Love Follows You by Aseret
Summary: After her parents get divorced Buffy Summers moves to Sunnydale with her mother. Starting over in a new town will change Buffy's life forever. She becomes confused as to which group of friends she belongs with. As well as which guy is right for her. Spike had everything, he was an excellent student, popular, and could have any girl he wanted. However, one delivery will change everything. keeping the girl of his dreams won't be easy because once she embarrasses Angel in front of all his friends he plans to get her back. Now Spike must decide if it's gonna be his friends or his girl. (Comedy, Drama, Alternative Universe, BS,WO) *Changed Summary*
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: No Word count: 48335 Read: 82841 Published: 02/26/2005 Updated: 03/30/2012
Mistakes by Aseret
Author's Notes:
Thanks for the Reviews! Keep em' coming.
This story is starting to come along nicely.. But at the rate its going its not even half done! lol. What do u guys think? Should I speed it up and just end it really quickly? Or do you like the suspence?


Oz strolled down the hall Wednesday after school. He really didn’t want to do this. Tutoring just wasn’t his thing. Hopefully, though, this person wasn’t in too big of a crisis. With his math book tucked under his arm he pushed open the library door.

It was empty.


He glanced at his watch. 4:10, he was 10 minutes late.

“Hello?” he called out, wondering if maybe they just got bored waiting for him and decided to brows around at the book, although with this selection he highly doubted it. “Anyone here?” he called again. He quickly scanned the isles before he gave up and sat down at the table. About 5 minutes later a girl about his height barged into the room. She had short blond hair and blue eyes, she was dressed like she was looking for trouble, and you tell that she had been in some.

“Hey, sorry I’m late.”

“Its fine, I’m Oz,”

“Oz,” She smiled, “I like it. It nice to meet you Oz, I’m Veruka.”


“Mom!” Buffy screamed from her bedroom. “MOM!”

Joyce, thinking her daughter was in hurt raced up the stairs as quickly as possible, out of breath she asked. “Buffy what are you- Oh my God, what happened in here?” She gasped. Staring at Buffy’s room, which was in a total state! Everything stitch of clothing she has were tossed all over her room.
“I have nothing to wear! Can you drive me to the mall?”

“Do you have your own money?”

“Well no, not exactly, that’s where you would come in.”

“Buffy, I gave you 100 dollars less then a week ago to spend on new clothes, I can hardly believe that you don’t have anything to wear.”

“But mom! Please, we can go together, get lunch, it’ll be a whole mother daughter bonding experience.”

“Buffy, what’s going on I usually have to beg you to spend time with me, are you feeling sick.”

“What? I don’t see what the big deal is. Can’t I just want to spend some good old quality time with my mother? I mean seriously, is that too much to ask?”

sitting down on the bed, which was plastered in the clothes, she folded her arms. “What is going on? Are you doing drugs?”

“Drugs? Mom no, I just want something nice to wear that’s all.”

“Well this is nice,” she said handing her an item from the bed.

“No, mom that’s old, and it’s just not right.”

“Well unless you tell me what you need it for I’m not giving you any money.”

“I have a date mom ok! A date!”

“See that wasn’t so hard now was it. So who is he?”

“He a boy mom.”

“Yes well I know that, but what’s he like? What his name? How old is he?”

“He very nice, and tall, and he has um blond hair, very blond hair, he um in a band, and um, that’s it I guess…”

“Well there’s got to be more then that, what is it about this boy that I won’t like that your not telling me?”

“Nothing mom, he’s a great guy, a major hottie.”

“Well then what time is he picking you up?”


“You know I’m gonna want to meet him.”

“Yes mom,”

“Now I’m gonna go start the Car, we don’t have much time before 6 if you want to get a new out fit.”

“Thanks mom!”

“No need to thank me, just clean this up and come downstairs.”

“I will, and thanks again,” she didn’t really know why she didn’t fill her mother in on any details about Spike, all she knew is that the less her mother knew the better.


“Shit, where did the phone go?”


She started thrown clothes off her bed in every which direction, in a frantic panic to answer the phone before her mother did.


“Hello?” she answered

“Hey luv, all ready for our date tonight?”

“Ahh, yeah, almost,” sighing lightly she looked around her room, wondering how the hell she was gonna get this cleaned up in 10 minutes.

“What do you mean almost? I’m going to be there to pick you up in 2 hours, 5 minutes and 24 seconds,” he joked.

Buffy looked over at her alarm clock, throwing a mini skirt off it so she could read the time, she laughed. “Its 4:30, your gonna be late.”

“Well I can’t seem too desperate then can I?”

“Well in that case you would need to be a lot later then 5 minutes,” she teased.

“Ouch pet, that one hurt. Anyways I just called to tell you to dress lightly, and to make sure what you like on your pizza.”

“So were going to your pizza place then?” She asked causally as if she didn’t care at all where they were going.

