Racing Hearts by Kimber
Summary: Buffy is a mechanic at her father's racetrack and garage. Spike is a famous driver who comes to inspect since his stepfather wants to invest. Buffy finds out just how much a woman she really is.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes Word count: 56840 Read: 34194 Published: 11/27/2004 Updated: 01/26/2005

1. Chapter One by Kimber

2. Chapter Two by Kimber

3. Chapter Three by Kimber

4. Chapter Four by Kimber

5. Chapter Five by Kimber

6. Chapter Six by Kimber

7. Chapter Seven by Kimber

8. Chapter Eight by Kimber

9. Chapter Nine by Kimber

10. Chapter Ten by Kimber

11. Chapter Eleven by Kimber

12. Chapter Twelve by Kimber

13. Chapter Thirteen by Kimber

14. Chapter Fourteen by Kimber

15. Chapter Fifteen by Kimber

16. Chapter Sixteen by Kimber

Chapter One by Kimber

Buffy sat on the roof of her father’s garage as she ate her lunch, looking at the blue California sky, and couldn't help but wonder what had went wrong in her life. She looked down at her coveralls, wondering if her mother had lived if she would be a grease monkey working for her father right now.

Her parents had divorced when she was just a baby, his life on the racing circuit and the women he met along the way gave her mother reason to leave him. Joyce Summers had raised her daughter the best she could until one day she had laid down on the couch with a headache and never woke up again. Six-year-old Buffy was left waiting after school for her mommy to come and pick her up, but she never came.

Since that day, she had come to live with her father and his new wife Maggie and her seven-year-old daughter Faith from a previous relationship, and Dawn, her then new little half-sister who was only 6 months old. Since the day she had arrived with her little suitcase, she had been the outsider.

She knew more about building carburetors and replacing head gaskets than what was in fashion this year, or if she was a warm or cold on the color chart. At first, her interest in cars started as a way to get her father to notice her. It did not accomplish what she had wanted it to; her father still ignored her for the most part, unless something critical needed to be done to one of the cars.

Buffy looked across the way at the racetrack her father owned and operated, wishing she could be one of the drivers circling the track instead of the behind-the-scenes mechanic that kept the cars running. In the process of trying to make her father love her, she had found her dream, she wanted to race.

“Hey, Buffster, penny for your thoughts.” A male voice broke her concentration as she turned to acknowledge her co-worker and some times best friend.

“Wish I was taller,” she said, looking over at Xander, her best friend since grade school. He at one time was the person she could count on to listen to her troubles anytime day or night. Well, until he started dating Anya Jenkins. Now the only time she really had time with her childhood friend was at work.

“Why?” Xander replied as he looked at her like she had grown two heads. “For a girl, you aren’t too short.”

Buffy held back her anger at his comment as she looked back at the racetrack and sarcastically replied, “Yeah, for a girl, I’m just fine. I know, everyone tells me that, but can I drive professionally at my size? No.”

“Buffy, man, I’m sorry,” Xander apologized, realizing he’d put his foot in his mouth.

“That’s okay, we both know it’s only an excuse really,” Buffy replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

She looked down at her tuna sandwich and wrapped it back up, having lost her appetite. She was sure her father used her height as a restriction to keep her from driving for him. His refusing to give her a chance made it impossible to get anyone else to take her seriously either.

Xander decided that now would be a time to be quiet or diplomatically change the subject. “Well, the reason I was looking for you was to see if you had the time to go over Angel’s car with me?” he asked, going for the second choice.

“What did he do to Redemption now?” Buffy sighed, knowing she should be use to the fact no one ever came to talk to her about anything other than work anymore. “Did Angel kill the trans or strip the gears again?”

“Both, I think. He needs to learn to play nice with his expensive toy,” Xander said as he put his hands in his front pockets and offered her a sheepish smile.

He missed hanging with Buffy, but Anya had told him she would not share him with another woman, even if it was the mousey little grease girl. “So, think you can fit me into your busy schedule?”

“Sure,” Buffy sighed as she wrapped up the rest of her lunch, wondering to herself if anyone would ever want something more from her. Both Faith and Dawn were more popular than she was and prettier, too.

“You’re the best, Buffster,” Xander replied as he smiled, totally oblivious to the hurt in his friend's eyes as she turned to look back at the racetrack and back down to her lunch bag.


Hank Summers looked at the man sitting across from him and wondered if the answer to his prayers was sitting right in front of him. Rupert Giles, looking to invest money in his raceway, was like a dog finding water after days lost in the desert.

“Mr. Giles, I would be more than willing to try and negotiate a contract that would be beneficial to us both,” Hank said as he leaned back and smiled his best salesman smile.

Rupert Giles and his accountant Wesley Wyndham-Pryce sat across from the man they had hoped to do business within the near future. Spike was looking to get his hand back into racing, even if it wasn’t directly behind the wheel of a car, so Rupert had decided to invest money in a racetrack that offered possibilities to expand.

“I’m sure we can come to a mutual agreement,” Rupert said, imagining the shocked look on the other man’s face when he found out who was going to represent him here at the track. “You see, my stepson is very well-acquainted with the racing world and will represent me in this endeavor.”

“Oh really? And is there a chance I might know him?” Hank asked as he sat forward. His radar going off that this was the deciding factor on both ends if this deal went through or not.

“William Spike Carpenter,” Rupert replied as the recognition came over the other man’s face. “He is my wife’s son from a previous marriage.” He did not think Spike would appreciate it if he told the man that he loved Jenny’s son as if he was his own.

“Spike works for you? The same Spike that retired soon after winning the big one?” Hank asked, feeling like his world was about to change. “Do you think he's interested in driving again?”

Wesley cleared his throat and answered the question both he and Giles knew the man would ask. “No, he is not interested in driving again but still loves the sport and wants to be involved again.”

“What, did he lose his nerve?” Hank asked without thinking. He regretted the question when he noticed the angry glares both men directed his way.

“No, he did not lose his nerve,” Rupert said, his voice calm with a dangerous vibe to it. “It is a matter if he wishes to tell you about it, he will.”

“Fine by me. Most of us know when it’s time, no matter the reason, and the ones that don’t,” Hank said, wondering if either of them understood what he was implying.

“Yes, most of them crash and burn on or off the track.” Rupert decided to let the man know he did know something about the racing life. He had made sure to learn all he could about racing, when his stepson had decided that was what he wanted to do to make a living.

“You do know something about a racer’s life then.” Hank sounded surprised, finding himself more and more impressed with this man the more he talked to him.

“Yes, I know by looking at my appearance you would never guess that I attended almost every race that William participated in,” Giles acknowledged.

“Nope, not your appearance, just most gents that have the love of racing, well, they eat, live, and speak about it 24/7. The fact you never talked about anything but the business, well, it gave me the impression I was just a tax write-off,” Hank replied, letting them know he wasn’t the dumb racetrack owner they may have thought he was.

“Yes, there is that advantage to our merger as well,” Rupert replied as he looked over at Wesley. “Wesley, could you please give him a copy of the draft so he can go over it at his leisure and get back to us with any questions or suggestions?”

“Right away, Mr. Giles.” Wesley answered as he pushed up his glasses before reaching down and picking up his briefcase, laying it across his lap before opening it and retrieving a folder out of it.

“Here you go, Mr. Summers.” Wesley said as handed him the copy he had made for the man to keep. “We also would like to make sure your daughters are taken care of in the future, as well.”

“My daughters?” Hank asked as he looked down at the papers and back at the younger man of the two. “How do you think you can help secure things for my daughters?”

“We will be open to how you wish to protect their interests during the contract negotiations.” Wesley reassured the man that his family’s interest was important to them.

“Thank you,” Hank said as he relaxed, the one big worry during all of this was protecting his daughters’ interests.

He knew that out of his girls, Buffy was the only one he didn't have to worry about. The girl could take care of herself. Faith, he wished he could get her to settle down before she got hurt with all her wild antics. He was afraid that Dawn was going to turn out the same way since she idolized her oldest sister.

Chapter Two by Kimber
Spike walked around the outside of the garage and noticed the different cars parked in various places. The first thing he noticed was how organized it looked from the outside but knew it was more important what it looked like on the inside that could make or break a race driver’s career. A talented driver was only as good as the people who put their best into the car he drove.

He noticed a young man with burnt orange hair standing still, listening to a tall male who appeared agitated, waving his hands around. The next thing he noticed was a tiny bit of a girl with brown hair in a ponytail and dressed in dirty coveralls come out of the garage, making a bee line directly toward the two men. He recognized the tall broody man as Angel O'Connor.

"Angel, what the hell were you doing?" the petite ball of fire was yelling. "Can't you learn to drive and not destroy the damn car every time you get behind the wheel?"

"I can't help it if you people can't do the job right the first time," Angel yelled back as he glared at the other man that was dressed in coveralls with the orange hair. "If wolf boy knew what the hell he was doing, I wouldn't have to keep bringing the car back to get fixed."

"I'm sorry, tell it to someone who believes the shit that comes out of your mouth," Buffy said as she returned his glare with one of her own. "As for Oz here, doing his job, let me just say he does his- YOU don't do yours."

Angel leaned down into her face, spit hitting her as he spoke. "Don't make me go to Hank and report your ass, bitch."

Buffy laughed as she lied, "Go cry to Hank, see if I care. He will just pat you on the back and say you just worry about the driving and leave car care to the ones that know what they are doing." She knew that Hank would be in her face telling her she again crossed the line in telling Angel the truth- he was a bull in a china shop when it came to abusing his car.

"I guess we will see about that, won't we?" Angel hissed right before he turned, storming away to find Hank and complain about Buffy and her crossing the line again.

Spike smiled as he watched the big bad man stalk away in a huff. He knew then and there that working here was going to be a very interesting adventure. First, he wanted to meet the little demon that just stood up to O'Connor. She reminded him of the man who worked for him as his crew boss when he was racing. Clem Rogers was everything a driver would want in the man who held your life in his hands.

Spike applauded as he moved toward the remaining two people. "Great show, is there a repeat performance, or a matinee?"

Buffy and Oz looked over and noticed for the first time they had an audience. "Not till the next time he thinks he is racing his car but is taking it for a death spin," Buffy replied, recognizing who the man was clapping his hands. "Welcome to Sunnydale Summertime Racetrack, Mr. Carpenter."

Spike looked at the young girl that by the looks of her was no older than maybe seventeen years old. He could not believe a girl was here working in the garage, with grease on her face and a baggy pair of coveralls on. From what he could see under all the grime, there was nothing spectacular about her looks that would have made him look twice if he had not seen her stand up and face Captain Forehead just now.

"Well, pet, seems I'm at a disadvantage. You know me, but I haven't a clue to who you are?" Spike asked as he gave her a soft smile at the same time he held out his hand.

Buffy looked down at her greasy hands and then back at him, not wanting to shake his hand with her dirty one. "The name is Buffy Summers, and this here is Oz. We will hold off on the handshake, if you don't mind," she stated as she gave him an apologetic smile in return.

"Rain check then," Spike replied.

"Sure," Oz said as he looked back at Buffy and tilted his head toward the garage.

Buffy was well-versed in Oz communications and smiled at him, giving him permission to leave. "We'll talk later on how to fix Angel's mess."

Oz nodded at Buffy before giving Spike a nod and a, "Nice to meet you", as he headed back into the garage. He knew that Hank would be down here soon giving Buffy a lecture and telling everyone, whether they wanted to hear it or not, about how Angel was God-like and she shouldn't talk to him like she does.

"Strong silent type, I gather?" Spike asked as he nodded toward Oz's back.

"Yep, speaks only when necessary and when he has something meaningful to say," Buffy giggled. "That's our Oz for you."

"And you, do you always yell at Peaches that way?" Spike asked. He recognized her name and knew she was Hank Summers' middle daughter.

"Sorry you overheard that," Buffy apologized, looking embarrassed. "I guess I should pay closer attention to who is standing around before I lose my temper like that."

"Oh, I don't know, it was rather entertaining," Spike chuckled. "If you were a boy, then I'd call you David and Peaches would be Goliath."

Buffy laughed as she looked at the man before her more closely. He was far better-looking in person than on TV or in any magazine photo she had seen. She had watched his short career and had rooted for him in every race. He was the underdog, the one no one believed could pull it off, and she always backed the fellow underdog. "So, what brings you to our fine piece of racing heaven?"

"Just checking out the place." Spike shrugged.

"Looking to get back into racing again?" Buffy asked, wondering if he was checking out racing for them for some odd reason.

"Nope, don't do that anymore. Promised a girl I would stop risking my life," Spike told her without realizing at first how much he had shared with this stranger.

"Hell, life is full of risks. Just try and stand in front of the coffee pot in the morning when the guys first arrive to work," Buffy said, thinking to herself this girl must mean a great deal to him. "She must be very special for you to stop racing for her," she said, assuming the woman was his girlfriend.

"Yeah, she is special in many ways," Spike replied as he tilted his head to the side. He noticed her bright green eyes that had a sparkle that touched him for some reason. "She's my sister." He thought it important to clarify that fact.

"Oh," Buffy said as she blushed, feeling like he'd just read her mind since she was thinking the girl was anything but family. "I bet you miss it really bad."

Spike smiled as he again felt a connection with this chit of a girl, causing him to reply honestly. "Yeah, I do, I miss it a lot."

"Well, you could always test drive for us sometime." Buffy offered an understanding smile when she noticed the look on his face when he overheard the gunning of an engine inside the garage. "Come on in, and I'll show you around."

"I would love that, pet." Spike's smile reached her eyes as he said this, causing her heart to skip a beat as she turned to lead the way inside.

He followed behind, wishing she wasn't wearing the unflattering gray coveralls. Something told him he'd like the package underneath the material.

Spike loved the smell of the garage, and his smile grew larger as he entered the building. He looked over and noticed the man he'd met earlier, Oz, was talking with a dark-haired man who was shaking his head in a negative way, side to side. "So, does your Da run the place, or does he have a manager?"

Buffy stopped as she noticed Xander looking more than just a little upset when she heard his question and replied. "Oh, Xander Harris manages the garage."

Spike noticed her look of concern as she continued to watch the two men over at a supercharged black stock car painted with the logo for Black and Ale brewery on the hood and the name Redemption along the driver's door. "So, looks like the boys are not happy with Peaches at the moment."

Buffy looked over at the blonde with a questioning look before she asked, "Why do you call him Peaches?"

"Maybe one day you and me will get to know each other well enough to share that information." Spike winked as he took his time looking over the garage, happy with how well it was organized.

The couple jumped when they heard Xander shout, "Why doesn't he just dump the engine in the middle of the track and just let us build him a new one? He is a fucking idiot."

"Excuse me a moment," Buffy said as she looked up at him with an apologetic look on her face.

"Understand, luv." Spike gave her an understanding look. "Mind if I look around a bit?"

"Sure, any questions, you know where to find me," Buffy replied.

"That I do, pet, that I do." Spike watched as she walked to join her co-workers, biting his lower lip, letting his eyes wonder about her body, again wishing he could see her in a nice tight pair of leather pants and a deep red halter. He felt a sudden twitch between his legs and shook his thoughts away from something he was not sure he should be thinking.


Hank was just saying goodbye to his potential partner when Angel stormed into the office, yelling, "Hank, you have to do something about that bitch. She should not be allowed to talk to me like she does." Summers knew right away his daughter had overstepped her bounds again. He told her repeatedly to bring any issues she had about Angel and his car to him, and he would deal with the man.

