Dark Prophecy by Pipergirl
Summary: NOW COMPLETE!! Buffy and Spike must put aside their differences to find a baby whose sacrifice will bring about an apocalypse (yep--another one). This will be an adventure that will test their mettle and help them learn about each other and--most importantly--about themselves. A Slayer who’s afraid of flying, a vampire who’s afraid of... well, he just won’t say, and a few really colourful characters will hopefully keep you entertained. Winner in round 8 of the Vampire's Kisses awards for Sexiest Bite and Judge's Choice! Also, winner of an honourable mention in Morbid Desire's Passionfish's Summer Favourites.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Completed: Yes Word count: 151827 Read: 83646 Published: 05/31/2004 Updated: 01/03/2007

1. 1 by Pipergirl

2. 2 by Pipergirl

3. 3 by Pipergirl

4. 4 by Pipergirl

5. 5 by Pipergirl

6. 6 by Pipergirl

7. 7 by Pipergirl

8. 8 by Pipergirl

9. 9 by Pipergirl

10. 10 by Pipergirl

11. 11 by Pipergirl

12. 12 by Pipergirl

13. 13 by Pipergirl

14. 14 by Pipergirl

15. 15 by Pipergirl

16. 16 by Pipergirl

17. 17 by Pipergirl

18. 18 by Pipergirl

19. 19 by Pipergirl

20. 20 by Pipergirl

21. 21 by Pipergirl

22. 22 by Pipergirl

23. 23 by Pipergirl

24. 24 by Pipergirl

25. 25 by Pipergirl

26. 26 by Pipergirl

27. 27 by Pipergirl

28. 28 by Pipergirl

29. 29 by Pipergirl

30. 30 by Pipergirl

31. 31 by Pipergirl

32. 32 by Pipergirl

33. 33 by Pipergirl

34. 34 by Pipergirl

35. 35 by Pipergirl

36. 36 by Pipergirl

37. 37 by Pipergirl

38. 38 by Pipergirl

39. 39 by Pipergirl

40. 40 by Pipergirl

41. 41 by Pipergirl

42. 42 by Pipergirl

43. 43 by Pipergirl

44. 44 by Pipergirl

1 by Pipergirl
Summary: Buffy and Spike must put aside their differences to find a baby whose sacrifice will bring about an apocalypse (yep--another one). This will be an adventure that will test their mettle and help them learn about each other and--most importantly--about themselves. A Slayer who’s afraid of flying, a vampire who’s afraid of... well, he just won’t say, and a few really colourful characters will hopefully keep you entertained.
Rating: Overall NC-17, most chapters are PG-13
Disclaimer: If I owned ‘em, I wouldn’t be spending my free time writing fanfic ;)
Note: This story is loosely based on Buffy’s 4th season. Dawn does not exist (for purposes that will be obvious early in the fic) and--to the joy of most of you, I‘m sure--Riley has but a marginal role. It’s a story I started writing over a year ago, but was interrupted by pretty much every other fic of mine that‘s out there. I’ve got to warn you, though, that--for me, anyway--this is a long one. I’m guessing it might end up being at least 35-40 chapters, most of which are already written. Please excuse my marginal (if that) knowledge of London--I’ve tried to be as on the ball as possible, but basing myself on very old memories and a map of the city probably won’t certify 100% accuracy. And, last but not least, please enjoy and review!

Chapter 1
Buffy stood before the door, hand poised at the knob. She hadn’t felt this level of trepidation since... since when? Since the Master? Since Angel had turned back into Angelus? Since Principal Snyder had forced her into preparing parent-teacher night?
“Buffy?” Willow placed her hand on the other girl’s shoulder in a gesture of support only a best friend can offer. “You can do this. You’re the Slayer--you’ve been through so much; you shouldn’t let something like... this... get to you.”
The young blonde turned her head slowly and let a shy smile show itself. “I know, Wills, but you know how I feel about this. I’ve never been good at this kind of thing. Give me giant worms, give me mermen, give me creepy little principals--that’s where I’m a Viking. But what lies beyond this door--I’ve never been able to handle this.”
Willow took her friend’s hand in her own, and decided that she would have to be the strong one, the one to take the first step. “Ok, then, how about I open the door. You’re still the one who has to deal with them, though. Does that sound like a deal?”
Fear in her eyes, the Slayer straightened her shoulders. “Yup. It’s a deal. Now open the door before I run away, screaming like girl.” She furrowed her brow. That didn’t come out right. “Well, you know what I mean.”
Willow turned the knob, and opened the door.
Twelve pairs of eyes turned to face them.
A chorus of little voices screeched, and all hell broke loose. “Yaaay!! They’re here!!” Eleven 8 year-olds rushed the two girls as they entered the room.
Buffy’s mother, Joyce, approached them and gave them each a hug. Turning to her daughter, she smiled and sighed. “I thought you wouldn’t show up, dear.” She handed both girls Pokémon party hats. “Now put these on and follow me.”
Buffy looked behind her, eyeing a quick exit. Damn, the rugrats are blocking my only exit. Oh, why me? She felt a tug at her hand and looked down to see a little black-haired girl grinning up at her.
“You gonna come play with us? We all got a pack of cards when we came in.”
The Slayer found her voice. “Uh, yeah. Sure, why not? Cards is fun.” Cards? What the heck kind of kid’s party hands out cards? What, are they going to play poker or something?
She followed the little girl, who’d introduced herself as Sylvia, to the table where all the children sat. Sylvia chose a seat, and motioned for Buffy to do the same. The young woman plopped herself down on a small orange chair and threw a desperate glance around the room; with envy, she saw that her supposed best friend was safe and sound, helping Joyce prepare the food. She was convinced that her Wiccan counterpart had used magic to avoid picking the short straw. Willow always got the better deal...
She felt cards pressed into her hands, and looked down at them. What the heck?
Sylvia took on the air of a teacher. “I’ll share my cards with you, since you don’t have any. We’re playing Pokémon, by the way.” She pointed out a card that had something like a kangaroo-cat on it. “This is Mew-Two. It’s my favorite Pokémon. I’ll let you borrow it, since it’s powerful. The game’s easy enough. The animals are divided into water, air, earth...”
Buffy’s confusion must have been obvious.
Sylvia scrunched her nose. “You’ve got the same look on your face that my mom gets when I try to play with her. Maybe you can just watch us play for a while.” She took the card back from Buffy, who was all too happy to ‘just watch’.
She watched them play for 20 minutes, and was no closer to understanding the rules than she was when she walked through that blasted door. Either kids were getting smarter, or she was getting dumber.
She didn’t want to ponder that thought too much.
Breaking from the reverie, she noticed that one of the children was talking to her. “Sorry- what was that?”
A little boy with glasses repeated his question. “Do you go to school?”
“Yeah, I do. I go to college.”
“Who’s your favorite teacher?”
“Uh, I’d have to say Professor Rogers. He’s my English prof.--he‘s pretty cool.”
Another little girl decided that playing 20 questions with the big girl was more captivating than the card game. “Do you have a boyfriend? You’re really pretty.”
Buffy was starting to feel ill at ease. “Uh, thanks. No I don’t have a boyfriend.”
The boy responsible for this interrogation shifted in his seat. “Does that mean you’re going to be a nun? My aunt Andrea doesn’t have a boyfriend and my mom always says she’s going to end up being a nun.”
Now she remembered why she was uncomfortable around kids. All those questions and weird logic that she couldn’t for the life of her follow. “No! I don’t want to be a nun. I, uh...”
As she grasped for words, a voice from the kitchen called out.
“Who wants a hot dog!”
In the middle of a chorus of “Me!”’s, Buffy shot out of her chair.
“Mom! Willow! You guys look like you need a hand. Here, let me wash some dishes for you.” She grabbed a dish cloth, and looked under the sink for some rubber gloves. Just because she was a Slayer didn’t mean she should put up with dishpan hands...
Her attempt at an escape was thwarted by Sylvia, who ran up to her, pulling her back to the table. “Buffy, I want you to sit beside me!!”
Utterly defeated, Buffy resigned herself to the fact that she was relegated to the “kiddie” table for the remainder of the afternoon. For some obscure reason, children always took a shine to her.
The fact that the attachment was purely one-sided never seemed to occur to them.
When the kids were done eating, Joyce and Willow came over to clean off the table. Buffy was handed a pile of paper plates and napkins, with the instruction of handing one of each to the children. This was the part of the day that the Slayer liked best: the cake. Every year, it was the same, but that didn’t bother her in the least. She could have chocolate cake every day of the year, and she still wouldn’t tire of it.
She heard her mother and best friend singing ‘Happy Birthday’ and turned to watch them approach with the cake, candles burning bright. The chocolaty confection was placed in front of a little girl, whose eyes were round with wonder. The child made her wish, and blew all the candles out in one breath. The cake was then cut, and a small piece handed to every little (and bigger) kid.
The afternoon was spent playing games Buffy actually knew: pin the tail on the donkey, bobbing for apples, hot potato...
Willow and Joyce had eventually joined her in playing with the kids, and the young blonde found herself relaxing and actually enjoying herself.
Not that she’d ever admit it to anyone.
When the last child had been retrieved by his parents, all three women sat down, exhausted.
In a weak voice, Buffy asked: “Mom, why is it you let yourself get talked into this year after year? I figure it’s traumatic enough that you’d remember to decline the next time around.”
Joyce raised her head up from the table and looked at her only daughter. “Buffy, it’s only once a year, and the Walkersons are my best customers. I just can’t allow myself to say no. If I refuse, maybe they’ll find another gallery for their annual donation. Anyway, I used to go through this every year when you were young. It’s something you’ll have to get used to, if you ever want kids.”
Buffy got up and stretched. “Well, I’m not planning on having kids. They’re noisy, annoying and they take up all your time. I prefer to look after my favorite three people: me, myself and I.”
Joyce smiled knowingly at her daughter. Let’s see if you change your tune when you find the right man... “Well, either way we have some cleaning up to do. If we all put in a good effort, we should be out of here in less than half an hour.”
Buffy looked down at the table and saw that Sylvia had left her cat-kangaroo-thing card behind. She picked it up, shrugged, and put it in her pocket
2 by Pipergirl

Chapter 2

“Xander! Will you please take care not to spill any jelly on that book! Really, I don’t know why I allow you to eat while you research...”

Giles felt more irritable than usual. He took his glasses off and cleaned the lenses. It had been too long since the last apocalypse or big bad, and he knew that something big was up--he felt it in his bones. He had come to pay attention to this sixth sense, his ’spidey sense’ as Xander called it, whatever that meant. He’d been aware of it for the first time when the Master had shown up on the Hellmouth, and since then he’d felt it every time trouble was about to rear its ugly head.

Tonight was no exception, and he could feel it coursing throughout his body, stronger than ever.

The Scoobies glanced at each other, aware of the watcher’s unusually quick switch from nagging to introspection. He hadn’t even noticed that Buffy’s latte had left a ring on his copy of Encyclopaedia of the Undead...

Worried, the Slayer decided to try and pull him back to the present. She got up and closed her book, postponing the latte stain lecture to another day. “Giles? Hello! Earth to Rupert Giles...” She waved her hand in front of his face until he acknowledged her presence.

Giles shook his head, and looked at the young woman standing before him. Putting his glasses back on, he spoke up. “Oh! Sorry about that. I was just thinking...”

His apology was interrupted by the phone ringing.

Anya, being nearest to the phone, picked it up. “Good evening Magic Box, we’re closed right now so we unfortunately can’t take your money. How may I be of assistance?” She furrowed her brow, and held the phone out to Giles. “It’s for you. It’s someone English.”

Giles sixth sense hummed steadily. This is it, this is the apocalypse I’ve been expecting. “Rupert Giles here.”

A shiver ran down his spine as a voice he’d hoped never to hear again spoke up. “Ah, Rupert. Good to hear from you. It’s been too long...”

The watcher took the phone in his hand, and made his way away out of Scooby earshot. “Not long enough. Cut the pleasantries, Travers--why are you calling?”

The pompous voice chuckled. “Always a man of business, Rupert--no time for false niceties. That’s why I like you.” Abruptly, the humour in Travers‘ voice dissipated. “Something’s come up, something of dire importance...”

As his former employer began to explain, Giles’ stomach felt like it was filled with lead. “Oh dear. Just a moment.”

He turned to the group of teens, who were trying very hard not to show that they were eavesdropping. “Er, why don’t we call it a night? You’ve been working very hard lately, and you deserve a break. Don’t worry about the books, I’ll put them away before I leave.” He’d hardly finished speaking before the last retreating figure slammed the door shut, and he was alone.

Giles turned his attention back to the interrupted conversation. “Now, about this prophecy...”


As they entered the Bronze, the Scoobies felt the beat of the music flow through them, washing away their stress. Giles had been working them hard, and they had been more than happy to oblige when he’d suggested calling it an early night. They’d decided that spending an evening at their favourite hangout was the best remedy. As Xander often quipped, “Milk might do a body good, but dancing is good for the soul...”

They found an unoccupied table and Xander headed to the bar for some much needed refreshments.

“So, were either of you able to make out who was on the phone with Giles?” Willow was the first to speak. “I was too far away, but it seemed pretty serious.”

“I heard him call the man Travers before he walked away to where I couldn’t hear him.” Anya sighed. “All this secrecy is silly, if you ask me. It‘s another of those human traits I don‘t think I‘ll ever catch on to, like tact--I don’t see what’s wrong with just saying what’s on your mind. All this bottling up of emotions can’t be good for you, you know. Anyway, it’s not like we know who this guy is, anyway.”

Ignoring the ex-demon’s prattling, Willow and Buffy zeroed in on the essential part of what she’d told them: “Travers?!”

Just as he was returning with their drinks, Xander overheard the girls talking; he let out a yelp, nearly spilling the colas in his hands. “Aargh--Travers? Where?!”

Buffy grabbed her drink before he did spill it. “Don’t worry, Xander--he’s not here. Anya was just telling us that that’s who Giles was on the phone with.”

The young man’s face didn’t change. “Yeah, but Travers here, or Travers back in merry ol’ England--either way it’s gonna be bad news, Buff. I doubt he called to share a Hallmark moment with Giles.”

“Well, we don’t really know that, do we?” Willow’s face fell under the gaze of her friends. “Well, we don’t! He could be calling to... to... to offer Giles his old job back!” She smiled broadly, proud to have thought of something logical. Her smile waned as the others looked at her skeptically. “OK, maybe not. But does anyone have a better idea?”

“Not really, but I’m hoping the Council isn’t planning on making another of their ‘Test the Slayer’ visits. Last time? Not so much fun. Knowing them, it’s probably another apocalypse.” Buffy had a gut feeling that the last idea was the most probable. How many apocalypses was one girl supposed to live through? Couldn’t Evil take a long, long, coffee break?

The silence at the table was broken when Anya suggested that they get up and dance. “They’re actually playing half-decent music, tonight. We might as well take advantage of it. Come, Xander.” She didn’t wait to see whether or not he wanted to dance. There was never room for discussion.

Xander raised his shoulders in an ‘oh well’ gesture, and followed his girlfriend into the crowd.

Willow finished the last of her Shirley Temple, hopped off her barstool, and looked at Buffy. “Well, I’m with them. I need to unwind. Coming?”

The Slayer’s gut still twisted with the feeling that something very bad was in the works. “Nah, I have to go to the washroom. I’ll sit this one out, Wills. Go out there, and I‘ll join you when I come back.”


On her way back from the ladies’ room, Buffy caught sight of a familiar silhouette at the pool tables.

Oh, wonderful. Guess I should do my civic duty and go pester the bleached wonder. If I can’t stake him, I might as well harass him.

She held to the shadows, watching him play against some poor college kid. ‘Play against’ wasn’t the right term; ‘beat the pants off of’ was more exact. It was obvious that the kid had never played much pool, as he missed what should have been an easy shot. This gave Spike the opportunity to sink his last balls, followed by the eight ball. She watched both men shake hands, followed by the younger man paying Spike. The vampire turned away from her, and sauntered to the table that held his drink. She decided it was time to make her presence known.

The blonde vamp beat her to it, though, and he addressed her with his back still to her. “You can come out, now, Slayer. I know you’re there.” He picked up his pack of smokes, and pulled one out.

She walked out to the pool table and stood there, hands on her hips. “Spike.” She spat his name out like it was poison.

He turned around, cigarette dangling from his lower lip. “Come to make sure I’m not cheating?” Fishing in his pocket for his lighter, he looked her up and down, smirking. “I see the Council still isn’t paying you--otherwise, you’d be able to afford a whole outfit instead of just half of one.” Leering, he added, “Not that I mind, pet.”

Buffy glared at him, and brought her arms out in front of herself in a self-conscious motion. “Shut up, Spike. You’re such a pig.”

“Ooh! Great comeback. Did you just come here to nag me, or is there a reason for your presence?” He lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply. Leaning back against the pool table he crossed his arms, mimicking the Slayer’s pose. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her answer.

Buffy caught herself looking at him. Wow--has he always been this fit? Why haven’t I ever noticed that chest, and those arms... Aargh! Spike is *not* sexy, he’s evil... and disgusting! Snapping out of it, she snorted. “Oh, yeah. Like it’s all about you. I just happened to be coming back from the washroom when I saw you taking that kid’s money. You really don’t have any scruples, do you?”

Spike looked at her like she’d grown a second head. Quietly, so that only she could hear, he pointed to himself and said: “Hello? Vampire, here. Conscience-free and enjoying every minute of it. If some college prat wants to bet me money that he can beat me, that’s his problem.”

He took another drag from his cigarette. “How else do you think I get money for smokes and beer? Work the night shift at the local burger joint?” He snickered at this last thought, finding much humour in it. “Anyway, you Scoobies are too poor to steal from anymore. I have to get my spending money somewhere else. You should be grateful.”

Buffy was incensed. “Oh, so we should thank you, now that you aren’t stealing from us?! What planet are you from, anyway?” She had to physically restrain herself from popping him one on the nose. That might work in an empty cemetery, but she doubted that hitting a patron in a crowded club wouldn’t go over well with the bouncers.

She leaned in towards him with a deadly look in her eye. “I’d better not come across you during patrol tonight, because this’ll be the last pack of cigarettes you’ll ever smoke.” She pulled the cigarette from his lip, and threw it to the ground, crushing it under her high-heeled boot.

“Hey!” Spike watched her retreating form with a scowl, lighting another smoke. “Bitch. Thinks she‘s better than the rest of us...”


Buffy found her friends on the dance floor, and let them know that she’d decided to go patrolling early. After her little confrontation with the vampire, she found herself needing to blow off some steam.

Staking a few vampires would do the job just fine...

Author's Note: Hey guys, hope you're enjoying! As usual, please read and review; they make the chappies come that much faster! This one's a bonus, even though only two fine readers reviewed chapter 1 (*pout*)...

3 by Pipergirl

Chapter 3

“...and I expect you to hand your reports in next Monday at the beginning of class. Class dismissed.” The teacher diverted her attention from the students in front of her to the stack of papers on her desk.

“So,” Willow turned to her best friend, “why did you duck out so early last night? Xander and Anya might have bought the ‘early patrolling’ bit, but I know you better than that. You’ve never let duty get in the way of having fun. So, ’fess up.”

Buffy tried to give her friend her best nonchalant expression. “Nothing’s the matter, Will. I just didn’t feel like dancing. I couldn’t stop thinking about that phone call Giles got. That’s it, honestly.” Averting her eyes from Willow’s look, she collected her books and began to stuff them in her shoulder bag.

The redhead put on her best resolve look, and pressed the subject. She held her hand out, and put it on the Slayer’s forearm. “Buffy, look at me. See my resolve face? We’re not leaving this classroom until you tell me the truth.” She pursed her lips further and sat back, giving the blonde every indication that she was serious.

Buffy sighed, and leaned back in the rigid plastic chair. “Fine. I met up with Spike, we had a few... choice words, and I left. He’s just so irritating. I mean, do you know what he was up to? He was hustling--that‘s how he‘s been making money!”

The witch‘s eyes grew, as her interpretation of the Slayer‘s words hit her. “He’s been having sex for money?!” She brought her hand up to her mouth. “Oh my God! That’s, that’s... ooky!”

“What? No! No sex and Spike!” Buffy closed her eyes, trying to remove mental images of Spike having sex out of her mind. She met with little success, as the image of Spike‘s chest was still imprinted in her mind; what would it look like without his T-shirt on? “He’s hustling at pool--taking advantage of poor students.” Seeing the redhead cock an eyebrow, she pressed the subject. “Ok, not as bad as killing people, but still--it’s evil in a different kind of way. Isn’t it?”

The witch smiled, relieved that it wasn‘t anything bad. “Uh, not really, Buffy. People play for money all the time. Anyway, it’s probably the closest he’ll ever come to making an honest dollar. You shouldn’t let him get to you like that, it just makes you all stressy. You’ve already got enough to worry about without having to keep an eye on who Spike plays pool with.” Willow stood, and picked her books up. “Now come on. I’ll buy you a latte--that always makes for a stress-free happy Buffy.”

As they were making their way out of the classroom, Buffy heard someone call her name. She turned around, and found herself staring into the eyes of the T.A--now, what was his name? Riley, that‘s it...

Turning back to Willow, she let her know that she’d catch up with her in a few minutes.

Buffy walked up to the brunette. “Hey, Riley.”

With a big grin plastered on his face, the T.A. summoned up the courage to speak to her; he’d had his eye on her since first class, but had never found the right moment to catch her for a word. “So, how are you enjoying class so far?”

How about: the teacher’s an evil taskmaster and I have to work at staying awake every session? Nah, might not go over too well... “It’s really a fun class--a bit harder than I thought for a first year, but it’s really interesting.”

Riley fell for her false enthusiasm. “It really is interesting, isn’t it? Professor Walsh has a way of making even the most mundane subjects interesting. Her classes were always my favourite--they may be a little more difficult than most, but they’re more than worth the effort.”

Buffy thought to herself, Is this guy for real? You’d have to be either a freak or in the army to appreciate Walsh’s drill-sergeant style of teaching. “Yeah, I can imagine. The more effort there is, the more it builds character, right?.” She was straining to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

This was the girl of his dreams. Riley couldn‘t believe that he‘d finally found someone to whom he could relate. “That’s precisely it! You know, I’m happy you‘ve made that observation; not everyone sees it like that or appreciates the value of hard work.” Here goes--might as well give it a go... “So maybe we could go to one of the campus pubs sometime. With what you’re learning in class, we’d have lots to talk about. That sound good to you?”

Buffy jumped slightly, and made a face. “Uh, my hip’s vibrating...”

Riley furrowed his brow. “Huh? Your hip’s vibrating? I know I’ve been out of the dating loop for a while, but is that some sort of code or something?”

Buffy laughed nervously. “Actually, I meant my pager--it’s vibrating.” She pulled the small piece of technology out of her pocket and looked at the name on the display. “Crap, it’s Giles.” She smiled brightly at the teacher’s assistant and put her hand on his arm. “Sorry, Riley, but I have to go make a call. The pub idea sounds nice--maybe we can do that sometime...” Yeah, and maybe I could go to the dentist and have some teeth removed while I’m at it.

“Yeah, that would be nice. I guess I’ll be seeing you around.” The last part was said mostly to himself, as the young woman had already disappeared down the hall. He shrugged and muttered to himself “Peculiar girl...”


Buffy sprinted past Willow, nearly knocking the poor girl over.

“Buffy! Wait--where are you going? What happened with Riley? Did he say something mean to you, ‘cause you know, best friend here--I could go and scowl at him for you!” She ran alongside the Slayer, until they reached a pay phone.

The blonde turned to Willow. “Sorry, Wills. It’s not Riley--he was nice. Bland, but nice. It’s just that Giles paged me. He never pages me unless it’s, like, an apocalypse or something. I just hope it doesn’t have to do with the Council.” As she dialled, she muttered, mainly to herself. “Who am I kidding, anyway? Travers calls, Giles kicks us out, next thing you know he’s paging me at school...”

Willow held the little machine in her hands. “When did you get a pager, anyway? I didn’t know you had one.” She jumped and nearly dropped it when she pressed the vibrate button by accident.

Ring... ring... “Where is he, anyway?” Buffy was getting worried.

She looked up at Willow. “The pager? Uh, Giles got it for me when he got sick of never being able to reach me. Surprised the heck out of me, ‘cause you know how unmixy he is with tech....” She was cut off by her watcher’s answer.

“Giles! Where were you? You page me, and then you don’t answer the phone--are you ok? Why are you paging me at school? It‘s bad, isn‘t it?”

Her watcher sighed, and replied. “I was in the kitchen getting the kettle off the stove, I’m fine, thank you, I need to call a meeting for tonight, and yes, possibly. Does that answer your questions?”

Buffy relaxed a little comforted at hearing the British man’s voice. “Sorry, Giles. You just had me worried there for a moment. Why the surprise meeting?”

“I can’t get into details right now. I just need you to gather everyone and meet me at the Magic Box tonight at eight.”

The short hesitation after her watcher’s response alerted Buffy to the fact that he was trying to find a way to tell her something she wouldn’t like. “Ok, Giles. Spit it out--what else is there?”

She could practically hear him cleaning his glasses.

“There’s someone else who needs to attend tonight’s meeting.”

The Slayer’s muscles tensed as she asked him the million-dollar question: “Giles, please tell me who... I have a feeling, a bad feeling, I already know--but I need you to prove me wrong.”

Sighing, the watcher confirmed her fears. “Buffy, we need Spike to be present at the meeting. He’s an integral player in what you... in what we’ll be discussing tonight.”

“But Giles, it’s Spike! He’s not an integral part of anything... Can’t we just leave him...”

The young woman’s diatribe was cut short by an outburst from the usually mild-mannered Brit. “Buffy! Can we please, for once, pretend that I know what I‘m talking about? Get Spike, make sure he’s at the Magic Box at eight o’clock, end of story.”

Properly chastised, the young woman knew when to capitulate. “Ok, I’ll go see Spike and tell him that you want him there tonight. Look, Giles, I’m sorry about giving you a hard time...”

The man’s voice softened at his charge’s apology. “No, Buffy, I should be the one to apologize. I’m just... tense... at the moment. You’ll understand more clearly tonight. Just make sure everyone shows up. Thank you, again.”

They said their good-byes and hung up.

Buffy turned to a worried Willow. “Giles called a meeting tonight at the Magic Box for eight o‘clock. He’s really wigged out about something; I don’t think this is going to be good, Willow--he even told me to make sure Spike shows up.”

The witch visibly paled. “Spike? Really? This can’t be good... My classes are over for the day--I can go see Anya at the Shop, to let her know about the meeting--she‘ll make sure that Xander shows up as well. I think I’ll leave Spike to you, though. Just make sure there aren‘t any bottles lying around.”

Offering her friend a wry smile, the blonde sighed. “Don‘t worry, Will. I’ll make sure he’s bottle-free. Thanks for letting the others know--it’s nice to see I’m left with the fun assignment.” Hoisting her bag up to her shoulder, she took a deep breath. “If you don’t see either of us at the meeting, we’ll have killed each other. If that happens, take good care of Mr. Gordo for me...”

At that, both girls went their own way, spirits heavy with apprehension.

Author's Note:Ok, so from now on I'll be updating twice weekly. I've got a sizeable chunk of the story already written and squirreled away, but I'd rather post it slowly to give myself time to write more. That way you gentle readers won't be stuck waiting months in between posts.
And thanks, as always, to those who reviewed. You make this worthwhile :)

4 by Pipergirl

Chapter 4

Cheesies--check. Mug of O-Neg--check. Remote control--check.

Spike readied himself for yet another thrilling episode of Passions. Snacks and drink in hand, he dropped into his wingback chair, curious to see if Tabitha was finally going to give in to some dark magic. She needs to liven things up a bit--maybe turn them all into pigs, like the witch in that midget movie Dru always used to make me watch...

As he brought his mug to his lips, a resounding crash echoed through the crypt. The blonde vampire jumped up, nearly spilling blood all over himself. “Fuck!”

Then a voice he recognized too well piped up.

“What’s the matter, Spikey? Bit jumpy today?”

“Bloody hell, woman. Didn’t anyone ever teach you to knock? This is my home--I don’t go barging into yours, so what makes you think you have the right to come prancing in here uninvited?” He paused, wiping blood off his chin, and motioned to the TV. “And, you’re interrupting Passions. Whatever it is, it’ll have to wait until my show’s over.” With that said, he turned away from her, sat back in his chair, and wolfed down a handful of cheesies.

Buffy was dumbfounded. He was ignoring her! For a stupid soap opera, at that! She had two options. One, she could kick his TV off its stand and force herself to be the only distraction in the crypt; the trouble with destroying his only form of entertainment was that he wouldn’t be in much of a mood to cooperate--she’d never convince him to go to the meeting.

The second option was to hang around until his stupid show was over. She could actually have fun with that one--she could annoy the hell out of him. That way, maybe he’d give in and listen to her before the end of the show...

Second option it is, then.

“Fine. I’ll wait until your stupid soap is done. You don’t mind if I watch, do you?”

“Whatever, just don’t pester me.”

“Do you have an extra chair?”


“How ’bout a stool, or something?”

“No. Sit on the floor.”

“The floor’s cold.”

“Put up with it.”

“How ‘bout a blanket?”

“On the bed.”

“Ugh. A clean one?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “There might be one in the box at the foot of the sarcophagus.” One more word and I rip her throat out...

Buffy decided to give it a break and walked to scrounge for a blanket. She’d only been at it for two minutes and his left right eye was already twitching. This would be so much more fun than kicking his TV in...

She found what looked like an old handmade quilt and spread it out beside his chair. Surprisingly, it was actually a very nice quilt--didn’t have any skulls sewed onto it or anything, like she would have expected; it was just a plain, pinwheel-style quilt. She lay down on her stomach, chin resting on her hands. She figured she’d give it a few more minutes before picking up where she‘d left off.

During a commercial break, Spike glanced down at the Slayer, who had made herself quite comfortable on his old quilt. He had no idea what she was doing at his crypt, but he was certain he wouldn’t like it one bit. At least she’d shut up--if there was one thing that really cheesed him off, it was when people talked to him while he watched TV or a movie. He’d stopped going to the movies with Dru for that reason--she would prattle on endlessly throughout the entire flick, driving him absolutely nuts.

He found himself looking at Buffy’s form, admiring the body of the one person who was his equal in battle. She was petite, but that would be misleading to anyone who didn’t know that she packed a punch that could knock Mike Tyson out. He let his eyes take in her curves, and stopped them at her rear. Mortal enemy or not, she was a hot little number.

Buffy could feel his eyes on her. She looked up and noticed that he was staring at her. After an initial feeling of pride, been a while since someone’s noticed me, Buffy clued in that the one doing the looking was Spike--her mortal enemy and ever annoying one. She knew that she should be disgusted and figured that he deserved a good kick in the nose for not even trying to hide his ogling.

Forcing herself to sound irritated, she asked him “You still watching your show? It’s back on, you know. Unless you wanna turn the TV off and listen to me...”

Busted! “No! I‘m going to watch my show...” He returned his focus to Passions, working hard on ignoring the ass that was still wiggling in the corner of his field of vision.

Ok, time to take out the heavy artillery... In the most juvenile voice she could come up with, Buffy asked. “Who’s that lady?”

“That’s Tabitha.”

“Why’s she doing that?”

“’Cause she’s a witch.”

“Oh.” Buffy paused just long enough to give her ’host’ the impression that her 20 questions were over. “Who’s he?”

Shut up, shut up, shut up... “That’s Timmy...”

“He’s short.” Holding back a snicker, she soldiered on. “Why’s he so short?”

Ok, that’s it... Spike turned his attention to the Slayer. “You know, if you can’t let a bloke watch one fucking TV show in peace, just leave, will you? That or shut the fuck up!”

Buffy gave him a blank look, then frowned at him. “Well! If you don’t know why he’s so short, why don’t you just say so? You don’t have to yell at me!”

Spike was about to get up and break his chair over her head when he noticed the slight twitch at the corner of her mouth. She was playing him, and he actually fell for it. He’d done it so often to others, but he’d never had anyone push his buttons so smoothly.

Inwardly, he smiled. Two can play at this game.

“Lack of sex.”

Buffy’s head shot up. “What?!”

“You asked why he’s so short. It’s because of lack of sex.”

“Shyeah, right. Like that makes sense.”

“Sure it does. Look at yourself, for example. You’re short--when was the last time you got some?” He had to keep his eyes focused on the TV, to avoid breaking out in a wide grin. He could hear her pulse quicken. Touched a nerve, have I?

“What does that have to do with anything? You’re such a pig, Spike.”

“So you’re not denying that you haven’t had any in a while, then, pet?”

“I’m not answering--I’m no longer talking to you.”

His plan successful, Spike sat back and enjoyed the remainder of his show without interruption.


He held the remote out, and turned the TV off.

“Ok, Slayer, what brings you to my humble crypt? I doubt you came over just to watch TV and play 20 questions.”

Buffy sat up, and realized that she had also been played. She’d obviously lost, as he got to watch his show in silence.

She stood up and folded the quilt. “Giles sent me over. We have a meeting tonight at the Magic Box and he needs you to be there.”

Spike looked at her, silently wondering if this was some sort of joke, or worse yet, a trap. He raised an eyebrow, and decided to call her bluff. “Sure--I’ll play along. What time does he need me there?”

Snuh? He‘s not even putting up a fight! “Ok, who are you and what have you done with Spike?” Buffy couldn’t believe that the usually belligerent vampire wasn’t even putting up a fuss.

Spike cocked his head to the side. “Come again?”

“Why aren’t you telling me to ‘sod off’ or whatever you’d usually say?” She squinted her eyes at him. “Do you already know what this is about? Is this about something you’ve done?” More to herself, she muttered. “Could be, if the Council’s involved...”

The blonde vampire laughed out loud. “Ha! Isn’t this special--the Council of wankers is involved, and the Slayer doesn’t even know what it’s all about!” Seeing the anger in her eyes, he continued. “No, I don’t know what this is all about. I figure that if ol’ Rupes thinks I’m needed, then I should probably drop by and see what it’s all about. Anyway, this should be more interesting than spending a night playing pool with a bunch of college tossers.”

Handing him the folded quilt, Buffy huffed. “Just be there at eight. And if I ever catch you looking at my butt again, you’ll be finding yourself on the wrong side of a stake.” She stormed off, leaving him alone once again.

Bloody bint, wiggling her arse and then yelling at me for staring at it. I may be a vampire, but I’m still a male. That led him to think of just how long it had been since he’d had some. “Bloody hell...”

Author's Note: Hope you're still enjoying yourselves! I've decided that i'll update this on Mondays and Thursdays--we'll see if I can remember that :)
And please, as always, don't hesitate to feed the author (reviews taste best).

5 by Pipergirl

Chapter 5

“Thank you. Please come spend your money here again.” Anya handed her last customer the shopping bag, and offered her a bright, capitalist smile. She escorted the older lady to the exit and closed the door after her.

Flipping the Open/Closed sign to Closed, she sighed. “You know, earning people’s money is really exhausting. All that false smiling and being nice--it would be so much easier if they came in, knew what they wanted, and gave me the money. All that browsing...” Her rant continued as she made her way her way to the till to count the day’s earnings.

Ignoring his girlfriend’s grumbling Xander walked over to the table that was situated on the store’s main floor. “So, does anyone know why Giles called this meeting?”

Putting a bottle of newt spleens back on the shelf, Buffy scrunched her nose. “No, he didn’t say anything. He usually gives me a general overview, like ‘we need to do research‘, or ‘there’s another big bad in town‘, but this time he just said ‘can’t go into details--just make sure everyone’s there by eight pm’. I bet you anything that it has to do with that phone call he got last night...”

“And what phone call would that be, pet?”

All heads turned to the back of the store to gape at the newest arrival.

Xander let out a irritated groan. “Great! It’s Spike! What the hell are you doing here?!”

Rolling her eyes, Buffy answered the vampire. “A phone call that’s none of your business, Spike. Just sit down and shut up until Giles gets here. I don’t know why he wanted you here for the meeting...”

Looking up from her homework for the first time, Willow cast a wary glance at the vampire; she jumped and let out a squeak when he sat down beside her, propping his feet on the table.

Spike looked at the young witch with a devilish grin. “Evenin’ Red. Hope you’re not still bitter about the bottle incident. I was a bit despondent--wasn’t quite my usual charming self.”

Willow’s face took on a bright tinge of pink. “Oh no! I’m over that!” Nervous laugh. “I don’t cringe anymore when I see bottles--no bottle phobia for me...” She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Truth was, she still hadn’t completely gotten over the incident that had taken place a year before. Being kidnapped by a sociopath, sorrow-stricken vampire and being threatened by said vampire with a broken bottle takes some getting over. And it wasn’t like she could attend a few therapy sessions, either. With her tale of slayers, vampires and witches, she’d more than likely be given a good dose of happy juice and sent to Sunnydale Psychiatric.

Spike grinned widely and slapped her on the back. “Good to hear that, Red. No hard feelings, then?”

“Oh, no. None at all. Just like it never happened. Uh, I have to go to the bathroom now...” She gave him a nervous smile and ran away.

Anya’s ears perked up to Willow’s last words. “Hey! The facilities are for buying customers only!”

Xander sighed. “Ahn, let it go...”

The ex-demon ignored his tone, pushing the topic further. “You know, just because the store’s closed, it doesn’t mean that we have to throw all rules out the window, Xander. When was the last time Willow actually bought something? She just hangs around at meetings, using...”

Her lecture was cut short by the jingle of the bell hanging above the door, signalling the Watcher’s arrival.

Rupert Giles scanned the room, relieved to see that everyone was in attendance. He had his doubts as to whether or not Spike could be convinced to attend, but he’d assumed that the vampire’s curiosity would ensure his presence.

“I’m glad that you’re all here. I’ve some... news that I need to share with you.” He removed his glasses and wiped the lenses before placing them back on the bridge of his nose. “And before any of you ask,” he caught most of them with their mouths open, “yes, this meeting is related to the phone call I received yesterday.”

All mouths but one snapped shut.

“Will someone please share what this bloody phone call is all about? Everyone seems to know about it but me.” Spike’s tone took on a more whiny inflection. “I’m always left out of these bleedin’ revelations...”

“Don’t worry, Spike. You‘re about to catch up.” He cleaned his glasses again, and took a seat.


“Yesterday, as most of you know, I received a phone call. What you don’t know was that it was from Quentin Travers. It seems that we’re faced with yet another potential apocalypse.”

Xander groaned. “Why apocalypses? Why doesn’t the Council ever call to let us know something fun, like ‘Hey guys, the circus is coming to town!’. Nah, it’s always got to be about the end of the world.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Will you just shut up and let the man talk?”

Grateful for the vampire’s intervention, Giles continued. “Er, thank you, Spike. As I was saying, the Council has uncovered a prophecy that has been put in motion, not to end the world, but to alter it.”

Now he had the Scoobies undivided attention.

“Thousands of years ago, a key was created that would allow the opening of trans-dimensional portals. Now, before you interrupt,” he glanced pointedly at both Spike and Anya, who were rolling their eyes, “I am well aware that objects used for inter-dimensional travel aren‘t rare; however, this key has very special properties. It isn’t used to travel from one dimension to another--it’s used to make one dimension accessible to many other dimensions.”

He looked at the faces before him, and saw that he needed to explain further. Blank stares and raised eyebrows were never a sign that one was well understood.

“What this means is that if someone opens this portal here on earth, beings from hundreds, maybe even thousands, of other dimensions will have access to our own dimension.”

Anya was the one to break the silence. “But... but that key is supposed to be a legend. It doesn’t really exist. I’ve heard about it, in demon circles, but it was like a fairytale or something...”

“Well, Anya, I assure you that it is far from a fairytale. The key is very real, and is now in the hands of some people who plan on using it, earth be damned.”

Ever the pragmatic one of the group, Buffy shared her solution with the group. “Well, we have to find this key and destroy it. That’s the beginning, the middle, and the end of the story, isn’t it, Giles?”

Her Watcher cleared his throat. “Well... no. It’s not quite that easy, Buffy. You see, the key isn’t exactly really a key.”

Spike’s patience was nearing its limit. He’d never had the attention span for all the planning and background work that came with most plans. He was more a man of action. Walk into a room, guns blazing... that was more his style. Truth be told, however, he wasn’t planning on taking this prophecy lightly. If the Watcher called an emergency meeting, asked for him to attend, and mentioned the high council of wankers, things had to be pretty scary.

“Ok, Watcher, I‘ll play your game. When is a key not a key? When it’s... Come on, Rupes, fill in the blank for us non-Watcher types, will ‘ya?”

Giles removed his glasses, and put the earpiece in his mouth.

“Yes, well, the monks who created the key needed to put it in a form that would make it more difficult to find. You see, those who would use it for nefarious purposes would be looking for an actual key, something that resembles what we all have on our key chains.” To demonstrate this, he pulled his house keys out of his pants pocket and held them up for all to see. “However, a key that opens portals doesn’t exist in a tangible form. Rather, it’s made of energy. What the monks have done is given this energy a form that no one will have expected.”

Feeling brave, Xander piped up. “So what you’re saying is that this key could be anything. It could be some old lady’s refrigerator, it could be that pencil that Spike keeps tapping on the table, or it could have been the Lucky Charms I had for breakfast...” At this last point, a look of terror came over his features. “Oh my God! I might have eaten the key for breakfast!”

Annoyed with the young man’s dimwitted conclusion, Spike cuffed him upside the head.

“Oh, please! The monks wouldn’t turn the key to a portal into something that a stupid git like you could eat for breakfast. I can’t believe that the lot of you have foiled my every plan.” He rose from his seat, and began to pace.

“Use your brains here, folks. It would have to be in form that could be easily accessible to those who keep an eye on it, but it would have to be easy to move around. Can’t be a bloody refrigerator--how would they move that at a moment’s notice?” At this point, he seemed more to be thinking out loud than actually addressing any of the others. “It could be a book, but that’s been done so many times--it would be too obvious. The only other logical thing would be...”

He stopped short so suddenly he almost toppled over. “Bloody hell!” He turned to Giles as if they were the only two people in the room. “They’ve turned it into a human!”

Now it was Giles’ turn to be surprised. He had argued against Travers’ insistence that Spike be involved. He was not to be trusted, he was dangerous, hell--he’d tried to kill them all on several occasions. What he had not counted on was Spike’s intelligence. Of course, if he thought about it, the bleached vampire couldn’t have survived as long as he had--while caring for an insane girlfriend--without being able to think two steps ahead of everyone else.

Council: 1, Rupert Giles: 0.

Oh, well. Can’t bloody win them all, can I? The Watcher cleared his throat, and spoke up.

“Very well done, Spike. That’s precisely what the monks have done. When Council members learned that the child of the prophecy was to be brought to this world, er... born, I should say, they sought it out, in the hopes of reaching it first.”

“But they didn’t, did they?” Buffy was beginning to see where this was headed. She didn’t like it one bit; this wasn’t going to be good for Buffy Summers...

The Watcher’s gaze fell to the floor. “No, they did not. When they arrived at the child’s home they found its entire family slaughtered. Mother, Father and a sister bludgeoned to death. The child was nowhere to be found.”

Everyone gasped, except for Spike and Anya--they’d both seen this kind of thing before and weren‘t surprised.

Tears in her eyes, Willow spoke up for the first time. “Do... do they know who did this? I mean, the Council must know who took the baby, doesn’t it?”

“No. I’m afraid this is where we come in. Travers has requested our help in helping them find the child, and whomever is responsible for having kidnapped it.” He took a deep breath, expectant of an outburst.

“He has requested, in particular, Buffy and Spike’s assistance...”

Both Slayer and Vampire rose at once. “What?”

Buffy scoffed. “I’m not helping them--I quit! Do they think I forgot about when they locked me up, defenceless, with some crazy-ass vampire? I sure as hell haven’t forgotten that one. They can find someone else, because I‘m having nothing to do with this.”

Spike, for once, had to agree with his counterpart. “She’s right, mate. Council’s got nothing on us. They’re the ones with a world of resources, let them deal with it. Don’t bloody know why they need me, anyway...”

Giles had anticipated their reaction. Why should they agree to the Council’s request? Buffy owed them nothing; they‘d always treated her like simple chattel. She was no more than a tool in their fight against evil. And Spike? What allegiance does a vampire owe the Council of Watchers? Its main purpose is to eradicate his kind--his reaction to brush off their request was dead on.

However, it was important for both of them to go through with this; as corny as it sounded, the world depended on them.

The Watcher cleared his throat. “Buffy, I understand that you would be... leery... of assisting the Council in any matter. I don’t blame you for the animosity you hold against them. However, this isn’t just between yourself and the Council. If whoever has the child is successful in fulfilling the prophecy, the whole world will pay. Every man, woman and child on earth will be faced with untold suffering. You are the Slayer--it is your calling to help keep the world safe from unnatural forces. You can’t let grudges keep you from doing your job.”

Buffy‘s shoulders slumped, primarily at having been properly chastised, but mainly at having let her emotions get the best of her. Giles was right. If she refused to help just because she wanted to feel the joy in telling the Council to ‘stick it’, who knows what the outcome would be. What would happen to her mom? What about Willow, Xander and Anya? No, she couldn’t refuse for selfish reasons.

“Fine. I’ll do it.” Nodding in Spike’s direction, she asked: “Now what’s the story behind him?”

The vampire chimed in “Yeah, what do they want with me? Can’t bloody expect me to help them, can they?”

“Actually, Spike, they do. Just hear me out, and you’ll see that it will be in your favour to assist us in this task.” Giles paused, and when he saw that Spike didn’t intend to interrupt, he continued. “First of all, you’ve already made it clear, when you helped us against Angel in his attempt to call forth Acathla, that you have an attachment to the world and its status quo. Something about ‘happy meals on legs’, if I recall...”

Spike’s poker face remained steadfast. He motioned with his hand for the Watcher to continue.

“Also, and I think this might be the part that catches your interest, you can expect an all-expenses paid trip back to the mother country. Airfare, lodging, food... The Council is willing to fund your travels. And last, but not least, you’ll get to expect, as you’d put it, ‘a good spot of violence’.” Satisfied with his argument, Giles sat back in his chair and waited for Spike’s decision.

As good as the Watcher’s points were Spike was still sceptical. “That’s all lovely, Rupes, but what does the Council want in return? I doubt I’m bein’ asked to act as tour guide for the Slayer...”

“To be honest, Spike, of all the individuals the Council has access to, you’re the one with the best knowledge of England’s demon underground, with the best contacts. You, and I’m quoting Travers on this, “are pivotal to the success of this endeavour“.”

Spike stood up and walked slowly towards the bookshelves, duster billowing behind him. He stopped in front of one of the shelves and slid his fingers across the titles on a number of books, as if searching for something specific. To no one in particular, he spoke. “I’ll expect nothing less than first class tickets for the plane, five star hotels and a limitless credit card. If you can promise me those three things, Watcher, I’m in.”

Author's Note: Well, now there's a bit of action and things will be moving along at a quicker pace. Sorry if this hasn't been Spuffy enough yet, but it's a longer story than I usually write. But take my word for it, this is a Spuffy story and the juicy bits *are* there. And, again, please review; it helps me gauge whether or not anyone's actually enjoying this. (a big thanks to thow who reviewed ch. 4).

6 by Pipergirl

Chapter 6

Buffy knew this wouldn’t be easy. Even though her mother had been told about the slayage a few years ago, she still didn’t really understand what it was all about.

“Mom--I have no choice in this. I have to go to England, and I have to try and stop these people from killing that baby. If I don’t, it’ll be the end of the world as we know it.” Stupid REM song--now I’ll have that in my head all evening...

Joyce was having trouble wrapping her mind around this. “But Buffy, what if they just called the police? If it’s a kidnapping, I don’t see why you should be involved. You’re just a young woman.”

The Slayer groaned. Maybe there’s a reason why Slayers don’t usually have families. “Look, what do you think would happen if we did call the police? ’Here’s the story, officer: some shifty types have kidnapped a baby, who’s really an energy key, who they plan on sacrificing in order to open trans-dimensional portals.’ What do you think, Mom? Do you think they’d rush right out looking for demons?” She took a deep breath, and sat down on the couch beside her mother. “There’s a reason why there’s a Slayer, and that’s because no one else is prepared to handle these kinds of emergencies. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but this kind of stuff really exists, and for some cosmic reason, I’ve been chosen to fight the good fight.”

Joyce sighed, and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Buffy, I understand what you’re telling me. It’s just so scary for me to let you go; you’re so young, and this is such a big task. I’m just happy that Spike is going with you--he’s such a nice young man.” She smiled as her thoughts turned to her hot chocolate buddy. Her daughter didn’t know it, but the bleached blonde came over regularly for chats. It was nice to have someone to talk to about art, about being a single mom (raising a Slayer, to boot), heck... about pretty much anything.

Buffy bristled at her mom’s comments. “He is not a ‘nice young man’, Mom. He’s a vampire! He spent over 120 years brutally killing people. Do you know why his nickname is Spike? It’s because he killed people with railroad spikes--that doesn’t make him a ‘nice young man’.”

Now it was Joyce’s turn to be angry. “Buffy Summers! I will not have you take that tone with me. I may not be very knowledgeable about demons and prophecies, but I’m a damned good judge of character. The Spike that I know is smart, funny, and caring. If you gave him half a chance, you could get to see the man he’s become, instead of the monster he used to be.”

“Mom, it’s just that I worry. I mean, you’re inviting someone who’s tried to kill me into our home. You can’t blame me for being worried. But, for some insane reason, I have to agree that he seems... taken... with you; I don’t think he’d try to hurt you. Probably because no one else would bother to have him over for hot chocolate and listen to him whine about his batty ex-girlfriend...” At her mother’s surprised look, Buffy continued. “Yeah, Mom. I know he comes over. I can sense it when he’s been in the house--all part of the Slayer package.”

Joyce smiled. “Well, there goes my last secret. Look, it’s almost 6 and Giles should be by to pick you up soon. Let’s have one last look through your stuff to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.”


“You know, I appreciate you doin’ this for me, and all.” Spike’s head appeared through the hole that led to the lower half of his crypt. He tossed a leather bag up onto the ground as he made his way back into the upper level. “No knowing what kind of nasty would decide to move in if I’d leave this place unattended to...”

Clem, the demon whom he was addressing, had already made himself comfortable in the vampire’s chair. “Don’t even mention it, Spike. This is a great set-up for me. I don’t even get cable at the apartment.” Rifling through his packsack, he muttered. “Now, should I open the Pringles or the Bugles first?” Settling on the red tin, he turned his attention back to Spike. “So where is it that you’re going, anyway?”

Rummaging through the fridge for a bag of O-Neg, the vamp turned back to his friend. “Bein’ sent back to the mother country to help avert some apocalypse. You know, the usual: prophecy, tot in danger, dimensions bleedin’ into each other...” He emptied the bag into a mug and stood in his ‘living room’, across from the other demon.

“Haven’t been overseas in over 50 years. Dru wanted to see America, bleedin‘ land of opportunity. That stupid doll of hers told her that our future lay across the water. We should‘ve just gone across the Channel; would have fared better in France, even if we‘d have to put up with the French.” He took a sip of his blood and stared ahead, not really looking at anything in particular. Shaking his head, he brought his attention back to the present. “Betcha all the best pubs have been replaced by Starbucks, ‘s gonna be all different...”

Clem let the blonde vamp talk. He was aware that a reply wasn’t expected of him; Spike just needed to get some issues out of his system. Since he’d announced that he was going back to England, his emotions had run hot/cold. One moment he’d be whining about having lost Dru, the next he would be kicking his furniture in, cursing ’that bloody Slayer’. The quiet demon assumed that the vampire might have some unresolved... feelings... for Buffy, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to be the one to bring that idea out into the open.

“I wouldn’t worry about it, Spike. Even if it has changed there’s nothing you can do about it now. Anyway, I’m sure all the better demon bars haven’t changed a bit. You’ll walk back in and it’ll be like you never left.” He gave his friend a quick smile and offered his some Pringles.

Leaning in to grab a few chips, Spike sighed. “Yeah, I should stop being such a wanker about this. ‘S not everyday you’re offered a paid vacation to England. Can’t really pass this one up, even if I’ll be stuck travelling with the Slayer.”

Putting his empty mug on top of the TV, the blonde vamp shrugged. “Well, sun’s finally down. I expect they’ll be waiting for me.” He threw his duster on and grabbed his bag. With a sly grin, he added. “I’m off to save the world...” Chuckling to himself, the vampire headed out.




When he entered the Magic Box, Spike nearly walked right in the middle of a great big Scooby group hug. Bloody Hell... Sneering, he sauntered past the sniffling teenagers and sat himself down at the table beside Giles.

“You’d think we were leaving forever, the way they’re all goin’ about...” He turned to face the Watcher. “So, Rupes, do you have everything we need for this little trip?” His main interest lay in the limitless credit card, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on that little piece of plastic. It had been a long, long time since he’d had access to that kind of money.

Giles cleared his throat. “Erm, oh--yes. All the papers are in the car. Plane tickets, passports, identification. All the addresses and numbers you’ll need once you’re in England have been jotted down in a booklet. Of course, you’ll be met at the airport by a Council representative, but I’ve still provided you with all the necessary information, in case anything... unforeseen... happens.” Please don’t ask about the credit card...

The Watcher hadn’t the guts to tell either Buffy or Spike, but the Council was yet to confirm their agreement to two of Spike’s three conditions: the five star hotel and the limitless credit card. They figured that if they splurged on the plane ticket, that the vampire would forget about the other two requests. Giles knew better than that. Spike would be expecting the royal treatment. Thing was, though, he had to make sure that the vampire made his way across the ocean; if that meant omitting some important details, well, so be it. Honestly, he couldn’t truly expect the Council to give in to all his requests--he knows better than that...

As Spike watched Willow and Buffy hug (now that was an image he would be storing away for when he got ‘lonely‘), his mind began to wander to the upcoming trip. Wonder what hotel they’ve got us booked at? If I had my choice I’d be set up at Brown’s Hotel--now *there* was a grand place. Hope it hasn’t been turned into a Radisson or anything like that...

The vampire’s musings were interrupted by Giles announcing that it was time to leave. If he hadn’t known better, he’d say that the Watcher was eager to set them on their way. He stood up and picked up his bag. “I’ll be outside; all this blubbering is making me sick.” With that, he stepped outside to have a smoke.

A few minutes later, Buffy and Giles exited the building and joined Spike by the Watcher’s car. Flicking his cigarette, the vamp exhaled a last puff of smoke. “Right, then. We off?”

Author's Note: I realized a few days ago that I neglected to thank my beta for this story. Melissa and I are no longer in contact, but she really helped me with the first 26 chapters of this story. So, thank you Melissa for everything--it's much appreciated. I'd also like to thank Christie, who was nice enough to fill the empty position. She's got a good eye for inconsistencies and a wicked clever sense of humour.
And, of course, thanks to all who reviewed. It really helps the writing process to know that people are reading and enjoying.

7 by Pipergirl

Chapter 7

“Five suitcases, eh, Slayer? Plannin‘ on spending the rest of your life overseas?”

Spike lit up a cigarette as he watched Giles pull Buffy’s luggage out of the car’s trunk. He’d considered helping them with the luggage, but shook off the odd feeling, attributing it to nerves. Must be goin’ soft. Pretty soon I’ll be helpin’ little old ladies cross the street...

“Shut up, Spike. Unlike yourself I have more than one outfit. Anyway, who knows how long we’ll be there? It could get cold!” She put the last of her bags on the trolley and followed her Watcher into the airport.

The blonde vampire rolled his eyes and took one last deep drag before tossing his fag to the ground. It would be a long while before he got the chance to light up again...


Inside the airport, Giles and Buffy were saying their good-byes. Although the flight didn’t leave for another hour, the Watcher had to make his way back home--he had to pick up the slaying duties, along with the Scoobies. He gave her a final hug and moved back a step.

“Now, Buffy, I don’t need to tell you this, but don’t let the Council tell you what to do. Your advantage is that you’re their only hope in stopping this prophecy.” He handed her a manila envelope. “Now put this in your carry-on. It contains all the information and paperwork you’ll need once you’ve landed. And last, but not least, I want you to be on your guard around Spike. He’s not to be trusted; who says he won’t turn on you, or try to disappear the minute you arrive at Heathrow...”

“I say, Watcher.” Spike had been standing apart from the two others, but had obviously been listening to their conversation. He walked up to Giles, decreasing the distance between them. “I said I’d help, and I’m here to follow through on my word. I don’t fancy having to fight whatever kind of riff-raff might drop in on us if this portal opens up--this is as much for my well-being as for everyone else’s. Anyway, the Council’s kept its end of the bargain, and so will I.”

That last phrase unnerved the Watcher. Would Spike abandon the mission when he got to London if the Council set them up in a rooming house, or if his ‘limitless’ credit card had a limit of £500? It was a chance he’d just have to take. If the vampire found out now, he’d never even get on the plane. Perhaps he could develop a sense of right on the flight to England...

He pulled Spike aside, and whispered. “That‘s all well and good, Spike, but I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that if you do decide to jump ship and strand Buffy I will find you--you’ll be getting up close and personal with jolly old Ripper. Angelus isn‘t the only one adept at torture. You‘ll have wished that you never left her side...”

An unveiled threat from the Watcher. Well, well. Not the stiff prat I always took ‘im for... With an air of nonchalance, Spike conceded. “Well said Watcher. I’ll consider myself aptly warned. Now let’s get our bags checked in, or we’ll never be on our way.” With that, he grabbed two of Buffy’s suitcases and walked off. Bloody ponce, I’ve become--carrying the Slayer’s suitcases. Oh look! There’s an old lady; maybe I can help her with hers, too.

Buffy took in a deep breath and held back her tears. “Giles, don’t worry about me. I’ll be back before you know it. I just want everyone to be careful on patrol, and please watch out for Mom, and...” She threw herself at her Watcher and gave him a big hug. Wiping back the tears she couldn’t hold in, she smiled at him and backed away. “Bye, Giles.” She turned around, and walked towards an obviously exasperated vampire.

“’Bout bloody time. Thought I’d be goin’ on my own there, for a minute.”


After they had checked their baggage, the two travelers still had 40 minutes to kill before boarding their plane.

Buffy looked around. “So, what do we do now? Just sit around waiting for the plane to get here?”

Spike turned to look at her. “Have you ever flown before, Slayer?”

The diminutive blonde tossed the vampire a ’duh!’ look. “Of course I... haven’t. Actually this will be my first time.” Pausing, she added: “I am an airplane virgin.” Eyes round, she groaned and put her hands over her face. “I can’t believe I actually said that out loud.” She looked up at him and poked her index finger in his chest. “One comment from you, and you’re dust.”

Spike bit back his retort and chuckled. “There’s lots to do while we’re waitin’, pet. We can go have a drink, or a bite to eat. Then we could go and take a gander at the shops, see what they’re peddling...”

Buffy stiffened and narrowed her eyes. “Ok mister, what’s up? Why are you being... nice... to me?”

“Look, Buffy, if we’re going to be stuck together for at least a fortnight, we have to get along, or neither of us will survive this trip.” He offered her a genuine smile. “Anyway, I’m in a good mood--I’m going back to London. I’ll get to see my old haunts. So, what do you say? Will you let me buy you a latte, or whatever it is you girls drink?”

His gaze was on her, waiting for a response. It was then that she realized she’d never noticed how blue his eyes were. Kind of like the ocean, just before a storm... Snapping out of it, she relaxed a little. “Ok, William, I’m game. A latte would be nice just about now.”

They wandered around for a short while, finally sighting a coffee shop. They entered and joined the queue.

Spike looked up at the selection, frowning. He had no idea what half the drinks were. When the hell did a coffee stop being a coffee? Frowning, he asked his companion: “So, what is it that you want?”

Obviously more at ease than her companion, Buffy answered quickly. “Medium latté, with low fat whipped cream, and low fat caramel drizzle. Oh, and a carrot muffin, too.”

“Bloody hell! You’re seriously asking me to order that, aren’t you? They’ll think I’m gay or something. I’m getting two black coffees and that‘s that.” He moved up the line, leaving Buffy behind to grab them a table.

Mumbling to herself, the young woman found a table. Stupid vampire--who the heck drinks black coffee but the undead?

As she looked ahead, she couldn’t help but grin at the sight of Spike, a master vampire, standing in line at a coffee shop. Just like the rest of the world... Except he’s nothing like the rest of the world, is he? He’s spent the last 120 years torturing and killing people; he’s a monster wrapped in a human disguise--kind of like an evil eggroll.

That last thought had Buffy giggling to herself, until the sound of a plastic tray being slammed on the table got her attention.

Seething with bitterness, Spike spat out “I hope it’s how you like it, Slayer, ’cause I’m not bloody goin’ back up there. Felt like a complete poof trying to order that concoction.” He handed her the latte, as well as a small paper bag which contained her muffin.

Taking a sip of his own drink, he pulled a chocolate croissant out of the other bag and took a bite.

Buffy could smell that his own drink was definitely not a black coffee. With a sweet-as-honey grin, she teased him. “So, Spikey, whatcha drinking? That smells pretty good for black coffee...”

She made a move to grab the mug away, but the vampire was quicker. He pulled his hot chocolate out of her reach and grumbled. “It’s none of your business what I’m drinking; you just drink what’s in front of you.”

Buffy decided not to push the subject. It wasn’t worth getting in a fight over, anyway-- being kicked out of “Flora’s Coffee and Sweets” wasn’t on her A-list. She was sure she’d be able to weasel the information out of him eventually--she just had to bide her time.

They finished their drinks and snacks in an uncomfortable silence, not really knowing what to talk about. Sitting there, Buffy tried to think of what they usually discussed. Monsters, demons, prophecies, beating each other up... not really stuff we could get into sitting here at Flora’s. As she opened her mouth to say something (anything would be better than just sitting there saying nothing), Spike beat her to it.

“Well, if you’re done maybe we can go and see if we can find ourselves some reading material. Six hours stuck in a plane isn’t exactly the most entertaining of things; gotta bring something to do, or you’ll go insane.” He got up, and walked away.

As she stood and looked to where the vampire waited for her, waiting patiently, at that, Buffy noticed Spike for the first time. Caught slightly off-guard by his unusually gentle demeanour, she’d allowed her walls to come down a little. Had she actually ever taken time to look at him as a man instead of just a monster? At that moment, his eyes bore the look of someone with infinite patience, but his body was like a coiled spring, ready to let go at a moment‘s notice; the supple duster he wore like a second skin contrasted his sharp cheekbones and taut muscles. He seemed a contradiction of himself. Although he was a self-professed ‘big bad’, he shamelessly wore his heart on his sleeve--if she were to look deep into his eyes, she could see into his soul... Wait! He has no soul--this is Spike you’re thinking about! There will be no fantasizing about the enemy, no matter how beautiful he is... Groaning to herself, Buffy grabbed her purse and carry-on and rushed out to join him.

Standing there waiting for the Slayer, Spike noticed that she was staring at him. Wonder what’s got the chit’s knickers in a knot this time. She’s probably mad that I didn’t wait for her. No pleasing that one... She seemed to snap out of it and bent to pick up her bags; he couldn’t help but take a short moment to appreciate her rear end, again. Cor, I’d give anything to have her squirming beneath me, screaming my name... He readjusted his pants as he wondered when his fantasy shifted from killing her to shagging her. This trip might be a bit harder to handle than he’d first thought...


Hmm... Cosmo or Seventeen? Both! Buffy was quickly amassing a library’s worth of magazines to keep her busy during the flight. If the time spent in the coffee shop was any indicator, she couldn’t really rely on conversation eating up much time on the plane. She turned to see what section Spike was in, but couldn’t find him anywhere. Now where the heck did he go? He’s the one with the wallet, for crying out loud... With a screech, she was jolted from her thoughts when a set of hands grabbed her around the waist.


Hand on her chest, and heart beating wildly, she turned around to see Spike standing behind her, innocent look on his face. “So, have you found anything yet?”

Glaring at him, Buffy gave him a very unslayer-like slap on the arm. “Stupid jerk--I nearly had a heart attack.” Showing him her armful of magazines, she watched his eyes grow round. “As a matter of fact, yes. I have found a few to keep me busy...” She didn’t have time to finish her sentence before the stack was ripped from her arms.

“Bloody hell, woman! How many...” The blonde vamp flipped through the reading material. “...three, four, ...seven, eight... twelve magazines? Better narrow down your choices, I’m paying for 3--that’s it. Stupid things are expensive, too; don‘t know how they’re allowed to charge ten dollars for a stupid magazine, just because we‘re in an airport...”

Well, maybe I did get carried away... Buffy picked at her pile, and chose three. She dumped the remaining ones in a pile, garnering a cheesed-off look from the lady at the cash. She offered them to Spike so he could go and pay.

“No way, Slayer. I am not standing in line holding a copy of...” He looked at one of the magazines. “Cosmo.” His eyes narrowed as he read one of the captions on its cover. “10 ways to reach orgasm quicker?!” He let out a snort. “Yeah, like you can learn that from bleedin’ periodical.” He put his hand on her far shoulder, leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You know, Slayer, if you want, I could help you feel good in ways you‘ve never dreamed were possible...”

Without realizing it, Buffy closed her eyes and leaned back into his arm. His cool breath, mixed with what he was telling her, had her in a near trance. A little voice at the back of her mind goaded her into giving in to his offer of 120 years of practice--betcha he could really teach you a thing or two about pleasure... With a start, she snapped out of it. She pulled away from him and sent him a threatening glare.

What Buffy hadn’t noticed, however, was that Spike’s words had affected him as much as they had her. He’d never stood this close to her in the absence of violence. He felt the heat of her living body, could hear the blood pumping through her veins, her heart beating... Just the thought of the Slayer letting him show her just how good he was between the sheets had him readjusting his jeans once again.

As they approached the cashier, Buffy’s eye caught a beanie baby display on the counter. They weren’t real beanie babies, but an imitation. She recognized one of them, and tried to place where she’d seen it before. Eureka! She rifled through her coat pocket, and pulled out the card the little girl had left behind, at the birthday party. She read the name on the back of the card: Mew-Two. She picked up the cat/kangaroo beanie, and stared at it.

Spike put his magazines on the counter and waited for Buffy to do the same. He turned around an saw that she was engrossed in some stuffed animal. Bleedin’ women and their bleedin’ stuffed animals--I’ll never figure that one out... Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the magazines out of her hand, and turned back to the cashier. “Looks like we’re takin’ the stuffed... whatever she‘s holding...”

The cashier smiled at him. Wow--she didn’t even ask for it. The guy looks tough, but he must really be a softie. I wish George would do stuff like that for me... She rang in his purchase and gave him a 100-watt smile before giving him his change and the bag that held his purchase.

Spike nudged Buffy, who was still staring at that stuffed... well, he still didn’t know what the hell it was. “Let’s go, Sl... Buffy, ’s time to go wait for the plane.”

Buffy had really wanted to ask him for the beanie toy, but he was buying her 3 magazines, and he’d already treated her to a latté and muffin; she didn’t want to push it. With a perceptible sigh, she returned Mew-Two to its box.

She was surprised when Spike took it back out of the bo, and put it in her hand.

“Don’t worry, pet, it’s paid for. All I want to know is--what the hell is it?” As they left the store, he took it in his hand and examined it.

Buffy was floored. Wasn’t this a boyfriendy thing to do--buy stuffed animals for girls? And she didn’t even have to beg him for it! She was beginning to realize that Spike was a multi-layered vampire; what would she find under all those layers?

She turned her attention back to his question. “Actually, I don’t really know what it is.” She handed him the kid’s card. “I helped Mom host a birthday party for some kids last week, and they had these cards--by the way, kids are way too smart these days-- and one of them left this one behind. I recognized the beanie baby when we were waiting in line.” She took the beanie back, and looked at it just as Spike had. “Looks like a kangaroo-cat, though. The card says it’s called Mew-Two--whatever that means.”

Spike shrugged. “Lots of stuff ’bout kids I haven’t understood in a hundred years.” As he led them to the waiting area for their flight, he found two seats. “Here you go. They should announce the flight a few minutes before we have to board. We just have to sit here ’till then.”

Author's Note: Hope you guys are still enjoying yourselves :) As usual, please read and review--it gives me a happy. And Angela--I can't say that the story will have 50 chapters, but I'm thinking it'll be darned close to 40.

8 by Pipergirl

Chapter 8

He could hear their blood pumping, rushing through their veins--each and every one of them: the woman with the baby, the rabbi, the blind man... His stomach growled as the demon in him begged for a drink Who knew how long it would be until he had his next chance at tasting the coppery fluid that sustains his unlife? Spike knew his opportunity for feeding would be slim once they’d reached Britain; his assignment would probably have him hip-to-hip with the Slayer which meant no fresh blood for ol’ Spike.

He shifted in his seat and crossed his legs. Then he uncrossed them. He needed to do this just right, so as not to raise any suspicion. He shifted again and grumbled. “Look, pet. I’m gonna go and have a smoke. All this waitin’s just making me edgy.”

Thank God. Buffy looked up from her magazine. “Ok--anything that will get you to stop fidgeting. You’re driving me nuts. If you’re like that while we’re on the plane, I’m gonna have to tie you down.” When the blonde vampire raised an eyebrow at her last comment, she shook her head. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Spike. Just... go and smoke.”

Spike whistled as he walked through the airport, looking for his next meal. Mmm... kinda like a buffet, isn’t it? Always too much to choose from... He saw a group of people waiting in line at one of the snack bars, and appraised each individual. Nah, don’t feel like Chinese; ugh--too greasy; tempting, but too small--I’d still be hungry afterwards. He knew he was being picky and he needed to act fast, before the Slayer decided to come looking for him.

He decided to go with the failsafe method: wait in the washrooms until some poor bloke walked in.

He hadn’t been waiting long before he heard the door open. Peering through the crack in the cubicle doorway, he saw an older gentleman in a suit. He let the man finish his business before walking out of the stall--there was nothing worse than drinking from someone who wet themselves. It was enough to lose your appetite.

The man was washing his hands when he heard someone leave one of the stalls. His head was facing down as the weight of his trip finally took a toll on him. Only two more hours, he thought to himself, and I’ll be back home. I’ve got to stop taking these trips--I never get to see Muriel or the girls anymore... He looked up and frowned. He could hear someone behind him, but there was no other reflection in the mirror, save his own. When he turned around and saw no one, he chuckled quietly. “Great, Bob, now you’re hearing things.”

A voice which chilled his soul whispered from behind him. “Sorry to say Bob, but you’re hearing’s dead on.”

The older businessman turned on the spot and found himself staring into the amber eyes of a killer. He took in a sharp breath, but didn’t scream. “Oh dear God...” He was facing... hell, he didn’t know what it was--its eyes were yellow, its face was bumpy and it had pointy teeth. He began to laugh nervously. “A vampire?”

Spike couldn’t help but smile at the man who faced death and laughed. “Very astute of you, Bob. Now for the million dollar question: what do vampires do to chubby over-the-hill salesmen?” He moved closer to the other man and put a hand to his neck, tilting his head to the side. His demon thrived on the racing heartbeat, the adrenaline, the fear...

Bob stared at Spike with an unwavering gaze. “Please don’t. I... I haven’t seen my wife or my daughters in over three weeks.” He saw the vampire’s eyes roll, but kept at it nonetheless. “I just made the sale of a lifetime--it’s enough to finally go to Disneyland. Please, please don’t do this to them...” He closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.

Not one of his victims had ever gotten that many words in--not ever. Spike wasn’t really the type of vampire to play with his food; not like Angelus, anyway. He would usually snap their necks in mid-whimper and drink. Now he found himself slightly ill at ease, and he hated Bob that much more for it. Why should the death’s door prattling about wives and daughters and Disneyland phase him, anyway? This man was a prime example of a ‘happy meal on legs’--he was dinner. End of story.

“Sorry, chap--but my plane’s going to be leaving sometime soon. Gotta get this show on the road.” He leaned in and bit the man’s neck, drinking in all the blood and fear that came out of him. When he felt the man’s pulse weaken, he pulled away. The demon in him roared in frustration. What the hell?! There’s still some juice left in him--don’t let it go to waste! You fucking ponce--it’s all because of that speech, isn’t it? What’s next--brown bagging it like the grandsire?

Spike lashed out and kicked the waste basket, tearing it off the wall. Looking down, he saw the slumped form of Bob the salesman--heart still beating. He pulled the man into one of the cubicles, sat him on the john and closed the door, all the while cursing at himself under his breath. He turned to the sinks and washed up before lighting himself a cigarette. At this point, he truly needed the nicotine to calm his nerves.


Spike returned from his ‘cigarette break’ and headed towards his seat. He picked his magazine up off the chair and sat down, staring ahead. The cigarette hadn’t really helped him understand where the... emoting... had come from; truth was, however, he didn’t care anymore. Maybe it was just an off day--he was nervous, he was stuck with the Slayer, he was about to return to Britain. Yeah, that must be it--just chalk it up to nerves.

He shot a sideways glance at the young woman, trying to broach a conversation. They had to open up a little, or this was going to be one of the longest couple of weeks ever... “So, this kiddie’s birthday thing--is that something you do often?” Wanker--what a stupid question...

Buffy put her magazine down and smiled at Spike. Ever the social creature, she much better preferred a conversation to reading--even if it was an article on Joseph Fiennes...

“Oh, God no! Once a year is so more than enough. That stupid birthday party is the low point of my year--I always get stuck entertaining the kids, while Mom and Willow cook the hot dogs. I suck at straws...” At the questioning look the peroxide vamp gave her, she blushed. “Uh, yeah--that didn’t sound good, did it?”

“Sounded good to me, pet. I think I know what you meant, though--you always get the short straw, right?”

Buffy exhaled, relieved that he’d gotten her meaning. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. Willow never gets kiddie duty, and she actually likes kids.” Leaning in so no one else could hear them, she admitted, “Kids scare me. It’s like they’re smarter than they seem. They make me nervous--it’s kind of like being tested, or something.”

Spike chuckled. “And all this time I’ve been trying to kill you, I’ve been going about it all wrong. Should’ve just hired a bunch of tots to hound you. Could‘ve run you right out of Sunnyhell...”

“Oh, you’re so funny. And I bet you have so much experience with kids, fang face?”

“No, I was an only child. But in my day, women your age already had children. It’s just funny to hear that not only have you no idea what to do with them, but that they frighten you.” He continued chuckling to himself.

Buffy decided to turn the tables. “So now you know my dark secret. What’s yours? What silly little thing scares the big bad, huh, Spike?”

The vampire gave her a deer-in-the-headlights stare before regaining his big-bad attitude. “Haven’t got one.” There, maybe she won’t push it.

“Yeah, right. Everyone’s got something. Betcha yours is really silly--more than kids. Hey, how ‘bout I try to guess?” She looked like a kid in a candy shop. She jumped up in her seat, and straightened up. “Hmm... let me think. Are you afraid of heights?”



“Unless it’s the holy variety, no.”

“The dark? Uh, nix that one. How ‘bout dogs?”

Spike looked at her like she’d grown a second head. “No.”

Buffy bit her lower lip. There had to be something--there’s always something... “Dolls?”

“No, unless you’re talkin’ about Miss Edith.”

Now it was Buffy’s turn to stare at her companion. “Spike--who, or what, is Miss Edith?”

“Miss Edith is Dru’s psychic doll. Too long to explain, pet. Keep guessing...” He was getting tired of playing twenty questions, but at least she was talking to him. This was much better than uncomfortable silence.



“How about...”

Their game was interrupted as their flight was announced on the P.A.

