There's a Place by facingthesun
Summary: Buffy Summers moves to a magical town after she has an encounter with a man named Spike.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 29841 Read: 14125 Published: 06/26/2004 Updated: 10/13/2005
Chapter 1 by facingthesun
Hi, everybody! I have a new story for you. Tell me if you like it.

Chapter 1

“Riley.” Buffy sang his name and playfully shook the enormous man that was asleep next to her. “Riley. Wake up, sleepyhead.”

“Go away, Buffy.” Pulling his blankets to his nose and hiding his body, Riley rolled away, leaving a large gap between them.

“Go away? You big--. Come on Riley, don’t you remember what day it is?”

“Wednesday. Now leave me alone I’m sleeping.”

She held back her growl.

“Fine. Sleep. I’ll be in the shower.”

“Stupid. Stupid.” Buffy mumbled as she stared at her morning reflection. She tried to smooth down her rebellious bed hair but gave up, finding solace under the warm spray of the shower.

I can’t believe him. He didn’t remember. You’d think if all that boyish charm he reeked of were real he would have remembered our anniversary. But then all my birthday presents have been belated too. Hell, all he can remember is the schedule of his TV shows.

“Stupid. Stupid.” She dug her fingers into her blonde hair, gathering thick suds.

“Ah! The pain!” Quickly, she ducked under the showerhead to rinse her stinging eyes.

Buffy began to wash her body and allowed her thoughts to dwell on her disappointment.

“What’s wrong, baby?” She jumped, startled by the sound of Riley’s voice. “You on the rag or something?”

“Or something. Riley, don’t be surprised if you wake up tomorrow chocking on a rag.” When Riley’s naked body invaded her space, her teeth clenched.

“Testy, testy.” He took Buffy’s soapy sponge from her hands and motioned for her to give him a leg.

“I was just doing fine without you. I can wash myself.”

The harsh tones of Buffy’s words must have disappeared before they reached Riley’s ear because his goofy grin was unfazed. “Buffy, I understand that you just wanted some loving but sleep is very important to me.”

“I’ve noticed.” She gave in to his grabby hands and let him lather her body. “Riley, it’s our anniversary. We’ve been dating for over three years now.”

“Oh, um, I knew that. I was just—I have a surprise for you later.”

“Sure you do.”

“Now Buffy…” He pulled Buffy’s rigid body against his. “Why do you do this?” Lowering his voice to a soft tone, Riley caressed the sides of her face. “Why are you so childish, baby?”

Because you treat me like a child! She wanted to scream but she knew that his blockhead would not be penetrated by her words.

“Riley, get out.”


“You heard me. Get out.” She knocked away his hands and pushed him to the back of the shower. “This is my shower, not yours. Go, wait for your turn.”

“Buffy, sweetheart…”

At the sound of his chuckle, Buffy snapped. “Get out! I don’t want to talk to you! I’m serious! Leave me alone!”

“Buffy, I’m not leaving, you can’t kick me out this is my shower, not yours. We’re in my apartment--.”

God, he always throws that into my face.

“Fine.” She ripped back the shower curtain and reached for her towel. She was still covered in bubbles but she didn’t care.

“Buffy! Don’t be like this!”

“Buff—Buffy! What’s wrong?”

Xander opened his apartment to a dripping wet Buffy who was still wrapped in her towel.

“Jesus Buff, did you walk through the hallway like that?”


Buffy crumbled into her best friend’s arms.

“So I’m guessing he forgot.”

Xander handed Buffy some ice water. It was the beginning of summer but his friend was wrapped in a blanket and wearing a set of his sweats.

“He forgot. He actually told me to go away and then he told me I was childish. Am I childish Xand?”

“Oh the Buffster? Childish? No! Maybe a little young at heart but hey, so is yours truly and we have gobs of fun, don’t we?”

“Xander, I think I want to break up with Riley.”

“Oh?” He sat down and tried to coax more information out of her. “Just because of today?”

“No. He doesn’t pay attention to me. He always either watching sports or talking to Maggie.”

“He kinda takes being a momma’s boy to the extreme, huh?”

“Xan, she knows everything. Everything. On our last weekend visit she wanted to give me tips on pleasuring her son.”

“Ew! Ew! My ears! Please don’t tell me she knows firsthand.”