"Angel O' Connor, this is Rupert Giles and Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. They are looking to invest in the racetrack," Hank said as he sent his best driver a hard look, making the young man stop in his tracks and notice for the first time they were not alone.

"Sorry about that," Angel offered in a way of apologizing for his entrance.

"How about you have a seat in my office while I see my guests out?" Hank firmly suggested as he nodded toward the office. "I'll be right back."

Angel smiled easily as he turned to the two men who had yet to say a word, giving them the full Angel charm as he said, "Nice meeting you."

"Same here," Rupert said as he offered up his patented business smile.

Wesley knew his place and kept quiet, knowing Hank Summers was going to need to make some decisions about the reckless man he currently used as his lead driver. "Be sure to read carefully, and again, remember there is always room for negotiations," Wes stressed to make sure the man did not feel like they wanted to run the whole deal.

"I will, and I have the numbers to call if I have any questions," Hank reaffirmed as he felt a touch of worry enter his thoughts concerning this deal.

"Then we will wait to hear from you," Giles stated smiling as he took the hand that was offered to him.

"Will Spike be interested in looking the track over anytime soon?" Hank asked, thinking to himself he'd make sure his eldest Faith would be around. The one thing he would love was to get her settled down in a nice steady relationship with a nice young man. It would in fact kill two birds with one stone, making the partnership tighter if the two became a married couple.

"He was looking around as we spoke, not wanting any special treatment or publicity at the moment," Giles informed the owner, wondering what the young man had found on his personal inspection.

Hank hid his anger well, not liking the idea that Spike Carpenter had been walking around inspecting the place on his own. He prayed that the man had not witnessed any of his middle child's treatment of his lead driver. "Understand, and not a problem."

"Good, we were worried you would be upset, and rightly so," Giles said, not believing the man was not upset with Spike inspecting the racetrack. "It was a spur of the moment decision he made to come, and then he just needed to look around."

"I'm sure he misses the action, and the smell that only a driver would appreciate," Hank said, understanding some of how that went. It was reason he had settled down and took over the racetrack from his wife's father before he died.

"I will wait for your call then." Giles looked over at Wesley. "I think it's time to give Spike a call so he can meet us back at the car."

Wesley pulled out his cell phone and hit the speed dial that belonged to one Spike Carpenter. "Mr. Carpenter, we are ready to depart."

"Wes, call me Spike. You make me as old as Rupert, calling me Mr. Carpenter," Spike said. He hated it when Wesley got all professional on him like this.

"Yes, sir, we are walking out of the office as we speak," Wesley smiled, trying not to laugh.

"So, the Old Man is standing close is he?" Spike snickered as he made a decision. "Well, go ahead and leave without me. I'll cab it home."

"I will let Mr. Giles know." Wesley managed to keep his curiosity out of his voice.

"You do that, message man," Spike chuckled as he hung up the phone and continued looking around the garage, letting his eyes settle on what had caught his attention. He knew without a doubt he wanted to get to know Buffy Summers better.

Giles followed his legal, financial counsel and friend out the door and asked, "Care to tell me what Spike said that made you smile?"

"I would rather not. You know you always get me in trouble using your power over me to make me talk," Wesley simply said, unable to keep from smiling. "But he did say to leave without him, and he'd find his way back to the hotel."

"Oh, I wonder what he found," Giles wondered out loud. He could not help but wonder if Spike had found something that would prevent them from closing this deal.

"I guess we will find out when decides to grace us again with his presence," Wesley said as he shrugged. Not only did he work for Giles, but Spike was a good friend and godfather to his and Fred's one-year-old daughter Lilah.


"So, any chance you could show me around and give me the VIP tour?" Spike asked as he came to stand beside Buffy as she and the others tried to figure out how to put Angel's car back together again.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to have the time," Buffy answered as she looked over at Spike with a frown on her face.

"Go ahead, Buffy, we have this covered." Xander told her. "By the way, I'm Xander Harris, the fake garage manager here at the Hellmouth." The dark-haired man introduced himself to the famous Grand Prix winner.

Spike laughed at the man's sense of humor and liked him right away as he held out his hand and replied, "Great to meet you, mate, and did you say fake manager?"

"Yep, no one really listens to me anyway," Xander said with a laugh as he returned the handshake before looking over at Buffy. "I think me and Oz can cover this for now. Go and show Speed Racer here where he can spin his wheels."

"If you're sure?" Buffy asked, making sure both of them were okay with this.

"Bye, Buffy." Oz's voice traveled out from under the car.

"Okay, will check back you later." Buffy offered up with a smile that knocked both men to their proverbial knees.

Xander had never seen her smile so pretty and noticed that Captain Peroxide had noticed it as well. He could not help but wonder if it was because of Spike that she unearthed that breathtaking smile.

Buffy shrugged and then looked over at Spike, smiling a wicked smile as she said, "Follow me, Speed Racer."

"I'll give you Speed Racer one day," Spike purred. The innuendo was not missed by either Xander or Oz, and not by Buffy as well if you judged her by the way she was blushing.

Xander watched as the couple walked away and was surprised to see that Spike was watching Buffy's butt. "I think someone is interested in our Buffy," Xander said to no one in particular.

Buffy planned to stop off in the bathroom and wash the grease off her face and hands. It felt odd that she was worried about her appearance. It wasn’t like he was interested in her as a woman, but as a tour guide.

Oz slid out from under the car and watched the couple as well, all the time thinking to himself it was about time someone noticed the woman that was Buffy. "Yep."

"I'm not sure he's good for her. He has a history of a lot of women, drinking, and rough housing when he ran the circuit," Xander said as he gave Oz a worried look. "I'm not sure I want to see her hurt like Riley hurt her."

"Nope," Oz agreed, but he also felt that it was up to Buffy and Spike and no one else.

"I can see what you mean." Xander sighed. "We just need to be there if things go wrong- let her live her own life and just support her like best friends should."

Oz’s usual deadpan look changed as he offered Xander a quirky smile and replied, "Yep."

"Thanks, Oz, for being there, man. You are just so good with verbal communication- you should get into public speaking," Xander told him as he rolled his eyes.

Oz just shrugged his shoulders and returned to his place under the car to begin to figure out how they were going to fix this array of problems before Sunday's race.

"Yeah, I know. Hank is going to be up our ass to get this done by Sunday," Xander said as he frowned, knowing Anya was going to kill him because of the overtime he was going to have to put in over the next couple of days.

"Yep." Oz figured he'd give Willow a call on his next break and let her know he was not going to be home on time tonight. He and Harris began to put together a plan on how best to try and get The Redemption ready for the race.

Chapter Three by Kimber
"So, what's a girl like you doing working in a garage, getting your hands all rough and dirty?" Spike asked in a wanting-to-know kind of way and not sounding like it was a bad thing that she worked as a mechanic.

"I know cars, no good with the typing, shorthand, secretary stuff." Buffy shrugged. "Just not smart enough for business and computers. Well, let's just say surf the net and email is the limit to my computer knowledge. The rest of it is like Greek to me."

"I bet you are smarter than you think," Spike said, believing she truly was as he noticed the concession stand was open. "Think they'd give us something to drink?"

Buffy looked over and noticed that Harmony was stocking and cleaning the stand, getting ready for the Sunday race. "We can go and see if Harm will give us something to drink."

"Great, I'm thirsty," Spike replied as he reached over and slipped her hand in his gently, pulling her along with him.

Buffy couldn't believe this man was holding her hand, much less that she was letting him. "How long are you in town for?"

Spike smiled, feeling happy she had not tried to pull her hand away. Something with her clicked, and he wanted to find out what it was. "Let's get our drinks and go have a seat in the stands, and I'll tell you anything you want to know, luv," he suggested.

"Anything?" she whispered.

"Anything!" he confirmed as he turned and looked her in the eyes. "I'm not going to lie to you, Buffy, I want to get to know you better." His words made her speechless as she continued to let him guide her over to the concession stand.

Harmony noticed the handsome man holding Buffy's hand and wondered what was up with that. She could not help but wonder why a hottie like him would even think of holding that grease monkey's hand. The closer they got, she finally recognized the man to be none other than Spike Carpenter himself.

"Harmony, this is-"

Buffy didn’t get to finish her sentence before Harm rudely interrupted her. "I know, Spike Carpenter, who wouldn't know who he was?" Harmony said, batting her eyes as she leaned onto the counter, knowing he would be able to look down her low-cut shirt.

Spike raised his eyebrow at the rude bint's behavior toward Buffy. "Was wondering if we could have something to drink?"

"Sure, what's your flavor?" Harmony winked. "I'm sure I have just what you need." She smiled as she looked him over from head to toe, letting him know without a doubt she was interested in him.

He felt Buffy stiffen up and try to slip her hand from his, only making him squeeze it gently to keep it in place. "Mountain Dew, if you have it." He looked down at Buffy and smiled. "So, pet, what's your poison?"

Buffy looked up and met his eyes and replied, "I'll take a Coke, please."

Harmony could not believe he was not noticing her. In fact, he appeared to be ignoring her altogether and paying too much attention Buffy. She felt like it was a slap in her face because she was way prettier then that bitch that should have been a boy instead of a girl with how she dressed and acted.

"Fine, coming right up," Harmony said as glared at the other woman before she turned to go grab them each the soft drinks they ordered.

Spiked leaned down so only Buffy would hear him and asked, "She always this rude to you, the boss' daughter?"

"You know my father?" Buffy said, her voice abrupt as she pulled her hand out of his and crossed her arms across her chest. She avoided his eyes by turning her gaze toward the racetrack.

"Not personally, why do you ask?" Spike answered as he reached over and gently took his finger and tilted her face so he could look at her. "Let's take our drinks and have a talk."

"Fine." Buffy's short response and closed off facial expression told him he'd have to tread carefully for some reason.

"Here ya go, just like you ordered." Harmony's voice interrupted the moment. The blonde believed she would have no problem getting him to take her out. "By the way, if you aren't doing anything later, maybe I can show you around Sunnydale and show you the popular places to go on a Friday night."

Spike noticed the petty look the blonde bint had directed Buffy's way, and it pissed him off before he gave her an answer. "No, thanks, have the best guide right here." Spike smiled over at Buffy before he turned and took the drinks from Harmony. "On the house, or should I pay?"

"On the house, since I’m not technically open for business." Harmony pouted as she looked him up and down. "The offer still stands. If you'd like, I can give you my number."

"That's okay," Spike refused as he returned her stare with one of his own that if she read it correctly told her he wasn't interested. "Have plans already, don't we, pet?"

Buffy looked up and noticed him smiling at her as he was offering her the Coke she had ordered. "If you say so," she answered, taking the opened Coke and taking a sip, just for something to do.

"Oh, I say so," Spike said as he winked at her. He realized he wanted to get Hank Summers to agree to their terms. He found himself wanting to work here, and he wanted to find out what made this woman tick. "Let's go and find a place to sit and be alone."

Buffy gave him a smile that went straight to his heart. "Okay, come with me," she replied as she reached out to take his hand.

"Anytime," he practically purred and felt like kissing her, right there, and then he took her hand and let her lead the way this time.

Harmony glared at the couple’s backs before turning around and looking at her co-worker and friend. "There was no way that he would choose the ugly bitch over me unless he is just using her to get to Hank."

Anya had heard and seen everything from just inside the concession stand. She had come to help Harmony clean and set up for Sunday with plans of visiting her Xander and having great sex on the hood of one of the cars.

When Harmony had come around back and told her that Spike Carpenter of all people was holding hands with Buffy Summers, she had to come out to see it for herself. She could not believe her eyes and ears as she watched the hunk of a man choose Buffy over Harmony. She had noticed the way he looked at her, and it did not look like he was using Buffy at all.

"I don't know, Harm, could be he really likes her." Anya gave her honest opinion as she looked over at the pissed off woman who was slamming things. "He makes her smile, and I think he could show her what a true orgasm really is."

"Me, it will be me he gives those orgasms, not her," Harmony yelled.

"What is your problem, Harm? You have Riley, and you stole him from Buffy, so what is the deal here?" Anya asked, wondering why she was so interested in Buffy's men anyway.

"Riley is cheating on me," Harmony blurted out as she rolled her eyes. "Since he went on the circuit, we don't get to spend as much time together, and I found a thong in his pocket, and let's say it wasn't all downy fresh either."

"I'm sorry to hear that Harmony, but that is not Buffy's fault that he was only dating her so he could race for her father," Anya tried to explain as she walked over and stood in front of the selfish, blind, weak woman. "It's not Buffy's fault he is a liar and a cheat and goes out with vamp whores behind your back. He did start seeing you while cheating on Buffy."

Harmony glared as she questioned her friend’s loyalty. "When did you become a Buffy defender? Oh, right, since you are sleeping with her best friend, the geek."

"Xander maybe a geek, but he is a geek that knows how to treat a woman with respect and give great orgasms," Anya defended her man, causing her to smile. "He also knows what it means to be faithful."

"Well, look at the grease monkey, what could he possibly see in that?" Harmony hissed.

"Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, now isn't it?" Anya couldn't help but say as she realized how terrible she had treated the girl herself. "I think that Spike sees the treasure that is buried beneath all that grease."

"Oh, I just don't know why I'm even talking to you about this." Harmony fumed as she turned her back on Anya and returned to cleaning and stocking up for Sunday's race.

Anya smiled to herself at the idea that came to her. Come tomorrow, she was going to take the time to get to know Buffy better and see if she could see what the handsome Spike Carpenter sees, as does her Xander and Oz.


Hank walked into the office, prepared to hear Angel bitch about whatever Buffy had done to piss him off so bad. He had such hopes that Angel and Buffy would have worked out when they dated during high school, but alas, the man had upped and married Cordelia Chase instead.

Then Riley had happened, and he wanted so much to hang his head in shame concerning that fiasco. He just didn't understand his daughter- the man would have married her, given her children. It embarrassed him that his daughter was a tomboy who didn't walk the line or do as she was told.

"Hank, you have to do something about Buffy. She can't keep talking to me like she does in front of the others," Angel whined.

"Why did she yell at you this time?" Hank asked as he walked to his bar and poured himself a stiff drink. ‘God, why didn't she fall for Riley, and then she'd be out of my hair,’ he thought to himself.

"She's trying to tell me it's my fault the car keeps breaking down when I know it's because that orange-haired freak isn't doing his job right," Angel explained and then further told him how Buffy degraded him in front of the other mechanics.

"I will have a talk with her." Hank told him as he reached up with his left hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. He would try again to explain to Buffy that she was crossing the line again, and if she didn't learn to stay within her job, then she'd have to find another place to work.

"Why isn't she like Faith and Dawn?" Angel muttered.

Hank rolled his eyes because he asked himself the same thing everyday. "If you'd met her mother Joyce, you would know where she gets it from," he explained.

"Did you ever try beating her?" Angel chuckled.

"Oh, I know for a fact that wouldn't work. Again, you'd have to have met her mother to realize where she gets her strong will from," Hank answered. "Like I said, I will talk to her."

"I believe you, Hank," Angel said as he patted the man on the back before leaving so he could get home and see what his wife has been up to lately.

"I will call you later." Hank sighed, right before he finished his drink and prepared himself to confront his rebel child. "Honestly, why couldn't you have married that bastard and be gone?"


Buffy led him to the stands before she turned and smiled up at him as she asked. "So, where would you like to sit?"

Spike reached up and gently pushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear at the same time he told her his answer. "Anywhere that we can sit and have ourselves a little private conversation would be great."

