La Cosa Nostra: La Familia Vampire by spufette
Summary: Spike is the son of the great 'Vampire Godfather' Marcus Aurileous. Not only does Spike want to return to Sunnydale, to his lover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but his family demands it. There is an evil, nasty little power hungry vampire family in Sunnydale the 'Wu Tang Clan' that is vying for power. Riley, their own Godfather wants Buffy for himself. Buffy, who is oblivious to all this 'drama' at the moment, is busy being a vampire slayer and something else. You'll have to read the inside summary for more info! Thanks. Luv Spuf
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 30 Completed: Yes Word count: 72520 Read: 48465 Published: 03/07/2005 Updated: 02/19/2006
Chapter 24: 'An Offer He Can't Refuse' by spufette
Author's Notes:
I have been so bad about updating this story. I kind of ran into writer' block (make that slammed into it!) and gave up on it for a while.
This chapter might be a bit confusing, but hopefully by the next chapter it will make sense. I will update again, soon.

A/N: I haven’t posted ‘anything’ on this story in months and I feel really bad about it. I hope people are still reading it. This chapter is more of a connector one; one to kind of bride the gap to the ‘war’ with Riley’s minions.

Summary: Buffy makes Riley an offer he can’t refuse, but it may just backfire on her?

Chapter 24: ‘An Offer He Can’t Refuse’

‘This fuck better good at his word,’ Spike growled inwardly as he watched Ethan Rayne set up his magic shop of tricks.

Spike glanced at Giles, menacingly, noting that the Watcher did not look at all relieved to have his old mentor here with them. That was not very reassuring to Spike, but what else could they do? Buffy had taken off on her own to face down Riley and the Wu Tang; to get her little sis, Dawn and his own brother, Connor back from them.

“How long is this hocus-pocus act goin’ to take,” Spike grumbled impatiently. He ignored Giles’ exasperated look and lit up a cigarette defiantly.

“Not much longer now,” Rayne muttered evenly as he set some ominous looking candle up in the middle of the Summers’ living room. “I do have to locate your wife first, Mr. Bloody,” Ethan snapped, a bit irritated by the rush being put on him.

“Well just bloody do it then,” Spike muttered, pretty irritated himself by this time. “Quit fucking around and get to it mate,” he finished with a deep growl.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Sunnydale; by the cliffs of the Pacific Ocean? Lorne and Buffy had made it to the designated cave that Andrew directed them to.

“I think I would feel better if young Andy was here with us, Buff-Muff,” Lorne whispered as the he gazed into the deep dark cavern before them.

“That’d be a little difficult for Andrew you know. In fact, I’d say it would be pretty fatal for him, again,” Buffy quipped in reply.

Lorne just shrugged in mock indifference; truth was? Lorne the Demon was pretty terrified at this moment and wondered why in the hell he’d traipsed off after Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Oh, yeah, that was right; the Slayer in question just happened to be mated to the heir of the most powerful vampire in the universe.

‘So why in the name of Christian Dior isn’t the old man here with his troops?’ Lorne questioned silently.

“Pumpkin lips,” Lorne whispered as the duo stood staring into the huge cavern. “Uhm, just why ‘did’ you take off after our boy Riley, in the daylight I mean?”

“Cos,” Buffy mumbled through gritted teeth, “you know Spike and he would have come barreling over here, after sundown, dragging everyone with him. It’s ‘me’ that Riley wants, Lorne, and it’s me that’s going to take him out. Don’t think for a minute that Quentin Travers is going to convince that moronic ex of mine to hold onto Dawn and Connor. Even without my son, Riley will jump at the chance to take hold of me in exchange for the kids.”

A glance at Lorne told Buffy that the green demon still did not understand her plan.

“It’s like this sweetie,” she began patiently. “I’m going to make Riley and offer he can’t refuse.”

“Oh pulease,” Lorne groaned and rolled his red eyes at Buffy’s line from the Godfather movies.

It was Buffy’s turn to shrug, indifferently, and explain her plan further to the demon with her.

“Look Lorne,” she began again, “I stay out here, in the light and scream my offer into the cave, right? Then, once I’ve convinced Riley that I’m more then willing to play footsie with him, if he lets the others go? I’ll get close to him; kick his stupid ass all over Sunnydale and then take out his gang of morons. A piece of cake,” Buffy snipped with a grin and a snap of her fingers.

“Oh,” Lorne sighed in response, but he didn’t look quite convinced of the plan’s success.

“Why should Riley let Dawn and Connor free first?” Lorne asked with a furrowed green brow. “Won’t he just insist that ‘you’ go in and turn yourself over first then…”

“Lorne old pal,” Buffy giggled nervously, “you don’t know Riley well, do you?”

“Not really, no,” Lorne admitted reluctantly. “Never really had the urge to hang with Finn, not even when he was human.”

“Can’t blame you there dude,” Buffy laughed outright. “Riley isn’t the best company and now? He’s really dead! Get it? Riley is dead and all”. Buffy seemed to find this very funny, but she stopped laughing long enough to try and explain more to Lorne.