Spike got up and grabbed the bag that held their reading material. “Guess we’ll have to continue later, luv. We’ve got to get in line.”


After they boarded the plane, both contentedly sat themselves down in 1st class. Spike grabbed the window seat, wanting to be in charge of the blind. The sun was bound to come up before they reached their destination and he wasn’t eager to be reduced to a pile of dust because of the Slayer’s sick sense of humour. He stretched his legs out and made himself comfy in the large padded seats. Exhaling an unnecessary breath, he grinned. “Sure beats coach, Slayer...”

Buffy looked around nervously. “Spike--do you think you could call me by my real name? I’d rather attract the least attention possible.”

“Sure, pet.”


Spike opened his eyes, and stared at the young woman. “Come again, pet?”

“Birds--are you afraid of birds?”

“Ah, back to the game, are we? No.”


Snicker. “No...”

“Well, it’s not that funny--I betcha poltergeists can be scary.”

“More like annoying, if you ask me.”

“Fine. Umm... spiders?”

“Er, no... I don’t like them, but I wouldn’t say they frighten me. I’ll make it easier on you, pet. It’s not a thing per se, that scares me.”

“Oh, ok... Aren’t we supposed to take off, or something?”

“They usually make us stew for about 15-20 min. before leaving.” He turned to look at her. “Are you nervous?”

How could she not feel nervous with those blue eyes looking at her? “Yeah, a little.” There was that little voice again... Maybe if you play it coy, he’ll keep looking at you like that. “Actually, a lot. Don’t your ears pop, or something?”

Spike frowned. Why is her pulse beating faster? Don’t fool yourself into thinking it‘s because of you. There’s no way the Slayer’d go for you, you git--get over it already. “Wouldn’t know about the popping, pet. Don’t exactly feel that kind of thing.”

“Oh, yeah. Guess I’ll find out soon enough.”

When the plane started to move, Buffy froze and her hands gripped the armrests. All the stories she’d heard about people’s ears bleeding from the pressure changes came back to her. She tried to even out her breathing--hyperventilating would so not be good right now. Closing her eyes, she tried to relax.

Her eyes jumped open when she felt Spike pry her hand off the armrest. She turned to look at him, but he was staring out the window. She looked down and saw that he had taken her hand in his. She should have been more nervous at having him touch her, but for some reason, his cold touch was reassuring. Exhaling, she closed her eyes and relaxed into her seat.

This wouldn’t be so bad, after all.


As far as flights go, theirs was uneventful. No turbulence, no screaming kids, heck--even the movie had run smoothly.

Buffy was slowly drifting back into consciousness as she felt a tugging on her right sleeve. Stretching, she yawned and rubbed her eyes. She turned and saw that Spike was looking out the window. Her eyes grew wide as she noticed that it was daytime and the blind was up.

Spike must have read her thoughts. Chuckling, he reassured her. “’S cloudy out--no big bad sunshine to burn me. Look down--we’re flying over land. You can see the houses.” He pulled at her sleeve again, inviting her to look for herself.

As she leaned over him to look out, the blonde vampire realized that he hadn’t counted on having her pressed up against him. He’d expected her to glance quickly and to keep her distance. He hadn’t expected her to sit on his lap and squeal like a ten year-old, wiggling in delight. Shifting, he tried to readjust the growing bulge in his pants, without her noticing.

The Slayer, however, was too entranced in the patterns the tiny households made to notice her companion’s discomfort. Nose pressed to glass, she squirmed again, trying to get more comfortable.

This time, Spike couldn’t bite back a moan. Bloody hell, can’t she feel that?! He was about to suggest that they trade seats when she grew very still.

Something hard was pressing into Buffy’s thigh. Her first assumption was that Spike had managed to carry some sort of weapon onto the plane; she wouldn’t put it past the bleached vampire to pull something stupid like that. When she heard the moan, though, she knew all too well what it was. And she knew what was causing it: she was. She chided herself. Stupid, stupid! You’re wiggling on his lap, for crying out loud! Why not just straddle him and give him a big sloppy kiss? Her devious inner voice retorted. Yeah, you’re causing it and you’re enjoying it, in some twisted way. You’re far away from Giles, your mom and the Scoobies. No one here to judge you--heck, no one here to know. What’s a little fun between vamp and Slayer?

The young blonde gulped and turned to look at the peroxide vamp. When her eyes met his, she shivered at the undisguised lust reflected in their blue depths. She licked her lips--why was her mouth so dry all of a sudden? “I... um...”

Spike wanted to take her then and there. Sod tact, he thought to himself, sod the 70 other blighters sitting around us... He wanted to feel her warmth surround him, hear her scream his name as she peaked, see her all sweaty and dishevelled... Instead, he opted to be the one to ease their discomfort. “How ’bout we change seats eh, ducks? You’ll get a better view and you’ll probably be a bit more comfy than you are sitting on my lap.” He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her response.

Buffy was tempted to decline. In a strange way, she found their proximity comforting. However, she could only guess at how awkward it must be for him. “Sure--if you don’t mind...” She shimmied a little, partly to give him room to move, partly to tease him a little, and moved out of the way.

In a liquid move, Spike moved from his seat to the Slayer’s. He wasn’t sure, but he’d swore she was playing him--no way did she need to wiggle her butt like that just for a seat change. He was relieved when the pilot’s voice came on to ask that they fasten their belts. He felt a stirring in his gut as the thought of returning home hit him. Prodigal son, he wasn’t...

The plane began its descent towards their destination. Nervous once again, Buffy let her mind fill with the worries of a novice flyer. What if the landing wheels don’t come out? What if the lights aren’t on, on the landing strip? What if a thick fog rolls out just as we’re landing?

Her breath caught, her pulse quickened, and she did the only thing that she knew would calm her: she slipped her hand into Spike’s.

To say that her action took her companion by surprise would be an exaggeration--after how she’d handled the take-off, he’d sort of expected this from the young woman; also, landings were often harder to take for first-time flyers. To say that her action took her by surprise was an understatement. How quickly had he turned from a threat to her life to the thing that kept her fear at bay? No, not the *thing*, her little voice announced, the *man*...

She peered at him slyly, out of the corner of her eye, expecting to see him either staring at her in surprise, or leering at her like she’d invited him for a quick roll in the aisle. However, his gaze remained steadfastly focussed away from her, although she could see the corner of his mouth twitch.

Spike finally turned to look at her. What was that look on his face? She was used to seeing anger, disgust, sarcasm (he had the eye roll of a teenager down pat), derision, but this look he gave her was different; it seemed to speak of... friendship?

He smiled at her and squeezed her hand reassuringly; still smiling, he turned back to whatever it was that had previously held his attention.

Buffy let out the breath she didn’t know she had been holding and relaxed in her seat. Yup. Friendship it is... She didn’t think anything could ever phase her again, as long as he was beside her.

Author's Note: Hey guys--I know some of you are wondering why I'm only posting two chapters a week when I have so many written. I want to keep posting at regular intervals, but my writing right now is slower than heck (teething baby). If I post all the chapters right away, you might not see anything for at least a month and I'd like to avoid that.
Anyway, please go and read--and, as usual, review. I need some pick-me-ups to counter the fussy baby :)

9 by Pipergirl

Chapter 9

Too many people.

Buffy couldn’t believe that any place could hold so many people, all rushing somewhere. Business people with their cell phones and their laptops; mothers and fathers with their screaming kids; young hippie wannabes with their backpacks and Birkenstocks... It seemed that everyone under the sun was here, at Heathrow International Airport, at the same hour and on the same day as her.

Feeling nervous, and not for the first time like a little girl, she kept her eyes on Spike, who was pushing ahead of her, creating a part in the sea of people. Would it be blasphemous to compare a creature of the night to Moses? she wondered, a wry smile on her face.

No longer paying attention to where she was going, she bumped into something solid. She looked up into the amused blue eyes of her travel companion. He raised his eyebrows and smirked.

“Bit overwhelmed, pet?”

“Yeah, you could say that. Is there some kind of carnival or something going on? This is like Mardi Gras, only with twice the people.” She grunted as she was jostled. “Rude much? I thought Brits were supposed to be like Giles, Spike. You know, insufferably polite.”

“They usually are, but you’ve got more than Brits here. That ponce was probably French...” He took her arm and led her to where the baggage was coming onto the conveyor belt. “Keep your eye open for your bags. Wouldn’t want anyone nickin’ your skivvies.”

Although he gave off the appearance of someone at ease, Buffy could tell that Spike was wound as tight as a coiled spring. His nostrils were flaring, his eyes were skirting the large room, his fists were clenched; he was relying on his senses to tell him everything that was going on. He could probably tell what the short guy in front of them had for breakfast, he’d be able to smell all the different perfumes and deodorants, and though she wouldn’t want to know, he could probably also profess to know who had had sex, and which women were having their periods. Gross! He isn’t even saying it, and the thoughts are still sticking in my brain. Ugh...

She returned her attention to the bags dropping out of the chute, and idly wondered if hers would be last.

As if he’d read her mind, Spike leaned in. “Always seems like yours is last, doesn’t it? It’s like it’s a rule, or something. You get your bags last, there aren’t any carts left, and everyone’s snagged a cab.” He looked up and, seeing his duffel bag drop down, left Buffy peering for her own luggage.

As he walked over towards his bag, Spike tried to hold back a smirk. For once in their Slayer-vampire relationship, for the first time in four long years, he was in a situation where he was the stronger, more confident one. He should be basking in the glory of it all, taunting her wide-eyed naïvete, mocking her lack of worldliness; no--instead, what does he do? He moves in and protects her, surrounding her and cajoling her into a sense of security. He was royally on the road to poofterdom...

Contrary to what she’d expected, her bags were not last. Not far from it, but not last. She ran to grab them, snatching them almost before they fell onto the moving belt. A few minutes later, she was laden with suitcases and trying to find her way back to Spike. With a dramatic harrumph, she let everything fall at his feet. Blowing a strand of hair out of her face, she grimaced. “Remind me again why I decided to take my whole wardrobe?”

Slipping one of her bags on to his shoulder, Thank God these bleedin’ things aren’t pink, Spike grabbed another one by its handle. “Dunno. Something about ‘I don‘t even know what the weather is like out there’” he teased in an effeminate voice. “Come on, Buffy, they’ll probably think I’ve eaten you if we don’t go meet Mr. Council Wanker.”

As they made their way into the main concourse, Buffy was once again taken aback by the number of people at the airport. Her immediate reaction was to press herself closer to Spike; however, she fought off the feeling and increased their distance--minimally.

“Well, you’ll have to be lookout guy, ‘cause there’s no way I’m finding anyone in this crowd.” Had she missed a rule that said you had to be six feet tall to travel in England?

Spike easily spotted the woman holding the ‘Buffy Summers’ sign. “This way pet.” Snickering, he leaned in towards her. “Looks like they sent us a female version of Rupert.”


When they approached the Council representative, the blonde duo tensed up. They expected a stern reprimand about the amount of time it had taken them to reach her. At a quick glance she seemed severe, although she couldn‘t have been much older than 30: she wore a tweed skirt and blazer and had her hair up in a tight bun. Buffy was anticipating a lecture on the importance of being punctual. Spike, on the other hand, was expecting to see the wrong end of a pointy stick.

All preconceptions were thrown aside, however, as the woman’s seemingly stuffy demeanour was replaced with a more relaxed stance. Her face broke out into a wide grin and she warmly walked towards them.

Taking Buffy’s hands in her own, she spoke up. “Ah, Buffy. I’m so pleased to finally meet you! It’s not every day that one gets to meet someone as... talked about... as you.” Brushing a lock of hair behind the young woman’s ear, the watcher smiled. “You’re also as pretty as they said you would be.”

To say Buffy was floored would be an understatement. A watcher--smiling, complimenting, touching... This lady had to be an impostor. She realized that the woman was watching her. “Oh, sorry.” Nervous laugh. “You just don’t seem really, watcher-like. You kinda took me by surprise there, Ms...”

“Oh dear! How rude of me!” She took Buffy’s hand once again and gave it a proper shake. “I’m Amelia Bishop. And no, I‘m not what you would consider very ‘watcher-like‘, as you so finely put it. I‘m a bit of an odd duck--I believe that‘s why they sent me to greet you.”

“Well, I’m pleased to meet you, Amelia Bishop.” Buffy’s attention was diverted by an impatient cough from behind her. Rolling her eyes, she introduced her travel partner. “Amelia--Spike. Spike--Amelia.”

Though it seemed hardly possible, Amelia’s face brightened even more. “William--enchanted!” She gave him a very un-watcher like wink. “I’m sure you never expected to be joining us on Council matters...”

Spike took Ms. Bishop’s hand in his and placed a kiss on it. He presented her with his most bewitching smile. “Pleasure’s all mine.”

Blushing, the Council member returned his smile.

This exchange tweaked something in Buffy--Are they flirting?! Well... so what if they are. It’s not like I’m jealous or anything. It’s not like it bothers me that he never aims a smile like *that* my way. With a pout, she shifted her bags, which were by now getting a little heavy.

Her movement caught the watcher’s eye. Helping Buffy with one of her bags, she apologized. “I’m sure you’re both very tired. We should be on our way. The quicker we get to the Council, the quicker you can get to your accommodations.” Looking at Buffy, she added: “And I’m sure you could appreciate a nice, long bath, followed by a good rest.” Turning to include Spike as well, she motioned with her arm. “Shall we, then?”

As they made their way towards the exit, Spike hesitated. Of all the bleedin’ luck--had to turn out to be a sunny day... As he approached the doors, he let out an unnecessary breath: their car was waiting under a concrete overhang--no worries about instant combustion.

The Council really seemed to want to make them feel at ease. This mission of theirs must be worse than they’re expecting...

As they got into the car, Spike thanked the powers that be for tinted windows. There was truly nothing worse than having to hide on the floor of a moving car, especially if the Slayer was there to taunt him.

As they made their way through the busy streets of London, the two blondes’ reactions couldn’t have been more different. Spike was dismayed at how modern the city had become since he’d left half a century ago. Glass office towers loomed over the old stone buildings he recognized, McDonald’s and Starbucks had replaced the human pubs he had frequented, and the old shops where he and Dru had bought their clothing were now Gaps and Old Navys. He felt lost and not a little betrayed by his city’s foray into the 21st century.

Buffy, on the other hand, felt like a kid at Disneyland. She emitted constant “ooh”s and “aah”s at all the usual tourist attractions. She secretly hoped that they could find the time to visit some of these places.

“Ooh! Look--it’s Big Bin! Although, I don’t know why they call it that. They should call it ‘Big Clock’, ‘cause that’s what it is...” The Slayer was now turned completely around, kneeling on the seat, watching the clock tower slowly recede.

Trying to hide a smirk, Spike motioned for her to sit back down. “’S called Big Ben, pet. Not Big Bin. It was named after some old stogy guy called Benjamin Hall--hence the moniker Big Ben.”

Craning her neck to take a last peek, the vampire’s explanation seemed sufficient. “Oh, well--that makes more sense.”

Finally, their car entered an underground car park. They drove until they reached the lowest level, and the driver parked in a reserved spot right by an elevator.

Waiting by the car’s trunk, Buffy and Spike watched Amelia and the driver walk to the elevator. Feeling ignored, the vampire hollered to them. “Oi there! What about our bags? I’m not leaving my stuff here for Council wankers to rifle through.”

Turning back towards them, Amelia gave them both a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about rifling of any sort, William. Your luggage is safe--we’re just leaving it there because the same car will be driving you to your hotel. Now, if you will, please follow me. There’s someone waiting to see you.”

Author's Note:First off, I hope I didn't offend anyone with the French joke. I'm French, but I just thought it was a funny thing for Spike to say. Second, thanks to all who are reviewing. The writing process is going better, but you guys don't have to worry--where are still many, many in reserve. Please read and review--you know the drill! :)

10 by Pipergirl

Chapter 10

As the elevator slowly crept towards their destination, Buffy couldn’t help but feel antsy. She’d never had any trouble facing the Council head on, but it had always been on her turf. Things were different now; she was going to meet them in their own headquarters, halfway across the world from Sunnydale. She tried to keep her mind occupied by scanning the elevator; there wasn’t much to see, however--it was just a plain, albeit very old, elevator.

The doors opened at the 8th floor, and all four passengers walked out. They found themselves in a small room containing only two chairs (Spike thanked the powers that be that they were made of metal--just a small reassurance) and one door. Amelia asked them to take a seat and made her way to the door that led to the Council. What happened next surprised both vampire and Slayer.

As the Council representative faced the door, a small square of wall, about five feet from the floor, slid to the side to reveal an electronic pad. Amelia placed her hand on it for digital recognition, and then keyed in a pass code. A clicking sound was heard, and she opened the door. She stood aside, letting the driver by, and faced the two stunned blondes. “Just a small security measure--the Council has yet to reach the 21st century. Please take a seat. Someone will be by shortly to greet you.” She smiled warmly at them. “Truly, it’s been a pleasure to meet you both.” With that, she walked through the door and only two were left in the little room.

A short while later, Buffy sat on the edge of one of the chairs and watched the vampire pace. “Spike, sit down. You’re making me dizzy--all you’re doing is walking around in circles.”

Stopping in front of the other chair, he growled. “Yeah, well you can hardly blame me, can you? A master vampire in Council headquarters? Not really normal, is it? I can’t help but shake the feeling that this is some kind of lark--the minute I walk in there, they’ll stake me, or do tests on me or something.”

Buffy had to laugh at his remark. “Yeah, like there’s anyone out there that would go around kidnapping demons just to study what makes them tick... You’ve been watching too much X-Files, Spike.”

Just as he was about to argue back, the vampire spied a small TV screen up in one of the corners. There must have been a camera, somewhere, filming them. Speechless, he gazed in wonder as he caught sight of himself for the first time in years. Grinning like a kid on Christmas morning, he began to preen in front of the small screen. “Slayer, why don’t you ever tell me how good I look in this coat?”

Frowning, Buffy turned around to see what he was talking about. “Huh? Spike, what are you...” When she saw what he was doing, she couldn’t help but smirk. “When was the last time you saw yourself?”

Examining his hair, the blonde vamp paused. “’Bout 10 years ago, I suppose. Caught sight of myself on the telly--news story about some kid dying at a heavy metal concert.” He took his eyes off the TV long enough to turn around and face her. “And before you come to certain conclusions, he jumped off a balcony and landed on his head. I had nothing to do with it.”

Rolling her eyes, Buffy was about to respond when the door opened and a woman stepped into the room. About twice Amelia’s age, and not half as pleasant, the woman fit the Council bill to a tee.

“Mr. Travers is ready to meet with you.” The woman handed them each an ID card. “Please pin these to the outside of your clothing, and make sure it is visible at all times. Anyone without a visible card will be... escorted out.” She pursed her lips to relay the full meaning of what she said. She turned around began to walk away.

Spike watched Buffy pin the ID to her blazer and scoffed. “No bleedin’ way I’m pinning anything to this coat. They can threaten to ‘escort’ me all they want...” ID held in hand, he slipped in line behind the two women.


As they were led through corridors, both Slayer and master vampire tried to take in as much as they could. Amelia had been correct when she’d said that the Council had a ways to go before it joined the 21st century. Heck, they still had to get to the 20th...

When they reached a large room brimming with wall-to-wall bookcases, the woman stopped and turned to the two ‘guests’. “Wait here. I’ll let Mr. Travers know you’ve arrived.” She turned away from them, paused in her step, and faced them again. In a voice one tends to reserve for small children she warned them. “And I don’t need to tell you not to touch anything.” With that, she walked away.

Snorting, Spike was first to break the silence. “Hmph... Bossy chit i’nt she? I liked the first bird better...” He walked to one of the tables and scanned the books piled on it. “Treatise on the Breeding Habits of Minor Demons... Anatomy of Faeries... Vampires and their Thrall... Ooh--now there’s some titillating night-time reading.” He sat down on a leather chair, kicked his feet up onto the table, and proceeded to flip through the book.

“Spike! What part of ’don’t touch anything’ don’t you understand?” Buffy was looking around, expecting alarms to go off at any moment.

“Oh please. What are they going to do--stake me for reading a book? Anyway this thing’s a bloody joke. ’How to fight the thrall’ . Figures the wankers would think that they can learn how to fight a thrall.” He threw the book back onto the table, and rocked back on the chair. “If a vamp decides to do his mojo on you, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Taking a seat beside the peroxide vamp, Buffy picked up Anatomy of Faeries and examined the binding. Why don‘t they make books this pretty anymore? Looking back up at her companion, she retorted. “Oh, and I bet you have a thrall, Mr. Master Vampire?”

“No, as a matter of fact I do not have a thrall. That’s for ponces, like Dracula. Females are always better at thralls, anyway. Real harpies, you lot are. Dru has a thrall--you might want to ask ol’ Rupes about that one, some day.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What, the harpy bit? ‘S the truth--you lure some poor, unsuspecting man to fall in love with you. He gives you over 100 years of faithfulness and devotion, taking care of you because you’re off your rocker, and you go off snogging some phlegmy Chaos demon, not caring anymore...”

“Somehow I don’t think we’re talking about generic examples, here. No--I didn’t mean the whole woman-bashing bit. I meant the ‘ask ol’ Rupes’ bit.” She crossed her arms over her chest, and gave him a pointed look.

Spike flipped his hand in the air, as if he was swatting a fly. “Oh that. Not much to it, really. Back when Angelus took the watcher in for his personal style of fun and games, Dru did a bit of a thrall on him--pretended she was his girl.”

His girl? Oh God, Jenny... “You asshole! How can you talk about it like you’re discussing the weather? Angelus tortured Giles, and murdered Jenny, and you’re sitting around like... like...”

Pulling his feet off the table, the vampire sat up straight and pulled Buffy’s chair until she was knee to knee with him. He leaned in looked her straight in the eye. “Yeah, and if I recall properly, this asshole was the one to discourage Angelus from testing out his new chainsaw on your watcher, so you might want to lay off with the guilt trip.” He got up and kicked his chair out of the way. “Where the hell is that old bat, anyway? I’m getting hungry...”

“That old bat,” replied a deadpan voice, “Is right behind you.” Both blondes turned to find the older council member glaring at them. “Mr. Travers is ready to meet with you, if it’s not too much of a bother.”

Since there wasn’t a safe response to the woman’s ‘invitation’, Spike and Buffy stood up and followed her out of the room.

She led them into a large conference room, detailed with dark paneling and a large oak table surrounded by leather chairs. As they seated themselves, the door located at the other end of the room opened, and in walked Quentin Travers.


The head of the Council of Watchers approached his two ‘guests’. Never having seen him before, Spike sized the man up. Although not big in stature, he was nonetheless imposing; Travers had an air about him that spoke of authority. He had short, greying hair that was beginning to thin on top. His gaze was calculating and his posture rigid. The suit he wore cost a pretty penny, and Spike was sure that the tie was silk-- he’d seen enough of it during his stay in China to be able to tell the difference.

The watcher turned his eyes to Buffy. “Nice to meet you again, Ms. Summers.” He didn’t acknowledge Spike’s presence, which, although insulting, suited the vampire just fine. “I didn’t think we’d have the opportunity to meet again, although under the circumstances, you’ll forgive me for wishing we wouldn’t have reason to.”

The smile the Slayer returned didn’t meet her eyes, which remained cold. “Well, Travers, I can assure you the feeling’s not mutual, aside from the wishing I wouldn’t have to be here.”

All pretence left the older man’s features and his face-hardened to match the young woman’s. When he turned his gaze to Spike, the latter couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. He couldn’t quite read the human, and began to have doubts as to whether or not he was the only soulless one in the room.

“Well, William, I finally get to meet the problem child of the line of Aurelius.”

Fidgeting in his seat, partially restraining his anger, mostly uneasy with the authority of this man, Spike returned the steely gaze. “Yeah, well, pleasure’s all yours, Watcher.”

Playing on the vampire’s obvious discomfort, Travers egged him on. “Please explain one thing, William. What makes a master vampire, former scourge of Europe, side with the Slayer of vampires? I’m curious to know why you accepted our offer--is it because you’ve nothing better to do? Or is it because your beloved sire’s flitted to the nearest available demon, and you’re looking for a suitable mate?”

Spike’s body became rigid, every muscle tense under the watcher’s taunting. His eyes had changed from clear blue to deep amber--his demon was fighting to be released, and seemed to be getting the upper hand.

Buffy had never seen Spike fight so hard to exercise control over his demon. She was on edge, and wondered what she’d do if the demon did get out. Would she fight the vampire to save Travers, or would she let the watcher get his just desserts? Evil undead or not, Spike had just been majorly dissed and had every right to be pissed off. Her attention was brought back to the situation at hand by the sound of the master vampire’s barely controlled voice.

“Listen here, Watcher, I have my own reasons for joining your little tosser brigade and I don’t see how I have to...”

Not waiting for the vampire’s answer, Travers cut him off. “It seems to run in the family, this tendency to join us white hats, doesn’t it, William? Are you following in the footsteps of Angelus, perhaps? A bit of soul envy?”

Before either Buffy or Travers had time to register what was happening, Spike leapt and had the watcher pressed up against the table. Demon at the forefront, the vampire’s face was just inches above the older man’s. “That, old man, was the last time you’ll ever taunt me. I hope you have a high tolerance for pain...” The demon smiled as he leaned in and grazed his fangs over the man’s neck.

“Spike!” Buffy jumped up and grabbed the vamp by his collar, pulling him off his victim. Tossing him in the nearest seat, she gave him a ‘move and be staked’ look before returning her attention to the watcher. The fact that the man was hyperventilating was sign enough that he was alive, if not too well.

Pointing her finger at the vampire, she let her Slayer take over. “You--put your fangs away and stay put.” Then she turned her attention to Travers. “And you--I would have guessed that the head of the Council of Watchers would have more common sense than to piss off a master vampire in the presence of an ex-Slayer who doesn’t give two shits about you.”

Addressing Travers, who had managed to crawl back into his chair, she decided to take control. “Look, you called us here to help you with a prophecy. We’ve both accepted your offer, for whatever reasons that aren’t important for you to find out, but the deal won’t hold if you keep treating us like crap.” Pulling herself onto the tabletop, she kept a wary eye on Spike, whose eyes still gleamed yellow. “Now be a good little Watcher and tell us about this prophecy. We need to know the who, when and where; Giles has already filled us in on the what and why, so don’t waste our time with those.”

Author's Note: Hello again! I hope you're still enjoying this. I'm going to try my best to remember to update on Thursday, but it's Canada day, so who knows if I'll even be at home (Happy B-day Canada!!). Worst case scenario, the update will be on Friday. Thanks to all who are generous enough to review--please keep doing so :)

11 by Pipergirl

Chapter 11

Clearing his throat, and keeping a wary eye on Spike, Quentin Travers spoke up. As the haughtiness disappeared from his voice, all that remained was a polished, well-educated accent.

“Five weeks ago, the child was taken from its home in South Kensington. We’re at a loss as to who took the child, and where they are.”

Buffy jumped off the table, momentarily forgetting her vigil. “Five weeks?! How do we know they’re not halfway to China by now? Why did you take so long before calling Giles?”

“Because you were our last recourse, Ms. Summers.” Travers straightened in his seat, and looked the Slayer straight in the eyes, unmasked hatred pouring from his narrow, grey eyes. “Do you really think that the Council’s first impulse is to cajole a wayward Slayer and William the Bloody to fix... to help us?” His slip was obvious, and both blondes did a double take.

“Fix what, Travers?” Buffy’s interest was piqued. “Just how responsible is the Council for this apocalypse?” At the silence with which she was met, the young woman headed for the door. “Come on, Spike. Let’s see if we grab something to eat. I don’t think he’s serious about getting our help.”

The blonde vampire stood, despite a moment’s hesitation at obeying an order by the Slayer. Maybe he could find that old bat and drain her...

A feeble voice called out, just as Buffy had her hand on the doorknob. “A former student of ours has the infant.”

Oh, now this is just getting better, Buffy thought to herself. “So you do know who has it? You were going to let us waste time, and possibly fail, because you didn’t want to admit this is all your fault?” Turning to face the watcher, who was beginning to look haggard, she put her hands on her hips. “Fine. We’ll sit back down, and you’ll tell us everything, and I mean everything. If I even suspect that you’re holding out on us, we’re back in Sunnydale before you can say ‘apocalypse’.” She plopped back into her chair, and motioned for Spike to find himself a seat as well.

Rolling his eyes, the vampire did as he was bidden. Guess that snack’ll have to wait. He took a seat at the head chair and propped his feet up on the table. “Yeah, and hurry up ‘cause I’m starting to feel a mite peckish.”

Travers stood up, and walked to a large window decorating one of the walls. He pulled the curtain aside, peering outside. Sensing the vampire’s nervous glance, the older man broke the silence. “Don’t worry, the windows face North. You don’t have to worry about the sunlight.” Closing the heavy drapery, he sighed and turned back to his audience.

“Evan Blakeford was one of our most promising watchers-in-training. He had a natural aptitude for other languages, history and, of course, the occult. Neither of his parents had been members of the Council. His father taught at a private school and his mother was a nurse--but we took him in regardless. We never really questioned where he had discovered us; his talents exceeded that of some of our more seasoned students, and it’s needless to say that our attitude was, succinctly put, ‘don’t look a gift horse in the mouth’.” With an acerbic smile, he added, “That was our first mistake.” He took off his blazer, draped it across the back of one of the chairs, and took a seat.

“In retrospect, we should have wondered where a young man of such modest beginnings--modest in terms of everything the Council deals with--could have such a natural penchant for any of it. Every spare moment had Evan poring through books of all sorts. The first time he was caught with a restricted book he pleaded ignorance--he said he’d found it along with the other books to which students have access. Since it was his first transgression and he was a remarkable student, we let him off with simply a warning. We had no other problems with him for a good six months.

“The second indication we had that Evan was not honest with his intentions at the Council happened last year, just before the winter solstice. One of our resident witches detected the use of dark magic here within our headquarters. She performed a location spell, which indicated that it was taking place in the cellar. When they reached him,” Travers paused and looked down, “he had already killed the young woman. He was offering her blood to darker influences in exchange for greater power.”

More composed, the watcher brought his gaze back up to his audience. “We thought we’d arrived in time, that he hadn’t had time to complete the spell. We expelled him from Council training that same night. The oddest thing, at that time, was that he was nonplussed about being expelled. He shrugged his shoulders and said that he’d gotten everything he needed from us. A few months later we noticed that the book he’d been caught with the first time had been taken. Luckily, one of our members had another copy of this tome, and we were able to read through it; it was at that point that we put it all together.”

Spike took advantage of the pause to air out one of the thoughts he’d been mulling over. “So, if this pillock hadn’t pretty much led you all to this prophecy, you’d still be in the dark? Doesn’t the Council have some bloody calendar with these things marked up? ‘Ooh, look! The world will be sucked into the void next week--gotta get workin’ on that!’”

“As a matter of fact, we do not have such a calendar, useful as it would prove to be. Our members are continually researching the texts we have at our disposal, but sometimes something will slip by us.”

“Like disco? There’s no way that originated in this dimension...” Buffy shuddered at the memory of retro disco videos she’d seen on MTV.

Spike chuckled, and even Travers smirked. “I’m afraid not, Ms. Summers--disco is invariably a human creation. We can’t blame it on anyone else.”

Buffy got up from her seat. The Slayer in her was now in full gear and didn’t allow her to sit still for too long. “So this Evan guy is who we’re looking for? Do you have any pictures of him, or any information that can help us?”

Travers slid a folder down the table. Buffy opened it, and Spike, despite trying to look unaffected, slid into the seat next to hers to get a better look at the papers.

“This folder contains all the information we have on Evan. The rest, I’m afraid, is up to you two. We were able to keep tabs on him for a short period of time, but he’s proven to be rather slippery. He’s managed to elude our network for the past two weeks; we’re no longer sure if he’s still in London, much less in England.”

Snorting in derision, Spike spoke up. “Let me guess--this is where I come in, with all my demon contacts...”

“Precisely. We know he’s been dealing with some Pelorak demons, but our inside people haven’t been able to get any information on them. Perhaps with your contacts, you’ll be able to succeed where we’ve failed.”

“You do realize that I haven’t been in London for over 50 years... All my contacts might have disappeared for all I know. And I betcha all the better demon bars have been torn down and replaced by Starbucks.” Leaning back in his chair, the vampire lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. “It’s going to be real difficult making any headway. You’re going to have to make this worth my while, Watcher.”

Travers got up and headed towards a small cabinet which rested against the far wall. “Ah, yes--your ‘requests’. We’ve already fulfilled the first one--the 1st class airfare. I do hope you were comfortable enough; I wouldn’t want the extra money to have gone to waste. As for your accommodations, we’ve done a bit of research and have found the perfect lodgings for your stay here--I’m sure you’ll appreciate them. They have all the comforts of home. As for your third demand, the limitless credit card, we find ourselves unable to meet it.” He pulled a manila envelope out of the top drawer, and turned back towards the two blondes.

Buffy’s lips curled into a smirk and she turned to watch the vampire’s reaction to this bit of news. Heh heh--serves him right...

“Bloody hell! Rupert told me that you’d accepted my demands. That blighter--he tricked me into coming over here! Let’s see how well he can catalogue his stupid diaries with his throat torn out...”

Buffy jumped up from her seat and punched him square in the nose. She yelled at him as he held his nose, cursing. “You try anything with Giles, and I’m going to kick your pale ass from here to the next sunrise--understand?”

“Oh, God! Why is it always the nose with you?”

Enjoying the interaction, Travers felt it a pity to interrupt. “Actually, Mr. Giles was not told the entire truth. We did tell him that your requests were still being processed, but we did not give him any specific information. The Council is not in a situation where we are able to provide someone with your... eccentric taste... a free ticket to anything he so desires; we’d be in financial ruin after one week.”

Pulling a small packet out of the envelope, he slid it over to Buffy. “We are providing you with the financial assistance we deem necessary. The card is in Ms. Summers’ name--that ensures that you don’t decide to leave us, William--and has a limit of 500 pounds.”

“500 pounds! Is that some sort of gag? One needs money to get into these demon bars. You don’t get in with just a smile and a handshake, you know! We’ll need money for transportation, and the Slayer here has to eat. She needs to get some meat on those skinny bones of hers. A good British diet’ll do her some good.”

“Hey! Don‘t insult the woman with the credit card. Maybe I won‘t want to share, William.” Examining the rectangular piece of plastic, the Slayer asked. “Just how much is 500 pounds in American dollars, anyway?”

“Not bloody much, that’s how much.” Spike got up, and walked up to Travers. The watcher stiffened, on guard for any attack. However, the vampire only leaned in and held himself nose to nose with the other man. “Fine--she gets the wallet, I get the wheels. You can’t expect us to travel by public transit...” He narrowed his eyes. “...do you?”

Glad to still be in one piece, Quentin Travers let out a breath of relief. “There is a car waiting for you at your hotel. I’ve had one of the residents from the local coven put a spell on the windows--you’ll be impervious to sunlight while you’re in the vehicle.” He held out a set of keys, as well as a laminated card. “Here are the keys, and your driver’s license. I’m sure you’ll recognize the name we’ve given you.”

Spike examined the keys, BMW--not bad, and then looked at the license. “Bloody hell...” This exclamation came under his breath, hardly audible to the two humans in the room. He fell back into the nearest chair and just stared at the card.

Ignoring him, Travers handed out birth certificates and passports to Buffy and the sedate vampire. “These will be your identification papers for your stay here. We decided that it would raise fewer questions if you were travelling as a married couple. You look to be about the same age, so it will be rather easy to pull off.”

Buffy cringed, expecting some sort of crass comment from Spike--something about fulfilling wifely duties. However, the blonde vampire simply sat there staring into space. Turning to the watcher, she pleaded. “How did you do that? Please let me know--I didn’t even know there was a way to shut him up.”

When the vampire didn’t even rise to her bait, she knew something was off. “Spike? Uh, I can’t believe I’m asking this, but are you ok?”

“How did you find out? How did you know?”

The young woman was baffled. “Find what out? Spike, what are you talking about? Don’t get weird on me before this thing even starts, ‘cause...”

“I believe I can answer that for you, Ms. Summers. Look at the name that we’ve given you.”

Buffy looked at the driver’s license she’d been handed. “Ok, so it says Elizabeth Sinclair. What’s special about the name?” Before Travers could reply, the Slayer’s eyes shot up and stared at Spike. “Wait a minute--William Sinclair. That was your name before you were turned...”

“Haven’t heard that name in a hundred and twenty years...” His eyes hardened and he looked at the watcher. “Tell me,” he said to Travers, “did you toss off thinking of the thrill you’d get at my reaction? Bet you spent days wondering ‘How can I get William the Bloody back for all the shit he’s put the Council through?’. Well, your jollies are over, Watcher, and I’m still way in the lead.” Not waiting for Buffy, he jumped off the chair and made his way out of the room, duster billowing behind him.

Buffy got up, collected the folder and their paperwork--she figured that although Spike didn’t want to travel down memory lane, he would still need his ID--and stared at the door. “Great. He’s in a pissy mood and I’m stuck with him. Thanks for everything, Travers.”

Ignoring her insubordinate tone, he answered coolly. “Just make sure you successfully complete your mission, Ms. Summers. You’ll need his help, but you’ll also need to keep him under control. His moods may prove to work against reaching your goal.”

“No. That’s where you’re wrong. I may not like the bleached wonder very much, but his ‘moods’, as you call them, are the reason why he’s one of the most feared vampires still around. They’re what make him a stronger, more dangerous opponent. Anyway, if he’s gotten to the point where the Council of Watchers needs his help, he must be doing something right.” With that, the young woman walked out the door.


Buffy caught up to Spike as he waited for the elevator that led back to the underground car park. Mimicking him, she looked straight ahead, saying nothing.

The door opened and they both entered.

“Ok, Slayer, out with it.”

“Out with what, fang face?” Maybe a bit of verbal sparring would put him back in a better mood.

“Isn’t this the part where you tease the Big Bad about his nancy-boy reaction to his past?”

Buffy turned to face the peroxide blonde. With as serious a demeanour as she could muster, she answered: “Actually, I was trying to find a way to say ‘Hey, I think you handled that great’ without sounding like I actually like you.”

Spike’s brow furrowed as he tried to figure out whether or not he’d been insulted. The smirk that broke out across his companion’s face provided him with his answer, and he smiled back.

“Spike, what Travers did in there was a low blow, and I can see how it would have caught you off guard. I’m just happy you didn’t try to rip his throat out, ‘cause I would have had to kick your skinny ass.”

The vampire chuckled and was about to reply when the doors opened. As they exited the lift, and approached their ride, he softly whispered “Thanks.”

Author's note: So, you guys are now in the loop. Well, as much as Buffy and Spike are :)
Please read and review, as always--reviews are fodder for my imagination (yeah, that's a veiled threat ;P )
And, of course, happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canucks!!

12 by Pipergirl

Chapter 12

When the car stopped in front of a plain three-story building, Spike and Buffy glanced at each other questioningly. Shrugging her shoulders, the Slayer broke the silence. “Maybe he has to pick someone up. Whoever lives in that building probably can’t afford a car anyway. It doesn‘t exactly look like an upper middle class kind of place.”

They felt the car jostle, and looked out the window to see the driver dumping their bags on the sidewalk. Taking advantage of the shaded sidewalk, Spike jumped out of the vehicle. “Oi there! What’s this about?” He looked up at the building and saw a sign above the door; the red placard, which sported a pair of pikes in the form of an ’x’, read ‘Sheffield Arms’.

“Bloody hell...” The vampire turned to accost the driver, but bumped into Buffy instead. Before he could do anything, their chauffeur had hopped back into his vehicle and had driven off. Coward...

Taking in their surroundings, Buffy was confused. “Uh, Spike? It doesn’t look like there are any five star hotels around here, unless the rating system is way different in England. Maybe...”

A string of curses cut her off. “Bloody fucking piece of shite... Argh!” Spike proceeded to kick the shape out of a steel garbage bin. “Fucking wankers! They were supposed to keep their word--we’re supposed to be in a royal goddamn suite, not” he waved wildly at the hotel in front of them “this!”

Tired from the trip and irked by the vampire’s tirade, Buffy put her hand on his elbow. “Spike? Look, I know this isn’t what we were expecting, but I’m so tired right now, that I think I could probably fall asleep on that bench over there. How about we go inside, have a good rest, and go back to the Council tomorrow--we can always kick Travers‘ ass and get him to make arrangements for something less slummy.” She noticed a few gawkers across the street. “Anyway, I don’t feel like attracting the cops. Jail is one place I do not want to spend the night.”

Shoulders slumped in defeat, Spike sighed. Picking up his bag, which he had thrown into the street Good thing this street isn’t busy, Spike grabbed some of Buffy’s luggage as well. “Sorry ‘bout that, pet. Don’t really like being taken for a chump that’s all. We’ll take a look at this place. Maybe it’s not that bad on the inside.” Offering her a genuine smile, he carefully placed his hand on the small of her back. “Let’s get ourselves cleaned up and rested, shall we?”


Whatever hope they held on to disappeared when they walked into the lobby of the Sheffield Arms. Buffy almost burst into tears at the sight of the dirty pale green walls, yellowed linoleum flooring with missing tiles and small dingy staircase which lead to the upper floors. She tugged on the vampire’s duster. “Spike? Maybe we can find a nice alleyway to sleep in... Come to think of it, I’m not tired anymore.” Plastering a big, fake grin on her face, she jumped around. “See? Awake!”

Spike ignored his companion and continued to slam his palm on the bell. Where the bloody hell is the owner of this rathole? “’Ello? Is there anyone here?” Ding! Ding! Ding! “Bloody hell...” As he was about to hit the bell once again, his hand was stayed by the Slayer’s.

He turned to look at her, and followed her eyes to the staircase.

Someone was coming down the stairs, cradling a tower of folded towels. A bright turquoise eyelid peeked out from behind the towels, and a cheerful voice spoke up.

“Sorry about that, dears. Can’t hear the bell from the laundry room.” Spotting Spike, she winked at him. “Here, you look like a strong lad. Do be a love and help me with these; I’m afraid I’m not as strong as I used to be.” Chuckling, she shoved her burden at the vampire.

Dropping the bags he was holding, Spike caught the laundry before it fell to the ground. Embarrassed beyond words, he avoided catching the Slayer’s eye. Last thing he needed was to see Buffy laughing at him.

He followed the older lady to an armoire, where he was asked to place the towels. Now if only he’d found himself in a similar situation say, 5 years ago, the old bint would have been drained for putting him out. Instead, he just gave her a strained smile and placed the towels where he was asked.

Clucking, the woman thanked him. “It’s so nice to have strong arms around, every now and then. Now, let’s see what I can do for you...”

Walking behind her, Spike finally realized who this woman reminded him of: that Mrs. Slocombe on Are You Being Served, the one whose hair colour often matched her clothing. Snickering to himself, he thought: Wonder if she’s ever died her hair magenta?

The yellow-haired lady positioned herself behind the counter and looked at the couple in front of her. They make such a lovely young couple... She opened the logbook and ran her finger down one page. “Now, let me see... Do you have a reservation?”

Before either Spike or Buffy could answer, she let out what could only be described as a girlish squeak. “Oh, wait! Let me guess-- Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair?” She looked up at them with obvious glee.

Groaning at the use of his last name, Spike could only mutter a curt “Yep. That would be us.” Hearing the shortness in his own voice, he followed it with a forced smile. Not her fault we’re stuck in this shithole. Wait, why the heck am I feeling bad for the old bat?! Great, now I’ve gone soft...

The woman winked at them in a conspiratorial way. “The honeymooners. I should have guessed--you both look tired...” She giggled again. “I’ve been preparing your room since yesterday. It’s just perfect for newlyweds.”

Buffy narrowed her eyes and turned to Spike; if this was some sort of trick of his, she was going to dust him, whether or not she needed him on this trip. However, one look in his direction and she could tell he had nothing to do with this. His mouth was slack, and his eyes round-- Nooo, he doesn’t know anything about this either; he’s more surprised than I am. Heck, he almost looks scared.

She turned to face the weird looking lady and smiled. “Uh...” Reading the lady’s nametag, she forced herself to continue. “Hetty.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Who mentioned the honeymoon?” Her voice squeaked, betraying the nonchalant image she was trying to convey. She tapped her fingers on the counter. Someone’s going to die a slow, tortuous death...

Hetty smiled warmly. “Don’t worry, love. Miss Bishop said that you wouldn’t want any fussing, but I know better than that. It’s not every day that you get to celebrate having found the person you love-- a little pampering is always a nice touch...” She turned around, and went into the back room, talking to herself. “Now, where did I leave that key?”

The instant Hetty was out of sight, Buffy groaned and banged her head on the counter. “I can’t believe she did this to us... Amelia is soo dead; next time I see her, I’m going to... to... oh, I don’t know, but I’ll think of something.” She turned to the blonde vamp, and wrinkled her nose at him. “And why are you so quiet about this? Don’t tell me you’re happy, ‘cause I swear, I’m gonna...”

Spike cut her rant short. “Don’t worry, Slayer--I’m no giddier than you are about this. I’m just trying to suppress my gag reflex. How do you think an old bint like her, in a place like this, prepares a honeymoon suite? Think heart shaped bed, pink satin sheets, Burt Baccarach on an 8-track...” That last thought made him shudder.

“Who in the world is Bert Bark.. Bacha.. whatever, and what the heck is an 8-track?”

“Never mind that. I’m just saying that we’re about to walk into a situation that I don’t think either of us is prepared for. She’s actin‘ like a mother hen, for Christ’s sake--she’s probably been planning this for weeks! I think I’m going to toss my breakfast...”

“Here we go!” Hetty seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Ready to go up? I’m afraid you’ll have to carry your own bags--I don’t have anyone to help you with that...”

Quietly accepting his fate for the moment, Spike smiled at her. “S’ok mum--you just lead the way and we’ll follow.” He picked up their bags and left Buffy behind, with only her carry-on to carry.


Their dread escalated with every step they climbed, every footstep they took down the hall that led to their room. Spike’s visual imagery was getting worse--on top of the heart-shaped bed and the pink... everything, he now saw flowers everywhere, and the Burt Baccarach had changed to Celine Dion.

Caught in his daymares (what else would you call such horrible daytime imagery?), the vampire almost didn’t notice that Hetty had stopped. Feeling the Slayer crash into him from behind, he guessed that she had also been in her own little world. He heard her hold her breath as their host unlocked the key to their room.

Hetty waved them in. “Come on in, dears.” She entered the room, and left the two ’honeymooners’ in the hallway.

An idea popped into Spike’s head. One that would probably result in him getting staked, but who had ever accused Spike of being reasonable? He dropped his bags, cocked his head and looked at Buffy.

Feeling awkward under his stare, Buffy snapped at him. “What?!” She saw a smile form on his lips, and backed up a step. “Spike--what are you...” She screeched as she felt him pick her up in his arms and carry her into the room.

Her insides turned to mush when she felt his cool breath in her ear. “Can’t skirt tradition, can we luv? It‘s bad luck...” He set her down, and walked back out to the hall to grab the bags. She reached out to the wall, to steady herself. Good God, girl. It’s only for show--why do you feel like there was more involved? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Maybe it’s because of how right it felt being in those strong arms, nuzzled against his chest... She opened her eyes and saw a pair of clear blue eyes staring at her in amusement.

“Shall we, pet? We‘re about to be given the grand tour.” He offered her his arm, and to his surprise, she accepted it.

The room itself was much different than any hotel room Buffy had ever stayed in. To her, it seemed more like an apartment. There was a small kitchenette, with a mini-fridge, a sink and a microwave; the bathroom was small and cramped, mostly because of the oversized clawfoot tub that took up half the space; the last room, which was like a bedroom/living room, contained the biggest bed she had ever seen. She ran towards the canopied bed and jumped on it, losing herself in the feel of the chenille blanket that covered it. “Wow! You’ve even got the curtains around the bed. I’ve only ever seen these in old movies...”

Hetty chuckled. “It’s the honeymoon suite, love. Of course I put extra effort in the bed...” She winked at Buffy, who turned beet red and began to choke.

The Slayer’s reaction got a heartfelt laugh out of Spike. “Don’t worry ‘bout her, mum. She’s just a little coy, is all...” He couldn’t help but add: “I’m sure she’ll be wanting to try it out soon enough.” He gave the older woman a wink, causing her to laugh.

Pouting, Buffy figured turnabout was fair play. “So, Hetty. Which way do the windows face? I just love sunrises. Don’t you, Spikey?” She walked up to the vampire and put her hand around his bicep, squeezing just hard enough for him to yelp.

The older woman furrowed her brow. “Now that’s odd... Ms. Bishop clearly asked me to put up heavy curtains; said that Mr. Sinclair had a... what did she call it? Oh, yes! A sensitivity to sunlight. If you want, I can remove them for you and put the sheer ones back up...”

Spike decided to speak up before Buffy had a chance to. There was no knowing how far she would go--lot of good sheer curtains would be to him in a sunrise. “No, the curtains are good as they are. Ms. Bishop was right about the... sensitivity. This is just the wife’s way of being witty. Wicked sense of humour she has...”

After a short silence, Hetty decided to leave the two lovebirds be. “Well, I’ll be on my way now. If there’s anything you need, just let me know. I come by to pick up towels and bedsheets every two days, so just give me a holler when you’re leavin’, so I don’t disturb you.” There was that wink again. As she was walking out the door, she turned, and added. “Oh, I almost forgot. I’ve left you a few prezzies in the fridge. Ta-ta!” With that, the door closed and Slayer and vampire were alone for the first time.

Author's Note: This is one of my favourite chapters. I don't know why, but it just is. Maybe it's because the Buffy/Spike interaction will be getting much more *interesting* from now on... Anyway, please enjoy and review :)

13 by Pipergirl

Chapter 13

Buffy was the first one to speak. “Well, I’ve got dibs on the tub. I’m going to soak until I’m all prune-like.” Turning to her ‘husband’, she gave him fair warning. “Listen, Spike--I’m only going to say this once. Don’t take this honeymoon idea to heart. You try anything funny, and I’m making an appointment between you and Hetty’s dustbuster. Capisce?”

“Don’t worry, Slayer. ‘S the last thing from my mind. Now go get shrivelled and give me some peace and quiet. Haven’t had a moment’s time to myself since we left bloody Sunnyhell...”

“What? You’re the one who never shuts up!” Opening her suitcase, she pulled out a pair of flannel pyjamas with monkeys on them. Shaking the fist that held her pj’s in his direction, she added. “You’re so in love with the sound of your voice, it’s sickening!” She stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Always the one to have the last word in an argument, Spike cried out. “And don’t take all the bloody hot water--I need to clean up too!” Smiling, he cocked his head towards the bathroom, and heard a frustrated sigh. Heh, she’s too much fun to tease...

Whistling, he walked to the kitchen. “Let’s see what kind of ‘prezzies’ ol’ Hetty left us newlyweds.” His eyes widened at the refrigerator’s contents: a bottle of champagne, a basket of strawberries, a can of whipped cream, and a jar of microwaveable chocolate.

Slamming the door closed, he leaned against the small appliance. Thoughts of whipped cream and the Slayer made their way through his brain, and then went straight to his groin. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He tried to remember how she felt in his arms, just a short while before: she was soft and light, even though she’d beaten the crap out of him a number of times. She’d smelt of vanilla, and whatever else was her own particular smell; even the unguarded little “mmm...” she’d let out when he carried her was etched into his memory.

The vampire knew Buffy was just as affected by his presence than he was by hers. This led him to re-evaluate their relationship. Before they’d left Sunnydale, he would have been hard pressed to say anything nice about the Slayer. They bickered, they fought, they were enemies. However, after only a short time, he had to concede that they had developed mutual feelings of friendship. They had both teased each other, but without the usual venom. More like the ribbing you give an old acquaintance.

At the airport, in LA, they had both agreed that this trip would be much easier on the nerves if they worked at getting along. Well, he’d suggested it and she’d acquiesced. He realized, now, that not much effort had gone into their getting along; it had almost been natural. A very small part of him wondered if there ever could be more than friendship. No, he told himself, don’t even go there. Slayers and vampires don’t mix. It’s odd enough that you’re becoming friends, but lovers? Just think about what happened between her and the poof. Very, very bad scenario. He shook his head at these new thoughts and looked for something to keep him busy. He could watch the telly, but he really didn’t feel like it. His mind kept going back to those damn strawberries. Ah, now there’s an idea... He went back to the fridge and started to work on his plan. Have to hurry; she won’t be in there all night.


Buffy had never wanted nor needed a bath so much in her life. As she peeled off her clothing, tossing it in the corner of the small bathroom, she felt the day’s anxieties disappear. She looked at the large porcelain tub and smiled; this was to be her vessel to nirvana.

As she stepped into the almost too-hot water, everything around her disappeared. There was no Council expecting news, no mother anxiously waiting for a call, and no irritating vampire in the room adjacent to her little paradise. All that existed at that moment was Buffy Summers and the claw foot tub. As she played with the bubbles surrounding her, she was grateful for the bath products that Hetty had left for her—it was almost as if the older woman had known what her tastes were. Although vanilla scented products weren’t hard to come by, she could have easily found herself using something fruity or perfumy.

Sinking further into the tub, she wondered at the size of it. Wow, you could easily fit two people in this thing. This led to thoughts of her traveling companion, and what it would be like to share a bath with him. He’s old fashioned—it’s probably the kind of romantic thing he’d go for… She threw her eyes open, having realized where her thoughts had taken her. No! Bad Buffy—no thoughts of baths with evil vampires. Anyway, his idea of romantic is probably being chained to a wall. Groaning, she submerged herself and attempted once again to clear her thoughts. She had all the time in the world for this bath, and she’d enjoy every minute of it.

Ten minutes later, she was jolted out of her heaven on earth by a loud thumping at the door.

“Have you bloody drowned in there? You’re not the only one who needs to clean up, you know! If you’re not out of there in five minutes, I’m coming in—virtue be damned.”

She heard him mutter a further “bloody women and their bloody baths…” before he was out of her earshot.

Ignoring him, Like he’d dare..., Buffy grabbed her smooshie and poured a generous amount of body wash on it. Stretching her leg, she lathered the vanilla-scented liquid on it. As soon as she’d finished washing, she heard the distinct sound of metal against metal. He wouldn’t… was the last thought that went through her mind as the door flew open.

She shrieked as Spike sauntered in to the bathroom, towel in hand. Ducking low enough that he couldn’t see anything, she glared at him. “Spike! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”

Smirking, the peroxide blonde spoke up. “Told you I’d come in. Probably didn’t believe me, did you?” He kept his eyes even with hers. “Now I’ll show you that I can be a gentleman, and I’ll give you one more minute to get out, grab your sleepwear and all your lotions and potions. If you’re still in the tub when I come back, you’re going to have to make room for me in there—and you know I’m not kidding about that, either.” Before she could respond, he was gone and had closed the door.

Cursing a blue streak, the young woman jumped out of the bathtub and towelled herself on in record time. Well, she wasn’t very dry, but there was no way she was being caught in her birthday suit by a certain annoying vampire. She wrapped a second towel around her head, to dry her hair.

Looking at the one remaining towel, an evil grin crossed her features. Lesson the first, Spike: never, ever, rush a woman through a therapeutic bath session... With that, she ‘let’ the towel slip into the not-yet-empty bathtub.


Leaning against the door, Spike could hear the Slayer rushing around the bathroom. Grinning from ear to ear, he realized that one couldn’t buy this kind of fun. He almost wished that she’d stayed in the tub, despite his warning. He grew hard at the thought of Buffy all soaped up, golden skin glistening in the water... Bloody hell, you’re supposed to be teasing her, not yourself!

Guessing that it had probably been about 1 minute since his final warning, he began to count down out loud. “Ok, Slayer: 10... 9... 8...” His countdown was interrupted by the door being opened. What he saw surprised the heck out of him...

Smiling, Buffy walked out of the bathroom. “Sorry about that. I tend to lose track of time when I’m taking my bath. Hope I left you some hot water...” She kept walking, and made her way to the bedroom.

Frowning, he watched her disappear around a corner. He’d expected her to storm out of the bathroom and punch him in the nose, as she was wont to do when she was pissed off at him. This sunny disposition, however, baffled him. Shrugging, he walked into the bathroom and poured himself a nice hot bath.


As she sat on the bed applying her lotion, Buffy couldn’t help but smirk at the image of Spike growling because he didn‘t have a dry towel. That’ll teach that stupid vampire. He’ll have to dry off with his T-shirt. She knew that he had been teasing her, although she was also sure that he would have followed through with his threat to jump in the tub with her. Which may not have been so bad... No! What’s wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking like that? Ugh, maybe I’m sexually frustrated or something. There’s no other logical reason... Hearing the bathroom door open, she bit back a giggle, and waited to hear her roomie’s curses.

Nothing could have prepared her for the sight that befell her next. When she looked up, she was staring at a nude Spike. Well, not entirely nude--he had her top, the one she’d removed before slipping into the tub, wrapped around his midsection.

His skin still glistened from the bath, and Buffy found herself mesmerized by the sight that her eyes beheld. Was this his thrall? Did he render women speechless with his body? How had she never realized that he was built like a god?

She couldn’t bring herself to look into his eyes, the clear azure gaze that would look right through her, so she began her perusal at his neck. Corded muscles clenched tight, the bobbing of his Adam’s apple was a clear giveaway that her scrutiny was affecting him.

Her eyes moved down to his chest. Slowly, she let them trace the lines of his abs, memorizing every scar that marred his otherwise perfect skin.

She really didn’t want to think that she, Buffy the vampire slayer, was ogling her undead enemy’s crotch but, hey, why lie to herself? Her shirt was stretched taut against his waist, draped against his pelvis like a second skin, displaying to the world (or just her, in this case) the definite bulge that her gaze had created.

She unconsciously dragged the tip of her tongue over her lower lip.

Her examination was cut short by an audible groan. Had that come from her? No, she was sure that it hadn’t. That only left him--the object of her perusal. Of their own volition, her eyes raised to meet his.

Mistake. Big mistake.

Spike’s gaze was direct and unwavering; however, the usual clear blue of his eyes was now clouded with... with what? With curiosity, with uncertainty, with... lust?

His tongue mimicked the movement hers had made just moments earlier, tracing the velvety outline of his bottom lip.


When Spike had pulled himself from the comfort of the tub (not that he’d ever admit to being a bathtub kind of vamp, not even under torture), and found only a sodden towel left for his use, he’d sought his wicked revenge by using her shirt with which to cover himself.

On his way to the bedroom, a number of scenarios ran through his head for when the Slayer saw what he’d used to cover himself. None of them included her giving him the once over, mouth agape. Hell, he could smell her arousal clear across the room, over the myriad soap and lotion smells.

He watched her eyes roam his body and couldn’t help but feel proud of himself... and more than a little aroused. He clenched his teeth as he felt his cock react to her gaze, responding to the sight of her tongue darting over her lips. Wonder what else that little pink tongue of hers can do?

Although his body’s natural reaction was to go with the flow and see how far he could get, his internal voice spoke up. Hello! This is the Slayer--mortal enemy--vampire killer?! What do you think would happen if you walked up to her and tried to see what it takes to pry those dimpled knees? Do you think she’d moan and lay back on the bed, waiting for your cold, undead touch? Not bloody likely. ‘S’more like you’d be meeting up with the wrong end of that Mr. Pointy she carries around with her.

Then, a small voice, one that hadn’t spoken up for ages, added its own two cents. As well, you know she deserves more than that. She may act tough, but she’s still a young woman who’s had a string of heartbreak. The last think she needs is to have someone take advantage of her more... physical... needs when what she really needs is a good friend.

The demon in him growled at the other’s presence, and at its more noble suggestion. Ponce, it grumbled.

In the end, Spike decided to heed their common advice, which was to discourage any kind of ’improper’ activities between himself and the Slayer. Anyway, they had just begun this adventure of sorts, and the last thing either of them needed was the blemish of a horrendously failed fling. There may have been another reason, more closely tied to what the second little voice told him, but he wasn’t prepared to think of that yet.

He repeated her name, not having had a response the first time around. “Slayer?”

Mouth hanging open, the only sound she could make was “Uh?”

That’s when the Slayer part of her knew that she had to take over; girly Buffy was making a right mess of things. Damn it, snap out of it! Get a hold of yourself before he thinks you’re brain dead. With the look you’re giving him, he’s probably plotting some way to take advantage of you. Now find a way to say something else than ‘uh’!


The blonde vamp gave her a smirk. “Nice as this all is, I can’t really go ‘round wearing your shirt like a loincloth. Why don’t you get me a towel or something, huh?”

Sure you could, there wouldn’t be anything wrong with... Oh dear... She had to regain control of herself before it was too late. Too late for what? You’re already looking at him like he’s made of Belgian chocolate... She shook her head, and let the Slayer take over. Ok, Buffy--you’re the Slayer, and he’s a vampire. Figure it out for yourself.

That’s when she threw him the best sneer she could: “Pig!”

“What?! What the hell is that for? You bloody well forced this when you soaked the last available towel.” Before she could say anything, he pointed a finger in her direction. “And don’t try to deny it, Slayer--you were in too good a mood when you walked out of the loo not to have been responsible for that little prank. You’re just lucky you left your clothes in there, or I would’ve had to walk out of there starkers. Now get me a towel so I can regain some dignity.”

Jumping off the bed, she walked up to him and looked him in the eye. “The towels are in the closet--I am not your slave, so you can get them yourself. I am going to find myself something to eat before going to sleep.” Heart pumping furiously, she walked towards the kitchenette, listening to the litany of curses coming from behind the bedroom door.


Because she’d only had a muffin at the airport, Buffy still felt like she needed a snack before heading off to bed. She was used to eating a little something, whether it was a peanut butter and banana sandwich, or a bowlful of Ben & Jerry’s, or anything else that the average woman would shun just minutes before going to sleep. That was when she remembered something about ‘prezzies’ in the fridge. Now what on earth could Hetty have left in that fridge?

As she was staring into the open refrigerator, a voice from behind her spoke up.

“Figured that you might want a little something before going to bed, pet. Anyway, strawberries never last very long--you kind of have to eat them when they’re fresh.”

Pulling out a plateful of the chocolate-covered fruit, the Slayer had to consciously close her jaw. “You... you made these? For me?” Squinting at him, she added “Why? What did you do to them?”

Exasperated, Spike let out a breath. “Bloody hell, Slayer. Does everything I do have to have a nefarious purpose? There were strawberries, chocolate and whipped cream. Now, unless you want to find some more... imaginative... uses for what good ol’ Hetty left us, I suggest you sit down and eat them.” Walking over to her, he took one off the plate and popped it in his mouth. “See? The only bad thing about these are the calories--and with all the energy you’ve spent pissing me off today, you certainly don’t have to worry much about that.” He turned around, and walked back to the bedroom.

Looking down at the strawberries, Buffy felt a twinge of remorse for how she’d treated Spike. He had obviously gone to the trouble of preparing this snack for her--which he obviously didn’t have to do-- and then she snapped at him, accusing him of trying to poison her. Where was the easy camaraderie they had enjoyed earlier, at the airport and on the plane? Somehow, she felt responsible for this falling-out. Plate still in hand, she made sure the door was locked, turned off the kitchen light and headed for the bedroom.


“I’m sorry.”

Spike looked up from the directory he’d been scanning and frowned. “What was that?”

She knew he was making her repeat it, but she wasn’t going to argue--they needed to put this day behind them without making it any worse. “I said I’m sorry. For pissing you off--about the shirt, about the strawberries, about anything I did that cheesed you off.” She walked up to the bed, sat on it, and laid the plate between them. “We’re stuck here, together, and we have to get along. That won’t happen if we don’t trust each other. I’m going to have to work on not second-guessing everything you do--you’ve already shown me that you’re not in this to hurt me, and I’ve got to realize that. So” she picked up a berry, and offered it to him “I’m apologizing.”

The vampire could only blink. Here he was, in London, sitting on a king sized bed with a Slayer decked out in flannel pyjamas (with monkeys on them, to boot) and the single thought that coursed through his mind was that he respected her. The maturity that she was displaying at the moment astounded him--was this the same young woman whose usual rebuttal was a punch in the nose? He’d listened to everything she’d said, most of it mirroring thoughts that had already been flitting through his mind, and was glad that they now seemed to be on the same page.

Accepting the chocolate-covered olive branch, he offered her a smile. “Apology accepted.”

Seeing Buffy stifle a yawn, the vampire spoke up. “Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but have you considered sleeping arrangements? One bed, two of us?” Although he needed a good day’s sleep, he let the gentleman in him speak. “I could take the couch, if that’s what you want.”

Her response was immediate. “No, you’re not sleeping on the couch. This bed is huge-- we can share it. Heck, I could sleep sideways and you’d still have tons of room.” She looked as if she was about to say something mean, then thought better of it. “I’ll go put the plate in the sink.”

Spike slid under the covers, grumbling to himself about having to sleep with clothes on. He wore a pair of cotton pyjama pants that he’d pilfered during one of his recent ‘shopping’ trips. They had looked comfortable, and he had figured the Slayer wouldn’t be too happy if he stalked around the hotel room starkers.

Two minutes later, he felt Buffy climb into the bed.



“Thanks again for the strawberries.”

“You’re welcome, Slayer.”


Be patient... “Yes?”

“When are we getting up?”

“Well, if we can ever get to sleep, somewhere around ten. That should give us time to get ready and head for some of the demon bars I remember, if they’re still around. Now go to sleep.”

“Goodnight, Spike.”

“Goodnight Buffy.”

Author's Note: Bit of a teaser for you guys--a little UST always helps, doesn't it? Enjoy these twice-weekly updates while they last. The writing process isn't going as fast anymore, so when my cache of chapters dries up, updates might be a bit further apart. Thanks to all those who reveiw--please keep doing so. And kudos to Christie my bet for her input!

14 by Pipergirl

Chapter 14

Buffy was awakened by the grating sound of the room’s alarm clock. Ugh--damn things are just as aggravating overseas... She smacked the top of her night table a few times before realizing that the clock was on the other side of the bed. Half awake, grumpy and irritated as hell, she climbed over the still-sleeping vampire to shut the annoying thing off.

She looked down at Spike and wondered at how weird it was to watch him sleep. Hair tousled and lips slightly separated, he looked like any other sleeping man; however, no breath passed his lips and his chest was perfectly still. She sat back and stared at him, wondering how something that was so peaceful in rest be so damned annoying awake. Not knowing why she was doing it, but giving into the feeling anyway, she leaned over and whispered into his ear. “William, time to wake up.”

When the vampire didn’t move, she tried again. “Come on, William--time to join the waking world...”

He smacked his lips and muttered “Just a few more minutes, mum...” before turning around away from her.

Buffy sat back. This was definitely not what she had expected. Trying to push away any maternal feelings, Why the hell does he have to be so adorable sometimes?, she gave him a good shove and watched him disappear over the edge of the bed. There. That’s better.

Game face on, the vampire jumped up and looked around. When he saw the young woman on the bed, laughing like a madwoman, he narrowed his eyes. “Oh really fucking funny, Slayer. ‘S that how you’re going to wake me up every time, by shoving me off the bed?”

Gasping during laughing fits, the young blonde managed to respond. “If it’s this funny every time, yeah, I’d say I just might.” She managed to slow down to a few giggles. “Seriously, though, Spike--I tried to wake you before, and you weren’t moving so I had to resort to serious measures.”

He frowned. “Were you whispering in my ear? Is that why I started to dream of my mum? ”

“Whispering? Me? I don’t know what you’re... Mom! Oh my God, I forgot to call Mom--she’ll be freaking out! She’ll think I was kidnapped or something--she’s probably called Giles by now. I am in so much trouble.” She whined and dropped her legs over the edge of the bed.

“Look, why don’t you just calm down and call her--I’m sure she’ll understand that you were tired and took a nap. Jet lag’s a bitch, even for us vampires.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Buffy picked up the phone and dialled. After a few seconds, she hung back up and stared at the phone. “That’s weird. I dialled the number and some voice told me it was an invalid number. Do you think Mom changed our phone number since I left?”

“Yes--it was her secret desire to get you out of the country and move where you couldn’t find her. She told me as much last time I stopped by for a cuppa.” At the heartbroken look Buffy gave him, he rolled his eyes. “No, she didn’t change the bloody number! We’re overseas--you have to dial an extra code or something.”

“Well, Mr. Smartyfang, do you know what that code is, or are you just going to sit there and be useless?”

“Useless?! I’m the one who told you about the stupid code in the first place. And no, I don’t know what it is. ‘S’not like I was calling America last time I lived here.”

Buffy huffed and picked up the receiver. “Geez, you don’t have to bite my head off. If you don’t know it, just say so. I’ll call the operator--I’m sure she’ll be nice enough to tell me.”

With the help of a very friendly operator, Buffy was finally put through to her home phone and spoke to a worried Joyce.

“Hi Mom... yes, everything’s alright. No, we got here a few hours ago, but we were tired so we took a nap. What time is it? It’s just after 10. Yeah, 10 PM. Yeah, he’s ok. No, he didn’t get charred or anything--he’s managed to avoid that pesky sunlight.” Buffy looked towards Spike, who was doing his best to pretend not to be listening. “No, we haven’t had time to do any sightseeing; we just went to Council headquarters-- ugh, you don’t even want to know. That Travers is such a... well, you know what he‘s like. Then we came to our hotel, which, by the way, is not a five-star deal. Actually, it’s really embarrassing--they’ve got us set up as honeymooners. No, it is *not* cute--it’s gross! At least the bed’s huge, so....“ Her eyes grew as she realized what she’d just said. “No! He’s sleeping on the couch. No sleeping with Spike!“ She got up and walked to the window, parting the blind. “Look Mom, I’ve got to get going. This call’s probably costing a fortune and the Council isn’t exactly paying us a mint while we’re here. No, I don’t need you to call them for me--we’ll do fine with what we have. Say hi to everyone for me. Uh huh, I have to call him too. I know, Mom--I’ll be careful. I love you too. Uh huh. Yup. Ok then, I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.” She hung up the phone and groaned.

Spike looked up from the television. “You know, pet, mothers are like that ‘cause they care so much. Joyce is just worried, ‘s all.”

Buffy came over to the couch, and sat beside the blonde vamp. “Was your mom like that?”

Throwing an arm over his face in a dramatic gesture, Spike laughed. “Was she ever--couldn’t leave the house without tellin’ her where I was going, when I was comin’ back. She was the quintessential mother hen. I was twenty-five and she still insisted on making sure I was wore a scarf when I went out.”

That made Buffy laugh. “Wow--there’s a mental image: Spike wearing a scarf.”

The vampire became serious. “No, pet. William wore the scarf. Not Spike.

Buffy bit her lip, pondering a question. What the heck--worst thing he can do is laugh at me. “Is it that you don’t feel the cold, or does it just not bother you?”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Well, yeah, I can feel it; it’s just that it doesn’t bother me so much--not like it would for you. If I have a choice, though, I prefer warmth. Didn’t your Watcher cover any of this?”

“Well, no--not exactly. We got to ‘vampires bad--kill vampires’ and that was about it. It’s not like I’m gonna ask a vamp if he’s cozy before I stake him.”

Standing up, Spike stretched. “Pfft. Figures. Why don’t you call Rupes and get that out of the way so we can head out? I don’t plan on having to carry a snoozing Slayer back here.”

Buffy did just that, and proceeded to recount all that had happened at Council headquarters.

The vampire made his way to the bedroom to get dressed. As he walked by his flatmate’s open suitcase, a sudden urge hit him. Listening carefully, he heard that she was still on the phone. Typical woman--she’ll be on that thing forever. Peering into the bag, he saw that it contained the Slayer’s underclothes.

Holding up a pair of red silk panties, he nearly hit the floor. They had lace at the waist, and a small lace heart on one of the sides. He put those to the side and pulled out a satin thong that had ’I Chase Boys’ printed on the front--he let out an unnecessary breath. “Christ...”

“Spike! What are you... Argh! Is that my underwear? What the hell are you doing in my underwear?”

Although lying had never been his forte, Spike, for once in his unlife, came up with a quick valid excuse. “Hmph! Get off your high horse, Slayer. I was just tossing your bag off the bed when the bloody thing opened up on me. Figured you wouldn’t be too keen on having your knickers lying all around the bedroom.” He stuffed the two pairs back into the suitcase and shoved it towards their owner, who eyed him suspiciously but didn’t say a word.

Leering, he cocked an eyebrow at her. “Not my fault you packed a suitcase of naughty knickers--don’t know what you were plannin’ on doing here, but maybe you could...”

He didn’t have time to finish his sentence before a hairbrush was thrown at him rather harshly. Grabbing whatever clothing was close at hand, he ran out of the room, secretly high-fiving himself for the first believable save of his unlife, doubled with a well-placed taunt.


“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” Buffy sat on one of the kitchen chairs, tying up the laces on her sneakers.

Throwing on his duster, Spike wished for the first time in a long, long time that he had a reflection. The Council video camera had reminded him of just how damn good he looked in that coat.

“Figured we’d head over to the Calico. It’s pretty tame for a demon joint, so it’s a good place to start. We can probably get the lowdown on these Pelorak and what they’re up to.” He looked at the Slayer up and down, and frowned.

“And then we’ll go get you some decent clothes. The Calico’s about the only place you’ll get in dressed like that.”

Buffy looked in the mirror. She was wearing a pink knit top and light blue flares. “What’s wrong with this? At least I’m not dressed like the Grim Reaper.”

“Think of where we’re going, pet. I’ll blend in, but you’re just screaming ‘Hello, human! Please kill me now!’ You look like an Old Navy ad.”

She didn’t know why his words were bothering her. It’s not like it was a personal attack, and it was certainly not like he’d never insulted her before. “And what’s wrong with what I look like? You’ve never had a problem with how I’ve dressed before!” What does it matter what he thinks? Stupid vampire--it’s not like I wore this for *him*...

Fuck... Don’t cry, whatever you do... Spike had no idea why he felt bad. Insulting the Slayer was on his daily top 10 things to do, but her reaction this time got to him. Bloody sentimental poof... “Look, there’s nothing wrong with what you’re wearing *if you’re in Sunnydale*. If you’re trying to get into some of the seediest demon bars in London, pink won’t cut it.”

Buffy began to feel a little less self-conscious. “Well, it’s not like we can go shopping tonight--it’s after 11pm. I doubt even the Goth stores are still open.”

“You just don’t know where to shop, pet. Look, why don’t we just head out and we’ll talk about clothing later.” He got up and headed for the door.

Buffy looked at him for a moment and not for the first time took note of the blonde vamp’s clothing. Watching his muscles move, even from under his duster, she thought to herself: Yeah, the Big Bad look definitely works for him. She creased her brow. Where’d that come from? Ugh, God help me; he insults me and all I can do is check him out...


On the way to the Calico, Buffy made a point to stop at a bank machine. Taking out £50, she bemoaned the fact that that sum was exactly one tenth of their total spending money for this mission.

As they passed a street vendor, the young woman realized just how hungry she was. When was the last time she’d eaten properly? “Did you want to grab something to eat? I’m starving.”

“Sure--we can share; you can have a hot dog and” he waggled his eyebrows “I’ll have the vendor. Sound fair to you?”

The Slayer stopped dead in her tracks and faced the blonde vampire. Dragging him into an alley, she pointed a finger in his face. She spoke slowly and menacingly. “Spike--we’ll get this straight right now. You will not, under any circumstance, feed off humans while we’re on this mission. I don’t care if you have to brown bag it like Angel--find a way around it.” She backed up a step and crossed her arms.

