like idiots in public. He tried to ignore them and continued reading his comic. He realized that he hadn’t heard anything from his friends, which was unusual. He looked up and saw his friends staring at a petite blond walking towards him. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her poodle skirt swished when she walked. Spike recognized the look she had in her eyes as determined clouded with nervousness. She was very attractive, but she looked like a square. Pity, He thought. Spike watched her walk right up to him, smile brightly, and say, “Hi.” She reached down and picked up a nearby sucker, unwrapped it, and stuck it in her mouth.

Spike raised an eyebrow at her, “Are you talking to me, Luv?” Buffy just laughed, “Of course, who else would I be talking to?” He couldn’t help but notice just how green her eyes were, and her pink lips wrapped around that sucker. He set the comic down and stepped closer to her until their bodies were almost touching. “Aren’t you afraid of talking to the Big Bad? I might bite.” He said with a smirk.

Buffy released a breath she hadn’t known she was holding and replied seductively, “I like being scared. Just,” she leaned in a little closer to spike, “don’t bite too hard. I might bite back”

Spike tilted his head at that and smiled, “what’s your name, luv?”
“Buffy Summers, What’s yours?”
Buffy raised her eyebrows at him and asked, “What kind of name is Spike?”
“It’s a nick.”
“What’s your real name, Spike?” He just looked at her and smirked, “Meet me at the Bronze tonight at eight.”
“Are you gonna tell me your real name?”
He started to walk towards the front door and called over his shoulder, “No.”
Buffy, smiling ear to ear, just watched him walk out the door. She had a date with him!


Buffy crawled into bed a little after 2am that night. She had just spent six glorious hours with Spike. She arrived at the bronze early so she wouldn’t miss him and he arrived a few minutes after eight. She had almost melted into a puddle when he pulled her on the dance floor and slow danced with her during her favorite song, “Earth Angel.” His arms around her waist and his scent surrounding her, Buffy had wished that moment would never end.
He surprised her by taking her to the park afterwards and they danced in the moonlight and talked for hours. She was falling for him fast, but he made it so easy. When he had dropped her off at home, he just sat back and smiled. Buffy kissed him and was glad that she did, He has the softest lips and was the best kisser. He sent tingles throughout her body. It wasn’t until she was under her cover and almost asleep when she realized he still hadn’t told her his real name. She sighed and decided to try another time.

Buffy started hanging out with Spike more and more over the next month and eventually they became inseparable. Joyce, Buffy’s mom, was starting to worry at who she was spending the majority of her day with. Spike was known to parents as a troublemaker and they would have been surprised if they saw how he was with Buffy. He was always cocky and a badass, but he doted on Buffy and treated her like a princess. They had fallen in love with each as if it was the easiest thing in the world, but they hadn’t told each other yet.

Spike was visiting Buffy, one day in mid July, when all hell finally broke loose…

“Spike, my mom is coming home soon,” Buffy said between kisses. Spike had her against the wall covering her in kisses. She could feel his eagerness against her leg, but knew her mom would be home in a matter of minutes. “We have to stop.”

Spike pulled back slightly, smirked, and replied, “Don’t worry, luv. Your mum won’t catch me doing anything.” He raised his eyebrows at that. She knew he was only teasing. They had gotten close, but had never actually done “it” yet. Buffy leaned in to continue kissing Spike, she loved kissing him. Spike pressed against her and reached up to cup her breast. She moaned softly. “Spike,” she whispered between kisses, “Come back later tonight, around ten.” Spike dropped his hands and stepped back, his blue eyes focusing on her shocked. She giggled and pulled him back to her. Her lips grazed his when a key jingled in the lock. Before they could pull away from each other, Joyce walked in and saw her only daughter all over Spike.
“Buffy Anne Summers!” Buffy and Spike pulled away from each other as if on fire. “What do you think you were doing?” Joyce set her grocery bags down never looking away from her guilty daughter. Eyes cast down, Buffy said, “I was saying goodbye to Spike. He stopped by to… say hi. Now he’s leaving” She looked sideways at him and he chimed in, “Yes Mrs. Summers, I only stopped by for a minute.” He looked at Buffy and said, “I’ll see you another time, luv.” He turned, nodded at Joyce and headed out the door.

Buffy raised her eyes and looked at her mother. “Buffy, I don’t like how much time you’ve been spending with that boy. You need a nice boy, not a… a…” Joyce trailed off.

“A what?” asked Buffy, “a troublemaker? Someone who lets me be myself? Mom, Spike is a great guy; you just have to get to know him.”