“Of course, cheap date, free food, works for me and my wallet,” he loved teasing her. The way she would pretend that she didn’t care at all but he could always tell by the tone of her voice that she was just pretending.

“Spike, you delivered a pizza here when I moved in, see if u can remember what was on it, if u get it right, I’ll give u a surprise,” that’s it, if he’s gonna play this way then she was gonna get some fun out of it too.

“Oooh really? What kind of surprise?”

“Well it wouldn’t be any fun if I told you now would it?”

“I like the way your mind works pet.”

“Oh really? Well anyways I don’t care where we go, as long as you come inside when you pick me up.”

“Oh yeah? Whys that then?”

“My mother wants to meet you.”

“Oh does she now. Have to be honest pet, parents take one look at me and the first thing they do is get their daughter the first flight out of the country.”

“Are you serious?”

“Pretty much. I think it’s the hair… or maybe the bike…or maybe both?”

“Don’t worry blondie bear, I’m sure my mother will love you as much as I do… I mean, I-I mean, I didn’t mean that. Well not that I didn’t mean it, I did mean it, I- I just I-I didn’t mean to mean it. Oh god this is really embarrassing so if you don’t mind I have to go put a bag over my head now.

“Buffy wait!” But it was too late she had already hung up the phone. He debated calling her back but decided against it, figuring that she wouldn’t answer anyways. Besides he wasn’t sure how he felt having the petite blond have such strong feelings for him so soon. He just thought they were having fun; he didn’t really want to get into such a serious relationship so soon. And by the sounds of things this girl was already falling hard. Sighing lightly he picked the phone back up and dialed a familiar number.

“Hello?” they answered.

“Hey it’s me,” Spike replied, “I need a big favor.”



“I guess. Can you do one with fractions?”

“Sure,” Oz flipped through his math book in search for something easy to show her so he could get the hell out of there, he was already late for band practice. “Here,” he said finally.

She looked over; it didn’t seem one bit familiar to her, “we haven’t done that yet,” leaning closer to him she asked, “You’re a senior right?”

“Not quite,” Oz replied.

“Oh well how about we use my book?”

Oz just shrugged as she got up and retrieved her math book from her bag, looking at his watch he realized that he still had another 20 minutes to go. She threw her book on the library tabling causing music sheets to fall out of them, this caught Oz’s attention. Taking the sheets to look at them he asked, “Interested?”

“Oh yea, music’s my life,” she replied.

“Do you like that sorta thing?”

“Oh yeah, you play?”

“I sing. I love it, and music I find it unbelievably sensational, don’t you?”

“Yeah it rocks.”

“ I know, its like every time I listen to anything I get this vibe you know, like its calling to me, do you ever feel that?”

“Not so much,” he said flatly

“Oh well, anyways do u play or sing or anything?”


“Nice, that’s sexy, maybe you could teach me sometime?”


“So you got a band or something?”

“Yea, actually there playing right now?”

“Well what are we still doing here? What do ya say we blow this joint and hit the show?”


They packed up there belongings and made their way to the bronze.


The room was dark. It appeared to b e empty. Nothing in it moved nor a shadow could be seen. The only light was a small flame from the fireplace down in the back corner. It had a distinct smell of smoked weed, which anyone who walked into that room would know exactly, who was present. Sitting in the lounge chair in the far corner next the fireplace, it was clear that he was no long with us. He was lost, in deep thought, trying to sort out his master plan. He wanted something new. Something every one would remember, something that absolutely ruined her life forever, and he had to figure it out soon. No matter how hard he tried nothing was good enough. Finally after trying on his own to think of something new, he got up to find his old notebook. This book was filled will all sorts of ideas of all the things he would do to the people he hated the most. After a while of searching through his book and finding nothing that was good enough to use on Buffy he took his book and attempted to throw it into the fireplace. But being stoned out of his mind he forgot that the screen was closed and the fire wasn’t real. Then he remembered he had written some extra plans in his English note book, searching through his backpack and finding nothing he realized that he must have left it at Cordelia’s when he was there earlier. Sighing in frustration he grabbed the phone and dialed her number in a panic, he couldn’t risk her reading it.

“Hey Cordelia,” he said when he heard her answer. “It’s Angel.”

“Duh, are you stupid or something I know its you I have caller ID Moron.”

“Whatever listen did I leave my English note book over there?”




“Well did I or didn’t I?”

“Yeah you did.”

“Oh, good, listen you didn’t by any chance read it did you?”

“No, why?”

“No reason, just don’t okay? I’ll be right over.”

“I can bring it to school tomorrow.”

“No its fine I’ll be right over,” and that was it, it hung up the phone and raced downstairs to his car.

Umm, that was weird Cordelia thought to herself and she pickup his notebook that sat on the edge of her bed and opened the front cover.

This story archived at http://