Indiana Buffy & Spike Jones by Akela
Summary: Buffy is a relic hunter, who after a few years off the job has come back. Her new mission brings back painful memories . And see her coming face to face with an ally turned enemy.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 4817 Read: 6041 Published: 07/30/2008 Updated: 07/30/2008
Back in the game by Akela
Present day, 2007

Some where in the Mexican jungle.

The word hot didn’t even begin to cover how Buffy felt right now. The humidity was 98% and the temperature she guessed, was somewhere near the temperatures they get in the pits of hell.

She lay on her bed, the cotton sheet clinging to her naked body. An irritated sigh slipped from her parched lips. Sleep was not coming for her tonight.

She finally conceded defeat and threw off her sheet ‘Gah! Stupid net’ she complained. She fought with the tangled mosquito net that hung loosely around her bed as it wrapped itself around her in a desperate effort to keep her in its falsely protective embrace.

Finally free of the mischievous net Buffy tied a sarong around her body as she walked over to the small table in the middle of her room. She stared down at the table littered with maps, photos, and other things she might need, a compass, a hunting knife and her favorite weapon.

A heavy sigh escaped her dry lips. She poured a scotch on ice and started all over again. Rolling out the maps, she studied them until the lines blurred. Mentally she went through every possible scenario; playing out every step in her minds eye, perfecting her plan of attack. She memorized every way out possible.


In a village, a few miles from where the blonde woman restlessly paced about, lay a man. His arm wrapped behind his head, a satisfied smirk twisting around the cigarette that rested in between his lips.

From his place on the bed, he watched a bronze beauty roam around his room searching for her clothes. He delighted in the way her full breasts wobbled with each step.

He silently admired the way her long dark locks swayed as she huffed about the room mumbling incoherent words in a language he couldn’t be bothered to learn.

Once she was dressed, she threw him the look. He knew that look in any language; universally it said “ASSHOLE.” Then in a huff of indignation, she stormed from his room, slamming the door shut behind her.

Once she was gone, he stubbed out his smoke, rolled onto his side, and opened the bedside table. He fumbled with the false bottom wrenching it loose. He pulled out a small bundle of animal skin.

Delicately he unrolled the skin to study the map artistically carved into it eons ago. Grinning to himself, he tucked the map back into its hiding place and went to sleep.


Buffy had left the safety of her room hours before then sun showed its face. She wanted to get in and out as soon a possible. The chances of coming face to face with the competition were very real. She knew first hand that in this line of work there was always someone out there prepared to stab you in the back for the bounty, literally.

After trekking for hours, she found what she had been looking for, an entrance to a small cave

Once inside using her torch to cut a path through the darkness, she wound her way down into the belly of the cave. There in the middle of a cavern was her bounty.

A stream of sunlight had pushed its way past the rocks above and shone down on the trinket. Wonderment filled her, as it seemed to glow in her presence. Slowly she walked towards the Gem of Amara, her hand reaching for it.

Buffy nearly jumped out of her own skin when she heard a sound that made her heart stop and her stomach sink.

‘Hello cutie’

She spun to face the intruder. ‘Spike’ she spat out his name, it tasted like poison on her lips.

There he was in all his glory. Not a stitch different from the last time she laid eyes on him, dressed head to toe in black, from his scuffed black doc Martins and black jeans down to his black t shirt.

Don’t forget the black leather duster. The way it billowed around him when he walked reminded her of a super hero she had seen once in a comic book.

His notorious blonde locks were slicked back with gel. Her eyes finally landed on the one face she wished she would never have to see again.
If she lived to the ripe old age of forever, it would be too soon.

Spike tilted his head slightly to the left as his eyes trailed appreciatively along her body. Standing there in a black singlet, camouflage cargo pants, combat boots, pistol holster, and her long blonde hair tied in a pony at the top of her head, to him, she was the personification of pure beauty.

‘Now is that the way to greet an old friend?’

‘You’re not my friend Spike’

He placed a hand over his chest as though she had staked him in the heart.
‘You wound me Buffy’

His deep English accent and the way her name rolled off his tongue gave her goose bumps; she let her eyes flutter closed as his voice washed over her.

The sensation of the air changing around her had Buffy blinking out of her reverie. She saw a black and white blur of movement and then he was standing across from her. The bounty was between them. Just out of either hunters reach.

They stared at each other, rage on her face, and amusement on his. Dismissing her presence he went to snatch up the ring; the sound of a pistol pulled from its holster stopped him. He looked up to see her weapon aimed right between his eyes.

‘Well luv; looks like you’re finally back in the game then?’ he quirked his eyebrow and gave her his best bombastic grin.

He wasn’t too worried about the gun aimed at his head. He knew she wasn’t a straight shot. He was witness one night; too many years ago to her taking a shot at Angelus; poor bastard wears the scars to prove it.

‘Yeah I am, back and better then ever.’ She mirrored his expression.

His tongue curl-ed behind his teeth just the way he knew she loved as he ran his eyes suggestively along her body. She was not the shapeless young girl he saw last.
Her hips were curvy; her breasts were slightly fuller. She looked…older…more…womanly.

‘I noticed’

Buffy shivered under his heated gaze ‘Shut up Spike’ she cringed inwardly at her lack of witty comeback.

‘So what’s it been three years?’ he asked trying to distract her from the ring.

‘Not long enough.’

Once again, he tried for the ring, stepping ever so slightly towards it. However, the sound of her cocking her gun as it echoed off the walls around them had him second-guessing his plan.

Lack of great shooting history not withstanding; it was the look of fire in her eyes alone made him balk. She was pissed off enough at him that she would take a shot at him “just for the fun of it” . So in the interest of self-preservation, he obeyed her silent warning.

‘You know I’m not going to let you take that ring.’ she said with deadly intent.

‘Is that right? What are you going to do? Shoot me?’ Sarcasm clearly evident his tone.

‘If I have to’ the quiver of emotion in her voice shattered any threat she may have been to him.

He saw the shake of her hand; her confidence was slipping .

‘I don’t think you have the balls Summers.’

Cockily he reached for the ring.

She knew those words intimately, Angelus her one time lover had said those very words to her. Memories from a lifetime ago flashed in her mind and with them came a whispered promise she had made. “Never again” A shot rang out in the cave. Grim satisfaction filling her, as his body fell to the ground with a thud.

In a flurry of movement, Buffy holstered her gun, grabbed the Gem of Amara put it in a small black velvet bag; tying the cord in a knot, she tucked the bag in her sports bra.

A rumble from deep in the cave signaled that it was going to close in on them any time soon. She looked down at the lifeless body on the ground and cursed the gods; with a roll of her eyes, she heaved him onto her shoulder.

Slowly she made her way out of the cave. When she reached day light she unceremoniously dumped the body she had been carrying on the ground. She looked to a few of the villagers and asked. ‘Medico?’
This story archived at http://