“How can I if he leaves within minutes of me arriving?”

Buffy sighed and took a step closer to her mom. In a softer voice she said, “Mom, let me bring him over for dinner tomorrow. You can talk to him and I promise you’ll love him. Please, mom, give him a chance.” Joyce looked at her only child and sighed. “Okay,” Buffy immediately threw her arms around her mom’s neck in a hug. “But he only gets one chance, Buffy.”

Later that night…

Buffy lay in bed, waiting for Spike to show up. She looked at the clock for the tenth time and saw it was still 9:45 pm. Her mom went to bed almost an hour ago and she was starting to get a little sleepy. Spike better hurry. Sighing, she closed her eyes and started humming her favorite song, Earth Angel. She always hummed or sang it, especially around Spike. He pretended to be annoyed, but she knew it was an act. The significance of the song was not lost on him.

Halfway through the first verse, Buffy heard a light tapping at her window. Her eyes flew open and she rushed over to find Spike already crawling in. She immediately cuddled against him and he held her without a word passing between them. He tilted her chin towards him and kissed her gently. She opened her mouth slightly and pulled him even closer. Buffy pulled back and gazed into his eyes. He started to unbutton her shirt and her breathing quickened. Spike kissed a trail along her collarbone and all along her shoulders.

“Spike,” Buffy whispered, “the bed.” He let her take his hand and lead him to bed. She sat down and scooted back. She lay back and waited for Spike to join her. He undressed and climbed on the bed to finish undressing Buffy. Tossing the clothes aside, his breath caught. She was naked and gorgeous. They stared at each others naked bodies.

“Are you sure about this, pet?” Spike asked. Buffy nodded. He reached out and started gently caressing her breast. She spread her legs, inviting Spike to get even closer. He started to slide between them, when the door flew open and Joyce stood there, “Buffy, Did…” she stopped as she saw what was going on in her daughters bedroom. Within seconds, Spike jumped off the bed and quickly started getting dressed; Buffy wrapped herself in her blanket trying to conceal her nudity.

Joyce stood opened mouth staring at her daughter, shocked at what she found. Regaining her thoughts, Joyce started in, “What do you think you are doing! How dare you do this in my house!” Spike had his jeans on and reached for his shirt and jacket. “And you,” Joyce turned to Spike “How dare you try to take advantage of my daughter! Get out now before I call the police,” He sucked his breath in at the word police. He had been in trouble a few times before he didn’t want to be arrested again. Not in front of Buffy. With a pained expression, he grabbed the rest of his things and walked out of the room, and out the house.

Buffy immediately cried, “Mom! I can’t believe you just did that. How could you!” Joyce looked at her and said, “Get dressed, we are talking about this right now.” With that she shut the door and went down to the living room to wait for Buffy.

Buffy picked up her clock and threw it at the door. She broke into tears and her sobs shook her entire body. She cried for a few minutes, before taking deep breaths and getting very angry. She climbed out of bed, threw some clothes on, and went downstairs.

“Mom, I can’t believe you just did that! I’m not a child and can make my own choices!” Buffy started yelling before Joyce could. Joyce yelled back, “Buffy he’s just using you, once he had sex with you he was going to leave. Then what would you do? He only wants one thing Buffy and you were about to give it to him! How stupid can you be?!”

“Mom, I am not stupid! We love each other!” Buffy knew he loved her without him telling her. It was apparent in his eyes.

Joyce sighed, “He would have ruined your reputation, and then you never would’ve been able to find a nice boy. I’m only looking out for you.”

Buffy, tears streaming down her cheeks, said through gritted teeth, “He’s not like that. He would never do something like that.”

“Please, I’ve seen boys like him use girls and toss them aside. What if you’d gotten pregnant? He wouldn’t have stuck around to take care of it, Buffy!”

“He loves me.”
“Did he tell you that he loves you before or after you spread your legs for him?” Joyce shot. Buffy’s eyes widened. Without a word, turned and ran out of the house. She had to go to Spike.


Spike was sitting on his bed, upset at what had happened. His head hung down and his eyes were closed. He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting like that, but he could’ve seen the sun start to rise had he looked. The phone rang breaking the silence. Spike reached for it, hoping it was Buffy.

“Hello... Willow, what are…What... Where… I’ll be right there.” He hung up the phone and ran out of the house.

He arrived at the hospital and immediately found Willow waiting outside for him. “Will, how is she?”
“Not good, the doctors are saying the car broke several bones, and fractured others. She still hasn’t woken up.” Spike felt his heart drop. Buffy had run out of the house last night and got hit by a car. The driver had immediately sped off.

