I've been waiting by Joey Maley
Summary: After being told of the LA battle, Buffy goes to the City of Angels to find the love she lost... which one though? Will she find him? She didn't know.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 3951 Read: 5395 Published: 10/04/2005 Updated: 11/22/2005

1. The return by Joey Maley

2. Revelations by Joey Maley

3. Lying to tell the truth by Joey Maley

The return by Joey Maley
Author's Notes:
Hey there. this is my first EVER fan fic so... excuse the less than whedon charm. hope you like it. please contact me with your comments.
love ya

joey maley
I’ve Been Waiting –
Chapter 1
‘The Return’.
By Joey Maley

On a dark road, seemingly from nowhere, heading for somewhere. A lonesome, old, Greyhound bus approaches a bustling city. A city of Angels… and demons.

Heading off of the freeway, it enters the city. The bright lights are a stark difference to the darkness of the journey. This city. A city known as Los Angeles. With a high pitched hiss from the hydraulic brakes the bus comes to an almighty stop. With a distorted groan, a man’s voice comes over the speaker:

“Last stop, Los Angeles”.

The doors to the bus swing open, as the only passenger on this 3am arrival departs. With hesitation, and a slight bit of regret, she steps off the bus. Her designer, yet scuffed, boots touch the ground. She feels scared. Scared from the stories she has heard from friends, past and present. But this wasn’t a girl easily scared. Looking like any other in her tight, black pants and crimson red jacket. Red. A colour this girl had seen too many times. A colour of blood. Old blood. This girl, with her shoulder length blonde hair waving in the wind, takes her first step into this city. A city in which last time she was here, argued with the love she lost. And oh, the stories she had heard since last she was here. This was the reason she feared returning to this city. But the Slayer had retuned.

As this frail looking girl hailed a cab, she recalled the conversation she had with Andrew, telling of Spike’s return to form. She could not believe that he was alive, or even that he came to Rome, with Angel no less, and didn’t even say hello. Why? She could not get her head around that. After everything he had said to her. About that being the greatest night he had ever had, or declaring his love for her in the pits of that unspeakable hell. She was confounded. She just wanted to see if the stories were true. These stories, for which Andrew was infamous for. She kept begging herself to try to believe that he made the whole thing up. But she couldn’t. she knew that she couldn’t put her hopes up. She wouldn’t be able to take it one more disappointment.

Oh, the stories. Not 6 months had passed since what had been named ‘The LA battle’ took place. Obviously, the media found some way to spin what had happened. The news of Wesley’s death came as a shock. No body was more upset than Giles. At the funeral, he was blamed for Wesley’s death by his father. Giles knew to just take the blame as Mr Windom-Price was in mourning for his son. But Giles took it bad. It was only when a letter to Giles was found inside Wesley’s inner jacket pocket that the truthfulness of Andrew’s stories came out. Spike was alive, and Buffy had to get him back.

As she got to this remote bar in Los Angeles South Central, she told the driver to stop. She had gotten information of sightings of a bleach blonde man full of charisma. Dressed in that long black leather jacket, with a constant cigarette in his mouth. She was told that he was like a mix between Billy Idol and James Dean. What a way to describe him. Oh, and that accent. Even for the brief time that she spent in London, she had never heard anyone speak like that. They had the same accent, even the same phrases, cursing that he used, but no one was the same. But it wasn’t him… it wasn’t William the bloody, Spike.

What was it about him that infatuated her so? She had been trying to figure this out the entire journey, all the way from London. But she couldn’t find the reason. It didn’t matter what she was doing. She thought about him all the time. Why did he play with her heart, body and soul the way he did? But she couldn’t convince herself. She knew that she was the one who was playing games. He confessed his undying love for her, but why oh why did he not believe her when she said it back. She didn’t even know that it was true herself, until after. It was when she was standing at the mouth of the crater that was once Sunndale. That was the moment she realised that she really did love him. But it was too late to do anything about it.

Buffy recalled the conversation with Andrew once again. The way he kept talking about Spike, his posture, his smile… even his nature. Oh how she hoped that he was here.

Just as she entered the bar, she recognised a smell. It was the smell of stale smoke. Even though Buffy didn’t smoke, she recognised that smell, that brand. But what were the chances. Through the bustle of the bar she heard countless conversations in that LA accent. But no English accent.

She stopped, as a man in a long black leather jacket walked to the bar. Could it be him? Could this be the man of whom she had travelled all of these miles to see? He turned around. To Buffy’s shock it wasn’t him. She got all of her hopes up for that moment. That moment in which she was happy again. she hoped with all her heart and soul that it was him… but it couldn’t be him. It wasn’t.