Buffy felt a warm feeling spread throughout her body when he touched her so softly. "How about up top? We will see the enemy approaching and can run if we need to," she suggested as she pointed to the top row of seats.

"Sounds great. Don’t want no Big Bads coming up and scaring you away," Spike answered as he leaned in and kissed her nose and then her forehead. "I don't know what you have done. Some kind of spell, perhaps."

"I'm no witch," she whispered as she closed her eyes as he kissed them as well.

"You are, believe me, and you have me caught in your web and not wanting to break free from whatever magic you have used on me," Spike said as he let his lips brush hers again. "So, what are you wearing under that sexy little outfit?"

Buffy pulled back from the kiss to say, "I think we are going too fast." Her voice was raspy and she was unable to look him in the face. "And what I wear under my coverall is none of your business, Mister."

Spike chuckled. "What if I want to make it my business?"

Buffy looked up at him with a guarded look as she answered his question with a question, "Then I would have to ask you what you want from me?"

Spike noticed the vulnerable look in her eyes that made him feel protective and want to take her away from here and back home with him. "I want only what you wish to give me, and then some," he reassured her.

"It has nothing to do with what you might want or need from my father?" she asked, her voice quiet, and he could hear the insecurity in her question.

"There is nothing your father has that I would need that I'd flirt and seduce one of his daughters for," Spike answered honestly. "I really do like you and would like to get to know you better."

"I can't believe I've only known you for a couple of hours and let you kiss me," she said, not realizing she had voiced her thoughts out loud.

"Now, tell me, do you have some clothes on under that sexy little number you're wearin'?" Spike waggled his eyebrows, causing her to giggle and shake her head yes, deciding not to call her on what she had just said prior.

"I will answer any question you have if you take them off and let me see what you are wearing under there," Spike offered as he gave her a wink, enjoying the flirting. "Cause I would like for us to be comfortable, and I just don’t' think you'd be very comfortable sitting on the top row directly in the sun, dressed as you are."

Buffy blushed, embarrassed about what she was wearing underneath. Her cut-offs were old and faded, and the tee shirt fit too snug for her taste, but it was fine to wear to work. "I'm wearing a tee shirt that is somewhat too small and a pair of cut offs," she told him.

"Well, luv, I won't tell anyone if you promise not to sale my answer to the highest bidder in return for a peek," Spike suggested as a compromise as he tilted his head to the side, sending her his best sexy pout.

"I bet you really are a big flirt," Buffy said and sent him a suspicious glance, wondering if he was playing some kind of game with her.

"I promise to answer any question that comes from your lips, and I'm sure you will feel much cooler," Spike again promised as he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I promise not to bite unless you ask me to."

Buffy gasped at the erotic picture that suggestion made as she felt her face heat up. She reached up and started to unbutton her coveralls and kept looking down at the ground as she slipped it off her shoulders and down past her hips. "I'm going to look stupid in my socks and boots," she mumbled.

"Take them off as well, and I'll take off mine, and we both will go barefooted," Spike offered. Then he laughed when she looked up at him with a funny look on her face. "Or wear the boots, don't matter to me, luv."

Buffy bent down with her back toward him as she pushed them down her legs. Spike’s eyes took in the beauty of her firm little ass and knew he was right about her having a tight, firm little body. He sighed his disappointment when she then turned and sat down so she could get the pant legs off from around her work boots.

"There, satisfied now?" Buffy asked as her expression challenged him to say anything funny about her outfit.

"Yeah, actually I am," he said as his smile grew. He took in her firm little body, which to him was just perfect. Her small, pert little breasts were just perfect to fit in his hands and just right to suckle. Her hips, perfect from what he could tell, for him to fit between and to be easily cradled between.

"So, up we go, and I get to ask my question," she said as she turned to bend over to pick up her coveralls off the bench, blessing him with another glimpse of her pretty little backside.

He followed her up the steps, his eyes never leaving the sway of her hips, feeling himself get harder by the minute with the fantasy of taking her from behind as she leaned over the top bench of the bleachers. Never had a woman ever affected him like this before. His mother had told him that he would be like his father, and when the right girl came along, he would know it and do everything possible to make her his. Just like his father had done when he' d met his mother.

He sat next to her on the top row and looked down at the track and felt that twinge in his gut. He missed racing. He missed it so much that late at night, he would wake up and not be able to fall back asleep. He wanted to get behind the wheel and drive like the wind around the track and never look back until he crossed the finish line.

"I'm ready to ask my question now," Buffy softly said, having noticed the look of longing on his face as he looked around the racetrack.

Spike looked over and noticed her looking at him like she could read his soul. "Then go ahead and ask away," he told her.

"Why did you give up racing?" Buffy asked as she covered his hand with one of her own as it gripped his thigh. "I can see the desire to be out there right now written all over your face."

Spike looked away and tried to think how he should tell his story. "My sister had a nervous breakdown one night after I won the Grand Prix. She said she had a vision of me crashing and burning if I went back to driving. She made me promise her I would stop. The only thing that made her better was my promise to stop."

"You must love her very much," Buffy whispered as she moved closer to his side and leaned her head against his shoulder, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

Spike leaned down and placed a kiss upon her head. "Don't know why, but I trust you. Just don't need them press hounds making this like a circus."

"Thanks, I trust you, too." Buffy breathed in his scent of cigarettes and nice-smelling cologne. "So, is she better now, your sister?"

"Yeah, but she still scares me with her talk about the pixies talking to her and the stars telling her things before they happen." Spike moved his arm and placed it around her shoulders, bringing her closer to him and smiled to himself when she didn't fight it. "She told me if I continued to drive, I would crash and burn. She believed it so much she made her self sick about it that I didn't drive for awhile, and next thing you know, Wilfred Baines is killed driving my car 3 months later. Wasn't a driver error, but a malfunction in the fuel line that caused it to blowup."

Buffy felt a chill go down her spine as she said, "I remember that crash- it was awful. So you think that she predicted that crash and saved your life?"

"Yeah, but someone else died instead. Just didn't sit quite right with me," Spike told her as he turned so he could pull her into his arms. It felt good to feel her arms encircle his waist and pull him close as well.

"I'm sorry someone died, but I'm not sorry that it wasn't you," Buffy whispered into his chest. "Does that make me a bad person?"

"No, luv, just human, like the rest of us," Spike answered her as he breathed in deep, taking in the scent of her shampoo, with a lingering smell of oil and gas. She smelt like heaven to him, and she felt good in his arms. "Can we spend some time together tonight, maybe dinner and a movie?"

Buffy nodded her head yes, thinking how long it had been since someone had asked her out on a date. The fact that it had been Riley didn't depress her as much as it used to. "My calendar is empty for this evening," she replied.

"Do you have to work tomorrow?" he asked as he lifted her up onto his lap.

"Yes, we will have to make sure all the cars are up and ready to go for Sunday." She moved her legs so she straddled his thighs. "But should be free by late afternoon, give or take an hour."

"Are you on the Pill?" he asked, wanting to make sure she understood just how interested he was and just how far he wanted to go as he looked up into her hazy green eyes.

"No, no reason to be," she answered, moving her hands around his neck and playing with the curly hair that was there. "Do you use condoms?" she asked. For some reason, this very open discussion about birth control did not offend her.

"Would rather not. Want to feel all of you, but since you're not on the Pill, yeah, I'd wear them right and proper," Spike said as he looked down at her chest and noticed her nipples were peaked and poking through her shirt. "So, will you spend the night with me?"

"Am I a one-night stand or something more?" she asked, feeling nervous, thinking they were moving too fast.

"Something very much more, kitten," he purred as he leaned in and took the left tip of her breast inside his mouth and gently suckled, making her moan and arch her chest forward.

"So good, feels so good," she groaned and started to grind against him as he hands massaged her bottom. She could feel his erection grow harder as she continued to move against him. "God, I want you, never wanted like this before."

Spike came to his senses as he tried to make her understand why he was stopping this from going any further. "We need to stop, luv. Don't want our first time here. Want you laid open for me on a bed, naked, where I have all the time in the world to feast on your lovely little body."

Buffy groaned her discontent, even though she knew he was right, as she offered a suggestion. "Tonight, promise me, we will have tonight."

"Oh, we will have that and more, kitten." Spike let his hands touch her as he moved them up to cup her face. "I think you should know something, luv, and it has nothing to do with you and me, nothing. But my uncle is wanting to go into a partnership with your dad and let me represent him."

"So, you would be here? I mean, living here in Sunnydale?" Buffy asked as she looked at him with a large smile on her face. "So I won't be a one-night stand or a weekend adventure?"

Spike laughed as he pulled her down, close to his face. "Oh, you will be my adventure for quite some time, my little vixen, for a very long time."

"Good," she told him as she kissed him tenderly. "I will tell you a secret."

"I will protect it with my life," he promised.

"I think I could fall for you, and fall very hard," she confessed as she moved her fingers to cover his lips. "I dated Angel in high school, or should I say he only dated me to get in good with my Dad. Then there was Riley, who did the same thing, only my father still expected me to marry him, but I didn't."

"Good girl, cause I would have hated stealing a man's wife, but to have you, I would have," Spike said as he leaned up to kiss her. Just the thought of Hank expecting his daughter to marry such a bastard made his blood boil. "And I think I could fall pretty hard, too."

Buffy's smile turned into a frown when she heard her father's voice calling her name. "Buffy, are you around here?"

Spike noticed how her face became closed and guarded. "Don’t worry, luv, I will slay the demons for you."

"No, not this one. His bark is worse than his bite," Buffy told him and then regretted saying this much to a man who might go into business with her father. "Promise me you will keep a close eye on your assets."

"Don't worry, luv. Wesley is the best there is to handle the money, and his nose will detect any foul usage of said cash or funds. You don’t worry your pretty little head about that," Spike reassured her.

"I'm not pretty," she denied, blushing as she pulled on her coveralls so Hank would not notice anything out of the ordinary, since she her shirt still bore the evidence of Spike's earlier worship.

"I think you're very pretty," Spike disagreed as he reached over to put his finger up under her chin, raising her face up to meet his. "The prettiest green eyes I've ever seen." Spike leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Buffy, didn't you hear me calling for you?" Hank yelled up from the ground. He noticed how close she was standing to Spike and made a mental note to talk to her about that.

Buffy turned away from Spike and looked down at her father and replied, "Sorry, Dad, didn't hear you. I'll be right down."

"I got your back, luv," Spike whispered, hearing her giggle.

"Thanks, just don't let him know anything about us going out tonight, or he just might find something to keep me busy," Buffy told him as she continued to look down at her father's face. Where some would think he was fine and happy, she could see the anger in how tense his body was.

"Right, pet, no telling your Dad I'm taking out his girl." Spike almost chuckled until he noticed how her back stiffened up at this comment.

"I'm not his girl." Her voice sounded angry and sad at the same time, making Spike feel the need to watch Hank Summers and see how he treated his family, especially the one walking in front of him at this moment.

Buffy started walking down the steps, with Spike close behind. She hoped her father didn't embarrass her too badly, since it seemed to be one of his favorite past times, especially here of late.

"Mr. Carpenter, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Hank Summers." Hank introduced himself as he held out his hand toward the champion driver. "I had thought you would have left with your stepfather?"

"Wasn't ready to leave then," Spike replied politely, not wanting to tell the man he stayed because he wanted to get to know a girl who just happened to be his daughter better.

"Maybe you can stay for dinner?" Hank offered. "I would love for you to meet the rest of the family, and I know Faith would love to meet you."

"Thanks, but I have other plans, but maybe another time," Spike said as he stole a glance at Buffy and noticed a brief look of pain rip across her face for a brief second before being replaced with a forced smile.

"Great, if you'd like, I can get Xander or Oz to come and finish giving you the tour," Hank offered. He was sure the man was getting tired of being around Buffy.

"Nope, don't mind the company I have," Spike reassured her father, noticing Buffy blush, something that didn't get overlooked by her father as well.

Hank looked over at Buffy and said, "When you are done, can you come to my office? We need to talk."

Buffy nodded yes, not trusting her mouth not to get her in trouble if she allowed it to answer for her. She was sure that Angel had gone and complained, and her father was here to reprimand her and tell her how she was an employee and he was her boss.

Spike could feel the tension between the father and daughter. He would make sure whenever he did have dinner with Hank and his family he was going to pay close attention to the family dynamics. He had a suspicion that Hank did not feel the same way about his middle daughter as he did the other two.

"Mr. Carpenter, feel free to stop in anytime, and like I said, I would love for you to come to dinner and meet my family." Hank again extended the offer for meeting the family as he reached out his hand, with Spike accepting the handshake. "I hope to be doing business with you and your family very soon. Mr. Wyndham-Pryce left me a copy of the contract to look over."

"I will be looking forward to it as well," Spike replied, having politely dropped his hand and stepped back. "I'm sure we will be able to come to a mutual agreement."

Hank smiled to himself when he silently agreed, seeing his Faith married to the young man before him one day, again making it a family business. "Well, I will let you get back to your tour, since I have some matters to take care of back at the office," Hank explained as he turned back to look at Buffy. "Just don't forget to stop by before getting to work on Redemption."

"Xander and Oz will be working on fixing Angel's car," Buffy informed her father. "I, for one, have plans tonight."

Hank's body stiffened as he looked at his middle child as he tried to make her understand her priorities. "The car needs to be up and running by Sunday."

"The boys will get it done," Buffy said as she crossed her arms on her chest and her body tensed, preparing herself for the mental hit.

"I want you to do it," Hank said with a forced a smile on his face. "Oz has a wife and kid to get home to, and Xander has other obligations, as well."

"What am I, chopped liver? I can't possibly have a life away from here?" Buffy defended herself as she tried to keep the anger out of her voice, not wanting to lose her temper in front of Spike.

Spike hid his shock at how little Hank seemed to think of his daughter. "Actually, she has plans with me." He decided to step in and make his interests known here and now. He had caught the hint that Hank wanted to introduce him to Faith.

Hank turned around shocked and asked, "My daughter has plans with you, like in a date?"

Spike looked over and noticed how pale Buffy had become. "Yeah, I would call it a date. What about you, pet, would you call it date?" He hoped she'd understand once he explained it to her.

Buffy looked over and noticed the warm smile on his face as he looked at her as she answered, "I would call it a date."

"Well, seems I'm dating your daughter, Mr. Summers." Spike winked at Buffy, having told her father of his intentions. "So, how about I pick you up around 7?"

"7 would be nice," Buffy answered. She could not believe she was actually going on a date, a date with Spike.

Hank could not believe that someone like Spike would be interested in someone like Buffy, who was plain and was nothing special to look at. He was sure he'd be able to get Spike interested in Faith, since Faith was all woman and beautiful, as well. There was no way the young man would be able to still want to date Buffy after getting a good look at Faith and her working her magic to lure him to dating her instead.

Hank cleared his throat and politely reminded Buffy to stop by the office before going home. "Buffy, I will see you later, and Mr. Carpenter, great to have met you and hope to talk to you soon."

"I'm sure Giles and Wesley will be waiting for your phone call," Spike informed him as he looked over at the man who brought a bad taste to his mouth. If not for Buffy, he was sure he'd be telling Giles to scrub the project.

Hank nodded his head before turning to leave, trying to think how he could prevent Buffy from going out with Spike tonight. With that in mind, he decided to stop at the garage and see how Xander and Oz were doing with Angel's car.

Spike waited until Hank was out of sight before he grabbed Buffy's hand and pulled her over to the first row of bleachers and sat down, pulling her down on his lap. "Forgive me?" he asked, giving her his sexy little pout.

