La Cosa Nostra: La Familia Vampire by spufette
Summary: Spike is the son of the great 'Vampire Godfather' Marcus Aurileous. Not only does Spike want to return to Sunnydale, to his lover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but his family demands it. There is an evil, nasty little power hungry vampire family in Sunnydale the 'Wu Tang Clan' that is vying for power. Riley, their own Godfather wants Buffy for himself. Buffy, who is oblivious to all this 'drama' at the moment, is busy being a vampire slayer and something else. You'll have to read the inside summary for more info! Thanks. Luv Spuf
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 30 Completed: Yes Word count: 72520 Read: 48498 Published: 03/07/2005 Updated: 02/19/2006
A/N: by spufette
When I answered a review earlier, about the children of Marcus, I accidently put Darla's name on the list.

Sorry, no, while Darla is a vampire, she is the daughter of another vampire Joseph Hebbler. She is Angel's wife, oops, I did it again and I will now go and take Darla's name off the list.

Sorry (sigh)
Luv, Spuf
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