“I hope not but he insists on either seeing her or talking to her on the phone everyday. That can’t be healthy, right? It’s been three years and I don’t feel anything more for Riley… I can’t say that my feelings for him have grown or anything. He’s—he’s actually very boring and we have nothing in common.”

“He doesn’t understand you either. Does he?”

“No.” Buffy felt her control slowly slip away as Xander spoke to her softly and as he placed a hand on her arm.

“He doesn’t know what you’re feeling…”

“Xand, you knew about all this? I thought Riley was your friend...”

“Buffy, I see you and Riley together and I’ve never seen you roll your eyes more--well unless you’re with me. Sure he’s a pal but you’re my best friend. Too be honest, when you said that you were dumping him I was almost unable to stop the urge to Snoopy Dance. Buff, if he doesn’t make you happy…”

“He’s the only guy I’ve ever been with… I’ve tried so hard to make it work.” Buffy wiped the warm tears that had slipped from her eyes.

“I know you did but not all things can work. I could give you a crappy puzzle metaphor but I’ll decide against it.”

“I’ve heard it before. I know what I’m going to do.”

Buffy called in late to work so she could sneak into her apartment when she knew Riley would be gone. She quickly became frustrated when she couldn’t find the right clothes and remembered that Riley was borrowing her car. His car was in the shop so they had been carpooling.

Well, it’s only a half hour walk. I can wear tennis shoes with my business clothes; they’d better just be glad that I’m showing up.

Buffy wove in and out of the upcoming crowds of people that packed the sidewalks. Usually she would take her time, take in the scenery and greet strangers with friendly gestures, but today she was determined to stay in her bad mood.

I want to break up with Riley. I really want to. I can do it this time. I just need to stay mad. I can’t back out of it like I did the last time and the last...

Buffy looked at her watch and was alarmed to see that she was over three hours late already. “I can’t believe—Ahhh!”

Buffy tripped on a raised sidewalk and fell face first into the greenery that lined the busy sidewalk.

I hate my life.

Need ice cream. Need something sweet.

Buffy decided as she plucked various leaves out of her hair that going to work was just not going to happen.

“Hi, can I get a mocha smoothie please?”

Once Buffy paid, she limped over to the closest empty table. She smiled weakly seeing an abandoned magazine on the dirty table. Eating alone was something that made her very uncomfortable but she had nowhere else to go with all her friends at work.

Oh, the ‘National Inquirer’ gotta love that. I wonder how Big Foot is doing? Oh, look he has a girlfriend… damn you Big Foot; I bet he would be a better boyfriend than—

“Hey, I wasn’t done with that page yet. Can you go back, love?”

Buffy slowly turned her head around towards the British voice, ready to chew out the man who had been reading over her shoulder.

I am so not in the mood for this.

Her eyes focused on the prettiest pair of blue eyes she had ever seen. Taking a longer look, she wasn’t surprised that the eyes belonged to an unbelievably handsome man. She looked him up and down, checking out his pinstriped suit and pale yellow dress shirt.


“I--um… You look like a man who could afford his own magazine.”

“And you look like a woman who shouldn’t have a garden growing out of her hair, Goldilocks.”

Buffy felt her heart beat rapidly as the man leaned over and gently began taking the foliage out of her hair.

“Thanks, um… I… My name’s Buffy.”



“Yeah, it’s a nickname. All better now.” Spike ran a hand over Buffy’s smooth hair, sending shivers down her spine. “Now, can I join you, pet? I can catch up on my reading and you can gaze at my heavenly bod and not be lonely and a table will be up for grabs. Everyone will win.”

“O—ok.” Buffy didn’t know how to react. “You’re kinda full of yourself, aren’t you Spike?”

“Hmmm?” Spike had sat down and was engrossed in an article about a two-headed baby. “This stuff is great, full of bloody inspiration.” He tossed the magazine across the table. “It makes me wanna puke. So have you read any good stories lately?”

“I can’t say that I have.”

“You don’t seem like the reading type--”

“What?” Buffy was kicked out of her daze. She didn’t know if the man was teasing her or not.

A stranger is going to insult me now? He may be cute, but he is not that cute.

“Why don’t I look like a reading type?”