Spike walked into the waiting room with Willow and saw Joyce sitting in a chair, silently crying. She looked up at him, pain and worry in her eyes. “What are you doing here?” she asked with disdain.

Spike walked up to her and kneeled in front of her, “Mrs. Summers, I’m sorry for what happened earlier, but I care about Buffy very much. I’m staying here until Buffy wakes up.”

Joyce looked into his eyes and saw a mixture of emotions, which surprised her. Silently, she nodded her head, “Okay.”

Spike released his breath. He sat down and waited along with everyone else to hear anything about Buffy.

Hours later, a tall youngish man came walking up to them. “Mrs. Summers?” Joyce and Spike immediately stood up. “I’m Dr. Meers. Buffy is in stable condition, although she still hasn’t woken up. I’m sorry to say, but the longer she stays unconscious the least likely it’ll be for her to wake up.” Spike closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Buffy was hurt and there was nothing he could do, and it killed him. “Now,” Dr. Meers continued, “I can two of you in to see her, and I recommend talking to her. Hearing the voices of people she loves could motivate her to wake up.” Dr. Meers walked away, and everyone turned and looked at each other. Without a word, it was decided that Spike be the second to see her. Joyce went to see her daughter, and Spike sat down with his head in his hands. He didn’t know what he would do without Buffy. She’s his everything. Taking a deep breath he stood up and headed to Buffy’s room.

Stopping outside the door, he could hear Joyce crying and apologizing for their fight. Spike walked into the room and embraced Joyce in a comforting hug as she cried on his shoulder. He let her cry for several minutes until she pulled away and said, “I’m sorry.” Joyce nodded at him and walked out of the room, leaving him time to talk to Buffy.

Spike finally turned his gaze on Buffy and tears flooded his eyes. He sat next to her and held her hand. “Buffy, please wake up. You have too many people here that love you.” Spike kissed her hand and broke into sobs. When he calmed down some, he whispered, “I love you, Buffy. I know I never told you before, but I have loved you for a while even before I met you. You didn’t know that did you. When you came up to me in the candy store, it took everything I had not to grab you and kiss you right there. Please wake up, I don’t think I could live without you.” Tears streaming down his face, he softly started singing her favorite song, the song of their first dance.

“Earth Angel, Earth Angel
Will you be mine
My darling dear
Love you all the time
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you

Earth Angel, Earth Angel
The one I adore
Love you forever and ever more
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you

I fell for you
And I knew
The vision of your lov-loveliness
I hoped and I prayed that someday
That I'd be the vision…
” Spike trailed off. He sat in silence for several minutes. He was going to stay by her side until she woke up.

Three days passed with Spike never leaving her side, singing softly to her, and holding her hand. Joyce brought in food and drinks for him, but he didn’t touch them. Joyce could see that Spike truly did love her daughter and she was grateful that he was there. Maybe he wasn’t so bad for Buffy after all. Joyce had gone to phone the others to let them know of no change and Spike was singing once again.

“The one I adore
Love you forever and ever mor…
” he stopped suddenly when he felt her hand move. He searched her face for signs of movement and saw her eyes open slowly. Spike almost jumped for joy. “Spike?” Buffy whispered. “I’m here, luv,” He replied getting closer.

“Spike, I missed you,”
“I missed you too, luv.”
“What happened?”
“You gave everyone a good scare,” Spike saw Joyce walking into the room and stopped suddenly. She ran into the hall and started calling for a doctor. Spike leaned forward and gave Buffy a peck on the lips. She looked up at him and smiled. “I heard you. I love you, too.” Spike almost broke into tears again. Instead, he just kissed her once more.

Several Years Later…

Spike picked up his luggage and headed towards Buffy. It was their seventh wedding anniversary and she had wanted to go to Spain.
“What did you pack? This weighs a ton.” Spike joked. Buffy just smiled and said, “You’ll see when we get to the hotel.” Spike raised an eyebrow at her. They had left their two children with Joyce while they went on a second honeymoon. They wanted to enjoy each other again like they had during the first year of marriage.

Buffy turned to Spike and said, “Do you think the kids will drive mom crazy?”
Spike smirked and replied, “Why not, you drive me crazy and they are getting more like you everyday.” Buffy swatted at him and laughed. Spike dropped the luggage and pulled her into his arms. He pressed his lips against hers and was once again amazed that they were living the fairy tale. Happily Ever After.

The End

Artwork by KJ (aka momentsintime) Please review!!
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=8553