Buffy leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "I forgive you," she said. She wasn't mad at him for standing up for her like that. For some reason, she knew he was telling her he was sorry about telling Hank her plans tonight were with him. "So, where are you taking me, since I need to know what to wear?"

"What would you recommend?" Spike asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her a little closer.

Buffy pulled her bottom lip into her mouth with her teeth as she thought about where they could go. "We could have dinner and a movie, or dinner and go to the Bronze, or just dinner."

Spike fought the urge to replace her teeth with his and suck on the perfect little piece of flesh. "What is the Bronze?"

"It's a place to go and drink, dance, and just hang out and play pool and other games," Buffy explained as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned over and put their foreheads together.

"I like dinner and dancing, especially if it's slow dancing." Spike leaned inward and took her lower lip between his and gently suckled it.

Harmony glared as she watched them kiss, angry that the mousy little greasy monkey was getting what should be hers again. She could not help but wonder why Buffy hadn't learned with Riley that anyone that showed her any attention would only be interested in her because of who her father was around here.

Chapter Four by Kimber
Hank stopped at the garage with the intent of telling the boys he wanted Buffy working on the car. He walked into the garage, making his way over toward the Redemption. He was shocked to hear Xander and Oz talking bad about his Faith and Angel.

"Hey, all I know is if Cordy knew what Angel was doing behind her back, she'd be staking Faith in the heart and cutting off Angel's you know what," Xander rambled on, not knowing Hank was listening behind him. "Angel needs to be more careful when he is meeting Faith at the Motel 8."

"Yep," Oz agreed.

"Man, I'm so glad Buffy's not seeing him anymore," Xander continued to ramble as he was loosening the bolts on the engine mounts. "And Riley, man it's a wonder he doesn't end up with something that will kill him some day."

"Yep," Oz continued to agree, thinking how Willow had told him the same thing the other night.

"Man, I wish for one day Angel had to come in and fix his own car," Xander sighed. "Just one day, and then maybe he'd respect his car more and not abuse it the way he does."

"Never happen," Oz mumbled as he worked on the clutch. "Totally stripped the gears this time."

"Man, that's new- he usually only strips one or two," Xander snorted, his sarcasm thick as he finally got the last bolt loose. "Okay, ready to lift this now worthless piece of crap out of here?"

Hank kept back and listened to the boys list what Angel had done to the car. In the past, he had assumed Buffy was lying just to get Angel in trouble. He never thought to ask the other mechanics since they never complained about how the driver had treated his car.

"Anya is supposed to stop over when she is done helping Harmony out," Xander said as he hoisted the engine up and away from inside the front of the car. "She was telling me that Harmony was blowing a gasket about Buffy and Spike."

"Really?" Oz asked as he walked over to throw the ruined clutch in the garbage pile.

"Yeah, she said it looked like Spike is interested in our Buffy," Xander continued to gossip.

"Cool," Oz replied.

Hank knew he would not be able to depend on them to help him keep Buffy away from Spike. They seemed all for her being with Spike. He would also have to have a talk with Faith about this assumed affair she was having with a married man who happened to be his lead driver. He would have to nip that in the bud if he planned on her and Carpenter getting together. Hank quietly backed out of the garage and walked back to his office to await his middle daughter's arrival.


Buffy refused to let her father get her down. She walked up to his office door and knocked, determined she was not going to let him stop her from seeing Spike. She had seen right through his plan of wanting Spike to hook up with Faith. She was going to do everything in her power not to let that happen.

"Come in," her father called out.

She opened the door and walked in with a forced smile on her face. She kept thinking about the kiss Spike had given her before leaving the racetrack. He had told her he'd couldn't wait until tonight and for her not to plan on coming home.

"You wanted to talk to me," she stated as she moved to sit down in the chair in front of her father's desk.

"Yes, Angel came to see me, pretty upset," Hank informed her, accented with an intimidating stare.

"That's nothing new. He always comes to complain when I tell you he damaged the car for no reason," Buffy defended herself. "But you are just as bad for continuing to let him do it."

"Buffy! Stop! This is none of your concern. I pay you to fix the cars, nothing more," Hank yelled. "Can't you just do as you are told?"

"Fine, if all you want to do is waste money on him, go right a head," Buffy sat back and told her father, finally realizing it didn't matter anymore. "Consider me the roll model garage slave that will do as her master says."

Hank smiled at that as he added, "Good, then you will go and relieve Oz and help Xander tonight on the engine."

"Nope, have plans," Buffy said as she stood up to leave. "I'm off the clock and have tomorrow to get the Angel mobile ready for the race. But you will not stop me from seeing Spike, and if you really want this little business deal to happen, don't try and come between us."

Hank found himself speechless as he watched his daughter stand up and walk away from him. He could see it was going to take some convincing to make her see she was not going to win this battle. She was not woman enough to hold someone like Spike's attention for very long. She was not the type of woman a man such as Carpenter would want to marry.


Spike walked into the hotel lobby, whistling with a relaxed smile on his face that Giles had not seen since the boy stopped racing. He wondered what had happened to bring that smile back.

"What has you in such a happy mood?" Giles asked.

Spike just looked at his stepfather as he told him, "Buffy."

"Buffy?" Giles asked. The name was familiar when it suddenly came to him- Buffy was Hank Summers' middle daughter.

"Buffy Anne Summers," Spike said as he thought again about that last kiss. "What can you tell me about the family?"

Giles smiled, wondering if he should tell him that Dru had told him and Jenny that her brother was going to find his soul mate in Sunnydale. But he decided against it for now because he knew how Dru's predictions affected the young man.

"Come, let us get a seat and wait for Wesley," Giles suggested. "He knows more about the personal family details."

The two men walked toward the hotel bar. Giles practically could feel the energy pouring off the young man. "Tell me a little of what you saw at the track."

"Nice little place, the garage is clean and up to date," Spike told him as they grabbed a table to wait for Wesley. "The mechanics seem to know their stuff, and of course, Angel is still the poof he was before I stopped racing."

"So, would it be a good investment?" Giles inquired.

"Little birdie did tell me to watch my assets," Spike answered. "There is something about Hank I don't like. Definitely don't trust the man."

"So, maybe we should see about another racetrack?" Giles felt the need to ask.

"No, not yet," Spike hurried to say. "I think we need to wait and see if he wants to negotiate with us first."

"Really, is that it, or are you more interested in his daughter Buffy?" Giles felt inclined to ask.

"She could be a reason," Spike hedged. "But it is also a nice little track, just questionable ownership is all. But we can work on that, I think."

"Really, how?" Giles asked, for he was intrigued with what the young man had to say about this.

"We have one of our own accountant's work the books," Spike suggested.

"Good day, gentlemen," Wesley said in greeting as he took a seat in front of Spike. "Hope all went well after we left?"

"Right as rain, mate," Spike smiled, thinking how delicious Buffy would have looked if it had rained while she was wearing that special little tee shirt.

"So, did you get a tour of the track?" Wesley asked, hoping to hear more about how things looked from Spike's point of view.

"Right from the middle daughter herself," Spike answered. "Care to tell me about her?"

"She was Hank's daughter from his first marriage. She came to live with him after her mother's death." Wesley tried to remember what he could. "Not much to tell really."

"Now how does Faith fit into this?" Spike asked.

"He adopted Faith when he married her mother. He has doted on her as if she was his own flesh and blood, it would seem," Wesley told him. "Seems she is the apple of her father's eye, that one. She can do no wrong and has been given the best of everything."

"The youngest then?" Spike asked.

"Dawn is the natural child of Hank and his wife Maggie. She is the little princess of the Summers' castle," Wesley answered. "Tell me, Spike, where are you going with this?"

"Seems Spike is interested in Buffy," Giles told him, wanting to meet this girl that caught his boy's attention. He truly did love Spike as if he was his own son and would do anything to see that he was happy.

"Really?" Wesley asked, thinking the girl must be special to get Spike's attention.

"Yeah, really," Spike said as he sent Giles a glare that the older man chose to ignore.

"A little birdie also told him to watch out for his assets," Giles said as he gave Wesley a meaningful glance. "Spike thinks we should make sure one of our accountants runs the books."

"I think that would be a splendid ideal. Good thing I had that put in the contract," Wesley said as he gave them a cocky grin. "This is what you pay me for, is it not?" Not only that, both of you are like family, and I would feel terrible if I did not make sure all the T's were crossed and the I's dotted."

"That is what I love about you," Giles chuckled. "You are more thorough then the CIA, IRS, or Her Majesty's Secret Service."

"Yeah, we have WWP," Spike added.

"Funny, ha, ha, ha." Wesley snorted with a roll of his eyes as the two men teased him like always. Working for Giles had never felt like a job, but more like taking care of the family assets.

"So, more about Buffy?" Wesley asked, feeling like his friend had noticed something special about the girl.

"Just that she interests me enough, I want to know her better," Spike answered, knowing neither man present would make him feel stupid about this. "I asked her to dinner tonight."

"Good, good," Giles said as he patted him on the back. "I'm happy for you and hope you will introduce her before I leave."

"Same here, mate, would love to meet the girl that caught your attention," Wesley agreed.

"One problem- I don't think Hank wants me to be interested in Buffy, but in Faith." Spike figured he could trust these two men with his suspicions. "I get the impression he doesn’t care too much for Buffy."

"Hmmm, do you think that might become a problem?" Giles asked, making sure Spike understood he would back him no matter what.

"If so, it's Hank's problem, not mine." Spike made sure he let them know his interests were in Buffy. "Haven't met the oldest and not sure if I want to."

"She is a piece of work, is what I'm told." Wesley decided to be up front. "I hear she is seeing Angel on the side."

"Well, that tells me all I need to know," Spike said. He had already figured out he wouldn't like Faith without even having met the woman.

"Maybe we can have drinks before dinner with you and Buffy, if you don't mind?" Giles asked, wanting more than ever to meet her. Something told him he was going to like her.

"I'm fine with the drinks before dinner, but dinner is just me and Buffy." Spike made sure they understood he wanted time alone with her.

"Great, we will meet for drinks and then leave you to wine and dine your girl," Wesley said, giving him a knowing wink.

"Thanks, mate, I think you're right- she is my girl." Spike said as he smiled to himself, thinking he had found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Giles knew he had an important call to make. He needed to tell Jenny that she might need to arrange to visit Sunnydale in the near future. He was sure he was about to meet his future daughter-in-law tonight.

Chapter Five by Kimber
Faith watched from the bedroom doorway as Buffy kept going through her clothes. "Hot date tonight, B?” she asked.

"Yes," Buffy said as she continued to look for the right shirt to go with her black jeans.

"Don't worry, once he gets a look at me, you'll be history," Faith said as she turned and walked away.

If looks could kill, Faith would be lying dead on the floor. "Guess we will just see about that," she replied loud enough for the brunette woman to hear.

Buffy turned her attention back to the three tops she narrowed her choice to. One was a simple red blouse that she really liked. Another one was a simple hunter green tee shirt, which she thought brought out the green in her eyes. The last one was a red halter she had bought but never had the courage to wear.

She decided on the red blouse, thinking the color was daring for her. Buffy gathered her things and made her way to the shower.

Dawn sat on Buffy's bed, waiting for her to finish in the shower. She had overheard Faith and their father talking about how she needed to work her wiles on Spike Carpenter and forget about Angel. She agreed there was no way Spike Carpenter, sex on two legs, would choose Buffy over Faith.

Buffy walked into her room and bit her lip when she noticed Dawn sitting in the middle of her bed, as if it belonged to her instead of Buffy. "Hey, what brings you slumming?" Buffy asked.

"Just thought I would come by and offer my condolences," Dawn offered.

"Really, for what?" Buffy asked, even though she knew why.

"For when Spike ends up with Faith, is why," Dawn answered, giving her sister a meaningful glance. "Come on, Buffy, do you really think he would want someone like you?"

Buffy hid how much those words hurt as she looked at her younger sister and said, "Some people see the beauty that others choose to ignore. And some can see the ugly that is behind the pretty face."

Dawn tilted her head as she thought about what Buffy said. "So you think Faith is ugly on the inside, and you're pretty on the inside?"

"I just know that something clicked with me and Spike, and I will not let my family try and come between us before we find out what it means," Buffy told her as she moved to her vanity to blow-dry her hair. "Dawn, I know you think Faith is all that, but I'm here to tell you she isn't. One day, she will find herself alone, and no one will be to blame but her."

"And you, do you think you will be alone?" Dawn asked, seeing her sisters in a different light for once.

"Maybe, maybe not," Buffy tried to explain. "All I can say is I can be alone and survive, but Faith, she needs to be the center of attention and could not handle being alone."

"What about me?" Dawn asked.

"You still have a chance to change and be you, not what Dad wants you to be," Buffy said as her eyes met her sister's in the mirror. "All I know is I have never fit in here- I've been the outsider from day one. It doesn't bother me like it used to, for I refuse to let the fact my father doesn't love me bring me down."

"He loves you," Dawn tried to defend her father.

"No, Dawn, he doesn't. I'm just a reminder of a part of his life he'd rather forget." Buffy felt the tears build up as she explained further, "Dawn, I really do need to finish getting ready."

"Okay, good luck," Dawn said, thinking to herself that Buffy talked a good game, but the truth would be in the meeting of Spike and Faith. She planned to be there to see who would win.

Buffy let her doubts and insecurities show once the door closed, leaving her alone to think too much about what had happened here in this room over the last thirty minutes. She wanted so much to believe the words she had just sprouted out from her lips. In her heart, she knew she was taking a big chance on Spike staying with her and not leaving her for Faith or some other sexy little number.


Spike felt a case of nervous jitters as he raised his hand to ring the doorbell. He was sure he was going to have Faith somehow pushed on him tonight before he could whisk Buffy away. He just hoped he kept his temper in check and didn't tell Hank just what he thought about him and where he could stick the contract.

He waited just a few seconds after pushing the doorbell. Suddenly, a dark-haired beauty opened the door. Before meeting Buffy, his taste in women had followed along the dark hair, brown-eyed path.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Buffy," Spike politely told her.

"Great, come on in, handsome," Faith purred as she reached out and took his hand to lead him in. "I'm Faith, Buffy's sister."

"I'm Spike," he introduced himself, pulling his hand out of hers, trying not to look at her rather exposed cleavage.

Faith silently smiled to herself when she noticed him checking out her breasts. She knew he had to be a tit man and dressed to impress. "Hello, Spike. Buffy is still getting ready and should be down shortly."

Buffy had heard the doorbell and hurried to finish braiding her hair. She had wanted to be ready when Spike arrived so she could meet him at the door. Instead, she was running just a few minutes behind since everyone had to interrupt her while she was trying to finish getting ready.

She hurried down the steps only to stop short as she noticed Spike checking out Faith's favorite assets. In that department, she knew there was no competition- Faith had her beat easily. Buffy almost turned to run back up the steps until she heard her name.

"Buffy, there you are, dear," Maggie greeted her stepdaughter, having seen the look of defeat cross her stepdaughter's face. She knew it wouldn't take much to make Buffy throw in the towel.

Spike pulled himself away from the view, looked over to see the hurt in his girl's eyes, and knew he'd made a serious blunder. One he would do anything to make right and bring the smile back to her pretty green eyes.

"Evenin', pet," Spike said as he moved to wait for her at the bottom of the stairs. "Hope you are wearing your dancing shoes?"