“Hey, don’t get your knickers in a twist, love. You just seem kinda blonde and airhead-ed. No offense.”

“Well, Spike. You seem blonde and cheap and conceited and—and jack ass-y!” Buffy picked up the half consumed smoothie and thundered to the door of the building. She tossed the treat that was supposed to make her feel better and began walking angrily down the street.

“What? What did I do? The bint’s nuts, I tell you.”

Spike felt the stares of angry women and concerned men.

I guess I have to save the day, don’t I?

“Bloody hell.”

“Buffy! Hey, Buffy! Wait up!”

Spike wiped his forehead of the sweat that had gathered there. “It’s a bitch wearing these poofy clothes in this heat, huh? Come on, pinky, let’s rest.”

He followed me…

Buffy rose her hand to her flushed cheeks and sat on the bench without a struggle, surprising Spike and herself.

”Well Spike is a name only suitable for a bulldog. A fat, smelly, ugly bulldog.”

“Ok, love, whatever you say...” He tilted his head, amused ready to continue but Buffy broke him off.

“You’d better appreciate that comeback. It took me awhile to think it up but I like it.” Biting her lip, she gathered up the courage to look at Spike who was still panting slightly. “You ok?”

“Right as rain, just not used to the altitude here. Or the weather.” He unbuttoned the collar of his shirt and squinted at the blue cloud filled sky. “Weird place you’ve got here.”

“We do weird well. Where are you from?”

“A tiny little town out in the middle of nowhere, not too far from here. You’ve probably never heard of it. Sunnydale?”

“Nope. Is it so tiny that you don’t get socked in the face for reading over people’s shoulders?”

He chuckled in a deep voice that gave Buffy goosebumps even in the day’s heat. “Yup, it’s that tiny. I’m sorry if I was rude back there. I was having a bad day.”

“Join the party.”

“I could tell, you got there early huh, for a little happy hour in Bad Day Land,? It’s not everyday you see a beautiful woman covered in twigs and with dirty trousers.”

Beautiful… I’m Buffy; see me melt…

“Aren’t you quite the charmer? When you’re not being an asshole, I mean.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot, especially from my little sis. But she whines about it endlessly so I block her out.” Spike flashed Buffy a smile that left her speechless.

God he’d better stop doing that.

“Any thorns in your side, pet?”

Buffy shook her head no, making him laugh again.

Am I funny? Riley never laughs, even when I try to tell him a joke… Gosh, he’s a handsome man. Spike. Maybe he’s just laughing at me…

“Hey you still in there, sweets?

“Yeah, I guess I have a thorn. Not of the sibling variety but of the boyfriend kind.”


Buffy tried to hide her excitement when she thought she heard disappointment in his voice.

I think he likes me.

“Um, how long are you in town for, Spike? If you’d like, I could show you around…”

“Only for tonight and then I’m off tomorrow. I wouldn’t mind having you as a guide. Unless you have plans with your boy.”


“The boyfriend.”

“Oh, that boy. I have something to do but we can meet later, how about back at the Espresso Pump at seven-ish?”

“It’s a date, love.”

Buffy hummed as she stepped into Riley’s apartment. She dropped her keys on the counter and thoughtlessly pressed the flashing button of her answering machine.

--Buffy, it’s me. I’ll be home soon. I’m sure we can come to an understanding about what happened this morning. As soon as you think about it and apologize--

Buffy hissed and deleted his message.

I will not let him do this. He was wrong, I wasn’t. I don’t want to be with him anymore.

She scanned their apartment and noticed that it she barely had any belongings.

I’m sure I can stay with Xander tonight, after I see Spike.


Buffy couldn’t help but smile.

He’s so… so different. I talked with him for a few minutes and I was mad, embarrassed, happy, and comfortable… I can’t wait to see him again.

“Major sparkage.” She whispered as she hunted through her tiny corner of the closet. “Major.”


She shrieked and stopped swaying in front of the mirror with the dress she planned on wearing held to her chest. “Riley! God, you scared me.” She hung up the dress.

“I told you I would be home early, I left a message. Did you get it?”

“Yes. Riley, we need to talk.”

“You don’t need to say anything I already forgive you. I understand how women get about their anniversaries.” Riley laughed and rolled his eyes as he twirled a pointed finger next to his ear.