The vampire sneered. “’S a bit late for that, Slayer. Had a bite to eat at the airport.”

Buffy narrowed her eyes. “You’re lying--you were with me the whole time. You didn’t leave my side except to go...” her face paled “...to go have a smoke. Oh, tell me you didn’t...”

Smug, Spike straightened his stance and reclaimed some of his ‘Big Bad’. “’Fraid so, luv. Had myself a bit of a snack in the bathroom. Some pudgy middle-aged bloke...”

The stake was pressed against his heart before he knew it.

“Anything you want to say before you leave this world, Spike?”

In the four years he and the Slayer had fought, Spike had never let her get the upper hand quite to this extent. Sure, she’d won a few rounds and so had he, but never, ever, had any of their fights ended with his unlife so seriously on the line.

“Yeah. I didn’t kill him.”

“Huh?” Buffy had expected him to fight back, or to goad her into going through with it, but his quiet confession took her by surprise. “Did you say you didn’t kill him?”


His eyes met hers in an unwavering gaze and she knew he was telling her the truth.

“Why not?” Her question was just a whisper.

His eyes left hers and darted around. It was obvious that not only was he trying to decide whether or not to tell her, but he was also searching for the answer.

“I don’t know why. He was pleading for his life--they all do that, you know, if they’re conscious--anyway, prattled on about a wife and girls that he hadn’t seen in weeks. He kept crying the whole time. Bloody wanker, I am. Look, if you’re going to kill me, just do it--don’t stand there with that thing poking into my chest.”

Buffy looked into his clear blue eyes and, pulling the stake away from him, lightly pressed her lips to his. “Thank you.” She turned away and walked back to the sidewalk.

The Slayer part of her was going ballistic. What in the world was that?! Slayers do *not* kiss the undead! You thanked him for not killing someone--great incentive there, Buffy. Maybe he’ll be expecting kisses for all the people he won’ t kill from here on in. Another thought came to mind, however. Or did you thank him for not having to kill him? She didn’t know why she’d kissed him, and at that moment she honestly didn’t want to know why.

Spike remained with his back glued to the wall, eyes round like saucers. Buffy Summers, *The* Slayer of vampires, had kissed him. Maybe he had been staked after all and this was some weird afterlife. He brought his left hand up to his right forearm and pinched himself hard. “Shit!” Ok, so he wasn’t dead... again. He pulled away from the wall and filed this incident under ‘things to revisit later’.

He caught up to the Slayer and fell in step with her as she made her way down the sidewalk.

Author's Note: Wow. I can't believe we're onto chapter 14 already! I hope you guys are enjoying the banter between Spike and Buffy--that's so much fun to write :) As usual, thanks to all those who left reviews. It warms the cockles of my heart, it does.
Please keep 'em coming.

15 by Pipergirl

Chapter 15

Spike led them through a maze of old factories, stretching out his senses, pausing every now and then to cock his head and listen or to sniff at something in the air. It had been a long, long time since he’d made his way through these buildings and he never thought he’d ever forget the way to Calico. Not that he’d spent that much time there, but when one’s a vampire you tend to remember places like these because, well, because you could be around forever...

Buffy watched her ’guide’ as he tried to suss out where this bar was. She’d never actually watched him in full vamp mode, and was secretly contemplating the display. She wondered if he realized that he’d vamped out--his body probably did it automatically to heighten his senses. Sight, hearing, smell--she imagined that with his demon in the forefront, they had a much better chance at finding this place before dawn. She hopped over some toppled wooden skids and nearly tripped.

“Why do these places always have to be in industrial areas? I mean, even *you* are having trouble finding it. This is so stupid...”

For a moment, Spike had almost forgotten that he wasn‘t alone. Her voice brought him back to his current situation, which at the moment was kind of close to ‘demon bar bloodhound’. “’Cause if we set shop up on main street, I gather folks would do more than raise an eyebrow. Imagine that--coupla Fyarl demons rolling out in the wee morning, right snookered--something tells me that might just make the front page.”

He stopped suddenly and looked to his left. He sniffed a bit and turned. “This way.” When he saw that she was still following him, he resumed. “Demons scope out this kind of location because we can mind our own business and not be pestered by humans. Cops know better than to come around--those who do, well they don’t come by twice. Most folks can’t deal with seein’ stuff they’ve only ever seen in scary movies.”

Buffy couldn’t help but agree, easily remembering her own reaction to first meeting all that goes bump in the night. “That might be true for people from most cities, but not in Sunnydale. I swear, they must put something in the water over there. People see a Grauk demon--you know, those big insect-like things that are, like, yea tall” she stretched her arm as high as she could above her head, and waited for Spike to nod in assent “and they think it’s something that’s escaped from the zoo. Makes my job easier, in a way--no having to try to make up some crazy story to cover my butt. They do a good enough job with their own imaginations.”

“Yeah--always wondered about folks in Sunnyhell. I thought it was too much sunshine. You know, the heat an’ all--makes people a bit barmy.” He stopped and turned to his left. “Ah! Here we are--the Calico!”

Buffy followed the vampire to the front of the building. It didn’t look all that much different than any other bar she’d ever seen, although it looked a bit odd sitting there among scores of abandoned factories. It had a blue neon sign near the top that had ‘Calico’ written in cursive and had billboards and a menu posted on the wall near the door; the only difference from most bars is that it didn’t have any windows. Guess that eliminates any stragglers from getting dusted by the sunrise...

In an unusual display of manners, Spike held the door open for the Slayer. She looked at him oddly, but accepted his gesture at face value. He followed her into the establishment and saw that it hadn’t changed much since he’d last been there. The owner had added a few electronic gambling machines and there was now a cigarette dispensing machine near the bar, but aside from that it was pretty much the same. Same chairs, same tables, same owner... “Edward!”

Buffy’s immediate reaction to the bar was that it reminded her a lot of the cantina scene in Star Wars. Lots of weird looking beings speaking very loudly in lots of different languages, with some really funky music playing in the background. She looked in the direction that Spike was hollering and noticed a floppy-eared demon. Its face lit up at the sound of his name and he practically pole-vaulted in their direction.

“Spike! Good Lord--I never thought I’d see you again. How are you, old chum?” He came over and grabbed Spike in a bear hug, nearly squeezing the unlife out of the blonde vampire.

“Ugh--I’ll be fine if you haven’t broken any ribs there, Eddie. Place looks the same as it always did--looks good ‘s what I mean.” He looked around once more and smiled. It was nice to be back home, back with people he actually liked.

Eddie looked at Buffy and nudged Spike. “Have you lost all manners or are you going to introduce me to your friend?” He smiled at Buffy, who felt herself relax just a little.

“Oh, sorry ‘bout that. Eddie, this is Buffy. Buffy--Edward. Buffy’s from Sunnydale--in California. It’s where I’m staying right now.” He pulled back and lit a fag. He appreciated being able to light up wherever he wanted--he didn’t have to worry about icy stares. Not that that usually stopped him, but it was an annoyance nevertheless.

“Nice to meet you, Eddie. This is a nice place you have here; very homey.” Buffy smiled and shook the demon’s hand. He had a heck of a handshake that belied his friendly demeanour. Here was a demon that was probably strong enough to take her on and do a bit of damage, but had the personality of a puppy dog. She also appreciated the fact that he was yet to ask where Drusilla was; he must have been wondering, but at least he was keeping it to himself.

Eddie’s face fell and he put one of his floppy hands to his mouth. “Oh dear! Where are my manners? Would you like to sit down? I do hope that you came in for a short while, at least? Enjoy a bit to drink” he looked at Buffy and quickly added “alcohol, drink alcohol that is, and maybe a bit to eat?”

Spike smiled at Eddie. “It’s alright, mate. She knows what I drink--might not be too ok with it, but she knows. If we can find a booth in a corner somewhere, I actually need to speak to you.” He gave his friend a serious look, letting him know that he wanted to do more than catch up on old times.

Buffy followed the two demons, looking around her as she walked. Upon closer inspection, the bar was a little more peculiar than what she was used to--not that she hung around in bars, mind you. A gang of short beige demons, who kind of reminded her of that Alf thing from TV, were sitting around a large table playing some games involving spinning rocks and hitting each other with sticks. Ookay--mental note not to join in any demon games. Weird. The walls were adorned with photographs, which in itself wouldn’t be weird if the people in the pictures didn’t have two heads, or blue skin, or weren’t covered in scales. She slid in to the booth, seating herself next to Spike.

Eddie waved one of the barmaids over. “Cora! Come here, please, luv.”

The tall woman walked over to their booth and smiled at her boss. Buffy wondered what a human woman was doing working in a demon bar, even one that wasn’t half bad; that was until she took a closer look at her. The barmaid’s eyes were like a reptile’s and she had a forked tongue that made her lisp when she spoke.

“Ssure, Eddie. What can I get for you?” She gave Spike a wink and smiled at Buffy.

Spike spoke up first. “I’ll have a vodka and O-Neg and the young lady here will have...” He looked at the Slayer expectantly. When she shrugged her shoulders, he ordered for her. “Something sweet. Easy on the alcohol, though.”

Buffy’s brow creased. “What’s that supposed to mean--‘Easy on the alcohol’? Just because I’m not a career drunk like you are doesn’t mean that I can’t have a drink like a regular person.”

Spike sighed. “I know, pet--it’s just that most demon bars a regular serving of alcohol is double that of human bars--and Eddie here doesn‘t water it down like that pillock Willy. I just ordered you what you’d get at the Bronze.”

The young woman relaxed a bit. “Oh. Okay.”

“So, Spike--you had something you wanted to discuss?” Eddie leaned in, and crossed his arms on the table.

Spike and Buffy both leaned in and aped the other demon’s pose. “Yeah--we’re keepin’ an eye out for some Pelorak. Wondering if you’ve had any come in recently--say, the past month or month and a half.”

Eddie became very serious and remained motionless. “Must be serious, if you’re looking for Pelorak. I haven’t seen any, but I’m not always here. If you don’t mind my asking, what’s this all about?”

Just as Spike was about to answer, Cora returned with their drinks. She handed the vampire his drink, making sure he got a good view of her cleavage. Turning to Buffy, she handed her a punch-coloured drink with an umbrella in it. “Ssweet--hope you like it.” She watched as the young woman took a sip of the drink.

Something was off. Buffy smacked her mouth, trying to figure out what the drink tasted like. She presented it to Spike. “Here--taste it. There’s something weird in it, and I can’t quite place it.”

“What, am I your taste-vamp now?” Spike grabbed the drink and took a sip. His face broke into a wide grin, and he leaned over Buffy, handing the drink over to the patient barmaid. “She’s human, love. Why don’t you bring her a pina colada or something fruity?”

After the waitress nodded and left with her drink, Buffy’s curiosity got the upper hand. “Ok, I give. What was in the drink?”

Spike and Eddie threw a glance at each other, before turning their gazes to the young woman. “I think it’s best for my health if I don’t answer that, pet. Believe me--you don’t want to know.”

“What do you mean, I don’t want to know?” Then it dawned on her--she looked at the colour of Spike’s drink and remembered her own drink’s colour. “Oh. Oh--ewww!” She took her napkin and frantically wiped her tongue. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” As she put her napkin back down on the table, Cora returned with her new drink. Buffy pushed it over to Spike, who rolled his eyes. He took a small sip, and made a face.

“Ugh! Yeah, it’s a pina colada all right. Don’t know how you can drink that sugary crap.” He took a long swig of his blood/vodka mix and made an appreciative ‘aah’.

He turned back to Eddie, and the conversation resumed from where it left off. “The Pelorak--they’ve kidnapped a baby and we have to find it. I know it sounds poncey, but this is some serious shit--you know: prophecy, sacrifice, inter-dimensional bleeding, end of the world, yadda yadda yadda.”

The floppy demon nodded and was temporarily lost in thought. “If any Pelorak came in, Cora would have seen them. I’ll send her over. As nice as it is to see you again, Spike, I do have to tend to my little business.” He got up, and took Buffy’s hand, giving it a light kiss. “It was nice to meet you, Buffy. I hope we get to meet again--good luck with the baby. These apocalyptic threats are never good for business.” He hurriedly made his way behind the bar and said a few words to Cora before disappearing into a back room.

Buffy’s Slayer senses were on overdrive. “Ok, am I the only one who thinks that Eddie beat it a little suddenly after you mentioned the baby and the prophecy?”

Spike looked at where his friend had gone and frowned. “Eddie’s not involved, Slayer. Believe me when I tell you that.”

“Oh yeah? Well, people can change after 50 years, you know. Maybe he found out that there’s more money to be made working for the bad guys. Gee, and he seemed like such a nice demon, too.”

Spike leaned in to Buffy, close enough for her to smell the blood and vodka on his breath. “Listen here, Slayer. Eddie lost his wife and kids to some quack warlock who wanted to start a demon breeding colony in some other dimension. This psycho didn’t take the time to notice that the gravity over there was about 500 times as strong as it is here on Earth. I doubt it makes him feel any better to know that they probably didn’t feel a thing before their bodies were crushed by the pressure. So if his reaction to our mission is less than enthusiastic, you’ll have to forgive him.”

“That’s horrible! Poor Eddie...” The young woman threw an apologetic glance at the door through which the demon had passed.


Cora was making it nearly impossible for Spike to concentrate on the task at hand.

After his talk with Buffy about Eddie, the Slayer had moved over to the other side of the table. They both felt more comfortable facing each other, instead of sitting hip to hip in the dimly-lit booth.

The barmaid had seated herself next to the blonde vampire and was now practically on his lap.

“You assked to ssee me?” Her tongue flicked out, tickling Spike’s ear. His mind went blank as he began to make a mental list of what that tongue of hers could probably do. He doubted that this is what his mother meant when she warned him against women with forked tongues.

He tried to speak again as she pressed her ample chest into his arm. He smiled warmly and brought his arm around her shoulders. “Yeah, I need to know if you’ve seen any Pelorak come in here in the past month or so. They’ve got something of ours and we need to get it back.”

Cora brought her hand down to his lap and began to draw circles on the vampire’s thigh with her sharp red nails. “Pelorak? Yess, a group came by for a drink about 3 or 4 weekss ago.” She pouted and leaned in closer. “They weren’t very nice, not like you. They kept to themselves--I didn’t hear much of what they were ssaying.” The circles she was drawing were getting closer and closer to their target. “The only thing I made out was the Pulchra Nex and the name Blakeford.”

“How can you even remember this conversation? It was over a month ago.” Buffy wasn’t impressed with the reptilian barmaid, especially the way she was fawning over the blonde vampire who, in her opinion, was enjoying it a bit too much. “Do you remember all your patrons’ conversations?”

Cora took her eyes off Spike for a moment and set them on the young woman sitting across from her. “Honey, I’ve worked in bars like thiss for over 60 years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’ss that Pelorak are bad news--they’re always up to no good. I always keep an ear open to their converssations--jusst in case ssome handsome bloke decides to pop in and have a chat.” Her attention once again diverted to Spike, she leaned in and whispered in his ear. “What ssay you sstick around until closing? My place isn’t far from here.” Her yellow gaze turned to Buffy. “Maybe your lady friend can join us, too.”

Buffy’s eyes narrowed and her patience waned. She didn’t understand why Cora’s flirting irked her; it wasn’t as if she and Spike were seeing each other. They were just travelling together, and staying in the same hotel room... and sleeping in the same bed. It didn’t mean that she had any feelings for him! So he had made chocolate-covered strawberries for her, that didn’t mean anything! Stupid bleached vampire, she’ll show him. With a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes, she addressed the barmaid who seemed to have more in common with octopi than lizards. “Sorry Cora, but I don’t share. Isn’t that right, Spikey?” She followed through with a good kick to his shin.

“Ow!” What the heck was the Slayer doing, anyway? He was the one being molested--not that he minded, but still... “Sorry, luv, but I’m a one-woman vamp.” He kept a wary eye on the Slayer and pulled his legs under his bench.

Cora pouted, but slid off the seat. “Pity. All that stamina for just one woman. Lucky...” She fixed her apron and smiled at them as if nothing had conspired. “Would you like something from the kitchen while you’re here?”

Before Buffy had time to open her mouth, Spike ordered for both of them. “Yeah--two fish and chips. It’s been ages since I’ve had proper fish and chips.” He watched the barmaid walk away, hips swinging alluringly, and readjusted his pants. It had been way too long since he’d had any...

Trying to shake the stamina comment from her mind, Buffy tried to veer the conversation to safer grounds. “So what’s our next move, then? I say we go to that Nex whatever and shake some information out of a few slimeballs. I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to, and anyway--every moment that we waste is extra time that Blakeford has to get further away.” She frowned, as she tried to remember something else that she’d wanted to tell him. “Oh yeah--” she slid down the seat a little, and reached out with her foot, kicking him again “I don’t need you to order for me. We’re in the 21st century--I can order for myself.”

“Bloody hell, woman--are you trying to cripple me?!” Spike rubbed at the bruises forming on his shin. “First of all, we are not going to the Pulchra Nex anytime soon--you’re not ready for that place just yet. Second, if Blakeford wanted to leave London, he would have done so by now, so either we’ve missed him or we’ll find him soon enough. Third, I ordered for you because I knew you’d order something ‘healthy’ like a salad or something. You need some flesh on those bones of yours, Slayer, and a good English diet will do just that. And lastly,” he returned an equally harsh kick to her shin, making her yelp, “stop hitting me.”


As she polished off her last french fry, Buffy got to thinking about what Spike had told her earlier. “What was it that you said about me not being ready to go to the Pulker Next? I’m a way better liar than you are, and I can kick your ass any day.”

Spike sighed. Sometimes... make that almost all the time, he really couldn’t believe that Buffy Summers was the Slayer. Was she truly that thick, or was she just short on attention span? Or... did she simply like pushing his buttons? Of course, she was just a young girl from California--barely twenty years old, if that. What had he been like at twenty? A stuttering bookworm whose heroes were Wordsworth, Coleridge and Tennyson. A young man who still clung to his doting mother’s coattails. He shuddered as the memories rushed back, of his mother’s illness and his worry for her condition, and of what had transpired... No, don’t go there, mate. You’ll never be ready to go back there.

Snapping fingers brought him back to the there and then, and he shook his head. “Sorry ‘bout that. Guess I must’ve wandered. Where were we?”

“Ugh. You were going to tell me why we’re not going to that other bar. Are you sure you’re ok? You look paler than usual...” Buffy took a hold of the lamp that hung over their table and shone its light in his face, trying to get a better look.

“Look, I’m fine.” The vampire grabbed the lamp from the young woman’s grasp and set it back in place. “And don’t shine that in my face--you almost blinded me.” He took a deep breath, shaking away the residual emotions of his memories. “The bar’s name, once again, is Pulchra Nex. There are a few reasons we’re not going just yet. We’ve already established that you don’t have a wardrobe fitting for such a place, but the main reason is that the only humans to get into Pulchra Nex are either on the menu or part of the entertainment. And don’t think that that means stand-up comedy, pet. The owners of the Nex could give the Romans a run for their money when it comes to entertaining their patrons.”

“So what does Pulchra Nex mean, anyway?”

“Loosely translated, ‘Beautiful, Violent Death‘”

Slayer back in the driver’s seat, Buffy sat straight and looked Spike in the eye. “Ok, so potentially bad for me, human and all. We get me new clothing and... and that gets me in? Just like that--or is there something else?”

“Haven’t gotten quite that far, yet. Clothing’s only the first step. I haven’t thought of a way of getting you in there--well, one that won’t get me staked upon suggesting it. Give me a bit of time--I always think of something.”

Buffy snickered at that. “Yeah, like all those plans to kill me and the Scoobies? Those always worked out so well.”

Spike made a motion to get up. “Ha bloody ha, Slayer. Sit tight for a moment--I’m gonna go say goodbye to Eddie, and then we’ll be on our way. We’ve got a bit of shopping to do and I don’t feel like being out all sodding night.”

Author's Note: Hidely-ho! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I had a blast writing Cora--original characters can be so much fun. Anyhoo, thanks to those who took the time to review. Please keep doing so--it always gives me a happy :)

16 by Pipergirl

Chapter 16

“So what’s the name of this store we’re going to?” The cool air was a welcome refreshment to the Slayer, who felt a bit sluggish after having eaten the biggest portion of fish and chips she‘d ever laid eyes on. She took in many of the sights and sounds they passed, trying to get a feel for this city that had been ancient even before Spike’s time. She regretted not having time to stop and read the plaques that spoke of the history of the old buildings and landmarks--maybe, she hoped, she could come out sometime during the day and see London in the sunlight.

“It’s called Divine Opulence.” Spike had appreciated the comfortable silence that had accompanied their walk. He found it refreshing to be able to be in someone’s company without having to fill every moment with senseless banter.

“Divine Opulence? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s not supposed to mean anything. That’s just what it’s called. It’s not very far from here, if I remember correctly. I know it’s around here somewhere...” He stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes. He’d been here numerous times, but that was before the McDonald’s and the Gap that now occupied this intersection were even a notion in their creators’ minds. He opened his senses, reaching out to feel the pull of the other demons.

He opened his eyes and looked at Buffy. Nodding his head to his right, he confirmed his suspicions. “It‘s right over here.”

Buffy looked at the building they were facing. She cocked her head and stared at the golden arches for a second before glaring at the vampire. “Ok. Am I missing something, or are you implying that you’re getting me dressed at McDonald’s? ‘Cause uniforms so aren’t my look right now.”

Spike groaned. “Have you learned nothing yet?” He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her down a pathway that lay next to the restaurant. The rank smell of grease and garbage hung in the still air of the alley, which was unlit save for the moonlight that trickled in between the two brick buildings. Buffy felt as if she was being coated in a layer of stench and quietly wished that for just once, her life would lead to somewhere normal like the Gap.

The path opened up onto a small cobblestone courtyard over which about half a dozen storefronts faced. Two small Japanese Maples were growing in the center of the court, and miniature white Christmas lights decorated many of the storefronts. Buffy’s eyes scanned the stores, curious as to what kind of stores upper class demons might frequent. There was Dvelia’s Chocolates and Confections, Savannah Beauty Salon, Silk and Lace Garments and, of course, Divine Opulence.

Scanning the selection at the chocolate shoppe, Buffy was impressed. “You guys are really set up, aren’t you?”

Spike tore his eyes from the lingerie display and shrugged. “Well, if you’ve been around long enough, you’re going to develop an infrastructure. It’s bound to happen.”

“Ah—the joys of demon capitalism. Anya would be proud.” She walked through the door as Spike held it open for her, and found that the store looked like any other fashionable boutique she’d ever been to. Although she hadn’t really known what to expect, she never really thought it would be so... normal. She made her way to one of the racks and looked at a pair of jeans. “Ooh--these are nice!“ She turned the price tag over and felt faint. “Uh, Spike? We can’t afford to shop here! Look at the price of this stuff—what, does it come from another dimension or something?”

“’S possible, pet. Lots of work to be had making clothes for the filthy rich, even in the demon world. We just haven’t got the same resources you humans do—not like we can enslave 8-year old Chinese kids to make our shirts.” He peered around, as if he was looking for someone in particular. “Look, I’ll go find some help for you. And don’t worry about the money—I’m cashing in on a favour so you just choose whatever you like.”

As Spike walked away, heading towards the closest salesperson, Buffy busied herself by looking at the clothing on the racks. She’d forgotten that the store catered to the non-human variety until she found a beautiful green dress that had four armholes. Wow—this is worse than not finding my size...

A piercing shriek brought her attention to the back of the store, to where Spike was being attacked by a squat demon in a bright yellow dress. Well, it looked like he was being attacked but the vampire wasn’t fighting back so Buffy could only assume that it had been a happy kind of shriek. Making her way to where the commotion was taking place, she nearly doubled over in laughter.

Right next to the cash register, a short, rotund demon had Spike in a bear hug. Although he seemed royally embarrassed, he was returned the embrace; that was until he spied the Slayer.

“Right, then.” Pulling away from the hug, he straightened his duster and tried to regain some of his Big Bad. “Zairah, this is Buffy. She’s a... friend. From California. Buffy, this is Zairah; she owns Divine Opulence.”

The demon turned to Buffy and gave her a warm, matronly smile. She didn’t seem to have any body hair, and the Slayer found it a bit disconcerting to be speaking to someone who didn’t have any eyebrows or eyelashes. She was reminded of the time that the football team had gotten their clutches on Xander--they’d duct taped him to a bench in the change rooms and had shaved his eyebrows. Not a fun time for Xander, no siree...

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zairah. You’ve got a really nice store here.” Buffy was genuine in her feelings towards the demon. She gave off a feeling of warmth and kindness that the Slayer didn’t encounter often--either in demons or humans.

“Thank you, dear. I’ve worked very hard to get it to what it has become, and I have William to thank for that.” As the large demon spoke in a thick Eastern European accent she beamed at the vampire, who tried his best not to look abashed. “It is always in difficult times that you know who your true friends are.”

Before Buffy had a chance to ask the demon what she was referring to, Spike spoke up. He didn’t feel like taking another trip down memory lane. If Buffy really wanted to know what the older demon was talking about, he’d tell her when they got back to the hotel. “Reason we’re here, Zairah, is Buffy needs a bit of a makeover in the clothing department. We have to pay a visit to Pulchra Nex, so she needs to have something less bubble-gum.”

The demon’s eyes grew round. “The Pulchra Nex? William--you’re not still associating with those people are you? After all these years I would have believed you’d grow out of getting into trouble.” She seemed truly disappointed and clucked her tongue. “And bringing a nice young girl like Buffy in such circles--you should be ashamed of yourself!” She smacked him upside the head and continued her castigation. “I should have known when I saw you with your hair all white and the long black coat...”

Buffy stifled a giggle. It must have been horribly embarrassing for William the Bloody to be chastised like a ten year-old in front of the Slayer, especially when he was not at fault--for once. Man, where was Zairah when he kept coming up with those plans to kill us? The thing that surprised her most, though, was that he just sat there pouting instead of defending himself.

She decided to save him from further torment. “As funny as it is to see you tear a strip out of Spike, Zairah, this isn’t quite what it seems. We’re going to the Nex for business purposes, and I’m more than able to take care of myself around vampires and demons. Now, if you want to continue blasting him for his hair, well--be my guest.”

Zairah sighed. “There’s no stopping you young ones once you’ve set your sights on something. I will help you--I owe William as much.” She snapped her fingers and turned with a flourish, yellow dress flowing after her. “Come! Let the transformation begin.”

Buffy looked at Spike questioningly, not sure what kind of ‘transformation’ she’d be undergoing. As if he’d read her mind, he reassured her. “Don’t worry, pet. She won’t make you do anything you don’t want to. She might try real hard, but she won’t force you. Go on, now, before she smacks you upside the head too.” He rubbed his head where he’d been hit earlier. “She doesn’t hold back--that’s quite a backhand she’s got there.”

Buffy nodded in understanding and turned to follow Zairah to the back of the store. “Um, I don’t know what deal you and Spike have--he mentioned some sort of favour or something--but I’d feel much better telling you that we don’t have much money and can’t really afford any of this. You know, just in case he was pulling my leg...”

“Tut, tut! There will be no speaking of money. William is correct. He helped me many years ago and I promised him that he could come and claim any favour he wanted, as long as I was alive. You must be a very important young woman in his eyes, for him to use his favour for you.” She winked a lash-less eyelid at the Slayer and turned to a wall of clothing. “Now, let’s have a little fun, shall we?”

The young woman looked up, and gulped. The wall displayed what could only be described as a fetishist’s wet dream. “Oh, no... I can’t wear any of that! Not in public--and not in private either! Does that skirt even have a rear end?” There was no way on earth that this demon, and Spike to boot, could get her to wear clothing that had holes in all the wrong places. She backed up until she hit a rack of pants. “I’m sure Spike might be able to cash that favour in sometime in the next century...”

“Don’t worry, love. We won’t be too risqué, especially if you’re shy. There’s still lots of clothes to choose from. Now, let’s see if we can find you a few delicious outfits...”


While the women busied themselves with clothing, Spike browsed the footwear section of the store. He’d had his boots for a long, long time: they’d been with him in New York when he’d killed his second Slayer, they were there when he and Dru first set foot in Sunnydale and now they were with him on his first visit to London in over 50 years. He felt a pang of sadness at the thought of parting with them, but he knew that all good things must come to an end.

A pair of 10 hole Doc Martens caught his eye. Black and shiny, they reflected the overhead lights like a mirror. He rifled through them until he found his size, and picked them up. Yup, definitely time for a change. He looked down at the boots he was now wearing. “Sorry, boys. Looks like you’ll be retiring tonight.”

New boots in hand, he made his way over to the back of the store. There he found Zairah in by a row of dressing rooms, an armload of clothing in hand. He pressed his index finger to his lips, quietly asking her not to acknowledge his presence. Eyeing the clothing on the wall, he pulled down a Chinese-style dress. It was made of red silk, and had fabric-covered buttons up the front. He handed it to the demon and watched her pass it over the top of the door.

The vampire leaned towards the other demon. “Has she decided on anything yet?” He tried to make rhyme or reason of the piles of clothing that were scattered across the chairs lined up against the wall, but gave up.

Zairah sighed. “No--she hasn’t even come out of the room yet.” She smiled at the vampire. “Maybe you could convince her to come out. You know, try a few well-chosen words...” She assumed that there was a potential ‘something’ brewing between William and the nice young woman. No harm in trying to help a bit, was there? She watched as Spike winked at her and walked up to the cubicle door.

“Buffy?” He called in a patient, calm voice.

“What?!” Exasperated and embarrassed, Buffy couldn’t believe that they expected her to leave the dressing room wearing some of this clothing; there was no chance in hell she was showing up in some demon version of a biker bar wearing a few straps of leather.

Flexing his hands into fists, Spike tried to keep his voice even. He didn’t know how she did it, but the Slayer could deflate a good mood quicker than Harris could down a jelly doughnut. “Why don’t you come out so we can see what you look like? Zairah’s working hard out here tryin’ to find some clothes for you--the least you can do is come out here and show her how you look.” Ugh. He was reduced to coaxing Buffy Summers out of a dressing room; his life was going down the shitter.

She might have considered acquiescing if she’d believed even a word of what he was saying. Why on earth would Spike want to see what she looked like, unless it was to laugh at her? “Don’t try to butter me up, Spike. I am *not* leaving the confines of this cubicle. I can see for myself if what I’m wearing looks good. I don’t need you to try to coax me out of here just so you can ogle me.”

That’s it. “Ok then, we’ll play by my rules. If you don’t come out here in thirty seconds, I’m coming in. I am going to find you something to wear--I don’t care what you think of it--and that’s what we’re leaving with. Choice is up to you, pet.” Enough molly coddling--threats always worked much, much better with the Slayer.

Buffy didn’t doubt for a moment that he would have the audacity to rip the door off her dressing room--even with Zairah and a few other customers present. She grabbed the red dress that had been passed to her last and slipped it on. She took a quick peek in the mirror that lined the inside of the door, and smiled. Okay--maybe I’ll keep this one...

The door to the room finally opened, and the young blonde stepped out. She cast a threatening look towards Spike and turned to Zairah. “Well? What do you think? I guess it’s nice--it’s sexy” she admitted shyly “but it’s classy.” She walked around a little and looked herself over in the mirrors that were on the wall. The demon agreed that it was very flattering, and encouraged her to hang on to it. “Yeah, I think we can put it in the ‘keep’ pile.” She turned to go back into the cubicle when her eyes met Spike’s. He hadn’t said a word as she and the shop’s owner had fussed over the dress; he’d just stood there and stared. His gaze unnerved her--she wasn’t sure if he was regretting the whole plan. Maybe she wasn‘t choosing the right kind of clothes. He didn‘t really expect her to wear a leather bustier, did he? “Spike? What do you think--is it a Pulchra Nex keeper?”

She was speaking to him, but he didn’t hear a word she said. Spike stared at the fabric as it slid over her curves and caressed them. How he wished he was the silk at that moment--wrapped around her warm body, hugging it tightly in all the right places. Why did she waste her time with blues and pinks when she looked absolutely smashing in red? The dress stopped at mid-thigh--just the right length to tease--and showed off her lean legs. So much power in such a delicate-looking package... She approached him, and spoke again.

“Spike? Earth to Spike!” She snapped her fingers in his face, and watched as he took a deep breath. Why does he do that? He doesn’t need to breathe, but it’s so damn erotic when he does... Whoa! Stop right there--Spike and erotic in the same sentence? She cursed her libido as it caused her to look up into his face and see the lust that burned in his eyes. She licked her lips and watched as his own lips parted. She smiled coyly and whispered. “So, what‘s the verdict?”

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I have to share a bed with her after *this*, and I can’t touch her. Her hips and breasts call out to be traced by my fingers, her lips are begging to be kissed... “You look beautiful, pet.” He tentatively drew a finger down her side, sliding it along the soft fabric, and found himself burned by her heat. He had to snap out of it before he took her right there in front of the whole store. Clearing his throat, he stepped back and tried to regain a semblance of control. “Now, why don’t you actually try some of these clothes on instead of just staring at them?”

There was no malice in his voice, and she didn’t take offence to his words. The silent moment they’d shared bolstered her self-esteem. If the dress had this kind of effect on him, what would that short leather skirt do? The Slayer smiled as something within her awoke; all of a sudden, displaying her sexuality was no longer daunting or dirty but freeing, in some sense. Buffy Summers, you’re one good looking woman--why not show it off? If you’ve got it, flaunt it... And to think that it took Spike for her to realize this...


By the time they were ready to leave the store, Zairah had convinced Buffy into getting the red dress, a black leather mini-skirt, a pair of very low-waist red leather pants, a couple of stringy tank tops that didn’t leave much to the imagination, and a pair of high Victorian-style granny boots. It might not have been as daring as Zairah would have liked, but it was more adventurous than Buffy would have seen herself agreeing to.

As the Slayer juggled with her shopping bags, Zairah pulled Spike aside. “William, my dear, we’re now even. You’ve made good use of my offer; Buffy’s a lovely young woman.” She threw a glance at the diminutive blonde, who was still struggling with all the bags. She smiled warmly. “I want you to make me a promise, William.”

Spike raised an eyebrow, following her gaze. “What’s that, luv?”

The older demon took a hold of Spike’s sleeve and held it tight. “Don’t let this one go.” She put her finger over his lips to stop whatever he was going to say. “Tut! I see how you are around her, how you look at each other. She may not be from our world, but she has a spark inside her and she can bring out the best in you.” She turned him towards the Slayer and gave him a push. “Now go, and remember--next time you decide you need clothing, bring your wallet. I can’t afford to clothe all your lady friends.”

Buffy handed her bags to Spike and bade Zairah goodbye. “Thanks for everything. The clothes are beautiful, and... are you sure we don’t owe you anything?”

Nudging the young woman towards the door, Spike grumbled. “Hurry up, Slayer, before she changes her mind.” Throwing one last glance at the other demon, he smiled. “See you ‘round, luv.” He waved with the hand that wasn’t laden with bags and left the store.

Zairah was left there with a puzzled look on her face. “Slayer? My, how times have changed.”


Back at the hotel, Buffy busied herself with putting her new clothing away. Humming, she put her dress on a hanger and hung it in the closet. She turned her eyes to Spike, who had been quietly sitting on the couch watching her putter around. He hadn’t said a single word on the way home, and she was getting a little worried. Not that the moment of blissful silence wasn’t appreciated, but she needed to know what thoughts were turning around in that demonic mind of his.

“Ok, spill.”

The vampire snapped out of his daze. “Huh? What are you talking about?”

The young woman took a seat next to him on the couch, and crossed her arms. “Spike, you haven’t said a word (since you told me I was beautiful) since we were at the store. Something’s bothering you, so out with it.” She leaned back a little and tried to mimic Willow’s resolve face.

The Brit’s mouth opened, then closed. I’m attracted to you--you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and I want to make you mine. And I hate myself for it. “Sorry pet, just thinking, ‘s all. Got caught up in old memories while we were out tonight.”

Buffy’s heart sank a little. “Oh. Thinking about Drusilla and lost love?”

“Something like that.” You don’t know how close you are.

They sat there on the couch, listening to the tick-tock of the clock. Spike stared straight ahead, not really focusing on anything, while Buffy kept stealing glances at the bleached vampire.


“Hmm?” The vampire turned his gaze to the young woman sitting beside him.

Buffy bit her lip. How could she remain lucid around someone who spoke volumes with barely a glance? His clear blue eyes seemed to bore into her soul--she should have felt violated, but strangely enough she felt comforted. Gone were the cold, calculating eyes of a killer; what she saw were the eyes of a man who had loved someone for over a century, who had fought a Slayer to find a cure for the woman he loved. She had to find her voice before she did something very un-Slayer like...

She cleared her throat. “Do you think we’ll have time to look around while we’re here?”

Spike chose to ignore her pause--for the moment. “What, do you mean patrol? ‘Cause I’m not helping you kill any demons...”

“No, no. I mean like touristy stuff. I don’t think I’ll ever get the chance to travel overseas again--you know, because of the slayage--and I’ll kind of feel like I missed out if I don’t take a bit of personal time.”

The vampire didn’t look too certain. He lay back on the couch, remote in hand, in a slouch that would have made Al Bundy proud. “You mean go on a tour group?” The last two words dripped off his tongue like they were poisoned.

Here goes--get the charm out. Buffy gave him a 100 Watt smile. “Well, I was thinking of asking this certain blonde vampire if he wanted to play tour guide for me. Betcha he’d be much more fun than your average tour guide.”

The Brit barked out a laugh and sat up straight. “You know, Slayer, kissing ass always gets you what you want. So, did you have anything in mind? Big Ben, Tower of London, Piccadilly Circus? I don’t think I need to mention that all places of worship are off our list...”

Buffy leaned back and pulled her feet up onto the couch. “Why don’t we just go out and see where we end up?”

Author's Note: Halloo again, readers! Before anyone says anything--I know that in the show, Buffy wore very slinky clothing, but since this fic isn't 100% canon, I figured I could take a bit of creative liberty. Let me know if you still like the story--Spuffy coming up in a few chapters, so keep reading. And thanks to those who review!!

17 by Pipergirl

Chapter 17

Spike slowly drifted into consciousness and quietly registered his surroundings. In that lazy place between sleep and wakefulness he momentarily forgot where he was. Fluffy pillow, soft feather blanket, comfy bed... he opened his eyes ...surrounded by heavy draperies. Ah yes, the Sheffield Arms. He pulled himself into a sitting position and leaned back against the headboard.

From the direction of the kitchen he heard the clanging of pots and pans, followed by muffled cursing. He pulled the curtain aside and looked at the clock on the nightstand. Quarter to five--pretty good day’s sleep if I might say so myself. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, the blonde vampire caught sight of the Slayer in the kitchen. She was puttering around, seemingly unaware that she was putting on a show. A smile formed on his lips as he saw her cutting something up and drop it into a pot. The Slayer in a kitchen--not something he ever dreamed of witnessing. His stomach grumbled as he caught a whiff of what was cooking. Whatever it was, it smelled good. It may not have been blood, but it would do nicely in the meanwhile.

Spike had always been singled out by Angelus and Darla because of his affection for human food. Demon or not, his stomach grumbled at the smell of pot roast and he still craved a good beef curry every now and then. Oh, and then there were those deep-fried onions he always got at the Bronze. Heck, he’d take up killing his own kind if he could get his hands on one of those every meal.

He hoisted himself off the bed and padded barefoot over to the counter that separated the kitchen from the bedroom/living room. Seating himself on one of the stools, he reached over and stole a slice of the carrot that Buffy was cutting.

Frowning as the bleached vamp helped himself to another slice, the young woman moved her cutting board out of his reach. “I thought you were just going to sleep all evening, too.” She dumped the remaining vegetables into the pot and placed its lid back on.

“Well, I must admit I was tempted, but the smell of cooking always dragged me out of bed.” He tried to stretch over the counter to peek in the pot, but was thwarted by its lid. “What’s in the pot?”

Buffy smiled shyly. “I’m trying to make soup. I’ve never actually cooked anything more complicated than Kraft Dinner on my own, so you’ll be my guinea pig.”

The vampire hopped off his seat an walked around to the stove. He pulled the lid off the bubbling pot and inhaled. “Well, it smells bloody fantastic. What d’you put in it?”

The Slayer seemed to make a mental list before rattling it off. “Uh, carrots--obviously” she gave the vampire a pointed look “celery, onions, some of those mixed herbs you buy in a bottle and... and I’ve got some beef cooking in the oven. I put some of the herbs on it too. Do you really think it smells good?” She looked hopeful.

“Slayer, you know me well enough that I wouldn’t say it smells good if I didn’t think it did.” The bleached blonde began to rummage through the grocery bags. “Where did you go for this? Were you out all day?”

“Pretty much, yeah. I went out around one and took a walk around. I went to some war museum--it was full of cool old weapons. They had this really cool sword--it must have been about 6 feet high--Scottish, I think...”

“That would be a Claymore, pet. Pretty impressive--does some good damage.”

Buffy nodded at the clarification. “Anyway, I could have walked around in there for days... On my way back, I passed a small grocery store and figured I might as well get some food, since I doubt we’ll be lucky enough to live off your friends’ generosity the whole time we’re here. Oh--I also got you some blood from the butcher’s, since there won’t be any biting while we’re here.”

The vampire grumbled. “Bleedin’ pig’s blood. Next thing you know, I’ll be buying some poofy hair gel and become all broody...” He poured himself a mug of the blood and nuked it. He took a drink and made a face. “Ugh! How can Peaches drink this crap?! Yech!”

Buffy tried to hide a smirk. “Listen here, Drama Queen. You’re having some soup in about 10 minutes. Put up with it until then.”

As he rinsed out the mug, an idea came to Spike. “You wouldn’t happen to have bought some canned tomatoes eh, luv?”

The Slayer’s brow creased as she opened a cupboard door. “Yeah--I was going to use them for some pasta.” She pulled it from the shelf and handed it to him. “Why do you want these, anyway?”

Spike rifled through the drawers until he found a can opener. “I figured we could add them to the soup.” Upon seeing her lower lip jut out, he added: “Not that it doesn’t look or smell amazing, but tomatoes in soup are like hot peppers on a plate of nachos--they bring it that much closer to perfection.” He looked up from the can opener and found that Buffy was watching him with a wry smile on her face. “What?”

The sight of Spike, clad only in flannel pj bottoms, hair still tousled from sleep, standing there holding a can of tomatoes was a sight to behold. “This.” She waved at them, in the kitchen. “This whole scene is surreal, Spike. Step back for a sec, and take a good look at us. You in your slouchy pants, helping me make dinner. It’s... it’s, domestic.”

Spike furrowed his brow and paused to observe the strange scene. Slowly, a grin appeared on his face. “Yeah, kinda looks like a scene from the Hellmouth’s version of the Odd Couple, doesn’t it?”

Buffy grabbed one of the bar stools and propped herself on it, watching as the vampire cut the tomatoes and dropped them in the simmering soup. “So--did you stay up late last night?”

“Yeah--went to bed just around sunrise.”

Jumping off her seat, the Slayer walked up to the pot and peeked under the lid. “Wow--that does look great. Ten points for the Undead Galloping Gourmet.” She replaced the lid and watched her temporary flatmate rinse a knife off. “Why were you up so late, anyway? Did channel 5 have a Passions marathon?”

I tossed off half a dozen times so I wouldn’t impale myself when I crawled into bed beside you. Didn’t work very well, though. “Just thinkin’ ‘bout how we’re going to get you into the Nex. I haven’t been able to come up with anything workable that you’ll like.” Truth was, he had come up with the perfect plan, the only viable plan, but its mere suggestion would get him damn near staked.

“Pass me those oven mitts, will you?” Buffy removed the beef from the oven. Yup--it was cooked. She knew she came off as the dumb blonde type and, well, she often made it rather easy for folks to get that idea, but she was actually more than capable in the kitchen.

After her parents divorced, she and her mom had lived at her grandmother’s until Joyce was back on her two feet. Buffy would help her grandmother cook dinner and bake all kinds of sweets. She took to cooking quickly, but after the great muffin fiasco baking on her own was a big no-no.

As she began to cut up the meat, she returned her attention to the interrupted conversation. “Well, give me your ‘best’ idea. Worst thing, I shoot it down and we keep brainstorming. Just like we do at the Scooby meetings. You know, soup is good brainstorming food--it’s a scientific fact.” She gave him a smile as she turned the heat off on the burner and let the soup simmer. “So--shoot.”

Spike threw a glance around the Slayer, taking a quick inventory of potential weapons. Damned kitchens, he thought to himself, just chock full of sharp things. “I’ll tell you, but first I want you to hand over that wooden spoon. I’m not taking any chances.”

As she handed him the cooking utensil, the Slayer’s senses were humming. Spike wasn’t usually cautious around her. If anything, he did anything to egg her into a fight. She couldn’t even count the times that he pissed her off to the boiling point. Now, he was making sure she didn’t have any stakey implements of death within reach, and he seemed to be pussyfooting around telling her this master plan of his.

Wooden sticks out of the way, Spike took a deep breath. “Remember when I told you that the only humans at the Nex were either on the menu or part of the entertainment?” He waited for her to nod before continuing. “Well, I may have neglected an other... category... of humans present.” She raised an eyebrow, and he wondered what he was nervous about. This plan of his had been a secret fantasy for some time (well, aside from the whole ‘and she lived happily ever after’ part of it), and now that there was a possibility that it might actually take place... Why was he hesitating? More so than that, why the hell did he care?

An impatient clearing of the throat brought him back to the issue at hand. “Sorry ‘bout that, luv. Where was I?”

Hand on hip, the Slayer was getting more impatient by the second. “The part where you were saying that you lied to me.”

Damned selective hearing. “Ah, right. There’s one other way to get you in there, but I really don’t...”

“Oh for God’s sake, just say it!”

“I’ll have to bite you.” The blonde vampire braced himself for impact, but nothing came.

Buffy laughed. Hard. “Spike--of all the lamest plans you’ve ever come up with, I think this one takes the cake.” Wiping away a few tears, she shook her head. “Thanks for the laugh, though. I really needed that. Come on, let’s get this soup on the table.” She turned around, shaking her head, and reached into a cupboard for some bowl.

She jumped when a strong hand gripped her arm and swung her around. She found herself staring into cold blue eyes specked with gold. That was when she realized that he hadn’t been joking. She repressed a shiver at having the demon so close to her.

Spike didn’t like to be mocked. As a vampire with an ok sense of humour, he could take a jab as good as he could dish one out, but he never put up with being laughed at. Buffy’s reaction to his idea, after the effort he put in it to cushion the supposedly touchy subject, caused something in him to snap. He’d barely held back the demon, that was more than happy to sink his fangs in her right then and there.

“Really simple plan, Slayer. You let me drink from you. We go to the Nex and we both get in because I’ve claimed you. No bite, no entry--it’s as simple as that. Don’t think I’m lying when I tell you I was up until sunrise trying to think of something, of anything else. There. Is. No. Other. Way. Unless your sharp wit can come up with a more brilliant plan...”

“Shut up, Spike.” Buffy was mad. Not because the vampire had the gall to suggest what he was suggesting, but because she knew he was right. The thought had come to her mind but she had pushed it aside, hoping for a less intense proposal. She pulled the bowls out of the cupboard and walked to the stove.

Spike followed her, still irritated. “Look, pet, you can’t just ignore this. I can’t believe I’m the one saying this, but we’re on a bit of a mission here and we have to make some decisions. That baby...”

“Don’t you think I know that?” How dare he imply that she’d lost sight of their mission! “A decision’s already been made. We’re going ahead with your plan.” Still unable to look him in the eye, she shoved a bowlful of soup at him and sat at the counter.


Their dinner had been spent in silence. It had probably been the longest they’d ever been in each other’s company without saying a word. Even when they were angry at each other, there was the verbal sparring, the insults. But right now, they sat at each end of the counter, sullenly eating their soup.

Buffy was reminded of those dinners when her parents were fighting, before the divorce. Neither would say anything--her mom would slam the dishes onto the table while her dad would hide behind his newspaper, pretending to be anywhere but there.

If her parents’ doomed relationship taught her anything, it was that silence never fixed anything. It didn’t heal wounds, it didn’t take the hurt away. Not that she considered Spike to be anything near a spouse, but she’d reluctantly begun to see him as a friend. And friends, of course, did not share meals in uncomfortable silence, avoiding each other’s gaze.

“I’m upset because I’m scared.” There. She broke the silence. Now it was up to him to do his part.

Spike’s attention was diverted from his dish. Good--he was getting tired of staring at an empty bowl of soup, anyway. He lifted his head and turned his attention to the young woman at the other end of the counter. “Come again?”

Sigh. “I’m scared--about the plan. That’s why I snapped.” When the only response she got was an inquisitive stare, she felt compelled to continue. “My parents did this, this not speaking thing, for years. Instead of talking things out, or yelling, or fighting, they just sat there ignoring each other. It was horrible. I felt guilty for years because I was actually relieved when they split up. No more strained meal times.”

The vampire reached out and awkwardly patted her arm. “Your mum’s proud of you, you know that? She told me about your pillock of a father and how you came out of the whole thing as a stronger person. I’m starting to see what she was talking about.”

Buffy blushed at the compliment. “Thanks. Hey, are we still on for tonight?” Quick, change the subject before this gets too mushy for comfort.

Spike hopped off the stool and took his dishes. “Don’t see why not. Why don’t we take advantage of that car the Council provided us? We could drive down to the Tower Bridge and take a gander at the sights around there. Then maybe we can take a walk by the Thames--’s pretty at night, with the lights reflecting off the water. So, what do you say--sound good to you?”

She piled her dishes into the sink, on top of Spike’s, have to wash those later--ugh, why couldn’t we have a dishwasher? “As long as I don’t get a running commentary of where you and your crazy ex killed people, I think it sounds great.” She smiled at him to show that she was just teasing him.


To any passers-by, the young couple looked like they were admiring someone else’s parked car. The man whistled as he inspected it, while his companion seemed to be more interested at the vehicle’s inside. Hands cupped against the window, eyes squinted to make out the interior, she squealed. “Try the key! This can’t be it...”

As if in a trance, Spike walked to the driver’s side of the car, pushing Buffy aside. “Get in on your own side, pet. This is the driver’s side, and you’re not getting within ten feet of the keys. I’ve heard the stories about your driving.” He pushed the button on the key, and the doors unlocked. He let a ‘bloody hell’ escape, before opening his door.

They had expected... well, they hadn’t really known what to expect. Sure, the key had BMW on it, but with the Council and their tight purse strings it could have been one of those 15 year-old rust heaps that only University professors drove. But no--they seemed to have been entrusted with a current-year model. A shiny, black BMW with chrome accents and, to Spike’s joy, a stick-shift transmission. He leaned in a placed a kiss on the steering wheel.

Buffy rolled her eyes. Give any man, or vampire for that matter, a hot car and he turned into ’Neanderthal man’. “Would you prefer I leave you two alone for a while?”

The vampire growled. “Look, jus’ give me a minute here. ’S not every day I get to drive something as powerful as this baby.”

“Look, just start the engine, ok? Everything’s gonna be closed if we just sit here all night.”

“Yes ma’am.” Spike saluted the Slayer, revved the engine and peeled out of the parking lot.


Spike had been right. Night time London was beautiful. All the old buildings were lit, and it all seemed to reflect into the wide expanse of the Thames--which led her to think, not for the first time, why they pronounced it Tems, and not Thaymes. Huh--she didn’t think she’d ever figure out the English.

She brought her attention back to Spike who, after a few close calls, had heeded her warnings to slow down. No more weaving in and out of traffic, shifting gears like some sort of race car driver. She wanted to be able to walk out of the car in one piece. When he pulled into the Tower Bridge‘s parking lot, there didn‘t seem to be many cars there.

“Spike--do you think it’s even open?” Buffy looked around. The place wasn’t exactly bustling with tourists.

“Of course it is. It’s only what, ‘bout six thirty?”

The Slayer looked at her watch and nodded. “Yeah, it’s six twenty five. Let’s go see what’s going on.”

When they reached the ticket wickets, they saw that they were closed. The bleached blonde kicked a lamppost and cursed. “Six?! It closes at six? Do they even know how much business they’re losing--there’s a whole other world out here at night! Bugger this--we’re goin’ in anyway.”

“No we’re not.” Buffy put a hand on his shoulder. “How about we make our way over to the Tower. I doubt everything closes this early. Anyway, it seems like a bit of a walk. You can just play tour guide for me.”

As they walked along the bridge, Spike found himself at ease reminiscing about his past, and the city in which he had lived. “Actually, pet, the bridge wasn’t even built until after I was turned. I didn’t pay much attention to it--being a relative fledgeling, I didn’t care much for the sort of thing, you know--but Dru and I did attend the grand unveiling or whatever it was called. Angelus and Darla laughed at us, but Dru was always a sucker for fanfare...” He noticed that his companion had stiffened, and paused until he clued in. “Ah. Sorry ‘bout that--no more Dru stories.”

As they approached the other side of the bridge and approached the Tower, Spike stopped. “Now the Tower, on the other hand... My Da used to bring me here all the time. He was a bookish sort of gent, and would tell me all kinds of stories about all the history behind it.”

Whether he had temporarily forgotten who he was with, or whether it was in childish glee, he took the Slayer’s hand and pulled her the rest of the way, running towards the Tower’s main entrance.

“Buggery hell! Are the bleedin’ hours dictated by housewives? Argh!” Spike couldn’t believe it. Over 50 years after he’d left the mother country, here he stood, his latest chance at seeing the ol’ Tower again quashed by early closing times. The powers that be had some wicked sense of humour.

Although she didn’t show it with as much flair as Spike did, Buffy was also upset. She saw this as her only chance at taking in some of the sights--sure, she could come during the day, but what fun was there in sight seeing on your own? “Look, I know this sucks and I’d actually be tempted to take you up on breaking in, but it looks like it’s still guarded--how weird is that, by the way? Anyway, why don’t we find ourselves a bench to sit on--like that one over there--and you can be like your dad and tell me all about the Tower, since you know so much.”

Resigned to having to obey the law, once again, Spike acquiesced. Wanker. “Alright then. Guess it’ll have to do. Let’s find ourselves a bench that’s not so close to a light. The one you were pointin’ to looked bright enough to torch me.” As he began to walk away, he looked down and realized that they were still holding hands. Untangling his fingers from hers, he wondered: since when does holding hands with the Slayer feel so natural that I don’t even notice it?

When they’d found a bench that suited both their tastes, Spike began to regale Buffy with tales of the Tower. He talked about its ancient beginnings, Henry the VIII and Thomas More, about the young princes who were murdered in one of the towers. “...An’ back in 1830, they’d drained the moat that surrounded it--it’s all covered in grass now and looks like a culvert--they found loads of human bones. Guess it was all the folk that never made it across to the Tower.” He noticed that Buffy’s eyes were closed. Speaking to himself, he muttered. “Good going, you git, you put her to sleep.”

“No you didn’t, git--whatever that means. I’m just resting my eyes. You know, you’re very good at telling stories--I could sit here all night and just listen to you talk about all this history.” Buffy opened her eyes and looked up at the blonde vampire. “You ever consider being a History professor? ‘Cause you’d be good at it, you know.”

“Sorry, but I don’t believe it ever crossed my mind. I was more into... other things.”

Spike had a past. She’d never really stopped to think about that. What had he been like? Buffy figured that it was about time she found out. “Spike? Tell me about what you were like--before you were turned.”

Author's Note: Mwahahaha---left you with a bit of a cliffhanger, did I? Next chapter's got a bit of everything in it, and I'm sure you'll like it lots. And... Spuffy coming real soon... Thanks to all who reviewed. Please keep feeding the author :-)

18 by Pipergirl

Chapter 18

The colour--whatever colour there was--drained from the vampire’s face, and his mouth was making a funny fish-out-of-water motion. Buffy repressed a giggle. Okay, this might be a little different than I’d imagined. “So, were you a ‘big bad’, like you are now?” By his reaction she doubted it, and damn it her curiosity was piqued.

Spike tried to regain his composure. Taking on an air of nonchalance, he scoffed. “It’s not important, is it? What’s past is past. Can’t really change it now, can we? How about we go by the docks over there and see if anything interesting’s going on...” Please don’t make me do this.

“Nah--this bench is too comfortable. Anyway, you seem to be on some sort of storytelling streak, so now’s a good time to talk away.” She loved doing this to him. Every squirm, every nervous tic--the Slayer was soaking it all in. Maybe the big bad had been a bit of a pussy cat... She decided to play a little with him. With a serious look on her face, she wondered out loud. “Oh my God! You weren’t Jack the Ripper, were you?”

Now he knew that she was teasing him. Letting out a laugh, he retorted. “Fuck off, Slayer. I’m not tellin’. A guy’s gotta have his secrets.” Yeah and the big secret’s that you were a wanker, a mother’s boy. A floppy-haired bad-poetry-writing geek. “I was just different.”

“Different in what way? Were you a priest? Were you in the army?” She wasn’t going to leave him be until she had every little detail. This was all too good to pass up.

Spike was getting nervous--mostly because his defences were beginning to fall. “Look, pet. The last thing I need is to give you more ammo to use against me.”

Buffy placed a hand on his arm, leaning in towards him. This was her last chance at getting him to talk. “Aw, come on, Spikey. How bad can it be?” She whispered in his ear, pressing herself up against his side. “Just tell me--it’ll be our little secret.”

She wants to play this little game, does she? Alright--let’s show her that two can play at this. “Ok. I’ll tell you--but only if you give me a kiss.”

The young woman shot away from him as if shocked. From the other end of the bench, she asked him: “What? Spike, you’re crazy if you think I’ll even come close to you.” Well, closer than I was, anyway.

Smug, the vampire smiled. “Have it your way, Slayer. I’ll just keep my sordid past to myself.” He knew that that would get her off his back. There was no way in hell that she would kiss him just to find out about William.

Buffy was pouting. When had this game turned in his favour? Sordid? That’s so not fair! She crossed her arms against her chest and pressed her lips together. Trying to keep her eyes anywhere but on the blonde vamp, she scanned her field of vision: there was an older couple out for a walk; she spied a small gang of teenagers near a lamppost, smoking and laughing; she even spent a while watching some workers unload crates off of one of the large ships. But her mind kept going back to Spike and his dare--or was it an offer?

She felt like pulling her hair out. Kiss Spike and find out about his past, or don’t kiss him and never know what he was like... Argh! “Fine! This is killing me. One. Kiss. And if you try anything funny, it’ll be ‘Hello Dustville’--got it?”

Wha? He’d been in mid-thought when she blurted it out. Was she really going for it? Was it worth divulging his last secret, just to get a kiss in return? Hell, yeah! “Ok, pet. Why don’t you slide down here--I don’t think it’ll work if you’re way over there.” He watched her intently as she made her way closer to him, trying her best not to touch him or his coat. When she sat still, lips in mid pucker he snorted. “No, luv. You kiss me. That can’t happen if you’re just sitting there doing your best impression of a sucker fish.”

The young woman opened her eyes and groaned. “Fine--get technical.” She placed her palm on his cheek, and brought his lips to her own. As her lips met his, she felt like an electric current passed through them.

This was all wrong. She meant to press her lips to his and to pull away, disgusted. She never expected his lips to be so soft, so inviting. He returned the kiss, cupping her neck with his hand. The embrace intensified, but remained chaste. After all, a kiss was all she promised--not a petting session.

They pulled away from each other, both in a daze, and stared at each other. Buffy’s cheeks were flushed, and Spike’s mouth had opened--he even seemed to be breathing hard.


Buffy’s brow creased when her mind worked out what he’d just said. “What? What did you just call me?”

The vampire chuckled softly. “No, pet--I’m talking about me. That is the reason behind our lip lock, isn’t it?” Not that it wasn’t bloody amazing.

The young woman relaxed, but didn’t distance herself from her companion. She remained pressed up against him, comforted by his proximity. “Ok, so you were a ponce. What’s that, anyway? Is it like a jerk, or something?”

“Nah, more like a... uhm... a nerd.” He hid his face in his hands as he waited for her reaction. One kiss wasn’t worth this--almost.

Buffy’s face was deadpan--until she burst out in a fit of laughter, losing her balance and falling off the bench. “You?! A geek?! That’s too rich!” Dusting herself off, she almost missed the slight change in his body language. He seemed to be sitting a bit stiffer and he was looking away from her. He couldn’t be taking it this bad, could he?

That’s when it hit her. William the Bloody, Spike the ‘Big Bad’; in his demon life, he had been overcompensating for what he’d been as a human: a wimp. Probably got beat up, or teased. Probably wasn’t very popular with the ladies either. Buffy felt sorry for him; she sat back down and put her hand on his shoulder. When he turned to look at her, she could see the anger and the humiliation in his eyes.

“I’m really sorry, Spike. It’s just, it’s not at all what I expected. I was bracing for, you know, you being a criminal, or something horrible.”

He took a deep breath, and accepted her apology without a word. “Well, William was horrible enough.” Raising his gaze to the skies, he went on. He knew he couldn’t continue if he was looking at her. “I was about as far removed from being a criminal as I am right now from being a priest. I had no friends--I only had Mother, whose coattails I hid under. I always had my nose in a book and I...” He moved his head away from her and mumbled, hoping she didn’t hear him. “andIwroteawfulpoetry.”

Buffy couldn’t help but smile at Spike’s shyness about the poetry. Funny enough, it didn’t surprise her. He just seemed like the kind of person to write poetry, now that she knew him better. “Really? You wrote poetry? I think that’s sweet--it’s romantic!”

“Yeah, well, you didn’t have to suffer through it.” He paused a moment, and found the strength to face her. “No one else seemed to have such heartfelt notions about my poetry back then. The night that I was turned, I’d been to a party. There was a girl there--Cecily Addams. I was in love with her--or so I thought, anyway. Bleedin’ wanker I was, I bared my soul to her and she crushed it. She told me I was beneath her.” His voice seethed with the bitter memory. “So when Dru gave me the chance at finding my inner psycho, I thought ‘Hey, why not? My life can’t get any worse...’”

The Slayer bit her lip. “So... is that why you’re such a ‘big bad’? Is that just an image you got with the demon, or was Spike somewhere inside of William, waiting to be released?”

Her question floored the vampire. Was this the same girl who thought that he was going to dress her at McDonalds? “That’s a damn good question. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t think that there was much of a brutal murderer in William, but he was headstrong, he didn’t follow what everyone else was doing, he simply wasn’t a conventional fellow. He was also a bloody sentimental fool--the demon never quite managed to quash that quality, though.”

“That’s the one thing about you that’s always puzzled me. I get the killing, I get the posturing, the duster--I get all the doom and gloom. But I never got the faithfulness, the romance, the love. I’ve never met a vampire like you--you’re so...” Buffy waved her hand around, frustrated because she couldn’t find an apt word. “...sentimental. No, that’s not it...”

“Dead sexy?”

The young woman raised an eyebrow. “Uh, no. Not that you’re not... Um. That’s not what I meant” Oh, God please stop blushing... “Passionate! That’s it!” She smiled, proud of herself.

“Passionate...” As the vampire sat there, mulling the adjective over--and whether or not it fit him (which it did, of course), he watched Buffy get up and walk to the railing at the edge of the river. She described him as passionate, and what he felt at that moment was nothing short of it.

He was sick of second-guessing his instincts. Yes, she was The Slayer. But she was also Buffy Summers--and whether or not he wanted to admit it, he was falling for her. No longer wanting to hold back whenever he was around with her, he walked out to where she was. They would never be Romeo and Juliet, all doe-eyed and innocent; they would be more like Benedick and Beatrice, with sharp tongues and a wit to match, forever duelling. He walked up behind her and placed his hands on the railing, capturing her between his arms.

Her Slayer senses were sounding the alarm. Surrounded by Spike, a powerful arm on each side and his solid chest in behind, barely touching her, she tried to gauge her own reaction. Was she afraid, as she should have been? No. She wasn’t fully at ease, either, though. Body tense, she felt a shiver pass through her as he pressed up against her. She pressed back, giving her assent, and his arms pulled in to circle her.

How desperate for affection was she, that the found herself in the arms of her mortal enemy? Oh, can it, she told her inner Slayer, that one’s getting old. They had been mortal enemies at one time, but as everything in the world evolves--nothing can remain unchanged by the tides of time--so had their relationship. Were they friends now? Yes, she thought so, at least. Did she have feelings for him? A definite maybe, bordering on yes. Did he have feelings for her? She hoped so.

The young woman turned to face him, the million questions in her head reflected in the vampire’s blue eyes. They stood there, intertwined by the edge of the Thames River, looking for answers in each other’s eyes, but finding only more questions.

The moment’s silence was broken by Spike, who was never really known for his patience. “Oh, bugger this!” He crushed his lips to hers in what he hoped was an effective display of the passion she saw in him.

Buffy tried to think, tried to react, but the feel of his soft, cool lips on her own erased all coherent thought from her mind. All that remained was something between ‘Oh God’ and ‘Yum’. She brought one hand to his face, tracing the sharp angle of his cheekbone; the other hand trailed to his waist, where she hooked a finger in one of his belt loops pulling him closer to her. She felt his erection press against her stomach and smiled into their kiss as she heard him moan.

Ok--so far she hadn’t punched him, kicked him, pushed him away or staked him. Better yet, she was returning the embrace with a zeal that matched his own. Spike’s tongue slid against her lips, seeking entry into her mouth. She parted her lips and welcomed him in. Their tongues duelled as the intensity of their kiss grew. It was no longer the fusion of two mouths, but of two bodies.

Buffy felt the railing press into her back, but she ignored it. All she wanted to think of was how good it felt to let go. She was having a major gropefest with an incredibly sexy vampire out in public, and she didn’t care who saw. She dragged her fingernails down his back, reaching for his rear end. She paused for a moment when she felt his face shift--she didn’t know if she was quite ready for that yet--but relaxed when his face took its human guise once again. Impressed at his self-control, she pulled him closer to her.

They pulled apart and rested their foreheads together, both panting. In between breaths, Buffy managed to find words. “Spike?”

“Yes, luv?”

“What was that all about?”

Pulling back a little so he could look her in the eye, the vampire searched for the right answer, to tell her what she wanted to hear. “Don’t rightly know, but I can tell you that I don’t for one moment regret it. That given the chance I’d do it all over again.” That must have been the right thing to say, because she smiled and hooked her arm around his waist.

As they made their way back to the car, Buffy decided to bring out into the open an issue she’d been mulling over. “So... when are we going to go to the Nex?”

Spike paused only briefly, the question surprising him. “I guess we should plan on going there pretty soon. We need to get on this guy’s trail before it goes cold. Why do you ask?”

The Slayer slipped her arm out from around him, and turned to face him, walking backwards. “Well, I’ve been thinking. About what we argued about earlier.” Seeing a ‘oh, not again’ look cross his features, she quickly continued. “No, I’m not up for another fight. Actually, I’ve been enjoying the getting along more than the fighting. What I’m thinking is that since we’re both in a good mood tonight, maybe we should go through with the biting when we get back to the hotel. That way we could go there tomorrow night.”

Although Buffy’s proposal shocked him, he didn‘t show it. He had expected to be the one reminding her, asking her night after night if she was ready yet; he never believed that she would be the one to bring it up, especially not that same night. Attempting to seem unaffected, he answered her. “I s’pose it makes sense. The bites wouldn’t be too fresh tomorrow night, and we are here for a higher purpose than shooting the shit at the base of the Tower of London.”

He unlocked the car doors with the remote, and opened the passenger door for her to get in. Before she had time to sit down, he took hold of her arm. “I’ll only go through with this if you’re comfortable. Last thing I need is for you to panic, or even worse to stake me.”

Buffy no longer doubted in her heart that Spike felt something for her. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t balk at the chance to sink his fangs into her neck. Rising on the tips of her toes, she kissed him on the cheek. “I am comfortable. I am ready. Now if we wait too long, my resolve may just break...”

“Right then. In the car you go.” With a smirk, he gave her a little shove, and she fell into her seat. “We’ve got a very important task to work on. No need dilly-dallying in empty car parks.”

Author's Note: I hope you liked their first kiss :) The next chapter is strongly rated R and involves bloodplay, so please be warned. I also have a challenge for my dear readers. I know that waiting for yummy chapters sucks, so for every 5 reviews I get, I'll move the post day one day sooner. Does that sound good to you?
And thanks to all who have been reviewing. The Spuffy Realm readers are by far the most generous of all site readers.

19 by Pipergirl

Chapter 19

Well, here you go--13 reviews; Spuffy Realm readers rock! I just hope this lives up to your expectations...

They’d discussed this. Maybe not in much detail, but they had. She told him that she was ok with it, that she was ready and, strangely enough, willing. This is for the mission. Stop acting like it means anything more than that, you git.

Spike was pacing back and forth at the foot of the bed like a caged animal. He needed a smoke more than anything, but she’d warned him--if he smelled like tobacco, she wasn’t going anywhere near him. Fuck! He needed to calm down, take a few deep breaths. He sat on the couch and stared at the bathroom door.

Slayers had been his fascination since the day that Angelus had mentioned them. He’d never heard of them before that, of course. But from that day on, he’d made it his business to hunt them down and kill them. He’d found many of them, and had fought them. Only two had died at his hands, though. Closing his eyes, he tried to recall the Chinese girl’s face--if he tried hard enough it came to mind. He really wished he knew what she’d told him before he’d snapped her neck. For all he knew, it may have been anything from ‘Say goodbye to my family for me’ to ‘Try the hot & sour soup at Lo Bu’s--it’s really good’. Most likely the former.

Then there had been that black girl in New York. Now she’d fought like a Slayer. She had attitude, she had fought tooth and nail, and she had died. Did he feel bad? Did he have regrets? No. It had been an equal battle. It could have just as easily been her who walked off that subway car, still wearing that black leather coat. His remains would have been swept up with the crumpled passes and cigarette butts.

And now, almost twenty-five years later, he found himself sitting on a couch in a hotel in London, waiting to bite the current Slayer in order to save the world. He broke out in a grin and licked his lips: he wouldn’t have it any other way.


Buffy stared at her reflection. God, I look like crap. Why can’t my hair stay up? She didn’t really want to stop and wonder why she was primping just minutes before going against all she’d ever learned as a Slayer. Why was she letting him bite her? Oh, yeah--another possible apocalypse. Sounds like a good enough excuse. However, she knew that if at that very moment, she had to explain it to Giles, it would come out all wrong, and it would sound like the stupidest excuse in the world.

Doesn’t matter, though, because Giles isn’t here. I’m the one making the decisions--I only hope that it’s the right one.

Well, time to face the music, bite the bullet and all that crap. She pulled her hair into a ponytail--the only way her hair seemed to want to stay, and walked out the door.

She saw that Spike had changed into his flannel pants. He’d been perched on the couch when she walked out, but he stood up when he saw her. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought ahead of what was to come--she remembered her body’s reaction to Angel’s bite, and she didn’t know if tonight would lead to a repeat experience. Would Spike laugh at her if it did? No, she had this crazy feeling that he would be too busy enjoying his part in it to stop and mock her.

In his eyes, she would never be more beautiful. Washed clean of any makeup, hair up in a ponytail, and dressed in some silly cotton pajamas--‘Yummy Sushi’? What the heck was that?--she smelled of vanilla and everything that was Buffy Summers. He could see the apprehension in her eyes, as she found the nerve to break the silence.

“So--how are we going to do this?” It was easier to leave the finer details up to him. After all, he was more experienced in this sort of thing. She blushed at the way he stared at her, emotions no longer hidden. He wanted this, he wanted her and she felt something in her gut warm at the thought of such an intimate moment with him. They were hiding behind “The Mission”, but she knew that this was going to mean much, much more to both of them. She walked to him and let him take her hand.

How ‘bout I throw you on the bed and shag you into oblivion?--no, that wouldn’t do. You deserve more than that. “It’s really up to you, pet--however you feel more comfortable. We could do it standing up, which I don’t really recommend with the blood loss an’ all. We could lie down on the bed, but I don’t know how you’d feel about that... Or I could sit down here on the couch and you could sit on my lap.” He really hadn’t given it any prior thought. There was probably a more honourable way of going through with it, but he preferred the close physical contact. After her displays of affection out by the Tower, he was certain that she wouldn’t shy away from a little touching.

Buffy reflected on the options he was presenting her with. She didn’t even pause to consider the standing option. He was right--the last thing she needed was to humiliate herself by fainting and bumping her head on the coffee table. Lying down? Way too close to sex--actually could lead to sex if the usual sparks happened between them. They’d hated each other until what, a few days ago? And now, they couldn’t seem to hold hands without some serious sparkage. What was the third option, again? Oh yeah, sitting on his lap on the couch.

She knew she was doomed when the lesser evil was straddling him. “Ok, Monty. Looks like it’s gonna be door number three.”

He nodded in assent and sat down in the middle of the couch. Still holding his hand, she stood before him and climbed up onto his lap, one knee placed on either side of him. He couldn’t help but hold his breath as the heat from her body transferred to his own. Every point of contact between them, from her hands on his shoulders to the apex of her thighs against his lap, burned him. His voice was rough from his need for her. “Ready, luv?”

She tried to remember the calming methods that Giles had taught her. Breathe in... Breathe out... Calm air in... Stressed air out... It wasn’t working, however. Underneath her, she felt the vampire’s tension at their proximity. Buffy closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to slow the beating of her heart. She leaned in closer and placed her lips by his ear. A whisper was all that was required. “Yes.”

Spike cupped his hand to her neck, pulling it to his mouth. Although she outwardly seemed calm, the demon felt her pulse quicken and her muscles tense. He couldn’t bring himself to bite her like this--he wanted her to crave the bite, not fear it. Bringing his lips to her neck, he placed an open-mouthed kiss over her artery.

Slow, wet kisses trailing down her neck. A strong hand splayed against her hip, brushing lazy circles under her top. That wasn’t exactly what the young woman had been bracing for. What was he doing? He finally had his chance--how long had he been jonesing to bite her, and now that he had his chance he seemed to be... seducing her? Not that she was complaining--nope, not at all. This was much better than the sit and bite she’d imagined. The things he was doing with that tongue of his--slowly tracing a line up her throat, across her jaw...

She couldn’t help but let a groan escape when she felt his teeth on her earlobe. It had been so long since she’d... “Oh God, Spike.” She felt him pull her even closer to him, until there was no space between them.

When she slid down on his lap, stopping only when chest met chest and pelvis hit pelvis, Spike had to stop. He rested his forehead on her shoulder, panting. Could she feel his need for her? Of course she can, you git! She’s sitting right on top of it. And she’s so bloody hot... He pulled back and stared into her eyes.

He wanted her so bad, and she could feel his need--the hard reminder was wedged right under her. When he pulled back and simply looked at her, she realized that he obviously meant for this to be about her. Why else didn’t he have her pinned on the couch, teeth in her neck?

But she wasn’t one to have all the fun--she could make this about him, too.

A wicked grin on her lips, she began to grind her pelvis down into his erection. The fire in his eyes told her that he needed her as badly as she needed him. When he tilted his head back, moaning, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his throat. Through her ministrations, she heard him mutter ‘Fuck’ under his breath; in response, she lightly bit his neck.

Spike had lost the moment where this had gone from “Biting for the Mission” to a full-fledged snogging session. Maybe the Powers That Be were paying him back for not having killed that portly salesman--why else would he be sitting here, with the Slayer nibbling on his neck, rocking her pelvis against his and... trying to pull his shirt off? Every joke he’d ever said about her being frigid died right there and then. He lifted his arms, helping her remove his T-shirt.