But then she stopped. She felt a presence. Maybe it was her slayer ability, or just something else, but she felt it none the less. What were the chances? 6 billion people in the world, and she is looking for one. That one.

She recalled the times they spent together. All those nights, just in each others arms. She could not see if the memories were once reality, or if she had dreamt these wondrous times. Please, oh please god let them be true.

She walked by a table full of empty beer bottles, almost knocking one over. In an instant she snatched it from the air, faster than anyone could see and put it back on the table. She was pleased that she hadn’t lost her touch whilst training the potentials. She smiled to herself, as just for a moment she forgot about him. Then his image came back into her mind. And there it was again. that feeling. Just as a voice said softly behind her words she had longed for:

“Hello Slayer.”

She span around to see a man, bleach blonde hair waving from the overhead fan. A cigarette seeming to hang off of the end of his lips, with that half smile. His stare seemed to pierce right through her. Was it really him?

“I’ve been waiting for you, love.”

End Of Chapter
Revelations by Joey Maley
Author's Notes:
thanks to the kind comments on chapter 1, i have decided to create this chapter. enjoy. joey
I’ve Been Waiting –
Chapter 2
By Joey Maley

Buffy looked into this man's eyes for what seemed to be an eternity. She had to convince herself that she couldn’t be dreaming. Not now. Not after everything she had been through. She had searched for weeks to find this man. Her William. Was it him?

He looked almost as nervous as her. He had only hoped that she would find him. Why else would he have waited? Spike decided that he had to make the first move, and with almost a whisper he said:

“Hello pet. It’s been a while.”

Is that all he could say? ‘It’s been a while?’ the audacity of him. She couldn’t believe that after all this time he didn’t show the emotion she believed he had for her.

“What? Is that it? I’ve searched for you and all I get is that. If you realised how much I have worried. What I was thinking. And you coming to Rome and not telling me you were back. Oh… oh and with Angel at that. What makes you think that you have the right to…”

Her speech was interrupted when, with one swift action, Spike grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled her forward. The kiss seemed to last for days. Feeling these lips for the first time in, oh so long. For the first time for as long as she could remember, she felt complete. She never realised how much she missed him. This kiss, that defied the heavens, felt like nothing she had ever experienced.

With one slow, long movement they pulled themselves away. Spike could only just look into her eyes with wonder. He knew how much of a fool he had been. He knew he should have spoken to her sooner, he was just afraid. This man, who in his early life had killed hundreds… nay, thousands of innocent people with not a hint of regret or remorse, now felt a lifetimes worth. He wanted to tell how much he loved her. How much he missed her gentle caress. But now that he had the chance, he couldn’t find the words with enough scope and feeling to express what he felt.

Finally, after the longest silence, he spoke:

“I’ve missed you pet. You could never understand that, I know, but… I have. Every day since I’ve I been back I’ve thought of nothing but you. Could you at least understand that?”

Buffy’s eyes widened, like she had two matchsticks holding them open. She was in a state of absolute bliss. Oh, how she had waited for him to say these words. Her fists clenched, only to stop herself from crying. These tears of joy were swelling up inside of her ready to explode. She slowly, yet with reserve, reached out and held his hand.


“Yes what?”

“Yes I understand what you’re saying because… I’ve felt it to. Ever day since I lost you I have cried and now the only thing that's stopping me from breaking down right now is you.”

Her words were like arrows being shot deep into Spike’s heart. He didn’t realise that she felt the same. He had always seen her as the unattainable, maybe that was why he was so infatuated with her. Everyday he tried to convince himself that, but to hear her say those words, those words which were deafening, made his life worth living. Spike had to say something, and take that look of shock off of his face.

“Hey, let’s get out of here. We really need to talk, love.”

They both left the bar, hand in hand like two love struck teenagers, going out on their first date.

They seemed to walk forever, not saying a word to one another. The two turned into a dark alleyway. Smoke was rising from the drains and there were garbage bins lining the walls. The contrast was amazing, from the lights of the street, this alleyway seemed to be in black and white. But it was nothing to the things that these two had seen in their time.

Suddenly, they both stopped. They could feel it. However long they had been apart, they still knew each others reactions like they were their own.

“You feel that, don’t you” asked Spike, with hesitation.

“Yeah. Vamp, we’re being followed.” Buffy turned to spike. “Better put on your…”

“Game face, yeah. Its done.” At that moment Spike showed his true demon face, turning to face the, would be assassin. “Oi, show yourself you bloody ponce.”