“I’m not crazy. I didn’t act crazy either. Riley, let’s sit down.”

I will keep my cool. Think of how good things will be without him… think of Spike.

Buffy didn’t understand why she was so smitten the handsome man but she needed all the help she could get. She patted on the corner of the bed and sighed when Riley joined her.

“Riley, I think—I know, hm, Riley, we need to break up.”


Her words came out as an emotional whoosh. “I can’t do this anymore. We have nothing in common. You have your job and your sports and I can’t compete with that. Hell, I can’t compete with Maggie either.”

“Mom? You’re dumping me because of my mother? What is wrong with you? You were crazy this morning… Maybe you should lie down.”

“Riley! Listen to me. It’s over.”

Buffy felt like celebrating when she saw him close his eyes. Please, God tell me he is listening…

“You bitch!”

That’s not good. “Riley--.”

“What are you doing?! You fucking someone on the side?! Harris! I knew it was weird for a man and a woman to be friends. I told you it leads to--.”

“Keep Xander out of this.”

“You are, aren’t you?! I can’t believe you. Banging my friend and breaking up with me on my fucking anniversary!”

“Your anniversary?! You—you jerkoff!” Buffy burst into angry tears, her frustration mounting, making her breathe erratically. “I’m leaving! You can just go to hell and take your mommy with you! I’m sure she will give better blowjobs than I ever did!”

Buffy got up to run out of the room but Riley stopped her. Before Buffy could comprehend what was happening, she was thrown across the room, she couldn’t stop herself from crashing into the heavy wooden nightstand. Buffy screamed before everything went dark.

Spike twiddled his fingers and started at the clock.

Eight thirty eight. Well. Aren’t you stupid, thinking you could insult a woman and then think she really wanted to meet you for dinner… Wanker.

Spike laughed to himself and ran a hand through his hair. I bet she got sidetracked, shagging her model boytoy. She is probably laughing telling him about her day and about the bloody idiot that she set up as she rides him into the floor…

God she was beautiful, she didn’t seem like the type to… No. She was something, definitely something.

Spike sighed and got up to order him a drink.

I’ll give her another hour; sod it all, probably two.

“You’re insane Buff.”

Xander watched as Buffy struggled to pick up a heavy box.

“I am.”

“Here give me that.” Xander took the box from Buffy and followed her out of the apartment and to Buffy’s car. “You know nothing about this guy.”

“I met him for ten minutes maybe even twenty. I know he is handsome and funny and he has a sexy voice. He has a sister and he reads bad magazines. He lives in Sunnydale and he has the most indescribable pair of blue eyes, electric… oh and he likes reading.”

“That’s sure a lot of information you’ve got there.” Xander rolled his eyes. “You don’t know exactly where he lives… He could be married or seeing someone, you never asked. He could be anybody or anything. A murderer. A psychopath. He could be a murdering psychopath! You said he was wearing yellow; he could even be gay.”

“Shut up, Xander.” Buffy thought about Spike as she rearranged her overfilled trunk, making room for the box Xander was still holding.

Spike seemed like a good guy. He could even be the one.

Buffy shook her head and laughed to herself. Maybe I really am insane…

The signs were confusing Buffy. She was too busy pressing charges on Riley to meet Spike that night, but when she ran into the Espresso Pump days after, the girl at the counter gave her the remains of Spike’s phone number and address.

Talk about mixed signals. Bad fate. Bad destiny, confusing me.

Of course he had used a napkin, like in the movies. Of course his writing had been unreadable. Of course the girl had spilled coffee on the napkin too, on my only link to Spike.

Xander cleared his throat to get Buffy’s attention, “Hey, I’m just looking out for you. You said it yourself, you’re insane.”

“He isn’t the only reason why I’m going, Xand.”

“Sure he isn’t. Ow!”


“Your Pinocchio nose just jabbed me in the ass.”

“Ha, ha.” Buffy smiled when she finally got the trunk of her car closed. “Buying a house is investing in my future. It’s just a coincidence that I found the perfect house in Sunnydale.”

“The perfect house. Bah. It’s falling down and it’s way too big for just you.”