Figuring that she’d had the upper hand long enough, he brought his hands up to her side, sliding them under her top. He cocked an eyebrow, silently asking her permission.

Okay, Buffy. This is the moment. There’s no going back at this point--do you say ‘yes’, or do you say ‘no’? She had no doubts that if she shook her head, the issue would be dead. He would move on to something else and not pressure her about it. On the other hand, she was sure that if she said ‘yes’, her life would branch into a totally different direction, which may not be so bad after all. She nodded, giving him her assent.

Spike lifted the garment slowly, wanting to memorize every inch of her taut stomach, her tender breasts. He’d never been intimate with a human before--he didn’t know if he’d ever get over the heat that it produced. He found his own skin tingling as her warmth transferred to his body. Unable to resist any longer, he leaned in and took one of her nipples in his cool mouth and cupped the other in his hand.

Buffy damned Angel and that poophead Parker. Why hadn’t they shown her that sex could be so intense? Here she was, with Spike, enjoying the best sexual experience of her life--and they still had their pants on! She realized that he had begun to thrust his own pelvis up towards her rocking motions. When had that started? Oh, great--I’m so busy over-analyzing everything that I’m missing out on stuff. Bad Buffy--no more thinking!

At that moment, where she bid herself to stop thinking, Buffy felt the beginnings of her climax. It was still far enough, but there was the twisting in her gut, the heat pooling between her legs, the need for more contact. She pulled the blonde vamp from his ministrations, smashed her lips to his, rocking against him with an increased fervour. Their tongues duelled and he began to pant in between kisses. Why does he do that? No! No thinking--concentrate on... ungh...

Spike pressed his hands against her hips, trying to slow her down. If she keeps this up, I won’t last... He pulled his lips away from hers and saw his raw need reflected in her hazel depths. The scent of her arousal surrounded him. He knew that he wouldn’t last much longer--not like this, especially not if she let him...

There it was. Her breath hitched, her body froze and she whispered “Now”.

Lost in his own fight against release, Spike’s muddled reasoning didn’t quite grasp what she meant. “Huh?”

The young woman leaned her head back and pulled his face to her neck. “Oh my God, Spike. Now!” When she felt him hesitate, she added “Please.”

Her release hit her as she watched his features change—she knew that the demon was finally free. When his teeth sank into her neck, she felt a rush of heat spread throughout her body. She felt like she was on fire as he drank deeply, pulling her life force past his soft lips. She didn’t understand why the sensation was so sensual to her. Logically, he was performing an act that was meant to kill her; but it was more than that to her—she felt as if they now were sharing an intimate bond.

As her climax ebbed, body still shaking from the aftershocks, she realized that she had let out a long, drawn-out moan. Funny, she’d never imagined herself as being very vocal during sex. It had always seemed over-dramatic, like that horribly funny porno she’d watched once, late at night. However, she had the feeling that the release of that wail, at that particular moment, had added to the sensations that had ripped through her small frame.

The grip Spike had on her hips tightened almost to the point of being painful—gonna have some serious bruises there tomorrow, and she felt rather than heard him growl. The feral sound he made was so primal that it traveled straight to her centre. She held him tighter as she felt his body begin to twitch.

He didn’t belong there. No creature of the night, who had killed so many people without mercy, deserved a place in Heaven. Because that’s where he was—he had no doubt. Her golden hair, tanned limbs, the heat that was sure to burn him, the life that he was presently draining from her soft neck. The power contained within her blood was nothing like he’d ever tasted. As it traveled in his mouth, down his throat and through his veins he felt invincible; heck, he’d even try to walk out into the sun—he almost knew that with the force of the Slayer running within his body, he could take on that pillock of a sun and come out of it alive… er, undead.

Colours began to dance at the back of his eyelids as he heard her wail. He tried to hold back, make it last forever—or at least until Buffy had finished her own release. His body hummed with the pent-up energy of his building climax, and he knew that he couldn’t hold on for long. When he felt her pulse slow a little, and that instead of pushing him away, as he expected, she held him closer, he gave in.

His body felt as if it was being reanimated. He’d seen all those old movies, where the evil scientists tried to bring the dead to life—usually with a bolt of lightning or some rot. Well, that’s what it was like at that moment—it was as if he had a good dose of electricity running through his limbs. He wished more than anything that he was buried in that heat of hers, instead of still being half-clothed. But he would take whatever he could get. And it didn’t get much better than this, he thought as his muscles twitched their post-coital staccato. He pulled his teeth from her neck, lapped at the wounds until the bleeding slowed, and lay his forehead down on her shoulder.

He was panting. Now why did she find that so sexy? And why the hell was she still turned on, after having the best close-to-sex of her life? She felt him lick her neck again, guessing that he was probably not going to waste whatever blood was still trickling though. She felt a little faint—no big surprise, with all the blood he had taken. She pulled back a little and found that he was still in demon guise.

Strangely enough, she didn’t feel compelled to pull away, hide her eyes from the demon and the reality of what she’d shared with it. With him. His amber gaze was as naked and tender as his blue eyes had been--and they were just as expressive. Of course, she thought to herself, they’re both Spike--man and demon. It’s not like there was a switch inside of him--man/good, demon/bad. The man could have done some pretty damnable things, and right now the demon was looking at her with tenderness. Boy, did the Council have it all wrong, or what?

Spike felt a little ill at ease with the way that Buffy was looking at him. Maybe it was the warmth in her eyes--he wasn’t used to that. Anger, yes. Hatred, yes. Compassion, no. Love? No, not even Dru--she’d always been in her own world, and he’d been part of that but he wasn’t sure if she’d ever reciprocated his love. As she gently drew her finger across his ridges, he realized that he was still in his game face. She didn’t pull back, she wasn’t disgusted. She seemed to accept it, and that meant more to him than she could ever imagine. Taking her hand in his, he placed a chaste kiss on her lips before pulling her to him in an embrace. It felt so right to have her in his arms. He could only hope that this would last longer than their mission.

Surrounded by his strong arms, Buffy felt safe. For the first time since she’d become the Slayer, all her worries temporarily disappeared, replaced only by the comforting rumbling of her lover’s purr.


They sat there, both panting, bodies still closely connected. When he felt her shiver, Spike pulled a throw blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around the young woman. He didn’t know what to expect after what they’d shared. People did things in the heat of the moment--things they regretted. Was this how she’d see this? When she sighed and snuggled against his chest, he knew that he was worrying himself over nothing.

Although she’d now been with two vampires (what kind of Slayer did that make her?), Buffy still found it odd to lean her head against a chest that contained no heartbeat. It didn’t mean anything, strangely enough, as the only human she’d ever been intimate with proved to be a jerk. Smiling to herself, she broke the silence. “I guess ‘wow’ would be an understatement, wouldn’t it?”

Spike let out a chuckle. “I reckon’ so. I’m thinking more along the lines of ‘bloody fucking amazing’.”

The Slayer laughed out loud. However, a small part of her couldn’t help but wonder just how ’bloody fucking amazing’ it would be if they weren’t wearing any clothes. She leaned closer into him, laying her head on his shoulder. Her eyes grew wide as she felt something grow... again. Her head snapped up and she pressed her pelvis down. “Are you... already...”

With a sexy smile, the vampire nodded. “Vampire stamina, luv. Don’t worry, though--I’m feeling kind of gross right now--I’m gonna go clean up a bit. Change my pants, if you catch my meaning.”

Buffy slid off him, noticed the distinct wet spot at his crotch and squeaked an embarrassed “okay”.

When Spike was in the bathroom, the young woman ran to a mirror. Tilting her head to the side, she pressed her fingers to the new bite. It had closed off and was no longer bleeding--Spike had seen to that, as not a drop of blood had been wasted. She rolled her eyes as she noticed that he’d placed his own bite over that of his Sire’s. Great, she thought to herself, now I’m part of their pissing war.

She turned the lights off around the small apartment and crawled into bed. Not like Mr. Vampire needs lights to get to bed. Lying down, she pulled the covers up to her neck; would he expect anything else? Shaking her head, she reminded herself that she wasn’t supposed to be thinking--just bask in nice warm after-sex feelings. Except that it wasn’t really sex... Argh! Where was Mr. Gordo when she needed him...


He had never, ever, come in his pants. Not his first time, as a fledgling, did he lose control like that. Not even when he and Dru had shagged in the Chinese Slayer’s blood. In all honesty, though, Spike was proud that he lasted as long as he did, with the Slayer’s hot, tight body writhing on top of him... Stop it or you’ll never get out of the bloody bathroom! He looked at the crumpled flannel pants that were thrown into a heap by the wall. If things kept up, he’d run out of clean clothes--fast. Gotta find a launderette somewhere.

He put the toilet lid down and sat on it. Cupping his chin in his hands, he stared ahead. Why was he acting like such a poof? The worst thing was that not even the demon felt bad--hey, it had gotten its blood, why should it complain? Then it hit him... Nonono--it couldn’t be. He was horny, he was obsessed with Slayers, it was the call of her blood... anything but love! Master vampires did not fall in love with Slayers in less than a week; hell, master vampires did not fall in love with Slayers, period.

But master vampires didn’t drool at the smell of homemade soup or leave victims alive or help avert any apocalypses, either. Shit.

When he walked out of the bathroom, Spike saw that Buffy had turned off all the lights. He knew she was still awake, though, as her breathing was still too quick. That and she wasn’t snoring... He made his way to the bed and slipped in under the covers. Yeah, he could fall asleep anywhere--crypt, dirt floor--but nothing beat a nice soft bed.

He slid behind the Slayer and spooned her. “You alright with this, pet?”

There was a pause, as the young woman gave it some thought. “Yeah, I am. It’s weird, you know, ‘cause I know this shouldn’t be. I mean, it’s not exactly normal for either of us, but I’m beginning to realize that logic doesn’t really have a place in sex and love, and everything in between.”

The blonde vamp let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. Why, after everything that had conspired, did he still doubt his Slayer? “Mmm... I remember some smart bloke saying something to the effect that ‘Love isn’t brains’ or some rot like that. It’s about time that you figured that out for yourself.” All he got as an answer was an elbow in the ribs.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, kissed the back of her neck and they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

Author's Note: Well, there you go. Please let me know what you thought. And again, thanks to all those who reviewed.

20 by Pipergirl

Chapter 20


The bell over the door jingled as the Scoobies made their way into the Magic Box, weary from another night of patrolling. Exhausted, they all dropped in the chairs surrounding their favourite research table.

“Ok, was there a memo that we missed? You know, one that said ‘Slayer out of the country, free-for-all on the Hellmouth, BYOB?” Xander grimaced at the pain in his left shoulder, the result of being thrown more than once against a mausoleum. His better judgement told him that he shouldn’t be involved in these patrols--he didn’t have the training Giles had, Willow’s magical resources, or Anya’s ability to confuse demons with her distinctive verbal barrage. He was just some guy. But no, he went along anyway and always came out of it with more bruises than anyone else. That‘s if he came out of it conscious. “And anyway, how the heck does she go out and do that every night?”

Anya moved behind him and began to massage her boyfriend’s shoulder. An achy Xander meant little or no sex. And no sex meant no orgasms. Very logical, very calculated and very scary. Yep--she had to make sure he was in top physical shape. “Well, she’s the Slayer, Xander. She has all these powers that were given her...”

Giles interrupted what could have been a very long and disorienting discourse. “I believe that was a rhetorical question, Anya.” He went back to rubbing his sore leg. Since when did vampires kick people in the shin, anyway? I’m getting too old for this.

“I wonder how Buffy’s doing, anyway?” Willow, the only one who seemed to be unscathed, voiced the question they were all asking themselves (except for Anya, who was still gauging her chances at having many orgasms). Her eyes got a twinkle of mischief in them as a thought occurred to her. “Ooh! Maybe she’s met some hunky English guy. Like if she’s visiting Westminster Abbey and can’t find something, so she has to ask someone and--hey--why not ask the cute guy that’s right beside her? Then he asks her to dinner... That would be so romantic. Well, until the part where she has to leave, and they share a kiss at the airport and then she goes back home and feels sad because she misses him...” The redhead had to stop before she passed out from lack of oxygen.

Nimble fingers still working the knots out of Xander’s shoulder, Anya felt she had the answer to Willow’s babbling. “She already has a hunky English guy--she has Spike.” When she was met with three incredulous stares, she frowned. “Oh, please. He’s got that whole ’bad boy’ thing, with the bleached hair and the leather coat, and he has all those tight, rippling muscles...” Ok, sex could no longer wait. “Come on, Xander. We have to go to your basement. Now.” She grabbed him by his injured shoulder, eliciting a yelp from the young man.

Xander did not budge from his seat. He was still trying to follow the link from ’wonder how Buffy’s doing’ to ’Spike is a sex god’ to ‘Xander let‘s go home‘. “Ok, am I the only one who’s thinking “eww” right now? I don’t even want to know how you associate the idea of Spike with our having sex!”

The ex-vengeance demon, tired of being looked at like she’d said Hitler was a hero, became defensive. “Well I don’t see what’s so strange about that. Spike happens to be the embodiment of the ideal male physique. He also has that accent, which is also very sexy. I don’t find it very strange at all that thinking of him leads me to think of orgasms.” She grabbed her flummoxed boyfriend’s hand and hauled him towards the door. “Come, Xander. We’re wasting time.”

Beet red, the brunette smiled nervously. “Uh, same bat time, same bat channel tomorrow night, kids?”

Relieved at finally seeing an end to hearing Anya discuss sex and Spike, Giles nodded. “Yes, of course. Good night, Xander.” When the door finally closed, he removed his glasses and began wiping at one of the lenses. Shaking his head, he exhaled. “Sometimes I wonder about her...”

“Well, she does have a point...” Willow’s eyes grew and her mouth clamped shut. What had she just said? And to Giles, of all people?! She needed to make a save--quick. “So... have you heard anything else from Buffy?” There. That was on nice, safe, conversation territory. The last thing she needed was for the Watcher to know that albeit deathly afraid of the vampire, she had noticed his finer attributes.

Glad that the young woman had steered the discussion away from the annoying vampire--the pillock manages to get under my skin even when he’s clear across the ocean--Giles answered. “No, not since the first night. I suspect she’ll contact us if anything of importance occurs. Long distance phone calls are too expensive to make just to tell us nothing’s happened.”

The Wicca couldn’t hide her disappointment. “Oh...”

Her downcast eyes and pout spelled it out to the Watcher. Of course she wanted to contact her best friend. Bonding over telephone calls is what young women did, wasn’t it? Smiling knowingly, he stood up and pulled his wallet out of his pants pocket. “She did give me the number to her hotel room, though, if anyone wanted to reach her...” He waved a piece of paper under her nose.

Willow squealed and grabbed the number. “Oh, Giles! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” She jumped up and threw her arms around him, nearly dragging him down.

“Ow! Please watch the leg. I do believe that Tar’groth demon gave me a charlie horse.” Giles winced, and sat back down.

The witch couldn’t help but smirk. “Yeah, he was a pretty dirty fighter, wasn’t he? I think he even tried some of the Three Stooges’ moves on Xander. Bad move, though--he knows them all.”

“Well, yes. Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

There was a quiet pause before Willow grabbed her bag of magic supplies. “Thanks, Giles. This means a lot to me.”

Slightly abashed, the Watcher smiled. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear from you, Willow. Just make sure you don’t call her tonight--there’s a 6 hour difference to London.” He got up off his chair, and groaned. “I suppose we should be off, then. I’ll give you a lift home.”


The pale yellow glow of diffused sunlight peeked between the heavy curtains. As she slowly came to, Buffy felt well rested. No tossing and turning, no Slayer dreams; just a deep, peaceful rest. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes, trying to focus on the alarm clock that had been moved to her side of the bed. 10:30am. Wow. Think that‘s the longest I‘ve ever slept. She tried to move, but found herself pinned down.

What the? Buffy looked down, and saw an arm. A very pale, muscular arm. And it was wrapped around her waist, holding her gently but firmly. Spike. Spike, the evil undead who had given her the best almost-sex of her life, who hadn’t turned all Angelus afterwards, and who was now spooned against her back. She smiled as her thoughts ventured to the night before and what had happened between them. Her whole world was about to be turned over, and she was looking forward to it.

The young woman managed to turn around under the vampire’s grip. Finally facing him, she was again amazed at how peaceful he looked when he was sleeping. His hair was ruffled from sleep, his lashes rested against his cheeks, and his soft lips were slightly parted as if he were breathing. How could someone who was so irritating when awake seem so angelic in sleep? Angelic and Spike. Not two words she would have ever imagined using in the same sentence, without the presence of ‘not’.

She lifted the blanket a little, careful not to wake him up. Looking under the sheets, she let her glance slide down the vampire’s well-defined chest, onto his abs, and then to... Damn! He owns another pair of those flannel pants... Pouting, she dropped the cover back onto them. Guess that’ll have to wait ’till another day.

Deciding that she’d lolled in bed long enough, she wrested herself from the sleeping vampire’s grip. As she slid out from under his arm, Spike rolled over onto his other side, away from her. She took a quick moment to memorize the play of the muscles in his back as he fidgeted to find a comfortable position. She closed the bed’s drapes before being tempted back into bed.


His head was ringing, but he didn’t remember drinking the night before. Squeezing his eyes shut, Spike turned over and tried to ignore it.

It didn’t stop, though--the ringing kept... well, it just kept ringing. Cursing, the vampire sat up and tried to shake the cobwebs from his sleep-addled brain. Concentrating, he finally figured out that it must be the phone. But who would be calling them? He pulled the curtain aside, and, reaching for the phone, fell off the bed. “Bugger!”

Grabbing the phone that Buffy had left on his night table, he pressed the ’on’ button and issued a curt “What?!”

There was a sharp intake of breath at the other end. “Spike?” A woman’s voice, that he could almost recognize.

“Who’s this?” Bloody gits, calling at any hour of the day.

“It’s... it’s Willow.”

Huh? He narrowed his eyes. “Who?”

A sigh. “Willow, you know--bottle in the face...” That should jog his memory.

Spike straightened up and a smile quickly came to his lips. “Red! Why didn’t you tell me it was you?”

“Well, I sorta did, but you were kinda sleepy and not really with the understanding.” She paused. What did one say to a half-awake vampire that you didn’t really know well? “So... how’s everything? Are you having a good time back home?”

The blonde vamp was genuinely happy to hear from the redheaded witch. She was the only one of Buffy’s friends he could actually stand. She was so much fun to tease and she didn’t treat him like a second class citizen. “Everything’s peachy, ducks. Met up with some old friends, visited an old haunt or two, had me some real fish and chips. (Had a wicked snogging session with the Slayer.) All in all, it’s been a couple of good days.”

Why was he so talkative? Willow felt like saying ‘who are you and what have you done with Spike?’. He almost sounded happy to hear from her. Weird. “Well, that’s nice. I’m happy you’re having a good time.”

After a long pause, Spike’s good humour at hearing a familiar voice ebbed. He frowned, got a little impatient and shifted. He was missing some good sleep for this. “Look, you want to speak to the Slayer?”

“Yeah, actually, that’s why I was calling. She’s not in bed, is she?” She wasn’t sure if she’d calculated the whole time difference thing right and she didn’t want to have to speak to a sleepy Buffy. It could be much, much worse than a sleepy Spike.

Looking back at the bed, which still called to him, Spike sneered. “Not unless I squished her rollin’ out of bed to get the bloody phone...” Still groggy, he hadn’t realized how much he’d revealed to the witch. “I think I hear her in the loo. Hold on a sec.”

The door to the bathroom was ajar, which to the vampire meant ‘hey, open me!’. He did so, and both Slayer and vampire simultaneously screamed. Spike dropped the phone onto the carpet, and neither heard the faint “Hello? What’s wrong?!” coming from the receiver.

Pulse racing, Buffy cringed. Great. Figures he’d walk in right now... She was embarrassed beyond words... almost. “Spike! Don’t you know how to knock? What were you doing, spying on me?”

The vampire clutched his chest, breathing hard. “Bloody fuck... let a bloke gather his wits, will ‘ya? And what’s with that stuff on your face?” He reached out a tentative finger but pulled away before touching... whatever it was.

Fuming, the Slayer put her hands on her hips. “This ‘stuff’ is clay. It clears my pores. Some of us risk the chance of zits, Mr. Undead, so we have to take care of our skin.” She looked down at the phone on the ground and raised her brows. “Were you on the phone?”

“Shit!” Spike had forgotten about Willow. “Red--you still there?”

The redhead was relieved to hear that at least one of the two was still alive. She’d heard some screaming, a bang as the phone hit the floor, and then some more yelling. She hoped that they weren’t being attacked or anything. “Spike? What’s going on--are you guys ok?”

Still trying to catch his unnecessary breath, Spike took another look at Buffy before answering. “Yeah. Just got a fright, is all. Slayer’s doing her best impression of a Horgoth demon.”

Horgoth demon... “Oh, the blue clay?” That was actually really funny. Never thought of that...

Spike swallowed a snicker at the witch’s quick answer. He guessed he wasn’t the only one who’d made that connection before. “Yeah, that’s the stuff. Talk to you later, pet. Ta.”

“Bye Spike.“ Ok, so this Spike seemed happy to hear from her, he’d sounded like a 10 year old when he was talking about what he’d done, and now he was being all nice, calling her pet and ducks. Willow’s brow furrowed. She’d get to the bottom of it. Buffy Summers always caved in against Inspector Rosenburg...


Buffy grabbed the phone from Spike before giving him a final glare. She wasn’t really that angry at him--she just felt compelled to go through the motions. Fighting with the peroxide wonder was too much fun to stop. She brought her concentration back to the phone. “Will--is everything ok? Are you alright?” She realized she was a little worried--they wouldn’t call unless it was an emergency, would they?

Sensing her friend’s worry, the witch used a calming tone. “Buffy, everyone’s just fine. I missed you, that’s all. Giles gave me your phone number so I could call you.”

The Slayer felt the tension ease off. “Ok, I guess I can breathe now. So, how are the patrols going? No one got seriously hurt, did they? I mean, apart from Xander.”

The two girls giggled at their friend’s usual luck with patrolling.

“Well, I think that every demon within a 50 mile radius knows you’re out of the country, so it’s been pretty hectic. But we’re holding our own. How about you? You’re the one in London. How is it there? Have you made any progress finding your baddie?” She smiled and added, in a teasing voice “Meet any cute guys?”

The young blonde bit her lip at the last question. She hadn’t actually met her cute guy here, but they had certainly joined together while in London. Joined together--how appropriate. “London is great, Wills. You’d love it, with all the old buildings and the neat history. Spike took me to the Tower of London yesterday and told me about all the murder and torture and backstabbing. But it’s so beautiful, we’ll have to come back some day.” Yeah, like I’ll ever get the chance. “As for our mission, it’s not as much a hot trail as a grape freezie kind of trail. Spike and I are going to some creepy demon nightclub tonight--we’re hoping to get a lead. Seems that the guy’s henchdemons hang out there.”

“Well, I hope you find some good information. It’s best if you find that baby sooner rather than later.” Something nagged at Willow, some previous comment. Yes! Spike’s slip-up about the bed! She decided it was time for Inspector Rosenburg to make an appearance. “So, how’s the whole ’staying with Spike’ thing coming?”

Buffy felt the blush creep up her neck. “Coming?” Yeah, we were coming, all right. “Uh, it’s ok. We haven’t killed each other yet, so that’s always good, right?” Please, don’t ask any more questions.

The squeak in her friend’s voice let the young witch know that her best friend was hiding something. “Mmm hmmm. Spike said something about you two sharing a bed?” If that didn’t work, nothing would.

“Oh, of course he would! Figures he’d be gloating--betcha he also told you about us...” Oh, crap. Inspector Rosenburg 1, Buffy 0. “Oh, God.”

Ha! I knew it! Willow did an internal Snoopy dance, but kept her voice sober. “Buffy, is there something going on between you and Spike? Because, you know, best friend here...” Guilt her into talking--that always worked.

Great--first the Spanish Inquisition, and now the guilt. Where had meek Willow gone? Buffy was quiet for a moment--should she tell all, or keep it a secret? Ah, hell. She’d never kept secrets from Willow. No use in starting a bad habit now. She coughed, clearing her voice. “Will--if I tell you something, promise not to tell Giles or anyone else?”

“Of course! I can do that--I’ll be secret girl. That’s in the ‘best friend’ job description, you know. Anyway, I’m sure you want to let some of it off your chest.” She sat back on her bed, clutching a teddy bear, and waited for the story to begin.

The Slayer took a deep breath. “Oh, Will. I don’t even know where to begin. I mean, Spike’s been completely different on this trip--right from the start. He even bought me a stuffed animal at the airport!”

Willow couldn’t help but interject. “Oh, how sweet!”

“Yeah, I know--I mean, this is the guy who’d been trying to kill me--kill us--for two years and now it’s, like” she faked a horrible English accent “’Did you want to get something to eat?’ and he actually said that we had to work at getting along, since we were on the same mission. I mean, when did he get all mature?”

The redhead was impressed. Who’d have thought that if you stuck the childish vampire into a situation, he’d be the one to come out with smart ideas? “Well, it sounds like good advice to me. I guess it’s better than having him try to kill you, or ditch you.”

Buffy’s voice rose an octave. “That’s what I mean!” She lowered it again, afraid that Spike might hear what she was about to say. “It’s like being with a Spike look alike. He’s been such a gentleman. They have us booked as honeymooners at the hotel--don‘t even start on that, by the way--and he insisted on carrying me over the threshold, and then he made me some chocolate covered strawberries--very yummy, by the way. But it’s just so... unexpected. I figured we’d be at each other’s throats, but now I’m finding that we’re getting along, and I don’t know how I feel about it.” She sniffled. “Pathetic much?”

Willow didn’t know what to say. This was Spike they were talking about. For all she knew, this whole seduction could have been part of a plan of his. However, she didn’t think so--maybe for some crazy cosmic reason, Buffy and Spike were meant to be together. “No, Buffy. Not pathetic. You’re right to be confused. Your reality just got twisted, and you’re trying to figure things out. It’s normal. Has... has he tried to kiss you yet?”

The young blonde let out a sharp laugh. “Oh, Willow. You don’t know the half of it. We practically had sex last night. The only thing between us was our pants.” The following confession was made in a whisper. “And I let him bite me.”

“Oh Goddess!” Ok, this was getting curiouser and curiouser. “Did it hurt?”

“No, actually it was pretty good.” The Slayer banged the back of her head against the wall. “Hell, who am I kidding? It was amazing. The only way I can get into that bar tonight is if Spike pretends to ‘own’ me--humans aren’t allowed in on their own. He had to bite me so we could get in. It seemed like a good plan, until we got to the biting part. It started out with kissing, then it moved on to some touching, then it moved on to some grinding. It, uh, it got really serious.”

“Did he make you do anything you didn’t want to?” She had to remain logical and keep her friend on track. “Buffy, please think of it. Do you regret anything?”

There was a pause, and the Slayer found herself seriously considering the redhead’s questions. “No, I don’t regret any of it, and I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to. He’s really good that way. Gentle, takes it slow--he made sure I was ok with everything. He was really considerate.”

“Ok, I must really be lacking in the romance department, because I’m soo jealous right now, Buffy.” The Wicca cleared her thoat, not really believing she was going to ask her next question. This was Spike, after all. “So... is he good?”

“Willow! What happened to the shy girl who blushed every time someone mentioned sex?” Buffy couldn’t believe her best friend. She was proud.

“She grew up, Buffy. And got a sex drive, which is doing absolutely nothing these days. So ‘fess up, so I know that at least one of us is having a grand old time.” There. Not so hard, was it? Oh, I can’t believe I just said that out loud.

“Ok, Wills--we‘re going to delve into the TMI land that only best friends dare travel.” She took a deep breath. “Imagine someone spending 120 years perfecting sex. That‘s what he‘s like. Just one kiss and you‘re reduced to a puddle of water. All the energy he has, all the passion, he puts it into kissing. His lips are soft, and his tongue‘s like velvet. It‘s like being kissed by silk, Will. And while he’s kissing you, his hands are drawing little circles on your back, not groping you like some big college stud. He just uses the tips of his fingers, tracing down your spine, and it feels like electricity--you know, like when you stick your tongue on one of those weird batteries, and your tongue gets all tingly? It’s just like that, but everywhere he touches you.” Pausing to catch her breath, she realized that there was absolutely no sound coming from the other end of the phone. Just my luck--watch the line be disconnected and I’ve just been sitting here talking to myself. “Willow? Are you still there?”

The young witch opened her eyes and inhaled deeply. She felt faint, but convinced herself it was because she hadn’t slept much the night before--not because of what Buffy was saying. Her voice squeaked. “Yes! I mean yeah, I’m still listening.”

The Slayer was curious. Her best friend was acting a little weird. But, then, Willow was always a little odd, so she brushed it off. “Ok, just thought I’d lost you for a sec. Didn’t want to be sitting here talking to myself, or even worse--to some operator or something.” She fidgeted--the bathroom floor wasn’t the most comfortable of seating areas. “Look, Will. I need you to tell me if I’m insane. I mean, I’m talking to you about macking with the undead--again. And this one doesn’t even have a soul! Maybe it‘s a Slayer thing--I‘m on a course for self-destruction, or something.”

“Buffy, I don’t think it’s a Slayer thing. Well, not entirely. I think it’s a Buffy thing.” The redhead was choosing her words carefully--sometimes it was difficult broaching certain topics over the phone, as you couldn’t rely on your facial expressions to get your point across. “You’re the Slayer, Buffy. That’s something that’s unique--unique in the way that you’re special, but also unique in the way that there’s only one of you. Well, except for Faith, but that’s beside the point, ‘cause she‘s pretty much out of commission right now. Anyway, you lead a lifestyle very different than anyone else’s. Where most girls your age are dreaming about boy bands, trying for the cheerleading squad or working part-time jobs at the local mall, you’ve got this whole other world thrown at you, where you have to deal with things that people can’t even come up with in their nightmares. You’ve got this enormous responsibility, with the weight of the world on your shoulders.” She sighed. “This is coming out all wrong. What I’m trying to say is that your life involves things that go bump in the night. Maybe it’s not normal that you fall for two vampires, but taken into the context of your lifestyle, it‘s not that surprising. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re probably looking for someone who understands and accepts what it is that you do, and who it is that you really are. Is any of this making any sense, or am I just babbling?”

Now she knew why she had opened up with Willow. Always the voice of reason, always the one with soothing words. Buffy thanked the powers that be that she had such a caring, intelligent person to turn to when she felt like she was at her wits‘ end. “Yeah, I think I do. What you’re saying is that because I’m the Slayer, I’m drawn to people who are close to what I do. Hence, Angel and Spike. But Angel had a soul, and Spike is evil, or was evil...”

“But Angel without his soul was much, much worse than Spike, wasn’t he? Spike is... well, he’s Spike. What you see is what you get. He is who he is because he chooses to be that way, not because it’s forced onto him. Buffy, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe Spike really is trying to be a better person, or vampire, because of you. Maybe he really does have feelings for you. Just don’t do anything rash--let things go slowly and don’t second guess yourself. If it feels right, go with it.”

Buffy felt a tear roll down her cheek. Sniffling, she smiled. “How did I get such a good best friend, Willow?”

The Wiccan smiled back, although it couldn’t be seen through the phone. “Oh, I don’t know. It might have to do with how good a friend you are too. That and how many times you saved me...”

The two girls shared a comfortable silence, each absorbing what had been said. Willow was confident that Buffy could work out this situation she was in, and come out of it stronger. Buffy took the redhead’s words to heart, and vowed silently to try and listen to her heart a little more. She knew that as a Slayer she didn’t have that long to live--what good would it be to push away a chance at happiness?

“Look, Wills, I have to let you go now. My butt cheeks are falling asleep from sitting on this cold floor. That and I have to pry this ‘mask of Horgoth’ off before it permanently sticks to my face.”

As they said their goodbyes, neither heard the click that closely preceded their hanging up.


Spike hung up the kitchen phone and sat on one of the stools. He cupped his hand over his chin and tried to absorb everything the two girls had discussed. He had expected the bit about their little snogging session--after all, that’s what girls talked about on the phone, wasn’t it?

But he’d never expected the Slayer to reveal that he’d bitten her, or that she’d enjoyed it--he assumed that she would have kept mum, keeping it as a dirty little secret. What had really surprised him, though, was the talk that revealed Buffy’s low self-esteem.

Spike rejoiced in being a vampire. He revelled in the violence, the blood, the darkness. He’d also assumed that Buffy enjoyed her role as the Slayer. She certainly hadn’t let on otherwise. But from what he’d sussed out in that conversation, Buffy was confused and constantly second-guessing herself. Not hard to imagine, since she belonged to two worlds at once: as the Slayer she existed in the dark of night, rubbing shoulders with baddies like him; as Buffy Summers she tried to function as a normal young woman, balancing school, friends, and a rotten romance record. He couldn’t imagine trying to be Spike by night and William by day.

He silently thanked Red for her sound advice--knew he liked her for a good reason--and vowed to make sure that whatever it was that was building between him and the Slayer didn’t end up in some sort of catastrophe. Maybe, he thought, he should also heed the witch’s advise and just go where fate pointed him to. It had worked so far, hadn’t it?

Author's Note: Wow--three in a row. You guys must be special, eh? ;-) Actually, I'm leaving for camping early tomorrow morning and I don't trust myself to remember to post this. Next update will be on its regularly scheduled Monday post date. A great big thanks to all who have reviewed. I've actually clinched the 100 mark, and it makes me feel all special-like. Have a nice weekend!

21 by Pipergirl

Chapter 21

Buffy stood in front of the closet, staring at the clothing she’d been given by Zairah. She’d decided on the red leather pants and a black sparkly tank top. Looking through her earrings, she groaned. Great, my wardrobe screams ’vampire ho’ and I’m actually wasting time trying to accessorize. Uh, my life so sucks right now. Managing to avoid Spike, by an unusual stroke of good fortune, she scooted off to the bathroom to change and primp.

As she poured herself into the pants, the Slayer pondered her situation. What had she done, in her too-short lifetime, to deserve this? Maybe it was the time that she’d flushed her cousin Frances’ retainer down the toilet, or maybe when she’d dropped a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets into the neighbor’s dog’s dish, or then again it could have been that time she put crazy glue on the rim of the birdbath... Ok, so maybe she deserved it. It didn’t mean she was going to enjoy it, though.

Her pants finally done up, she managed to figure out the string of a tank top that she’d chosen. Turning around to look at herself, she noticed a horizontal white strap peeking out from under the top’s back. She shrugged, shimmied out of the undergarment, and tossed it onto the growing pile of dirty laundry. Fine, so I won’t wear a bra, then. Might as well go with the full ’ho’ look.

She opened her makeup case and took out the new makeup she’d bought during her little excursion the previous day. For a little grocery store, they sure had a good makeup counter--yay Maybelline. She had found everything she needed for a good vamp-ho makeup look: deep red lipstick, pale foundation, dark eyeliner. She already had the black mascara--pretty much a standard in any woman’s makeup bag. Well, here goes, she thought to herself as she began to apply her foundation, let’s see what we can do with this makeup.


Spike was about to call out when he heard the bathroom door open. He’d been this close to barging in, but kept finding excuses not to. From everything to making sure his black nail polish was perfect (hey, a vamp might be evil, but he shouldn’t be sloppy), to checking his duster for new tears, to knowing that Buffy would be upset if he pressured her. He knew this whole set up was going to be tough on her. Not only because she’d have to act submissive towards him, but also because she’d never been anywhere so dreadful. Yeah, she was the Slayer, and she acted tough, but he didn’t know how even he’d react if they still had that live feeding station they’d installed last time he’d been there.

All coherent thought abandoned his mind, however, at the sight of the Slayer as she walked out from the bathroom. The little top she wore--without a bra, he noticed--was naughty, and her pants--were they painted on? Her makeup was excessive compared to what she usually wore, but she’d blend in at the Nex. He couldn’t help the pull his body felt towards hers. Hopefully, those pants were too tight for her to kick him.

Buffy didn’t know what to make of the look Spike was giving her. Or rather, she didn’t know what to make of her body’s reaction to it--the look of pure, unadulterated lust. Her heart jumped to a staccato beat, her body heated up and her nerves began to tingle as he approached her. She used to cringe at that tingling, the one she’d always felt when he was near--Spike being nearby had never been a good thing. Until now. She opened her arms à la Vanna White and smiled seductively. “So, whaddaya think? Will I get into the Nex ok?”

Think? Who the hell can bloody think around someone so breathtaking? “Bloody hell, pet--it‘s all I can do to stop myself from taking you right here, right now.” Pulling her to him, he lowered his lips towards hers. When he felt her finger on his lips, he looked up, confused.

“Sorry, big bad--you’re going to be wearing as much lipstick as I am if you kiss me. Won’t be too scary going around with ruby red lips, will you?” Buffy had to laugh as she watched his mind process that thought. Her laugh stopped short when she saw a light go off in his mind. His eyes grew almost black as he lowered himself to his knees. Now what was he... Oh!

She was right--he couldn’t kiss her. Why hadn’t he taken advantage of that before she’d entered the loo? Should’ve ravaged her then. He could bite her, but based on last night that would probably mean a change of clothing for one, if not both, of them. There was definitely no time for a wardrobe change. Oh, well--a vamp had to be creative, didn’t he?

He nuzzled his head up under the scrap of a top she wore, edging his way up to her breasts. Latching onto one of her erect nipples, he suckled it, lightly nibbling. When he heard her sharp intake of breath, and felt her hands press his head to her chest, he knew she wanted this as much as he did. Flattening his tongue against the curve of her breast, he began to draw a circle, slowly spiralling towards its tip. His right hand gently cupped her other breast, kneading it.

What was it about this particular vampire--hell, this particular man--that could turn her to mush in seconds? Buffy writhed under Spike’s ministrations, the feel of his cool tongue on her breasts driving her insane, that quiet purring noise going straight to her core. Her desire began to pool at the apex of her thighs, and she knew that if they weren’t on their way soon, they’d never leave the room. Which, if not for a particular mission, wouldn’t be all that bad.

But they had a baby to find, and a world to save.

Her voice broke through his concentration. He felt like he was immersed in cotton--weren’t a vampire’s senses supposed to sharpen during sex? His had dulled and it took everything he could muster to rip his attention from the Slayer’s pert breasts to her face. She was telling him something--well, her lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear anything. Damn cotton.

“Spike? Come on, stand up.” He was looking at her with glazed eyes and she knew he wasn’t hearing a word she said. Good--I’m not the only one who’s being reduced to a vegetative state during these bouts of foreplay. She grabbed him by the lapels of his coat, and hoisted him up to a standing position. “We have to get going--you know, our mission? The Nex?”

She was right, and he knew it. No matter how much he wanted to say ‘fuck the mission’ and take her right there against the wall, he nodded. “Right. The mission.” He walked ahead of her to the door, but stopped. Acting on impulse, he pulled her into his arms, placing a searing kiss over his bite marks. Taking a step back, still holding her hands, he looked her straight in the eyes. “You do know that you’re special, don’t you, Buffy?”

It was more of a statement than a question, and she knew it. But the emotion behind his admission floored her. Had he been listening to her conversation this morning? No, she was pretty sure that he’d gone straight back to bed--he hadn’t seemed conscious enough to be that sneaky. How, then, had he known to say exactly what it was she needed to hear? Those words were all she needed to hear to know that everything they’d done--the talking, the friendship, the intimacy--meant as much to him as it had to her.

Knowing he didn’t really expect an answer, she pulled him back into an embrace.

“Thank you, Spike.”


“Well, here it is.”

Buffy looked ahead to where the blonde vampire was pointing. Turning around, she pointed at the empty lot. “This?! I dressed up like a skank so you could take me to some abandoned piece of dirt?” Punching him in the arm, she growled. “Spike, if this is part of some demented trick of yours, to get me out here, dressed like this, you’re toast--literally.”

She tried to only show the anger she felt--it would do her no good to let him know how upset she was at this. All this time, she’d begun to trust this vampire. He’d seemed to have a genuine interest in the mission, in saving the world--whether or not he’d freely admit it--but now it looked like it had all been one big joke. She felt betrayed--all the intimacy, the quiet moments, all for naught. She crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow, waiting to see what kind of excuse the peroxide blonde would come up with.

Spike was confused. “Don’t tell me you can’t feel them, Slayer. Close your eyes and relax--you’ll know what I mean.”

“Relax?! I’m standing at the edge of some empty field dressed like a prostitute, accompanied by a Billy Idol wannabe...” Her voice went up an octave. “...and you’re telling me to relax? Why, I should just...” The vampire’s hand clamped down over her mouth, and although she was tempted to bite him and continue her rant, she let him speak.

“Just shut up for two seconds, will ya? You’re always jumpin’ to conclusions, always tryin’ to find the worst in people. Well here’s a little newsflash for you, pet.” Spike removed his hand from her mouth and put it on her shoulder. He brought his face down to hers and looked her steadily in the eye. “I will not abandon you, I will not leave you, I will not betray you. I’d like to think that after we’ve been through you have more faith in me than that.”

Faced with his admission, spoken straight from the heart, Buffy swallowed hard. He was right. After all the people who’d left her--her father, Angel, even Parker--she’d worked at building a wall around her. It was much easier to take if you played all these horrible scenarios in your head, expecting one of them to come true--that way, when something bad did happen, it was less of a shock.

She looked up to him and smiled. “You’re right. I... I do have faith in you, it’s just hard to let myself truly believe it sometimes.” She looked again towards the lot, and frowned. “I do feel something, like there are a ton of demons, but I can’t see anything.”

His spirits lighter after their brief heart-to-heart, Spike clucked his tongue. “That’s cause there’s a cloaking spell. The Nex is really there, but anyone who isn’t a demon just walks by, thinking it’s an old bit of property.” His face grew serious. “Now, you remember what I told you? Always stand a little behind me, but make sure I can see you at all times. Keep your eyes down--eye contact for a slave is an act of defiance. Don’t speak unless spoken to--and always call me master, don’t move unless I move, don’t sit down unless I tell you to... You get the gist?”

“Yeah, I get the gist.” The Slayer put her hands on her hips. “You’re really going to enjoy this, aren’t you?”

“Every bleedin’ minute of it. Now get in step and hold on to my coat. I don’t know if you’ll be able to cross through on your own.”


Buffy’s jaw dropped at the sight that befell her as they crossed through the barrier. About twenty-five feet ahead of her stood a four-story stone building as old as any other in London. She could hear loud music pouring through the open front doors, where two demons the size of brick walls stood sentry. Bouncers--they look the same everywhere...

As they approached the building, the young woman noticed that instead of walking over to the side, where the lineup seemed to go on forever, Spike was leading them to the front doors. She was just about to point out the lineup when she remembered: slave--shut your mouth. Great. This was going to be a long, difficult night.

Spike knew this night would be great. What were the odds of ending up at the Nex, after a fifty-year absence, and knowing one of the bouncers? He took Buffy by the wrist and sauntered up to the closest bouncer.

The larger than life demon didn’t even look up. “Unless you’re looking for a shitload of pain, friend, I suggest you head over and stand in line like the other guests.”

Buffy tried to take a step back, fully acknowledging the underlying threat. Dressed as she was, there was no way she could fight this behemoth. Spike, however, remained in place. The young woman wondered what he was trying to pull--lot of good it would do them if they didn’t even get into the club.

The peroxide blonde smiled. “Now, is that a way to greet an old acquaintance?”

The Slayer watched as the bouncer paused and then looked up, grinning. “Spike! Haven’t seen your arse around here in bloody forever! What you been up to?” He smacked the vampire on the back, almost knocking him over.

Finding his balance, Spike hunched his shoulders. “You know how it is, Tony--same old, same old. Terrorize the innocent, burn down a few cities, havin’ fun.”

Tony turned an appraising look at Buffy, making her feel like a piece of meat. After tonight, she vowed she was going to wear a lot of baggy sweatpants and loose t-shirts.

“Speaking of fun...” He nodded at the Slayer. “You got a new girl?”

Spike stiffened at Tony’s comment. Although the bouncer didn’t seem to have noticed, Buffy did. She wondered if it was because it made him think of Drusilla, or because of how it made her look.

“Nah, she’s just my new pet. Got her down in California--right on the Hellmouth.” He looked at her with soft eyes and twirled a lock of her golden hair in his fingers. “Pretty little thing, in’t she?”

Tony walked around Buffy, eyeing her up and down. He clucked his tongue. “So, you sharin’, or is this one all yours?” He dragged a finger down along her spine, and it was all the Slayer could do not to shudder--that or rip the offending digit off.

Spike’s grip on her wrist got uncomfortably tight, and he pulled her sharply away from Tony’s roving hand. With a bit of a growl, he answered. “Sorry, mate. I’m not sharing her with anyone. She’s all mine.”

Buffy expected a manly show of posturing and fighting for the female--this was, after all, a couple of demons, and she was the tasty morsel. Ugh...he is so dead for this. However, Tony just shrugged and replied. “Suit yourself, mate.” Some little part of her thought wow, I’m not even worth a fight... But she knew that Spike would have fought, tooth and nail, for her. Things had really changed--once, they fought each other, and now they’d fight for each other. What was it that Hamlet guy said? Things aren’t right in the country of Denmark? Whatever, not like she paid attention in English class anyway.

Deciding to veer the subject away from his ‘pet’, Spike threw a glance at the doors. “So, who’s playing tonight?”

“Some band called the Headstones.” Tony let a few more patrons in. The night was cool, and many of them seemed eager to walk into the warm hub of the Nex.

Spike smirked at the band’s name. “Headstones, eh? Never heard of ‘em. They good?”

The bouncer leaned against the building--probably the only thing that wouldn’t cave in under his weight--and lit a cigarette. “They’re Canadian, and yeah--they’re really good. They’ve got the mosh pit in a right frenzy.”

The bleached vamp’s eyes grew. “The Nex has a mosh pit?!” He cursed the Slayer for being with him and he cursed the mission they were on. There was no better place for release of violent energy than a mosh pit. Pushing, fist fights, killing--and a demon mosh pit at that...

Exhaling a plume of smoke, Tony straightened up. “No, there usually isn’t a mosh pit. There is tonight, though. That band wasn’t on for 5 minutes before all the tables and seats had been tossed aside, and about 200 demons were slammin’ bodies. I’d watch your pet closely if I were you, her bein’ such a little thing.” He pulled the rope aside, and let Spike and Buffy by, much to the protest of those patrons still stuck in the lineup. “Come by on your way out, eh Spike? Be good to see you before you disappear for another fifty years.”

Spike clapped Tony on the shoulder. “Will do, mate. Ta.”

The two blondes walked to the entrance, and paid the cover charge. Turning towards the doors, Spike leaned in and whispered in his Slayer’s ear. “You ready, pet?”

She took a deep breath. Ready? That’s a good question. “I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” She looked up at him quickly, momentarily forgetting her slave status, and gave him a quick smile. The softness in his blue eyes comforted her--she knew that she’d be safe, in her role as ‘pet’, as long as she stuck by him.

,Author's Note: Well helloo! Hope you're ready for the 'Nex' chapter (yes, you're allowed to groan) on Thursday. Thanks to all who have reviewed, and a special thanks to whomever nominated Dark Prophecy at the Vampire's Kisses awards. Go out there and vote! There are other great stories to look up and enjoy.

22 by Pipergirl

Chapter 22

Buffy’s first reaction as she stepped into the darkness of the Nex was to give in to a coughing fit. The smoke was thick with both legal and illegal substances, and the Slayer was having a hard time breathing. She let Spike push their way through the demons loitering by the entrance, keeping her eyes respectfully to the ground. She didn’t want to have to meet their gazes as they were roughly jostled out of the way.

Curiosity getting the best of her, the young blonde took a quick moment to look up and take in her surroundings. The place was vast--much bigger than the Bronze--and it was packed with all kinds of demons, although most of them seemed humanoid in appearance. Maybe it was a cheap cover night for vamps or something. There was a second floor, where she could see a bar, some tables, and maybe even some gaming. Of course, demons and gambling went hand in hand.

She felt herself being pulled through the crowd and could tell that they were approaching the stage, where the band was playing very loudly. She stretched to look over the crowd and see what this band looked like, but didn’t have any luck. Still trying to take a peek, she walked right into Spike who, surprisingly enough, didn’t reprimand her as a proper master should have. Meekly looking up at him, she saw that he had removed his human mask. Following his gaze, she saw that he was transfixed with something out by the stage. Moving behind him, she waited for him to make the first move, trying her best to quell any urges to elbow him in the ribs.


It felt so right to be back among his own kind. He’d missed being surrounded by other demons, not having to watch what he said or did, like he had to in Sunnyhell. Slipping comfortably into game face, Spike took in all the sights and smells his super-developed senses detected. If the music was loud before, it was nearly deafening to his demon--but he didn’t mind that, music was always better way louder. Breathing deeply, he could smell all the emotions, from the anger and exhilaration in the mosh pit to the arousal of the couples hitting on each other. It was all amplified, just as it should be. Life shouldn’t be lived in pastels when everything could be experienced in Technicolor.

Pulling the Slayer along, he stopped where he could watch the band. He felt Buffy bump into him, but paid her no mind. His attention was fully occupied with the Headstones and the frenzy in which they’d whipped the crowd. The lead singer seemed to be wearing more hair gel than the poof himself, dark hair spiked high. Apart from that, though, they pretty much seemed like normal blokes, wearing jeans, black t-shirts and cargo shorts. They were in the middle of a number, and Spike listened to the lyrics.

Went down to the cemetery looking for love

Got there and my baby was buried

I had to dig her up

Yeah, he’d listen to these guys. He took his eyes away from them for a quick moment, to make sure that his pet was still with him. He looked down and noticed that she was fidgeting--she wasn’t used to standing still, especially not with so many demons around. He assumed that her Slayer senses must have been tingling overtime. He brought his gaze back up to the band, pulling apart from the crowd. He’d have to get Red to see if she could steal some of their music on that Napster thing he kept hearing about.

There’s only one point that I’d like to make

These kinds of things deteriorate

It’s the gospel truth man

She’s embalmed in love juice

Even over the whooping of the crowd, Spike still caught the “Eww...” that came from the young woman trailing behind him. Snickering, he led her away from the music. “Follow me, pet.”


When they broke from the crowd, Buffy found herself taking deep breaths. Ok, not deep healthy breaths, but she was sure any air was better than the limited oxygen she’d been exposed to near the stage. That was the crappy thing about being short (well, one of the many crappy things about being short)--lack of air in crowds.

Spike led them to a booth and told her to sit down, walking away in the direction of the bar. As she watched him saunter away, she noticed for the first time just how much attitude he’d regained while in the Nex. Head up high, cocky swagger and billowing duster, sneer on those soft lips of his... Great, he’s treating me like a pet and all I can think about is how kissable those lips are. It was as if she was back in the company of the Spike she’d first met about four years ago.

Staring at the retreating form of her ‘master’, Buffy never noticed the large horned demon until it was sitting beside her. She turned quickly, looking at it, before remembering her ruse. She edged away from it a little and brought her eyes to a spot on the tablecloth. Maybe if she ignored him he’d go away. Yeah right, he’ll just kill you whether or not you look at him. What else do very, very big horned demons do?

As if the question had been asked out loud, the demon began to howl. Nearly jumping out of her skin, Buffy looked askance and noticed that he was... crying?

The demon began to play with her hair, bawling and talking at her in some weird language. No longer afraid, the young woman was embarrassed beyond words. She just wanted to crawl under the table and wait for Spike to throw ol’ Horny (ugh--that doesn’t sound so good)... ol’ Whiney out on his ass. Throwing a glance around the room, where the hell is that bleached wonder?, she noticed that many of the patrons were looking in her direction and laughing. Great--she could just chalk this up on her list of things she’d never live down.

When Whiney began to blow his nose on the tablecloth, the Slayer decided that enough was enough. She made a move to get up--find any excuse to remove herself from the blubbering demon’s proximity--when she saw a flash of black.

“Sit back down, pet. I told you to stay put.”

A drink was placed in front of her, and she’d downed half of the glass before noticing that whatever it was, it contained no alcohol whatsoever. Looking up at the bleached vampire under hooded lids, she saw that he was smiling at her predicament. She fought the urge to kick him under the table--that may have been acceptable at the Calico, but not at the Nex, and certainly not with the roles that they had taken. Smug bastard--he’s so getting it when we get out of here...

It was just his Slayer’s luck to have attracted a Raumnek demon. They were scary looking--big, hulking horned things, but they were about as harmless as the kittens for which he’d played poker. They were a drag to be around, though, their constant despondency almost as depressing as Peaches’ brooding. Catching the quick warning in his pet’s eyes, he figured it was about time to get the crybaby away from the table. He was in enough trouble as it stood.

God, he was so whipped...

As Spike stood up, Buffy felt a temporary pang of sadness at the demon who was crying on her shoulder. Something bad had happened to him, and now he was going to be pummelled by an angry vampire because he chose the wrong woman on whom to unload. She looked away as the bleached blonde put his hand on the demon’s shoulder, but her head snapped back around when no violence came.

Spike was crouched down, hand on the demon’s shoulder, and was speaking to him softly in his own language. His face was sympathetic and patient, and his body language seemed to speak that he was used to this kind of thing. When the horned demon sniffled and nodded, the vampire stood up and stepped aside, letting ol’ Whiney walk away. They waved their good-byes like old friends.

The Slayer was itching to find out what that was all about but, remaining in character, kept her eyes focused on the tablecloth and her mouth clamped shut.

Spike sensed his pet’s curiosity--she was concentrating way too hard on the tablecloth and she was fidgeting, whether or not she was aware of it.

Slipping back into his human guise, he addressed the Slayer. “Look up at me, luv. We can talk while we’re here--no one’s going to question if I decide to have a conversation with my pet over a drink.” He tipped his glass and took a deep drink of what looked like molasses with froth. It had been a while since he’d had some real beer.

Happy to be released from her imposed silence, the young woman threw a barrage of questions at her companion. “Ok, what was that thing, what was it crying about, and why didn’t you kill it? Oh yeah, and where did you learn to speak all these demon languages--you speak Fyarl too, right?”

“Lots about me you don’t know, pet. When you’re immersed in the demon community for over 120 years, you have to be open to learning different languages to be able to communicate with different species. It’s not like English is the universal language of demons--nice as that’d be.” He paused, taking another sip of his Guinness. “God I missed this stuff... Anyway that was a Raumnek demon. They’re the pathetic whiners of the demon world--always cryin’ over lost loves, lost treasure, rainy weather... Anything worth complaining over. He was sobbing that his business partner disappeared with his mate and all the money. Oh yeah--they’re also incredible suckers.” Leaning back, his blue eyes seemed to be lost in a daydream. “I remember once, I got into a business deal with a Raumnek, and I...” The vampire stopped right there, noticing the look on the Slayer’s face. “Uh, that’s not important anymore. Never mind that, pet. You asked me why I didn’t kill him? First of all, he might be whiney and seem kittenish but he probably could have beaten me to dust with my left leg--they’re real strong when they’re pissed off. Second, well... it wouldn’t have been real sporty to take a shot at a heartbroken demon who wasn’t really hurting anyone, now would it? Demons do have a code of honour, you know.”

As he finished the last of his draught, Spike caught the Slayer observing him, a slight crook at the corner of her mouth. She was dragging the tip of her finger along the rim of her now-empty glass, staring at him oddly. For the hundredth time since setting foot on British soil, the master vampire wondered what the fates had in store for him. From the embarrassment of being William, to Dru’s enticing offer of a better life, to the Slayer and the Nex. He was sure his life could be weirder, but it would probably involve two-headed goats and country music. Nope, his life was just weird enough for his taste.

Buffy didn’t believe what he’d said about the ‘demon code of honour’. For some strange reason, she thought that Spike could identify with what the Redneck demon went through, what with Angelus and Dru going at it when he was paralysed. He’d strongly deny it, but the blonde vampire had a soft spot--maybe there was some good in there trying to get out.

Spike was first to break the silence. “Well, pet, won’t get anything accomplished lounging around, will we?” He got up and motioned for her to do the same. As he did this, all emotion left his features. His jaw was set tightly and his eyes were cold. He brought his game face forward again, scanning the club. There! Should’ve known they’d be playin.’ He took hold of Buffy’s wrist and led her towards one of the staircases.


Buffy was led to the gaming area of the club. They stopped near a table where a Fyarl seemed to be losing to a purple demon with dreadlocks. There was a crowd around the table, but the Slayer spotted another human girl standing against the wall, behind the rasta demon. She seemed to be about the same age as Buffy, but she looked much worse for wear. Her dark hair was dirty and hung limply around her gaunt face, her clothing was tattered and her posture screamed servility. If that’s what it was like to be a slave, Buffy didn’t think she was pulling it off too well.

Both demons put their cards down and the purple one got up and cheered. Livid, the Fyarl threw his cards at the table and pushed his chair back. He stood, reached into his pocket, and tossed a pouch onto the table. Not waiting for the purple demon to count his winnings, he stormed off.

Spike knew that this was his chance at gaining some information. He had to play the demon right, both with the cards, and with smooth words. When the Pelorak threw his challenge for another competitor, the master vampire stepped up.

“Evenin’ gentlemen.” He pulled a chair back and sat across from the still gloating Pelorak. Wearing a shit-eating grin, he slouched in his chair. “Never could pass up a chance at kicking Pelorak ass at cards.”

That got the purple demon’s attention. He grumbled something unintelligible and pulled his chair back to the table. Taking the cards in hand, he began to shuffle the cards. Sneering, he replied in halting English. “You seem very sure of yourself vampire. I doubt you’ve ever beaten a Pelorak at any game before--nobody beats us at anything.” He narrowed his eyes at the bleached nuisance who was sitting across from him. Imagine that--the nerve of a vampire of all demons, claiming that he could beat him at cards. He’d show that undead poser. Maybe win his slave, too.

Spike chuckled. “Well, you can ask Ka’har, son of Gla’rok, son of bloody whoever else, who he lost his prized DeSoto to, after losing a dozen Siamese kittens and a few thousand quid. Betcha the overweight ponce will have something to say about bleached vampires.” He straightened up in his chair and pulled it up the small wooden table. Lighting a cigarette, he looked across at the Pelorak. “Now if the posturing’s over, how ‘bout we play ourselves an actual game of cards, eh mate?”

Buffy remained still behind Spike, eyes cast low. She nearly died of embarrassment when her stomach decided to growl, letting everyone within demon earshot know she was hungry. Even though she was looking down, she felt all eyes on her small frame--this caused her cheeks to flush a bright red. She wanted to crawl under a table and disappear.

That seemed to be happening rather often tonight.

When the hand was over, Spike spoke up. “Look, why don’t we send our pets to sit at another table? It’ll be easier to concentrate on the game without all these bleedin’ bodily noises going on.” He turned to the Slayer and got an evil gleam in his eye. “Anyway, we don’t really need the distraction, if you know what I mean.” Buffy yelped as she felt him pinch one of butt cheeks. Biting her lip, she forced her arms to remain at her sides. Wouldn’t do either of them much good to give in to her temptation to give him yet another bloody nose.

The Pelorak laughed out loud at the vampire’s lewdness. “Fine, they can sit at that table.” He pointed to a small table for two that rested against the wall, about 15 feet away from their own table.

As both slaves made their way to the table, relieved to be out of the presence of their masters, Spike waved a barmaid over. “Hello, pet. Why don’t you be a love and bring me another pint of Guinness, and another of whatever my friend here’s been drinking.” The woman nodded and turned to walk away when the vampire took a hold of her elbow. “Just a sec. Not done yet. Do you have those big plates of nachos, the ones with everything on them?” When she replied in the affirmative, the blonde vamp smiled. “Good--our pets are sitting over there” he pointed at the girls’ table “bring them one of those big platters.”

When the barmaid left with her order, Spike turned to find the Pelorak staring at him. Shrugging, he answered simply. “Don’t believe in starving my girl. She looks better with a bit of meat on her bones.”


Finally out of the watchful eye of the few dozen demons surrounding the gaming table, Buffy was happy to be able to be herself. Sighing, she stretched her limbs and cracked her knuckles. Yeah, it was a gross habit, but... whatever--she didn’t care who she grossed out. She turned to the girl who was sitting across from her and took a good look at her. She was older than Buffy had initially believed--she just looked younger because of her demeanour: she was withdrawn, trying to make herself look smaller to avoid attention.

Deciding to try her hand at breaking the ice, the Slayer spoke up. “So, if we’re going to be sitting together tonight, we might as well know each other’s name. I’m Buffy.” She didn’t dare offer her hand--that would be tempting the fates a bit much. Just by talking, she was probably breaking a dozen slave rules.

The girl remained silent, but her eyes darted up to meet Buffy’s before moving back down to the tablecloth. The last thing she needed was to get into trouble, again. No, she valued her life too much for that. No good getting beaten just for another slave. She tried to give the blonde slave a hint. “We’re not supposed to speak unless spoken to by our masters.”

Buffy couldn’t believe it. How long had this poor girl been a slave? She leaned in closer to the other girl and smiled. “Well, I wouldn’t worry much about your master--he’s got his hands full keeping an eye on Spike to make sure he doesn’t cheat.”

Quickly, the other girl threw a glance over at her master. Sure enough, he wasn’t paying any heed to her, his full attention directed towards the game. She sighed. It would be so nice to finally have someone nice to talk to. Even if she got punished for it, this might be worth it. “My name’s Hilary.”

Glad that Hilary was opening up, Buffy continued the conversation. “So, how long have you been a...” God, she couldn’t even say it, because Hilary was the real thing. For her, it wasn’t just some act to pry some information for a mission.

“A slave? You can say it--we’re both in the same boat. Although your master seems a lot nicer than mine.” Hilary watched as Buffy turned her head to look at Spike. Funny. She didn’t look at him with reservation, or with fear. It almost seemed like...affection? Nah, that was ridiculous.

The young blonde found herself looking at her ‘master’ fondly. “Well, he can be a pain sometimes, but underneath it all he’s an ok guy.” And an amazing kisser. But she wasn’t going to tell Hilary that. She turned her attention back to the dark haired girl. “So how long have you been a slave?”

Hilary looked a bit embarrassed. “Actually, I’m not sure. It’s not like it’s been an easy task keeping track of time--my life was kind of turned upside down when they took me. I guess it might have been about a month. Maybe five weeks? I’m not too sure...”

Five weeks? It could be a coincidence, but then again... “Where did they take you from?” Maybe Spike wasn’t going to be the only one doing some detective work.

“I was hired as a nanny for a really nice couple, who had a newborn. She needed help with cleaning, and taking care of her other child. The baby had only been back from the hospital for a few days when he” she nodded towards the purple demon “and his friends broke into the house.” Hilary closed her eyes, trying to remain calm. She bit her lower lip, which was quivering, and put her hands palms-down on the table. Taking a couple of deep breaths, she felt like she was ready to continue. She hadn’t allowed herself to think of that night since it had happened--the memories were too raw, too horrific. Wiping away a few stray tears, she continued her story. “They killed everyone: the baby’s parents, her grandparents, even little Celia--she was only three years old.” Her body was racked by sobs. She sniffled and found her courage. “But they kept me and the baby. There was a man there--he wasn’t very old, maybe in his thirties. I... I was hoping that he would help us, that he would save us from the monsters, but all he wanted was the baby. He looked crazy--he kept laughing, saying he finally had his key.”

Buffy tried hard not to react too strongly to her story. She had found the key to their mission--given a little time, Hilary could really help them along on Blakeford’s trail. All they needed to do was to get her away from the Pelorak. Damn! She needed to speak to Spike, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t as if she could just walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. Think, Buffy, think!

Hilary was trying to calm herself when the food arrived. She hadn’t eaten anything apart from scraps for over a month. She knew she looked horrible--she almost laughed out loud when she thought back to all the times she’d never been able to stick to a diet. Guess getting kidnapped by demons is a sure-fire way of losing weight. She watched Buffy dig in before helping herself to the cheese-slathered corn chips.

Oh, gooey goodness. And it isn’t that low-fat sour cream either... The Slayer began to make a dent in the nachos. “Come on, eat some more--you look like you need it more than me.” At the other girl’s hesitation, she felt a need to add: “And don’t worry--I’ll find a way to get you out of this mess.” She concentrated really hard on getting the bleached vampire’s attention--he certainly couldn’t ignore all those Slayer vibes heading his way.


Spike couldn’t believe it. He had won the majority of hands, and he hadn’t even resorted to cheating--yet. This couldn’t be a real Pelorak. Maybe someone in an ugly purple bodysuit? He had lied about winning against their kind before--he’d never been able to best one, not even while cheating. He shook his head and squinted as the back of his neck began to tingle. What the? He scratched the itch and tried to concentrate on his hand, but the tingling continued. For some reason he couldn’t comprehend, he was compelled to look over at Buffy.

The Slayer was trying her best not to look obvious, but she was doing a piss-poor job of it. When his eyes met hers, for a split second, she looked back down, but her hands were trying to sign something. Now what the bloody hell is the bint trying to do now? Get us both killed? He turned his attention back to the game and finished the hand, losing to a pair of aces and a pair of jacks. “Shit. Look, mate, can you hold on for just a sec? I’ll be right back.” He got up and walked to Buffy, pulling her rather roughly from her chair.

“Ok, what kind of game are you playin’, Slayer? If you got any more obvious, you’d have been jumping up and down flappin’ your arms.” He held her up against a wall, hands on her upper arms.

“Sorry, Spike. I didn’t know any other way of getting your attention. The other slave--she’s the baby’s nanny. You know the baby--the key, the prophecy?” The last words were uttered so quietly that even Spike’s vampiric hearing hardly picked them up. “We have to get her out of here. I’m sure she can tell us where Blakeford and the baby are. And ease off on the arms, that actually hurts.”

Spike pulled away, wheels turning in his brain. He knew exactly how to get both slaves out, but Buffy was sure to stake him for it. “Buffy...”

He hardly ever called her that. The young blonde winced at what he was going to say.


“Do you trust me?”

Buffy couldn’t help but look up into his blue eyes. Eyes that were looking at her with undisguised affection. The eyes of the man who had changed so much since they’d been in London--no longer the sarcastic irritation she knew in Sunnydale, this vampire was gentle, caring, sexy, ok--still irritating, but that would never change and she knew it.

“Yes, I trust you.”

They both knew that her answer meant much, much more than it was supposed to. It reflected the change in their relationship, in how they viewed each other. It also meant that they had better chances of succeeding on this mission.

“Good. You’re not going to like what I’m going to do, but I want you to trust me on this. It’s a gamble that I’m going to win, no matter what. When I stand up from that table, I want you and the other chit to follow me and not look back. You understand?” Please, please don’t fight me on this.

She already didn’t like what was about to happen. Spike was almost grovelling--this didn’t bode well in the least for her, but she said she trusted him and, well, she did. “Ok, Spike. But you better know what you’re doing.”

“Don’t worry, pet. I know exactly what I’m doing.”

With a swagger, he returned to the table. Looking the Pelorak in the eye, he smirked. “How ‘bout we raise the stakes a little?”

Author's Note: Ooh... what does Spike have up his sleeve? Hope you guys liked the Nex. It wasn't as horrid as Spike remembered, but I figured that even demon clubs would reflect more modern tastes. Anyway, thanks to all who reviewed; you keep feeding my muse :)

23 by Pipergirl

Chapter 23

“Is this some sort of ruse?” The Pelorak stared intensely at the blonde vampire, trying to read his expression. Surely he must have been joking.

Spike’s face was set like stone, clearly indicating to the other demon that he was indeed serious. “Sorry to disappoint you, mate, but it’s not a joke. One last hand. You win, you get back everything I’ve won and you get my pet. I win, well, you haven’t won much of mine” might as well bait the bear, make him see red “but I get your girl. Simple deal, don’t you think?”

“Well, yes. It’s fairly straightforward. I must admit that I’m curious, though.” He sat straight on his chair, pulling it closer to the table. Leaning his elbows on the hard wooden surface, he leaned in. “You seem oddly... attached... to your slave. I’d almost be led to think that she wasn’t really your ‘pet’, as you call her. She doesn‘t seem to be very submissive.”

Spike was incredulous. Of course, she wasn‘t a true slave, and he‘d wondered whether or not they‘d both acted their parts convincingly. Guess this is your answer. Now all he had to do was make sure that Buffy‘s drama queen would show her face. In a loud enough voice that he was sure the Slayer could overhear, and which could double as ire, he argued. “Are you insinuatin‘ that I haven‘t done a proper job at breaking her? You want me to prove that she’s my slave, or something?” That’s it, mate. Throw the ball back in his court. Maybe if you sound insulted he’ll back down. However, he had no such luck.

The purple demon’s face contorted in what looked like a grin.

“Yes, actually that would please me. If I’m to play for her, I want to make sure she’s submissive. I just broke in a new slave, I don’t want to have to expend the energy so soon again.” He stared at the blonde vampire, gauging his reaction.

The master vampire rolled his eyes and turned to Buffy. Sure enough, her attention was piqued, and she seemed poised to act. If he had the physical ability to, he would have been sweating and his heart would have been beating quickly. They needed to pull this off, but would the Slayer just come over and let him prove her submissiveness? He called out to her, and when she looked up he told her to join them at the table.

Buffy had to get Hilary out, even if it meant debasing herself in front of Spike and his demon entourage. She was comfortable enough in her new relationship with him to know that he probably felt bad about this (although she was sure a small part of him was snickering a Simpsons’ ‘ha! ha!’). Keeping her eyes cast to the ground, she walked over to the blonde vampire and spoke up, in a monotonous voice. “Yes, master?”

“Well, pet. Seems that your quality as a slave has been questioned. It‘s been implied, as silly as this sounds, that you‘re not a submissive bird. Is there any truth in that?” Please, Slayer, play along with this... The hardened features of his face belied the butterflies fluttering in his stomach. This whole charade depended on Buffy’s ability to wing it as a slave. Something she obviously hadn’t done very convincingly up to date.

“No, master.” Buffy allowed the Slayer to take over--its instinct for self-preservation would lead it to do a much better job than Buffy the bad liar ever could.

Spike leaned back in his chair, wheels turning in his head. He had to ask the right questions, ones which wouldn’t seem like he was leading Buffy to the right answers.

“So, pet, tell me--as my slave, what are your top priorities?”

Huh? Shit, think fast! “Why, to serve you, master.”

The vampire groaned inwardly. This wasn’t going where he wanted it to go. “And how do you serve me, slave?” He took his beer in hand and brought it up to his lips. He hoped to hell he could keep his hand from shaking.

Something evil deep inside of Buffy poured the words out of her mouth before she could stop them. “By providing you with oral pleasure.” It was a good thing she was staring at the floor--she was sure that she would have laughed out loud if she’d seen the look on his face. It was hard enough just hearing his reaction.

What little beer Spike had in his mouth sprayed all over the table. He tried to gather his wits, as well as his self-control as he wiped the spit off the cards. Now not only did he have to act as the Slayer’s master, he had the image of her performing lewd acts on him burned in his mind. Bloody, buggering fuck. With an air of authority that came from God knew where, he nodded. “That’s right, and what else?”

“I provide you your drinks... and your food.” She wondered if Spike would catch on to the meaning she was trying to relay. What better way to convince them of the slave-master relationship by having him drink from her, right in front of the other demons? She’d really have to kick his ass to kingdom come for putting her in this position...

Of course he knew what she meant. He couldn’t believe, however, that she was implying that they... Right there in the middle of the Nex, of all places. What if either of them showed one eighth of the pleasure they had felt the only other time she’d allowed him to taste her? To pierce her sweet flesh and to pull, into him, her life force? Great, he was getting hard just thinking about it. “Yes, you do--provide me with nourishment. Come to think of it, I’m feeling a mite peckish right now. A spot of O-Neg might do me a bit of good.” He smiled at the Pelorak and winked. “Maybe even give me a spot of good luck.”

Spike pulled his chair back, and sat up straight. Buffy knew that this was her cue. She walked over to him and for a split second wondered how they were going to do this. She couldn’t really just lean in, as that would be A) very uncomfortable, and B) very impersonal, as if they’d never done this before. They had to act as if this was something that was done on a daily, if not more often, basis. That left one possibility.

When the Slayer sat down on his thighs and straddled him, Spike thought he’d gone to heaven. She leaned in, always keeping her eyes downcast, and bared her neck to him in the most submissive way he’d ever been offered. She had the act down so well, that for a short moment he almost forgot that this was for show. Circling his arms around her waist, he pulled her closer, until their bodies were pressed one against the other. His demon could feel the rapid beat of her heart, the blood pumping furiously through her veins and arteries. It could smell the fear and the arousal coming off the young woman in waves.

As he placed a hand around her neck, pulling it in closer to his mouth, Spike whispered so softly that he knew only Buffy could hear him. “So sorry, luv...” With that, he sank his teeth into her neck and took small sips. God knew he wanted to drink her all, the life force of a Slayer, of this young woman that he’d come to have intense feelings for. But he didn’t want to kill her, didn’t want to lose the companionship he’d come to appreciate. So he drank slowly and shallowly, giving the puncture marks a final lick to help close them off quicker. He pulled back, and removed his hands from her.

“You may go back to your seat, pet.” He wiped at his mouth, although he knew that not a spot of blood had been wasted. When she walked away, not looking back, he turned back to the Pelorak. “Any more doubts as to her submissiveness?”

The purple demon pulled his chair back to the table and took the cards in hand. As he began to shuffle, he spoke clearly. “None, vampire. Now let’s establish the rules for this final hand.”


Buffy sat back in her chair, gently dragging her fingers over the still-tender bite marks. When she saw the Pelorak begin to shuffle the cards, she knew that their act had been convincing. Turning towards Hilary, she dug into the remaining nachos. “Ok, you totally have to trust me on this, ok, Hilary?” At the brunette’s doubtful look, she elaborated. “Spike and your master are playing for us. Yup. Purple guy wins, I go home with you two. Spike wins, you come home with me. Thing is, Spike is going to win no matter what. When he stands up, we both move to his side. Don’t worry, you can stay by my side. I’ll make sure you’re ok. Do you follow me?” She tried to convey her best comforting-good-friend smile, and waited for Hilary’s response.

She didn’t have a choice, did she? Hilary had never been much of a gambler, but she only stood to win if the blonde vampire came out victorious. Yes, she trusted Buffy, which meant that in some strange way she trusted... Spike--that was his name, wasn’t it? She looked at Buffy and found her once again watching her ‘master’, all the while tracing the mark he’d left on her. Not what she’d expect from someone who’d just been used as a human sippy cup. There was obviously more than met the eye in their relationship.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Yes, I follow you, and I trust you, Buffy. When your... Spike... gets up, we go to him, and...” And she looked hopeful at this point, like one of those dogs at the Humane Society, when you looked at it longer than you looked at the others. “... and I’m free?”

Buffy gave her new friend a heartfelt smile. “Yeah, then you’re free. We’ll make sure you’re on your way home, all safe and sound.”

She’d hardly had the time to turn around to watch Spike play before seeing him get up off his chair, and shake the Pelorak’s hand. Buffy took Hilary by the hand and both women walked up to the table, eyes cast to the peanut-shell littered floor of the Nex.

Spike walked to the two girls and stood between them, an arm around each slender waist. Buffy automatically leaned into his easy embrace, but the other girl, the one who looked like she needed a meal or five, stood stiffly on the spot.

