Accidentally In Love by spikegirl
Summary: Buffy’s mother died when she was 11. Because her father didn’t want her she stayed in Sunnydale. Nobody really knows her because she never comes out of her ‘house’. What will happen when 4 friends go to the mansion where Buffy lives?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: Yes Word count: 31257 Read: 42181 Published: 03/06/2005 Updated: 07/22/2005
Trusting an enemy by spikegirl
AN : I can't believe that I got so many reviews!!!!
You guys are so f*cking great =)
Thanks to Allison for betaing this chapter!


Chapter 20: Trusting an enemy

Buffy wanted to get some icecream, so she begged Spike, but he still didn’t want to get out of bed. She wanted to go to a little place where her mother always took her.
They didn’t only sell ice cream- they sold a lot of other stuff, like candy, small gifts, balloons, posters, coffee, cake, and other things like that. There were tables where you could just sit and enjoy the food that you bought, along with a little corner for teenagers to just hang out.

The owner of the shop was a really good friend of the family.
He had always turned the shop into a big partyhouse when it was Buffy’s birthday. His name was Ben, but she called him ‘Uncle Benny’.

Uncle Benny died of old age a couple of years ago- another man that she loved that had left her life. But Buffy wanted to see that shop again so that she could see the thing that made her happy when she was younger, along with introducing it to the one that made her happy now. Spike, however, wasn’t in the mood for ice cream- not that he didn’t like it, but he liked something else a lot more.

“But, Spike, you already got a taste of that like five times!” she yelled, giving him a pout that she knew he couldn’t refuse.

After Spike had made her breakfast, he brought it to her bed, but she didn’t eat a lot of it because a certain someone kept sucking and nibbling on her nipples, which made Buffy crazy with lust. She was sore all over from their extreme lovemaking, but she didn´t care about any of that when he had crawled down her body to ´kiss and make it better´.

“Please, can we go?” Buffy asked him, still giving him one of her adorable pouts.

Spike looked at her. ‘God, she knows I can’t resist that pout,’ he thought to himself. ‘Fucking evil, that is.’

“But, kitten, it’s 10 o’clock- no shop in Sunnydale is open this late.”

He gave her a confused look when he saw her grin. “I know, but I have the key,” she said.

Spike looked at her, staring into her eyes. “Is there something that you’re not telling me, luv?” he asked her, finding it weird that she had the key.

Buffy gave a sigh. “The shop was owned by this guy that I knew, named Uncle Benny. He gave my mom and I a key in case we had weird cravings at night. Which we had like all the time,” she said with a smile, thinking about the good memories she had with Uncle Benny. “I don’t know if the key fits anymore- Uncle Benny died a couple of years ago- but we can try.”
Spike kissed her on the cheek and got out of bed.

“Let’s go,” he said before grabbing his pants and putting them on. He looked at Buffy, who was smiling at him. She got out of bed and walked towards him, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a passionate kiss. They were both breathing hard when she pulled back.

“What was that for, luv?” Spike asked her.

She smiled. “For being the best boyfriend ever.”

They were walking hand in hand towards the ice cream shop, just talking and laughing together, not worrying about a thing at all. They were feeling completely safe.

They didn’t notice that someone was watching them, someone who was holding a knife in her hand. A someone called Cordelia Chase.

“You won’t be laughing after I’m through with you, Buffy Summers,” Cordelia said to herself.

She had a plan to make Spike fall into her arms. It was pretty simple, really- she was going to kill Buffy Summers, torturing her first, ofcourse. And when Spike was crying for her, she would come to him and be the sensitive girl and help him with his pain, be his little saviour. And then she would kill him after using him as her little sex-slave. ‘Nobody rejects Cordelia Chase!’ She only needed Buffy to be alone for just a couple of seconds. ‘Then I finally get what I want.’

She was just about to come closer so she could follow them better when she heard a cell phone go off.

She saw Buffy searching for it in the pockets of her coat before finally finding it.

”Who is it?” Spike asked when Buffy was looking at her cell phone with a weird look.

Buffy shrugged. “I don’t know.” She pushed a button and brought the cell phone to her ear.


“Hi, Buffy, it’s Angel. We met at the mansion with Spike,” she heard through the phone.

She looked confused for a moment before she remembered who he was. “Oh right, are you looking for Spike?” She didn’t know why he would call her on her cell phone. She didn’t even know how he got her number.

”I’m actually looking for the both of you. There’s something that I have to tell you guys, and you need to trust me on this, alright? Please, it’s really hard for me to tell you,” he said with a serious voice.

“Alright, hold on,” She said before moving the phone away from her ear. She looked at Spike with a frown. “It’s Angel,” she said.

“Angel? What does he want?”

“I don’t know, but he says that he needs to talk to us. He sounds pretty serious, Spike.”

“Alright, let me hear him, too,” he said. Buffy turned the phone so Spike could hear Angel, as well.

“Okay, I’m back. Spike’s here, too,” she said through the phone.

“Good. Now, this might sound a bit strange, but I’m serious and telling the truth. Please don’t interrupt me, okay? It’s a long story.”

“Okay, Angel, tell us. What’s going on?” Buffy asked him.