With that, a vampire came running out from behind the trash can in the ally. He charged at Buffy, possibly thinking that she was an easier target. In one swift move, Buffy jumps in the air, kicking the Vampire with a roundhouse and, before she even lands, taking out a stake from the back of her black pants. She landed in her fight stance, waiting for a compliment from Spike.

“Not bad. But how ‘bout this then?” Spike pushes his arms out to the sides, shooting two wooded stakes out onto the palms of his hands. “Come on then, let’s see what ya’ got.”

Spike rushed the Vampire, who at this point was just getting up from the kick to the head from Buffy. With a back handed slap to the face Spike stuck the other stake directly into his heart. In an explosion of grey smoke, the vampire was gone. Looking pleased with himself, he turned to Buffy.

“Well, that was a laugh.”

“Where did you get those things from?” Buffy pointed at the retractable stakes in which Spike used to dust that Vampire. “Their… their cool.”

“Yeah, I got them from that ponce, Angel. Well he won’t be using them for a while.” Spike turned to continue the journey, not aware of the look on Buffy’s face.

“What… what do you mean ‘he won’t be using them for a while’? He’s… he’s not dead, is he?” Buffy’s voice was getting croaky, almost unable to hold back the tears.

“What? No you silly cow! He’s not dead. He said that he was going to Tibet… or was it Asia? Oh, same thing. I dunno. Anyway, he won’t be needing them there any way, so I nicked them before he left. Pretty nifty, though.”

Realising that he had frightened her, Spike came up close to Buffy and took her in his arms and whispered:

“I’m Sorry, love. I should have said that better. I know your history, and how much you cared for him. I should have…” Spike stopped, changing his tone. “Did you really kill him once? ‘Cause I know he don’t like to talk about that. Nice one.”

“Not Helping.” The look in Buffy’s eyes told Spike to shut up.

“Uh, fair enough then. The apartment's just over here.”

They carried on to a back door, on the other side of the alleyway. As they entered the apartment, Spike switched on the light. Buffy was shocked and amazed. This certainly was different to the crypt in which she had spent, oh, so many nights back in good old ‘Sunny D’. There were antique paintings on the walls, with a black leather seat in the corner, in front of the fireplace.

“Not bad.”

“Thanks, love. I managed to rescue them from Wolfram and Heart before the whole bloody building fell down. It was a good laugh though. You should have been there. Now that’s what I call a kick arse fight. Know what I mean?”

Buffy sat down on the black chair, as Spike took out an old, wooden seat, like those you’d find in a school.

“Look, there was a reason I was waiting for you in that bar. I knew you were coming.” Spike’s words seemed to be like a kick in Buffy’s face. Her expression dropped with shock.

“What do you mean you were waiting for me? How… how did you know I’d be coming?”

“After that fight, Angel and I met someone. An oracle. She told me a few things. Like your arrival and… uh! Alright, here’s the bad. There’s a big bad coming. Now, I know you don’t wanna be hearing this but, this oracle mentioned something about the death of the ‘Chosen one of many and her watcher’. That’s you, pet, and old Rupert. And now that you’re here, I can only think that she’s telling the truth.”
Buffy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. After all of the searching, she thought that her fighting days were all but over.

“When will this happen?” Buffy’s voice trembled with a fear she had not felt since… since she heard the prophecy of her death back in high school.

“Soon, love. Very soon.”

End Of Chapter
Lying to tell the truth by Joey Maley
Author's Notes:
i'm sorry it's taken so long to write this chapter, i've just been busy. hope you like it. please comment as i have taken a long time with this one.
I’ve Been Waiting –
Chapter 3
‘Lying to tell the Truth’.
By Joey Maley

“Instinct. Instinct is the only thing I can give you. This is the most important attribute you can gain, that is why I am here, teaching you.” These words shot through the students like a bullet. The teacher, standing at the front of the class, in his tweed jacket looked stern and proper. He looked old before his time, this could be because of the things he had seen, or maybe those he had done. Either way, he knew what he was talking about. “In your life you will face unspeakable evils. You will face those that can not be named. But do you believe that you are ready for this responsibility?”

Suddenly, a student spoke up, his words nervous and with caution. “Mr. Giles, I don’t think that we are ready yet.”

“No, your not. It was good that you spoke up there, but no… you are no where near ready… yet. I will teach you languages, hand to hand combat and the art of magics. But for the moment, no. You are in no way ready for the trials that face you.”