He wanted to high tail it, before the Pelorak lost his good nature. Its kind wasn’t used to losing and might not be so gentlemanly about having lost his new slave. “Well, it’s been a blast, but I’m gonna take my winnings and head off. You know, quit when the going’s still good an‘ all...” He nuzzled Buffy’s ear, and whispered. “Come on, Slayer--let’s get the hell out of here before he finds those cards I hid under the table...”

When the meaning of what the vampire had whispered in her ear--and she knew she’d never get enough of him whispering in her ear, as it made her feel all weak-kneed--Buffy’s head snapped up, and she had to fight the urge to look him in the face. Letting him pull her along at a faster clip than either she or Hilary would usually take, she began to muse over all the things she’d say... no, yell... at him when they were a fair distance from this godforsaken night club.

No one took any notice of the sexy bleached blonde with a good looking girl in each arm as they made their way towards the club’s exit. Singles met other singles, couples went swinging, heck--it wasn’t unusual for groups of partygoers to leave together. So when the vampire and the two girls walked out, the only one to take notice was Tony, the burly bouncer who’d given her the once over when they’d arrived.

“Well, Spike. I see that you haven’t lost your touch with the birds. Walk in with one, walk out with two...” He leaned in to drag a meaty finger down Hilary’s back, but Spike let out a not-so-subtle growl.

“Sorry, mate, but I don’t share. Thought I made that clear earlier.” He narrowed his eyes and hugged the two girls closer to his sides.

Tony took a step back, as if he was ready to fight for what he obviously wanted. But instead of snarling, his face broke into a huge grin. “S’always worth a try, though.” He held his hand out. “Been good to see you, Spike. It’s nice to know that the older ones are still around.”

Spike accepted the proffered hand and smiled back at the large demon. “Well, it’s been a blast once again, Tony. Hope to see you sooner than later. You be good to yourself.” He returned his hand to Buffy’s waist and turned around, the two girls having no choice but to turn with him.


When they were back on the street, Buffy turned to Spike and let all her anger out. She began to punch him in the chest, yelling at him. “You stupid undead jerk!! How could you cheat, with both of our lives on the line? You’re so full of yourself! You’re...”

Spike cut her rant off the only way he knew how--with a blazing, heart-stopping kiss. Sweeping the young blonde off her feet, his mouth landed on hers with ferocity, as if this embrace determined their fates. Almost as quickly as the kiss started, it ended. Buffy stood there, rooted in place, lips half open, eyes dulled over. Before she had time to snap out of it, the blonde vamp took his turn to speak.

“Now you listen here, Slayer. My luck ran out on the hand prior to that last one. I was dealt shit cards and would have lost. I cheated because it was the only way to make sure that you and she” he turned to point to Hilary “came home with me instead of with that Pelorak wanker. So shut your gob and just be happy that you don’t have to play slave anymore.” With a flourish, he turned away from the two girls, storming off in the direction of the car.

Hilary was truly confused. Ok, so they didn’t seem to have a normal slave-master relationship. It was possible that some demons didn’t treat their slaves poorly, that they actually treated them well. But when Buffy hit Spike--a big slave no-no--and when Spike kissed her like they did in the movies, all Gone With the Wind-like, their entire relationship became a big question mark.

And what had he meant by ‘you don’t have to play slave anymore’?

Buffy couldn’t believe it. When would she ever learn to keep her mouth shut when she was around Spike? She always seemed to assume the worst, and call him on it. “Spike! Wait!” She had to apologize, which just a few weeks ago would have been so wrong, but now seemed so necessary to keep what she and Spike had developed afloat. Turning to Hilary, she signalled for her to follow. “Come on! We have to catch up to him. He’s our ride home.” That, and so much more...

When he heard her call him, Spike wanted to keep walking. He wanted to keep being angry with her, with the way she lashed out at him, with so little faith in his actions and intentions. Couldn’t she see that he was smitten? That he would do anything to keep her from harm? Going against his better judgement, he slowed his pace to a near stop, letting Buffy and the other girl reach him.

When she reached him, Buffy didn’t know what to do. She placed her hand on his elbow and motioned for him to turn around. His face was patient, but weary. Weary of not being trusted, weary of always being second-guessed--that much she knew. She looked up at him until he returned her gaze. Staring into the blue depths of his eyes, she took his hand. “Spike, I’m sorry I lashed out at you. It was uncalled for, because you’re right. What you did in there, putting yourself in danger to get Hilary away from that Pelorak, it was... well, it was heroic. It might not have been smart, but it was brave. So...” she took a deep breath “I apologize for hitting you, for not trusting you.” She got up on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

“S’ok, pet. We’ll just put it behind us.” He turned to the other girl, and offered her a genuine smile. “Hilary, is it? Why don’t we get you a nice bowl of homemade soup and a hot bath? I’m sure Buffy here wouldn’t mind sharing some of her girly bath stuff--you birds seem to like bubbles and flowers. We’ll worry about everything else after that.” He put his arms back around the two girls and led them to the car.

They had a long night ahead of them, with lots of bad memories to revisit, and plans to make.

And they had a young woman who needed to be returned to her family.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope the story's still got you hooked. We're apporaching the end of the already written chapters (I've got upto ch. 31 stored on my hard drive). After that, the updates will be posted less often (whenever my muse chooses). Thanks again to all those who review--you guys are the best!

24 by Pipergirl

Chapter 24

At first, she’d had a hard time believing that the vampire, Spike--have to remember his name, was telling the truth. As much as she wanted to believe that something good had actually happened to her, after all the crap she’d endured over the past five weeks, Hilary did not let herself look forward to a nice warm bowl of soup--homemade, at that!-- or a hot bath.

That was until she was standing in the entrance to the hotel suite.

The walls she’d built around herself, the ones which had allowed her to remain strong during her ordeal, all came crashing down when she realized that she was not going back to the Pelorak, that she was safe. Crumpling to the floor like a rag doll, she finally let the tears fall.

When Hilary sank to the floor, both Slayer and vampire assumed their respective roles. Buffy sat down on the floor next to the crying girl, cradling her in her arms and cooing soft words of comfort, and Spike made himself scarce, heading to the kitchen for a spot of blood, leaving the women to share a moment.

Buffy had never been good at consoling. Sure, she’d been the consolee often enough, but she was short on consoler practice. She did what came naturally, holding Hilary, letting her get the tears out of her system, and reassuring her with “you’re safe’s” and “it’s over now’s”. She could only imagine how this poor girl felt, after what she’d endured these past weeks. Buffy’d only played the role of slave, and only half-assed from the other demons’ reactions, and she’d hated every minute of it. Every moment of submissiveness, every moment where she wasn’t everyone else’s equal, she’d felt less than human. Poor Hilary, you think you’re being weak, but you’re so much stronger than some of us...

Hilary didn’t know how much time she’d spent on the floor, crouched on her knees sobbing into Buffy’s shoulder. What she did know was that her legs, below her knees, were numb, her chest ached from the coughing and at one point during her release of emotions even Spike had popped out of the kitchenette to hand her some tissues.

Sniffling, the young brunette cast a red-rimmed gaze to her two saviours. “Sniff. I’m so sorry about this.” She waved at her own form on the floor. “I’m sure you weren’t expecting to have to provide psychological assistance, on top of the soup and bubble bath.” The corners of her mouth turned up into a wry grin, not altogether devoid of humour.

Buffy raised herself to a stand and held her hand out to the other girl. “You know what, Hilary? You deserved it. Every tear, every sob, every soggy Kleenex. After what you went through...” She trailed off, letting the thought finish itself in each of their minds. “You’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, and I’m proud of you. You held in there for so long, and now here you are with us, away from all that.”

For the first time since they’d walked through the door, Spike spoke up. “Well, that’s enough mention of all that. According to demon laws, you’re mine now, and I’ve never put an ounce of thought into all that nonsense. You’re free to go, to your home or wherever you want. I’m sure you’ve got a mum and dad who are worried sick about you.” He stuck his hands deep in his jean pockets, obviously ill at ease with this display of affection. Turning on his heels, he faced the kitchen. “So, what would you prefer first? The soup or the bath?”

To a girl starved not only of proper nourishment, but also of life’s little indulgences, the answer was obvious. “I think I’d like to start off with the bath, with all that ’girly’ bubble bath you mentioned earlier.” Hilary allowed a smile to appear, hardly able to restrain herself. If she was really lucky, they’d have a claw foot tub...

“Spoken like a true woman...” Buffy grinned as Spike rolled his eyes. “Now let’s get you some comfy clothes so we can burn these slave-rags you’re wearing.” She took Hilary by the arm and pulled her towards her side of the bedroom.

Spike watched them walk to the bedroom area, nattering on about lavender and vanilla and other girly things. He could live another 120 years and never figure out why women were so obsessed with scents. Sure, he knew why he liked them--just the thought of smelling Buffy’s hair after she washed it with that green apple shampoo, or when she used that vanilla body soap... Not the right path to take right now, mate. Gotta take care of the other girl. Which led him to another train of thought, the one where he wondered ’since when do I take care of young birds instead of draining them dry?’ Shrugging at the direction in which his ever-evolving life was going, he grabbed his smokes and headed for a window. Now he was even careful of where he smoked.

He was so whipped...


Surrounded by lavender-scented bubbles, Hilary leaned against the warm porcelain back of the tub. She couldn’t believe that she’d forgotten the recuperative properties of a proper bubble bath. Thank you, Crabtree & Evelyn...

The young brunette let her thoughts wander to those she’d been forced to leave behind: her mother and father, two brothers, and her cats Tybalt and Iago. She also missed her best friend Melanie--they had one hell of a shopping trip ahead of them, to make up for all that lost mall time.

Sighing, she allowed herself to sink even deeper into the water. Gazing across the horizon of bubbles, her thoughts turned to the two people who had saved her. Buffy and Spike were out there, in the apartment, and they would expect answers from her. Hilary wasn’t stupid--she knew that their encounter hadn’t been purely coincidental. Buffy’s reaction to the story of her abduction had spoken volumes, especially when she risked blowing her cover by trying to attract Spike’s attention.

The rumbling of her stomach interrupted her train of thought and diverted it to the soup that she’d been promised. How strange was her life that it now involved vampires trying to soothe her with homemade soup? Just two months ago, vampires were no more than a Bram Stoker quick read, or something from those old black and white movies her brothers watched after midnight. Now, she was soaking in a claw foot tub, saved by said vampire from the clutches of some purple demon that she’d never even heard of.

And then there was Buffy. She assumed that they were of the same age, but she’d seemed so calm, so accustomed to being in the presence of demons that Hilary began to doubt whether or not the young-seeming blonde was really human after all. Maybe she was some sort of demon as well? In his human guise, one could hardly tell that Spike was anything other than some bloke stuck in the ‘80s--was Buffy a vampire as well? No, her skin was warm--Hilary should know, after having had a really good cry in the crook of the blonde’s shoulder. Then perhaps she was... Argh. The brunette was giving herself a headache just thinking about it.

Also--were Buffy and Spike together, as in together together? They sure seemed comfortable in each other’s company. And that kiss, the one he gave Buffy to shut her up--Hilary could only wish that someone would kiss her like that one day.

She closed her mind off to all thoughts, trying for a little inner peace, when she noticed that the apartment seemed very quiet.


After having helped Hilary prepare for her bath, Buffy joined Spike in the kitchen. Rummaging through the fridge, she turned her nose at the packs of blood and pushed them aside to pull out the pot of soup. Sure, she’d gone out herself to buy them for the annoying bleached one, but that didn’t mean she had to tolerate their presence in the fridge. She put the pot on one of the stove burners and set it to warm. When the scent of the simmering soup hit her nose, her stomach growled.

Spike remained seated at the counter, on one of the barstools. It relaxed him to watch the Slayer puttering around like a hausfrau. Forgetting himself, he took out his pack of cigarettes and pulled one out. He got the lighter out before noticing the glare of death that was pointed in his direction. Sighing, he put the smokes away and grumbled something about being a whipped ponce.

Buffy took a seat beside the vampire and let her head drop to the counter, groaning. Spike pat her on the back and offered her a smile. “Why don’t you get yourself changed, luv? As fetching as that outfit is,” he wagged his eyebrows at her for effect, “it mustn’t be very comfortable.”

The young woman hoisted her head up as if it weighed a ton and looked at the vampire sitting beside her. “You know, Spike, that’s the best piece of advice I’ve heard in ages. I’ll be back in a sec, just keep an eye on the soup--make sure it doesn’t boil over or stick to the bottom.”

“Ok, pet.” He watched her walk over to the bedroom, where she rooted around for her pyjamas before pulling the bed’s curtains closed. “Sure you don’t need a hand with that?”

Hey, a vamp could always be hopeful.

A feminine voice, muffled by the thick fabric of the curtains, called back. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m sure I can handle this on my own.” Struggling with the tight pants she wiggled around on the bed. “At least I think I can do this on my own...” She flushed at the thought of his cool hands helping her undress... Stop that! It’s not the time for dirty daydreams!

When she had put her flannel pjs on and put her hair back in a loose ponytail, Buffy pulled the curtain aside and padded over towards the kitchenette. Spike was perched over the counter, trying to stir the soup at a full arm’s reach. Typical guy, she thought, trying his damnedest not to get up off his ass to do a chore. From his body language, she could tell that he hadn’t yet registered her presence. Standing with the tips of his toes on the stool’s bottom rung, the vampire was fully stretched over the stove--it was obvious that his concentration was directed at not falling into a boiling pot of soup. His T-shirt had ridden partway up his back, exposing a few inches of pale skin--the Slayer‘s breath caught in her throat at the sight of the smooth expanse of skin that was laid bare.

Without thinking, she leaned over the vampire’s still form, trying to be as quiet as possible, and placed an open-mouthed kiss on the exposed skin. Buffy was unsure where this urge had come from, but she hadn’t fought it at all. Perhaps it had been the sight of his muscled back, clamouring for her touch. Then again, maybe she just had a death wish.

Either way, it hadn’t been a very wise idea. Taken by surprise, Spike jerked back, and the spoon he was holding went flying. His feet got tangled in the rungs of his seat and he fell back, taking the Slayer down with him. He kicked the stool away, and turned around to face a giggling Buffy. The scowl on his face softened to a look of surprise as he clued into what had happened. She’d kissed him. The Slayer had initiated an intimate caress with a part of his body. Bloody hell...

For a quick moment, Buffy was sure that she was dead. The look on Spike’s face when he landed on her spelled death, in no uncertain terms. But then the look had changed to something else, something that she couldn’t quite place. When he turned around and made to get up, she felt a pang of loss at the lack of contact.

With a move that demonstrated his predatory nature, Spike pounced on Buffy and pinned her to the floor, his pelvis grinding against hers and his hands gripping her forearms. His eyes glinted of amber and a low growl emanated from the back of his throat. The Slayer remained there, pinned against the floor, all traces of a smile wiped off her face. For the first time since they’d been in England, she didn‘t altogether trust her companion. He sat back and roughly pulled her up until they were nose to nose, both panting not of exertion, but of excitement.

At once, their mouths met in a passionate kiss. Buffy felt Spike’s erection pressing against her centre, and he in turn felt the heat of her arousal through both layers of clothing. This knowledge, that their desire for one another was equal, served to fuel their embrace. As their tongues duelled and their lips danced, the two shimmied closer to each other, trying to eliminate any space that might have existed between their bodies.

The vampire pulled the tie out Buffy’s hair, dragging his fingers through its softness. For a moment, he imagined that he was Jason and this was his Golden Fleece. Frowning, he pushed the thought out of his mind. Leave it to William to make dopey comparisons while he had a hot Slayer pressed against him shoving her tongue in his mouth. Wanker. He breathed in her arousal, felt the beating of her heart against his own still chest, and wished that this could last forever.

Buffy wondered if Spike would ever know how much his breathing turned her on--especially the panting in between open-mouthed, wet kisses, where she felt his cool breath on her heated skin. Sliding her hands underneath his T-shirt, her aim was to coax as many of those pants out of him as she could. She raked her fingernails up his toned chest, tracing the outline of his pecs and his abs, pausing only to tease his nipples until they were hard. Ah, there it is, she thought as he let out an undisguised moan of pleasure, gotta store that away for later.

The sound of bath water going down the drain parted the fog of lust from both of their brains. Pulling apart, they rested their foreheads together, Buffy‘s cheeks red and both their lips swollen from the kisses. Spike got up first, holding a hand out to the Slayer to help her up. Both their minds were racing a mile a minute, thoughts varying from how far they would have gone had they been alone, to Hilary and how she was about to walk out of the bathroom.

They stood there, holding hands, until Buffy reached up and kissed Spike on the cheek. She had to let him know that this new something, that was developing between them, was ok with her. Well duh! I’ve only practically had clothed sex with him... She smiled at him and said: “Guess we should get dinner served, huh?”

Relieved that she wasn’t walking away screaming, or that she hadn’t tried to break his nose--again, Spike smiled back. “Sure, pet. Let’s do that.”

Buffy stirred the soup before turning the heat off, glad that it hadn’t burned. Spike took out bowls and spoons, setting them at the counter. Breaking the short bout of silence, the Slayer wondered aloud. “So, how much info do you think she’ll have for us?”

The bleached vamp hunched his shoulders, and picked his barstool up off the floor. “Dunno. You’ve got a better idea of that, pet, since you were the one who was sitting with her at the Nex.”

Buffy eyed the counter that the vampire had set for their meal and shook her head. Reaching into the cupboard, she pulled out two glasses and placed them to each side of where Spike was sitting. “Well, I know who she is, but it’s not like we had much of a chance to chat, what with the slavage. I’m just wondering how much she can help us. I mean, if Blakeford went one way and the Pelorak went another...”

Ever channelling frenetic energy, Spike hit his spoon against his bowl at the same rhythm as he tapped his foot. “Well, we’ll worry about that after she comes out of the loo.” He frowned, and craned his neck in the direction of the bathroom’s door. “That’s if she ever gets out of there. I don’t know what it is about you women and your baths...”

Pulling up a stool beside Spike’s, Buffy poured herself a glass of water, placing the pitcher of water in front of what was to be Hilary‘s seat. “Probably going to remain one of life’s mysteries, Spike. Just like you men and your cars. Especially big, old, ugly black ones.”

The vampire was incredulous. Was she implying... “Are you insultin’ my baby? She’s been with me for over 35 years, Slayer. Only faithful girl I’ve had...”

An uncomfortable silence followed his admission. Spike was lost in thoughts involving Drusilla, and Buffy didn’t quite know what to reply, not without making things worse. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it, just as the bathroom door opened.


Hilary walked into the kitchen just as Buffy hopped off one of the barstools, exchanging awkward glances with Spike. Yeah, they’re together... The young blonde smiled at her and asked her if she’d enjoyed her bath.

Propping herself onto a barstool beside Spike, the brunette sighed in contentment. “You know, I can’t imagine that I’d forgotten the magic of Crabtree & Evelyn.” She took the bowl of soup that was offered to her and thanked Buffy. “This smells wonderful. Is it really homemade?”

Having served Spike and herself, the Slayer took her seat. “Yup. 100% homemade. Cut the veggies by hand, made the broth... The whole shebang.” She took a sip, and chuckled. “Surprising that it’s edible, isn’t it?”

They talked about cooking, about world events, about music--pretty much anything and everything that good friends sharing a meal would discuss. Hilary and Buffy couldn’t help but laugh at some of the stories that Spike recalled from long, long ago (edited to cut out some of the gorier details, of course). Especially the ones about Angelus, whom he never tired of mocking.

When dinner was over and the dishes were piled in the sink, Buffy had to pry Hilary away from them. “No--leave that cloth there! I’ll do the dishes tomorrow. We’ve got more important things to discuss right now...” She pulled the other woman out to the living room and had her sit down in the wingback chair, while she and Spike took the couch. She didn’t know just how comfortable Hilary would feel sitting on a couch beside a vampire. That’s it--it has nothing to do with me wanting to be close to him.

Their guest sat straight, knees drawn tight together and hands on her lap. Her face was set seriously, not unlike Willow’s resolve face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, her countenance was more relaxed, almost at ease, even. “Ok, I know you both have questions to ask me, and that this, this rescuing, isn’t purely coincidental.” She watched the two blondes share an uncomfortable look. “And that’s ok--I accept that. The outcome more than benefits me, so I’m good with it. But before I tell you my story, I want to know yours.” Seeing the confused look on their faces, she elaborated. “Buffy--who, or what are you? Why did you seem so comfortable in the midst of demons, and why on earth do you work with a vampire? And speaking of vampires,” she continued, reserving her gaze for Spike, “why are you working with white hats, when you should be out there bathing in the blood of the innocents?”

Author's Note: Bit of a cliffhanger, but at least I gave you a smutty teaser ;-) Thanks to all who keep reviewing; you help grease the wheels of my imagination. And a big thanks to Christie for her beta duties and comments of questionable character :P

25 by Pipergirl

Chapter 25

Both Slayer and master vampire looked at each other. Gesturing for Buffy to proceed, Spike leaned back into the couch, eager to hear how much she would tell, and how she would tell it. The Slayer wasn’t usually the one to hold podium during these pow-wows--it was usually left up to either Red or the watcher.

“Ok, Hilary. You’ve been through a lot of crap and you deserve the truth, there‘s no denying that. However, you’re only partially right about your rescue. Spike and I were at the Nex to get some answers about the baby, but we didn’t know you or the Pelorak would be there. That was a coincidence--a very favourable one.” She fidgeted in her seat and leaned against the arm, trying to look comfortable. “Spike and I are on... a mission, I guess you’d call it. We’ve been sent to find the baby before anything bad happens to her. This Blakeford guy--he’s mega bad news. He wants to use the baby to open portals from other worlds into our own.”

When Hilary raised a brow, but didn’t say anything, the Slayer continued. “This baby, it has powers. You’ve got to trust me on this, Hilary--you’ve seen a lot of weird shit these past weeks, so I know you can believe me. If Blakeford kills the baby, all the portals open, and earth as you know it goes *poof!*” She gave Spike a dirty look when he began to hum “End of the World” by REM. Properly chastised, the vampire quit humming and pouted. This temporarily distracted Buffy, who was in a mind to reach over and take that lower lip into her mouth and...

Whoa! More pressing issues than my sex life, here...

The brunette leaned back into her chair and tapped her fingers on its arms. Stupid REM--that song’ll be in my head for ages. “Ok, I buy it. Baby dies, portals open and world goes bye-bye. My mind can grasp that. What I still want to know is what you and Spike are--well, I know what he is--and what you’re doing together.”

Oh great--she’s got Willow’s resolve face. I can’t fight that--maybe Spike can. Buffy looked over to the vampire on her left, and saw that he also seemed to be crumbling under the brunette’s gaze. Once again, it seemed to be up to her to do the talking. Since when did the chatty vampire keep to himself?

“I’m human, if that’s what you’ve been wondering. I just happen to have been... mojo’d, as Spike would put it, by the Powers That Be, whoever they are. I am the Vampire Slayer--’in every generation, there is a chosen one blah blah blah’. I’ve been given greater powers to help fight vampires and demons. I’m faster, stronger, more agile than a regular human. My senses are sharper--although not nearly as sharp as blondie’s, here.” She nodded in Spike’s direction. If he was just going to sit there like a lump and not say a word, she might as well get her jabs in. “My job is to pretty much help avert apocalypses, like the one we’re trying to avoid right now. Between apocalypses, I kill demons.”

She pursed her lips, trying to see if there was anything she’d missed, if Hilary would request any additional information. When none came to mind, she shrugged. “Well, that’s me. As for Spike, here, I can’t speak for him. I don’t know why he hasn’t killed me, I don’t know why he’s got such good control over his demon. If he wants you to know, he’ll have to tell you himself.”

Now it was her turn to sit back and watch the proceedings. Spike hadn’t moved, but she could see the wheels turning in his head: ‘do I speak, or do I keep mum?’

“Don’t rightly know why I act as I do.” The vampire seemed to be addressing himself as much as he was the two girls. “I’ve never been like the others--Angelus, or Darla, or even Dru.” At Hilary’s questioning stare, he explained who these others were. “Drusilla was my sire, and my love for over a century. She made me what I am. Much as I loved her, though, she was mad as a hatter--she had some sixth sense, some second sight or whatever you want to call it. She’d have these visions, and say that the stars, or Miss Edith--one of her dolls--was talkin’ to her. Angelus was her sire, but he’s the one who pretty much taught me how to be a vampire. And Darla was Angelus’ sire. Well... where the hell was I goin’ with this?” He frowned, and bit his lower lip.

“Oh, yeah--I wasn’t like them, like the others. I still took part in human indulgences, like booze and food--especially spicy food, that’s the best, you know--and I still read books and anything I could get my hands on. I figure I must’ve got some of Dru’s barminess. Don’t know how else to explain it. This difference never stopped me from being one of the most feared vampires in Europe, though--quickly lost count of how many people I killed. Women, children, old people... Didn’t matter to my demon, didn’t even matter to... well, whatever was left of the original me, if anything.

“I know I’m off topic, but I’m trying to organize my thoughts as I’m talkin’ here. Not like I sit around thinkin’ about this every day. Thing I’m trying to say is that I never 100% acted like a normal vampire. Maybe my demon’s calming down, maybe whatever was left of William is getting stronger, I don’t know. Heck, maybe I’m turning into Dru--I’ll be talkin’ to the stars, next.” He chuckled quietly at the thought.

“Then I went to Sunnydale--I came there to kill the Slayer. Well, you can see how well that worked out. After that, no matter how many times I left, I couldn’t stay away from Sunnydale--that’s where Buffy lives, on the Hellmouth, where all the demons flock to--and I just can’t stay away from the Slayer or her stupid Scoobies. It’s like a mental illness or somethin’. I just can‘t help myself, and it makes my demon sick. And now here I am, trying to save the world--a second time, at that. Might as well just go out and get myself a soul and a year‘s worth of nancy boy hair gel.”

Both girls were quiet when he finished speaking. Buffy was surprised at the emotion behind his thoughts. She should have realized that this helping her, helping the Council, would go against his very nature. Of course he was confused. She wanted to lean over and give him a hug, to reassure him that everything was all right, but Hilary beat her to it.

Well, not with the hug.

“I don’t think you’re crazy, Spike. I just think that when you were turned into a vampire, that a lot of whomever you were stayed with you. You must have been a good man, and now that you have the opportunity of showing that side of yourself, it’s natural for you to make the right choices. When you were surrounded by demons, your demon was in charge--that’s why you killed without remorse. But now that you’re with people--white hats, at that--that other side of you is taking more control.” She blushed at the silence with which she was met, and began to pluck at some imaginary lint on the chair‘s arms. “Well, that’s what I think, anyway.”

Buffy cleared her throat. “Well, I don’t know what you say, Spike, but I don’t think that Giles could have put it any better.” She smiled at Hilary. “Giles is my watcher--the one who trains me--and he’s like, super smart. You just sounded like him just now. Uh--that‘s a compliment, by the way.” She turned to look at Spike, who had remained quiet and still. Staring unblinkingly at the vampire, but still addressing the brunette, she reached out and put her hand over his. “I think there’s a lot of truth in what you said, whether or not Spike wants to admit it. There’s a good man inside of him, and I know that I’ve seen more of him on this trip than I ever could have imagined. And I like what I’ve seen.” Her thumb drew circles on the back of the vampire’s hand, and she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

Spike surprised her by turning his head and letting her kiss fall on his lips. It was a soft embrace that spoke volumes of the affection between the two blondes, and Hilary found herself more than a little envious at the feelings they had for each other. As the kiss deepened, Hilary became more and more interested in a piece of imaginary lint on the chair.

Spike brought his hand up to Buffy’s cheek, cupping it softly as their lips brushed together. Pulling back, and remembering that they weren’t alone in the room, he levelled a naked gaze with her hazel eyes. “Thanks, love.” One last lingering kiss, and he turned to Hilary. “And thank you, Hilary. As much as it makes me feel like a wanker, what you said makes a lot of sense to me. And before this whole scene becomes too emotional,” he got up off the couch and headed towards the door, “I’m going to go have a smoke. Clear my head.”


When Spike returned from outside, where he’d forced himself to clear his thoughts of everything but the nicotine hit his body was getting, he walked into the apartment to find both girls sitting on the couch watching TV and giggling. He grabbed the wingback chair in which Hilary had been sitting and set it beside the couch, curious as to what had the girls in a fit.

His jaw dropped when he stared at the television, and saw that the two girls were in stitches over Monty Python. Castle Anthrax, to be exact. He’d watched all the movies dozens of times, but had never found one woman who found their comedy remotely funny.

When Sir Lancelot had ‘saved’ Sir Galahad from the scores of young maidens, Buffy turned to Spike. She smiled at him, laughter in her eyes. He decided, at that moment, that he would work hard at making her this happy every day. The Slayer’s life was so serious, so full of responsibility, that she didn’t often get the chance to act like a normal young woman. It was refreshing to see her carefree and enjoying herself.

Hilary turned the TV off at the movie’s end credits. Leaning back against the couch’s arm, she looked at the two others. “I guess it’s my turn now, isn’t it?” As this was a rhetorical question, neither blonde saw a need to answer.

Spike turned his chair in order to have a better view of the brunette as she told her story. He propped his boots up onto the couch’s arm, next to Buffy, only to have them swatted down.

“Don’t put your boots on the furniture! What, do you live in a crypt or something? Oh, wait, you do...” Buffy gave him a dirty look, and didn’t relent until the vampire grumbled and removed his boots. She moved over a bit to accommodate his now bootless feet, and draped her arm across them in a way that spoke of a comfort shared by old friends.

Noticing this domestic familiarity between the two blondes, Hilary bit back a grin. Turning her attention to Spike, she began. “I don’t know how much Buffy has told you, but I’ll start at the beginning. Well, the beginning of what you need to hear. I was hired as a nanny for Daniel and Susan Rodger, who were expecting their second child in the upcoming week. I was to start the day that Susan came back from the hospital with the baby. That was on...” The brunette closed her eyes and began to count on her fingertips. “...April 28th, I believe. We’re June 10th, right?”

“Uh, I think so. Yeah, June 10th--that sounds right.” Buffy looked at the vampire for confirmation, but was met with a shrug.

“Don’t look at me, Slayer. I haven’t followed a calendar for over a century. Not about to start now.”

Accepting that it was June 10th, Hilary resumed her tale. “Ok then, April 28th it was. I moved into their house in South Kensington--nice big house, by the way. I had a spacious room with an ensuite bathroom. Anyway, my job was pretty much to look after their eldest child, Celia, who was three, and to care for the baby when Susan was too tired. She wasn’t breastfeeding, so that left me free to feed her on my own. We went through this routine for a few days. She was such a good baby...” She paused, and sniffled. “Sorry, but this is really hard for me.”

Buffy leaned over and placed her hand on the other girl’s leg, patting it reassuringly. “Hey, that’s ok. Just go at whatever speed you want.”

Hilary wiped her eyes with her shirtsleeve and smiled weakly. “Thanks.” She took a deep breath, trying to calm her frayed nerves. “Anyway, on the third or fourth day after the baby was home, there was a knock on the door. It was late at night--I remember wondering who it could be at such an odd hour. I was standing at the top of the stairs when Andrew--he was the butler--answered the door. Before I knew what was happening, Andrew was on the ground, bleeding. They’d... they’d hit him with an axe. He was still alive, because he looked up at me.” She whimpered. “He looked so surprised, and he had blood coming out of... out of his mouth, and his nose...” The young woman paused again, fully willing to take advantage of the two blondes’ patience towards her storytelling.

For the first time in his unlife, Spike felt a twinge of guilt for all the death he’d caused. Seeing this girl, how strong she was trying to be and how much the sight of this man’s death--a man whom she’d only known for a few days--affected her, he couldn’t help but think of all the secondary casualties of his rampages: witnesses, mothers and fathers who either grieved or waited for the return of their children, orphans... And all because of him. A part of him reeled at this new sensation, this guilt--he was a soulless being, animated by a demon. Why should he feel guilt over something that was so natural? Survival of the fittest, he’d always said.

But part of him felt a slight consolation at this remorse. It was as if he was finally regaining a little part of his humanity. Maybe he’d be good enough for Buffy after all... The sound of Hilary’s voice brought his attention back to her.

“I ran up the stairs, screaming, trying to warn the others to get out, to get the baby out. Dan and Susan walked out of their bedroom, still half asleep, and I tried--I tried so hard to get them to leave, but they wouldn’t.” She laughed bitterly. “I mean, how quickly would you turn and run just because some hysterical girl whom you’d just met told you to? Needless to say, Dan demanded to know what was going on. Something compelled him to look down and he saw Andrew’s body--I think he was dead by then--and he looked at me. The colour had drained from his face and his mouth was open, like he was trying to say something but couldn’t quite settle on what to say. That’s when the Pelorak came in. Of course, at that point, I didn’t know what they were. Maybe thieves in weird Hallow’s Eve costumes, I really couldn’t tell.”

She stopped again, concentrating on the paisleys adorning the flannel pants Buffy had given her. When she resumed, she kept her gaze locked with her pants. She knew that if she looked up, at this point in her story, she wouldn’t be in a state to continue. “It’s like they knew the layout of the house. They didn’t bother searching the main floor of the house. They all headed up the stairs. One grabbed me and hoisted me over its shoulder,” she shuddered at the memory of her first contact with her abductors, “and locked me in my room. I... I didn’t see anything that happened after that. All I could hear was the screaming. I hid under my bed praying, hoping that they’d leave me alone, that they’d forget about me. The screaming seemed to last forever, but I’m sure it was over in less than five minutes. They had a plan and it was executed flawlessly.” She looked up to see tears streaming down Buffy’s face, and even Spike looked guilty. In a weak, raspy voice, she asked for a glass of water.

Buffy made a move to get up, but a hand on her shoulder kept her in her seat. “I’ll go, luv. You stay here.” Spike let his hand linger a little, brushing a strand of golden hair off her shoulder. He came back with two glasses, one for each girl. When he handed Buffy hers, he offered her a tight smile. “Looked like you needed one too.”

Surprised at the vampire’s insight and at his thoughtfulness, Buffy could only stammer a “Thanks.”

After Spike had settled back in his seat, and both Buffy and Hilary had had a few sips of water, the brunette resumed her tale. “I knew the baby was still alive because I could hear her crying. The door to my room opened and a man came in. He was holding her, so I rushed out from under the bed--I thought he’d come to save us. I mean, he was human... I ran to him and he took a step back, holding the crying baby like she had the plague. He leaned back out of the room and yelled ‘You missed one! What am I paying you for?!’ That’s when I knew that it was all over. The man left the room and one of the Pelorak--the one you played poker against--picked me up and told me to keep my mouth shut. ‘Do as I say and you’ll live’ was what he said. As I was carried out of the room, it was all I could do to stop from screaming. There was blood everywhere. I could see Dan and Susan’s bodies, and even little Celia--she was so young, it was so unfair...” Hilary took another sip of her water and waited until she was composed before continuing.

Although it was very difficult for her to relive these memories, she found it to be therapeutic. After all, Buffy and Spike believed her--they were part of this strange world which she’d been part of for these past weeks. How difficult would it be to visit a therapist and try to make him believe that she had been kidnapped by purple demons, kept as a slave, and released into freedom by a vampire who won her at poker? Yeah, like she wouldn’t be committed for that one...

“But I kept quiet. I guess that my self-preservation was stronger than my horror at what I was seeing. We followed the human out and hopped into a black van. Well, the Pelorak hopped in--I was tossed in. I pretended that I’d fainted--I just wanted them to leave me alone, which they did. They were talking among themselves--that’s when I figured out that the man and baby were not in the same vehicle as us. Instead of listening to their babbling about money and what they’d do with it, I concentrated on trying to make out sounds--try to figure out where they’d brought me. I heard boat horns, and lots of machinery. I can only guess that we were near some docks. We stopped shortly after and they blindfolded me before dragging me back out of the vehicle. The smell was horrible, like a mixture of dead fish and petrol.”

It was easier to tell her story now that she was past the worst of it--compared to the others’ deaths, her stint as a slave didn’t seem as traumatic. “They brought me into a warehouse of some sort and took my blindfold off. I guess they were tired of dragging me around. The man was already there, but the baby wasn’t with him. I could hear her crying--I wanted so badly to go to her, I knew I could comfort her. I don’t know where they had her, though--I haven’t seen her since we were taken from the house. I was told to sit on the floor--something about being ground meat if I moved. The Pelorak who’d taken me, and the man huddled but because of the building’s acoustics--I heard most of what they said. I think maybe it’s because I was leaning against the wall or something.” She scrunched her face, distracted by this little detail, then hunched her shoulders.

“Whatever. It doesn’t matter now, I suppose. Nothing of what they said made sense to me at the time, so I can’t remember it very well, but the man said something about a witch and a ceremony. He didn’t mention a place--that much I know for sure--so I don’t know if it will be in that same building or not.” She looked at them, sheepishly. “Sorry about that. They did, however, mention that the baby had to be 2 months old before they do perform the ceremony. That would give you until June 20th, since the baby was born on the 25th of April.”

She trailed off and finished the last of her water. “And that’s all I know. I’m not going to tell you about what happened when I was with the Pelorak. It’s too personal...”

The young woman shuddered almost imperceptibly, and Buffy couldn’t help but wonder what she’d been through in those five weeks. While she was sure that Spike had a good idea, she wouldn’t ask him--it seemed like an invasion of Hilary’s privacy. Resigned to stay in the dark on this topic, the Slayer got up and stretched. It had been a long, long time since she’d stayed still for so long. “So, Hilary--where is it that you lived... live, anyway?”

The brunette smiled, happy thoughts pushing the horrible ones out. “Actually, not too far from here--my parents own a small house about 15 minutes from here.” She sighed and turned towards the window. She parted the curtain and peered out into the night. So close, yet it seems so far... It seemed like years since she’d seen her family.

Buffy shared a conspiratorial glance with Spike--it was as if he’d read her mind. He smirked and nodded, then got up off the chair.

“Well, what would you think about going back home? Tonight? Unless you’d rather wait--I’m not sure you’re really ready...” She wasn’t able to finish her teasing, as a screeching Hilary threw her arms around the Slayer’s neck.

Crying once again--tears of joys, however, this time, Hilary was overjoyed. “Home? Home! I’d love to go now, if it’s ok, if you don’t mind...”

Putting his boots on, Spike answered her. “Nonsense, pet. It’s not like we’re going to keep you here with us forever. Anyhow, I’m sure you’d prefer to be with your family than the likes of us.” He winced when Buffy’s hand flew out and smacked him hard on the chest.

“Speak for yourself, fangboy. I’m a charm to be around.” She threw him a 100-Watt smile and laughed.

Shaking his head, the bleached vamp rooted through the closet for his coat. After all Hilary had been through, driving her home was the least they could do, to make sure she got home safe--well, aside from saving her. It certainly didn’t make up for all the pain he’d caused in the past century, but a drop in the bucket was still a drop in the bucket--get enough of them in there, and eventually the bucket begins to fill up.


The drive to Hilary’s was spent in near-silence, the only sound being the brunette’s directions to her home. All three were lost in thought, thinking about loved ones, lost ones, and the hands that fate had dealt to each of them.

When they pulled up to a small brick bungalow, Hilary’s voice could hardly be heard. “Here,” she pointed out, almost in disbelief that she was finally home. All three got out of the car and stood at its front, illuminated by the car’s beams.

Hilary was the first to speak, feeling the necessity to thank the two blondes who plucked her from a potential life of hell on earth. “I’d say thank you, but I don’t think that quite covers it, you know. You’ve given me my freedom, my life back. You’ve shown me that there still is good in the world, even if it comes in the oddest of packages.” At this, she looked at an uncomfortable Spike.

“Heck, I’ll say it anyway.” She threw her arms around Buffy and gave her a bear hug. “Thank you, Buffy, for everything. For risking talking to me at that club, for helping me get out of there, for the bath and for the clothes...” She sniffed back tears and released her hold on the Slayer.

Hilary moved to face Spike, who had a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. She hesitated for a moment but decided that the bleached vamp deserved a hug as well. She slowly approached him and put her arms around his neck. To her surprise, the vampire returned her embrace--albeit awkwardly. Placing a quick kiss on his cheek, she took a step back. “And thank you, Spike. Thanks for risking your life to get me out and thank for proving that goodness lurks in the strangest of places.”

The vampire’s face furrowed as if he was trying to remember something important. “Oh, yeah--hold on a sec, ducks.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Taking out a wad of bills, he handed them to the young woman. “This is money that I won off the Pelorak--I reckon you’ve a right to it, seeing what you went through. Go buy yourself... well, just spend it on whatever you like.” When the girl had taken the money and thanked him, he put the wallet back in his pocket.

Hilary looked at them one last time and turned, walking up the path that led to the front door. She stopped when Buffy called out to her. Turning to face the blonde, she waited to see what was the matter.

How could she have forgotten this most important of details? “What’s the baby’s name?”

The brunette smiled and, looking at the horizon which was beginning to lighten, replied “Dawn.”

The two blondes watched her knock at the door and be greeted by her father. There was much commotion, many hugs and even more tears of joy. Feeling like they were invading the family’s privacy, they returned to the car.

The evening’s stress finally reached Buffy, who broke down in tears. Spike pulled her into his arms, all awkwardness at holding his Slayer having dissipated. It seemed so natural, comforting her in his arms. He pulled her in closer, wrapping his arms around her shaking frame. After a few minutes, and when the Slayer’s tears slowed, the vampire placed a kiss at the top of her head and took a step back.

“We’d better be off, pet. The sun’s about to come up and I don’t feel like having to make a dash from the car to the hotel.” He held the door open for her, like a perfect gentleman.

Neither saw the curtain in the bungalow’s front window part, as a tearful pair of brown eyes watched her saviours drive away, smiling at the luck she‘d had by meeting them.

Author's Note:Two things for you: first off, I chose the name Andrew for the butler before 'Andrew of the Troika' was really well known to me--so he's not based on him. Second--the next chapter is one that you guys have been waiting for *evil grin*. So sharpen your reviewing talents--it's the same deal as before. For every 5 reviews I get, I'll post a day in advance. Believe me, it'll be worth it :-) And a great big thanks to all who faithfully let me know what they think of this story.

26 by Pipergirl

Chapter 26

The sound of cars honking pulled Buffy from a deep sleep. Brushing stray locks from her face, she turned to look at the clock that sat on her bedside table. 2:47pm. Not bad, she thought. I’d call that a pretty good sleep. She turned back to the other side of the bed and was surprised to find it empty. Whoa--since when was she used to sharing a bed?!

Still sleepy, she pulled herself to a sitting position, leaning back on her arms, trying not to slip on the satin sheets. Hetty was really taking this honeymooners thing seriously--they kept finding more strawberries in the fridge, they always had satin sheets lining the bed, and there was always a fresh bouquet of roses on the entrance table. Not that Buffy minded in the least. It was nice to be pampered--she could easily get used to it.

The curtain at the foot of the bed was drawn closed, so she couldn’t see the living room but neither could she hear anything. Maybe Spike had gone out. In broad daylight? Not bloody likely, as he’d say. But then again, the car’s windows were tinted...

She let her legs drop off the side and hopped off the bed. She’d never stop wondering at the height of the bed--it made her feel like a little girl. Kind of like that lady in Sesame Street who sat on that really big rocking chair. When she turned towards the living room, she spotted Spike sitting very still on the couch, watching the TV with his hands clasped together between his legs. The fact that he sat there in only his flannel bottoms told her that he hadn’t been out anywhere.

The young woman quietly approached the vampire, expecting a witty greeting of sorts, but none came. When she sat next to him she noticed that his eyes were rimmed in red, as if he’d been crying. She followed his gaze and saw that he wasn’t staring at the TV--it wasn’t even on--but at a point just beyond it. Before she could ask him what was wrong, his voice broke the room’s silence.

“Had a dream, I did,” his eyes remained glued to whatever it was he was looking at, if anything.

Not knowing where this was leading, Buffy became cautious. “What kind of dream, Spike?”

“’Bout the people I killed.” His voice cracked as he elaborated. “All of them--all the women, the children, every single one of ’em. Hundreds, thousands, all judgin’ me. All walking in front of me, looking at me like something you’d scrape off your boot, spittin’ on me like I deserve...” Tears silently tracked down his cheeks. “And she was there, too. Tellin’ me that I’m just a monster. That it’s useless for me to think otherwise, to try to act differently.”

Buffy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Spike was feeling guilt. Genuine heart-wrenching, nightmare-inducing guilt. Tentatively she reached out and placed a hand over his, causing him to flinch but not to pull away. As softly as she could, she asked. “Who, Spike? Who was there?”

The vampire sniffled. “Hilary. She was so cross with me...”

“Spike--look at me.” When he didn’t comply, the young woman cupped a hand on his cheek and turned his face towards her own. Haunted blue eyes met caring hazel. “You saved Hilary’s life, Spike. She doesn’t hate you--she has the rest of her life to look forward to and she knows that that’s because of you, because of the risk you took to free her. And after this morning’s teary farewell, I would have thought that you knew just how much you mean to her.”

“But...” The vampire tried to break the hold her gaze had on his, but her hand held his face across from hers.

“No. No buts. William Sinclair, you’re going to listen to me and you will not interrupt.”

Spike flinched at the use of his human name but knew better than to try to go against the Slayer’s wishes. He blinked slowly, trying to rid himself of the tears that hung to his lashes.

Buffy’s free hand came up to his face and, using her sleeve, she gently wiped the tears from his eyes. “You did a lot of horrible things over the past century--there’s no denying that. Bloodshed, torture, I’m sure I can’t even come up with the half of it. But...”

A wry smile appeared on the vamp’s face. “You said no buts, pet.”

The Slayer’s eyes narrowed and she fought back a smirk. Stupid smart vampire. “Shush! I’m trying to be all speechy here and I’m not usually good at this kind of thing. I’d appreciate it if you let me muck it up on my own.” Her hand dropped from his cheek and she clasped his hands in between her own.

“But the person I have in front of me, the man who’s sitting on this couch with me--he’s no longer the monster he once was. He put his differences with his mortal enemy aside to help save the world--twice, he saved a young woman instead of letting her suffer, he soothed a nervous Slayer on her first airplane ride... The man I’m with is someone who’s changing for the better, someone who I’ve come to really enjoy being with.”

Spike looked at her with a curious expression on his face, brow furrowed and lips pursed, but he didn’t say a word. He truly wanted to know where Buffy was going with this speech.

The young woman took a deep breath and smiled. “You can be a good man, Spike--I... I believe in you.”

Her words undid his resolve. He looped his arm around her waist and pulled her into a straddle on his lap. Holding her tightly against himself, he buried his face in the crook of her neck. He took comfort in the proximity of her body, all warm and alive--blood rushing through her veins, heart pumping furiously. It was, to his senses, the sound of life--something that he chose to bask in, instead of trying to end it.

If she’d been anyone but the Slayer, Buffy was sure that his grip would have cracked a few ribs. Her heart sank at the desperation of this man. Where did all these feelings come from? Had they just surfaced while they’d been on their mission, or had they been with the vampire all along? He knew that he’d never fit in with his ’family’--he continued to eat regular food, continued to read poetry. Had his violent nature simply been an outlet for all these feelings, too confusing for the demon to handle?

She wiggled out of his hold, feeling a damp area on her neck where his face had been nestled. She put a finger under his chin to bring his eyes in line with hers. If she was to go through with this, she had to look him straight in the eyes.

“When I look at you, Spike, I don’t see a monster. What I see is someone who went out of his way to treat me like a queen at the airport, buying me food and stuffed animals, even though he was still supposed to hate me, then. I see the man who went to the trouble of making me some chocolate-covered strawberries even though I’d treated him like shit just a few minutes before. And most important, I see someone who trusted me enough to share his deepest secret--the secret of who William Sinclair really was--with me, even though I could always use it against him when we returned back to Sunnydale. I see a caring individual, a romantic and a poet. The man I see in front of me, Spike, is a man I want to help become a better person. If you want me to, I’ll help you–I’ll be there for you.”


At her words, the vampire’s undead heart swelled. He wanted to crush his lips to hers--take her there on the couch and have his wicked way with her. All their intimacy up to date had been hectic and frenzied. But he wanted to act like the man she saw in him. He was becoming a right ponce but if it got him the girl, what did it matter?

Cupping his hands over her shoulders, Spike pulled her in for a soft, chaste kiss. His lips danced across hers, cool velvet brushing against warm softness. His tongue darted out, tracing her lower lip, seeking permission for a taste of his Slayer. Her mouth opened, granting him the entrance he sought.

Buffy couldn’t help but moan when his tongue brushed against hers. After their track record with foreplay she’d expected their first time to be less slow, less gentle. She wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d taken her on the kitchen counter. Of course, they did have all day...

His hands slid to the buttons at the front of her pyjama top, deftly popping them open one by one until the article hung loose off her slight frame. Calloused fingers slid back up her taut stomach, up the valley between her breasts, and up to her shoulders, sliding the fabric down her arms.

Buffy’s mind never really registered that as Spike worked at removing her top, their lips were yet to part. She wiggled out of the sleeves, letting the top drop to the floor. In any other circumstance she would have been self-conscious at being in such a situation with a man, breasts exposed, in broad daylight. Sex was something to be had in the cover of night--or so it had been, for her. However, sitting on the couch with Spike--or rather, sitting on Spike, on the couch--she felt excited, like it was just the beginning of something that was to be amazing, that would be a revelation.

When Spike finally broke the kiss, lips still parted to let out the short quick breaths his lungs were expelling, his eyes remained focused on her face, on the beauty of his flushed Slayer.

Buffy brought a hand up to his face, lightly tracing his full bottom lip with her index finger. “Do you have any idea how much that turns me on? Feeling your cool breath on my hot skin, watching your chest rise with every breath--it makes me want you so much...” The time for being timid had passed and Buffy knew it. Now they had to be open, honest-- with one another and with themselves.

Spike took her finger in his mouth, taking it in all the way. Her hazel eyes were clouded with lust, her mouth was slightly parted, and a sheen of perspiration glistened on her exposed skin. To his eyes, she was the most exquisite creature he’d ever seen.

And they hadn’t even done anything yet.

The Slayer’s voice, roughened with desire, broke through the fog that had settled in his mind. “Maybe we should take this somewhere more comfy, like the bed perhaps?”

With a husky voice to match hers, the vampire managed a “good idea, pet” before standing, still holding her to him. He walked them over to the bed, laying her across its width. Stretching his powerful body over hers, he placed a small kiss on her nose before sliding down to her breasts, which he’d neglected all too much for his taste. Resting his weight on his arms, he lowered his mouth to one breast, dragging the tip of his tongue up its underside, causing Buffy to shiver in excitement.

Using one knee, he nudged her legs apart, placing his thigh in between them. Keeping in synch with the movement of his tongue he pressed up against her centre, providing constant friction to keep her incoherent.

Spike was being pulled in two directions at once: half of him wanted this foreplay to last for days, the teasing and the taunting reaching torturous levels, but the other half wanted to rip her pj bottoms off and sink himself into her moist heat.

The combination of Spike’s lips on her breast and his thigh at her centre were driving Buffy insane. She was sure he was planning on teasing her to a premature death. Deciding that enough was enough she found the strength to flip him onto his back. His eyes went black with lust; guess he likes a bit of the rough and tumble, she thought to herself as she tried to regain control of her body.

Grinding her pelvis against his, she let herself down and lightly bit one of his nipples. He whispered “vixen” through clenched teeth, but didn’t move to push her away.

This was new for him. Spike had always been the one in charge. Dru had been the meeker one, preferring that her lover take charge of things. And with Harmony? Well, best not to even think of her. But he should have known that with the Slayer he’d have one hell of a tug-of-war on his hands.

All coherent thought escaped his mind when he felt her tongue dip into his navel, tracing its outline.

Buffy’d never been this brazen in bed before. But with Spike, she knew that there would be no holding back. Take what you want, don’t worry about the super strength, and just enjoy the ride. She slipped her index fingers in the waistband of his flannel pants, following their descent with her tongue. Spike tried to still her actions, grasping at her head with his hands, but she just swatted them away, lifting her head to give him a dirty look that said “don’t disturb me.” His response was a wide grin, his hands returning to play with her hair.

She brought her gaze back to his midsection, returning her fingers to his waistline. Wet kisses followed the pants’ downward path, causing the vampire‘s breath to hitch and his muscles to flex. When the Slayer’s mouth reached the base of his cock, she looked him straight in the eyes, leaned back, and slid off the edge of the bed.

Spike’s brow furrowed. What on earth was she doing? Surely, she wasn’t going to tease him like that and just leave him wanting, needing...

When her feet touched the ground, Buffy took hold of Spike’s pant-legs and pulled hard. The flannel bottoms came off easily and Spike lay there, in all his natural glory, for her eyes only. Her eyes drank in every inch of him, every twitching muscle, every pale scar. He was perfect. She dragged a finger up the sole of his foot--she had to maintain physical contact with him, just in case he’d fade away.

The Slayer’s unabashed admiration of his physique increased Spike’s arousal, if that was at all possible. Eyes black with desire, mouth twisted in that half-cocked smirk of his, he dragged a finger up his chest. “Like what you see, pet?” He was vain and he didn’t care. When she nodded, he knew that she was as affected by him as he was by her.

Buffy stood there, slack-jawed, and there was nothing she could do about it. She tried to move, tried to say something, but she found herself rooted on the spot. Finally forcing herself to snap out of it, she motioned for him to move so that he was lying lengthwise on the bed. “That’s better” she purred as she made her way to the foot of the bed, reclaiming her spot at his feet.

She moved up his body, placing open-mouthed kisses on the inside of his legs, feeling the taut muscles twitch under the pressure of her tongue. At his thighs, she licked and bit alternately, driving the vampire halfway to madness. When she reached his erection, she teased him, kissing around its base and letting her hair tickle his thighs before dragging her tongue up its marble length. She heard his gasp as his entire body went stiff, and he mumbled “bloody fuckin’ hell...”

Spike was afraid of losing control. Hell, he was right on the verge of shooting his load and she hadn’t even taken him in her mouth yet. He wanted to see how long he could last, how well he could please her, bring her to the brink of ecstasy and back over and over again. “Don’t” he pleaded, afraid that she wouldn’t stop, that he’d disappoint her. So much for vampire endurance, you git.

So much meaning in one word. It was, all at once, a request, a plea, and an order. But Buffy would have none of it. She sat back on her haunch, tracing lazy circles on his inner thigh with one hand while bringing her other to play with her breasts. “Why not, Spike? I really wanna.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck! He knew she was playing him. The coquettish pose, the innocence in her voice--she may not have had the experience he did, but she knew what she wanted and she knew how to get it. “Because I won’t be able to last, love. Matter of fact,” he stared up at the ceiling--looking anywhere but at the golden goddess lounging between his legs--and let out a frustrated chuckle, “it’s taking everything I have not to lose control right this instant. You’ve got me so worked up, you’re so unbelievably breathtaking...”

“Then why not let yourself fall over the edge, Spike? I want to give, you want to take... Or should I say I want you to give and you want me to take?” She dragged a fingernail up the underside of his erection, never breaking eye contact. “If I want to put my hot little mouth on your long, hard cock, and if I can take everything you have to give, every... single... drop..., then why fight it?”

Spike couldn’t think straight. Any remaining coherence fled his mind at hearing the Slayer describe giving him the blowjob of his unlife. His demon asked the same question that Buffy had: Yeah, mate, why fight it when she wants it as bad as you do?

So he did what any self-respecting male would have done in his position--he begged. “Oh fuck, Buffy, please...”

Without saying a word, Buffy lowered her mouth to his cock and gave it one long, slow lick, pausing to tease the little sensitive area just below the head. She looked up and saw that Spike’s head was thrown back and he was gripping fistfuls of sheet.

Female pride surged through her--she had hardly even begun yet and already she had worked him into a frenzy. Circling her lips around the head, she took him in almost all the way, flicking her tongue against his sensitive skin.

The bleached blonde was certain he would go insane at the sensations the Slayer’s tongue and mouth were causing. Moist heat against cool marble, she coaxed out of him a cacophony of broken sentences. “Yeah, pet, right there...”, “unh Buffy, so hot--so perfect...” and even the occasional “Christ! Where d’you learn to do that?!”

The young woman could hear her lover’s breathing grow more rapid, and even if she was the one on the doling end it still turned her on like he could never imagine. Her own breathing was erratic and desire pooled at the apex of her thighs. His nerves began to twitch and she knew that all control was about to be tossed aside. Pulling her mouth off him, she blew cool air on his exposed shaft, smiling when a weak “no” escaped his lips. Then, before he could register what was happening, she took him in completely in one long downward thrust, replacing the coolness of her breath with the scorching heat of her mouth. For added torture, she contracted the muscles at the back of her throat, massaging his erection.

That was what set him over the edge.

Spike had planned on giving her a last-minute choice of backing out. Really, he had. A tug on her hair, a quick warning, anything at all that he could come up with in that very short moment of coherence before his mind would go blank. But when she took him in completely, doing that thing with her throat, well--his last-minute moment of coherence disappeared entirely.

He came hard, roaring as his demon came to the forefront. His whole body arched off the bed, the muscles in his arms and legs straining. Buffy held his hips steady, palms pressing his pelvis in place. Her lips never left him; not until the last of his convulsions were over did she slide her mouth off his still-hard shaft.

Through hooded eyes, the vampire watched her sit back, licking her lips like a cat who’d been fed cream. Which she had, in a way, he thought to himself. She had an odd look on her face, like she was trying to figure something out. He thought hard, trying to recall what that look, not quite serious, not quite smiling, reminded him of. Ah! The Mona Lisa--that was it! When she finally settled on a smile, he asked her what was up.

You are, still, she thought to herself, bemusedly. “Not that I mind, but you’ve gone all fangy.” She traced an imaginary circle around her own face, trying to convey the message.

So he’d lost control more than he’d believed. After the blowjob she’d given him, he wasn’t surprised. He shook the demon away and pulled her to him, placing her beside him so they lay face to face, body to body. “Sorry I didn’t give you an out, there, love, but that thing you did at the end? Bloody spectacular, it was. Where’d you learn to do that? They offering classes on that in college, now?” He laughed as she swatted him.

“I don’t have much experience in... in that. None at all, actually.” Buffy blushed and hid her face in the crook of his neck. She couldn’t believe that she was talking to him about this. Even weirder was the fact that she’d been less coy performing the act than discussing it.

The vampire pushed her back gently so he could see her face when he spoke to her. “Look at me, love. There’s no need to be ashamed--that was the best blowjob I’ve ever had. And I’m not lying to you. Now I wonder, though,” he said, a wry smile forming on his lips, “if that’s a Slayer talent, or just 100% Buffy Summers?”

The young woman unsuccessfully fought back the smile that tried to appear on her lips. “Well, since I doubt oral sex is a standard Slayer feature, I’m gonna have to go on a limb and say that it’s all Buffy. Every. Single. Lick.”

Spike muttered a “good” before leaning in and placing a kiss on her lips. He pushed her onto her back and began a downward trail of kisses. “My turn, love. ’Cept I have to admit this won’t be my first time--been doin’ this for over a century.” He watched her eyes grow and added. “Hope that’s ok with you.” She simply nodded, never taking her eyes off the vampire perched between her legs.


She’d never been so vulnerable--naked, in an awkward and very intimate position with no weapon handy. Yet she’d never been so at ease, so sure of herself and of what she was doing. She was with the man she loved... to be with. Loved *to be with*--that’s it. Sighing contentedly, she lay her head back against the pillow as she felt his tongue trace invisible designs on her inner thighs.

All sorts of poncey poetry about ’sweet nectar’ and ’love’s ambrosia’ flitted through his mind as Spike’s tongue worked its way towards the Slayer’s very wet centre. He licked up and down her folds, deftly avoiding her swollen clit. It seemed that her initial foray into oral sex had turned her on nearly as much as it had him, as she was dripping wet.

She moaned, she groaned, she cooed--she even wove her fingers through his hair, pressing his head closer to that little bundle of nerves that remained, as of yet, ignored. But nothing she tried worked. Buffy so desperately needed him to relieve the pressure she felt between her legs or she was going to explode. He hadn’t been lying when he’d mentioned over a century of practice. She was sure no man alive would be able to do the things he was doing to her, or make her feel as hot as she did.

Only when he threatened to tie her up and drive her absolutely insane with desire did the Slayer pull her hands away from him, gripping the headboard instead. She hoped against all hopes that she didn’t break it. Ugh, try explaining *that* to Hetty...

Satisfied that Buffy was keeping her hands to herself--nerve of her, tryin’ to tell me how to do my job--Spike continued his teasing, bringing his mouth to her thighs as punishment, licking, kissing and nibbling the muscles that were drawn taut. He returned his tongue to her centre, licking up and down her folds, still avoiding her clit. The string of curses and pleas that came from the Slayer’s mouth told him that he was right in making her wait. Of course, when it came to the art of cunnilingus, when was he not right?

While the Slayer was mewling and writhing, lithe body twisting on top of the sheets, the vampire thrust a finger into her sopping entrance, feeling for that most sensitive spot inside of her. Inserting a second digit, he began pumping them in and out at the same rhythm as his tongue’s ministrations. When he knew that she could no longer take the torture, he finally flattened his tongue against her clit, dragging it slowly across the raw bundle of nerves. This elicited a throaty “oh!” from the young woman. Having ignored this part of her for so long, he began to concentrate in earnest on pleasuring it as thoroughly as possible–circling it with his tongue, sucking it into his cool mouth, biting down ever so lightly...

Even as her brain was muddled with the sensations of what Spike was doing to her, one particular thought seeped into Buffy’s mind: they should teach this in school--Orally Pleasing a Woman should be a mandatory course for all guys. Of course, not all guys would have over a century of practice... The cool of his tongue should have helped with the inferno she felt down there, it really should have--but it just made her burn even more. Even the feel of his fingers caressing the insides of her thighs was making her delirious. It seemed like every part of him that was touching her--fingers, tongue, even his nose--was being used to heighten the sensations that were pulsing through her.

He’d kept his actions deliberately slow, but Spike knew that the young woman was close. Her blood pumped furiously in her veins, her heart beat a staccato rhythm and her limbs were beginning to twitch. He pulled his fingers from her, replacing them with his tongue, darting it in and out of her. Pressing his thumb and index finger to her clit, he pinched and rubbed it, making the Slayer keen even louder.

Although the pressure had been building for what seemed like forever, Buffy was taken a bit by surprise when the wrenching heat of an intense orgasm hit her. Losing all vestiges of lucid thought, arms and legs having gone numb, she saw a flash of bright light behind her lids as her eyes automatically closed. As the sensation of being turned inside out ripped through her, she let out a wail.

Spike struggled to keep the Slayer’s thighs from crushing his head as her muscles seized from her orgasm. He greedily drank the juices that were now flowing freely from the young woman. When he felt the last aftershocks pass through her, he sat back on his haunch and observed the woman before him.

Golden hair splayed across her pillow, arms outstretched to her sides, legs spread seductively, chest rising rapidly--despite all attempts to resist, her beauty inspired the poet in him.

He searched the recesses of his brain to find words that could represent how this young woman made him feel. A poem he’d once read, shortly after having been turned, made its way to the forefront of his consciousness. He wouldn’t dare recite one of his own poems--if anything could break the spell they were both under, it would be one of his own pathetic attempts at writing.

He licked his lips and averted his eyes, choosing instead to concentrate on the bedsheets.

“I think of thee in watches of the night, I feel thee near; Like mystic lamps consumed with too much light Thine eyes burn clear. The barriers that divide us in the day And hide from view, Like idle cobwebs now are brushed away Between us two. I probe the deep recesses of thy mind Without control, And in its inmost labyrinth I find My own lost soul. No longer like an exile on the earth I wildly roam, I was thy double from the hour of birth And thou my home.”

Who was this man before her? Was he really, truly the same Spike she’d always known? The violent, cocky, razor-tongued vampire seemed to have turned into the caring, giving, romantic man who was presently kneeling between her legs, face awash in her juices, reciting poetry to her. Buffy had hung on to every word he’d spoken--the words came as naturally to him as breathing did to her. Her heart skipped a bit as it dawned on her--she really was falling for him. She swallowed. “Did you write that?”

The vampire let out a laugh. “No, pet. Some bird called Mathilde Blind wrote it. I put it to memory because it just seemed to suit me. You don‘t want to hear what I wrote--we‘ll wait until we‘re both drunk and neither of us will remember any of it.”

She smiled at him. Finding her voice, she whispered “thank you--it was beautiful” before stretching her arms out in front of her, in silent beckoning.


When her immediate reaction had been silence, Spike was afraid that she was trying to hold back laughter--at him, and at the poetry. But the soft look in her hazel eyes, locked with his clear blue ones, told him otherwise. So did the genuine “thank you” that came from her perfect lips and the outstretched arms she held out to him. There was no ridicule, no malice--for once he’d been right in going with his natural instincts.

He leaned forward and lay his body over hers. Both were shaking with need, with anticipation, with lust, but never were they so sure about something. Gazing into the depths of her eyes, Spike was sure that he could actually see Buffy’s soul. Without a word, he pressed the head of his erection against her soft opening. Waiting for her nod of consent, he slowly slid into her, her searing heat engulfing him.

It was as if he was on fire, as if he were being turned inside out. He paused when completely sheathed, unconsciously holding a breath he didn’t need, feeling her inner muscles clamp around him like a hot, wet fist. He watched her lips part slightly, her eyes glaze over, and felt her shift in order to better accommodate him. Never breaking their gaze, not even to kiss--lots of time for that later--he began to move his hips, slowly pistoning in and out of her.

The look Spike had on his face affected her more than anything else at that moment: more than his hard body pressed against hers, more than the friction of his shaft as it slid in and out of her--even more than the short, shallow pants coming from his parted lips. His eyes shone of awe, of tenderness, of love. They pierced her right to her soul. And although he didn’t have one, she felt like she could see something akin to a soul. Perhaps it was William, or whatever was left of him.

Buffy wanted to spend the rest of her life in bed with this vampire, and the thought didn’t scare her in the least--heck, it didn‘t even phase the Slayer in her. What kind of woman would turn down the opportunity of being loved like this forever? It sounded corny even to her, but she’d never felt anything like it. He was big, but not to the point of it being painful for her--on the contrary, the way she stretched around him allowed her to feel every twitch, every pulse of his cock as he slowly pumped inside of her. Although his intense stare never wavered--it was as if he didn’t want to miss any of her emotions--his hands busied themselves, tracing the contour of her arms, her breasts, her neck. He paused at the bitemarks that were now clearly his, gently dragging the pads of his fingers over them. She didn’t understand how, but this created a sensation of its own, which shot straight to the apex of her thighs.

She drew her hands up to his face, feeling the need to mirror her lover’s actions. She traced the angular lines of his cheeks, the soft curve of his lips, the small scar in his left eyebrow. Her breath hitched as he pressed his pubic bone against her clit, eyes dancing with mischief.

As he lay with Buffy, two bodies as one, Spike realized that this was the first time he’d truly made love to a woman. He’d tried so often with Dru but she’d never had the patience--Angelus had created in her a penchant for the wild and painful. And with Harmony... Well, you had to at least like someone to share something this special with them. His eyes rolled back as Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist, driving him even deeper inside of her.

The sensations her body was feeling were too much for the Slayer. As Spike pressed up against her clit once more, her eyes opened wide and her body stiffened. Whispering his name--so quiet he almost missed it--she threw her head back, drew him in tighter against her, and cried her release in one long, drawn-out moan.

The sight of Buffy writhing in ecstasy beneath him and the sensation of her inner muscles clamping around his cock sent Spike over the precipice. Moaning her name, his body stiffened before allowing him to thrust into her three, four, five more times, emptying his cold seed into her womb. When he regained control he was surprised to find that he hadn’t had to fight the emergence of his demon.

Reading the thought that was plain on his face, Buffy smiled. “It’s because it was pure, Spike. Just two people sharing something beautiful, something not tainted by the dark.”

For one of the few times in his life, Spike was left speechless. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, rolling them so they lay intertwined, on their sides. The next long while was spent making up for all the kisses that hadn’t taken place as they’d made love.

Author's Note: Well, here it is, what you've been waiting for--and what you deserve. You guys rock! Updates will go back to regular scheduled Mondays and Thursdays, even if they're smutty--there aren't enough of them left in store for me to do this anymore. Thanks to all reviewers, and let me know what you thought of this--did it live up to your expectations?

27 by Pipergirl

Chapter 27

Late afternoon found the two lovers lazing in bed, bodies pressed against each other under a silk sheet. They lay there, quiet, listening to the busy sounds of the street outside their window.

Actually, Spike wasn’t paying so much attention to the cars’ horns or the trucks’ diesel engines; eyes closed, he tried to memorize the sounds of Buffy’s body--heart beating, lungs drawing in breath, blood flowing--it was the symphony of life and the sound of it so near to his own silent body gave him peace. Drawing her even closer to him, he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

The Slayer’s voice interrupted his quiet musing. “Spike?”

“Yeah, love?”

Buffy pulled out of his embrace, immediately regretting the loss of contact. “That money that you won last night, against the Pelorak--did you... did you give it all to Hilary?” She playfully traced a finger along the lines of his chest, lightly outlining his pectoral muscles.

Spike squirmed at the tickling finger and took it in his hand. Smiling curiously, he shook his head. “No, I kept some of it. Why the sudden interest in the dosh, pet?”

Ok Buffy, here goes... “Well, I thought it might be nice, after the crummy evening we had last night, to go out. You know, maybe go to a restaurant--demon free--and see a movie?” She knew she shouldn’t feel any reticence at suggesting an evening out. They had spent a good amount of time getting to know each other quite intimately. But this? It sounded too much like a...

“A date?” Spike’s brow furrowed as he digested her question. He’d immediately sensed her discomfort, but needed to mull it over before saying anything. Dinner and a movie. Harmless enough...

Ah, hell. Who was he kidding? She could have asked him to bring her to the ice capades and he couldn’t have turned her down. “Where would you want to go? I mean, it’s not like I know too many non-demon eateries. Haven’t dined in a proper restaurant in London for over a century.”

Buffy propped her head on her left arm. “Well, I figure since you’ve been responsible for all of our eating out so far, I get to choose the restaurant. And, as much as this wigs me out, I’ll leave the choice of movie up to you.”

The vampire paused, then nodded. “’S fair enough. Just as long as you don’t lead us to the International House of Garlic, or even worse--a bleedin’ vegetarian restaurant.”

“Fine. That means you can’t drag me to some cheesy horror movie, or a foreign one.”

By now, the bickering ex-enemies were both sitting upright, facing each other. “But I thought you chits loved foreign flicks!”

“Well, not this one. I hate having to read my movie--you miss everything that’s going on because you have to concentrate on what’s written at the bottom of the screen.”

The vampire bit back an insult to the Slayer’s intelligence--after all, Buffy’d left herself wide open with that last comment. No good gettin’ in a huff over something we both agree on. “Ok, it’s agreed then. No garlic-saturated or vegetarian food and no horror or foreign film. Still leaves us with many options.” He looked at the bedside clock and stretched. “Doesn’t leave us with much time, though. What say we have another quick shag, freshen up, then head out?”

The young woman snickered. “Sorry, oh bleached one. No time for hanky-panky if we ever want to get out of here in time. I’ll wash up, then go see if I can find Hetty. I’m sure she’ll know where there’s a good restaurant.” She reached over, gave the blonde vamp a quick kiss and slipped out of bed.

Spike watched her pad around the room in nothing but what nature gave her. He refused to give in to those niggling doubts that told him that Slayer + vampire = bad, bad news. He and Buffy just felt right. She brought out the good in him (whatever was left, he figured) and as much as his demon hated her for it, it was just as much her slave as William was. Neither part of Spike could resist the diminutive blonde that had edged him out of the darkness. He wasn’t on the road to poncedom--he already lived there and had been crowned king...

But he wouldn’t change it for the world.


Freshened up and clad in a pair of plaid flannel pants and a t-shirt, Buffy set out in search for Hetty. Peeking into the laundry room, she found only stacks of clean towels and heard only the quiet hum of the dryer. She walked down the staircase, hoping that the older woman wasn’t out. Aside from that McDonald’s on the way to Divine Opulence, she had no idea where she and Spike could go eat. Great. If she didn’t find Hetty, their evening was pretty much over with.

Walking around the sign-in counter, she stuck her head in the back room, where the older woman had gone to get their keys when they’d arrived. “Hetty? Hey, are you here?”

“Mrs Sinclair! How are you, dear?” Hetty had dyed her hair a ridiculous shade of bright orange that reminded the Slayer of those little orange pansies her mom had planted out by the front porch earlier that Spring.

Stifling a giggle--it would have been impolite, not to mention oh-so contrary to getting help from the hotel clerk--Buffy smiled at her. “You can call me Buffy, please. And I’m fine. I just need your help with something.”

Hetty clucked and put her hand on Buffy’s arm. “Of course, love. What is it I can do for you?” She winked at the younger woman. “Is it something romantic?”

“Actually, yes it is.” Buffy closed the gap between her and the other woman, pretending to share a conspiratorial secret. “Spike... William and I want to go out for a nice dinner, but we don’t really know any places around here. He hasn’t been in London for decades, so he’s kind of lost touch. Do you have any ideas?”

Whispering loudly, the orange-haired woman leaned in even closer. “Well, it all depends on what you’re looking for. Do you want casual, or really classy?”

“Uh, mid-classy, I guess. Something nicer than a pub, but nothing that requires a tux or anything.”

“Alright, and any preferences? French, Italian, English?”

So many choices--the young woman didn’t even know what the vampire liked to eat. “You know, that’s a really good question. William and I don’t eat out often, so I’m not sure what he’d prefer. Just throw a couple of ideas my way and I can decide.”

“That sounds like a good idea. Such a smart girl...” The older woman dragged Buffy to the counter, where she brought out a pad and paper. “Now, there’s L’oiseau d’or--a good French restaurant, although it’s more suit and tie than cotton pants, if you get my meaning. There’s also Armando’s, a nice casual Italian restaurant--or, should I say, ristorante--it can be a bit busy sometimes, but the food’s really good and the portions are big.” She looked Buffy over, chewing on the tip of her pen. “Although I don’t see where either you or your husband would be puttin’ large portions, dear. Anyway, what else is there...”

Buffy watched her roll the pen around in her mouth, covering it in lipstick. Mental note *not* to use the desk pen... She jumped back when Hetty squealed a high-pitched “of course!!”

“There’s Moonlight Serenade. Now that’s the one I’d recommend most... You don’t need to dress up too fancy, just a nice pair of slacks or a dress will do. There’s pretty much everything on the menu, so you don’t have to worry about what Mr. Sinclair will want--I’m sure he’ll find something he’ll like on the menu. And they’ve got a live Jazz band there, too.”

Buffy felt like she was Goldilocks--the French restaurant was a bit too stuffy, the Italian restaurant was a bit too busy, but the Jazz place was just right. Chuckling, she spoke up. “Well, I think I’ll go with your most glowing recommendation, Hetty. Do you have the number for Moonlight Serenade?”

Shaking her head, the older woman tutted. “Don’t you worry about that, dear. You’re on your honeymoon--you just go back upstairs and get ready for a nice night out. Leave the dealings with me. What time do you want your reservation for?”

The Slayer looked at the clock on the wall. Assuming that it worked, it was presently just after five thirty. “Uh, seven o’clock?”

Hetty frowned as if in deep thought. “Better make it seven thirty--we’ve got to give both of you enough time to get ready and to be there on time.” She jotted down the restaurant’s address and handed it over to the young woman. “Now go on up! Shoo, now!”

As soon as Buffy started up the stairs, she heard Hetty pick up the phone.