Buffy nodded her head yes, not trusting her voice as she descended the stairs slowly. She tried to think of a feasible explanation on why she couldn't go tonight. Suddenly, it came to her she could say that Xander called and needed her at the garage.

She stopped on the last step and was about the give her excuse when Spike leaned in and kissed her on the lips. All thoughts of forgoing tonight fled as she began to kiss him back.

Faith felt a urge to walk over and separate them. She was sure he was just doing this to make her jealous- no one in their right mind would ever chose Buffy over her. There was no way plain, little Miss Buffy was going to get her little claws in this man.

Maggie had noticed the look on the young man's face and recognized it for what it was. He really was attracted to Buffy, and she could tell that Buffy was very attracted to him as well. This was a fine mess that Hank had on his hands. She would have to talk to him later in private and then see about making Faith cool her heels. The last thing they needed was losing this contract over a simple fact the man was in love with the wrong daughter.

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Spike asked when he reluctantly pulled away from her lips.

"Are you sure it's me you want to take out?" she asked low enough, so only he heard her question.

"Only you, baby," Spike leaned in to whisper right before he kissed her cheek. "We have somewhere to be."

Buffy couldn't help but smile at his words and deed. "Okay, then you lead the way." She sighed.

"Gladly, pet. Giles and Wesley want to meet us for drinks, if that's okay with you?" Spike asked as he stepped back so she could take the last step down.

"Okay by me," she replied, feeling suddenly nervous.

"Don't worry, luv, they won't bite," Spike reassured her as he took her hand in his. He hoped everyone in the room got the hint. He wanted this woman and no one else.

Spike turned to the older woman who had kept herself off to the side. "You must be Mrs. Summers?" Spike asked.

"Yes, please call me Maggie," she answered politely.

"Maggie, I wish we had longer to stay, but I have people waiting," Spike explained as he gave his excuse for their need to leave now. "Please call me Spike, and I hope we get a chance to get to know each other better."

"That would be nice, since you might be working with my husband," Maggie agreed.

"And dating his daughter no matter what happens on a business level." Spike decided to lay his cards on the table. He didn't want any misunderstandings about where his true interests laid.

"I understand." Maggie said, understanding the message the young man was sending. He wasn't interested in playing games, his interest was in Hank's middle daughter.

"Good." Spike smiled as he looked over at Faith. He noticed the hateful look, before she covered it up, she had directed toward Buffy. "Hope you ladies have a pleasant evening. Shall we go, pet?"

"Where are we going?" Buffy asked as he led her toward the door.

"It's a surprise." Spike replied, knowing either way Buffy would not be living here much longer.

Faith's anger grew as she watched Spike kiss the little twit. There had to be a reason that Spike Carpenter was using Buffy. It about made her want to throw up the more she watched him fawn all over Hank's biggest mistake.

She watched as Buffy was led out the door, and as soon as it shut, blocking her view, she started, "That bitch! Who does she think she is thinking she will get him? I will make her pay for this, so help me. He will be mine, and that's all there is to it."

"Faith, shut up," her mother told her.

"What? I just was saying he will be mine," she reassured her mother.

"No, he will not. Are you that blind, girl? He is truly smitten with Buffy, and if you would have been paying attention, you would have seen it." Maggie walked over and stood in front of the misguided daughter.

"He was interested in me," Faith said, knowing she'd have him doing her in a heartbeat.

"He was like any hot-blooded male, interested in your over-exposed assets," her mother explained. "Not all men can be won over with a flash of skin. He was just admiring what you were advertising, which I'm hearing you advertise a lot these days."

"Excuse me." Faith looked at her mother with a look of disdain on her face. "This coming from the woman who got pregnant by a married man, ran off, had the kid, and then few years down the road came and stole him out from under his wife's nose?"

"I love your father, and I will not apologize for that," Maggie said as she glared at her daughter. "If you choose to go after him, you will only get hurt. That man is truly interested in Buffy, I know. He looks at her the same way Hank looked at me when we first met."

Faith's eyes grew big. "You're telling me that Spike might already be in love with Buffy?"

"Yes, and I know Buffy has already fallen for him," Maggie explained to her daughter. "Your interfering could cause your father to lose this contract."

"Who do you think told me to nab the blonde boy wonder?" Faith snorted.

"I don't think he realized just how deeply Spike feels for Buffy," Maggie said, thinking her husband was not going to like what she was about to tell him.

"Are you sure you read the situation right?" Faith asked.

"Yes, I do," Maggie replied as she turned to go and tell her husband he had missed Spike's visit. He was in his office, going over his plans on how to renovate the racetrack if the deal between Giles goes through.

"Damn little bitch," Faith mumbled as she pulled out her cell phone to call a few friends so they could go out and party.

Dawn stood back from the landing so her mother and older sister didn't see her. She was shocked at what she had seen and heard. The fact that Faith was actually truly her sister and not half-sister as she had been told all her life hurt. It meant her parents lied. It also made her feel sorry for Buffy, too.


Maggie walked into her husband's home office and sat down in the chair across from his desk. "Honey, we need to talk."

"About what, dear?" he asked, not paying full attention to his wife as he continued to study his plans for the racetrack.

"Spike was here," she told him.

That bit of news caused him to direct all of his full attention toward her. "Why didn't you come and get me? Did him and Faith hit it off?"

"Well, he didn't stay long- he and Buffy were meeting people," she told him before dropping the bomb. "No, he and Faith did not hit it off. In fact, you need to rearrange your Faith and Spike plans altogether."

"No, she can win him over," Hank said, refusing to accept the alternative.

"Sorry, honey. From what I witnessed, he is truly only interested in Buffy," Maggie informed her hard-headed husband. "If I understood him correctly, he is more interested in her than any deal you could offer. I think he warned me he wouldn't tolerate anyone interfering with his plans for your middle child."

"What in the hell could he possibly see in her?" he fumed as he threw down his pencil. "I mean, look at the difference between her and Faith."

"Honey, do you remember when we first met?" Maggie asked, wondering if he'd remember.

"Loved you on first sight," Hank smiled at his wife. "Unfortunately, I had met and married Joyce first."

"Well, I see that with Spike and Buffy." Maggie decided to bite the bullet and tell him what she thought about the couple. "I think you will get your wish about him coming into the family, but not with the daughter you want him with."

Hank's eye widened in shock. "But she is nothing to look at, doesn't know how to dress or act like a lady."

"Hank, have you really looked at your daughter?" Maggie asked him seriously. "You should have seen her tonight- she was glowing."

Hank rolled his eyes and laid his head down on his desk. "God, what am I to do? I have no control over her."

"You don't have any control over any of your daughters, Hank. In fact, your oldest and youngest control you. They manipulate you at the drop of a hat, but you either refuse or truly don't see that they do," Maggie tried to explain to her poor, confused husband. "Buffy is the only one that stands up to you, where the others know just how to get you to do what they want."

"So, you are telling me I should accept the fact that Spike wants Buffy?" Hank moaned into the desktop.

"If you want this deal to go through, yes, you are going to have to accept the fact he wants Buffy. You are also going to have to tell Faith to back off, or it could end the deal. You could end up losing the deal and Buffy at the same time," Maggie warned her husband. "So, start trying to accept what you cannot change without possible dire consequences."

"Fine, I will do my best to accept it." Hank looked up, his chin resting on his arm. "Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"No, but it might look good to appear happy for them," she told him. "Also, have a talk with Faith, make sure she fully understands to stay away from the idea of stealing Spike away from Buffy."

"I will, dear, I promise," Hank agreed. He knew this contract was important if he wanted to expand his operations.

He watched as his wife threw him a kiss before she left the room. He knew he'd have to have a heart-to-heart with Faith and tell her to not pursue Spike. It meant he would have to show more interest in his middle child than he cared to. He couldn't explain it, but he had never been able to bond with Buffy like his other two girls.

Chapter Six by Kimber
"Don't worry, luv, they are going to like you," Spike reassured her as he waved at the two men waiting for them at the corner table.

"If you say so," Buffy said but not believing it for a minute. She was sure either one or both men would find her not worthy.

Giles noticed right way she was nervous about meeting them. From a distance, she seemed plain, no defining beauty he could notice. As they grew closer to the table, he noticed how lovely she truly was. Her look was natural, wearing no makeup what so ever.

Wesley noticed how Spike continued to touch her. He noticed the look that passed between them that told him whatever was going on, it was mutual. The closer they got, he noticed what had attracted Spike to the girl. She had an aura of innocence, and she had natural beauty that would be intensified if placed in the right hands.

Both men stood when she arrived to the table, causing her to blush, winning the two men over, no questions asked. "Giles, Wesley, may I introduce you to Miss Buffy Summers." Spike introduced everyone, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"May I say the pleasure is mine," Giles said as he gave the young woman a reassuring smile.

"As it is mine, as well," Wesley agreed, reminding himself to tease Spike later on about his splendid introduction.

"Thank you." Buffy acknowledged the compliments and allowed Spike to assist her to sit.

The men followed suit, and Giles knew then and there he was going to be a very proud father-in-law one day. "I'm very happy you decided to join us."

"Thank you for having me," she replied as she started to relax. They seemed to be very nice men.

"So, what are you drinking?" Wesley asked the couple as he stood to go over and order from the bar.

"I'll take a Coke, please," Buffy requested, feeling embarrassed to be at a bar and ordering a soft drink.

"Make that two, mate." Spike added his as well.

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks, please," Giles ordered.

"Be back in a jiffy,” Wesley said as he turned to make his way to talk to the bartender.

"Spike tells me he is impressed with how the garage is set up." Giles decided to break the ice and talk about something she would feel comfortable talking about.

"We try very hard to keep it tip-top," Buffy said, feeling comfortable talking shop. "It took us awhile, but we are up to date and can compete with any other garage on the circuit."

"Who is your head mechanic?" Giles asked, wondering just how much she was involved in the running of her father's operation.

"Well, that falls between me and Xander really," Buffy said, wondering if he would think less of her knowing she was one of her father's mechanics.

"Really, you work on the cars yourself?" Giles asked, looking at her intrigued that she did, no sign of being disgusted about it.

"Yes, Xander and Oz say I'm a natural under the hood," Buffy said, liking this man more and more.

"How exciting that must be to help make sure the cars run their best," Giles said in awe. "Did you ever want to drive?"

Buffy's face lit up as she shook her head yes. "Oh yeah. I would love to get behind the wheel one day and drive across the finish line. Don't care if I win, just care that I finish."

"Know the feeling, pet," Spike agreed. He knew then he had met the one for him. Someone that shared his love of driving. "Maybe one day we will suit you up and see what you can do."

Buffy's face lost that happy look. "Don't think that will happen- my father has already said I can't drive for him."

"Well, things can change, Buffy," Giles said to reassure her. "But that is for another day."

Wesley rejoined them, handing out everyone's drinks. "I say a toast is in order."

"Here, here," Giles agreed as he raised his glass. "To dreams, may they all come true one day."

"To dreams," Wesley repeated as he lifted his glass.

"To dreams," both Spike and Buffy said at the same time, each thinking of the other as four glasses clinked and the toast was completed.

Giles and Wesley relaxed and enjoyed the young woman's company as the couple enjoyed the time spent with everyone. Both men left the bar after two more toasts, feeling happy. Buffy had wormed her way into their hearts, one as a daughter, and the other as a future wife to one of his best friends.


Xander and Oz sat and watched as their women danced to the new dance craze. They had done everything they could with Angel's car before they decided the rest could wait until tomorrow. Anya and Willow kept whispering and giggling on and off since arriving at the Bronze.

"I think our women are up to something," Xander proposed to Oz, who just nodded his head yes. "I have a feeling it's something big."

Oz knew what it was they were planning but had been given strict orders not to tell a soul. He knew if he told Xander, the jig would be up, and Buffy would run for the border, and Willow would divorce him.

"I think you know what is going down, my bestest and dearest friend," Xander said as he gave the man a knowing look. "But then that would mean speaking a full sentence or two, and that just wouldn’t be like you at all."

Oz just sat in his chair, fighting to keep from smiling. He figured they would spend the evening with Xander, grilling him with questions and him not responding. It went that way anytime the man thought he was being kept out of something.

Willow looked over at her husband and could tell that Xander was giving him the third degree. It was so funny how her husband didn’t have to say a word and she knew what he was thinking. She turned her attention back to Anya and her plan to give Buffy her rendition of 'Extreme Makeover'.

"So, you have everything set up with Lorne, right?" Willow asked.

"Yes, he knows exactly what it is he wants to do," Anya confirmed. "He says he has been trying to talk her into going blonde for forever. He has someone ready to do a facial with thinning out her eyebrows and working on makeup. He is doing her hair personally, and he arranged for her a pedicure and a manicure with deep oil therapy on her hands."

"God, this is going to be fun," Willow giggled. "Tara is staying at my parents this weekend."

"Great, then you and Oz can have unlimited sex and make her a brother or a sister," Anya said as she leaned forward and shook her finger at the redhead.

"Just think, in 3 months, you and Xander will be married and you can start making your own babies," Willow said as she shook her finger back at the brazen woman she had come to like very much.

"Spike will not know what hit him," Anya surmised. "I don't trust Harmony not to try and make some waves, but I can deal with her."

"I sort of feel sorry for her, with how Riley is treating her." Willow attempted to not totally dislike the girl.

"She made her bed, she allows him to walk all over her." Anya refused to make excuses for the woman. "When she ends up dying because he gave her AIDS, well, she only has herself to blame for still having unprotected sex, let alone sex at all with the bastard."

Willow sighed. "I know, but love is a funny thing."

"She does not love him- she just wants a driver with a name, and she thinks Riley is the one that will do it for her," Anya explained her thoughts on the Harmony/Riley situation. "So, now she sees Buffy with Spike and fears that Buffy will steal her dream."

"Wow, did you ever think of going back and getting your degree in Psychology?" Willow asked.

"No, do not want to have my happiness brought down by all those depressed mentally challenged people," Anya said, her honesty at times brutal. "I like making money, but not by trying to cure the ill of the world."

Willow realized that Anya would not be the most tactful therapist and most likely would lose her license on her first day at work. "I take it back, don't know what I was thinking."

Anya laughed. "I don't know what you were thinking either."

"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in," Xander said loud enough that the others looked over where he pointed.

They noticed Buffy holding hands with Spike Carpenter. Anya wore a smug grin, having noticed how close the couple was standing to each other. She could not help but think that they had just had sex or would do the deed before the night was out.

Willow noticed how they looked at each other before finding a table and taking a seat. She could see the connection between the two as she looked at her husband and nodded her head yes, letting him know she agreed with his assessment. Oz had told her he felt the surge of energy between Spike and Buffy.


Buffy felt nervous, wondering who was here tonight that might give her a problem. She was sure if Riley, Angel, or Harmony was here tonight, they would be making their presence known. Regret was the word of the night- she regretted bringing Spike here on their first date.

"What's wrong, pet?" Spike asked as he leaned down so she could hear him over the music.

"Would you be mad if I asked if we could go somewhere else?" she asked.

Spike leaned closer. "Wouldn't mind one bit, luv."

Buffy smiled as she stood up and took his hand and led him out of the club. Once outside, she turned around to tell him where she'd like for him to take her when she heard her name being called.

"Buffy, Buffy Summers," Riley called out, his voice slurred, as he started to approach her. "Hey, baby, how about you and me find the backseat and reminisce about the old days."

"Shut up, Riley," Buffy said through gritted teeth, blushing at the insinuation of his words. "Harmony I'm sure is waiting and ready as always."