“Look,” she continued impatiently, “Riley doesn’t give a damn about James; that was all Travers’ idea. The great leader of the Wu Tang just scammed Quentin into helping him with the promise of turning William’s and my son over to that old despot. I’ll just tell Riley, the village idiot that I’m giving myself to him to save Dawn and Connor, like I said.”

“That,” she continued in a gravelly voice, “and that I have come to my senses about my so-called mate, William the Bloody. I’ll convince Riley that I realize, now, that Spike is only concerned with our son, James. I’ll give Riley my word that I will come to him, since there is nothing holding me to Spike. I think I can be a good enough actress to convince old no-neck Finn that I would rather sacrifice ‘my virtue’ then both of my son’s parents.”

“Look,” Buffy tried to reassure the dubious green, large-horned demon. “Riley trusts me enough and is certainly egotistical enough to believe me and wallah!” Buffy smiled smugly at Lorne, who still looked completely confused.

“Riley will turn Dawn and Connor loose; Travers will balk and throw a fit and Riley will kill him. Saves me the trouble of ridding the Council and the world of Quentin Travers,” Buffy had to smirk at the wicked thought.

“Spike and his family will be spared a major war because I’ll have taken care of Riley and his goons already. Element of surprise, Lorne. It’ll work like a charm. I’ll even cross my fingers when I promise Riley that I’ll come peacefully to him. Riley will never know what hit him,” she chuckled evilly.

Again Buffy shot her companion a smug, self-assured grin. However, Lorne returned her look with one of his own; a dubious doubtful one.

“I don’t know Buffykins,” Lorne began cautiously, “I think maybe Spike and his family should have just been invited along at the get go? Besides, how are you gonna’ take out Finn and his minions, all by yourself? I know you’re the end all Slayer and such but…..”

“Well you’re coming along for the ride, right?” Buffy asked her green companion amicably. “I mean, why else would you tag along on this grand adventure if you weren’t going to lend some of your muscle, oh great green one?”

“Yeah, right,” Lorne replied skeptically, “I guess I ‘could’ lend some muscle to the fray but…..”

“Besides,” Buffy continued evenly, “don’t you have like a thousand dollars bet on the outcome of this gang war? I’m sure you want to come in and hedge your lead, right?”

“Actually, rosebud,” Lorne stammered sheepishly, “I’ve put out $10,000.00 even on your in-laws. So, yeah, I guess I should be more then happy to tag along and…..”

“Hello baby,” Riley Finn’s deep voice filtered out from inside the dark cavern. “Come to your senses have you?”

Buffy gave Lorne a look of dismissal and turned to look into the darkness before them. “It’s show time Lorne,” she murmured evenly, her back turned to the green demon.

“Maybe I have Riley baby,” Buffy purred from her safe position in front of the cave. “Come out and let’s have a nice chat, eh?”

“Don’t think so, Buffy,” Riley growled from deep inside the cavern. “The sunlight is cancerous to my delicate skin,” he added with a grunt. “Why don’t you come in and we’ll have that chat?”

“Well, I’d love to, Rile, but I’m afraid the odds here may be stacked against me? What do you say,” she paused momentarily for dramatic affect, “that you send my little sister out and release Connor somehow? That would make me feel a whole lot better and be more in the mood to détente.”

“Right,” Riley snorted roughly, “like I’m that stupid Buffy. I turn Dawn and Connor loose and you split, leaving me alone to play with my own dick and…..”

“Oh Jesus Riley, please don’t be so damned descriptive!” Buffy groaned at the visual her ex had given her.

“Look,” Buffy continued hesitantly, “I have to admit that I’ve come to a conclusion, about my so-called mate? He just used me to get to our son, James. Spike is an asshole, Riley, an even bigger one then you. Let my sister go, and Connor, who I happen to find rather charming and I’ll ‘talk’ about coming over to your side? You have to let the kiddies go though,” she added hastily, “so I know you’re in good faith?”

“Uhm, let me think,” Riley hissed as he neared the cave’s opening. Buffy could see her ex-friend’s amber eyes in the darkness.

“Uhm, hell no? Is that enough of an answer for you?” Riley laughed gruffly and came even more dangerously close to the opening of his lair.

“Maybe,” Buffy purred silkily, “but then, maybe this is my answer for you all.” She pulled out the torch; the gas can and her mate’s beloved special lighter.

Buffy lit the zippo and touched it to the now gas-soaked torch, then leaned slightly into the cave’s opening. “I can burn you bastards out just as easily,” she barked evilly into the darkness.

“If you won’t let my sister and Connor go? I’ll burn the whole fucking cave inside and out. What difference does it make? If I leave Connor and Dawnie to you; you’ll just turn Dawn and torture Connor. Why not kill all of you off and save my loved ones their horrible fate at your hands?”

“True,” Riley rasped, “but some of us; me especially, will escape through the tunnels of these ancient caves and unlive to fight another day. Do you really want that Buff?”

“How long to you think you’ll last in the demon universe, without your great Wu Tang Gang and all, Riley?” Buffy asked the vampire through the darkness. She tried, really hard, to have a very confident, steady air about her, but she was getting kind of unsure about all of this.