“Everything’s in place. Yes, they’ll be away...”

Frowning, the Slayer made her way back to the room, Spidey senses tingling overtime.

Author's Note: First off, I'd like to thank--once again--those who nominated me at the VK awards (you know who you are ;-) ; then, I'd like to thank the judges who deemed Dark Prophecy worthy of two awards, namely 'Sexiest Bite' and a 'Judge's Choice' award. There are few words that describe the elation one feels at being honoured like this, so I'll leave it at a great big thank you! And again, I appreciate the feedback this story has been receiving. Please, keep feeding the muse!

28 by Pipergirl

Chapter 28


“Spike, I told you, I don’t know. Now just take it at face value. Maybe she’s just a good judge of sizing.”

The blonde vamp fidgeted with his tie, one hand staying on the steering wheel. “That’s not what I’m worried about, pet. I just don’t want to see a bill for this thing when we check out. I doubt the Council of Wankers is going to agree to buying me a new suit.”

“Look, maybe it’s a wedding present. Maybe Hetty decided to shell out a few hundred dollars to buy some stranger a suit.” The Slayer’s face twisted at this. “Ok, so it doesn’t make any sense. Let’s just forget about it for now, and enjoy the evening.”


(Earlier that evening)

Both Slayer and vampire had been more than surprised to hear a knock at the door as they were getting ready to go out. Buffy had found a nice dress--nothing she’d purchased at Divine Opulence, just a simple summer dress she’d brought along. Spike, on the other hand, had black jeans, black jeans and more black jeans. Both hoped that they would be sufficient to gain admittance into the restaurant.

When they answered the door, only to find a deliveryman bearing a cardboard box from one of the local apparel stores, they were both flummoxed. Spike took the package and grudgingly tipped the man before slamming the door. “It’s addressed to me.” Narrowing his eyes, he aimed his gaze at the Slayer. “Did you order something? Do a little shopping when I wasn’t paying attention?”

Pushing the bleached blonde aside, the young woman tore into the package. “No--a whole world of no on buying you clothing. That’s way too ‘couply’ for my taste.” She opened the box and pulled out a charcoal coloured blazer. “Wow--this is really nice.” She handed the coat to Spike before pulling out a matching pair of pants.

Pants and jacket in hand, the curious vampire tried to peek into the box. “Anything else in there?”

Giggling, Buffy nodded. “Yeah, seems whoever sent you this thought you’d look good in a salmon coloured shirt.” Her giggles turned to outright guffaws at her companion’s reaction.

“Salmon with grey? Bloody hell, who sent this? A colour blind lunatic?” He grabbed the shirt from her hands only to see that it was denim blue. The corners of his mouth turned to a smirk, despite all his attempts to stop the smile from forming. “Ha bloody ha, Slayer. Any more funnies like that and I might just go in my cotton pants. Now what sort of tie did they send me? Don’t tell me it’s mint green, though, ‘cause I’m gonna drag you to a Spanish showing of Bride of Chucky.”


They pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot and found a spot not too far from the entrance. To Spike, this was good news on two different fronts. First, it wasn’t too busy--which was always good. Couldn’t hear a damn thing when there were two hundred other chattering nits surrounding you. Also, it meant the absence of a valet. Which meant, to the vampire, that he could rid himself of the tie. Twenty years with that psycho Angelus--you’d think I’d be used to torture enough to endure a tie... Without the Slayer’s knowledge, he removed the offending piece of fabric and undid the shirt’s top button.

Buffy felt cool fingers slide through hers. Smiling, she looked up at Spike, who’d caught up to her. It took a second, but she clued into what he’d been doing at the car. “Your tie! You took it off. It took us like, half an hour to get it done up just right!”

“Yeah, and it took me all of ten seconds to rip it off. Don’t worry, pet--it’s still intact. I just figured that I didn’t need it, since this place isn’t all that swanky.”

The young woman pouted. “But you look good in a tie.”

Growling, the vampire shook his head. “Don’t try that with me, Buffy. That bloody contraption was choking me. It was like a noose. Don’t know how I ever put up with them before I was turned...”

Buffy stopped in her tracks, forcing her companion to do the same. “Ok, first thing--you don’t breathe, so you can’t choke. Second--why is it you don’t call me by my name more often?”

Spike stood there, mouth opening but no sound coming out. Where the hell did this come from?! Finding his voice, he replied “I... I do call you by your name, pet.”

She didn’t know why this meant so much to her--she felt like she was being petty, but this was something that was bothering her. “See--you just called me pet! You call me ducks, pet, love, Slayer. But Buffy? Hardly ever...” She fought back the tears that threatened to spill. Stupid--you’ll ruin this nice evening just because you’re being over-emotional!

Spike turned Buffy so that she faced him. Wiping her tears away with his thumbs, he held her face in his hands. “Buffy, I use those terms of endearment out of habit. It doesn’t mean I like you any less. It’s just that I’ve known you what, four years? Something like that. We’ve gone from trying to kill each other to barely tolerating each other to this.” He leaned in and brushed a soft kiss over her cheek. “Give a bloke time to adjust, eh? Buffy Summers is the woman I’m with--not the Slayer, not someone called ‘pet’ or ‘love’ or ‘ducks’, even. I know that, but you need to let me change old habits.”

How was he able to do that, she wondered? How was Spike able to know exactly what to say to make her feel better? The Slayer had an inkling that it was William, but old Will hadn’t been much of a ladies’ man. Maybe it was 100% Spike after all. “Alright. I’ll give you all the time you need.” She ran her hands down her pale yellow sundress, straightening it. “Now, let’s see if this place is all that Hetty chalked it up to be.”


“So, have you decided yet?” Spike had watched his companion read through the entire menu at least half a dozen times, yet she still seemed undecided.

Buffy tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth and answered without looking up. “I don’t know, Spike. Most of this stuff is pretty expensive...” Pouring through the appetizers, she wondered who would dare pay ten dollars for a bowl of soup. Moonlight Serenade might not have been a black tie kind of establishment, but its prices sure seemed to be.

The bleached blonde groaned. “Look, Buffy. If we couldn’t afford it, we wouldn’t be here, would we? We’d have gone to that bleedin’ McDonald’s we saw a few days ago. Now pick whatever it is you want or I’ll just order you whatever meal’s most expensive, no matter what it is.” He wondered at the young woman sitting across from him. Most women would take advantage of being brought to an expensive restaurant. Not the Slayer, however. She worried about their pocket book instead.

Come to think of it, that wasn’t such a bad trait after all.

Buffy ‘hmph’ed. “Fine then, if you say so. I think I’ll get the cream of potato and leek soup (guess I now know who’s stupid enough to pay $10 for soup...), the coq au vin with garlic mashed potatoes and a side of grilled veggies. What are you getting, mister ‘don’t fret about money’?”

Ignoring her jibe, the vampire sat up straight and picked up his long-discarded menu. “Well, since you’re askin’ so politely... I’m starting off with a clam chowder--haven’t had a decent chowder in decades. Then I’m going to have the steak neptune. I’m afraid I’m going to have to forego the garlic potatoes, though--I’ll just get the veggies instead.”

Buffy snickered. “Wow--you’re going all fishy tonight, aren’t you?”

Spike leaned in and whispered, so that only Buffy could hear him. “Always been a fan of seafood. Nothing like the salty tang of something fishy to whet my appetite...”

The young woman’s eyes widened when she noticed that the vampire was no longer talking about food. Blushing, she stammered, trying to find something to say. She was glad to see their server approach--she might have been too tongue-tied to come up with a quippy comeback. That or she might have been tempted to drag Spike over to the nearest closet and get him to show her just what he meant.

After the waiter left with their order, Buffy glanced over to the musician’s area, noting that there was no one there. “Isn’t there supposed to be a band playing, or something? Doesn’t look like anyone’s there.”

“That’s cause it’s just ten to eight. They probably don’t start playing until nine.” He took her hand in his, drawing circles on it with his thumb. “I’ve got to admit that I was more than a bit surprised that you decided on a jazz joint.”

A part of her still reeled from the oddity that was now her life. Every normal thing she and Spike did, from sharing a meal to making small talk, made her head spin. “Well, my appreciation for jazz is more of a by-product than an original Buffy trait. Mom’s got this big jazz album collection that’s been collecting dust ever since we moved to Sunnydale. She used to listen to them all the time, but now she just listens to the Billie Holliday ones. I know all the songs off those records by heart...”

The vampire chuckled. “Always knew Joyce was a woman of good taste. The phonographs weren’t out yet before I was turned--if they had been, I can imagine that I would have been sitting at my own mum’s feet, listening to some horrible music like the ponce I was.” His hand left Buffy’s and went to cup his chin. He got a far away look in his eyes, looking somewhere beyond the room, not really focussed on anything in particular. “Christ, that was a long time ago. No cars, no radio, no telly, no internet...” He laughed quietly, more to himself than anything. “Never would have imagined that I’d still be around a hundred and twenty years later.”

Buffy reached back over the table, taking his hand in hers. She didn’t know if he was being bitter or if he was just reminiscing. Either way, she felt compelled to comfort him.

Spike looked at the hand holding his own. So small, yet so strong. Just like the woman to whom it belonged. He could tell she didn’t know what to say, so he smiled at her in what he hoped was a reassuring way. “Don’t fret, love. ‘M not brooding--just remembering, is all.”


Their dinner came, and they made small talk as they ate their meals, never touching on any topic too sensitive or too important. They both knew that this was the last night for them to take it easy. They’d spent too much time concentrating on each other and their burgeoning relationship instead of on their mission. They didn’t have much time left to find the baby and they had no clue as to where to begin looking. So for tonight, they’d decided to pretend that they were two normal people out for dinner and a movie.

They shared a grossly decadent dessert, listening to the band as it began to play. Buffy was overjoyed to hear that it was a Billie Holliday tribute. In between bites of ‘chocolate eruption’, she sang along with the singer, albeit slightly off key. So mesmerized was she with the music, she never noticed that Spike had risen from his seat until he stood beside her, holding his hand out to her.

“Fancy a dance, pet?”

Buffy almost chastised him on his unconscious use of the moniker, but she bit her tongue. Now was certainly not the time to begin a spat. She took the proffered hand. “I’d love to.”

Many eyes were on the handsome blonde couple, who were obviously in a world of their own as their feet travelled the dance floor. Bodies cupped one in the other, they seemed to be swaying to their own music.

When the next song began, Buffy pulled her head away from Spike’s chest. Grinning ear to ear, she exclaimed “Oh! This is my favourite song!” She began to sing along, never breaking eye contact with the man in whose arms she danced.

You go to my head and you linger like a haunting refrain And I find you spinning 'round in my brain Like the bubbles in a glass of champagne You go to my head like a sip of sparkling Burgundy brew And I find the very mention of you Like the kicker in a julep or two... Spike stopped listening to the words after the first refrain. Buffy was staring straight at him as she sang, her purpose obvious: this song was a song about how he affected her, how he was inside her head, in her heart. Just as she was in his.

They’d been infatuated with each other ever since their first meeting, in the alley behind the Bronze. It may not have been love at first sight--far from it--but they’d constantly been in each other’s thoughts. All the times they’d tried to kill each other, all the times they’d taunted and teased one another. It had always been about them, good or bad.

Spike leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Buffy’s lips. “We’d better be on our way, love, or we’ll miss the movie.” He took her hand in his and led her off the dance floor. When they’d sat back down at their table, the vampire caught their server’s attention, indicating that they were ready for their bill.

Still dreamy-eyed over the last dance, Buffy toyed with her napkin. “So, what movie did you decide on?”

The bleach blonde’s eyes lit up as he took a deep breath. “Well, the local movie house is showing a number of foreign indie horror vignettes...” He ducked to avoid the napkin that had been aimed at him, before it hit him in the face. Still chuckling, he quelled her fears. “Seriously, though, I asked the server what was playing, when you were in the loo. He said LA Confidential is playing about two blocks from here. We could leave the car in the restaurant’s lot and just walk over. That fine with you?”

Buffy bit her lip, trying to remember something. “LA Confidential. That came out a couple of years ago, didn’t it? Was it the movie with the cops?”

“’The movie with the cops’--that narrows it down. But yeah, it’s a cop movie. More’n that, if I recall. It’s supposed to be really good. I think it won some Oscars, or something. Not that that’s any indication as to whether or not I’ll usually like a movie. Anyway, Clem saw it in the theatre and he wouldn’t shut up about it for two weeks. Can’t be all that bad.”

“Ok, then. LA Confidential it is. Let’s just hope that we can get there before the trailers start. I hate having to find a seat in the dark.” Buffy smiled politely at the server as he brought the bill to the table. Her eyes grew wide as she watched Spike take some money out of his wallet. She knew he’d won a lot of money against the Pelorak, and she’d seen Spike give a large wad of it to Hilary. What she’d never expected, though, was the amount of money that was left over.

Unable to bite back a comment, she nodded towards his wallet. “So, you gonna buy a small island with that?”

Spike had the decency to look a little abashed as he stuffed his wallet back in his pants pocket. “Not my fault the wanker was a poor card player. And you never know when you’ll need a heavy spot of dosh.”

When they walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand, Buffy noticed that heavy grey clouds now covered most of the night’s sky. “Uh, Spike? Do you think we should maybe bring the car closer to the theatre? It looks like the skies are going to open up any minute.”

Spike’s gaze followed hers, settling on the darkening firmament. “Piffle. Won’t start to rain until we’re back in the comfort of our bed.” He draped his arm around the Slayer’s shoulders. “Come on, luv. We get there early enough, I’ll buy you a popcorn.”


By now, they were the only ones left in the theatre. Buffy slouched in her seat, watching the credits go by. “You know, I just can’t say it enough. That movie was abso-freaking-lutely amazing. I would’ve never guessed in a million years that that guy was crooked. And Bud White? Man, was he ever a badass--especially when he’s throwing that geeky cop around. Oh, and I just love the soundtrack! Now I know what I want for my birthday...”

Spike didn’t say a word. He just watched Buffy, her face glowing, her hands gesticulating wildly as she rambled on about the movie. Something inside of him burned, a something that had been present but had never quite made it to the forefront of his consciousness. He turned it around in his brain, gauging his reaction to its presence.

When the young woman turned to look at him--no doubt because of his unusual silence--her eyes still large with excitement and a smile lighting up her face, he realized he liked that little something. Damn it, he straight out embraced it.

“Spike?” Buffy turned to her companion and found him staring at her. He had an odd look on his face, as if he were in on a secret that only he was privy to. Cocking an eyebrow--she’d never liked to be left out on jokes--she tried again. “Spike? Hello?”

He cupped his hand over her cheek and pulled her in for a chaste kiss. “I love you.” His clear blue gaze never faltered, locked on hers as he watched her digest his declaration.

She hadn’t heard him right. That had to be it. One ear still on the music playing through those old speakers, one ear only on what the vamp had said. Buffy was convinced that her hearing was playing tricks on her. He couldn’t have said... Because she swore he’d admitted that...

“Buffy Summers, I love you so bloody much... Your ears aren’t playing tricks on you; I want you to believe me. I’ll say it again and again, until you’re tired of hearing it.”

Buffy’s heart swelled. He loved her. Spike loved her, Buffy Summers. It was so... weird. But so right. Nothing had ever felt so proper than hearing those words come out of his mouth. She didn’t want to say it back immediately, almost as if she’d be saying it in return with misplaced intentions. Oh, she loved him--she knew it now, more than ever. So she did the next best thing. She grabbed him--the one who loved her--and kissed him passionately, making sure that he knew full well that his declaration wasn’t unappreciated.

Breathless, the vampire pulled back and looked the Slayer in the eye. Her hazel orbs were darkened with lust, and he certainly wasn’t going to let that go to waste. “Come on--let’s go home. Maybe we can see if we both fit in that big bathtub...” Growling, he picked her up out of her seat and pressed his lips to hers one last time before they left the theatre.

Hand in hand, they hurried outdoors only to be met with a torrential rainstorm.

Buffy turned to Spike. “Won’t rain until we get back to the hotel, in the comfort of our bed, huh?”

“Ah, bugger.” Pulling his blazer over his head, he motioned towards where their car was parked. “My bad, as you’d so properly say. I’ll go fetch the car and bring it up front. You just stay here.” He took a step out from the shelter of the overhang and was immediately drenched. Before he had the time to take a second step forward, the Slayer dashed out ahead of him, yelling back “not if I get there first!”

Shrugging, Spike ran out after her. Even with a head start, a Slayer couldn’t beat a vampire on foot.

Ok, well maybe this one can, he mused as he caught up to her at the car.

She was soaked to the bone, her lungs were burning from the run and she knew her makeup must be running, but Buffy couldn’t quench the giddiness the childish play had made her feel. It had been so long since she’d just let it out and had fun. She laughed out loud at the sight of Spike’s drenched form as it approached her with a stalking gait. “You’re getting slow in your old age, Spike” she huffed in between breaths, hands resting on her knees.

The vampire’s eyes were flecked with amber. His voice was low, his words deliberate as he responded to her teasing. “I’m not so old that I can’t pin you against this car and make you scream my name, little girl.”

The young woman’s eyes narrowed and her features hardened. An odd feeling came about her, one that felt somehow familiar and foreign all at once. “Is that a promise, or simply a taunt, vampire?” As the words came out of her mouth, the playfulness she’d felt earlier dissipated; she knew that the Buffy part of her was no longer in charge--Spike was about to have his first carnal encounter with the Slayer. And she had no idea what the outcome of that would be...

Author's Note: Ooh... What's going to happen next, kiddies? Once again, I can post a day early for every 5 reviews, or I can just post on Thursday, since there are only 5 chapters left in my 'already-written' folder--the sooner we use these up, the sooner we get to less frequent updates. It's up to you :) And again--thanks to those who review. Makes me all smiley...

29 by Pipergirl

Chapter 29

When he was pulled in for a rather violent kiss, Spike knew he was no longer in Buffy’s presence. He’d fought Slayers, he’d killed Slayers--but he’d never fucked one. The thought of plunging himself into the hot depths of someone who could take as much as she could dish made him harder than hell. Adding his own passion to the kiss, he felt her bite his lower lip, drawing blood. When the young woman pulled away and saw blood pool onto his lower lip, she leaned in to lick it away.

Now they were into blood play. The vampire’s ultimate undoing. Spike couldn’t help but vamp out at the sight of the Slayer turning the taste of his blood over in her mouth. He let out a deep growl, meant as a warning: he had to let Buffy, or the Slayer--whoever was in the driver’s seat--know that he was serious. Screwing vamped-out Spike was going to be nothing like making love to lovestruck-puppy Spike.

When Spike vamped out, lust-filled amber eyes glowing, fangy grin set in a leer, Buffy would have been scared. She would have meekly backed down and apologized for egging him on. The Slayer, on the other hand, was only turned on by the demon’s show of testosterone. However, she was a woman and she was sick and tired of being rained on. A cold, wet Slayer meant a miserable Slayer. Pushing him away, she growled back at him. “Make the doors open. Now.”

Mind addled with lust, the vampire took a second to register what the other blonde was saying. Make the doors open? What the hell does that mean? Oh fuck--the car doors! Reaching into the blazer’s pockets he fished around for the keys, pressing the ’unlock’ button.

When she heard the doors unlock, the Slayer tore the rear passenger door open and pointed to Spike. “You. Get in there, now.”

Spike did as he was told. Although his demon preferred to have the upper hand in any sexual encounter, it was also curious. Never having been with a Slayer, it wanted to sit back and see what she was capable of. When he was comfortably seated, he watched her crawl in and sit on his lap, straddling him. When her lips crashed into his, reopening his cut from her bite, he couldn’t help but snake his strong arms around her, crushing her lithe form to his own body.

In a strange way, the Slayer was still a virgin. She’d never come out to ‘play’ in any of Buffy’s encounters. Not with Spike, and certainly not with Angel. But it didn’t mean that she didn’t know how to get what she wanted. The vampire was crushing her to him in a vice-like grip that would have broken any normal girl’s weak ribs. She fought for a little room and when he relented--just a little--she used that extra space to grind herself against his erection.

All these sensations were going to drive him mad. He’d become as barmy as his sire, the Slayer was making sure of it: the mixture of her hot body pressed against his--ok, held tightly against his, her heat rubbing against his erection and the blood in her mouth where his fangs had nicked her tongue and lips. It was all enough to drive a vampire to bloody insanity.

He felt the Slayer pry herself out of his grip--although he really could have held on if he’d really wanted to. Through hooded lids, he watched as she bit her lip, trying to decide her next move. A devilish grin appeared on her lips, one that could have scared the master vampire had he not been so damned horny.

Where to start, where to start? She sat back on Spike’s lap, pondering her next move. She had so many options, but the Slayer wanted to draw this out and make it as long and as heated as possible. Who knew when she’d next be allowed to come out and play? Biting her lip, it registered in her muddled mind that something was wrong. Now what... Oh--of course! He was overdressed! Grabbing each side of his collar, she pulled the garment apart with a fierce tug.

Spike’s eyes followed the buttons as they flew all over the back seat of the BMW. When he felt the Slayer’s nails dig into his skin, dragging down the pale, alabaster expanse of his chest and drawing blood, he lay his head back and roared. His head flew back to the Slayer, though, when he felt her tongue on his skin. He began to shake with need--fuck, did he ever need to pound his cock into her hot body--as he watched her lick the blood that trickled from her scratch marks. He tried to get her off his lap, to put her in a more submissive position, but it proved almost impossible. She matched him push for push and shove for shove until they were both panting from exertion, still sitting in the same position.

Trying a different angle, the Slayer brought Spike’s hands up to her breasts. She needed him to touch her, to make her even hotter than she was already. When he began to knead her two soft mounds, she moaned and threw her head back. Her skin was flushed with need, and the cool touch of his skin only added to the burning sensation. He pulled her forward and began to suck her nipples through the thin fabric of her dress. She was glad Buffy had decided against wearing a bra that evening. It made things so much easier, and oh so much better. When the sensation stopped she furrowed her brow and looked down at the vampire. The demon gave her a shit-eating grin just before he grabbed her dress and pulled it down her chest, ripping it in the act.

Her head started spinning when she felt the flat of his cold tongue drag over her hardened nipple. His mouth on one breast, his hand on the other, Spike was making sure that he was making her as crazy as she’d made him--this the Slayer knew. Every sucking motion, every pinched nipple--it was all heading in one straight line, down to her centre. In a very un-Slayer reaction, she squealed when she felt his fangs pierce the soft skin of her breast. Looking down, she decided that the sight of a vampire latched on to her breast was very, very arousing.

Teeth embedded in the Slayer’s breast--what was Buffy going to think about that when she came back to the forefront?--Spike decided that he could no longer wait. Wedging his hand in between their bodies, he slid it down until it reached her underpants. Using a sharp nail to tear into them, he pulled the offending material away, tossing it to the side. He pulled his teeth out of her and concentrated on lavishing her neck with wet, open-mouth kisses. No telling how the Slayer will react if he tries to bite her there--better be safe (and nestled safely in her heat) than a sorry pile of ashes.

She felt his fingers slip inside of her gauging her readiness. Stupid vamp, the Slayer thought to herself, isn’t the fact that I’m writhing on your lap like a bitch in heat a good enough indicator? She edged her hand down to his own pants, her concentration marred by the sensation of his thumb rubbing against her clit. Twice, in her effort to divest him of his pants--stupid belt, she had to stop and take a breather. Her body was quaking, her nerves were all tingling--and all because of the vampire and his magical fingers. When she finally had his belt undone, she popped the pants’ button and slid the zipper down. Reaching down into his pants, she took his hard length in her hand and pulled it out.

For a short moment, the frenzy of the vampire and Slayer’s coupling fizzed down. They rested their foreheads one against the other and remained still. That was until the Slayer began to slide her hand up and down Spike’s shaft, coating it in the precum that had dribbled out of its tip. She felt his chest rumble in a low growl. Pulling his hand away from her clit, she brought it up to her lips and licked her juices off of his fingers, making a good show of twirling her tongue around the long digits, taking them into her mouth and sucking on them.

Almost as soon as it had lulled, the passion flared up again. Buffy grabbed Spike’s hands and pinned them to his sides, just above his head before she impaled herself on his shaft. She slowed for a short moment before sliding up and down, increasing her speed to match their combined groans.

Ok, Spike’s demon had had enough of being the Slayer’s bitch. With a feral growl, he twisted them so that she lay beneath him, never breaking the intimate contact they shared. His eyes almost crossed as she flexed her inner muscles, gripping his cock in a steel-like grasp. He pistoned in and out of her nonetheless, pounding her body without mercy. Her fingers were on his shoulders, nails biting into his skin, but that didn’t deter him. Somewhere at the back of his mind, he realized that the Slayer’s actions weren’t meant to stop him, but rather to egg him on, to make him fuck her that much harder.

When the Slayer felt her muscles begin to twitch, she gave one final effort and managed to turn them back over, with her on top once again. Spike’s breathing was erratic and his gaze was unfocussed--she knew that he was as close as she was to falling over the edge. Just as her climax hit, she leaned in and bit down harshly on the vampire’s neck, drawing blood.

When he felt her blunt teeth breaking the skin on his neck, Spike howled. Body arching up towards hers, he grasped her ass, pressing her down onto him as he came. He came for what felt like was hours, even if it was only about 30 seconds. When his body relaxed again, he opened his eyes and looked up at the Slayer. She smiled at him and whispered “mine.”

Fuck. She’d claimed him. Not that he didn’t want it--actually, he wanted to run out into the streets and yell at the top of his voice that he was Buffy’s. Well, that was William for you--the wanker. She looked at him expectantly, neck stretched out over him. He knew what that meant, the claim, but he wondered if she did. “Buffy? You know what this means, right, love?”

The young woman looked into his amber eyes--eyes which held no less love for her than his blue eyes--and nodded. “Yes, Spike. It means I love you as much as you love me. And it means that we belong together. I don’t know how much time I have, but I want to spend it with you.”

Spike took a deep breath to calm himself. She loved him. Buffy Summers loved him, William the Bloody/Spike/Childe of the line of Aurelius. He smiled back at her to reassure her, and gently placed his hand over the back of her neck. Pulling her towards his mouth, he sank his fangs into her neck, in the same spot as he’d bitten her just a few days prior. “Mine,” he whispered into her ear, as she finally rested against him.


They drove back to the hotel after having cleaned themselves up a little--what would a cop think if he pulled them over and saw the claw marks on Spike’s chest, or the bite marks on either blonde’s neck? Stopping to kiss every few steps, they finally made it up to their room. Both were relieved not to have Hetty in the lobby waiting for them, to see if they’d had a romantic evening. It was best that they be able to wait until tomorrow to meet up with anyone...

As he slipped the key into their lock and pushed the door open, Spike pulled Buffy to him and growled playfully. He pulled her into their room and they shared a passionate kiss. “Now, let’s go get cleaned up, love. Betcha that tub is big enough for both of us.”

Both blondes jumped as a voice from inside the room interrupted them. “I’m afraid your little... session... will have to wait a while longer, Mr. Sinclair.”

Author's Note: Well, here it is--hope you guys liked it! Regular posting schedule resumes tomorrow. We'll be getting more plot in the upcoming chapters; I figure it's about time they concentrate on the baby :-) Thanks, as ever, to those who reviewed.

30 by Pipergirl

Chapter 30

The two blondes jumped at the sound of the voice that came from the darkness of their suite. Turning the light on, Buffy’s eyes grew large. “Amelia? Hetty?! What are you guys doing in our living room?”

In the surprise of it all, Spike had vamped out, not taking any chances as to whom might be waiting in the dark for them. He turned his amber eyes on the young watcher and scowled. “Bloody hell! Not you!”

The watcher stood up, straightening the wrinkles out of her skirt. “Now, now, Mr. Sinclair, that’s not a way to greet guests, now is it?” The corners of her mouth were turned upwards in a barely restrained grin. Neither blondes had noticed, but their appearance was very telling--ripped clothes, fresh bite marks and scratches. Anyone who didn’t know them would have assumed that they had been attacked, but Amelia knew better, thanks to Hetty.

Clutching the sides of Spike’s coat together--God forbid if either of their ‘guests’ saw the condition of her dress--Buffy spoke up. “Uh, I didn’t exactly take courses by Miss Manners or anything, but guests don’t usually invite themselves in and wait for people in the dark. Why. Are. You. Here?”

That’s my Slayer, Spike thought. Straight to the point, no bullshit. And she loved him... Wait, scratch that last one--no time for poncey thoughts right now. He shook his demon’s visage off and chimed in. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind hearin’ that one, too.”

For the first time since the two blondes had entered the room, Hetty spoke up. “All in due time, my loves. Right now it looks like you both need a bit of freshening up.” She raised an eyebrow at them, making an obvious show at looking them over.

Both vampire and Slayer took a moment to look at themselves. Uh, maybe Hetty was on to something...

“Fine--but you guys stay here. I’m sure we have some talking to do when we’re ‘freshened up’.” Buffy took Spike by the hand and led him to the bedroom area. He gave the two other women a smirk as he was pulled in front of them.

Clothing for both her and Spike balled in her hand, Buffy headed for the bathroom, before being intercepted by Amelia.

“Sorry, dear, but I’ll have to insist that you go in there one at a time. We’d love to get this chat over with sooner rather than later, if you know what I mean.” Looking at Spike, she mimicked the smirk that he had thrown her way just a moment earlier.

Face beet red, the Slayer tossed Spike’s clothing at him before running into the bathroom. Oh, my God, she kept thinking. They know what we did. As she pulled her clothing off, and looked at herself in the mirror, it dawned on her just how obvious their little session had been. She had a number of hickeys on her neck and collarbone, scratch marks on her arms, and--of course--the new set of bite marks. She leaned in towards the mirror and pulled her hair aside to get a better look at them. Rubbing her fingers against the almost-healed punctures--yay slayer healing--she felt a shiver run through her. For some strange reason, Spike’s marks were a new erogenous zone. The Master’s bite hadn’t been like that--that would have been gross beyond words--and both Angel’s and Dracula’s had been tingly, but only for a short while. But Spike’s? All she had to do was think about them, and a rush of heat made its way to her centre. Maybe it had something to do with the claim. She’d have to make a point to ask him when they had a moment to themselves.

The pull towards his new mate was almost more than Spike could handle. He kept wondering if she realized what the reciprocal claim meant. A lifetime together. Would he hold her to that? No, probably not. His demon raged at the thought, but the little bit of logic he had reminded him that she was human. Humans got married, went for picnics in the sun, had kids... They didn’t spend their lives in the dark. He’d resigned himself to spending as much time with her as she’d let him, and to appreciate however much time that was.

The vampire looked at the two women sitting on the sofa. The watcher--well, he could take a guess as to why she was here. They hadn’t succeeded in their mission yet, had they? All they’d pretty much done was gotten into each other‘s knickers. Sure, they’d had a great lead with the babysitter, but that’s about all they had.

But the innkeeper? What the hell was she doing here? Had their shagging disturbed the other guests? Come to think of it, he’d never actually heard anyone else coming or going in the hotel. Old buildings like this had squeaky stairs, and creaky floors. They should have been able to hear people talking through the paper-thin walls... Something was truly off at the Sheffield Arms Hotel.

Tired of staring at the two women, Spike got up and paced a little before speaking up. He had no idea where this Williamesque urge came from--maybe it was one of those little human foibles that had stayed with him--but he offered them something to drink. So un-vampire like of him... “Don’t know if we’ve got much. I know the Slayer keeps a pitcher of water in the icebox, and I know we seem to have an eternal supply of Champagne...” He threw a pointed look at Hetty, who only smiled back.

“Actually, a glass of water would be nice, William.” Although Amelia wasn’t all that thirsty, she just had to experience being served by a vampire. It was just too unreal. Heh--wait till I tell the others this. It’ll ruffle their feathers right nicely...

After what seemed an eternity, the bathroom door opened and a refreshed Slayer came out. “Bout bloody time, Slay.. Buffy.” He had to consciously work on using her given name--he knew that much from the ‘discussion’ they’d had just before entering the restaurant. “Thought you’d never come out.” He handed the two women their drinks and made his way towards the bathroom.

Before Buffy knew it, she was in Spike’s arms and was being thoroughly kissed. An end of the world, last embrace ever kind of kiss. Although she knew he was just showing off in front of Amelia and Hetty, she couldn’t help but feel like she was made of Jell-O. Almost as quickly as it had started, the kiss ended and the vampire walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Her face flushed, her breathing ragged, Buffy had to lean against the wall for support. Catching the eyes of the other two women, she blushed furiously. “I... uh... well...” She just couldn’t find anything to say.

Hetty, feeling bad for the poor girl, spoke up. “That’s alright dear. We’ve all heard of the virtues of a vampire lover. No need to explain.” She winked a turquoise-lidded eye at the Slayer.

Buffy’s mind was racing a mile a minute. “Huh? You know he’s a...”

“I know a lot more than I let on, Buffy Summers. But we won’t get into that until your William comes back out to join us.” The older woman took a sip of water, leaving a bright-pink trace of lipstick on the glass.

Author's Note: Hello again! Four chapters left in reserve--I'm tryin' to write as fast as possible :) The smut's easy, it's the action and actual plot that's harder... Thanks for the kind words you leave me!

31 by Pipergirl

Chapter 31

“Ok, you two are going to tell us everything that‘s going on.” The quick wash had done nothing to calm Spike down. Quite the contrary, he’d spent most of the time fuming about how they’d been played. Of course, he didn’t know how they’d been tricked, but he just knew they had. Why else would the Slocombe wanna-be be sitting in the living room with a member of the Council of Wankers?

When the only response he got was two pairs of raised eyebrows, he growled and sat down on the coffee table facing the two women, his knees brushing with theirs. “Fine. You want to play that game?” He pointed to the older woman. “First things first. What the hell is your role in all this?”

The hotelier put her glass down beside the vampire and brushed his finger away from her face. “Now, now, William. No need to be uncivilized. I’m not sure what you mean by my ‘role’. If you mean with the Council of Watchers, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. Aside from being Amelia’s great-aunt, I have no ties to them. As for my role in the recent development in your relationship with Miss Summers... Well, I must admit that‘s been a little pet project of mine since we met that first day.” She cast an affectionate glance at both blondes. “However, I must admit that my assistance hasn’t been as necessary as I would have believed--you seem naturally drawn to each other.” Her eyes flitted towards the bedroom. “Although I’m sure the canopied bed didn’t hurt...”

Spike bit back the suggestion that the two women leave them to test out the canopied bed once more. Instead, he simply rolled his eyes, making a conscious decision to ignore her comments on his and Buffy’s relationship--now was certainly not the time to discuss it. “Alright, so you’ve got a Cupid complex and willingly play host to a vampire and slayer. I’ve seen stranger.”

The vampire’s eyes darted to Amelia, but his interrogation remained aimed at her great-aunt. “However, I’m not quite convinced that that’s all there is to it. Funny how this little impromptu meeting of yours happens just after we bring a strange bird up to the room...”

For the first time, Hetty had the decency to look abashed. She cast her eyes down to her hands before bringing them back up to meet the vampire’s. “Yes. You’re absolutely right about that, my dear. Amelia asked me to let her know if anything out of the ordinary occurred; the girl you brought in the other night seemed an odd enough occurrence to give my niece a call.”

Without being prompted, the watcher put her glass of water down and spoke up. “When Hetty told me about the girl, I had an idea as to who she was.” She looked at Buffy, then Spike. “She was the nanny, wasn’t she?” When both blondes nodded, she smiled. “Her body was never found, which led us to believe that she could still be alive. Wherever did you find her?”

Spike gave a quick account of that particular night’s adventure, leaving out some of the more risqué parts, before reminding Amelia that it was her own story that they wanted to hear. The two women had been there for almost an hour and were yet to divulge their own secrets.

“The Council has received information about the sacrifice.” There. It was out in the open and, by the look on the two blondes’ faces, they were more than eager for her to continue. “One of our members had managed to infiltrate himself into Blakeford’s entourage. Although a constant contact would have alerted them to his presence--or his status as an informant, rather--Simon was able to send us the occasional message as to what was going on. The last one was received this past Thursday and relayed what may be the location for the sacrifice.”

Buffy jumped out of her seat and began to pace in front of the couch. Pacing was Spike’s MO, but at that moment she was making it hers. Why hadn’t they been told about the informant? Heck, why didn’t any of the information make its way to them quicker? After a bit more thought, the answers were clear enough to the Slayer--the informant’s safety would have been paramount, and the Council may have wanted to double-check the information before relaying it to her and Spike. But the most important question--to her, at least--was yet to be asked.

“Why don’t you get this Simon guy to sneak the baby out?”

Spike nodded in agreement--that same question was on his lips. Why even bother with him and the Slayer when they had someone on the inside? His brow creased, however, when he felt the watcher’s heartbeat accelerate and saw her hand tremble as she reached for her glass. One sideways glance at Buffy told him that she’d noticed as well.

Amelia worked hard at keeping her voice even. The news had hit the Council hard, but as Simon had been one of her classmates, she’d taken it even harder. “Because... because he was sent back to us. Or, rather, parts of him were sent back.” Hetty’s steady hand on her shoulder helped the watcher keep her emotions in check.

“Bloody hell--Council should have known better than anyone about the Pelorak’s fascination with dismemberment!”

Buffy froze at these words. This was the kind of demon Spike had gambled her freedom against? She made a mental note to talk to the vampire when their guests left...

“Simon was well aware of it, but he was sure of himself and of his ability to infiltrate them. The Pelorak, actually, were a bit of an infatuation for him. He’d written his final thesis on their social structure and its resemblance to that of the human race.” She smiled ruefully. “Not that any of that helped him, in the end.”

No one knew what to say to that; the room was silent until Buffy finally spoke. She felt that there was something more to Simon and Amelia, something that was being left unsaid--but something that was none of her business.

So she decided that it was time to resume the impromptu meeting. “Amelia, what information did Simon get about the location?”

Glad to get her mind back to business, the watcher straightened back up and tried to be as forthright with her information as possible. “The last message we received, the one from Thursday, gave us a location of a warehouse along the waterfront.”

Not a bad start, if the waterfront didn’t span for miles. “Okay... Do you know precisely where, along the waterfront?” Buffy reeled at the image of herself scouring dock after dock for a building that probably looked like all the others surrounding it. At that rate, the baby’s fate could be to die of old age and she still couldn’t save her.

At this, the watcher’s face fell. “No. We don’t. But we do know that it’s in the East End, possibly just east of the Tower Bridge. What we do know for certain is that the building itself sports a faded Alpha symbol on its frontispiece.”

At the Slayer’s confused look, Spike leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Alpha--you know, the Greek...”

Buffy turned to face the vampire. Did he think she was stupid? “I know what an Alpha looks like! It’s the fronty thingie that I’m not sure of...”

“It’s the front of the building, love.”

“Oh.” Then why hadn’t Amelia just said so? Stupid British people. Why don’t they just speak English?! “Ok, then. Here’s the plan. Tomorrow morning, I head out and try to locate this Alpha building. I scope it out, try to find out as much as possible about it--does it have windows, how many entrances/exits, blah blah. If I can get in, I’ll do that so I can get a good idea of what we‘ll be up against once we‘re in there. Heck, I might even get a glimpse of how many we‘ll be against.”

The Slayer paused, waiting for a reaction to her plan.


Ok. Spike obviously had a reaction. A negative one.

“No, what? Could you maybe be more specific?” Really, she wasn’t in a mood for guessing games. Her body was telling her that it was bedtime--two hours ago, her eyes kept trying to close of their own volition, and here Spike was playing ‘guess my objection’.

“You‘re not going on your own.” What was she trying to prove? That she was stronger than him? That she could take care of herself? That she didn’t need him? “You’ll right likely get yourself killed if you do.”

Great. Mr. Victorian misogynist makes an appearance. “Oh, so I just managed to survive all these years on my own because of luck? Sorry, Spike, but I can hold my own on a recon assignment. I may be a girl, but I don’t need you shadowing me all the time.” Buffy instantly regretted lashing out at the vampire. The hurt in his eyes betrayed the anger that his body was exuding. She paused and took a breath, allowing her voice to soften; she wasn’t mad at him, because she understood that he was worried about her. Taking his hand in hers, she smiled at him. “Anyway, I’m just looking--remember? It’s not like I’m going to walk in the midst of a big Pelorak pow-wow and say ‘hey, guys!’.”

Amelia’s mouth quirked at the couple’s bickering. It was so... normal, even though there was nothing normal about either the situation or the people involved. A century-old vampire and a girl with heightened powers arguing about gender stereotyping.

The watcher stood up and pressed her hands down her skirt, flattening out the wrinkles. “It’s settled, then. Buffy will head over to the East End to find the warehouse in question and gather as much information as possible. That should provide us with a basis upon which we can determine what actions we must take to retrieve the baby.” She directed a weary yet compassionate gaze towards the Slayer. “And do be careful, Buffy. William isn’t the only one who’s grown fond of you.”

Spike was fuming. That’s what happens when you’re surrounded by women, mate. You get outvoted... “So, what am I supposed to do while she goes out? Keep the home fires burning?!”

“Don’t worry, William. You may feel that your talents are unappreciated, but you‘re an integral part of this operation. The Council specifically requested your presence--you have a role to play and you‘ll be expected to be at your best when the time comes. Now,” the watcher said, motioning for her great-aunt to follow, “we really should be leaving. It’s gotten rather late, I’m afraid, and there’s much to be done tomorrow.”

Just as she was closing the door behind her, Hetty popped her head back in. “Almost forgot, dears. Tomorrow is laundry day. What time should I pop in to fetch the sheets and towels?”

Buffy looked at Spike and hunched her shoulders. He was going to be the only one in, so it was up to him.

“Anytime after noon will do, luv. Just knock first. Wouldn’t want you to catch me starkers.”

Only Spike’s vampiric hearing caught the ‘wouldn’t be bad for me’ comment that the older lady mumbled as she closed the door.

Buffy sighed and sat down on the couch. “You know, this whole thing would be so much easier if we knew where to go. I mean, I don’t even know where the East End is! How can I find the building if I can’t even find the East End?” When silence met her rant, the young woman looked up. Had Spike gone out for a smoke without her noticing? Figures she’d be sitting around talking to herself...

But no, the vampire was right there in the living room, busying himself with cleaning up. That’s how the Slayer knew something was up. She smiled inwardly at her partner’s attempt to ignore her. So he was still pissed off--why should that surprise her? Maturity was obviously something he’d neglected to pick up in his century-plus of existence.


Gaze still averted, Spike replied in a monotone voice. “Stop what?”

“Stop. Sulking.” Good--at least that got him to look at her.

“I’m not sulking, Slayer. Vampires do not sulk.”

Why me? Buffy stood up and crossed her arms across her chest. “Fine, then. Stop ignoring me by pretending to keep busy because you’re mad at me.”

Spike’s brow creased as he tried to decipher what had been said. Finally cluing in on her sarcasm, he replied, “I’m not...” Unable to restrain his emotions any longer, he threw the glass against a wall, shattering it into jagged pieces. “Bloody hell! You expect me to just sit around tomorrow waiting to see if you’re going to make it back in one piece? Didn’t you hear what she said about that Simon nit? Pelorak are bad news, and if they catch you sniffin’ around...”

“Spike...” She kept her voice calm and steady. The last thing she needed to do was fuel the fire that was raging within the vampire, especially when it burned for fear of her welfare. Walking towards him slowly, she placed a hand on his forearm. “They won’t catch me. I’ll be uber-careful girl. I’ll, like, hide behind old boat pieces and sneak around on my tiptoes like they do in cartoons.”

Damn that Slayer. He couldn’t even stay mad at her. “I know, pet. It’s just... It’s gonna be hell for me not being there to back you up. I’ll feel useless sittin’ around waiting for you.”

“You’d better not just sit around. Spike, you’ve got over a hundred years of experience in the demon world. You yourself used to plot all kinds of hairbrained schemes.” Buffy smiled at the vampire’s mock protest. “I need you to come up with a plan. Plans. As many as you can come up with--we don’t know how this is going to go down, and we need to be as prepared as we can. I know you can’t do much without the information I’m going out for, but we still need to get our gears turning. We might be separated tomorrow, but we‘ll be working towards one goal: getting that baby back.”

When she was done, Spike knew more than ever why he’d fallen in love with the Slayer. Strong enough to put him back in his place, yet diplomatic enough to make him agree with her. She was his equal, yet as different from him as anyone could be. Bringing his hand up to cup her neck, he stroked the newest set of bites with the pad of his thumb. “We’d best get to bed, then. See you off to an early start so you can come back sooner.”

Buffy turned towards the bed, chuckling softly. “Yeah, I think I’m going to need as much sleep as possible. It‘s been a truly crazy day.”

Author's Note: A great big thanks from my muse to all who have been reviewing! See you on Thursday :)

32 by Pipergirl

Chapter 32

(Author’s note: I used my creative liberties in Buffy’s transit fiasco. Please don’t fret if the bus numbers don‘t exist... It’s all part of my own little world)

Buffy grimaced as she pulled her shoe out of a puddle of... well, she didn’t know what it was, but it was green and oily-looking. Probably not good for her leather boots, though. Her mantra, ever since embarking on her little solo mission that very morning, was ‘Spike was right’. Not something she would admit out loud, and especially not in the vampire’s presence, but each and every step of the way had been peppered with aggravations.

She had started off well enough, calling transit information to find out which bus to take to the Tower Bridge from the hotel. Giles would have been proud--Buffy, action girl, actually took the time out to plan before heading out.

Well, that had been the intention. The woman at the transit help desk, as helpful and cheery as she was for such an early hour--Hey! 9am is early!--explained that Buffy needed to take ‘bus number 24’ before the Slayer thanked her and hung up. In retrospect, Buffy was pretty sure that, had she listened to the whole of the woman’s instructions, she would have arrived at her destination two hours earlier.

When she had stepped onto the platform at the small bus terminal, she’d quickly found bus 24A. That was easy! She walked over to the vehicle and hopped on, proud of her independence. It was when the bus returned to the same terminal--without, of course, having reached the Tower Bridge--that Buffy began to have her doubts. Maybe she’d missed it. Maybe she’d been looking the other way, at some old church or a cool house, when the bus had driven by. This time, the young woman was prepared--she wouldn’t miss a thing.

Same terminal, no Tower Bridge. Crap.

The bus driver must have noticed her confusion--that or he was tired of seeing her sitting there--because he walked over to her after the last passenger had left. “Excuse me, miss? Is there something I can do for you?”

Trying to steady her breathing--she certainly didn’t want to come across as an idiot--Buffy opened her mouth and... everything came out at once, words tripping one over the other, a hundred miles an hour. “I’m supposed to get to the Tower Bridge, and I called this morning so I’d be prepared, cause I don’t usually do that--I usually get lost and everything, and the lady--who was really nice, by the way--told me I needed to get on bus number 24, and I did, but you haven’t gone there yet and...” Embarrassed at her frustrated outburst, she pouted. “And I think I’m on the wrong bus.”

The driver held back a smirk. This one was a real charmer. “Don’t worry about it. You’re certainly not the first to make that mistake. You need to be on bus 24B. This is 24A. We do mirror loops of London--you’ve been taking in the city’s West side. 24B is just over there,” he pointed to the bus behind them, “if you hurry, you should be able to hop on.”

Buffy shot up out of her seat and flew out of the bus’s rear doors. Five seconds later, she popped her head back in and gave the driver a wide grin, a heartfelt “Thanks!!”, and disappeared again. The man just shook his head and returned to his seat, chuckling. As crazy as this job was, it did have its finer moments.

The first thing that came out of the Slayer’s mouth as she faced the other bus’s driver was “do you go to the Tower Bridge?” At the driver’s nod, she let out a breath of relief and thanked him. There was no way she was going to take another useless two hour ride, no matter how neat London was.

The drive to the bridge was quicker than she expected and as she saw it looming in the near distance, Buffy chimed the bell to be let off at the next stop.

The young woman thanked the driver, hopped off the bus, and took a moment to look around her. Hmm... now where to?


There was no way Buffy could have missed her destination. All she had to do was follow her nose. The docks were everything she’d imagined, and then some. Her nose wrinkled in distaste at the stench that assaulted it. Fish, oil, sulphur and a hint of something else of which she’d rather remain ignorant hung thick in the air. She was so going to need a bath after this.

Locating the docks had been the easy part. Navigating them--well, that was a mite trickier. Although she’d been born with a keener sense of navigation than most--yay Slayer powers!, Buffy was glad that she’d earned her orienteering badge during her short stint with the girl guides.

As she wound her way around stacks of skids and old boat hulls, she kept her senses open to any danger. She was all too aware of the threat posed by humans in these kinds of places.

The buildings around her were in various states of collapse. She couldn’t really tell that any of them were still in use. Broken windows, missing doors--the buildings lay vacant, simple shells of their former selves.

As a young girl, Buffy had often wondered if houses and buildings had memories. Did they sit there, empty and forgotten, thinking of better days gone by? Could these factories remember the office gossip, the Christmas parties, the tears shed on the last day before their doors were closed?

A noise shook the Slayer from her thoughts. Deciding that she didn’t want to make the acquaintance of anyone else who might be lurking among the piles of garbage, she hid behind a large rusted piece of machinery. Peering in between giant gears and metal rod... thingies, she spied two men dragging a bag behind them.

A lumpy bag.

A lumpy bag that was struggling and quite unhappy, if the stifled screams coming from it were any indication.

Buffy whimpered and crouched down even lower behind her makeshift blind. Fighting the urge to run, she remained rooted to the spot, unable to peel her eyes from the scene that was unfolding before her.

The two men dragged the bag behind a pile of wooden skids, so that only their upper bodies were visible. The Slayer jumped at the sound of muffled gunshots and a subsequent splash. When they emerged from behind the skids, the bag was no longer in their possession.

It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together, and Buffy was understandably wigged. Obviously the docks held secrets more dangerous to her than the Pelorak.

Slinking out of her hiding spot after seeing the killers’ car pull away--why do all these hitmen-type guys always drive big, expensive black cars with tinted windows, anyway?--Buffy stretched and took in her immediate surroundings.

Straight ahead of her was the land’s edge, right where... whoever... had been sent to swim with the fishes. She shuddered at the thought and fought back a momentary pang of guilt at her inaction at someone’s murder. To her left and right stretched the waterway, a roadway following its length. She looked down one way, then down the other, trying to decide which way to turn, when she decided to look behind her.

There it was. A tallish building of about four stories’ height. The Meridian Marine Freightways Company head office loomed behind her, broken windows marring its otherwise intact fronty-thingie.

In a disturbing way, the line of windows along its front reminded Buffy of an insincere smile, broken teeth adding to its dementia.

Swivelling on the spot to face the building, the young woman began to walk towards it at a quick pace. From its outer appearance, she couldn’t tell whether or not anything evil was going on inside. It would take more than a cursory glance to determine if Blakeford and the Pelorak were using it.

The threat of dismemberment kept the Slayer at her stealthiest. A lot of good a limbless Slayer will be, guarding the Hellmouth, she thought wryly as she stepped around yet another puddle of viscous greenish liquid. Scrunching her nose at the vile ooze, she tried to quash thoughts of toxic waste. Not because it was a silly idea, but rather because it was too plausible for her own liking.

When she reached the building’s side, she looked up to the windows’ edge and cursed under her breath. “Shit.” She was about four inches too short, even with the solid three inch heels on her boots. Looking around for something on which she could stand, she spied an empty electrical wire spool. She looked up to the skies and mouthed a quick thanks before scooting over to fetch her makeshift stand.

Rolling the spool over to one of the windows, she flopped it over onto its side and pushed it against the wall. Glancing one last time around her, she hopped up onto the spool, peered into the building...

“Fuck... Oh God...” Her heart rate doubled as she digested what she had seen. There must have been over a hundred Pelorak in the warehouse, many in various training sessions. Some with weapons, some without. Others were along the walls sharpening weapons.

Although taken aback at the sheer number of these purple demons, her attention became fixed on the warehouse’s centre. A platform had been erected there, and two men stood on it, obviously in the middle of a heated discussion. Well, one of the men was visibly agitated, but the second seemed aloof. He may even have been amused by the first man’s irritation.

Buffy looked closer at Irritated Man. Of medium height, middle aged from what she could see, and wearing a very antiquated suit, the man looked like he’d walked off a page of the Council’s handbook.

The other man, however, was much different. Both physically and in character. Much younger than Irritated Man, this one was very tall and thin. He was also a hell of a lot calmer than his partner. Arms crossed over his chest, a corner of his lips turned upwards into a smirk, he seemed amused by the other’s outburst. Buffy couldn’t help but snicker along, as the scenario reminded her of pretty much every lecture she’d had from Giles.

The Slayer’s attention became even more riveted to Calm Man as he held his hand out, effectively cutting off Irritated Man’s rant. Calling out to a Pelorak that was walking by, he motioned him up onto the platform. They seemed to be comfortable with each other, the young man’s hand amicably placed on the demon’s arm as they chatted about something.

Then something strange began to happen. The point of contact between man and demon began to fizzle. The Pelorak looked surprised and began to struggle, but Calm Man’s demeanour never changed. His friendly smile never faltered, and the other’s struggles didn’t even seem to bother him, as he remained at ease in his stance.

Slowly, the Pelorak began to shake, his skin burning. Buffy could hear its screams from where she stood; as much as she hated demons, she couldn’t help but feel pity for this particular one’s agony. She closed her eyes and counted slowly to fifteen, hoping that she could miss the worst of it. When her eyes reopened, her gaze settled on something that nearly made her toss her breakfast.

Right there on the platform lay the Pelorak’s body, or rather what remained of it. She could still see it from the waist down to its feet, but its upper body seemed to have... melted.

Buffy gasped at the horrible sight and promptly lurched back, losing her balance and falling down onto the ground. She scooted backwards, away from the building, on her hands and feet before rising to a stand.

Then, she did one of the most sensible things she’d ever done in her life. She ran. One Pelorak she and Spike could take. Five, probably. Ten, they’d have to be in top form, on a really good day. One hundred? Nope, no siree Bob. Not gonna go there, not even gonna try. And never mind the unhinged wizard--she didn’t even want to think about him and his melty badness. It no longer mattered to her how many doors the building had, what its layout was or whether the sun filtered in. All she could see in her mind’s eye was the formidable size of the enemy, and how futile this plan seemed to be all of a sudden.


Spike leaned against the counter, propped on the same stool he’d been occupying for the past three hours. Unable to get his mind off the Slayer--he was worried, he could admit that freely and without shame--he’d been staring at the same blank piece of paper forever. He wondered if she’d made it to the port okay. Knowing her, she probably ended up on the wrong side of town...

The sound of the room’s door slamming open startled the vampire. Jumping up out of his seat and knocking it over in the process, he looked over to see a pale, dishevelled Slayer. The vampire opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong, but no sound came out. All his attention was focussed on the small blonde, who was approaching him with a very unreadable expression.


The young woman lifted her fingers to his lips. “Shh, don’t. Just make love to me.” Her mouth crashed against his feverishly, her teeth nipping at his lower lip, her tongue seeking his own out.

Spike knew this had to do with something the Slayer had seen on her field trip. Obviously something bad. Very bad. But he knew better than to put a stop to her actions, when she seemed to need the contact so badly. So he responded in kind, pulling her body close to his until only the breadth of their clothing separated them.

Hands desperate to memorize every inch of skin flew to their clothing, ripping it when its fasteners wouldn’t give way quickly enough. Inch by inch their legs brought them to the massive bed’s edge, bringing them that much closer to the much-needed encounter.

It was all too much yet not enough for Buffy. She wanted it all right away, skin against skin, slick with perspiration, the feel, taste and smell of her lover. But the faster it happened, the sooner it would be over.

And, she was afraid.

Afraid that this would be the last time she’d ever know ecstasy, ever melt under the ministration of her lover. The feel of his hands cupping her breasts, the way his thigh ground against her clit as his hips pressed against hers, the cool sensation of his breath against her lips as he told her over and over again how beautiful she was, how much he loved her.

Every time her mind was assaulted by images of a dark wizard or a mutilated Pelorak, Buffy would hold him closer, whisper “more”, or “harder”, trying to postpone the inevitable apocalypse.

And Spike acquiesced to her every demand. His body was hers, as was his heart and--wherever it was--his soul.

The frenzy of their coupling couldn’t last forever. At last, when they both felt the hitch in their rhythm, they let themselves fall freely over the precipice, holding on to each other as they plummeted.

Author's Note: Bit of a change from my usual diatribe... There are two people dear to me who are very sick. The mother of a friend of mine and my uncle are both suffering from cancer, and have taken turns for the worse. I'd like for you to keep them in your thoughts and prayers, so that perhaps their suffering is lessened.

Thanks so much

33 by Pipergirl

Chapter 33

Spike lay on his back, the Slayer‘s head resting against his chest, soft golden hair tickling his skin. He wondered what it felt like to her, not hearing the heartbeat that should have been pounding beneath her ear. She was unusually quiet, nowhere near as chatty as her usual self. Then again, she hadn‘t really been herself since she‘d walked into the apartment with that frightened look in her eyes.

Whatever she had seen had done a number on the Slayer. Had scared her enough to come running back to his arms, whether or not she’d admit to it. Spike may not have known her intimately for very long, but he knew nonetheless that it wasn’t often that Buffy Summers sought support so desperately.

Deciding to break the silence--as nice as it was--the vampire voiced the question that was on his mind. He kept his voice low, not wanting to startle her. “So, what brought that on? Not that I‘m complaining, mind you.”

Buffy nestled closer to the vampire, clinging to him in a strong grip. She didn’t want to bring up the memory of what she’d witnessed, of the near army of Pelorak, getting stronger, swifter by the moment. And that young man--he could be no other but Evan Blakeford. The way he’d killed without remorse... Despair weighed her down, burning in the pit of her stomach.

“Pet--are you ok?” Spike was beginning to worry. The Slayer hadn’t answered his question. Instead, she acted as if she was alone in the room. Gently, he brushed the back of his fingers against her shoulder. “Buffy, please answer me.”

Buffy sighed and turned her face up towards him. “I’m not sure we’re gonna win this, Spike. What I saw over there, it was.. It wasn’t good. Really not good.” She leaned in towards the hand that was now caressing her face. The constant contact was a relief, and it kept her grounded. “I think they know we’re coming. Not you and me specifically, but the Council. There must have been over a hundred Pelorak--they were training and sharpening their weapons. They looked ready for battle, Spike. How are we supposed to win against that?”

Over a hundred Pelorak... In his century-plus of existence, the vampire couldn’t imagine anything that had ever instilled even an iota of fear into him. Ok, maybe there was that time in Prague. That definitely scared some sense into him--there had been no taunting the mob that night, that was for sure. But apart from Prague, he’d faced death... undeath... redeath?... he’d faced the possible end of his existence numerous times; each time he’d laughed in its face.

But his own niggling doubts were of no consequence. He needed to convince Buffy that it could be done. “Piffle, love. You’ve thwarted apocalypses and prophecies before. I heard about you and the Master--good riddance, by the way. Ol’ grandad got what he deserved, the pontificating batfaced wanker.” Buffy’s giggling made him pause. Obviously his plan to lighten her mood was working. “An’ then there was Angelus. Sent him on his way to hell, like a good little Slayer...”


Her voice was barely a whisper, but Spike caught the word clearly. “What about Angel, love? It was Angelus you sent back, not the poofter.”

He doesn’t know. Buffy realised that Spike had no idea what had transpired on the bier a few years prior. The searing pain she’d always felt at the memory of her sacrifice was now only a dull ache. Over the time that had spanned since Acathla, she had come to terms with her actions. Angel’s forgiveness had helped, too.

“It was Angel, not Angelus, Spike.” Sigh. “Willow managed to restore his soul, but it was too late--the portal had already been opened. If I hadn’t gone through with it, Acathla and who knows what else would have come through. I... I didn’t have a choice.”

Spike’s heart bled for her. Well, figuratively, anyway. He couldn’t ever imagine putting anyone or anything ahead of the love he had had for Dru (before she left him, the cheating bitch), or Buffy. Cradling her close to him he kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry love. I know it doesn’t mean much, but I truly am.”

Buffy sniffled. “I don’t want to have to go through that again, watch people I love die. Spike, I don’t want to watch you die. I just couldn’t take it, you know?”

“Not gonna happen. I mean, you dropped an organ on me and broke my back, yet here I am, shagging you to unconsciousness...”

“I did not black out! I was sleepy...”

“I know, I‘m just teasin‘ you. But, look. We’ll call the Council, get them involved. With the odds that are against us, they’re going to have to back us up somehow.” When Buffy giggled, he looked at her questioningly.

“Sorry. I just had a funny image pop into my head. An army of Watchers all made up like in Braveheart, but with tweed jackets over their kilts.” She reached up and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “But you’re right. I’ll call Amelia and we’ll set up a meeting for first thing tonight.” Stretching, she yawned. “First, though, let’s get some sleep--real sleep, buster. I need to get rid of these stressy feelings.”


“What do you mean we’re on our own?!” Buffy and Spike had arrived at the Council of Watchers an hour ago, and had been kept waiting. No one had come by to give them a reason for the delay, not Amelia, not the old bat, and certainly not Travers. They, among others, had been holed up in the board room in an emergency meeting.

And then, when they were finally let in, the two blondes didn’t even have a chance of speaking up before their request was quashed.

Her question was aimed at Travers, who, for once, looked like he was acting on someone else’s orders. Usually immaculately attired and groomed, tonight he... well, he looked like hell, Buffy thought. His eyes looked glassy, his hair was unruly and his tie was askew. Nope, not a good night for the head Watcher, she mused.

The older man sighed and, before answering, caught the eye of another watcher. One who had a smug look on his face. Travers’s lips were stretched thin, as if he were being coaxed into something with which he didn’t wholeheartedly agree. “I’m sorry, Miss Summers, but the Council has limited resources which are already spread thin...”

“Limited resources, my ass! Listen here...”

“No, you listen here, Miss Summers.” It was the smug man. He rose from his leather armchair with an air of importance. His voice was nasal and high pitched--Buffy thought he’d be perfectly cast as the bad guy in a Dickens novel. “Against its better judgement, the Council board of directors agreed with Quentin’s idea of enlisting you and it” he motioned towards Spike, ignoring the bleach blonde’s low growl, “a renegade Slayer and a vampire, to find this child and thwart Evan. If you’re not up to the task, we’ll just have to find champions who are.” He looked around and smiled. A few members were nodding and ‘yes’ing.

Something about the man was familiar to Buffy. It wasn’t just the tweed--she’d seen enough of that since being chosen to last her a lifetime. No, she just... she’d seen him somewhere, and recently at that. Where had she been recently? The Calico, the Pul... the Nex--no, she‘d definitely remember seeing tweed in a demon hangout. That small grocery store, the butcher’s... the museum? No, none of those places either. Then it struck her, in full technicolour. Oh, shit... the shipyards!

Spike couldn’t believe that the Slayer was just standing there after having been interrupted by that pompous prig. All high and mighty with his yes men. How smug would he still be faced with his demon? He was about to open his mouth, to defend their request--and how lame was that, that William the Bloody was reduced to begging the Council of Watchers--when he felt Buffy’s hand on his arm. Her hazel eyes were filled with apprehension and silently asked him to go along with her.

“You know what, guys? You’re absolutely right.” Irritated Man, as she’d dubbed him on her recon mission earlier that day, stopped his posturing out of shock. Travers, Amelia and a few others looked crestfallen, but the room’s general consensus was one of satisfaction. Apparently, they were buying it. In spades. “What kind of a Slayer would I be if I couldn’t at least try to do this on my own? Or, with Spike here? You guys keep your resources, go use them on... well, more important things. We‘ll just be on our way and leave you guys to your tweedy stuff.”

Had he not implicit trust in his Slayer, Spike’s jaw would be as slack as everyone else’s. Instead, he puffed out his chest, making it look like he was brassed off, and grumbled. “Well, that was a waste of my time, Slayer. Let’s get the hell out of here; I’m sick of this place.”

Buffy caught Amelia’s eye before turning around. “Oh, can it will you? You big whiner... It’s not like you had anything better to do with your time. We’ll just be on our merry way, then.”

As they waited to be let back onto the elevator, Spike nudged the Slayer. “Why the hell did you change your mind? We’ll never get...” He cut it short, noticing that Amelia was walking towards them.

Ignoring the vamp--for now, Buffy waited until Amelia was right behind her. Loud enough for anyone to hear, she sighed. “What, you think we’re going to steal the numbers on the elevator pad, or something? Fine, do as you wish.” More quietly, though, she added: “Come with us, ok?”

Never having been slow on the uptake, the watcher opened the door. “Come on, then. You’ve got some planning to do--no dilly-dallying!”

When they were in the elevator, Buffy busied herself by looking around. “Is this thing bugged?”

“No, the surveillance equipment starts at the waiting room just outside the elevator. Buffy, what’s wrong?” Amelia was worried. Every nerve in her body was telling her that something very, very bad was happening for Buffy to have capitulated against Morehead.

“Good.” The young woman pressed the stop button, and the lift clunked to a sudden halt. “This morning I went to the docks, for that recon mission we discussed last night. I found the building that Simon told you about, and I had a chance to look inside. Aside from about a hundred well-armed Pelorak and someone who’s obviously Evan Blakeford, was that idiot from the meeting. The one who told me to buck up and take it like a Slayer.”

“Stewart?! He’s a wanker, but... Are you absolutely sure it was him? Irrevocably positive?” It was more than possible that Blakeford had inside contacts. He would have lured more corruptible watchers with promises of power and wealth. She was upset that Travers, Washburn and the others hadn’t brought it up. But then again, if they suspected it, to whom would they disclose their fears?

“Yes, irrevocably positive. As sure as God made little green apples, Amelia. He was there, in his tweedy evilness, arguing with Blakeford.” Then it struck her, what he’d said. “He’s been pitting people against Travers and the good guys. Split the council, make it weaker, undermine the mission. Why else would he try to convince the Council that Spike and I aren’t up to the task? Because we’re your only hope, that’s why!”

Spike watched with admiration as the Slayer’s back straightened and her chin once again took its upright position. Now there’s my fierce warrior, he thought to himself. This is what it had taken for her to regain confidence. If Blakeford and this Stewart wanker (he gave Amelia bonus points for having used the term) were trying so hard to plant hurdles in their path, then obviously they were fearing the worst.

Amelia smiled, herself proud of the young woman who stood before her. She was the epitome of what a Slayer should be--strong, defiant, sure of herself; actually, if every woman shared those qualities, the world would be a much different place. “This is very big news, then, Buffy. I’ll have to catch Quentin on his own, but I’m sure he’ll hear me out. He’s been rather haggard these past few days; I fear that he may suspect this exact scenario.” Pressing the button that would allow their ride to resume, she looked both of them over. “Quentin was very wise in choosing his champions. Never forget that. Either of you.”

Author's Note: First of all, thanks to everyone and their kind words regarding my previous note. It means much to me to know that my readers are so thoughtful :) And I hope the story's plot has picked up a bit, action-wise. We're nearing the point where I'm still writing, and it's a slow go right now. But don't worry--this will never be an incomplete WIP. It might just take a bit of time, is all...

34 by Pipergirl

Chapter 34

“So, did she call yet?” Buffy barged through the door, grocery bags in hand. She hoped that this would all be over sooner than later--they were running out of money. Did England even have soup kitchens?

Spike’s head peered around the television for a moment before disappearing again. “Yeah. She and Travers, along with a few other Council members--an’ I’m guessing they aren’t members of Stewie’s entourage--will be here later on.” Message delivered, he returned his attention to his football match.

The young woman looked around at their digs and shrieked. “Did they say what time?!” The place looked like a disaster zone: the bed was unmade--really, really unmade, as in ‘mattresses hanging off the side’ unmade; there were clothes lying around; dishes on the coffee table.

“No... Argh! That wasn’t an offside! Get your bloody eyes... hey!” Spike sat up straight the second that the TV went black. “What’s this all about, then?”

Buffy’s eyes were narrow slits. Here she was, cleaning up the mess, and Spike was watching soccer. Typical guy... “What this is all about, then, is that we’re going to have people over here, at some unknown time because someone doesn’t know how to ask questions, and the place is a ‘bloody’ mess!!” She threw an armful of his t-shirts at him, catching him right in the face. “Now pick up your clothing, get it out of sight, and put the dirty dishes in the sink.”

Spike knew when to argue, and when not to. This was definitely the latter. So, grumbling, he gathered the clothing and went off to complete his assigned tasks. He mumbled under his breath, “used to be the bloody scourge of Europe, I’m William the Bloody, for Christ’s sake, fuckin’ stuck here cleaning a hotel room for the Council of Watchers...”

The Slayer rolled her eyes and let him kvetch all he wanted. There was no way she was having Council members--or anyone, for that matter--over in this mess. If there was one thing that Joyce Summers had instilled in her daughter, it was that one’s house (or hotel room, in this case) was an extension of one’s self. While Travers and Amelia were already sold on Buffy and Spike’s capabilities in this assignment, she needed to convince the others that weren’t relying on a spoiled brat and an undead slob.

And a clean apartment--with the cheese, crackers and appetizer fixins she’d picked up, just in case--would help project that image.


This watcher business was not new to Sylvia Washburn. She was a fifth generation watcher, third generation board member. Vampires, demons, Slayers--she had it all down pat. But, as she sat in a living room at the Sheffield Arms, she couldn’t help but feel that her whole world had fallen over on its ear.

The Slayer’s accusations against Stewart were grave. His own seniority and standing in the Council were even higher than Sylvia‘s; to boldly suggest that he was in league with darker powers was a serious insinuation. But she had given her word to Quentin and the others that she would remain open-minded until every detail was aired.

And, watching the scene in the kitchen through its reflection in the window, she had to be nothing but open-minded. Leaning over to pick up a carrot stick off of a tray, her eyes were glued on the Slayer and her vampire. There was no doubt that they were intimate: William gently laid his hand on Miss Summer’s lower back every time he needed to squeeze by in the tight quarters where they were working; when they weren’t quietly talking one blonde always had their eyes on the other; and then, of course, there was the moment when the vampire pressed the young woman up against the refrigerator, hands roaming and lips against her neck. If the notion of anyone being touched by a vampire didn’t revolt her so much, Sylvia might just have found herself flushed by what she’d witnessed.

So much passion, so much... love?

Shaking her head, the older woman snapped out of the voyeuristic trance. Her eyes darted to Quentin’s and, judging by the look he gave her, his mind was reeling with similar conclusions.


Buffy stared at the tray of cheese. She’d opted for Stilton, Gloucester and--her safe favourite--marble. Others could have all the stinky cheese they wanted; as far as she was convinced, whatever was left was heading for the garbage before she went to bed. “Do you think I put enough? I mean, I don’t want to put too much and make them think I’m trying too hard, but I want to put enough so I don’t look like I’m cheap or anything...”

She bit her lip and turned to the vampire, who was busy plopping pate onto the other tray. “Hey! Be careful with those--put them nicely.” She began to rearrange them, but her hand was smacked.

He was going to either kill something or throw himself out the window. Ever since she’d returned from the grocer’s, Buffy had been like a woman with a mission. The Hellmouth’s own twisted version of Martha Stewart. “Slayer, if you start fiddlin’ with anything else, I’m going to lose it. The trays are stocked just enough, and are pretty enough for the bloody Council. By the look on their faces when they walked in, they’re already more than impressed with you. So for the love of Christ, let’s get on with the talking so we can get some quiet time. All these watchers are making my nerves sing.” Grabbing a tray, he nodded towards the living room. “Now come on, and quit stalling.”

She didn’t know how he did it, but the bleached vampire always saw through her. And right now was no different, even with a roomful of watchers present. Sighing, she tossed a bunch of toothpicks on the cheese tray and picked it up. It was finally time to find out the Council’s position, and what she stood to gain from them.

Although she hadn’t expected so many Council members to show up at the hotel room, Buffy feared that these nine people were the only ones who hadn’t yet fallen to Stewie’s (great, now she was even thinking like Spike) ruse. While the cheese tray made its first round, she decided to break the ice. Fighting back the urge to start with ‘Hi, my name is Buffy and I have a thing for vampires’, she cut straight to the issue at hand.

“Ok. Someone’s going to tell me that we have a kick ass plan, that we have access to unlimited resources, and that you guys are the few elected by all the others in our corner to come to this meeting.” When all she got was a couple of blank stares, some sheepish half-smiles and even more averted gazes she started over. “Didn’t think that was gonna work.” Turning to the Council head, she asked him to put them all on the same page.

Quentin Travers ran his hand through his short greying hair. The time for posturing had passed and he didn’t even try to keep up any sense of decorum. “I’m afraid, Miss Summers, that those you see present are the only members whom I trust enough to be invited to this assembly. Stewart has been very busy poisoning the minds of Council members with seeds of dissention. A veritable Wormtongue, he’s become.”

Buffy turned to Spike, who snickered at the older man’s allusion. Giving him a ’well, out with it’ stare, she silently asked him to share.

“It’s Tolkien, pet. Too long a story for this shindig. I‘ll tell you about it later”

Travers bit back a compliment. There was no way he was going to give the master vampire the satisfaction of knowing he was impressed. “In consequence, you can imagine that our resources are rather... scant. To tell you the truth, we haven’t come up with a viable plan in regards to the prophecy.”

The Slayer immediately began to pace the limited floor space. Back and forth she walked, arms crossed over her chest, lips pursed. Finally she stopped and faced her guests. “Well, we’ll just have to start at the beginning, then, won’t we?” She turned to Spike. “Could you grab a pen and a notepad or something? Your handwriting’s way better than mine...”

The vampire shrugged and got up, rummaging through the kitchen counters for something on which to jot down notes. He ignored the Council members’ stares--so he did as Buffy bade, no questions asked. It was no use arguing with her when she was in Slayer mode; anyway, of what use would it be to bicker? They were up shit creek without a paddle--no use trying to rock the boat on top of it.

When Spike was back in his seat--well, the floor, actually, seeing as all the seats were already taken by watchers--Buffy began. “We need to take note of all the resources we have. How many people, weapons, books... anything we can think of. It’s no use trying to come up with a workable plan if we don’t know what lies at our fingertips.”


The next two hours passed by quickly, as everyone gathered in the room put their heads together, trying to come up with a list of anything that would help them with their mission.

Buffy groaned. “Are you sure you can’t provide us with even ten guys that can help us fight the Pelorak? I mean, Spike and I are strong, but there’s no way that we can fight so many of them--never mind Blakeford on top of that.”

As Travers went into his third explanation of why the Council of Watchers didn’t keep an army of fighters on reserve, Spike noticed that Amelia seemed to want to speak up. She’d opened her mouth a few times, but had remained silent. Locking gazes with her, he interrupted the older man’s nattering. “Seems like someone’s got something to say.” Nodding towards the other woman, he raised his scarred eyebrow as an invitation to speak.

Amelia cleared her throat. All eyes were on her, and she didn’t quite know how she felt about that. She was frank with Travers, but she’d never been given the opportunity to join in with so many higher Council members. “I may have an idea, but I’m not sure how it’s going to be received.”

“Hey, right now anything’s better than the nada we’ve got.” Buffy was eager to hear a fresh idea after having the same crap rehashed over the past couple of hours.

Ok, here goes... “Well, Council may not have the resources to join Buffy and William on the battlefield, but we do have the resources to help them help themselves.” She’d expected the blank stares, so she went on with her oft-practiced explanation. “If we are able to increase their ability to cope with Evan and his army, it will be as if they actually have backup. Why can’t we get Ruth to teach Buffy a few spells--basic protection and self-healing spells can be taught to a beginner.”