"But no one made a man-" Riley never got to finish his sentence before he was punched in the face.

"God, Riley, you are such a bastard," Buffy yelled. She was so pissed she didn't notice at first the pain in her hand from hitting him.

Spike stood ready to defend his girl if the drunk son of a bitch tried to hit her back. He felt jealous as well that this poor excuse of a man had even touched his girl. He could see how embarrassed she was and decided to make sure she understood he did not think any less of her. In fact, he was impressed and reminded himself never to piss her off.

"New fuck toy there, Buffy?" Riley asked, his tone full of innuendo.

"No toy here, mate," Spike answered the question himself with a cocky grin as he wrapped his arms around the petite little spitfire pulling her against him.

Riley squinted as he took a closer look at the blonde male that Buffy was leading out of the Bronze. "Hey, you're Spike Carpenter."

"What about it?" Spike replied, his right eyebrow cocked up.

"What are you doing with someone like her? I would think Faith, her sister, would me more your league," Riley snorted, giving Buffy a disgusted look. "Unless Daddy is paying you to be with her."

Spike glared as he pulled her closer against him. "Sorry to disappoint you, but didn't much care for Faith, and Daddy has nothing to do with this." Spike emphasized by leaning over and placing a loving kiss on her neck.

Riley watched as Buffy melted against Spike feeling jealous she had never acted like that with him causing him to say. "I can attest to she’s not all that, no fire or passion."

"Could be you just don't know how to make a woman scream," Spike replied, giving him a wink. He chose not to embarrass Buffy any further and remind Captain Cardboard he was the one asking for sexual favors just a few minutes ago.

"Oh, I know how, and I know how she is like wood in bed," Riley said. "I've never had any complaints."

"Let's go, luv," Spike purred in her ear. "I hate when a man blames his partner when he can't deliver the goods."

Buffy forced a smile, feeling her tears threaten to fall. She was sure Spike was only defending her from Riley to save face. There was no way he would still be interested in her after hearing Riley's glowing report on how bad she was in bed.

"You will find out if you take the Buffy challenge," Riley called out as he watched Spike lead Buffy away with his arm snug around her waist.

"Buffy, on the bleacher, I could feel the passion. I could feel the heat, baby," Spike purred in her ear. "I will make it so good, baby, you will scream my name."

"But what if I don't do it for you? Make you scream my name," she whispered, suddenly shy.

Spike turned and pulled her against him in the middle of the parking lot. "Kitten, I will scream your name right after you scream mine. That is a promise."

Buffy's arms automatically wrapped around his neck. "He wasn't lying- it was why I stopped dating all together. Until today, I swore I was frigid."

"The woman I was snoggin' today was hot, passionate, and sexy," Spike said as his hands roamed down and cupped her backside. "This is what you do to me, baby." He pulled her pelvis closer to the point she could feel a firm bulge cradle against her.

"Spike!" she said right before his lips claimed hers.

Riley stood shocked as he watched Buffy respond to the other man's kiss. It looked as if they were having sex with their clothes on. She had never kissed him back like that and never moved herself against him the same way, either.

Buffy had never felt this warm, this hot. No kiss had ever made her forget where she was as her hands played with his soft hair while practically having sex in the middle of the Bronze parking lot.

Spike knew if he didn't stop soon he was going to be taking her over to the dark alley and introducing her to alley sex. He knew there was a lot he was going to teach her, and he was the right man for the job.

He reluctantly pulled back and rested his forehead against her. "God, you make me forget everything and everyone. You intoxicate me with your beauty and innocent passion that you consume me."

Buffy heart swooned hearing his words and fell for him all over again. She was about to kiss him again and be damned the consequences until her stomach growled.

Spike chuckled as he said to her. "I can see if I want to have my way with you, I’m going to have to feed you."

Buffy tried to suppress her giggle as she replied, "Yeah, I didn't really get to finish my lunch."

"Then you choose where you want to go eat, and let's go and feed you, luv." Spike told her as he took her hand in his, leading her to his rental car.

"Spike, don't break my heart," Buffy whispered. "If this is a game, please walk away now."

"No game, this is real," Spike reassured her. "Forget those fools from your past."

"My father wants you for Faith, so be prepared to have him flaunt her," Buffy warned him, still insecure with how he had been looking at her sister's chest breasts.

"Don't worry, I can handle your father," Spike said as he opened the passenger door. "As for Faith earlier, I swear it meant nothing. Just she was advertising, and I couldn't help but notice, but I swear I never thought of touching or sampling the merchandise, honest."

Buffy heard the sincerity in his voice and how it reached his eyes as he looked straight into her eyes. "For some reason, I believe you," she replied and believed he truly meant what he said.

"Good, cause right now, I just want the rest of the night to be about us," he reassured her before he shut the door after assisting her inside the car. He then walked around to get in on the driver's side.

"Alright, I love food, so tell me where you would like to go," Spike asked as he reached over and tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

"There's a diner just down that road whose specials are pretty good," Buffy suggested as she leaned into his hand.

"This diner have a name?"


"Then Rosie's, here we come," Spike winked and he reluctantly pulled his hand back and used it to turn the ignition.

Buffy smiled happily, even knowing she had broken a promise to herself. She again had gotten involved with another racecar driver, something she had vowed never to do again. Even if he was retired, it wasn't because he wanted to retire- he had done it for his sister.

Chapter Seven by Kimber
Anya stepped out into the back alley and dialed Buffy's cell phone. She wanted to confirm plans with the woman.

"Hello?" Buffy answered the phone cautiously, not recognizing the number on the caller ID.

"Hey, Buffy, just wanted to tell you me and Willow will be picking you up tomorrow at noon. You can't refuse- it's a surprise for Xander, so you have to come with. Oz will be keeping him busy at the shop, but we need your opinion on a few things," Anya explained quickly so Buffy wouldn't have time to think about it.

"Hmm, I might have plans," Buffy said, thinking of Angel's car and Spike.

"We won't be long, and Angel's piece of junk is almost done," Anya was quick to say, making sure Buffy could not use that as an excuse. "I really would like for you to come with- I want us to get to know each other better. You are important to Xander, and so that makes it important to me that we try and get along better."

Buffy looked over at Spike, knowing she could not pass up this time to make nice with Xander's girlfriend. Since Anya was the one offering, it would look bad for her to refuse. "Hold on a minute, okay?"

"Sure," Anya replied as she smiled, knowing Buffy was about to ask Spike if they had any plans.

"Okay, I will be ready." Buffy came back on the phone having asked Spike if he wanted to do anything tomorrow afternoon. He had said he was committed to business, but told her he had plans for them that evening if she was up to spending more time with him. Which she had smiled and nodded her head yes.

"Great, I will see you then," Anya said as she gave Willow a thumbs up. "I really do appreciate this, Buffy."

"No problem," Buffy replied before saying goodbye.

Anya looked over at the excited redhead and stated with a confident smile on her face. "Okay, we are on. Buffy beware, when we are done with you, the Harmonys of the world will think twice before thinking they have anything on you."

"Anya, you are brilliant," Willow said as they gave each other a high-five. "I just hope she goes for it all."

"She will, just trust me." Anya knew she had something to entice Buffy now. "What woman would not want to look their best for their man?"


Faith lay next to Angel in the motel bed and let her finger trace his nipples. "I can't believe he is interested in that freak."

"Hey, maybe he wants the mousey look for his wife so he knows no one else would want her," Angel suggested, not jealous at all that Faith was talking about another man. He was just with her for the sex, nothing more.

"Yeah, that must be it," Faith sighed as she turned to look at her lover and ask, "What made you ask her out and not me?"

"Cause you moved in circles at that time and I didn't want any part of it," Angel answered honestly. “So she was a logical choice if I wanted to get a chance at driving."

"And now?" she asked as she ran her hand under the sheet and fondled his semi-hard cock slowly back to life.

"The thrill of cheating, and with someone that is interested only in the great sex and nothing more," Angel was blunt and to the point.

"Good, cause I will never fall in love," Faith said, giving him a seductive smile. "But I wouldn't mind having a husband like Spike. I bet I could get him back into driving."

"Don’t count on it, baby- once you lose your nerve, it's never the same again," Angel warned her, thinking to himself that was why Carpenter had stopped driving.

"You could be right there, lover," Faith agreed. "But enough about the beauty and the beast, as the song says, 'Let's Get It On'."

"Hmmm, great beat you can fuck to," Angel growled as he rolled himself on top of his mistress to do just that.


Spike pulled out his key card and inserted it into the lock. As he opened the door, he glanced over and noticed how nervous his girl was. "Luv, we will only go as far as you feel comfortable with. We could just talk and get to know each other better," he told, hoping it reassured her that he wanted her not just for sex.

Buffy smiled up at him- her smile made his heart feel like it had skipped a beat. "Let's see where this night takes us," she replied, hoping she sounded confident and not like some nervous ninny.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," he agreed as he waved her into his room with a sweep of his hand. "Come in and make yourself at home, kitten."

She noticed there was a set of chairs and a table as well as a king size bed in his suite. Buffy walked over to the balcony door. The curtains were open and a nice scenic view of town was visible. The lights in the city park gave it a romantic glow over the gazebo.

"So, tell me a little about yourself?" Spike asked as he came up behind her and gently wrapped his arms around her waist."

"What do you want to know?" she asked, her voice soft and relaxed.

"Everything, pet, favorite color, flower, movie, song, musical influence, movie hunk of the week, fantasies, both sexual and not so sexual," he said as he snuggled his chin in between her neck and shoulder.

"Blue, daisies, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, I like several songs, and I find my musical influences are many, and movie hunk of the week- Orlando Bloom. The fantasies, well, you need to prove I can trust you with such important secrets before I can share them with you," Buffy said as she leaned her head against his.

"Red, daisies, “Lord of the Rings”- all three of them, too many songs to mention, and influences, there are a few for each time in my life. Sexual fantasies, well one that I remember clearly is making love on the hood of my race car with the woman of my dreams," Spike said as he pictured Buffy spread out on his car with her arms wide open, begging him to come to her.

"What does the woman of your dreams look like?" Buffy asked, wondering if she was a blonde, redhead, or brunette.

"Until today, she never had a face," Spike whispered as he kissed her neck. "Today, for the first time, I saw the color of her eyes, the shape of her nose, and tasted the sweet nectar from her luscious lips."

Buffy gasped as she realized he was talking about her. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her tighter. "Buffy, did I offend you when I asked if you were on the Pill?"

"No, I understand your not wanting to get caught like that." Buffy reached up and touched his cheek with such tenderness. "I know the last thing you want is a baby and to be tied down before you were ready."

"But that's it, Buffy," Spike sighed as his hands spread over her abdomen. "I want that, I want it with you. I want to see your tummy all big and round with my kids."

She placed her hands on his and softly stroked them. "Make love to me," was all she said.

"I don't want to use anything, nothing between us," Spike told her up front. "If we create a life, it will be the second most wonderful thing to happen in my life."

Buffy turned in his arms and asked, "What is the first most important thing?"

Spike leaned down and kissed her softly before answering, "The day you take my last name as yours."

Buffy's eyes grew wide as the meaning of his words sunk in. "Are you asking me to marry you, or just letting me know one day you will?"

Spike smiled as he knew he was doing the right thing. "I want you to know that when I take you to my bed, it is because it's what I want every night for the rest of my life. That every morning when I wake up, you are the first thing I see," Spike vowed. "So, for now, it's telling you that one day soon, I will be asking that question of you with a ring in hand and a promise to love, honor, and willing to make it a matter discussion about obeying."

Buffy felt her tears fall as she reached up and cupped his face in her hands. "Then let me forewarn you, as well. I will answer that question with a vow of my own. To love, honor, and agree with the negotiations concerning the part about obeying you for the rest of my life."

Spike leaned down and kissed her tears away as he slowly started to undress her. The sound of her breathing becoming erratic made his heart beat faster. First, he unbuttoned her shirt until the last button was undone. Then he slowly let it drift down her arms, letting it fall to the floor. He slowly trailed his fingers up her back until he came to the clasp of her bra.

"Luv, if you wish me to stop, now would be the time to say so," he whispered, his voice raspy from the want of her as he unhooked the bra.

"More," she whispered as she took her hands and pulled his tee shirt out of his jeans.

He stood back and let her lift it up, assisting her by taking his arms out and then bending his head so she could finally remove it. He in return used his fingers to push the bra straps down her arms, making it easy for the piece of lace to drop to the floor.

"Beautiful," he said as he lifted his hands up to cup her perky little breasts and knead them gently. "Perfect, luv."

Buffy looked at him in awe, first by how he was staring at her as if she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Second, she'd never seen a man whose body was perfection in the making. His chest and abdomen muscles reminded her of the Greek statues she had studied in art class.

"Gorgeous," she whispered as she reached up and let her hands roam over his upper body in amazement.

Spike pulled her against him, finding he wanted to feel her skin next to his. "Buffy, I want you, baby. I need you so bad."

"Then take me," Buffy replied as she wrapped her arms around his neck and met his lips in a passionate kiss unlike any she had shared before.

His mouth consumed her as his tongue conquered hers. Hands unbuttoned and pulled down zippers as they both wanted no more barriers between them. Spike pulled away long enough to toe off his shoes and take off his pants and socks since underwear was never a part of his wardrobe. He then moved quickly to pick her up in his arms and carry her to the bed where he laid her down and slowly took off the rest of her clothes.

Buffy felt like she was on fire every time he touched her. After he finished undressing her, he started at her feet. Kissing, licking, and nibbling up one leg until he made it to her hip, and then repeated it on the other one. He then settled between her legs with some of his weight on her lower body as he paid reverence to her breasts.

"Just enough, perfect," he praised. "Love how they fit perfect in my mouth." He continued as he took turns sucking one nipple while his free hand gently pulled and rolled the other between his fingers.

"Spike!" Buffy moaned, having never felt this intense before in her life.

"Yes, my love," he said as he stopped suckling to look down at her face.

"Never, before," she whispered.

"Because it's wasn't me," he answered, giving her a sexy, cocky smile as he moved further down her body. "Just like for me, it was never you."

"What are you going to do?" she asked, unable to stop her body from tensing up slightly.

"Going to taste you," he said.

"Taste me?" Buffy asked, knowing that some men did perform oral sex on women, but no one had ever went down on her before.

"No one ever loved you like this before?" Spike asked calmly, while on the inside, he as doing the jig. Something special he would be able to share with his girl. Be her first at making her cum with his mouth.

"No," she whispered, feeling embarrassed since she was not comfortable with having such conversations for one, and the other talking about it while being totally naked and about to have sex.

"Good, It's all mine," he winked as he settled in to show her just how good he could make her feel. "Just relax, baby, gonna make you cum so hard, baby, you're gonna touch the stars, not just see them."

Buffy tried her best to relax as he gently massaged her inner thighs as he gently licked her opening. She felt his hands move up to open her to him, giving him better access to her womanhood. The first time his tongue touched her clit, she about jumped off the bed.


"Will only get better, kitten," he said as he continued to tease her with his tongue and lips.

Buffy thrashed her head back and forth as he pleasured her with his mouth and tongue like she never been before. She had no idea how great having a man do this could feel. She felt the pressure in her lower abdomen start to build. It was becoming harder for her to breathe- all logical thought had left the building once known as her brain.

"AAHHHHHHHHHHH, Spike!" she screamed as she experienced her first true orgasm of her life.

Spike smiled as he lapped up her sweet ambrosia. Never had he tasted anything so exquisite or had someone truly respond to his loving as she just demonstrated. He knew he had to have her soon and just hoped and prayed he could keep it together and not cum when he sheathed himself into her tight little body.