‘Damn,’ Buffy sighed to herself, ‘I wish my William was here.’

“Probably not long,” Riley stammered from the darkness. “I have to hand it to you babe, you always have a master plan, don’t you?”

“Usually,” Buffy mumbled under her breath. “Look, just send Dawn out; free Connor and send him out with Andrew and…..”

“Andrew,” Riley roared in shock, “it was Andrew that led you hear? I’ll rip that little maggot’s head off of his shoulders!”

“No you won’t,” Buffy barked back at him. “If you harm one hair of Andy’s fair head, I'll rip you apart when the time comes! I’ll reconsider my offer and tear you a new one Finn. That I promise. Just send Connor out through the tunnels, with Andrew and when they’ve reached a safe point? They can signal Lorne and me and I’ll come inside to you. I give you my word, Riley. Slayer’s honor,” she quoted steadily, trying not to gag on her own lies.

Quentin Travers appeared, suddenly, at the front of the cave. The old fool stared Buffy down, hatefully, before he began his rant.

“We want the boy also!” Travers roared from inside the cave, causing both Buffy and Lorne to tremble just a bit.

“Fuck you Travers,” Buffy hissed back once she had gotten her nerves more under control. “You’ll never have my son!”

“I don’t give a fuck about the snot nosed little brat,” Riley interjected from somewhere behind Quentin. “It’s Buffy I want and Buffy I’ll have,” he added maliciously.

“But…..” Quentin stammered in rage.

“Do not insult my son,” Buffy growled in her low, dangerous tone that Riley could still hear very well. “I’ll toss this torch in there so fast and…..”

“Nevermind the kid,” Riley hissed menacingly, “I just want you Buffy. Travers here can go fuck himself. He’s outlived his purpose anyway. Graham get this piece of shit out of my sight; no, chain him up next to Spike’s little idiot brother!”

Graham dragged a shouting, angry Travers off while Buffy continued to stare into the darkness of the cavern. She knew Riley was close by now, but she still could only see his outline.

“Let them go,” she ordered the vampire once again as she held the torch high. “Let Dawn and Connor go and I swear I’ll come in to you.” Buffy carefully crossed her long, slim fingers of her left hand, just behind her back and held her breath as she waited for Riley’s answer.

“Okay,” Riley hissed from inside the cave. “Unchain the little bitch and her boy toy there,” he called out to some faceless minions behind him. “Andrew, take Connor there through the back tunnels and get him out of here. I never want to see your sorry dead ass again, boy, do you understand? If I do? I’ll rip your head off and vacuum your ashes up myself!”

“Yes Riley,” Buffy heard Andrew stutter, relieved, in reply. “Buffy, I’ll take Connor out and around to a cave that lets out, just over about five hundred feet from where you look to be. Once we’re there, I’ll call out to you that we’re safe and then slip out the alternate back way into town. Connor can tell me where his family is and…..”

“Okay Andrew,” Buffy yelled out impatiently, “but I want Dawnie to come out to me. Lorne will take her home to my house.”

“Buffy, no,” Lorne cried in disbelief, “I promised to go with you, inside the cave.”

“No can do, Lornie,” Buffy sighed sadly. “You’re a great demon honey but you wouldn’t last a minute in that lair. Besides, what I have to do? You can’t help with and you know that. Riley must know you’re on my mate’s side and he’ll just take you out immediately. No, you take Dawn home and tell my William where we are.”

It was at that moment that Dawn came running from the cave, looking not to worse for the wear. She threw herself into her sister’s arms and began to cry uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry Buffy,” she stammered between sobs. “It was my idea to take Connor out for a night; show him how human teenagers party. It was my fault, all of it, but you don’t have to go inside, right? You can just leave with us,” the dark-haired girl looked at her idol with pleading blue eyes.

“It’s okay, baby,” Buffy murmured into her sister’s ear. “But I have to go inside, end this mess once and for all. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing honey, honest. I love you Dawn,” she continued while she tried to keep the fear from her voice. “Please tell William and James how much I love them. Tell them I’ll be home before midnight, promise.”

“Oh Buffy,” Dawn cried as tears streamed down her face, “please, please just go home with us.”

“It’ll be fine, besides, sundown is coming. Do you really believe that William the Bloody will not come to the aid of his beautiful, adored wife?” Buffy grinned wickedly as she tried to keep the fear from showing in her green eyes.

“Yes, but…..” Dawn began stubbornly.

“Take her Lorne,” Buffy whispered to her new friend. “Take her home and tell William where I’m at. If I don’t get home by sundown? He’ll know my plan failed and…..”

Buffy kissed Dawn on her wet cheek and pulled away from her, slowly. She turned and quickly fled into the cavern and into Riley’s waiting arms.

A/N: I don’t like this chapter and I’m kind of sorry I wrote it like this and will post it. The truth is, it doesn’t make much sense to me, but hopefully, in the next chapter, it might be more clear what’s going on. Please, don’t worry, Spike is on his way and there are more surprises arriving with him!

Thanks for reading and please review, spufette.
This story archived at http://