Spike remained silent among the tumult that ensued. Aside from the Slayer, whose eyes had lit up like a Christmas tree at the mention of magic, most present nixed the idea. “No Slayer has ever dabbled in magic”, “That’s a preposterous suggestion”, “How are basic spells supposed to help against Evan”... Strangely enough, though, Travers had also remained silent. The vampire watched him carefully, the older man’s eyes closed, lips pursed, index finger and thumb pressed against his forehead.

The sound of his voice, quiet as it was, brought silence to the room. “While unorthodox, Amelia’s suggestion is the most workable of the ones that have been brought up this evening. Miss Summers has the same potential for magic as any novice, due to the mystical nature of her powers. I agree that it wouldn’t be my first choice as a plan, but we are working with a very time-sensitive mission. Two days from now, Buffy will meet with Ruth at an assigned location for her first lesson.” Sternly, he interrupted the beginnings of more protests. “There will be no arguing. A decision has been made.”

A voice broke the silence that ensued. “And what about me? How the hell am I supposed to deal with a bloody army of Pelorak? Click my heels together three times and wish myself back to the hotel?!”

If his countenance hadn’t been grim before, by now Travers looked downright ashen. “You leave that detail up to me, William. When the time comes, your challenge will have been vastly altered.” He left it to that, and was glad the vampire didn’t question him.

At that, the Council members began to prepare to leave. Most were unsettled with the decisions that had been made, but resigned to trust their faith in the Head of Council. He had led them through some serious situations and was yet to let them down.


The door closed after the last departing guest, and Buffy quickly snapped the deadbolt into place. She turned to survey the room, let herself fall back against the door with a thud and groaned at the mess. “Ugh... I’m never going to bed.” Walking around the room, she began to gather up half-empty trays.

“Pet, just throw them into the fridge. You can worry about them later.” Spike followed her, gathering glasses and used napkins. Council members may be rich, but they certainly didn’t clean up after themselves. “Right now, you need sleep. That training’s going to wear you out--magic required immense concentration and if you don’t have at least one day to rest, you won’t be able to keep up.”

Closing the refrigerator door, the young woman sighed. “You’re right. All I need right now is a fluffy pillow, nice warm blankets and a special someone to snuggle up against.” She made her way to the bedroom as the vampire turned the lights off, imagining Willow’s jealousy at her official training. This was going to be so much fun...


Seated in his conservative black Mercedes sedan, Quentin Travers stared at his cell phone. He’d dialled the number--he still remembered it, after all these years--but was yet to press ‘send’. Sighing, he finally pressed it, knowing he had no other choice. Buffy and William depended on it; the baby depended on it; the world depended on it.

Three rings and someone finally picked up the line. “’Ello?”

*Sigh* He would have preferred to never hear that voice ever again. “It’s me.”

The other man seemed delighted, but in a self-important way. Voice teeming with false propriety, he chuckled. “Well, well. Never thought I’d ever hear from you again. And how are you doing, dear old Quentin?”

Travers ignored the taunt. “I need a... favour.” The words tasted bitter in his mouth. “There’s something that that I need you to do, and don’t bloody well ask me any questions. You know I wouldn’t contact you if it wasn’t of dire importance.”

There was a pause at this, as if the other held back a snide remark or two. All false pretence aside, his voice was now as cold as the Council Head’s. “Fine. I said I owed you one and, as much as you’d love to disagree, I’m a man of my word. What is it you need?”

Travers explained his requirements in fine detail to the man, glad that he’d allowed him to go straight to business. Sometimes, dealing with him was more than it was worth. “And it has to be done tonight.”

Tonight?! Are you insane? How do you expect me to gather my resources on such short notice? Two, maybe three nights from now, but...”

“Two or three nights from now you’re going to be as knee deep in shit as the rest of the world, if this doesn’t get done tonight!” He didn’t lose his temper or swear often, but Quentin’s patience did have its limits. “Now, it gets done tonight. Do you understand?”

Resigned to agree--Lord knew what kind of apocalypse they were facing this time, the man let out a frustrated breath. “Yes. I understand. It will be done tonight, as you have ‘requested’. But that’s the last favour you’ll ask of me, big brother.”

The line went dead and Travers let his head fall onto the steering wheel, both relieved and nervous. This had to work, or they stood no chances at winning.

Author's Note: Well, here you have it. The last chapter I have in reserve. I'd love to be able to say that the next chapter's almost done and that I can post it on Monday, but I don't lie to good readers :) There are a few details I need to iron out re: magic, and I need to get many of my thoughts organized in regards to what's going to happen with Evan. My most difficult writing is yet to be undertaken. So please be patient--I'll do my best! And thanks, as always, for the lovely reviews.

And--cause I almost forgot this...--thanks to Passionfish for DP's honourable mention at Morbid Desires!! She's running a great site--go check it out! www.morbiddesires.com

35 by Pipergirl

Chapter 35

The two blondes sat at the edge of their seats, eyes glued to the scene unfolding on the television. They’d received an anonymous phone call earlier in the morning urging them to watch the twelve o’clock news and, although they’d had some doubts as to the veracity of the call, were now riveted to the screen.

“Police are still tight-lipped about the cause of the explosion, but are not yet ruling out arson. Firefighters have been fighting to get the blaze under control since eight o’clock this morning, when the first in a series of blasts was detonated in the East End. So far no casualties have been found, but...”

On the screen, the fire could be seen from the viewpoint of a news helicopter. The location seemed familiar to Buffy, who had been experiencing more déjà vu these past few days than ever.

“The BBC was unsuccessful in contacting the owners of The Meridian Marine Freightways Company, but their legal representative issued a statement to the press confirming that the building on fire is indeed what used to be their head office.”

The images changed from the fire to stock footage of what the building once looked like, along with a background story on the company. Jumping up onto her feet, Buffy screamed, pointing to the television. “Aha! I knew I recognized the building. It’s where I saw Blakeford and the Pelorak!” Sobering up, she stopped her bouncing around. “Wow. I wonder if one of Blakeford’s spells went wonky or something...”

“Bloody hell...” Spike fell back against the couch’s cushions, his hand loosely covering his mouth. “I never imagined the old man had it in him.”

Huh?! The Slayer poked the vampire in the shoulder. Her voice tinged with more than a bit of aggravation, she drew an imaginary circle in the air. “See this? It’s a loop. Guess who’s out of it. Again...

Rubbing his shoulder--damn, but she had pointy fingers--the bleached blonde explained. “Remember last night, when I was griping about how I’m supposed to go up against a hundred Pelorak?”

“Oh, so you finally admit you whine, huh?” It was just too tempting for Buffy--he’d left himself wide open with that one.

“Fuck off, Summers. Now, do you remember or not?”

“Sheesh! Talk about don’t poke the angry bear. Yeah, I remember. What about it?”

Spike gave her an exacerbated look. Speaking as if to a child, he asked: “Do you remember what Travers said?” Truly, he loved her, but sometimes he wondered if her brain had an on/off switch.

At least Buffy had the decency to blush. “Well, no. Amelia and I were discussing the blankets Hetty put on the bed...”

Why even bother to groan out loud? “He said something like ’Don’t worry about it, your task will be greatly altered’ or some such rot. Or so I thought.” Nodding towards the TV, he continued. “Pretty obvious, innit? The watcher’s responsible for the blaze.” More to himself, he also mumbled something about Pelorak casualties.

“Well, I just hope the baby wasn’t in there, cause that would be bad.” She didn’t mention it, but the Slayer was also impressed with Travers. It was now obvious that he had way more balls than she’d thought, and wasn’t afraid to hit hard when necessary.

“I doubt it, love. The warlock wouldn’t have held the baby in the warehouse--too obvious. He’s probably got it holed up in a house in the middle of suburbia somewhere.”

There was a silence as each blonde ruminated on the significance of that morning’s event.

Shaking out of her reverie, Buffy began cleaning up after their lunch. Picking up plates and glasses--and leaving a half-drunk mug of blood behind--she went across the room to the kitchen. “You’re gonna have to find something quiet to do for a while. I have to practice my meditation for tomorrow. As cool as learning magic is going to be, I’m going to have a sucker of a headache if I’m not in the right mindset.”

The vampire nodded and got up off the couch, stretching. “I’ll go take a bit of a walk--see if Hetty needs any help with anything.” Not for the first time, nor the last, he groaned inwardly at his newfound sense of helpfulness. Whipped didn’t even cover it...


Buffy licked her lips and rubbed her hands together. “Ok, I know I can do this.” Her eyes glanced over to Spike, who was reclining on a chair. She could tell he was biting back a smile and growled at him. “Quit looking at me like that! I’d like to see you try this--feeling your aura isn’t exactly easy you know.”

Ruth, the witch who was very patiently trying to teach the Slayer the basics, closed her eyes and counted to ten. She should have meditated for two full hours that morning, just to get that much more patience. They really should have told her about the vampire peanut gallery. Just as she opened her mouth to remind both blondes of this lesson’s importance, Miss Bishop walked into the room. Thank the goddesses for small favours... “Amelia! How nice of you to come by!”

Amelia nearly laughed out loud at the look on Ruth’s face. Her eyes were pleading, and the young watcher knew exactly why. She’d been listening through the door for the past few minutes, snickering at the blonde duo’s bickering and the witch’s exasperated sighs. “Hello, everyone. I just came by to see if William might like to go for a short walk--take a look around the Council.”

Yeah, sure. Spike wasn’t missing this for the world. “Sorry ducks, this is much more entertaining than a bunch of old goats dusting books.”

Well, she‘d known it wouldn‘t be that easy. Time to dangle the carrot... “Pity. I thought you might like to see the pub that’s on the fifth floor. It’s just been renovated--they added two new snooker tables.” When the vampire’s head shot up, eyes glowing like a tot’s on Christmas morning, she knew she’d said the magic word. But, just in case... “And they’ve got Guinness on tap.”

Before she knew what was happening, Amelia was being dragged out of the room by an eager vampire.

“Yeah, might as well leave the Slayer to her witchin’ lessons. Needs all kind of uh... concentration and the like.” Beer and snooker. This watcher knew the way to a bloke’s heart.


“You knew that beer and games were the only way you could have pried me from that room, didn’t you?” As they made their way through the stuffy hallways, lined with paintings of even stuffier Heads of Council, Spike had had time to think. He turned his gaze to the woman walking beside him, snickering when he saw her bite back a self-assured smile.

“Of course I did. Buffy’s lessons were going nowhere with you present as a distraction and, anyway, I kind of fancied myself some snooker.” Although that was partly the truth, Amelia never mentioned that she was itching to get to know the vampire better. It wasn’t every day that one got to spend time with one of the older demons, especially not one of Spike’s notoriety. That and his presence in the pub would cause quite a stir...

She knew bringing him there was a gamble, what with the rift that Stewart had created within the Council. But she could always fall on the babysitting excuse--after all, she was a junior watcher. She was always stuck with the menial tasks.

When they entered the tavern, Spike had to stifle a whistle. The Council sure knew how to spend its money. “Pretty posh digs, here, watcher,” he commented quietly. The room itself wasn’t all that vast, but its construction and adornment were lavish. Oak-panelled walls, hardwood herringbone flooring, antique chairs and tables, two huge snooker tables. Spike was temporarily set aback at the size of the tables; he’d been used to the smaller tables on which Americans played pool.

The vampire turned to the far end of the room, where a table of five older men--obviously watchers, judging by their stuffy suits--had turned to watch them enter. Spike grinned widely and waved, hollering a greeting in their direction. He laughed out loud when Amelia grabbed him by the sleeve to steer him away from the others, rolling her eyes and telling the insolent vampire to behave.

The two found themselves a table set apart from other patrons, more than happy for a little privacy. Spike gestured for Amelia to sit down and offered to get their drinks. Although she was chuffed at the offer, the watcher couldn’t help but be wary of the intentions behind it. Deciding to let this one ride out--she was more than curious to find out what the vampire had up his sleeve--she just smiled and indicated that a pint of whatever was on tap would be fine.

Spike chuckled to himself as he walked over to the bar. Lucky day, he thought to himself--the bartender was a woman. Turning the charm up to 11, he swaggered over to the counter and smiled at the brunette. “Evenin’, pet.”

Wow. Was this guy for real? Molly bit back a groan as she watched the bleached blonde try to win her over. God, these men. They all thought that women should swoon at their feet just because they were well-built, or good-looking. Well, at least this one was, on both counts--he sure beat out the old crusty watchers who tried to get her attention every day. But it didn’t really matter, since he wasn’t exactly her cuppa. She’d have to tell Carol about him--they’d share a good laugh over dinner.

But he looked like a nice enough bloke, so she smiled back at him. “Evenin’ to you, too. What can I get for you?”

The vampire toned it down a bit when her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. After a hundred and twenty years or so, a guy learns to read body language. Well, some do... “The watcher,” he nodded towards Amelia, “would like whatever you’ve got on tap. As for me, I’ve got a bit of a special request.”

Molly raised an eyebrow in question as she poured the draught into a mug. Please don’t let it be one of those bloody cosmopolitan drinks they serve downtown...

As coolly as he could, Spike leaned over the bar, eyes darting to the myriad bottles lined up in a row. Good thing there wasn‘t the eternal mirror or his joke would have been up before he could have pulled it. “Wonderin’ if you’ve got any O-Neg you can serve up? Been a while since I’ve had something fresh.” Of course, the vampire was just fishing for a reaction. Surprise, fright, anger... it would all have been funny. But he never expected the nonchalant ‘of course’ the bartender threw him.

Great. A vampire. A royal smart ass, so-full-of-himself demon. Molly knew that he was playing her, waiting to see her reaction. But she‘d seen much stranger things than vampires in this place--old men weren‘t the only things that sidled up to the oak counter. Giving him a what she hoped passed for a genuine smile. “Why don’t you sit back down, and I’ll bring your drinks over?”

Now it was the vampire’s turn to hide his surprise. Blood served to him at the Watcher’s Council? Human blood?! He nodded to her and turned away, muttering a couple of ‘bloody hell’s on the way.

Shaking her head, the bartender crouched behind the counter. O-Negative he wants, ‘O-Negative’ he gets, she mused, grabbing a bottle of Clamato and a frosted glass.


“This isn’t working. I suck at magic...” Buffy pouted, discouraged by her inability to feel her aura. Logically, it was an easy task. Close your eyes, empty yourself of all thoughts, all worries--it was just like meditating with Giles. Although she often had trouble with that one, too. But it was the next step--the ‘getting in touch with your inner self’ bit that had her frustrated.

“Buffy, you can’t be so hard on yourself. Magic isn’t something that is easily tapped, especially when it’s as difficult to reach as yours is. A Slayer relies heavily on her physical abilities--in this sense, you have a vastly superior prowess to the average human. But somewhere deep inside of you is a more mystical side, and we just have to find a way to help you find it.” Ruth smiled warmly at her young charge. “Now, maybe we can try this a different way. Close your eyes, and imagine yourself fighting. You’re surrounded by demons and you feel adrenaline surging through your entire being. Think of where this power comes from, try to trace it back to its source...”


“I still don’t think it was that bloody funny...” Spike pouted, then took another sip of his beer. He’d been had, royally had, with the Clamato. Nearly spit it all over the watcher, too.

And, watching her wipe tears of laughter from her eyes, he regretted not having done so.

“Oh, but it was!” Amelia had never seen anything so funny in her life. Not even when her brother Richard had stolen a wagonful of cabbages from old Mrs. Northamp’s field, and stuffed them in the neighbourhood’s mailboxes. The look on William’s face when he took a sip of his ’blood’... well, it was priceless. Surprise, then disbelief, then nausea; so many emotions flitted over his face as his mind--and mouth--processed the liquid he had ingested. “The look on your face, it was... it was...” Unable to find a fitting adjective, she just began to laugh anew.

Groaning in desperation, the vampire put his face in his hands. He’d wanted to attract attention to himself? Well, he’d succeeded. The table of watchers at the other end of the pub were craning their necks, trying to see what all the fuss was about. Managing to utter a few muffled curses, he lifted his head back up, eyes flashing amber as a warning. “This had better not make it to that damned diary of yours.” Of course, it was more of a plea with a bit of threat than anything too serious.

Calming down a little, Amelia decided that the vampire had been taunted long enough. It was time to make amends. She nodded towards the billiards table closest to them. “Up for a game?”

Relieved that the watcher was finally turning from his humiliation to their main reason for being there, Spike nodded curtly and got up, beer in hand. As the game began he couldn’t fathom the easy camaraderie he shared with Amelia. She was a watcher, but unlike any one he’d ever met. Even Rupert, who was about as far from what a watcher should be, was stuffy and priggish compared to her. Her easy going attitude made it easy for him to open up to her as he would to a good friend.

Which was why he wasn’t surprised when their conversation, always kept at a very low level--no use having the others hear them--turned to more personal musings.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous. Now you’re jumping to silly conclusions.” The young woman pulled her cue back and hit the ball. Although it hit its target, the second ball missed the corner pocket by a fraction. Ugh. I always miss that blasted left pocket...

“Look, Watcher, I’m not stupid. Been around too long not to be able to see through something like this. I’m being sent in as the muscle; it’s up to me to keep everything away from the Slayer while she does her job. Kill the baddie, get the baby, save the day--that’s her thing. Mine’s killin’ things.” Spike leaned in against the table, lining up his next shot. “Anyway, it’s the easiest way for the Council to get rid of me, innit? Stack the odds so I don’t make it?”

Amelia took a step back, allowing the vampire room to move to take his shot. She was taken aback at the calmness with which he was discussing the potential end to his existence. But the slight waver in his movements, leading to a missed shot, belied his relaxed demeanour. Her next words were almost a whisper; she couldn‘t afford to have any of the other patrons hear their conversation. “Then why would Travers have ordered the explosion at the warehouse?”

Spike knew she was trying to change his thoughts, to shed a new light on things, but this was the Council and every shred of his being mistrusted it. “Simple. If the odds against me are too great, I won’t be able to hold them off long enough.” When the watcher’s mouth opened again, he cut her off. “Look. I’m not saying this is gonna be the last of me--I’m gonna do my damnedest to walk out of there with Buffy and the baby. But odds are just as good that I won’t. And if that happens...” He let out a breath and cast his gaze to the pub’s floor. It took everything to bring his eyes back up to meet with the watcher’s worried face. “And if that happens, I want you to take care of Buffy. Give her a vacation or something--send her somewhere warm and sunny. She needs a break from all the darkness, you know... She’s like sunshine--it’s a bloody poncey thing to say, but it’s true. It’s like there’s something inside of her that keeps her above all the horrible things she has to live with, and I don’t want that light to ever go out.”

Amelia was speechless. There was no longer any doubt that Spike loved Buffy. After the meeting two nights ago, a few members voiced thoughts that the vampire was using the impressionable young woman (which was also a load of ballyhoo--Buffy was anything but naive) for his own purposes. Whatever those could be. William the Bloody was too well known for being rash and impatient; spending so much time by the Slayer’s side, playing sidekick, biding his time, didn’t fit his style.

And then an idea struck her. Something that would be even less popular than her magic proposal. But even if she had to resort to steal, she would make sure that the vampire had the best chance of coming out of this fight in one piece. “William, I’ll do everything I can to make sure that Buffy survives. But I’ll also do everything I can to have you there for her, to leave the care of her ‘light‘ up to you.” Leaning in even closer to him, she pretended to reach for the chalk.

“Have you ever heard of the gem of Amarra?”

Author's Note: Yes, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, believe it or not, we have my mother to thank --she put an end to my writer's block with a very sharp idea. She put up with my whining about a story about a show she's never watched and came to the rescue. I don't even want to know how long this chapter would have taken if it wasn't for her. So I hope you're still reading this--please review!!

And I have some sad news. My friend's mother passed away last week, peacefully and in the presence of a loved one. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
36 by Pipergirl
Chapter 36
Trembling, Buffy’s hands went to zip her jacket closed--shit, but it was cold--only to notice that she wasn’t wearing one. Why the hell had she stepped outside, in the biting wind, without a coat? She could almost hear her mother scold her: ‘you’re going to catch the death of you--where are your hat and mitts?!’ If the weather in London changed this quickly, she was going to have to make a habit of wearing layers.
She frowned, noticing for the first time that she was standing in the middle of a courtyard, among the remains of a long-neglected garden. What the heck was this place? Even better, why the hell was she there?! Last thing she remembered, she was at the Council with Ruth, sucking at feeling her aura. Maybe she did something wrong--maybe she teleported herself there. “Figures I’d do something completely wrong--Spike’ll never let me live this down.”
Stuck in the middle of... whatever this place was, and obviously alone, she fought back a surge of panic. What the hell was she going to do?! She took a deep breath and remembered what Giles always told her: ‘Buffy, please look around you before asking so many questions. I won’t always be there to answer them for you. We’ve been through this before: take in your surroundings, gather all the information you can...’ Well, Giles sure as heck wasn’t there, unless he was hiding, which was so not like him. That left the information gathering up to her. Lifting her chin up high, jaw set with determination, she... rubbed her arms to keep the shivering down to a minimum. Stupid cold; why couldn‘t I have teleported myself to Greece, or something?
Her first self-appointed task was to take a good look at where she was. Dry, yellowed weeds choked what once must have been a beautiful place. Vines strangled the skeletal remains of small trees and covered narrow pebbled pathways in a tangled mess, making it almost impossible to venture anywhere. A fountain at its centre was cracked and the only water that filled it was a bit of stagnant rainwater. The statue that adorned it--a saint, Buffy assumed--looked sad, as if he was forever tied to the death that surrounded him. It was a desolate, depressing place, chilling Buffy to the bone more effectively than the breeze.
The building itself wasn’t familiar to her, but she was sure that she’d seen pictures of places like it; it was like a castle, or something as old as one. The courtyard was surrounded by four walkways, each enclosed by a waist-high wall topped with dozens of archways that towered over the small garden. Everything was either cut from, or made of, stone.
Over two of the walkways--the ones to her right and left--was a second floor, complete with tall, narrow glassless windows. She shuddered, thinking of how cold it must be in those rooms.
Straight ahead of her was one of those tower-thingies. What had Spike called them? Turrets--that’s it. She did a mental Snoopy dance, proud that she’d actually retained something from that night with Spike, other than memories of their first knee-weakening kiss. The turret’s grey stone was marred by patches of mould and it loomed above her sternly as if watching her every move, ready to chastise her if she went out of line.
She turned on her heel, wanting to see what lay behind her. Her breath caught in her chest at the sight. The main building loomed overhead, almost as high as the turret across from it, but much wider. Massive, it was menacing in its mere presence. Its stone was as dull and mouldy as the turret’s, but it had also begun to crumble. Her heart beat faster--for some reason, she feared this place. Just knew that it was evil. Maybe, once, it had been good, but the weight of time had crushed its spirit, erasing any happiness from its confines.
Buffy walked out of its line of sight, wanting to remove herself from its disapproving gaze. She could see no opening or doorway leading to the walkways, so she hopped over the wall through one of the archways. She could feel the cold of the stone even through her jeans, and as she landed on her feet an icy wind wrapped itself around her shivering form, causing her hair to dance about.
Almost immediately a doorway loomed beside her, dark, gaping and not altogether inviting. But hey--at least I’ll be inside, away from this bloody wind. Great. Now I’m beginning to talk like him... Smiling to herself despite the oppressive atmosphere, the young woman entered the wing.
“Or maybe not,” she added out loud as dampness was added to the still-present wind. Her words fell flat against the walls as if they had been absorbed. The lack of echo was disconcerting, but instead of letting the wig factor get to her the Slayer chose a path--she just knew she had to choose the entrance that lay ahead of her--and followed it.
“How long has she been like this?” In full watcher mode, Amelia took critical stock of Buffy’s inert form. The young woman sat cross-legged on the mat, eyes closed and hands on her knees. Her chest rose and fell steadily, indicating that she was still alive, but it was clear that her spirit was elsewhere.
Ruth stood behind the watcher, just as perplexed as the two others. “About half an hour. We were still working on getting her to feel her aura when it happened. I was helping her reach deep inside of herself, to feel her energy, when I heard her breathing even out as it should. After a long silence--which was strange, since she should still have been aware of her surroundings--I asked her what she could feel, but she didn’t answer me. I’ve tried to wake her, but nothing’s worked. She’s in some kind of trance, obviously, but it must be very deep--I’m afraid she may have tapped into her Slayer...”
“Well,” Amelia stood up, straightening the creases out of her pants, “it looks like we have a bit of research to do.”
At those words, Spike--who despite his frantic pacing seemed to have been temporarily forgotten--threw his hands up in the air. “Research?! This isn’t the bloody time for research! We‘ve got to do something!” Fucking watchers--all alike. The bleached blonde bristled at the seeming nonchalance the watcher was displaying.
Not in the mood for the vampire’s tirade, the watcher snapped back. “And what do you suggest we do? Slap her? Yell at her? Wave some smelling salts under her nose? Buffy’s condition is obviously mystical in nature and unless you’re holding back none of us have the answer at our fingertips.” The woman sighed, resting the palm of her hand across her eyes. When she spoke again her voice was calm. “We all want Buffy back, William, but right now our only option is to pour through the Council’s literature and see what we can find.”
Tossing another glance at the Slayer’s still form, Spike nodded. She was right--it would do Buffy no good to waste time pacing a groove into the floor. As he turned toward the door, he mumbled under his breath. “Betcha she‘s sleeping. Probably one of her bloody Slayer dreams again...”
“So, Monty, should I take door number one or door number two?”
After having walked through endless corridors, Buffy came to the first fork in her path. The small room contained an old table, a few chairs, and a built-in fireplace. It might once have been a kitchen of some sort, or maybe just a place to take the weight off your feet and warm up on cold days. Unfortunately for the Slayer, there was no one to tend to the fire; the room was just as cold and unwelcoming as the rest of the building.
Two doors led out: one straight ahead of her and one on the wall to her right. She closed her eyes and let herself be guided. Her Slayer sense was very strong here, its power coursing through her body. “Right it is, then,” she decided as--once again--something told her which path to take. Playing with the handle, she winced at all the noise it made. Over time the wooden door had warped, causing the lock to jam. “Where’s a can of WD-40 when you need one?” Although she could have just kicked it in, Buffy preferred to remain as stealthy as possible.
Finally, under a yank that was more Slayer than Buffy, the door gave way and she found herself facing a narrow stairwell. The stairs were steep and if it hadn’t been for the faint orange glow she could see at their bottom, she would have turned back. This was almost too much, even for a Slayer.
As she made her way down, slippery step by slippery step, the silence began to take its toll on the young woman. Even in the wee hours of her night-time patrols, there were familiar sounds: owls hooting, wind rustling leaves, cars in the distance. But the nothing that surrounded her in the constricted passageway frightened her. She could feel a draft coming from somewhere; cool tendrils danced around her ankles like long icy fingers, tickling her skin and making her shiver. Everything about this place was playing on her nerves.
When she finally reached the bottom of the stairs, Buffy broached the last step and peered around the corner, curious about the light’s origin. She scanned the room, looking for anything that might pose a danger--demons, humans, shifty-looking furniture... The chamber was vast, its vaulted ceiling reaching high above her. Satisfied that the coast was clear, the Slayer entered with a combination of trepidation and excitement. Although she was frightened and her heart was trying to beat its way out of her chest, there was that tingle of excitement she always felt when faced with the unknown.
At first glance, the room seemed empty. There was no furniture or weapons that she could see. Just a bare stone floor, four grey walls and about a dozen supporting columns. But as she continued to scan the room, a black and white flash at the corner of her eye caught her attention. Turning on her heel, she tried to catch what she had almost seen. Instead, she found herself staring at a lone chair set in front of a wooden stage.
“Okay, now I know that wasn’t there a minute ago.” The young woman crossed the hall. After the dead silence of the upper hallways and stairs, the echo of her footsteps made her jump. The only entrance was the one she had used, at the base of the stairs. So how did someone sneak in not only a chair (a nice comfy-looking one, at that), but also a full-sized wooden platform? She walked along the stage’s perimeter, looking for a clue--footprints, a hole where someone might be hiding, heck, even a Home Depot sticker. But nothing was askew. It simply looked like it had always been there.
Think, Buffy. What did all this mean? There’s a stage, and a chair. Stage... chair... stage... chair... She looked at the chair again. There was only one. And she was the sole person in the room. Could it really be that easy? Of course, the only way to find out was to try it out.
So she sat down, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the stage was set and the actors had taken their place.
“What on earth...”
“...did you just say?!”
Spike turned back to glare at the two women. First they want to research, now they want to chit-chat. “What, the bit about the Slayer sleeping? Never seen a chit so in love with her bed. You‘d think that with...”
“No--what you said after. About her dreams. Have you ever witnessed one?” Internally, Amelia was kicking herself--why hadn’t she thought of this?! No wonder the Council kept passing her over when potentials were called...
It didn’t take long for the vampire to figure out what both the witch and the watcher were thinking. Pushing the door back to a close behind him, he leaned against it and watched the Slayer for a moment before answering. “No. She just told me about ‘em. Mentioned how they’d helped against some baddie a few years back.” He cocked his head, his gaze never having left his lover’s still form. “You really think that that’s why she’s like this?”
The witch was the first to answer. “I have little doubt, now that I think of it. She was reaching deep inside of herself--into her Slayer--when she fell into the trance. Who knows what she may have tapped into? I don’t think the Council fully understands these girls’ premonitory dreams yet.” 
Spike bit back about half a dozen jibes about what the Council was good at--namely sending young women off to their potential deaths every night. Instead, he pretended to absorb what the witch had said. “So what you’re saying is that we’ve no way of knowing where her mind is, or when she’ll wake up?”
“Exactly.” Once again, both women answered in chorus. Given different circumstances, their timing could have been considered comical. But with Buffy’s body in the room with them, her mind elsewhere, none of the three could find reason to laugh.
Sighing, Spike slid down the wall and landed on his rear with a solid thump. “Well, wherever she is, she better be having a better time than we are...”
“Good evening, Miss Summers.” The man in the red and yellow harlequin outfit took a deep bow and smiled warmly. “I do hope that you find your seat comfortable.”
At a loss for words--this was way weird--Buffy simply managed to nod in accordance. Her Slayer sense was sounding the alarm bell, but she wasn’t getting any negative vibes from the mysterious troupe of actors. Whether they were ghosts or whatever, they didn’t seem evil. Of course, those were always potential ‘famous last words’...
He clapped his odd-coloured hands as giddily as a five-year old about to get a cookie. “Wonderful! Oh, I’m so glad to finally meet you...” A loud harrumph from behind him caused him to pause. Regaining his poise, he started over. “What I mean, of course, is that we’re all happy to meet you. We’ve been looking forward to this for over a century.”
A century?! Ok, now was the time for the Slayer to find her voice. She watched them set the stage, then spoke up. “Wait! Who are you? What do you mean, ‘a century‘--how did you know this was going to happen? Why didn’t you stop it?” The barrage of questions just came out unbidden; Buffy blushed at her impertinence (well, that’s how she viewed it). “Sorry about that--I didn’t mean to go all Spanish Inquisition on you, but...” Her apology was interrupted by various members of the troupe, who all decided to speak at once.
“Oh, what a curious nature!”
“Such a polite young woman, too!”
“And beautiful.” A younger actor sighed wistfully. “No wonder the vampire loves her so...”
The harlequin shushed them all with a ’tut!’ and turned his attention to his audience. “I’m afraid, my dear, that we won’t be able to answer all your questions. Things can be seen from far away but cannot be changed. The sapling that you see from a distance will be a majestic oak when you reach it--nothing you do will change that. However, when you reach the tree, your options are wide open. You can cut it down, you can climb it, you can hang a swing from it, you can leave it be. That’s why we are here now. The time has come for us to decide upon our actions and we choose to help you as best as we can. We have no magic to offer, no weapons to lend you; what we do have to share, though, is just as powerful. We shall give you knowledge.”
With that, he bowed gracefully and turned his back to Buffy, leaving her to digest his words.
Power in knowledge...  
“Oh bugger.” Amelia slammed her cards down onto the table. Mumbling, she counted the value of her useless cards. “Thirty-six points. That’s eight games straight, William. You’ve got to be cheating! Just admit it, will you? It‘s not like I‘m going to be surprised.”
Incensed, the vampire sat straight up. “Cheating?! Bloody hell, woman, you dealt the last hand! How the hell am I supposed to pull that off? S’not my fault you’re a shit gin player...”
The watcher pushed her cards over to her opponent and muttered a grumpy ‘oh, go fuck yourself’ before tallying Spike’s points.
As he dealt himself and the watcher their cards, Spike looked up and called out to Ruth. “You sure you don’t want to play?”
Nose stuck deep in a book, the witch shook her head without looking up. “For the last time, no. I’ve had enough negative energy for today, thanks.” 
The vampire and watcher looked at each other and shrugged innocently. “Suit yourself, then. The bickering’s just part of the fun.”
Rolling her eyes, Ruth sank deeper into her chair, trying her damnedest to block out the constant arguing; as amicable as it was supposed to be, it was still a drain on the witch’s positive karma. Anyway, who ever heard of good-naturedly calling someone an asshole?
As if they’d sensed the older woman’s mood, the two card players toned down their quarrelling. The flicking of cards was the only sound to permeate the sudden silence, until a loud ‘ha!’ was heard from the Slayer’s side of the room.
The watcher, the witch and the vampire all dropped what they were holding, kicked back their chairs and ran to the young woman. Amidst their chorus of ‘are you ok?’ ‘what happened?’ and ‘Christ, love, you scared the shit outta me’, she managed to utter four important words.
“I know his weakness!”
Author’s Note
Thought I’d dropped off the face of the earth, eh? Well, almost. I’m so sorry this chapter’s been long in coming, but I’m trying to make this a worthwhile story to read. I’m a devout believer in quality, not quantity. Anyway, my life right now doesn’t lend itself to quick and easy writing. Liam’s nine months old right now and he’s fully mobile--almost walking. Which means that 95% of my attention has to be on him, the cats and anything he can get his hands on/stuff in his mouth. Scary stuff, folks. Also, I’ve started a part-time job certain evenings, because the pittance paid while you’re on mat leave doesn’t do much for bills. But this story’s at the back of my mind almost all the time--I’m constantly plotting, writing, thinking, but the actual putting down on paper doesn’t come so easily. Thanks to all for sticking with me and, as usual, please feed me some reviews :)
37 by Pipergirl

Chapter 37

A/N: Well, here it is--the last chapter of 2004. I know the chapters haven’t been as forthcoming as we all wish they were, but I hope there’s a little comfort in knowing that I have three or four later chapters already written. I totally forgot to thank my husband and my mom for their wonderful ideas for the last chapter, so a belated ‘thanks‘ goes out to them. Without their input I’d still be stuck here at my keyboard trying to figure out where the heck this story was going. As I keep saying, smut’s a cinch to write but plot’s frickin’ impossible :)

As always, thanks to those who review and who send me a quick note to say hi. It’s nice to feel appreciated.

On a last note, I have to mention that I’ve changed the final sentence of the previous chapter from “I know how to beat him” to “I know his weakness”.


Silence weighed upon the room as the three Brits stared blankly at the Slayer.

Spike turned to the watcher, worry evident on his face. His voice was quiet, as if he was afraid to disturb the silence that had settled upon the room. “You think she’s ok? Maybe she hit her head or somethin’...”

Buffy’s voice, higher pitched than usual, cut him off. “No she didn‘t hit her head! I’m just telling you what I was shown. It doesn’t make any more sense to me than it does to any of you, so don’t blame me for the wig factor.”

Amelia spoke up, attempting to placate the small blonde. “Buffy, we’re not blaming you for anything. It’s just that this revelation of yours is, well, highly implausible.”

“Don’t you realise I know that already?“ In a gesture of defeat, the Slayer groaned and relaxed into a slouch, letting her head drop into her hands. She was feeling worse than she was letting on, but hoped that the others wouldn’t notice. This wasn’t the time for slacking. They had plans to make, strategies to lay out, maybe even go over the details of that dream one more time...

Spike watched as the young woman’s exhaustion became more apparent. There was still so much work to be done if they wanted to stop that wizard prat from bringing in all kinds of interdimensional riff-raff. But for that to happen they all had to be in top shape, and for Buffy that meant rest. Lots of it.

“That’s it. I’m taking the Slayer back to the hotel--she’s nearly droppin’ off on us. This can wait till tomorrow when we’re not so knackered.” He crouched down beside the small blonde, expecting her to resist--after all, she wasn’t too keen on playing the role of damsel in distress. But all she did was smile gratefully and allow herself to be gathered up in his arms.

Once again it struck the vampire how small the Slayer was. Holding her in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder, warm breath tickling his skin, chest rising and falling slowly to the cadence of the sleep to which she‘d finally surrendered, he felt as though he was carrying a child. He accepted a blanket from Ruth and allowed the older woman (well, older than Buffy and Amelia) to tuck it around the sleeping woman’s form.

Amelia opened the door to let them through. The Slayer’s present condition excluded her from any of the cognitive activities that were involved in research. If she was going to recuperate, she might as well do it while sleeping in a warm bed. A comfort that neither she nor Ruth would be enjoying in the hours to come.

After seeing the two blondes off, the Council members made their way to one of the building’s myriad research rooms. As soon as the door was closed behind them, Amelia frowned. “So what do you make of this new development?”

The witch shrugged. “Honestly? I’ve no idea what to make of it. But I do know that these dreams have a message to deliver--their purpose isn’t to lead the forces of good astray. We just have to figure out what it meant.”

Resigned to a long, long night of research, Amelia groaned. Looking at the rows of books that lie before her she shook her head. “I don’t even know where to start, Ruth. I mean, who would have known that Evan is really a woman, anyway?”

(A/N: to make it easier for both the reader and myself, I will continue to use masculine pronouns when dealing with Evan, despite Buffy’s revelation)


The shopkeeper’s daughter groaned as she saw a familiar figure approaching the store. Jumping off the stool she abandoned her post and stormed to the back room. “Da! It’s that really odd bloke again! I told you I’m not going to serve him again, not after all the hassle he gave me last time.” Her arms flailed as she tried to imitate her previous transaction with said customer. “Oh, I can still see the stain! See, right here--if you get out your microscope you can still see a nano-smidgen of mango-cranberry chutney right here by the armpit...”

The owner of Patel Dry Cleaning, a short man of Indian descent, rolled his eyes at the girl’s theatrics. Why she had refused to take those drama classes was beyond him. “Rashida, please don’t talk about our customers like that. Mr. Blakeford is a good paying customer; we should not let his quirks bother us.”

“Quirks?” The young woman swept up her long dark hair with a clip before staring at her father as if he’d grown a second head. “Is that what you call a young man who only hangs around women? Do you know what he and his friend were arguing about last time they came in? Who’s better looking--Mel Gibson or George Clooney! Then the woman turns around and asks me! I mean, eww! They’re so old. Why don’t they ask me about Eminem, or Orlando Bloom...”

Rashida’s diatribe, much to her father’s pleasure, was cut short by the arrival of Evan Blakeford and a tall blonde woman.

“I don’t want to hear it, Camille!”

“But Céline isn‘t...”

“Oh, please! Do you see how she dresses? And that wedding of hers?! That was the tackiest thing ever...” Turning to the stunned shopkeeper, the young man gave him an arrogant sneer as he slid his tag across the counter. “Blakeford. And I’d better not see any stains this time.”

“Oh, don’t worry Mr. Blakeford, we were very thorough this week...” The words ‘microscope’ and ‘nano-smidgen’ flit through his mind as he could almost hear Rashida snickering in the back room. He turned away from the bickering duo, tag in hand, looking for the young man’s clothing.

The two silk blouses, wool skirt and matching blazer were almost first on the rack. As he picked them up, the middle-aged man forced away thoughts of why Mr. Blakeford dropped off women’s clothing every week. Or the especially disturbing thought of how the clothing seemed to be just his size.

Mr. Patel draped the items across the counter for his customer’s close inspection. Again, he was sure he could hear faint giggling coming from behind him. Hmm! She thinks she’s so clever, does she? I’m going to have to ‘disappear’ when old Mrs. Northam and her crazy Yorkie come in this afternoon...

Luckily for the owner of Patel Dry Cleaning, the clothing passed inspection and the young man paid for his service. Without a good day, or even a good-bye, he turned around and walked out of the store; his female friend gave the shopkeeper an apologetic smile before jogging to catch up to him, her heels clicking on the linoleum floor.

As soon as the door latched shut, the giggling in the back room turned to outright guffaws. Shaking his head, Mr. Patel couldn’t hold back a chuckle as well.


Camille dropped into the sedan’s passenger seat before closing the heavy door. She watched Evan out of the corner of her eye as her hands fiddled with the seatbelt. “So why do you go there if you don’t like it? There have to be at least half a dozen other dry cleaners around here.”

“Because Mother likes it, that’s why. She insists that we only use Patel’s, although I’ve no idea why. They’re so...” The young man stopped mid-sentence when the CD that his passenger had slipped in began to play. “Oh, not this again! It’s all you bloody listen to!”

The girl let out a very unsophisticated snort. “Oh please, you don’t have to pretend with me, Evan. I know who you really are, and that person is every bit as lustful for Enrique’s body as I am. The man’s fitter than fit.”

Evan’s gaze remained on the road ahead of him, but his face broke out into a lopsided grin. “Fit doesn’t even begin to cover it...”

Latin melodies played away as they both relaxed and enjoyed each other’s presence. This was a comfort that Evan didn’t get to appreciate often enough: not having to act against his nature, to pretend to be someone he wasn’t, to always be on his guard.

“Why do you let her control you like that?”

Of course, close friendships had their drawbacks, too... blasted heart to hearts...

Taking advantage of a red light, the young man turned to look at his passenger. “Who said there‘s a ‘let‘ involved?!” Pursing his lips, he took a deep breath and tried to lighten his voice. It wasn‘t her fault--none of it was; she genuinely wanted to help him and he felt bad for snapping at her. “Look, there’s a reason you’ve never met mum. She’s a mite unhinged--not exactly the type I want to introduce my friends to.”

Every previous attempt to bring up the subject of his mother had been dismissed. Camille had never even been able to get anything more out of the man than a curt ’let’s change the subject, shall we?’ Why was it that he was opening up now? Had something happened? “Evan, you’re not the only one whose mother is weird. I mean, the other day...”

“Did she ever poison your cat because you forgot to clean its litter for one day? Did she ever break your toys because you didn’t put them away when you were told to?” His voice wavered as the words just poured forth--there was no stopping them now, not after years of being held back. “Did your mother ever hold your meals back until you finally understood that maths problem--even if it took days?”

Ok, this wasn’t what she was expecting. ‘Mum talks to her potted plants’, or ‘Mum thinks there are aliens living in the attic’, but not ‘Mum killed my cat.’ The young woman knew that the wrong kind of reaction--anything over the top--would draw him back into his shell. Psychology had been the only course at University that she’d actually paid attention to--well, most of the time.

Her voice quiet but steady, Camille lightly placed her hand on Evan’s arm in a sign of understanding. “I’m sorry... I didn’t know...”

Strangely enough, the young man felt lighter after having shared his secret. He’d always kept his relationship with his mother as a secret for fear of any reprisal--people might question his maturity, laugh, or roll their eyes.

“That’s ok--you couldn’t have known. Don’t worry about it, though. I’ve got something in the works that will get us out of each other’s hair for good...”


As he stepped into the lobby of the Sheffield Arms, Spike smiled at the quiet that greeted them. For the first time since they’d arrived, he consciously appreciated not having been granted his wish for a five star hotel. Hetty’s little nook, far removed from any hustle and bustle, was far homier and comforting than Brown’s could ever aspire to be.

Buffy was nestled in his arms like a sleeping tot, her even breathing an indication of deep sleep. She hadn’t stirred since they’d left the Council, not even when the vampire had ended tangled up in her seatbelt, cursing under his breath, as he tried to pull her out of her seat.

The stairs creaked as he climbed them, the Slayer’s weight adding to his own. He managed to unlock their door without much trouble, nudging it closed behind him with a gentle kick. Home sweet home, he thought to himself. Had he not been so tired or occupied with Buffy’s well-being, he might have paused at how strangely comforting the thought was. But now was not the time for introspection and Spike busied himself with putting the young woman to bed. It took him all of two seconds to decide that undressing her was too risky, so he simply removed her footwear and lay her on the bed fully clothed, pulling the warm covers over her.

Still too wired to sleep, the vampire made himself a warm mug of O-Neg before slumping down into a chair by the bed. Finally relaxed, he could allow his mind to wander where it hadn’t dared: the complete flip in his and the Slayer’s relationship, the changes in his personality and, of course, this whole apocalypse kerfuffle.

Eight days. Eight bloody days is all that it had taken for his life to turn on its ear. Everything he’d stood for, everything that had made him the Big Bad--the blood, the guts, the glory--had lost its hold on him. Scary thing was, the changes seemed to be self-imposed. Heck, they hadn’t even left the States yet and he’d refrained from killing Bob the Portly Salesman. The vampire had been disgusted with himself at the time--a temporary weakness, he’d thought--but in retrospect he was oddly content. If keeping Buffy meant changing who he was, it was a no-brainer. Love’s bitch ever so...

But what about Buffy? How did she see their relationship? What did all this mean to... Spike shook out of his reverie when he noticed that the object of his musings was not only awake, but staring at him intently.

“Spike? Is everything all right?” Buffy had woken up to the feeling that she was being watched. Something that must have been deeply ingrained into the Slayer part of her, she assumed, since she was still way too tired to be waking up without the help of an oompah band. The look on her lover’s face worried her. Forehead creased, lips pressed together, he reminded her of Angel at his broodiest. And that was never, ever good.

The vampire kept his gaze steady with hers, relaying the seriousness of his mood. “What is this to you? Is it a holiday fling? An itch you’re scratching while you’re out of Scooby sight?”

Buffy would have been angry had she not seen the genuine worry in the bleach blonde’s eyes. Hadn’t he believed her when she said she loved him? What had he thought when she claimed him? It was now obvious to her that there was much more William left in Spike than he’d ever care to admit.

Smiling, the Slayer laid her head back against the oversized pillow and pulled the sheet back in invitation. “Come on, you worrywart. Get in here so we can talk.” She watched him as he undressed and slid in between the covers, waiting until he was close enough to hold in an embrace. Wrapping her arm around his waist, she pulled the vampire even closer and draped her leg over him. “Spike--I love you. And that’s not going to change once we’re back in Sunnydale. Everyone is just going to have to learn to live with it; Giles and Xander are going to blow gaskets, Willow‘s going to be support-o-girl and Mom... heck, Mom‘s probably going to be looking at mother-of-the-bride dresses before I’m done telling her. This, to me, is the start of a serious relationship, something that won’t be easy, won’t be without its bumps and problems; but we’re also going to have good times, Spike. You know all that stuff about sharing smiles and laughter? I think we’re both due for some of that...”

Well, for once, Spike was the one who was short for words. Buffy’s little speech had gone way beyond what he’d wanted--what he’d needed--to hear. He brought his hand up to her face, brushing a few stray locks and tucking them behind her ear. The warmth of her body, pressed intimately against him, instilled in him a sense of calm he’d never felt, not even as William. Leaning in, he brushed his lips against hers in a gesture that showed her how much she meant to him.

Sighing contentedly, Buffy pulled away from her lover. Her mind told her that more than anything, she needed sleep; her body, however, was telling her otherwise. She offered her lover a coy smile, dragging a fingertip up his hard chest.

“Why don’t you help me get these clothes off so I can show you just how much I love you?”


The young man had been standing in front of the door, staring a hole into it. His hand had reached out and grabbed the handle all of four times before pulling back as if burned. Come on, grow a pair, will you? You can’t just stand here all day. He frowned, realising what he’d thought. Great, now I’m even thinking like a red-blooded male...

Evan sighed. Coming home shouldn’t be like this. None of the neighbours would ever know of the psychological abuse he had--and continued to--endure at the whim of his mother. The well-kept brick bungalow, with its neatly trimmed juniper bushes, mature wisteria and immaculate lawn held secrets that none would believe, safe for seeing them with their own eyes.

Something odd, however, caught his eye as he turned the doorknob. Through the door’s frosted glass he could see a young man standing in his living room; a man who held a frightening resemblance to him. The stranger walked out of Evan’s sight, into the hallway that led to the bedrooms.


He opened the door quietly and stepped in. Silence met his arrival and although he cocked his head, straining to hear something, anything, he couldn’t tell whether his mother was alone or not. Wouldn’t it be just his luck if she was ‘entertaining’? Not wanting to bring any attention to himself, he carefully draped the dry cleaned garments over the recliner that lay to his right and tread lightly across the carpet.

If he could only make it to the stairs that led to the basement, he could...

“Is that you, dear?”

Balls. “Yes, Mother.”

“Well, I hope you didn’t forget the dry cleaning. You can be so harebrained sometimes...” Roberta Blakeford entered the room in a whirl, buttoning up an emerald green cardigan. Her sharp gaze landed on the clothing that lay draped over the chair and she tutted. “You know better than to leave clothing lying around like that; make sure it’s put away before I get back.” She dragged the palm of her hand down the plastic-encased garments. “Nice clothes are so hard to come by nowadays...”

Get back?! Maybe lady luck was looking out for him after all. Her absence would allow him the freedom to iron out the final details of his plan. This kind of thing didn’t come about on its own and unless he wanted to bollocks it up, he had to pay close attention to every remaining minutiae.

“... and the dishwasher needs to be filled and run, and there’s still clothes in the dryer--you might want to let it run again to get the creases out, as my beige pants are in there... Are you listening to me?”

“Yes, mum. Dishwasher, dryer... You go and don’t worry about anything--the house will be spotless when you get back.” Just call me Cinderella... Evan helped his mother into her coat and ushered her out the door, glad to be out of her company and on his own.

So many things left to do, so little time. Evan Blakeford’s world was about to change for good. As he turned towards the kitchen, eyeing the dishwasher with distaste--at least he didn’t have to wash anything by hand--he realized that he’d completely forgotten to mention the young man he’d seen.

Maybe he wasn’t the only one with secrets after all...



38 by Pipergirl
Chapter 38
The Council’s lift seemed to take more time than usual in its ascent to the 6th floor. Although he thought he was doing a bang-up job at not openly displaying his nervousness, Spike couldn’t avoid the tension in his muscles or the singing of his nerves. A kinetic energy coursed through his body, leaving it coiled as if he was backed into a corner. That had always been fun in his old ‘fists, fangs and fuck all else’ days, but this time so much more was at stake. This time he had Buffy to lose.
Trying to stave off the sinking feeling that was settling in his gut, he replayed the hours that preceded this elevator ride like an 8mm reel, looping it over and over again in his mind.
Every sight, every scent, every sound, Buffy’s soft body beneath his, her warm breath whispering against the sensitive skin of his neck, more, harder, faster, loveyouloveyouloveyou, had to be committed to memory. One doesn’t live on the dark side of life for one hundred and twenty years without being able to distinguish true-to-God apocalypses from paler version wannabes. And this, that they were about to face on a warm June evening, was definitely of the former.
They had dressed in silence afterwards, neither caring to wash up, to remove the scent of their coupling from their bodies. An air of finality hung heavily in the hotel room, leaving both blondes to dark fears and bittersweet memories. Escaping their mission, running as far away as possible from the Council, Evan Blakeford, baby Dawn and her fate was an option, but neither had considered it.
Champions just didn’t skirt their responsibilities.
For the first time since their arrival at the small hotel, Hetty was in the lobby as they were leaving. She waved them off from her post behind the desk, smiling as always, but Buffy caught an underlying sadness in the older woman’s eyes. She knows, the Slayer thought to herself. She knows she won’t see us again.
She had shared this with Spike as they sat in the car, both knowing that there was so much left to say, but neither feeling like doing much talking. Her words were an affirmation of Spike’s state of mind, but he refused to let her see it.
“Don’t think like that, pet. We’re gonna win this; we’ll be the ones walkin’ out in one piece. You an‘ me--we‘ll be unbeatable.”
If only he could convince himself as well, then maybe he could push away the feeling of dread that was numbing his spirit.
“Spike?” Her voice was timid as she took his hand in hers.
“Yeah, love?”
“If... if anything happens to me,” she touched her fingers to his mouth “please don’t interrupt, this is hard enough already--if anything happens to me, I want you to make sure Mom’s ok.” Buffy’s voice wavered as she fought to keep her emotions under control. “Tell her I love her and that I’m doing this for her. Tell Giles not to blame himself, that I’ve never listened to him anyway.” The car’s occupants shared an uneasy chuckle before the young woman took in a deep breath and continued. “Tell Willow, Xander and the others to finally have a normal life that doesn’t include figuring out how to get the latest demon goo off their good shoes.”
“That’s a nice speech, pet, but...”
“But I’m not done.” Truth was, now that she’d opened her mouth, the words just flowed. The Slayer had never been known for her verbosity but, in the confines of the BMW, she was giving it her best. Spike knew, by her avoidance of his gaze, that this next bit was going to be about him. About them. And he didn’t want to hear it, wanted to assure her it wasn’t necessary, but wouldn’t that involve believing it in the first place?
Sure, he was being all noble and cocksure of a positive outcome, but that was on the outside. On the inside, doubts flittered about him like pesky little butterflies, never getting close enough for him to shoo away, but making their presence felt nonetheless.
Her first words, though, caught him off guard.
“I loved Angel like nothing else.”
The vampire’s brow furrowed and his mouth opened as if to protest, but he bit his lip. It was up to Buffy to deal with this however she felt necessary. Even if it meant bringing up the poofter.
“At least, that’s what I thought, back then. And when he left me, I swore off relationships. Buffy and guys were not mixy and that was it. Falling in love was messy and only led to heartbreak, right? I mean, look at Mom and Dad, Willow and Oz, heck--even you and Drusilla. So why set myself up for the inevitable?” Finally, the young woman’s face lifted and her hazel eyes turned to gaze upon him.
“But I forgot one really important thing, Spike. I forgot the ‘during’ of relationships--everything that happens between the meeting and the leaving. Having someone to share jokes with, to hold hands with, to snuggle up to when you wake up from a bad dream. Sharing your life with someone, going through experiences together; that’s what’s great about being in love. Dad cheated on Mom, left her high and dry with me to take care of, but she still smiles when she drinks a certain wine or watches a certain movie; I know she’s reliving some of the good times they had together. You can’t delete those any more than you can erase the hurt.”
Spike watched his love as she sighed and melted back against the lush car seat. Although she hadn’t covered their own relationship yet, his heart was already swelling with her words. And, by her body language, this tête-à-tête was doing her a world of good.
“I know it’s only been about a week or so, but I already feel like my good memory container is filling up. The stuffed animal, that night by the Tower and our first kiss, the strawberries... It’s all been about feeling good about ourselves and being happy. I’m not used to that, you know. I’m more familiar with the heartbreak and the angst and the having my heart ripped out. I...” She let out a dry chuckle. “Geez, listen to me, all talky. Point is, I love you and it’s not something I say cause it sounds neat or grown up. I really, really love you and I want you to know that just in case... just in case tonight doesn’t go so well for me. You’ve made me truly happy, Spike.”
Before he had time to respond--he was astounded, to say the least, by her frank words--her lips found his for a searing kiss. When she pulled away her shoulders were stiff again and her eyes set out ahead of them. “Now let’s get out of here before I wuss out.”
The ding of the elevator brought the vampire back to the present and he took a step back, allowing Buffy to leave its stuffy confines first. His Victorian manners were of constant amusement to the young woman, who wasn’t really accustomed to having men put her needs ahead of their own. She’d even teased him once, a twinkle in her eye, about old chauvinist habits.
The Slayer looked around and, seeing no one, became perturbed. “She did say the sixth floor, right?”
His duster swirled as Spike did a 360 on the spot. “Yeah, that’s what she said alright. Maybe we’re supposed to...”
A loud ‘shh!’ interrupted him and both blondes turned towards the sound. They spotted the young watcher about twenty feet down the corridor to their left, her head peeking out one of the doors.
“Get your asses in here and stop making so much noise!” Amelia craned her neck, checking the length of the hallway for any other Council members. If anyone found out about what she was up to, well, she‘d most likely find out just what ‘up to your ass in alligators’ really meant. Probably in a literal sense, too, knowing this lot.
Hunching their shoulders and stifling a chuckle, the two crept towards the room as stealthily as possible. When the door closed behind them with hardly an audible click, Buffy caved.
“Ok, so what’s got you all cloak and daggery? You sneaking behind Travers’ back? Cause that would be so funny--really, it would.”
At least she was honest enough to look abashed. Amelia took in a deep breath and released it. “No. And, yes. Although he told me to do what I could to help you, I doubt he meant bringing you here.” With that, she took a step back and allowed her guests to take their first good look at the room in which they were hiding.
Spike let a slow whistle escape his lips as he glanced around the room at the myriad weapons adorning the walls and tables. He was about to take a step forward--damn, but that was a nice axe--when he was knocked off balance by an eager Slayer.
“Oh, God! Look at them all!” Completely ignoring Amelia’s call for quiet, she picked a dagger up off one of the tables. “Ooh, pretty...”
The vampire righted himself, straightening his coat. Nearly knocked over by a five-foot nothing girl. That‘s my Slayer for ya. “Well, we’ve lost her. No gettin’ the Slayer back now.”
Amelia shook her head at the almost orgasmic sounds Buffy was making as she picked up various weapons, testing their weight in her grasp. Slayers were no doubt in a class of their own. “Yes, well, I’m sure you find all of these quite fascinating, Buffy, but we do have business to attend to.”
It was as if she hadn’t spoken. The young woman’s attention remained focused on the large sword she was twirling, a wide grin spread across her face. Only Spike’s too loud “Slayer!” was able to roust her from the personal moment she was sharing with the weapon.
This only seemed to aggravate the watcher, who stormed over to the Slayer and grabbed the sword from her hand, giving both blondes dirty looks. “Will you please pay attention!” Realizing that she’d lost her cool, Amelia pinched her lips and concentrated on replacing the weapon in its proper place. When she turned back her companions, she couldn’t believe their ramrod stances or the properly-chastised looks on their faces. Good, she thought to herself, maybe they’ll start taking this seriously.
“I’m sorry I lost my patience, but perhaps I haven’t projected the extent to which I’m sticking my neck out for you two. If any of us get caught here by Stewart or those who support him, I don’t know what could happen. Quentin would no longer be able to assist us--that much I know.”
Buffy’s voice squeaked as she spoke up, voicing what was--to her, anyway--a very important point. “But isn’t Travers the head cheese around here?”
“Yes, he’s the Head of the Council, but the combined powers of the other members can override his if he’s deemed unfit to govern.”
Spike snorted. “And since Stewie has more than half the lot on his side...”
“Exactly.” Amelia sighed. This assignment had become a much bigger undertaking than she could ever have imagined. Her head was pounding, her stomach ached and she was jumpier than the time she’d watched the black and white version of The Haunting on her own. “Which is why we have to be as covert as possible, and that involves not turning the weapons room into a playground.”
Feeling unfairly singled out--how the heck else was she supposed to react to all these cool weapons?!--Buffy mumbled a petulant ‘sorry’.
“I’m sorry, too. Under better circumstances you could play to your heart’s content, but right now we need to put our heads together and decide how you should arm yourselves.”
The next half hour was a futile effort in reconciling two different schools of thought. Buffy and Spike both argued that in order to walk out of the abbey alive, they needed to be armed to the gills. Amelia, on the other hand, tried to convince them otherwise.
“First of all, you’ll be bogged down by the weight of all these...” Her hand waved over the assortment of weapons surrounding them. “Furthermore, how will an axe or a sword fare against a Warlock’s magic? Your wits will be your biggest asset; you’ll have to rely heavily on using your brains.”
“But what...” Spike stopped pacing at the dirty look Amelia threw him. Lowering his voice, he continued his line of thought. “But what about the Pelorak? What the hell am I supposed to do against them? Ask them not to hurt me?”
“You’re forgetting my promise, William.”
“Will it prevent me from feeling pain? Is it going to stop me from getting my limbs hacked off?” When the watcher slowly shook her head, he chuckled humourlessly. “So tell me again why I shouldn’t bring as many sharp and pokey things as I can carry.”
“Look, how about if...”
“Hold on, here. What are you guys talking about?!”
When Amelia opened her mouth to respond, Spike spoke up. “S’nothing, love. The watcher just promised that we’d make it out alive.”
Buffy pursed her lips--she knew the vampire was lying. But they’d already wasted enough time bickering and Amelia was right--if anyone caught them in there, they could kiss Dawn goodbye. This had to be resolved as quickly as possible. “Ok, then--we’ll go easy on the hardware, me more so than Spike.” The thrall of the weapons subsided and the seriousness of the situation once again caused the Slayer to take control. Turning to Spike, she was all business. “Take whatever you can hide under your coat without weighing you down. If we walk in there with a sword in each hand, we might as well have a neon sign above our heads saying ‘here comes trouble’.”
Impressed by the young woman’s take-charge attitude, Amelia watched her in silence as she chose a dagger and a sai. The Gem of Amarra, which she’d managed to ’borrow’ earlier that morning, was a slight weight in her coat pocket. Her fingers were constantly toying with it, feeling the power that emanated from it. She cleared her throat, getting both blondes’ attention.
“Ruth and I have done some research, based on the descriptions provided by Buffy, on the location of her dream. At first we believed it to be the Franciscan monastery, but the courtyard is still well tended to. The only viable option after that is St. Monica’s Abbey, which has fallen under neglect these past decades; it fits the description--the tower, the colour of the stone, the courtyard--almost to a tee.”
A brief pause was followed by a giggle. “St. Monica’s Abbey?!” Buffy couldn’t help but be incredulous. “Aren’t saints supposed to be called Mary, or Teresa, or... Mary?”
“St. Monica’s the patron saint of wives and abuse victims, you ninny.”
Both women stared at the vampire, slack-jawed. Before either of them had time to say anything, he raised a finger, daring them to speak up with a glare. “Mum used to go there after Da died, spent some of her time helpin’ the women who stayed there. Said she was doin’ her bit, having been lucky enough to marry a good man.”
Buffy knew better than to press Spike for any details about his past, so she just nodded and mouthed an ’oh’. “Okay, then. We go to St. Monica’s and punch first, ask questions later. That about it?”
“Sounds good to me.” The weight of the situation was beginning to get to Spike. He’d never been good at the planning, the waiting, the minutia of a well thought-out attack. Fists first, questions later; that was the best plan they could have come up with.
The vampire’s fidgeting was really beginning to get on the Slayer’s nerves. “That’s it. We’re getting out of here before Sparky implodes.” She turned to the watcher and tried to smile. “Any last words of wisdom? Cause I’ve never been up against a Warlock before.”
Amelia returned the young woman’s smile. “Only to be on your guard. We don’t know the extent of Evan’s power, Buffy, so I need you to expect the worst. Don’t let him get your goat, don’t let him touch you. If possible, try to turn the tables--if you can make him lose his concentration, that might buy you some time.” She walked over to the Slayer and wrapped her arms around her affectionately. “Best of luck, Buffy.”
Spike’s eyes followed Buffy as she left the room. He turned to Amelia and they stood there, awkwardly staring at each other, both waiting for the other to make the first move. “Bloody hell,” he said as he walked over to her and held his hand out. “Suppose this is it, eh? Remember what we talked about in the pub; I wasn’t kidding. Somewhere sunny--she deserves no less.”
The watcher’s handshake was firm, and her gaze steady as she replied. “William, you’ve a stout heart and have proven to be more of a man than most who work alongside me. You won’t let her down; I believe in you.”
It was the second time in the span of a week that someone had said those words to him, and they meant just as much now, coming from the mouth of this woman, as it had from Buffy. He remained glued to the spot, unable to say anything, until she handed him the Gem. It fit snugly on his finger and he immediately felt its energy flow through him.
His strong embrace surprised Amelia more than if he’d hit her. She was left there gobsmacked, watching him as he left, duster billowing behind him, wondering what part of what she’d told him had merited his choked “thank you”.
For the fourth time that evening, Evan pulled a knapsack from under his bed and pored through its contents, making sure that everything he’d need was in there. Tonight was the night that would change everything. The world was finally going to take a turn for the better. Well, for him, anyway.
A sound in the hallway caused him to jump, nearly spilling the bag’s contents out onto the floor. He shoved it back under the bed as the footsteps got closer; he let out a sigh of relief, however, when the sound went past his door and straight to the bathroom. The last thing he needed was for his mom to present him with another list of chores. Cinderella is my middle name...
Not that it would matter after tonight, of course.
“Are you upstairs?!” Victoria Blakeford’s shrill voice called out from behind the bathroom’s closed door.
Gritting his teeth, the young man pulled himself from the sanctuary of his bedroom. “Yes mum.” Stay calm, this will all be over, then you’ll be free...
The door opened, and the older woman stepped out, commanding attention even in the narrow hallway of her bungalow. Her white blouse and light grey skirt were immaculate and not a hair on her head was out of place. Piercing black eyes settled on her child as her lip curled with disdain. “Tonight’s meeting is scheduled to last late, so don’t wait up for me. I’ll most likely be back after midnight and I don’t want to see any lights on--you know what your bedtime is.”
Evan watched his mother slip on her boots and coat, thoughts of hellfire dancing through his mind. The cruel bitch was going to get what she deserved. Years of putting up with snide remarks, constant put-downs and right-out abuse had culminated in this one act that was going to change things for good. Her shrill voice shook him from an image of hideous demons dancing around her broken and bloodied body.
“Are you listening to me, child?!”
“Yes, mother...” Damn, think fast! “I’ll make sure all the plants are watered.” He almost let out a breath of relief when she nodded. Lady luck was with him--this had to be a good sign.
Not another word was uttered between the two, not a good-bye or a good evening. Evan simply shut the door after her and watched her get into her car and leave. He turned from the door and went to his room to fetch his bag, singing under his breath.
“This is the end of the world as we know it...”
Author’s Note: A great big thanks to Christie for her better than ever beta-ing duties on this one. She cut out a lot of unnecessary words/filler, and the chapter flows better because of her. And thanks to my readers, who I hope haven’t forgotten me or my little story :)
39 by Pipergirl
Chapter 39
The world around him blended into a mishmash of undistinguishable sights and sounds, all of it passing by him unnoticed. Evan Blakeford drove through dark, empty streets, preoccupied with the knapsack that lay on the passenger seat of his sedan; a mix of emotions surged through him every time his eyes lit on it, from the fear of losing his nerve, to relief that all this would soon be over. His attention concentrated on the bag at his left, the young man nearly collided with the vehicle ahead of him which was stopped at a red light.
The rush of adrenaline from the near-accident cleared his head enough for him to realise he had no idea where he was. It was an odd sensation, to have no distinct memory of the last... he checked the clock on the console... thirty-five minutes. No notion of what streets he’d taken, which landmarks he’d passed--it was as if he’d been on autopilot. Granted, that happened most evenings on his way home from work, but he’d never thought it could be possible in any other circumstance. Not when he was so on edge. Not when it was the night.
He craned his neck to take in his surroundings. The lack of functioning streetlights made it difficult to distinguish anything apart from dingy buildings and garbage piled along the curbs, but that in itself was enough to tell him that he wasn’t in the safest of neighbourhoods. A movement to his right caught his eye; someone--his mother of all people--crossed the parking lot of an old church before disappearing behind some overgrown shrubs. What the...? When the light turned green he hit the gas, cut off oncoming traffic, and sped into the church’s parking lot.
What was his mother doing here of all places? Had her widow/widower’s meetings been transferred here, so far away from the local community hall? Well, won’t matter any longer, he mused as he flung the bag over his shoulder. Everything was still going down as planned.
He walked towards the entrance, never noticing the car that coasted into the parking lot, lights dimmed.
“Bloody stupid modern cars. What’s the point in not bein’ able to turn the bleeding lights off, anyway? Might as well have a neon sign up top sayin’ ‘Hey! Look at us!’”
He had been like this the whole drive down. Buffy sat in the passenger seat, quiet as a church mouse, letting the vampire blow off steam in his own personal, very verbal, way. She remained silent as she caught sight of Evan disappearing behind some unruly bushes. Letting out a weary sigh--no one’s ever really ready to face an apocalypse--she spoke up for the first time. “Guess we’re right on time.”
As they grabbed their weapons from the BMW’s trunk the trip’s first uncomfortable silence settled upon them. They had already given their final speeches--Buffy for once having more to say than Spike--and anything they’d say at this point would just seem superfluous. When he closed the trunk, the Slayer’s attention was brought once more to her companion’s left hand, which now sported a gold ring--much different than the other jewellery he wore, which was all made of silver.
She wanted so much to bring it up, knowing it was the promise he’d ixnayed Amelia on. Its purpose, its role in their mission, was gnawing at her. If they had an additional weapon, a card up their sleeve, shouldn’t she be in on it? But her relationship with the vampire--personal and working--was based on trust. And if she placed her trust in him, it meant letting him take the reins every now and then; Buffy had to believe whatever reasons Spike had for keeping this ring were valid and that he had the baby’s best interest in mind.
Although his eyes were fixed on the lid of the trunk, Spike felt the Slayer’s gaze on him. He knew that she’d spotted the ring and was amazed that she’d held her tongue. There wasn’t much that was more curious than she; at least, not he’d ever come across. Shit, he couldn’t even put his hands in his pockets without her asking what was in them. And now here she was, literally biting her lips closed, working so hard at showing how much she trusted him.
Thing was he was afraid, and that was the main reason for being tight-lipped. The Gem’s powers were legendary, but what if it was really just a bauble, a useless trinket? What if one had to be of stout heart and all that rot for it to work? Hell, what if this wasn’t even the real Gem of Amarra? There was no reason to give Buffy a false sense of comfort in something yet to be proven.
So the ring weighed silently on both blondes’ minds as Spike nodded towards where Evan had disappeared.
“Ready, love?”
Ignoring the damp chill of the abbey, Evan cursed under his breath as his path meandered from one cold empty room to another. This new development threw his well-organized plans right out the window; too late, he realised he should have left room for Murphy and his stupid law.
His mother’s presence baffled him and sent his thoughts flying to the four winds. Why was she here? Was the community centre closed? How many other old crones did she have with her? Had she mentioned something before leaving? The young man was so busy playing twenty questions with himself that he didn’t notice the two shadows following him.
Buffy and Spike trailed their suspect, both lost in thought as they studied the man before them. Inhaling deeply, the vampire frowned. There was something slightly off about the man--or woman, rather, if the Slayer‘s seers were right. He gave the thought a moment’s ponder and smiled as he grasped what had been eluding him. Evan Blakeford didn’t smell like a woman, not even a little. The only sweet tang of female pheromones to tickle his nose came from the Slayer. So what did that mean? Were Buffy’s guides wrong, or was this a glamour to beat all? If only they could get a little closer, he’d be able to get a better idea...
The young man was really beginning to set Buffy’s nerves on edge. Although she wasn’t getting any nasty demon vibes off him--hello, human!--that certainly didn’t mean he was ok. His mutterings were audible even with the damp stone walls absorbing all sound, and he sure seemed pissed off about something. She couldn’t make out any of his ranting, but his body language spoke volumes: muscles taut, head bent forward, shaking from side to side, hands gesticulating wildly--this was neither a happy nor a sane camper.
When Evan’s pace slowed to a stop--he almost seemed confused--both blondes did likewise, having gained a little ground on him. Now that he was closer, Spike was able to rely on more of his senses. He picked up the young man’s rapid heartbeat, heard his erratic breathing; hell, his fear was almost palpable. Pausing a short moment to relish in its taste--this was their dreaded warlock?!--the vampire came to a decision.
The bleach blonde shot ahead of Buffy before she had time to react. “Stupid vampire,” she muttered, running after him. What the hell was he doing? Trying to get them both killed?! She watched helplessly as he grabbed the back of Blakeford’s coat and tossed him soundly against the wall. The Slayer winced at the solid ’thud’ Evan’s body made as it hit stone. Spike’s nose was no more than an inch from his, game face on. She was this close to asking ’what the hell?’ when she heard a whimper, followed by a trickle of something hitting the floor.
Cold yellow eyes stared at Evan as an iron grip held him inches off the ground. Whatever it was that had a hold on him wasn’t human--its facial features were distorted, it was growling for God’s sake, and it had... long pointy teeth? The beast’s mouth opened and its head tilted, as it made for his throat. The young man’s eyes shot closed and he held his breath, waiting for his neck to be torn out. Time seemed to slow to a halt as the monster paused, its cold breath washing over his sensitive skin, its hard figure pressed against his, their similar heights making them fit together a little too well. He let out a frustrated groan as his body reacted to its proximity in a very embarrassing fashion. If only this one had been as old and ugly as Nosferatu, this wouldn’t be happening...
Spike’s eyes grew wide as he took a sharp step back, letting the man fall and bumping into a frazzled Slayer.
“Spike! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Without tearing her eyes from Evan, Buffy grabbed the vampire by his coat and shoved him behind her to the other side of the corridor. She faced the young man with a flashlight in one hand and a dagger--aimed dangerously at his mid-section--in the other. Her eyes narrowed as she took in his countenance. This was definitely Evan Blakeford, the same man whose pictures were in the file Travers had given them, the same man she’d seen at the wharf, yet it wasn’t. There was something vastly different in his eyes; they lacked the arrogance and confidence she’d seen when he’d killed the Pelorak. This man didn’t look like he was high on power and dark magic.
Something was definitely of the weird, and she wanted in on it...
“Ok, Evan. Spill. Where’s the baby?”
At the young man’s frantic protests of innocence, “what do you mean, a baby? Who are you, what is he, and why are you following me?!”, Buffy couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Did these people think she was born yesterday? She was just about to sic Spike onto him when the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the hallway.
“Shit, Pelorak.” The bleach blonde was the first to speak up; he grabbed the two others and pushed them into a room, following closely. The darkness swallowed them up, acting as an acceptable cover to keep them from the demons’ eyes.
When the danger had subsided--along with the heavy footsteps--Evan was once again unceremoniously jostled out into the corridor, landing in his same spot on the wall. His shoe made a squishing noise as he stepped in his earlier puddle, causing him to wince in disgust. He craned his neck to look down the hallway, where the purple demons had gone. “What... what were those?”
The vampire’s chuckle was humourless. “Sure, mate, play the dunce card and we’ll just fall for it.” He was just about to go into a ‘hit first, ask questions later’ mode of interrogation when an idea popped into his mind, one that would help them answer at least one major question. The Slayer was sure to throttle him later on, but it was a valid attempt at getting answers and he was just plain curious to see what her reaction would be. He peeled his duster off, handing it over to Buffy. His eyes met hers for a moment, pleading with her to trust him, before he turned back to the young ‘man‘.
Buffy had no idea what the bleached blonde had up his sleeve, but she was curious. If he thought he could get Evan to talk, it was worth a try. She was getting tired of his innocence shtick, anyway--that was just an attempt to confuse them and waste time. What she never expected, though, was for the vampire to turn up the charm. But when she thought about it, what woman couldn’t resist his advances?
Their captive gulped as Spike faced him, eyes hooded and tongue tucked between his teeth. The blonde was liquid sex as he prowled across the few feet separating him, in his sinfully tight black jeans and even tighter black tee. A pale, sinuous, arm reached for Evan, calloused fingers gently tracing a cold line down his jaw. The vampire’s body was soon pressed against his, more so than before as they were touching intimately this time, and Evan could feel its taut musculature, coiled like a spring, ready to go off at a moment’s notice. He should have been on his guard, should have remembered the surprise in its eyes the first time it had felt his reaction, but his mind had gone numb. His eyes closed as a strong hand cradled the far side of his neck, pulling his head back, baring him for its cool breath. “I know what it’s like,” it whispered seductively, “to have a secret, Evan.”
Buffy was utterly speechless at the sight before her. It was wrong. No, wronger than wrong, actually. However, she couldn’t help but feel her breath shorten, her nerves tingle at the sight before her. Her lover had another man--a woman disguised as a man, Buffy!--pressed up against a wall in the most erotic scene she’d ever witnessed. If her lips weren’t so darned dry--all her moisture seemed to have headed south--she’d try to speak up. Really, she would.
“To hide behind a veil, always having to pretend...” The Slayer’s arousal filled his senses and Spike felt himself stiffen. And although it was conducive to his plan, being hard while pressed against another man’s body wasn’t exactly his cuppa--especially when he was no longer sure what gender was hiding beneath the male exterior. Way back when, he would have had his victim’s throat torn out before things could get awkward; women weren‘t the only ones weakened by his guile--he‘d lured his fair share of men, too. But there was a point to this seduction--one that didn‘t include draining the man dry--and it was time to get back on track. And that meant no more thoughts of Buffy and why on earth this image made her so wet...
The demon’s words, spoken softly against the shell of his ear, were hypnotizing but true. He was tired of hiding his true self, of putting on a false image to the world. All it had amounted to was an ulcer and a sorry excuse for a sex life, cowering beneath Mother’s shadow. Hell, tonight was the night that would earn him his freedom; what did it matter if he jumped the gun by a few minutes?
Spike felt Evan’s body lean into his just before a whisper of breath tickled his ear. As the young man’s words registered, “and you’re my ’out of the closet’ present, are you?”, the vampire felt a warm hand settle on his hip and soft lips press against the skin of his neck.
That was the answer he was looking for. Fighting the urge to punch the young man--he had, after all hit on him first--the vampire took a stiff step back, wiping away at the remnants of the kiss, and turned to the Slayer. “Your seers were wrong, pet. He’s not a woman.”
The two stared at him blankly, their minds hazy with lust. Buffy was still trying to get past the ’a guy kissed Spike and I thought it was sexy’ realisation as she looked from one man to the other. And then it hit her, what the vampire had worked out: Evan wasn’t female...
He was gay.
She turned to the vampire and admonished him quietly, her arms crossed over her chest in a patented pissed-off Slayer pose. “That was mean, Spike. I mean, beyond mean--it was downright cruel. How could you play with someone’s emotions like that?!” What she was about to say next was a low blow, but she figured he deserved it. “I guess that having been someone else’s laughing stock doesn’t stop you from doing it to others, does it?”
Ok, he knew he deserved some of her vitriol, but not all of it; and certainly not that last bit. “How the hell else were we supposed to suss out if he was a woman? Ask him politely?!” Adopting a very posh Giles-like accent, he continued. “Excuse me, evil powerful warlock, but we’re in an awful tricky spot here--you wouldn’t perchance be a woman, would you?” Pulling his duster on in sharp, angry motions, he snarled. “Don’t rightly think it would have gone down well, Slayer.”
“Look, I’m not saying that...”
The argument ended instantly when the echo of an angry voice made its way down the hallway to their ears. It was Evan’s voice.
But Evan was here, with them.
Or was he?
Two sets of narrowed eyes turned to the young man and before he knew it he was pressed against the wall--again. Gauging by all the dirt and mould clinging to the stone, his dry cleaning bill was going to be a bitch. The questions came at him fast and furious, almost too much for him to take in at once.
“Who are you?”
“Are you a decoy?”
“Is this part of your plan, to slow us down?”
“Who the hell is down there?”
“Where’s the baby?”
The young man shook visibly; he seemed just this far from hysteria. “Look, I truly have no idea what you’re talking about. My name is Evan Blakeford--although you seem to know that already, somehow; I’m a mortgage underwriter at Friedman, Morris & Thorpe. I don’t know anything about babies or purple... whatever those were, I swear!”
Spike stared at the young man blankly for a moment before turning to Buffy; Evan’s huff of indignity went unanswered, as if he wasn‘t present. “Pet, did those seers of yours come and tell you straight out that he was a woman?”
“Well, no, but they had a witch--not a warlock--as the bad guy in their play. That’s what was most important, because she’d been dressed as a man, but took the robe off and was a woman. I assumed that meant he was a woman; I never really thought about the other option...”
There was no way anyone could have tapped in to his plans, was there? As though he hadn’t enough on his plate already with everything going on. Damn it! Evan’s shrill voice finally got their attention. “... and ‘he’s’ right here in the room with you, so stop talking about me like I’m not here. And how the hell do you know who I am and what I’m doing here?” How would they know? He hadn’t even told Camille about it.
With a flick of her hair and a roll of her eyes that told him this wasn’t nouveau jeu for her, Buffy answered him. “Oh, it’s prophesied, just like every other time an idiot like you kidnaps a baby he plans on sacrificing so that worlds can bleed together.” At the incredulous look on his face--damn, but this guy was good, he looked genuinely surprised--she let out a sharp laugh. “What, do you think the good guys are stupid just because we’re nice?”
The Slayer almost screamed as he once again began to protest his innocence. This was going nowhere--how the hell were they supposed to get anything done sitting here playing ‘he said, she said’? “This is so stupid.” Grabbing Evan none too gently by the coat sleeve, she began pulling him down the hallway towards the sound of his voice--and gee but didn’t that sound weird? “Why don’t we just go and see for ourselves who Evan #2 is?”
As he was being dragged behind them like a rag doll, Evan wondered at his captors’ ability to bicker. It was like nothing he’d ever seen, a constant back-and-forth that seemed as natural to them as breathing. Well, for one of them, anyway. His ears perked up as soon as they fell back to the topic of, well, his leanings.
Buffy groaned. He’s never going to let this one go, is he? “And how was I supposed to know they meant he was gay?!”
“It’s not a matter of what you should have sussed out on your lonesome, love, it’s what you should have told the witch and the watcher--or me, even. I’m sure one of us could have figured it out. Now that I think of it, I can’t believe we actually bought it--a bleedin’ woman... Christ’s sake...” The vampire paused in his ranting, sniffed, and turned back to the other man. His eyes lowered to the knapsack before returning to Evan’s. “Wouldn’t happen to have a change of pants, in there, do you? You reek.”
A snarky retort was on the young man’s lips when the woman cut them both off with a dirty stare. Almost as bad as mum, these two.
When their path led them to a small room containing a table, chairs and an oven, Buffy knew they were on the right track. Gingerly opening the creaky door, she motioned to the darkness beyond it. “This way.”
Spike peered over her shoulder at the narrow staircase. “How do you know it’s this way? Could’ve been through that other door.”
“You know, just for once I’d like you to go along with me, no questions asked. Really, is that too much to ask for?” She waited patiently for the vampire’s ‘sorry, pet’ before explaining. “This is where I went in my dream. At the bottom of the stairs there’s a huge room with a vaulted ceiling. That‘s where I met the Cirque du Soleil wannabes, so I‘m guessing that‘s where Evan... well, the other Evan‘s gonna be. The room‘s perfect for all kinds of portally badness.”
As far as deja vus went, she could have missed out on this one and been happy. The air in the corridor was damp and musty, the stone just as slippery. A soft light shone from the room, illuminating the small parcel of floor at the base of the stairs. The parting point from her dream, however, was the amount of noise to be heard.
The other Evan, the one not sandwiched between her and Spike, was shouting orders, trying to be heard above the din of clashing weapons and a screaming baby. When her foot touched the bottom step, she quickly poked her head through the doorway, trying to amass as much information as possible from a two-second peek.
It could have been worse, really it could have. The other Evan stood on a platform in the middle of the room with Stewie The Wanker at his side and the baby off to their right, in a car seat. And although two dozen Pelorak were nothing to sneeze at, it was a lot better than what she’d witnessed at the docks--go Travers! But it would still be one hell of a job for Spike, even if she did get her hands on a few of them.
The Slayer quickly relayed what she’d seen to Spike, adding the layout of the room, which she remembered from her dream. Since everything else was dead on, she had to trust her instinct on that, too. She fully expected the vampire to mutter about needing ‘a bleedin’ miracle’, but Evan’s near outburst surprised Buffy. Struggling to shake loose from the iron-like grasp that held him, he whispered through clenched teeth. “You’re lying! I’m here--I can’t be in there, too! Let go of me! Let me see!”
The two blondes shared a confused look. Why would the young man waste his energy now? His gig was up, wasn’t it? Spike’s eyes were drawn to the sack that he held close to him. “Alright, then. But first we take a look at what you’ve got hidden in your bag.”
Before Evan had a chance to protest, the knapsack was torn from his grasp and opened. That small girl sure had a good arm on her.
The trio remained silent as a black jacket, a balaclava and a gun were pulled out. “Okay, so not what I was expecting...” Buffy looked up at Evan, eyebrows raised. “What the hell is this?”
Upset but still a bit defiant, the young man sneered. “A jacket, a balaclava and a gun. Question is, what do you see? A magic wand?” He looked first at Spike then at Buffy. ”Look, I don’t know what you two are, but you’re both off your bird. Now. Let. Me. Go.”
The Slayer stood her ground, leaning in until she and the young man were nose to nose. “Who. Are. You?”
“Evan. Blakeford.” He half expected them to shine a light in his eyes--this was getting ridiculous.
“Evan Blakeford is a psycho warlock, who is in there right now planning on ending the world. Once again: who are you?”
“For the hundredth time--my name is Evan Blakeford and I have no bleeding clue what you’re talking about. I’m not a warlock--I... I only played Dungeons and Dragons once, and I was elf. Is that what this is about? Is this some sort of game?”
Spike swallowed a laugh before pulling the Slayer off her victim. “Think he’s telling the truth, love. No one would openly admit to playing Dungeons and Dragons if they were making stuff up.”
“Then who’s the other Evan?”
The vampire shrugged, not being any closer to an answer than the two others. “What were you doing here with the weapon, junior?”
Evan, relieved that they were finally following a different path of interrogation, told them everything. About how his mother was overbearing, how he‘d spent years suffering psychological and physical abuse at her hands. That he’d finally had enough of her and decided to kill her--that’s what the gun was for. “And I was on my way to the community centre where she has her widows’ meetings when I noticed that I was stopped across from this place. Don’t know how I ended up here, but I saw her in the car park and followed her. When you two caught me I was trying to find my way through, to see where she’d gone...”
Buffy took a sharp step back, nearly losing her footing. “Nonono....” She was shaking her head, her lips pressed together firmly. “No, it couldn’t be. They--those seer guys--they couldn’t have been telling me... oh shit... we‘ve been following the wrong Blakeford...”
The answer dawned on Spike, like the proverbial light at the end of a tunnel. “Bloody fuckin’ hell--it’s his mother.”
Author’s Note: Bet you guys didn’t expect an update till, oh, this summer, eh? :) The ideas for this chapter and the next--the hardest ones to write to date--came to me just days after I posted the last chapter. Hopefully the next one will pop up sometime in the next two weeks. Life’s handed me a lemon (not going back to my old work for various stupid reasons--now I have to find a job pronto that pays as much as my old one. yuck.) and I’m trying to make lemonade... Hope you guys like--let me know what you think of the end; did you see it coming, or was it a surprise?
40 by Pipergirl
Author’s Note: I usually put the author’s note at the end, but I really think it merits being placed before this chapter. I apologize for the very long delay in updating and realise that the flow of the story has no doubt been affected for most of you. So if you want, you can go back a few chapters and reread; if not, I hope you remember where the story left off :)
Real life threw a few wrenches in my writing--my son’s growing up and taking an increasing amount of my time, which I’m all too happy to give him. I also had to work at finding myself a new job, and had to learn said job (a veritable brain-drain). But I’ve been plodding along, even when it was only one sentence at a time, knowing that I’ve got to finish this sucker or I’ll never forgive myself.
I’m not going to make any golden promises as to when the next chapter is going to be posted, but I’d like to think that it’s going to be in less than the 7 or so months it took to get this one up. I’ve only got chapter 41 to write before I reach those that have been sitting there, written more than a year ago.
If you choose to continue reading this story, please let me know. I’m not sure if anyone even remembers who I am :)