He crawled up her body until he found himself cradled between her legs and deeply kissing her as if he was a drowning man and she was his oxygen. His hands found the band that held her braid together and removed it. He then used his fingers to gently work the braid free and spread her brown hair over the pillow.

Spike wanted her to taste how intoxicating she was. He wanted to hear her moan as he entered her, truly making her his. He would not be satisfied until she was writhing beneath him, begging for more and telling him he was the only one to ever make her feel this way.

"Love you, baby," he said as he gazed into her eyes, letting her see his words were true as he slowly embedded his hard cock inside her sweet little pussy. "Mine, now, always."

Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling like she was being stretching beyond her endurance. She would not deny him this pleasure as she prepared to do everything to make this as good for him as he had done for her with his tongue. All she could do was nod her head yes.

"Relax, baby, I promise I will make it better," he promised, having noticed the look of pain in her eyes.

Once he found himself deep inside of her, he stopped to give her time to adjust to his size and presence. He lovingly nibbled on her lips as he started with shallow little thrusts. He paid close attention for when the pain in her eyes replaced with lust and passion before increasing his pace.

"That's it, luv," he panted when he noticed her hips start to move in rhythm with his. "God, I could lose myself in you," he said as his hand drifted between them and gently rubbed her clit, making her moan and thrust a little harder against him.

He continued to play with her body, and before long, he had her moaning his name and her crying out for him to go faster and harder. He could feel they were both at the edge as he was now able pull back and thrust hard and deep, making her ramble and clutch his ass as she gave as good as she got in return.

He knew she was about to cum as he applied firm pressure to her engorged nub as he commanded her, "Cum for me, luv. Scream my name, baby."

Buffy found she could not deny him as she had her second intense orgasm as she screamed his name. "Spike! Yours!"

He pounded into her two or three more times before he felt himself cum inside her as he came with a shout. "Buffy! Oh, luv!"

He couldn't roll off of her right away if his life depended on it as he collapsed on top of her. She didn't want him to leave from her personal space as she held him close to her. He raised his head, looking down in her glowing face, and sighed. "Effulgent."

Buffy's happy laugher brought a smile to his face as she asked, "What does it mean?"

Spike leaned down and rubbed his nose against hers as he replied, "You will have to look it up, kitten, but I promise you it means something good."

Buffy closed her eyes and smiled, thinking to herself she had never been happier than at this moment as she told him, "You make me feel like I have found what I've been looking for."

"What's that, luv?" he asked as he contemplated whether he wanted to move on his side and cuddle with her or kiss her and see if they could touch Heaven just one more time tonight.

"Home, I feel like I've found my way home," she said as she tried to keep from yawning.

"Then consider me home, too, baby," Spike replied as he gently pulled his soft member out of her warmth.

"Where are you going?" she asked, wondering why he was leaving her.

He could hear the uncertainty in her voice as he moved slightly off the bed to pull down the covers. "Lift up, pet," he said so he could get them under the sheets. He then slid in beside her so he could spoon her body from behind. "Just making it more comfortable for us to sleep, baby, that’s all. Can't have my girl getting cold in the middle of the night."

She allowed him to push up behind her, causing her to roll up onto her side. Buffy smiled as she felt him move his body up behind hers, pulling her closer while pressing her back to his chest. "That's more like it, pet. Don't you agree?"

"Agree, very much," she managed to say, again trying to hold back her yawn. "All warm and snuggley."

"Yeah, all warm and snuggley," Spike repeated as he felt himself falling asleep, feeling content for the first time in a very long time. "You’re the one, Buffy, for me. You’re the one."

Buffy smiled as she heard his words as she drifted off to sleep, thinking to herself this must be a dream. A dream that she hoped she never woke up from.

Chapter Eight by Kimber
Hank sat in the chair in the living room that faced the front door. He looked at his watch, noticing it was only 5 minutes past the time he'd checked it earlier. It was now four in the morning, and Buffy still hadn't returned home. He had driven earlier by the garage, thinking she had had Spike drop her off there so she could work on Angel's car.

"Honey, you need to come to bed," Maggie said as she shook her head at her husband’s bizarre behavior. "I think it's safe to say she is not coming home tonight."

"The slut, she just met him," Hank growled.

"Hmmm, gee, is that what you thought about me the first night we met?" Maggie said, the anger evident in her voice. "If I remember, we slept together the first night we met."

"That's different," Hank glared at his wife. "This is about Buffy and her acting inappropriate with a possible business associate."

"I think she is more like her father than you or her realize," Maggie went on, feeling the urge to walk over and smack that hard-headed man's face. "I think she, like her father, is right were she wants to be right now. I just think she will do what her old man couldn’t at the time."

"Yeah, what's that?" Hank asked, wondering where she was going with this.

"She isn't married, so she can be with him- no guilt, nothing keeping her from being with him," Maggie said as she smiled sadly before turning around and going back to their bedroom.

Hank knew he'd unintentionally hurt his wife, and it was all Buffy's fault. He cursed his middle child as he stood to follow his wife to make amends for being an insensitive jerk to her just now. He would make Maggie understand he never thought of her as anything other than the woman he loved with all of his heart since the first time he laid eyes on her.


Buffy woke to the feel of fingers gently combing her hair. She smiled when she heard him take a deep breath as if he was memorizing her scent. His body was plastered against her so close she could feel him breathing. She could also feel another part of his body that by the feel was wide-awake as well.

Spike kept himself busy with memorizing everything he could about her as she slept. He had found himself awake and unable to go back to sleep after taking care of his personal needs in the bathroom. Upon his return, he had sat on the bed and watched her sleep.

"Hmmm, you’re better than any alarm clock," she murmured as she turned around to face him.

"Yeah, no obnoxious blaring to scare you awake, and all that," he chuckled as he gave her space to turn toward him.

"So, tell me what time it is, my personal clock man?" she asked as she opened her legs slightly, giving him access to her center.

"Time to wake my girl right and proper it is," he purred as he gently pushed two fingers up inside her, using his thumb to stimulate her clit.

"Oh, nice wake up technique you have there," she moaned as she started to move in time with his hand.

"That's just the appetizer, kitten,” he groaned as he added a third finger, when what he really wanted was something else in their place, making her moan and cry out for more.

Buffy moaned as her hand trailed up his hard-working arm until it came in contact his neck. "Kiss me, fuck me."

"Yeah, baby, love it when you tell me what you want," Spike groaned as he rolled her onto her back and followed her commands.


Faith opened Buffy's door and noticed the bed was unmade, telling her the grease monkey had not come home last night. "Well, who would have thought little Miss Mouse would be such a loose goose."

"What are you talking about?" Dawn asked her sister, wondering what Faith was doing looking in Buffy's room.

"Little Miss Buffy didn't come home last night," Faith said as she shut the door and winked at her little sister. "Looks like Buffy got lucky, or we got lucky and she got hit by a bus."

Dawn glared at her oldest sister. "That wasn't nice, and you know it. Take it back." Another illusion ripped to shreds as her idol showed her true colors. Like Buffy had said, Faith was ugly on the inside.

"I will not. Damn, Dawnie, what the hell has gotten into you?" Faith asked as she took a closer look at her little sister.

"Just I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to Buffy, and what you said was very ugly," Dawn said as she stood glaring at Faith with her arms across her chest. "So take it back."

"Sorry, munchkin, no can do," Faith said flippantly as she turned to go downstairs to see if her parents were awake so she could tattle-tale on sweet Buffy, the new ho-bag in the family.

Dawn felt the need to hit something. Ever since she learned a few hard truths about her dysfunctional family, her views on Buffy had began to change. Buffy had never lied to her or said anything mean or malicious about this family, whereas dear old Dad and Faith said nothing but bad things about Buffy. Her mom didn't say anything good or bad about Buffy, almost treating her like she just didn't exist in her world.


Buffy laughed as Spike kept begging her not go out with her friends but to spend the day with him. She knew he was half-joking, knowing he had some business to take care of as well.

"Tonight, you and me and dancing," Buffy said as she led him to her door.

"Oh, we will be dancin', that's for sure," Spike said as he tilted his head with his tongue curled behind his teeth as he undressed her with his eyes. "Have I told you I love how you dance?"

Buffy blushed at the innuendo as she shook her head yes. He leaned in, taking her mouth with his and plundered her moist heat with his tongue. The couple didn't notice when the door opened or the young girl who stared at the them in awe.

Finally, Dawn cleared her throat. "Excuse me, shouldn't you both get a room?"

Buffy pulled back quickly, embarrassed that her younger sister had caught her acting like this. "Dawn, Spike. Spike, my sister Dawn," she introduced them quickly.

"Hello, Dawn," Spike acknowledged the younger sibling as he wrapped his arm around his girl. He was not going to let anyone get any wrong ideas here.

"Spike Carpenter, loved to watch you race," Dawn smiled as she reached out her hand in offering.

"Glad to hear it," Spike retuned the smile as he accepted her small hand in his briefly.

"But I will kick your butt if you hurt my sister." Dawn's smile remained pleasant as she gave her warning, but her eyes expressed how serious she was.

"No need for that, pet. I do appreciate it, though," Spike replied, giving her a playful wink, reassuring the younger Summers. "I don't plan on hurting her at all."

Buffy was shocked at Dawn's defense of her. The young girl had never shown her much in the way of sisterly care before. She found all she could do was look at her sister with a look that said, 'okay, what have you done with my sister?'.

"Look, I will let you guys get back to smoochies, but beware- Dad is on the loose, and he's acting like a bear with buckshot in his hiney," Dawn warned her sister.

"Thanks, Dawn," Buffy thanked her as she watched her sister shut the front door.

"Want to come back to the hotel with me?" Spike offered. "You could call your friends to pick you up there."

"No, my father does 't scare me, Spike," she reassured him. "His bark is worse than his bite, I promise. Plus, I don’t think I want to go shopping in the same clothes I went out in last night."

Spike leaned in and kissed her lips, taking a deep breath drinking in how she smelled like him. "You smell like me, mine."

"Possessive much," she giggled. "I mean, I did use your shampoo and shower gel earlier."

"Yes you did, or should I say I used them on you?" Spike purred, feeling his cock harden as he remembered the shower they shared together. Seems last night and this morning, he was responsible for a few first times for her.

"What time can I expect you?" Buffy asked as she leaned to lay her head against his shoulder.

"Call me when you get back from your girl's day out," he suggested.

"Okay, I will call you," Buffy promised as they kissed goodbye.

Buffy stood and watched until she could not longer see him before she turned and opened the door. She knew she was going to get the fifth degree from her father. She was sure she was the reason he was acting like a grouchy bear with buckshot in his hiney, as Dawn said.

"Where the hell have you been?" Hank growled, barely keeping his temper under control as soon as she entered the house.

"I was with Spike," she replied as she turned to face her father's confrontation.

"So you slept with him like a little whore," Hank accused, knowing Maggie wasn't home to hear him tell his middle child just what he thought about her behavior. "He is a potential business partner, and your behavior could interfere with the future of that relationship."

"Oh, it was okay for you to push Faith at him, who would have bedded him within the hour," Buffy defended herself. "What me and Spike did or didn't do is none of your business."

"Then get your things and get out," Hank yelled, letting his anger get the better of him. "Do not ever talk about Faith like that again- she is ten times the woman you could ever wish to be."

"What, are you sleeping with your stepdaughter now?" Buffy accused, wondering why he always chose his stepdaughter over his own flesh and blood.

"Why, you filthy little bitch." Hank growled as he raised his hand to slap her.

"Hank, stop!" Maggie yelled as she moved to stand between her husband and his daughter. "Honestly, Buffy, why would you say something like that to your father?"

"Because it would explain why he prefers his stepdaughter over his real daughter," Buffy explained her reasoning as tears ran down her face. "Why don't you love me?" She finally asked the question she had wanted to ask for as long as she could remember.

"Because Faith is my daughter, my firstborn, and because of you and your mother, I could not be with them when she and Maggie needed me." Hank finally figured out why he didn't love her. "Your mother became pregnant to hold on to me because she knew I didn't love her anymore."

"You're lying," Buffy screamed. "And even if you’re not, you still participated in my conception, so you must not have hated her too much. Or was it she just caught you at a weak moment and you fucked her just for the hell of it?"

Hank watched as Buffy broke down in front of him. "So I'm nothing, never was and never will be. Is that what you are telling me?"

"Yes, and all you will do is drag Spike down with you," Hank answered her, thinking to himself that this was what he had been looking for. She would leave, and they would never see her again.

"Shut up," Dawn yelled as she moved to take Buffy in her arms. "Don't listen to him. All he has done is lie and then tell more lies."

"Dawn, go to your room," Maggie told her daughter, wondering how everything had gotten so out of control. She worried how all of this was going to affect her youngest daughter.

"No, I won't go to my room." Dawn rounded on her mother. "So what you are saying is that Dad was married to Buffy's mom and you two had an affair? You got pregnant with Faith, and Buffy's mom had Buffy. He left Joyce for you, and Faith and then I came along."

"Yes, Dawn that is what happened." Maggie decided to tell her youngest the truth. "We met and fell in love, I found out he was married and left. But he couldn't stay away, and he found me, and that is how it happened."

Everyone stood and looked at Dawn, seeing her anger and pain. "Dawn, it was complicated," Hank tried to explain.

"Yeah, complicated. Faith is really my full sister, not my half-sister. She's Buffy's half-sister. You both committed adultery, but dear Dad is going to judge Buffy for spending the night with an unmarried man. Who in this room is the last one that should be throwing stones?" Dawn asked as she shot her father an accusatory stare.

Hank turned and walked out of the room before he did something he would regret. The last thing the wanted to do right now was lash at his youngest in anger. Anger he blamed on Buffy.

Maggie had not realized her husband's hate ran so deep concerning his middle child. She knew he resented her birth at a time he had wanted out of his marriage. She should have been honest with Hank. She knew that Joyce had not gotten pregnant on purpose. The woman after five years of a childless marriage had believed herself to be unable to have children.

"Buffy, your mother did not get pregnant to try and keep your father," Maggie said as she looked over at the devastated young woman. "I know for a fact she thought she was unable to get pregnant, and she was a person that never believed anything bad about someone until she had proof. She might have suspected your father was cheating on her, but she didn't know for sure until after she found out she was pregnant with you."

"How do you know this?" Buffy asked as she wondered how this woman would know so much personal information about her mother.

"Your mother was my best friend," Maggie sighed. "We had kept in contact but had not seen each other for many years."

"So you reacquaint your friendship by stealing her husband?" Buffy asked sarcastically.

"I understand your anger, I really do," Maggie said as she continued to explain. "I did not plan on meeting your father before knowing who he was. I was Maggie, he was Hank, and it was the best night in my life."

"Why are you telling me this?" Buffy asked as her hands fisted and she wanted so badly to hit something.

"I look at you and Spike and see the same thing," Maggie whispered. "Don't let anything your father says come between you and your guy. Buffy, you have a chance with no real obstacles in your way. Grab him, hold on to him, and don't ever let him go," she encouraged her.

"And to settle this between us, I didn't know he was Joyce's husband until it was too late," Maggie told her. "When I did, I ran far away."

Buffy found she couldn't say anything. She turned to go her room to call Anya and Willow and tell them she was not going to be able to go out with them. It looked like she was going to have to find her a place to live.

"Buffy, don't pack your things just yet." Maggie asked, "Let me talk to your father?"