“It’s a fixer upper, yeah, but it will give me tons of space to work in. I can find a hobby and relax until I decide to start a career. Why should I let my trust fund go to waste on expensive shoes or something else like that?”

“Because that’s what a normal person would do.” Xander sighed, realizing by Buffy’s determined look that he was not going to talk his friend out of leaving the city for a tiny town. “Can I visit you sometime? I’ll miss my roomie.”

“Awww, Xand.” Buffy gave Xander a hug and talked as she rubbed his back. “Sure you can visit. I’ll probably get lonely out there anyway, but it’s not too far of a drive and if you didn’t have your job, I would be begging you to come with me.”

“Just be careful.”

“I will.”

Buffy lowered the back windows in her car and turned up the radio. She stared forward, occasionally singing with the radio or to a little ditty that had popped into her head. She sat with her legs bent, driving in cruise control down the country road.

I can’t believe I’m doing this.

Buffy ran a hand through her hair and grimaced, remembering what had forced her to venture off on her own. Her fingertips ran along the scar on her hairline that Riley had given her; the wound had required seventeen stitches and for Buffy to really think about her life.

I need to do this. I need to live by myself. I haven’t since I was… since I was nineteen. I don’t even know who I am anymore. All I’ve done for the past three years is worry about Riley. Even if I go to Sunnydale and never see Spike, at least I’ll have my life back. At least I’ll be living for me again. I want to live life to the fullest and for some reason I think I can do that here.

She smiled as the ‘Welcome to Sunnydale’ sign came into her view.

Buffy sang, loud and off key as she entered the town.

“Oh there ain’t no road too long.”

Buffy drove through the streets on Sunnydale in awe. She had never seen grass any greener or houses anymore perfect. She didn’t feel like she was in another part of the state, she felt like she was in another world.

“I guess we’re not in Kansas anymore, huh, Mr. Gordo?” Buffy affectionately petted her new male companion that sat on his throne, a box of dishes. She squeezed the pink nose of her stuffed pig.

I’m such a dweeb.

“Revello. 1630 Revello. Oh goody, I have the wicked witch’s house.”

The house looked just like it had in the picture and in the computer tour, with a fence covered with dying vines and cracked columns that held up the old whitewashed porch. She had assumed that all the houses in Sunnydale would have a similar feel.

All the others are “Leave it Beaver” and I got the “Munsters”.


The best part of her new house was the floors, all shiny wooden floors screaming for nice floral rugs and maybe a few shag ones too just for a change of pace.

“Oooh.” Buffy ran her hand along the smooth banister as she walked up the stairs to the second floor. The second floor was more like one large room with a window.


Buffy made mental notes as she traveled through the house, deciding how she would make the house modern but keep it’s timeless beauty alive and well.

“This is going to be great.”

Buffy unpacked her clothes and furniture, which consisted of a lamp with a feather-accented lampshade, a few pieces of framed artwork, a mattress with two sets of sheets and a coat rack. She had meet Riley in her sophomore year of college and moved in with him by the close of the school year. Needless to say Riley didn’t let Buffy have much say in the home décor department.

I need to go shopping. Buffy sang in her thoughts as she walked to her car. Visions of new items bought and money spent danced in her head.

Tomorrow, shopping, today’s mission: edibles.

As Buffy took in the town square of Sunnydale she made a mental list of the things she needed.

A fridge, washer, dryer, ceiling fans… need handyman stat.

Buffy had to make a U-turn when she realized that the town only consisted of three city blocks. She decided at first glance that the town was filled of mostly drug stores, little diners, a movie theater and some antique stores.


Buffy glanced from one side of Main Street to the other. There were two diners both named, “Willy’s diner,” on opposite sides of the street. She quickly did an eenie meenie before she choose the Willy’s on the left side of the road.

“Oh, you’d better be careful choosing, girl.”


Buffy spun to find an older woman shaking a crooked finger at her. “Pick one place and you’ll have to eat there forever. Those Willys have been enemies for ages.”

“The owners are both named Willy?”

“Yup and they came into town at the same time, both wanting to open up a place… Choose wisely.”

“Which do you eat at?”

“Dawn’s on the other side of town.”

Buffy laughed. “Where’s the other side of town?” She squinted, looking around for other buildings in the distance. When Buffy turned back to the woman, the woman had disappeared.

