Accidentally In Love by spikegirl
Summary: Buffy’s mother died when she was 11. Because her father didn’t want her she stayed in Sunnydale. Nobody really knows her because she never comes out of her ‘house’. What will happen when 4 friends go to the mansion where Buffy lives?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: Yes Word count: 31257 Read: 42178 Published: 03/06/2005 Updated: 07/22/2005
It's Spike by spikegirl
~ Chapter 2: It’s Spike

“I can’t believe this. You’ve been here for like what, 5 minutes? And you’ve already managed to damage something in this town? What were you thinking, wrecking a billboard?” Giles was yelling at his bleached-blond with blue eyes nephew. “I expected more from you William.” He said with a sombre look.

His nephew mumbled something. “What?” Giles asked.

“It’s Spike.” He said with an angry look. “You’d be better to remember it, mate.” He said with a smirk.

‘Oh god he’s worse then me’ Giles thought while looking at his clothes; black jeans, black shirt and of course a matching black leather duster.

“Where are you going?” Giles asked when he saw his nephew walking towards the door.

“Out” he said while slamming the door shut.

Giles looked at the closed door. “I really need a drink.” He said while falling back on the couch.

Spike was walking through the park, just smoking a cigarette and looking at the stars when three guys came walking towards him. They stopped in front of him and looked at him with wide smiles.

“Hi, you must be the new guy right?” the biggest guy with the brown hair asked him. He was wearing white shirt with a black jacket and blue jeans.

“Yeah, what of it?” he answered. ‘God he looks like a big poof and what’s with the hair gel?’

“I’m Angel, we heard there was going to be a new guy. We expected a nerd though.” He said

‘A poof look AND a poof name.’ he thought while smirking. “Why’s that?”

“Because you’re the nephew of a librarian.” He answered. “Anyway, so I’m Angel, this is Parker,” he said pointing at a black-haired boy “and this is Riley.” Pointing at a brown-haired boy that looked like a farmer.

“The name’s Spike.” he said.

“Well, if he isn’t here then I don’t have to be here either.” Giles mumbled to himself. He grabbed his coat after writing his nephew a note and left through the front door.
He didn’t call Buffy on her cell phone that she got from him, he wanted to surprise her.

Angel, Riley, Parker and Spike were just talking and smoking a bit when they suddenly got bored.

“I’m bored” Riley whined while looking at Angel asking him silently to think of something to do.

“What’s the time?” Angel asked him.

“It’s 11 o’clock.”

“Good” Angel said with a smirk. He turned to Spike. “So Spike, ever seen a wild woman before?”

AN: Just a short chapter sorry. But the next one's bigger, I promise :P
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