Chapter 40
Evan’s mouth opened and closed a few times before he was able to find his voice. “What the hell are you two talking about? What’s this about Mother?” This whole evening had become surreal. First there was the sudden change of plans, then these two show up, and now the sound of his own voice was coming from the adjoining room. Should’ve just stayed home and moped in the dark, putting this off, like every other night.
Inwardly, Buffy groaned; she knew they didn’t have the freedom to explain the ins and outs of the supernatural world to Evan. The more time they wasted dawdling, the closer Mama Blakeford got to success.
And that wasn’t an option.
Ok, she thought to herself, time for a crash course at the Buffy School of Sink or Swim. None too gently, the Slayer found a good grip on his shirt sleeve and shoved him towards the great hall’s entrance. Quietly, so as not to be heard, she muttered “Evan, welcome to your mother’s night job...”
The young man allowed himself to be jostled around. There was no way he could delude himself into thinking that he had a choice, anyway; he’d never met anyone--woman or man--who was as strong as this wisp of a girl.
Now, there are moments in life that remain forever imprinted in one’s mind. Some people remember the taste of their grandmother’s prize-winning blackberry pie, the smell of their father‘s garage, or even the tingle of a first kiss. For Evan Blakeford, it would be the cold terror that crept up his spine as he laid eyes on himself.
Well, it was him, but not really him. The other Evan--the one in the midst of a crowd of those purple whatevers--looked like him, and sounded like him, but there was something about his eyes that just wasn’t right. A wild look that, coupled with his frenetic movements, projected the quintessential mad scientist poster-boy look.
Evan pulled back, paler than ever, his breathing ragged. He turned to the two blondes, resenting the wry amusement with which they stared at him. Damn it but he wanted to sound angry, but he ended up sounding more like a frightened child. “How... how do you figure that’s my mother?!”
Well, he hadn’t fainted or shit his pants, Spike gave the poofter that much. Probably would have pissed himself if he’d have any left in ‘im, though. Just as he was about to launch into a rant about how much personal knowledge one would need to pull off such a powerful glamour spell, a cold, throaty voice interrupted him.
“Evan?” Amused, eerily seductive, yet rife with age and decay, the sound of that one word froze all three peeping toms. Evan’s heart caught in his throat; the malicious glee in the voice chilled him through to his soul. It was no longer the sound of his own voice. In any other circumstance that would have comforted him, but the realisation that it really was Mother in that hall all magicked up, disturbed him more than anything.
A flurry of options flit through the young man’s mind as the seconds ticked by. He had to think fast; as impatient as Mother usually was, he was certain that she would be doubly so in her present condition. His first instinct was to run, plain and simple--just let his legs carry him as fast as they could away from this nightmare. Would the two blondes stop him? No. He firmly believed that even as crazy as they seemed, they were on the straight and narrow. They’d probably just shake their heads, knowing for sure that he was the wanker they thought him to be.
His mother, on the other hand, might not be so lenient. If she didn’t send those purple demons after him, she’d probably turn him into a toad or summon a lightening bolt and fry him on the spot. And even if he did manage to run away, he sure as hell couldn’t go home to hide. So, running away? Not a smart move.
A second option would be to face her, gun in hand, and try to shoot her. Seeing that he knew fuck all about how to work a gun, his chances of figuring out the safety, aiming and firing before something really bad happened to him would be in the ‘Pauly-Shore-wins-an-Oscar‘ league. The odds just weren’t reassuring.
Or, he could play stupid. Something he‘d spent a lifetime perfecting.
Precious seconds ticked away as he struggled through his options. By the time his mother spoke up again, his mind was made.
“Evan, I know you’re there, I can smell your fear...”
No, there would be no more running away. It no longer mattered to Evan if his mother was an overbearing bitch or a psychotic hag. He had to face her once and for all.
Pushing himself away from the wall he headed towards the hall’s entrance, pointedly ignoring the hushed “Hey! Where the hell are you... get back over here!” that the girl tossed his way. However, he allowed his gaze to lock with the vampire’s. Strangely enough, the bleached hottie didn’t try to stop him--he raised an eyebrow, nodded in what seemed like respect, and even held his partner back.
“Hold on, Slayer. Let’s see what Junior’s got up his sleeve...” Although he hadn’t mentioned it, Spike had noticed that Mother Blakeford hadn’t made an allusion to either himself or Buffy. It had been ‘Evan, I know you’re there.’ Not a ‘who is that with you’, or an ‘I can smell your friends, too’. If the young man could keep her occupied, it might allow him and Buffy to get the job done after all.
“H..hello, mum.” He really did wish that she’d switch back to her regular semblance; as little as he enjoyed laying eyes on his mother, it was worse speaking to a deranged copy of himself. There was an awkward pause, with Evan and his mother simply staring, each waiting for the other to speak up. When it was obvious that she waiting for a reason for his presence, he cleared his throat. “Um, well, I was going to water the plants--just like you asked--but, um... I couldn’t find the watering can.” He let out a nervous laugh, wringing his hands and rocking on the spot, just like a six year-old who‘d been caught playing baseball indoors. “Thought I’d left it on the windowsill, but the darned thing just wasn’t there. So I figured I’d come by, see how the meeting was going--you know, meet some of your friends” he waved at the Pelorak gathered around the platform “and see if you knew where it is.”
Back in the stairway, Buffy and Spike gaped at each other. The young man’s story was the absolute worst cover-up and should no doubt have gotten him fried to a crisp on the spot. However, it was so stupid that it had left the witch confused, thus buying them all a little more time. This third person changed their battle strategy which had been, up to the last minute, create a fray, jump in said fray, and slash their way to victory.
But now they had a normal everyday guy to look after, someone who didn’t know a roundhouse from an uppercut, and who certainly wouldn’t be able to hold his own in a fight against a roomful of Pelorak. Evan’s presence was at once a boon and an impediment to their mission.
Evan may have been scared shitless, but the confused look that passed among the Pelorak didn’t escape him. Guess they didn’t expect a bloke to sound like an old woman. Well, it could also have been that they were seeing two of him.
The witch’s voice cut through the room, shaking those who were present from their stupor. She motioned towards a Pelorak who stood near the edge of the dais, calling out to it. “You--take him and tie him up. It will please me to no end to witness his gruesome death at the hands of the first beasts that come through.” When the demon didn’t move, choosing instead to remain on the spot staring at her curiously, the old woman lifted her hand and, palm outward, shot forth a ball of fire.
The acoustics of the room amplified the sound of the spell, resulting in a thundering boom that shook the ground. Evan jumped at the sound and nearly lost what was left of his lunch at the sight of the mutilated demon that lay in his line of sight. Trying to keep his eyes anywhere but on the smoking corpse, he unwittingly turned his attention back to the dais.
Something strange was happening to his mother. She seemed to be shimmering, almost fading in and out of sight. Her short chestnut hair faded to a dull grey mane, the proud, straight body curled onto itself and the youthful mask that she’d borrowed withered and became sallow. Not only did the woman on the platform no longer look like her son, she lost, in her transformation, her own features.
She looks, thought Evan, like... like...

“Baba Yaga...”
“Huh?!” Buffy turned to Spike, eyes narrowed. “Did she cast some kind of spell or something, because it sounds like you’re speaking in tongues...”
The vampire couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Haven’t you ever watched A&E on Saturday afternoons? She’s a witch in Russian folklore--one of the real scary ones, not like those Disney wannabes...”
“Hey! Maleficent was real frickin’ scary to this 8 year old!”
Spike snorted in response, but his retort was pre-empted.
“Look, whatever, we don’t have time to argue about cartoon witches when we’ve got the real thing next door. As ingenious as this playing dumb idea is, it’s only going to float for a certain time before Mother gets tired of it.” The Slayer’s quick words were a whisper, almost too quiet for even the vampire’s ears.
Spike nodded in assent. Yeah, it was action time, but he was damned (well, even more damned) if he was going to let Buffy risk her life by taking on a roomful of Pelorak on her own. “Alright, then” he said, readjusting the duster back onto his shoulders. “This might be the best opportunity we have. She’ll be off her game, what with her son’s appearance and dissention in the ranks. Pelorak are a patriarchal society; most of the buggers aren’t going to want to be led by a woman. We should be able to use that to our advantage. Now, I’ll go in first and catch her attention--good looking bloke like me shouldn’t have a problem” he puffed out his chest and winked at her. “Once I have her full attention, hopefully far away from the doorway, you sneak in and get the baby to safety.”
“Oh, no you don’t!” Her emotions ran from incensed, to worried, to angry in the blink of an eye. She poked her finger into his chest, punctuating her words. “You don’t get to pull that macho bullshit with me, mister. Either we both go in, or we both stay here.”
The vampire sighed, and took her hands in his. Logic had never worked well with the Slayer--Rupes would no doubt attest to that--but it was worth a try. “Buffy, if the two of us go in there at once, we’ll both be killed. She’s too strong and we’ve no defence against her magic. All we have left are our wits. It’s the only way we’ll get the baby out of danger. And don‘t worry about me; I‘ve got my bases covered.”
Something about her lover’s strong grip felt different to Buffy. When she looked at their clasped hands she noticed, once again, the glint of the band on his ring finger.
“It’s the ring, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, the watcher bird gave it to me. I’m pretty much invincible while I’m wearin’ it--or so she says.” He kept his gaze fixed on the gold band as if he expected it to do something spectacular. When his statement went unanswered he looked up and found the Slayer grinning widely at him. His face scrunched in confusion. “What?!”
“You’re, like, a superhero now. William the Bloody, former scourge of Europe, now invincible and using his powers for the good of humanity. It’s just... wow.”
“Oi! You take that back!” The vampire couldn’t help but smile, though. The Slayer’s playful ribbing was a good sign that she had most likely resigned herself to agreeing to his plan.
Every fibre of Buffy’s being was telling her that this was a bad idea, that letting Spike go in there alone was going to end badly. But there was the issue of trust, a sharp thorn in their relationship, that she forced herself to remember and--especially--respect. Spike was more than capable of taking care of himself and the ring was added insurance; if he let his ego run wild, as he surely would, it could help just long enough for her to run in and help him knock some heads.
“Bein’ pretty quiet, there, Slayer.” Spike’s hushed words pulled her from her musings. She brought her hand up to cup the side of his face and smiled. “Just thinking about how much ass you’ll kick when you get in there...”
That must have been the right thing to say, because the next thing she knew she was pressed up against the damp wall, the vampire’s cool lips over hers. The embrace was passionate, frenzied and much too short for either of their liking.
“God, Buffy.” The emotion in the vampire’s voice surprised even himself. It sounded choked and rough, and he wasn’t sure it would have sounded much different had he not been forced to whisper. “I love you so much.”
Yeah, the young woman thought, that was *exactly* the right thing to say. “I love you too, Spike. And I believe in you. Now get your ass in there before the baby’s old enough to ask for the car keys...”
41 by Pipergirl
Author's Notes:
Yes, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? But I’m sticking to my guns on the ‘finishing this story if it kills me’ promise. I really, truly wanted to have this out to you guys by Christmas, but RL threw a wrench into that deal. Simply too much going on. My job is becoming more and more demanding, as is my son (try telling a 2 year old that you don’t want to wrestle. Yet again) so writing’s taken a back seat to pretty much anything. It might give you a great big happy to know, though, that the next two chapters are already written (have been for over a year now); they’ve been tweaked to match what I’ve just written, and they just need to be beta’d (kudos to Christie for nagging me non-stop :D )
And, of course, please review to let me know if you’re still interested, and if you even remember me...
Chapter 40
Spike stepped out into the vast hall, duster billowing behind him, with all the swagger and self-importance of a century-old master vampire. His cold blue gaze scanned the room with an experienced eye, taking in enemy numbers, weapons and potential exits/entrances. Cockiness turned to irritation, though, as he realised that no one had noticed him enter. Granted, he’d never expected his arrival to be heralded; none of that ‘trumpets blaring’ or ‘hear ye, hear ye’ crap. But a cry of indignation, a ‘who the hell are you?!’, even a raised eyebrow would have been better than walking into a room full of Pelorak unnoticed.

Well, unnoticed by anyone who mattered. Evan’s gaze fell upon him and the young man turned an even more putrid shade of green. He stood on the dais beside Stewart-the-Council-turncoat and his mother, who had yet to regain her troops’ command. Spike could see the questions flit across his face, ‘what the hell are you doing?!’ being the main one. He’d been on the receiving end of that one more times than he could count with Angelus.

Reaching the mid-point between the doorway and the platform unmolested, he figured enough was enough. This incognito bit just wouldn‘t do. “So, is this a private party or is anyone invited?”

That got their attention.

Victoria Blakeford’s head shot up at yet another interruption. First the explosion at the docks, then Evan and now this. Was anything going to go right? She had spent decades planning this very night; the least it could do was go smoothly. Her face wrinkled in disgust, as if she‘d found a fly in her soup. “Who the hell are you?!”

The vampire ignored her question and resumed his trek towards the dais at a leisurely pace, stopping every now and then to smirk at a Pelorak or whistle at one of the architectural features. “Could smell the mischief a mile away, you know.” He brought his gaze back up to meet hers and smiled lazily, forcing himself not to flinch at the witch’s pale, milky eyes. “You’re lucky you only attracted the likes of me. ’m just here for a spot of excitement; not much else to be had on a Tuesday night, is there? I mean, there‘s no footie on the telly and does anyone really care about the BBC‘s report on yet another dictatorship in North Eastern Africa?”

Back in the stairwell, Buffy couldn’t help but smile to herself. Good old Spike--he can piss anyone off. Fighting the temptation to peek into the hall, she closed her eyes and tried to stay calm and focused. It was necessary for her to let Spike do his bit so that she could do hers.

One half hour. That was all that was left before the sacrifice was to take place, and she sure as hell didn’t have time to waste playing games with intruders. The witch looked at the purple idiots surrounding her. Hiring them had been the worst idea ever, no matter how highly they’d been recommended. That’s the last time I pay heed to Zagat’s Guide to the Underworld, she mused sourly.

“Well?!” she yelled out, eyes wide in disbelief. “Don’t just stand there; kill him!” Any other day, she would have simply flicked her wrist and erased the cocky nuisance from her sight, but tonight Victoria needed all her power for the ritual.

In the instant where the Pelorak hesitated, Spike began to laugh. If there was one thing he had to thank Angelus for, it was for teaching him the age-old ‘know thine enemy’. “You’re not taking orders from a female, are you?” He laughed even harder at some of the incensed looks he received. “What a sorry lot you are... your ancestors are probably rolling in their graves right now.” More to himself, but still loud enough for those nearby to hear, he chuckled. “Never thought I’d see the day where a roomful of Pelorak would let themselves be ordered around by an old woman...” The murmurs that began to spread throughout the room encouraged him. “What are you? Community rejects? Half-breeds?!”

A few of the younger demons were calling for his head, but the majority seemed to agree with him. Sure, everything had been fine when their leader had been male but now that the glamour had worn off to reveal a grey-haired crone...

Spike smiled with glee as the Pelorak broke off into groups, arguing about the truthfulness of the vampire‘s words. So focused was he on the fights breaking out, he never noticed one of the demons approach him until it was breathing down his neck.

“Call us half-breeds, do you, vampire?” The young Pelorak topped the vampire by a full head and shoulders, and outweighed him by at least 80 pounds. Spike stared at him for an instant, blinking once as he assessed the situation. Maybe he could twist its head, breaking its neck, but that depended on his being able to reach said head and neck--and the odds weren’t on the demon giving him a hand up there.

Well, then, the bleached blonde thought, gonna have to bring ‘im down here. Dropping all of his weight onto his left leg, he brought his Doc Marten onto the Pelorak’s bare foot. The demon howled in surprise and doubled over in pain, allowing Spike to land an elbow square in its throat. A well-aimed knee to the stomach finally caused it to fall on its side in an attempt to catch its breath. The vampire put a hand on the young demon’s shoulder, leaning in close to its ear. “Lesson the first, mate: we shorter ones often sting harder than our bigger counterparts. Be best for you to remember that if you want to stick around much longer.” With that, he stood up and gave the downed demon a swift kick in the ribs before turning to watch the melee he’d instigated.

Yup. It had been way too long since he’d stirred up so much shit and it sure felt good...

The sound of growling and fists hitting flesh drew Buffy from her hiding spot. This was the diversion that Spike had promised and, boy, did he ever deliver. The structured Pelorak ranks had been reduced to fragmented mini-mêlées, Mama Blakeford was yelling at the Pelorak, Stuart and anyone else within hearing distance, and Spike was having the time of his unlife pissing demons off and getting into fistfights. This left Evan shrinking in the background, wishing he was anywhere but there.

This was her chance. All she had to do was crouch, weave through the fighting demons, steal the baby out from under the witch’s nose, and get the hell out of Dodge. No problem, right?


“Well,” she muttered to herself, “no time like the present for stupid heroics.” It would have been impossible for her to wait until she was sure no one was looking, so the Slayer held low to the ground like a sprinter at the block and pushed off, running as fast as she could.

And she would have made it, had she not bumped into a Pelorak 15 feet from the dais. Not just any Pelorak, either; this particular demon actually recognized the young woman.

You!” Hilary’s former ’owner’ growled, yellow teeth stained crimson from the broken nose it had received. “I thought I recognized the vampire.”

Slayer and demon circled each other slowly, both predator and prey to each other, although this knowledge was shared only by Buffy. “Yeah, he’s kinda hard to forget, isn’t he? Bleached hair, leather duster, cocky grin...” She sighed in mock coquettishness. “He’s just so dreamy.”

The young woman’s defiance, the self-confidence that shone through her posture made the demon hesitate. He shook off the odd thought--obviously he had been correct in assuming she needed to be tamed.

And he’d take great pleasure in seeing her cower before him, broken and pleading mercy.

“Heh,” he chuckled, “looks like I won’t be leaving here empty handed after all.” He took a step towards the diminutive blonde and nearly fell flat on his ass from the right hook with which she nailed him. His left eye immediately swelled shut, causing him to react too slowly to the kick aimed at his mid-section.

Buffy watched the demon hit the ground, landing with a satisfying thud. “That was for Hilary, you bastard. And this,” she said as she stomped on his knee, drawing out a bellow of anger and pain, “is for anyone else you’ve ever touched.”

Victoria Blakeford watched in utter disbelief as order fell unto chaos. That it had taken so little to reduce her rigid phalanx of demon warriors into the modern equivalent of a saloon brawl had her seething. All because of that bleached annoyance. “Want to make a mockery of me, do you?” she muttered, glaring at Spike as he ducked a clumsy swing. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath as she channelled a portion of her fury into the palms of her hands.

“Cremare!” Twin balls of bright blue flame shot out, striking the vampire mid-chest. The witch’s lips stretched into a thin smile of self-satisfaction as she watched him fall to the ground in a heap; the cold smile turned to a sneer, though, as she felt a tug on her sleeve.

What?!” The sight of a cowering Stuart Morehead at her side almost drove Victoria to madness. After Evan, he’d be the first thing she’d be tossing to her inter-dimensional guests. She’d never known anyone who could aggravate her so easily; dim-witted, weak-stomached, little kiss-ass that he was.

“The ceremony, your greatness--you only have five minutes left...”

As fun as it would have been to watch the vampire turn to ashes under her spell, Victoria nodded and turned towards the altar. She swatted Morehead as they walked, growling at him. “And stop calling me names like that. This isn’t bloody Hollywood.”

A thunderous clap froze Buffy and her opponent, fists cocked back in mirrored poses. Her gaze immediately shot to the platform where Victoria Blakeford stood, staring at the far end of the hall, thin lips pulled back into a malicious grin and left hand held up palm out.

Almost reluctantly the Slayer followed the witch’s line of sight; her breath hitched as her eyes settled upon Spike’s motionless form. The vampire’s body lay crumpled in a heap, smoke rising from somewhere beneath the well-worn leather. Her Pelorak adversary was instantly forgotten. “Spike!” she shouted. Nothing. Not even a twitch. “Spike?” this time her voice was softer, less sure. Maybe he was still ok, but maybe he was dead and the ring was just keeping his body from turning to ash.

No! she told herself. I’d know it if he was gone; I’d feel it, like a part of me was missing... She pushed and shoved her way through the crowd, making a beeline for her mate. At this point, she didn’t care: didn’t care about demons, didn’t care about witches, didn’t care about... crying babies? Buffy’s confident steps faltered as a high-pitched wail resounded throughout the vast hall.

A baby.



Slowly, she turned away from Spike. This is the last time, she promised herself, fighting back tears. The last time she puts herself in a position where she has to let a loved one suffer; the last time where she puts her own needs in second place; the last time the Council is ever going to use her as its puppet. Every time she hurt a loved one a small part of her died.

With a heavy heart and solid determination--this stops *now*--the Slayer ploughed her way towards the dais. Mama Blakeford stood at the altar, mixing ingredients into an earthen bowl, her lips moving as she muttered what Buffy could only guess were incantations. At the platform’s far side, Stewie Morehead picked Dawn up and began preparing her for the ritual. The baby wailed as he began to remove her blanket and her clothes, the cold, damp air a shock to her tiny body.

As Buffy approached, she heard more and more clearly the witch’s words. Of course, that didn’t mean that it made any more sense to her; the old woman could have been chanting in Mongolian for all she knew.

Strangely enough, the Slayer managed to approach the centre of the hall without undetected. The Pelorak had become so engrossed in their myriad of skirmishes that she was of no importance to them. When she reached the stairs, Buffy took a quick moment to scan the platform. The dais was no higher than three, maybe four feet from the ground. Unfortunately for her, the baby was at its far end; that meant that she had to go through the witch first.

No biggie, right? She tried to convince herself. I’m the Slayer; I’m young, I’m super-strong and she may have killed my boyfriend, so let’s add super-pissed off, too. Of course, the scene that was unfolding not fifteen feet from her was enough to make her second-guess her confidence. In the short moment it had taken her to approach the platform, Victoria had managed to draw a pentacle on the wooden floor boards, call up one doozy of a fire--which, strangely enough, wasn’t emitting any heat--and arm herself with a long dagger.

When the witch lifted her arms and began to chant, Buffy watched Morehead approach, the screaming baby in his arms. A strong wind began to whip around the dais, encouraging Blakeford to chant even louder.

There would not be a more opportune time for Buffy to make her move. If she waited any longer, it would be too late and Dawn would die. She climbed the remaining stairs and ran towards the ex-Watcher. “Put her down, you son-of-a-bitch!” Despite the fear that she felt, her voice sounded commanding.

Morehead hesitated, the look on his face at seeing the Slayer less than ten feet from him almost comical. The witch, however, had no such reaction. With a flick of her wrist, she uttered ’Gravitas!’ and Buffy collapsed as if a piano had been dropped on top of her. Literally glued to the spot, she could do nothing but look on in horror as Blakeford proceeded with the ritual as if nothing had happened.

Nononono... It couldn’t end like this. The good guys always won. She always won. She’d killed a boyfriend, she’d defeated the mayor, she’d fucking died to avert apocalypses. And now what? One distracted flick of the wrist and that was it?!

Buffy closed her eyes, blocking out the wind, the chanting, even the baby’s screams. She looked inwardly, sought her power, reached for it with everything she had. Forced herself to think of every reason why the world couldn’t end: her mother, her friends, Giles, Spike, that shoe sale they always had at the mall every Fall... And then she felt it. Felt the Slayer’s power course through her veins, giving her the strength to continue fighting.

There was no way in hell she was becoming some inter-dimensional creep’s bitch without a fight.

When the young woman’s eyes reopened, they settled on Dawn. A baby girl, chosen just like she had been, to be special. Despite the force weighing her down, the Slayer managed to maneuver herself to a crouch. Her gaze never left the baby; not when Stewart handed her over to Victoria, not when the witch pressed the dagger’s blade against her soft skin, not even when the first small drop of blood fell towards the ground, allowing the portal to finally open. All that mattered to Buffy was that she was slowly standing up, fighting the witch’s spell with everything she had in her.

Her head did shoot up, however, when a gunshot rang out, echoing through the hall.

She knew. The moment the weight lifted from her, the force she was exerting propelling her towards the baby, Buffy knew that the scales had tipped in her favour. The young woman ran and grabbed Dawn just as something reached out from the portal. Instead of the baby, the demon grabbed the witch who’d just fallen to the ground, shot and bleeding, and disappeared back to whatever dimension it called home.

Although the baby was safe in her arms--for the moment--Buffy knew they weren’t out of the woods yet. She stormed over to Morehead and grabbed him by the collar with her free hand. “How do we close it?! Tell me, or you’re gonna be the next take-out meal.”

The older man was shaken, but acted quickly. Grabbing the bowl that held Blakeford’s ritual ingredients, he tossed it into the portal, effectively closing it.

“Good,” the Slayer stated, her eyes still focussed on where the opening had been. She turned towards the former Watcher just before her fist shot out and struck him square on the jaw, knocking him out cold. “That’s for being a... a wormy mouth, or whatever the hell Spike called you!”

“It was Wormtongue, love.”

Buffy turned around and found herself face to face with a very bruised and battered Spike. She reached out to touch him, gently tracing the holes that marred the front of his t-shirt. The day’s stress finally hit her and she fell into his strong arms, baby and all.

“Oh God,” she sobbed. “I thought you were dead, and with the portal...” Her next words were whispered so quietly the vampire had to strain to hear them. “I couldn’t have handled losing someone like that again.”

Of course, the circumstances were different--he used way less hair gel than the Poof, for one--but Spike understood the Slayer’s fears. She’d been so young back then, when Angelus had tried to raise Acathla. The only saving grace was that she’d run her sword through Angelus and not Angel; although, with the world on the line, he was pretty sure she’d sacrifice anything to win. She was the Slayer, after all.

“I’ve got the ring, remember?” He held her as close as he could without crushing the nibblet. “I’m not gonna leave you any time soon, Buffy. I love you too goddamned much.”

“Hey!” Buffy pulled back, swatting him lightly on the arm. “Watch your language around the baby.”

The bleached blonde was about to reply something unsuitable for infant ears when his gaze fixed on something just over the young woman’s shoulder. “Bloody hell...”

Evan stood at the far end of the dais, his posture rigid, his arm straight out, gun still in hand. The vampire stalked towards him, steps slow and sure so he wouldn’t frighten him. Spike had already been through enough pain without getting shot as well. “Hey there, mate,” he said as he approached the young man. “How’s about you hand me that gun, huh? I don’t think you’ll need it again.”

Spike pitied the young man. He knew from experience what it felt like to kill your mother. Ok, so he’d been a vampire when he’d killed her the first time, and when he’d staked her that second time, but he had felt a tumult of emotions ranging from anger to guilt. And Evan had a soul to top it off.

The kid was going to need years of therapy; as if living with his mother hadn’t been traumatic enough, from what he’d sussed.

“S’alright. Look, I’ve... I’ve been there. You’re probably pissed off at her for makin’ you do this. You’ll probably be goin’ through those five steps like they talk about on Oprah or some other poncy show. Just,” he sighed, exhausted from the day’s emotional and physical rollercoaster, “just give me the gun, mate.”

Evan looked over at the blonde girl and the baby she held. Two pairs of green eyes stared back at him, one weary and the other curious. The gratitude in the Slayer’s gaze cemented the knowledge that he hadn’t had a choice. He’d no idea what that portal had meant; all he knew was that his mother was going to kill a baby. She’d already ruined his life, and he wasn’t ready to stand by and let her ruin another’s.

When the young man’s shoulders dropped, Spike let out a breath of relief. He took two quick steps forward and pried the gun from Evan’s shaking hand, made sure the safety was on, and slid it in the waistband of his jeans. Too tired to keep his tougher-than-nails façade up, he put a hand on the other man’s shoulder. “You have anyone you can call? Don’t think you’re in any shape for drivin’ after all this.”

Buffy sat on the wooden steps, weary beyond belief, as Evan used his cell to contact someone called Camille. Maybe he’d let them borrow his phone to call the Council. Someone had to clean up the dead Pelorak and she sure as hell wasn’t up to it. She looked down at the baby cradled in her arms; Dawn’s eyes closed, sleep winning over curiosity, and a welcome peacefulness washed over the Slayer.

Spike came and dropped down beside her. He looked worse than she felt, especially with the two burns on his stomach. She nodded towards them. “Do they hurt?”

“Nah,” replied the vampire. “Can’t feel a thing. I hope the Watcher lets me keep this ring till I’m healed, though, or else you won’t be hearing the end of it.”

The young woman chuckled. “I’ll put in a good word for you, for my sanity’s sake.”

By then, most of the Pelorak had left. A few of the older ones remained behind, collecting any belongings from their dead brethren. The two blondes sat on the steps, watching them with detachment.

Buffy was the first to break the silence. She sighed and tried to stretch without waking Dawn. “Well, we’d better get Amelia on the phone. The sooner they come and pick up the baby, the sooner I can get some shut-eye.”
42 by Pipergirl
Author's Notes:
Toldja the next few chapters would be coming along quicker! We’re heading into the final stretch of the story, with another 2 or 3 chapters after this one. Thanks for all the encouraging reviews for the previous chapter--don’t forget to review this one, too!
Chapter 42

“We have to what?!” “Bloody hell, no!”

Travers had expected this reaction. He hadn’t clawed his way up to the position of Head of the Council of Watchers without being able to foresee hurdles, or prepare for them. His case was already made and practiced (hey, an experienced tactician never jumps into the fray unprepared).

“Buffy, William... There is still a chance that the baby is in danger. It may seem as though your mission was successful, but it would be prudent to err on the safe side by keeping the child with both of you, those most capable of looking after her best interests. At least until our coven is able to determine that the danger has subsided. Victoria Blakeford may be in a position to come back from wherever she was taken; until we know for sure, we can‘t afford to take any chances.”

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Buffy had envisioned handing the baby over to some Mary Poppins-like lady before heading back to the hotel to crash for oh, a few days. Her body ached everywhere, her clothes were torn, and she was still covered in Pelorak blood. She needed a bath and about twelve hours’ sleep. Spike, who stood beside her, was in no better shape. Except he looked like he needed about twenty-four hours’ sleep.

Damn this new conscience of his! The old Spike would have told the Council to screw themselves, that they could take care of the tot, threat of danger or not. Of course, the old Spike wouldn’t have stayed on after his conditions hadn’t been met; he wouldn’t have risked life and limb to rescue some slave. And he sure as hell wouldn’t have fought dozens of Pelorak to save a baby. But the new Spike? Well, that was a different story.

The two blondes made eye contact and, resigned to the temporary extension of their duties, nodded.

Buffy spoke on their behalf. “Ok, Travers. We’ll take care of the baby until it’s deemed that she’s safe. Anyway, after the crap we went through tonight, this should be a breeze...”


“Slayer, I think you’ve got it on backwards.”

“Spike? Shut up and let me do this.”

“No, I know you’re doing this wrong.”

“Listen here, back-seat-diaper-changer-guy, are you saying that you know more about diapers than me?”

Spike held up the package of diapers and pointed to its front. “No, but I’m smart enough to see that the baby on the picture has the...” His brow creased as he stared at the picture. “...red fuzzy thing...”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Elmo. He’s called Elmo.”

“Fine. If you look at the picture, Elmo’s on the baby’s front. Probably easier to put the nappy on if you’re pulling the velcro thingies to the front, anyway.”

“Ugh. Fine. Give me a hand, though. I’ve no idea how something so small can squirm so much.” The young woman managed to turn the diaper around. Huh, she wondered, whaddaya know. It *is* way easier like this. She looked back up to the bleached blonde as she pressed the velcro tabs in place. “After this, maybe you can wash up a bit and go out and get all that stuff we need. I doubt that these diapers the Council gave us are going to last long enough.”

Spike nodded, dangling his set of keys just beyond Dawn’s reach. “Alright. But don’t expect any sort of fancy, cutesy stuff. I’m just popping in to the first store I see to grab the basics. I doubt that’s much, anyway. What more do you need for a tot aside from nappies and milk?”


The bell above the door pealed as Spike stepped into the small family-run store. He had more than a hunch that this was going to be yet another experience to add to his ‘weird things I’ve been through’ list. In just over a week, he’d gone from being the Big Bad to shopping for nappies. He muttered a few curses under his breath as he looked around for someone to help him. Just as he was about to holler for assistance--rather rudely, with the mood he was in--he heard someone’s voice.


The vampire spun around to face the person who had called out. As the young woman approached him, he had to fight not to twitch or stare. He leaned against the counter, trying to steady himself, masking it as a casual pose. Her resemblance to Dru was uncanny--thin, of average height, long dark curls surrounding a pale face with large eyes. Shaking off the strange feeling, he forced a weak smile. “Have we met?”

“No, I‘m afraid we never have.” She approached him gracefully, examining him closely. “You just look like a William.” The young woman hadn’t missed the strange look that flitted across the man’s face. Never one to be shy, she cocked her head to the side, clucking her tongue. “Is something the matter? You look as though you’ve seen a ghost. I hope I didn‘t frighten you earlier, by calling you by your name. It‘s a bit of a... gift... I‘ve always had. Of course, my parents have always discouraged it--especially Mother. Seems to think it‘s a bad omen or something.” She shook her head and chuckled. “’S a bit silly, to make such a fuss over a sixth sense...”

Spike tried to remain calm. Damn--she even had some of Dru’s mannerisms. All she needed to do now was to close her eyes and spin around, nattering about pixies. “No ghost, luv. You just remind me of someone I know.” He let out a nervous laugh. “Practically her spittin’ image, to tell the truth.”

“Well, can’t be family. Don’t look at all like anyone on Mum’s side and most of my Father’s family was killed early in the nineteenth century. It’s an horrible story, actually. I’m the first girl to be born to a Gooderman since then.” She gave him a strange smile, unsure as to why she was giving a stranger such intimate details about her family. Shaking the feeling off, she swept her left arm in a Vanna White impression. “Now, how can Gooderman’s help you?”

The vampire had to restrain himself from asking the hows and wheres of her family’s murders. If Dru really did have descendants, it was best that no one know. Especially not someone linked to Angelus and Dru herself.

“Yeah. We--that’s my, um, girlfriend and I--have to keep an eye on a baby for a couple of days. I just need to pick up... whatever we need.” Damn. Why was he so embarrassed about all this? After all, it wasn’t like it was his own baby. And it sure as hell wasn’t the Slayer’s--now, wouldn’t that be a hoot, Slayer havin‘ a baby? He ducked his head and scratched the back of his neck. “Truth is, neither of us have an inkling of what we need.”

The brunette smiled. God, this was hilarious--she’d never seen anyone so embarrassed about picking up nappies and formula before. Not even the men sent in to pick up their wives’ feminine hygiene products looked as put out as poor William. Actually, if he hadn’t mentioned his girlfriend, she would seriously have considered asking him out. For some odd reason, she felt a connection to him. Weird.

“Well, no need to be so bashful about it. Taking care of babies isn’t always instinctual; actually, it hardly ever is.” She grabbed a shopping cart and led the bleached blonde to the far end of the store. “So, do you just need the basics, or everything?” At the man’s blank stare, she gave him a wide shopkeeper grin that would have made Anya proud. “Well, then, let’s see where we can start.”

They made their way along the aisles, filling the cart with all the necessities. Spike was astounded at the number of things that were needed. It was a good thing he hadn’t relied on the list he and the Slayer had come up with, because the baby would have been fed whole milk and they’d have run out of diapers after two nights.

“You sure we need this many?”

The woman laughed. “Yes, you do. It’s funny, but the younger they are the more nappies they go through.” Looking into the cart, she took stock of what they‘d accumulated so far. “Ok. We have formula, nappies, wipes, bibs, bottles, a few sleepers, some blankets... I know I‘m forgetting something...” She bit her lip in concentration before her eyes grew large. “Aha! Does the baby have anywhere to sleep?” When Spike shook his head, she pulled his coat sleeve. “Come on. You’ll also need a bassinette, and...”

The vampire followed her silently, quite happy that the Council was footing the bill on this one. Come to think of it, might even go ahead and buy the tot a few extras. A few *expensive* extras... To hell with what he’d told Buffy; if the Council was paying, this was going to be the most spoiled baby in town.

When it was all said and done, the young woman led Spike to the register. As he filled out the blank cheque he’d been given, the vampire realised that he hadn’t found out her name. Handing her the cheque he shook her hand. “Never quite caught your name, Miss...”

“Edith. My name’s Edith.”


Stunned, Buffy sat at the table, slack-jawed. All she had done was ask Spike how the shopping trip had gone and she’d been bombarded with curses about ‘bleedin’ ghosts’ and ‘bloody psychic dolls’ before he’d stormed back out for a smoke.

Shaking her head, she began to unpack the numerous bags and boxes--and how the hell had all that fit in the car, anyway?!--that had been dumped at her feet. As long as she’d live, she’d never understand how that vampire’s mind worked.


“Have you got the bloody thing ready yet?!” Spike called over the baby’s hysterical shrieks. He paced the length of the room, bouncing Dawn in a steady rhythm, trying to soothe her. This hadn’t been part of the plan when he’d agreed to help save the world. Playing au pair wasn’t on his long list of things to do and he certainly didn’t have the experience or patience that a situation like this required.

He was tired, he was cranky, and he was in a lot of pain. And it didn’t help that every time he bounced Dawn, her legs scraped against his burns. Conversely to what he’d hoped, a very subdued Amelia had asked to have the ring back. Its disappearance had been noticed and she’d had to come clean about ’lending’ it to Spike. Head Council members were not impressed, and her fate as a Watcher was still to be determined.

But, as poorly as he felt, the vampire managed to reign in his anger while repeating a mantra over and over again in his head: I will *not* shake the baby; I will *not* shake the baby; I will *not*...

Buffy tried to remain calm; this was the fifth time Spike had called out in less than three minutes and it was really starting to get on her nerves. Realising that he was in much more pain than her, and that Dawn’s wailing was no doubt louder to his vampiric hearing, the young woman just gripped the counter and counted to ten. Over and over again. Peach air in, irritating vampire out... peach air in, irritating vampire out... “For the hundredth time, Spike, it says we have to boil the water for ten minutes! Then we obviously have to wait for the water to cool down before we can give it to her.” She checked her watch once again, noting that only two minutes were left for the boiling.

Thank God, or I’d have to pull his arms off and beat him to death with them...


“Two bloody ounces. All that screamin’ for two bloody ounces...” Spike held up the bottle with his free hand, swishing the remaining six ounces around. “Are you sure we can’t keep this for later? Seems a waste, if you ask me.”

“Well I guess the experts weren’t asking you, were they?. It says ’do not reheat’ and, seeing as I’ve never done this before, I’m going to take their word for it.” Buffy was almost whispering, from fear of waking the baby. It had taken Spike five additional minutes to calm Dawn down enough so he could feed her, and then she had practically inhaled the two ounces before falling into a coma-like state. “Do you want me to put her in the playpen? And, may I add, Travers is gonna be pretty pissed off that you went and bought all this extra stuff. I mean, do we really need a swing?”

The vampire handed the sleeping beauty to the Slayer so she could put her down for the night. “Hey, he’s the one who gave me a blank cheque. Anyway, I figured it was the best way to get back at them for guilting us into this; she can keep the stuff when she goes... wherever. As for the playpen, it was cheaper than a crib and we needed somewhere other than a suitcase or desk drawer to put her in.”

Dawn didn’t even flinch as she was gently laid down in the pen’s bassinet. Tiny mouth half open, little arms splayed out at her sides like a scarecrow, she slept as calmly as a child who had never been kidnapped and nearly sacrificed. The cut she’d received from the ritual had healed almost immediately, but that didn’t lessen Buffy’s guilt over not having checked it over before arriving at Council Headquarters.

The young woman watched the baby sleep before taking a seat beside Spike on the couch. Snuggling against his side--careful not to brush against the wound to his abdomen--she sighed. “Shouldn’t she be a little more... I don’t know, a little more freaked? I mean, she’s been manhandled by Evan’s mom and her band of not-so-merry demons for the last month and a half, but she’s sleeping like she was at home with Mommy and Daddy and nothing bad had ever happened.”

“Honestly? I think she’s special, love.” Spike craned his neck to peer into the pen. “Remember when they handed her back to us at the Council? It was like she recognized us. Don’t think tots that young can do that, never mind the super healing bit. You know what it’s like for these prophecy babies. They’ve always got some sixth sense about ’em or something.”

The Slayer remained pressed against the vampire until she took a deep breath. Pulling herself up from the comfort of the couch, she wrinkled her nose. “Ugh. I smell. I think I’m finally going to go have that bath I’ve been thinking about for the past four hours.”

Spike got up after her. “Sounds like a nice idea, pet. How ’bout I join you, and we can wash each other’s back?” He wagged his eyebrows and gave her a smirk.

“If you join me, I doubt we’ll be getting any washing done. And, tempting as that is, someone’s got to stay with the baby. With both of us in there, we’ll never hear it if she wakes up.” Buffy gasped as Spike walked over, wrapping his strong arms around her. She could feel the tenuous control he was exerting over himself in the tension in his muscles; he was holding back, and she wasn’t sure she wanted him to.

“People in Ireland will hear her screams, love; she’s like a banshee. And remember--vampire, here... Come on, there’s no way we won’t hear...”

The young woman felt her legs weaken as a cold tongue traced the shell of her ear, cool breath against her skin. “Please?” Soft lips placed butterfly kisses down her neck as a hand traced a hardened nipple through the cotton of her shirt. Giving in, Buffy turned around to face him and nodded.
The weight of the day’s emotions came crashing down on them as their lips collided. Frenzied, open-mouth kisses that spoke of relief, of frustration and of love were exchanged as they shuffled back towards the bathroom.

Spike pulled back, eyes black as night and lips stretched into a leer. “Gonna finally see if we both fit in that tub...”


“Spike? Why aren’t you coming in?” Buffy had peeled her clothing off--in the literal sense--before letting herself slip into the bathtub. She immediately felt her muscles relax, soothed by the heat of the water. Now she lay back, fingers tracing the tub’s curved sides, watching the vampire with interest. He should have been undressed, in the tub and pressed against her by now...

The bleached blonde inhaled deeply through his nose. Somewhere amongst the smell of sweat, dirt and blood was the Slayer’s arousal. The unmistakeable, sweet scent of her desire for him. “Just taking in the view, love.” He ripped his t-shirt off, winced slightly at the movement, and tore at his belt buckle.

Buffy licked her lips as she watched her lover undress. Belt tossed aside, he began to work at the button on his jeans. She knew that the calm facade he was projecting was just for show. The bulge in his jeans and his trembling hands belied his relaxed demeanour.

Just as the vampire was about to push the denim down over his hips, a very distinct wail arose from the adjoining room.

“Bloody, buggering fuck!


Her bath quickly over with, the Slayer crept out of the bathroom. She was a little apprehensive about Spike’s potential mood--after all, he’s been jonesing for that bathtub interlude since we’ve been here...

The sight that befell her would have erased any and all lingering doubts about Spike’s redemption had she had any.

Stretched out on the couch, the vampire was deeply asleep, baby Dawn equally peaceful on his chest. Pulling one of the blankets off their bed, Buffy carefully covered the snoozing vampire and tot, tucking them in with a kiss to their foreheads. As she padded over to the kitchen to forage, she made a mental note to thank Giles for guilting her into this trip.
43 by Pipergirl
Author's Notes:
This is the last chapter I’ve got in reserve. The next one is mostly written, and I’m hoping I can get it finished asap... Thanks for the lovely reviews; keep ‘em coming!
Chapter 43
“Now, do we have everything?” Standing by the hotel room door, Buffy made a mental list of everything Spike had already brought to the car, glad that the saleslady who had sold him all this stuff had suggested the easily storable versions. Otherwise they might have had a problem loading a playpen, a swing, a bouncy chair, a diaper bag and a bag of clothing into the BMW. Oh, that was aside from the car seat, of course. Oh, and all the bottles and formula and toys and...
She looked down at the baby, who was peacefully sleeping in her car seat. Although the young woman was glad the week was over--she was so not ready for kids yet--she felt a twinge of sadness at handing Dawn back to the Council.
An adoptive family had been found for the baby girl, one which was aware of her special status--people who were ‘associated with the Council’, according to Travers. But that mattered little to Buffy’s selfish side, who doubted they’d love her nearly as much as she did.
The click of the door caught the Slayer’s attention and she almost laughed out loud at Spike’s dishevelled countenance. He looked like he’d been wrestling a Fyarl.
“You tell me that there’s anything else for me to squeeze in that bloody car and you’re riding on the roof, Summers. There’s room for you, me and the bit, and that’s it. It’ll be a tight squeeze as it is.” Although the vampire had grown fond of Dawn, he didn’t share Buffy’s separation anxiety. The week had been an irritating little foray into a situation to which he’d never given any thought, not even as a human. And now that it was over, he was relieved and more than happy to go back to his childless state of being.
Exhausted as he was, though, he still had the presence of mind to remember one thing. Reaching out for the Slayer before she had a chance to slip her shoes on, he hooked her by the waist and plopped her down in front of where he stood. Using his patented husky voice #4, he looked down at her and asked: “Do me a favour love--put on that dress that you got at Zairah’s, the Chinese one.” Leaning down, he brought his lips to her ear and whispered “But leave the knickers behind.”
Buffy’s eyes jumped open. “Are you insane?! I’m not going to the Council without any underwear on!” Quieter, as if they weren’t alone in the room, she leaned in and added: “What if someone sees?” Really, Spike’s libido had taken finally taken over his brain.

Wait. He was a guy. This was normal.
The vampire knew that she’d put up a fuss. Dragging his hands to the young woman’s hips, he splayed his fingers over them, gripping strongly. As he begged, “Please”, he pulled her back against his erection. It had been a week since they’d been able to do anything. Anything besides going solo, and that didn’t suit Spike in the least; not when he had a warm body pressed against him, obviously as aroused as he was.
Her agreement was uttered in a shaky voice. Buffy didn’t know what he was up to, but she had an inkling that she wouldn’t be minding it in the least. Walking backwards towards the bedroom, her hand held his until she was out of reach.
This was going to be one hell of a hard trip for both of them.
She was up against the wall before the door was even closed. Spike’s mouth covered hers feverishly, tongue darting out to taste her, teeth nipping at her lower lip. His hands were everywhere at once, freeing her hair from the loose bun into which she’d quickly styled it, sliding down her body, following the satiny fabric of her dress until they’d reached its hem.
The delivery of the baby had gone down without a hitch. Buffy had given Dawn a kiss goodbye and tried very hard not to get too weepy. Even Spike had touched the tip of his index finger to the tot’s nose--the closest he’d ever get to letting Council members see his attachment to the special girl. And then they were off, free to spend the next few days to do as they wished.
Against her body’s pleading, Buffy’s better judgement fought Spike off the whole ride home. In the elevator, in the underground garage, in the car... Even in the hotel lobby, with Hetty nowhere to be seen. But now, back in the safety of their room at the Sheffield Arms, she finally gave in to her need for him.
A groan escaped her lips as the vampire’s fingers traced their way up under her dress, skimming the swell of her rear, the curve of her hips. Even their first time, only about a week ago, Buffy hadn’t felt the same need for Spike’s touch.
“Christ, Buffy. I can’t wait. Can’t fucking wait anymore... Need to be in you so bad, need to have my cock so far up your tight quim...” Spike knew he was babbling, but it was all true, every word and every emotion behind them. If he didn’t feel himself surrounded by her heat, he was going to lose his sanity. “One week... one week doesn’t seem like much, but when it’s with you it’s for bloody ever.” He pulled his lips from the column of her neck just long enough to lock his gaze onto hers, making sure that she was ok with this.
The fevered look on the young woman’s face--cheeks flushed, eyes darkened, lips swollen--was all the go-ahead he needed. There would be time later for foreplay, for taking it slowly, for soft caresses. Right now, what both blondes desperately needed was instant physical gratification.
When the vampire drove himself deep into the Slayer’s pussy, his desire only grew. Pounding her small body against the wall mercilessly, he dug his fingers into her hips to steady her, to keep his thrusts as deep as he could. She was like liquid heat surrounding him, her skin burning him even through the fabric of her dress. Her moans matched his every grunt as he pistoned into her, driving himself closer and closer to a much-sought release.
Buffy felt the tell-tale tingle of an impending orgasm but didn’t fight it. This was all about working off excess lust, ridding them of a week’s worth of pent-up desire. She brought her mouth to Spike’s ear and traced its shell with her tongue, nibbling on its lobe. “God, I love you. I love how you don’t hold back, how you fuck me so hard it almost hurts--but it feels so good. I can feel your cock filling me, stretching me. I want you in me so deep I can taste it when you come. You’re the only one for me, Spike. Ahh, please don’t stop...” Her head flew back, neck bared in invitation as her body was strung taut with the nervous energy of her release.
He’d been holding back, hoping against hope for this invitation. Spike’s own orgasm hit as his teeth sank into the Slayer’s neck, pulling in her rich blood as he poured his cold seed deep into her womb.
They sank to the floor, still intimately connected. When he heard Buffy snicker, the vampire pulled his head back to look at her. “What’s so funny, love?”
Tenderly pushing a stray curl away from his forehead, the young woman smiled. “I was just thinking that at least this time we’re already home. No having to worry about anyone seeing us like this.”
Spike chuckled. “I like you like this. All debauched.” At her blank stare and raised eyebrow, he laughed even harder. “Well-shagged, love. That’s what I mean. You glow, you know that? Right after you come, and you return to your senses, your face just shines...” Effulgent was the word he wanted to use, but even after a century the word was still a sore point for the vampire. Reaching over to place a kiss on the tip of his lover’s nose, he pulled away from her and made to stand. “Now, what do you say we unplug the phone, lock the door and the windows and try our luck with the bathtub? Third time lucky, they say...”
Buffy sat on the bathroom counter, bare legs swinging back and forth. The tub was full of hot water and tons of bubbles. All that was missing was Spike. How long could it take to lock everything up?
Her head turned towards the door when she finally heard the handle move. She was just about to say something witty--maybe tease him about no longer being into the bathtub idea, but the look on his face stopped her short.
Amber eyes locked with hers as his hand drew back, deftly closing the bathroom door behind him. There was no smirk lifting the corners of his mouth, no softness to his features. Just pure lust. Buffy’s legs stilled, but her heart rate doubled. There was no kidding herself--she was scared. And that turned her on for some twisted reason.
He’d secured the door, closed the windows (damn things didn’t have locks), pulled the phone’s cord out of its jack, and leaned against the bathroom door, trying to get a grip. Their earlier encounter had done nothing to assuage Spike’s need for the Slayer--quite the opposite, it had fuelled it. Made his need for her so strong that he had to fight back his demon, wrest control of his actions back from its clutches. If he walked in there without calming down just a bit, he honestly didn’t know what to expect. This wasn’t like the encounter in the car, with the Slayer part of Buffy. This is what happened when he spent a stressful week at his mate’s side, never being able to touch her, or to go beyond a few fervent kisses stolen between naps and caring for the baby.
But now as he faced her, fear and arousal coming off her in waves, he found himself struggling with his demon yet again. Her eyes were large, her irises dilated; her heart hammered so soundly that his skin hummed in tune with its beat. And Spike found that he wanted to cede--just a little--to the monster in him. After all, it did seem to be turning her on...
Buffy watched the vampire’s eyes flash to blue before returning to their amber shade. Slightly relieved--to her it was a sign that Spike was still in control of himself--she cocked an eyebrow and offered him a coy smile. Her playfulness returned to desire as he began to walk towards her. Slow, calculated steps made it appear as if he was prowling; he moved with a liquid grace, pale skin sliding over sinuous muscles.
When he reached her, there were so many things Spike wanted to do to his Slayer. But first things first, he thought, as his fingers moved to the topmost button of the silk dress. He fought not to rip the garment, to take his time. Leaning into the young woman, he pressed his lips against his mark, growling low.
“Oh God, Spike...” Buffy’s breathing was coming in short bursts, and her hands flew to his shoulders to steady herself. Every single time they’d been together, whether it was a slow coupling or a rough fuck, he surprised her. With his gentleness, with his passion, with all the things he could do with those fingers of his... Oh, and his tongue--can’t forget his tongue--which was now tracing the edge of her ear, his cool breath tickling her.
Trembling fingers finally popped the last silk-covered button, parting the smooth fabric to reveal the young woman’s naked body. The corners of his lips curled upwards, and blue eyes speckled with gold lifted to face her, scarred brow arched.
The Slayer dragged a finger up the vampire’s chest, tracing the line of buttons that adorned his shirt. Coquettishly, she looked up at her lover from beneath hooded lids. “Figured my bra could be considered ‘knickers’ too...”
“Oh, that it can, love. That it can.” Spike closed his eyes and leaned his head back as Buffy began to remove the black button-down he was wearing. Her small hands were warm against his skin, making it tingle wherever she touched him. He took a step back when prompted to do so, and heard her slide off the counter, landing softly on her feet. As her hands reached the fly of his jeans, he felt her mouth at his nipples, tongue teasing and teeth nipping. His own hands flew to the sides of her dress, gathering fistfuls of the silken fabric, pulling her closer to him.
It just figured. Right when her Slayer dexterity was needed, it flew out the window. Buffy was all thumbs as she tried to rid Spike of his jeans; her hands shook, her fingers kept slipping... Wriggling her shoulders, she managed to free herself of the dress. Maybe that’s what was cramping her style.
Turning them around so that the vampire now backed against the marble counter, the young woman fell to her knees before him. If she faced her problem perhaps she could overcome it. Yeah, right. The only reason you’re on your knees is so you can face nine inches of solid vampire... But her plan worked, as she managed to ease his jeans down over his hips. Buffy looked up at the bleach blonde, seeing that his eyes were still closed and his hands held the countertop in a white-knuckled grip. Debauched--she wasn’t sure what the exact meaning of the word was, but she was sure it defined Spike at the moment. Head thrown back, shirt open, pants halfway down his legs, cock jutting out proudly. Yup. This was one debauched vampire. It was good to turn the tables every once in a while.
Spike’s knees almost gave out when he felt the Slayer’s tongue dart out to capture the first gleaming drop of pre-cum from his cock. Opening his eyes, he looked down at her as she kneeled between his legs, small hands gripping his hips for balance. Had he been able to, he would have changed positions--maybe sat up on the counter, or down on the floor--to make it easier on her, but he was physically unable to move. Frozen on the spot, like one of Medusa’s victims, he could but look down at the blonde beauty ministering to his desire.
As she took him into her mouth, Buffy couldn’t help but think back to a year ago when Anya was trying to convince both her and Willow of the joys of giving oral sex. The two younger girls had just stuck their tongues out, making gagging noises at the the ex-demon’s rant on how arousing it was to lave attention onto one’s partner’s privates. But now that she had Spike pressed up against the bathroom counter, panting and writhing and moaning, she had to admit that Anya’d been right. She could hardly imagine anything more erotic than knowing that you can turn your lover to jelly with your mouth.
She alternated between licking and sucking, changed speeds, and sometimes used her hand along with her mouth. Judging by the vampire’s severe reaction to a very loud and sloppy technique--hell, she almost had to hold him up when his knees damn near went out on him--Buffy knew exactly what to do to make him crazy.
“Buffy, love...” Spike was finding it difficult to speak while her tongue was tracing his erection’s underside, putting just enough pressure to drive him insane, yet not enough to help him find relief. “Hold on for a sec.” And those were not the words he’d ever expect to catch himself saying while receiving a blowjob. When she stopped and looked up at him, her own eyes reflecting the lust that he was sure appeared in his, he continued. “Are you going to see this through?”
“Do you mean, ‘am I going to keep my lips wrapped around your cock until I make you come, and swallow every last drop’?”
Fuck. What more could he say to that but a choked ‘yeah, that’?
Buffy smiled up at her lover, relishing the power she held over him. He was obviously out of sorts, or he would have realized just how aroused this was making her. Gaze never faltering, she uttered the word he wanted to hear: “yes.”
“Good. Then put your mouth back on my cock and keep it there. I can’t take any more of this teasing, Buffy...” His hands went to the Slayer’s head and guided it back to his erection. There was no malice in his words, no ill meaning. It was a plea, if nothing else.
Allowing the vampire to thrust into her mouth, Buffy held on to his thighs, feeling the corded muscles tense with his oncoming release. She was grateful that he was lucid enough to keep his thrusts shallow; this permitted her to accustom her throat muscles to his girth. At the moment where she felt him stiffen, she leaned forward, taking in his length in its entirety.
“Fuck! Oh, Christ...” Spike felt his muscles tense in anticipation of his climax. The Slayer’s throat was so tight, so hot--there was no more holding back. Roaring, he came, trying his best not to choke the woman pleasuring him. When the last of the aftershocks coursed through his system, he pulled out of her mouth and let himself slide down to the cool tiled floor, gathering her in his arms.
44 by Pipergirl

A heavy silence blanketed the hotel room as its two occupants busied themselves packing their bags. Buffy had expected Spike to rib her about the extra suitcase she’d purchased in order to accommodate her new clothing, but the vampire seemed to be as lost in thought as she was. What was he thinking about? Was he wondering how they would deal with their relationship once they were back on American soil? How the Scoobies would react?

Heck, would they still have a relationship?!

One quick glance at the bleached vamp and the young woman knew the answer to her question: yes. Yes, they would stay the course, stick to their guns, hold through thick and thin--all those overused catchphrases that people use way too often.

Sayings, Buffy was sure, that the others wouldn’t exactly use when they learned of her relationship to the cocky vampire. They’ll probably lob a few ‘are you out of your mind?!’s before Giles drops his head in his hand and sighs his usual ‘oh dear Lord...’. Oh yeah--and then Xander‘s head will explode. But what about her mom? After all, she was the one defending Spike as a ‘nice young man’. Will that goodwill extend to having him as a boyfriend, or will she drive him away in her quest to keep Buffy’s life as normal as possible?

One thing was sure, though; there will be no hiding. Not like when Angel came back. No more lies. Spike deserved much more than that; the gang deserved more than that, too.

So lost was he in his thoughts, Spike never clued in to Buffy’s silence. Had he noticed, he... probably wouldn’t have said any more than he said about her extra suitcase. Maybe in a different time, at a different place, with a different cloud hanging over their heads. His thoughts ran along the same line as Buffy’s, but the predominant worry was that she would make him a skeleton in her closet.

Would she run to him at night to have her itch scratched, then spit venom at him in front of her friends? Would he be her dirty secret? Smiling to himself, he dismissed the thought. Maybe if she hadn’t been so gentle towards him; maybe if she hadn’t believed him when he said he’s no longer feeding on humans; maybe if she hadn’t told him, over and over again, that she loves him--maybe then, he could feed those fears. But, judging on her mirrored silence, the same thoughts were spinning around her mind, too.

The shrill ring of the phone cut through their reverie, making them both jump. With a hand over her heart, who the hell turned the ringer up so loud?!, Buffy picked it up. “Hello?”

Zipping his duffle bag, Spike tossed it towards the door before sitting down on the edge of the bed. He watched the expressions flit across the Slayer’s face: surprise, happiness and, after she hung up, a twinge of sadness.

“Well,” she said, closing the last of her suitcases, “Amelia’s downstairs. Guess it’s time to go.”

The vampire chuckled. “Guess bein’ a chauffeur is better than getting fired.”

When all the luggage was in the hallway both blondes stood in the doorway, taking one last look at their room. In a way, it had been more than a honeymoon suite; sure, they had consummated their relationship, but more importantly they had shared laughs, and enjoyed quiet time snuggled in front of the TV. They had begun to build a solid foundation in this room.

Buffy felt Spike’s arm at the small of her back. “This is just the beginning, you know,” he said, tentatively.

The young woman sighed as she closed the door and turned the key in the lock. She knew this was his way of testing the waters. “I know. It means that Giles is going to all protective over me, Xander’s going to have a conniption... but it also means that you’re going to have to learn to play nice with my friends.” She leaned back against the door and pulled him to her. Slowly, sensually, their lips met for one last kiss before heading out. “I love you, Spike,” she confirmed. “Don’t doubt that for a moment.”

The vampire kissed her forehead, his lips barely touching her skin. “Thank you,” he whispered, before turning around to gather all the luggage he could carry.

Grabbing her purse and the one remaining carry-on, Buffy smiled; by now, Spike’s gentlemanly manners no longer surprised her. Even a century as a Scourge of Europe hadn’t managed to erase the basic manners that had been drilled into him in his short lifetime. I think I really would have liked William Sinclair, she mused.

Amelia stood at the front desk, chatting with Hetty, when she spotted the two blondes. “Buffy, William! So glad to see you!”

The Slayer dropped the carry-on she was holding and gave her friend a hug. “Guess this means they didn’t fire you, huh?”

The Watcher smiled and slowly shook her head. “Not at all. This probation is just a formality that has to be seen through. Although my decision to ‘borrow’ the ring helped us win the battle, I still broke a few prime Council rules in obtaining it. This reprimand is Quentin’s way of dotting his I’s and crossing his T’s in case someone screams favouritism. Many of the less moderate members of Council would love to see me fired, so this is his way of quieting them.”

Their contemplative silence was broken by Hetty. “Well, dears, if you just stand around here all day, you’re likely to miss your flight.” She walked over to where Buffy and Spike stood. “I’ve had a grand ol’ time this past week or so, not the least of which being the look on your faces when I announced that you’d been booked as newlyweds. I don‘t think I‘ve ever seen a vampire pale, before!”

Everyone, including Spike, shared a laugh at his expense. “Well, ol’ mum, you’ve made it right comfortable for us; I don’t see why we can’t be back for a visit one day.”

“I’d only be too happy to have you over again--and it would be on the house, loves.” The older woman dragged both blondes into bone-crushing hugs before sending them off with teary-eyed ‘ta-ta!’s.


The drive to the airport was animated with talk between Amelia and Buffy, who were chatting like two long lost best friends. Spike, for his part, remained silent, his hand resting on Buffy’s thigh, long fingers drawing lazy circles on the soft denim of her jeans. His attention was focused outside the car’s window, on the streets that zipped past them. London had changed, but then so had he. A warm glow that he recognised as contentment spread through him; for once in his life and unlife, he was truly happy. He loved and was loved in return.

Their return to Sunnyhell wasn’t going to be pretty, or easy. The smiles and cheery faces that would greet them at the airport would turn to scowls. He’d no doubt have to watch his back for the next few months, from the Watcher and Harris to all sorts of nasties; having the Slayer as a girlfriend can do that to a demon.

But having the Slayer as a girlfriend has also netted him an equal. Someone who won’t hesitate in knocking him down a few pegs if his head gets too big; someone who can also fight dirty to win; someone who understands the William in him because, deep down, there‘s a Buffy who dreamt of being a figure skater, who likes to dance around in the rain without her shoes on, who‘s just as timid and cautious and scared to be alone as he is.

He looked at her through the corner of his eye, watching as her nose scrunched in reaction to something distasteful in the magazine she was reading. Her sixth sense must have told her she was being watched, because she looked up and smiled at him. “What?” she asked him. Spike just shook his head. “Nothin’ pet. Just looking at the woman I love.” The way things are going, he thought, neither of us will have to worry about being lonely for a long, long, time.

The End

Author’s Note: Yes, this final chapter is waay overdue and for that I apologise profusely. Thing is, my muse up and left me at the worst of times (with 1 chapter left); my interest in this fic dwindled to nothing and I just couldn’t bring myself to write another word. I had about ten different author’s notes written out, where I let everyone know that Dark Prophecy was to remain WIP, but I just couldn’t bring myself to publish it.

So, to anyone out there who’s actually going to read this final chapter, thanks for your patience and thanks for reading. I can assure everyone that if I ever write another fic, it will remain unpublished until it is complete.