Of course, she would be gone. You can’t just have a cute little town; it has to be a weird, slightly creepy little cute town.

Buffy rolled her eyes and walked up and down the major roads of the town’s square, looking for Dawn.

The wind blew Buffy’s hair as she wondered down the empty streets.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

She rubbed the palms of her hands on her arms to gather warmth.

It’s cold in the middle of July?

She walked down the worn paved sidewalks with goose bumps on her legs and growls coming from her stomach.

Turning the next corner, Buffy came face to face with her destination.

Thank God.

‘Dawn’s’ was packed with people; tables were all filled with at least three or more people.

“Just you, hon?”


Buffy stumbled and weaved through the masses of table and people legs. She felt uncomfortable sitting at the only empty table.

Goody, why don’t I just get a sign that screams loser?

Buffy used her menu as shield to cover her embracement. When the waitress asked for her order, Buffy still don’t look up as she quickly looked through the food choices.

“Um, can I just have a minute please?”

“She’ll have the special, Glenda. On the house.”

Buffy looked up to see that the woman that had ordered for her was now sitting across from her in her booth. “Um—a—thank you.”

“Don’t worry, we aren’t all this bad. I’m just pushy by nature. Hi, I’m Dawn.” Dawn was a younger woman. Buffy guessed that she was at least three or so years younger than herself. Dawn had her hands full. “And this is my baby, Parker. Consider us as your pushy welcoming committee.”

Buffy gently shook Dawn’s offered hand, afraid to wake her sleeping child. “You’re only slightly pushy. Thanks for the welcome. I’m Buffy Summers I just--.”

“Moved into the Revello house. The town has been waiting, biting its nails in anticipation waiting for you ever since the sold sticker was put on. Especially us, my husband and I live across the street and my brother lives next door to you, so we have all been keeping tabs on your house. You scared away yet?”

“No and it’s good to have one of those neighborhood watch thingies, I guess, it cuts down on crime and… stuff.”

“It sure does.” Buffy’s food had just arrived and Dawn stared at Buffy, waiting for a reaction. “You like it? It is my special recipe. Not the sandwich, the sauce.”

“Sandwich good, sauce better.”

“Thank you. Um, would you mind if I--? I just feel awful, but it’s a bad habit.”

“Consider my fries, your fries. Besides you where kind enough to pay for them.”

Dawn smiled widely and ate a handful of Buffy’s food. “So what brought you here?”

“A few things. I mainly just needed a change.”

“That’s fine with us. I’m sure you will fit in just fine--Shhh.” Parker, who had just woken up and was fussing, interrupted Dawn. “Look, oh I’m so proud! He wakes up exactly half an hour before his daddy is coming home. He is like an alarm clock, always screaming when it’s time to go.” Dawn got up and looked for her baby carrier. “Anytime you need something, just ask. Me and my family will be happy to help.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Also, why don’t you come back her tomorrow around two. We shouldn’t be as busy, cross your fingers, and then we can talk more. I have loads of gossip for you.”

“Ok, tomorrow.”

Buffy couldn’t put into words how she felt. She had just set up her temporary bed, her mattress on the floor next to her lamp. Her suitcases and boxes were still in the empty living room because she had no intention of dragging everything upstairs until it was absolutely necessary.


Buffy stood, barefoot, staring out her kitchen window. She was getting a glass on water when the sky caught her eye. The horizon was colored in a mix of pinks, oranges, and reds and the rest of the sky was a dark blue.

Buffy took her water and sat on the old steps on her front porch, so her feet could rest in the grass. She stretched out her legs straight before her and then immersed her toes in the tall cool grass.

I bet they are just dormant or something. They just need time to wake up.

Buffy felt protected by the sleeping, woody vines that coved the fence that surrounded her house. Even though Buffy could easily see through the fence and across the street, she still felt the fence was doing its job.

The vines were the only dead-looking plants. There was a huge, leafy tree in her front yard and a number of flowering bushes around the side of her house. She hadn’t explored her backyard yet; she wanted to stay in suspense for a while.

She stayed outside, amusing herself with the grass and with the peeling paint on the steps until dark.

What the hey!

Buffy closed her eyes and smiled at the sights on her first lightening bug.

I think I’m going to like it here.
This story archived at http://