“Alright, well you guys may know that Cordelia always had some sort of crush on me. That went away when you came to our school, Spike. Cordelia wants you, and you really pissed her off when you rejected her because of Buffy. She never gets rejected, and she wants to make you pay for that, but she wants you, too. Trust me, she’ll do everything in her power to get you...” Angel said through the phone but was interrupted when Buffy started cursing.

“Stupid bitch, who does she thinks she is?” she mumbled to herself. Spike softly squeezed her hand.

“Please no interruptions- I’m not finished yet. Anyway... Buffy, when I first saw you, I must admit that I thought you were pretty hot. I wanted you, just like Cordelia wants Spike. So...” Angel stopped for a moment, and they heard him sigh. “Cordelia and I made a deal- we were going to break you guys up so that I could have you and Cordelia could have Spike...” Again he was interrupted, but now by Spike.

“You bloody wanker!” he yelled through the phone.

“Please, I’m still not done yet,” Angel pleaded. He knew they were going to be pissed off, but he needed to warn them.
“A week ago, I found out that I’m going to be a father, so I told Cordelia that the deal was off, that I didn’t want to be a part of it anymore. I’m going to be a dad, and I want my kid to be proud of me. So I backed out, and that made Cordelia even madder. I figured that she would stop because she was all alone on this, but just a minute ago, I found out that I was wrong. She called me and told me that she’s going to kill Buffy and that she was going to kill you later, Spike, after you knew the hurt of losing someone you love. I´m really sorry for making that deal with Cordelia, but I just want to warn you. Please don´t let her win...” That was all they heard before he hung up on them.

Buffy looked at Spike with tears in her eyes. “What are we going to do, Spike?” she asked him.

Spike didn’t know what to do, either. He thought about it for a minute. “We are going to the ice cream shop, and we’re going to lock the doors and get some ice cream. She knows where you live, and she knows where I live, but she doesn’t know that we’re going to the shop. We’re safe there,” he said, hoping that he was right.

Buffy gave him a small smile.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Spike told her. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Spike grabbed her hand, and they walked towards the shop again. When they arrived there two minutes later, Buffy opened the door and walked in. After they were both inside, they locked the door again.

“Where are they? And who was that on the phone?” Cordelia asked herself.

Buffy and Spike were sitting on a couch inside the shop. Buffy was resting her head against his shoulder, sitting comfortably against him.

“Thank god that the key fit,” Buffy said.

Spike nodded. They were both eating their ice cream cones now- Buffy had a chocolate flavor, which was her favourite, while Spike had a vanilla one.

They didn’t know what to say, both thinking about what Angel had told them. They felt like they were living in a dream- stuff like this didn’t happen in real life. There was a long silence before Buffy broke it.

“Why does she want to kill us, Spike? I mean, I know why, but how can someone kill another person because of a reason like that?” she asked him, desperately needing the answers.

“I don’t know, luv. I don’t understand it, either. Some people are just ill in their heads and don’t know any better,” he replied.

Buffy gave him a sad smile. “What’s wrong?” he asked her when he saw the look on her face.

“That’s what my mom said to me once, when I asked her about my dad,” she answered. “I couldn’t understand why he would hurt me, and she said that he was ill in his head and didn’t know any better. I didn’t believe that, though- I thought that it was because he just couldn’t love me. That I wasn’t a person that someone could love.”

“That’s not true, luv. I love everything about you, as does Giles, and so did your mother. It’s true what your mother said, though. I had an aunt once who was ill mentally- she was hearing voices telling her that she was born to kill people. She didn’t hurt anyone, though, because she knew in her heart that it wasn’t right, that it wasn’t her. So she went to an institution for people with the urge to hurt other people or themself. All on her own free will,” he said, thinking back to the memories.

“I’m sorry,” Bufy said, giving him a hug. They were sitting like that for a while, comfortable with just holding each other, when they suddenly heard a scream.


I won't tell you what I'm thinking
'Cause it's not the same thing you're thinking too
You could say I got a best friend
And she's always telling me what to do

She's out of sight but easy to find
She's in the front of my mind

The little voice in my head won't let me forget
The little voice in my head is never misled
All of this noise is what keeps me from making a mess
The little voice in my head just won't let me get with you

La lala la la......

When I see you I admit
I start to lose my grip and all of my cool
You smell so sweet just like my perfume
What have you been doing since I left you

You're always there in my thoughts
But that doesn't mean that it's on

The little voice in my head won't let me forget
The little voice in my head is never misled
All of this noise is what keeps me from making a mess
The little voice in my head just won't let me get with you

I know I sound insane, like I'm playing games
'Cause all I really want is you
But there are some things a girl won't do

The little voice in my head won't let me forget
The little voice in my head is never misled
All of this noise is what keeps me from making a mess
The little voice in my head just won't let me get with you

Lalalala lalala lalala lalala la la lalala lalala

The little voice

Lalala lalala lalala la la

The little voice


AN: This song is called ‘Little Voice’ by Hilary Duff. I thought about it when I wrote about Spike’s aunt.

Thanks to Karyn, Seraiza, Phoenix, B, gypsy_jin, Brittany, Caitie, Bint, Allison, Kiera Thornton, Tasha, Blondiebear, Shippy, and BuffyandSpikeForever.
You guys are so sweet!!!! I love you!

Special thanks to Kiera Thornton for leaving so many reviews and to Allison for betaing this chapter and for always returning it so fast.

~ Spikegirl

Don’t forget to review!!

This story archived at http://