The lesson was interrupted by a knock at the door. A young woman, no more than 25, entered the class room.

“Mr. Giles, there’s a phone call on line 1 for you. It’s Ms. Summers.”

“Thank you.” His voice was full of a mixture of excitement and fear. He knew that Buffy went to Los Angeles. He even knew the reason, even if she couldn’t tell him herself. He looked at the phone, a flashing button indicating that there was a call waiting. He picked up the phone slowly and cautiously. “Buffy, are you ok?”

“Hi Giles, yeah I’m fine. Are… are you alone?” Her voice told Giles that there was something wrong. He turned to the class and, with a stern voice said, “Class dismissed.” When the rest of the students left, he carried on the conversation. “Buffy, what’s wrong?”

After a pause, Buffy continued the conversation. “It’s started again.”

“What has?”

“Yet another thing is coming to destroy us all… again.” Her voice sounded tired, as if she had been here before.

“Oh bloody hell.” Giles realised that his work was in no way done. Here, thinking he had the easy life training the new watchers, he found himself back to where he started. “Will this never end? What is it?”

“I’m not quite sure yet, although Spike is adamant that he’s got the information from a reliable source.”

“Well I can’t do anything until I know what it is I’m dealing with.”

“I know. It’s just that it specified that it was out to kill you as well. Can you come here to LA? I know it’s a lot to ask but, I can’t face anything happening to you.” Buffy had always loved and respected her mentor. If he were to die then she didn’t know what she would do.

“Of course I’ll come. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ll call you when I get there. Good bye Buffy. Oh, could you… um… say thank you, to Spike.” He really didn’t want to say that but he realised, after everything that he had done for them, a little thanks had to be granted.

“Yeah, no worries Giles.” As she hung up the phone, his look had changed. He knew that there would always be Evil in the world but hasn’t he faced enough? He has been through more than his fair share of heartache in the past. He has faced everything with Buffy. But he knew that she still needed him, and he still needed her. He turned to a man sat next to him, all too eager to listen to the experienced watcher.

“Andrew, I need you to hold the fort whilst I’m gone, do you think that you can do that?”

“What? Yeah, of course Giles.” He realised that his time to shine was finally here. He had wanted this opportunity for so long now. “Where are you going?”

“Los Angeles. Buffy needs me.”

He took his jacket off of the back of his seat and strolled out of the room, safe in the knowledge that his class would be in good hands, even if it was in those of a former ‘evil’ mastermind… of sorts.

He knew that this could be the last battle that they would fight. He didn’t care, as long as he was with the one person he loved more than anyone in the world. His ‘daughter’, Buffy.


In an apartment in Los Angeles, a heartbroken woman tries to hold back her tears. She knows the reasons for not seeing her man up until this point but, but why is it so hard to accept?

She had lost him all those years ago, but now he’s back. He is back to stay.

“So, is someone gunna talk or what, slayer?” His accent cut through her like a knife. She never thought that she would hear him speak to her again. But here he is. Alive and kicking… sort of.

“What do you want me to say, Spike. That I missed you? That I can’t believe my own eyes that you’re here? Well fine, if that’s what you want to hear. It’s true. I thought you were dead.”
“Well, actually…”

“Oh, you know what I mean. You sacrificed yourself for us and, and… your stupid!”

Her words shocked Spike. He thought that she would be pleased to see him, but this?

“What? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You left and I didn’t know what had happened. I missed you so much and now that your back I, I don’t know what to say. I just never thought that you’d be here, talking to me. Standing there with your jacket and, and…” At that she was interrupted by his muscular arms wrapping himself around her small frame. He lent in and kissed her neck with such sensitivity and love, she could do nothing but just stand in awe. She had missed this feeling with her heart and soul. Oh, thank God that he’s back. She didn’t want him to stop kissing her. Then, slowly and with care, he lent back, looked her in the eyes and said the words she had longed to here for, oh so long.

“I love you Buffy, you know that yeah? If I knew what harm I would cause you I, I don’t know what I would have done. But, the point I’m trying to make is, you’re everything to me. You make me feel more than just a monster. I Love you.” These words were powerful beyond belief. She knew it to be true but, to actually hear these words was something else.

They looked at each other with a passion that burned. Her skin just felt on fire and she knew that the only way to stop it was to just touch. To kiss him. She knew that was what they wanted. She reached out and touched his cheek. She took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. He wanted this so much, even more than his own immortality. They were there, in the room as she reached up and turned off the light. They were back.

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=14667