Buffy just nodded her head as she moved up the stairs. She was so lost in thought she didn't realize that Dawn was following her. When she got to her room, she reached to open her door when Dawn's voice stopped her.

"Please don't leave?" Dawn's voice sounded so lost. "I don't want you to leave, I understand if you have to, but I would rather you didn't."

"And how am I supposed to face him again?" Buffy asked, unable to call him her father again.

"Just like always, ignore him," Dawn reasoned. "I'm sure he will ignore both of us for a while anyway."

Buffy turned and noticed for the first time the tears running down Dawn's face. "Oh, Dawn, I'm so sorry you had to be a part of this. I would do anything for you not to have been witness to all of that."

"No, I'm glad. I needed to know the truth and what better way than to hear it from the horse's mouth," Dawn explained as she moved to hug her sister for the first time since they were children. "I do love you, Buffy, I really do. I just didn't realize it until now."

"I love you too, Dawn," Buffy said as she then promised her little sister something else. "No matter what happens after this, I will always love you and accept you into my home."

"Good, cause I would hate to have to camp out on your front lawn or something," Dawn giggled, feeling happy when Buffy returned the hug.

Buffy pulled back and offered a semblance of a smile as she told Dawn what she had to do. "Look, I need to call Anya and Willow and cancel."

"Don't cancel- go and have a good time with them," Dawn encouraged her to change her mind. "What are you doing going anywhere with Anya? I thought she was jealous of you and wanted nothing to do with you?"

"She called me yesterday, asking for my help with something for Xander," Buffy shrugged, wondering what excuse she could give that wouldn't hurt the woman's feelings without telling her the real reason she didn't feel up to going shopping right now.

"Then I say you go and let it take your mind off this crap for awhile," Dawn said with a determined look on her face. "It will give you and Dad some time to cool off and Mom a chance to knock some sense into his head."

"When did you get to be so smart?" Buffy sighed, thinking how grown up her little sister was acting right now.

"Not smart, just want my family not to fall apart." Dawn leaned in and kissed Buffy's cheek. "And I have to say I like your taste in men- he looks to be a keeper."

"He is, and I plan on keeping him for a very long time," Buffy said as she smiled a real smile since coming into the house. "I'm not a slut. I really do care for him."

"Do you love him?" Dawn asked, already knowing the answer, seeing how just mentioning him put a glow on Buffy's face, saying it all.

"Yeah, I do," Buffy confessed. "Well, if I plan on being ready for Anya, I had better hurry up and get changed."

"Good, go and get ready and just enjoy the day," Dawn said as turned to leave.

"Come with us?" Buffy asked, hoping Anya wouldn't mind an extra person.

"Are you serious?" Dawn asked.

"Very, I think we both could use some time away from the parents," Buffy suggested, hoping Dawn would accept the invitation.

"Sure, why not?" Dawn said. "When is she picking you up?"


"Noon! Hell, that's just in twenty minutes," Dawn yelped, looking frantic. "I guess we had better hurry up then."

Buffy laughed as she watched the teenager run for her room. She turned and entered her own room, closing the door. She started to take her clothes off as she walked over toward her dresser. She grabbed clean clothes and redressed her self in no time. As she did, she pulled her still damp hair around so she could again get a whiff of Spike's shampoo.

Chapter Nine by Kimber
Spike walked over and joined his stepfather who was sitting and enjoying a nice cup of tea on the balcony. "Care to join me, my boy?" Rupert asked.

"Would love to, old man," Spike replied as he sat and watched Giles pour him a cup of tea and add the two lumps of sugar.

"I like her," Giles said, having decided to be upfront and tell Spike before he asked the question of him.

"Good, cause I have a favor to ask." Spike couldn't keep his smile from getting larger.

"Ask away, if it's in my power, it will be done,” Giles reassured him. "You know I love you as if you were my own. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you."

Spike knew he and Giles had something special, and hearing the words spoken out loud made him happy his mother had found this extraordinary man in her life. "As I care for you, Da."

Spike noticed how the tribute of calling him, the English version of father had brought tears to the older man's eyes. "What can I do for you, son?"

"Help me find the perfect ring for Buffy?" Spike asked.

"Hmm, can I give you some advice?" Giles answered his question with a question.

"As long as it's not telling me it's too soon," Spike warned.

"Oh, never that, I could see she was the one when you walked in with her yesterday," Giles made a point to reassure him of that. "My advice would be to take her to the jewelry store and propose and then let her pick out the ring. Or you could call your mother and ask her about your grandmother's ring. I think she had planned for you to give it to the girl you chose to make your wife."

"Really?" Spike asked, wondering why she had never told him.

"She was waiting for when the right woman came into your life," Giles answered, knowing what the young man really wanted to know. "It was her way of making sure you knew she approved of the woman, I would think."

Spike laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like Mum. Do you think she would approve of Buffy that she would give me the ring, no questions asked?"

"I have a confession," Giles chuckled. "She and Dru are on their way as we speak. They should be here in time for dinner. Do you think you and Buffy could make sometime for us?"

"I think I really don't have a choice, now do I?" Spike said as he gave his father figure a meaningful look.

"Sorry, but I do have to live with the woman. She would have had me sleeping on the couch for weeks, if not months, if I kept something like this from her," Giles said as he fought a smile.

"Yeah, I guess you’re right," Spike sighed dramatically. "Do you think she will like Buffy?"

"I think she will love her and welcome her with open arms," Giles reassured his boy.

"Good, so when are we meeting Wesley?" Spike asked, knowing they were meeting several potential investors today.

"Our tee time is at one o'clock," Giles answered, loving the fact he was getting to get some golf in this weekend.

"Okay, I need to go change and will meet you back here in a bit," Spike said as he stood up to return to his room and change his clothes to something more appropriate to meet and greet like the professional he was going to pretend to be.

"Spike, you will do great, you are better at this then you think," Giles tried to reassure the young man. "Just be yourself, and you will do fine."

"Be myself?" Spike snorted. "I'm not a business man, Giles, I'm a race car driver."

"Yes, and a fine one at that. But you should not limit yourself like this, "Giles tried to explain. "You are more than that, and as you get older, you will see it. You will become a husband, a father, and a grandfather. There are many things you are and can become. Either way, I'm very proud of who you are."

Spike looked the man in the eyes as he said, "I had a very good role model."

Giles blushed as he took off his glasses and started to clean them, to keep the young man from seeing how moved to tears he was from such wonderful words of praise. "I have my family to thank for making me who I am today. I will be honest with you, William. If I had not met you and your mother when I did, I would hate to think of where I would be at today."

"That makes two of us, old man," Spike winked. "Now, I had better get my arse in gear."

"Yes, I think I will see about making sure arrangements for you mother and sister's arrival is indeed taken care of," Giles smiled as he replaced his glasses on his face.

"You do that, Da," Spike said as he walked away, missing the look of pride that swept over Rupert's face.


"Buffy, don't get mad and let us explain," Anya said as she led the way into the salon. "I lied."

"You lied?" Buffy asked, looking at Anya and Willow with a confused look on her face.

"Yes, today is not about doing something for Xander, but for you," Anya continued to explain. "You see, I have given this much thought, and I want to make it up to you for being such a bitch about your's and Xander's friendship."

"Okay, and coming to a salon fits into that how?" Buffy asked as she started to feel nervous.

"Honey, I want to do something nice for you, so today, I'm paying for you to have a complete make-over day," Anya smiled as she waved the tall brown-haired man over to them. "Hi, Lorne, here's Buffy."

"Oh, cupcake, you have such potential to be drop-dead gorgeous. Not that you aren't a beauty already," Lorne cooed as he approached, looking her over as if he was redesigning her. "I told you before I could make you a star."

"What do you plan on doing to my sister?" Dawn asked, seeing how anxious Buffy was becoming.

"Oh, sweet cheeks, picture this." Lorne went on to describe his plans. "Oh, I think a layered cut to the shoulders, and I think with her coloring, blonde would be the right choice for hair color, and just a few highlights mixed in. Shape the eyebrows just so, and then a facial, manicure, and pedicure, and baby, you will be the new Miss Sunnydale."

Buffy eyes grew large hearing all of this he had planned. She looked over at Willow and noticed how the redhead was nodding her head yes to everything this man was saying. Dawn seemed in his trance as well, and Anya just stood there with an understanding smile on her face as she watched Buffy's reaction.

"Buffy, trust me," Anya reassured her as she walked over to stand in front of her. "It all will grow out if you don't like it. But give it a chance. There is nothing wrong in a little change."

"But I'm happy just the way I am," Buffy replied.

"How many times have you been told you were not as pretty as everyone else?" Anya bluntly asked.

"Buffy, just give it a chance," Willow pleaded.

Buffy looked over at Dawn and noticed she had a deep look on her face. "Dawn, what do you think?"

"I think you should give it a go," Dawn said as she smiled at her sister. "I think he's right- you would make a better blonde with your coloring."

"What if Spike doesn't like it?" she asked softly, not realizing she had voiced the question aloud.

"I think that he will love anything you do as long as it makes you happy," Anya replied. "Buffy, he feels for the woman you are inside. Are you afraid he will like the blonde better in his bed than the brown hair?"

Buffy blushed as she rambled on. "How, I mean we, maybe."

"Oh, I know the look of a well-loved woman, and you wear it well," Anya smirked. "He will know who is in his bed. I know, since Xander likes how I change my hair color. He doesn't have a favorite that I know of."

"Oh, honey, you owe it to yourself," Lorne encouraged her. He wanted to be the one that discovered this diamond in the rough. "I'm telling you, honey, when I'm done, you will be runway material in any of the fashion houses in the world."

"I wouldn't go that far," Buffy said as she closed her eyes to think about it.

"Buffy, it's not like it won't grow out, or you could dye it back in a few weeks," Dawn reassured her. "I say seize the day."

"Okay, let's do it," Buffy said as she then looked at Anya. "But I can't expect you to pay for this."

"Sorry, it's already paid for," Anya told her as she winked. "If you need to pay me back, then just take me to lunch a few times."

Buffy realized she was not going to be able to get Xander's girlfriend to take any of her money. "Many lunches, and that way, we can kill two birds with one stone. I get to pay you back and get to know you better in the process."

"I love that idea," Anya smiled as she looked over at Willow. "Sounds like a good return on our investment?"

Buffy looked over at Willow. "You, too?" she asked.

Willow smiled as she shook her head yes. "That's how me and Anya became good friends. She introduced me to the works of Lorne, and since then, best buds."

Buffy smiled as he turned to face the very tall hairdresser. "Okay, I'm putting myself in your hands."

Lorne took her hands in his and gave her a wide, genuine smile. "I promise you, sunshine to be, you will not regret it."

"Well, we are going to grab something to eat and pick up a few other things," Anya winked at Buffy before she turned to address Lorne. "You take care of my girl here," she warned him.

"The best, honey. I will treat her as if she is royalty," Lorne promised her.

Buffy watched as Dawn waved goodbye as the younger girl followed Anya and Willow out of the salon.

"Do you trust him?" Dawn asked Anya.

"With my life," Anya reassured her. "He is the best at what he does. Still can't figure why he is here and not making millions in LA, New York, or even Paris."

"So, where are we going?" Dawn asked.

"Well, she will need a new outfit to go with the new do," Anya said as if it was every day she helped someone with a makeover.

"Can't forget the shoes," Willow reminded her.

"Oh, for sure we can't forget the most important accessory a woman needs to complete her outfit," Anya said as she realized how fun this was. She couldn't help but wonder if she could find a job on that one show that did extreme makeovers.


Buffy laid in the chair as Mandy worked on her eyebrows. The hot wax felt good- that is until she smoothed the special cloth on and then pulled it off. Then, using the wicked little tweezers to help shape what the wax could not.

She was sure she was going to look awful when they where finished. Lorne had done some kind of prep work so he could use the color he wanted. Then she felt the warmth of the wax as Mandy placed it above her upper lip and a few places on her chin.

"Don't worry honey, it looks so good." Mandy smiled down at her. "What I did will really look nice and make your eyes really noticeable. They are such a pretty green."

"Thanks," Buffy said, the only thing that came to mind. She felt uncomfortable with all the compliments she was getting.

"You are so welcome," she smiled down, asking herself why no one had suggested this to the young woman before. "I'm new in town and was wondering where a girl could go to have a nice time."

Buffy automatically suggested, "The Bronze is a nice place to go dance and have a good time."

"Cool," Mandy made a note to self, 'Bronze, good time'. "Okay, sweets, last of the to-be-beautiful torture."

Buffy gasped as the young woman removed the wax quickly. Her skin felt some tingling-like discomfort. Soon, Mandy applied the soothing gel and made it all feel better.

"There, all done. Don't worry, the redness will most likely be gone before you leave or by tonight," Mandy reassured her.

"I hope so. I have plans for tonight, and the last thing I need is to look like a freak," Buffy said as she started having second thoughts, wishing she had chickened out and had left.

"Oh, honey, no way would you look like a freak,” Mandy giggled as she winked. "Nope, and believe me, when Lorne is done with you, the last thing your man will notice is a little pink skin."

"Ahhh, now to the next step, my lovely." Lorne came to collect his Cinderella and escorted her to rinse her hair and apply the color. "Then off to have your feet pampered while the color sets in."

"Okay," Buffy replied as she let him continue to lead her around to where she needed to go.


Maggie stood in their bedroom. She was furious with her husband and his inability to see how he was so wrong about Buffy. There was no reason for him to hold his middle child responsible for how things had worked out back when he found out that Joyce was pregnant.

Buffy's words never rang more true- if he hadn't loved his wife, why did he continue to make love to her? Once she had found out the man she had fallen in love with was her oldest friend's husband, she had done her best to stay away from him. But the harder he tried to wear her down, the closer she came to sleeping with him again.

Then she found out she had become pregnant from their one-night stand. It broke her heart, but she had to leave, run, and take their unborn child and leave before he figured it all out on his own she was carrying his baby.

Faith was one-month old when he found them and decided to leave Joyce. Instead, he called to say it wasn't going to be so easy for him to just walk away. He had come home to have his wife tell him the glorious news that she had finally conceived.

That night, for the first time, she had hated Joyce. She knew she had no right to hate the woman, but she did. Her child was born out of wedlock and made by two people who loved each other. Then here was Joyce, going to have a baby, married to a man who did not love her and had participated in the baby's creation by doing his husbandly duties.

"Maggie, we need to talk." Hank's voice brought her out of her bad thoughts of the past.

"Yes, we do Hank," Maggie replied as she turned toward the man. She felt as if she was seeing his true self for the first time.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper like that in front of Dawn," he tried to apologize to her.

"I'm sorry about that, too," Maggie said. "But more important, I'm sorry you said what you did to your daughter who has never done anything to hurt you."

"If not for her, we would have been together sooner." He tried to get her to understand his reasoning.

"What? She was the one that made you continue to have sex with Joyce?" Maggie said sarcastically. "You think she asked to be born to a father that didn't want her?"

"Maggie, you know Joyce trapped me," Hank pleaded for her to understand.

"Joyce never trapped you. The only sin she committed was believing in you. She was sure she was sterile, so why use birth control? She thought her husband meant those vows when he promised to love and cherish. She gave her heart and soul to a man that treated her like shit, and I'm now just seeing it. God! I was so blinded by my love for you. I'm just sorry it took you doing what you did to your own flesh and blood to make me see what a monster you really are," Maggie explained as her tears ran down her face. "There really is nothing you can say or do that will make me forget that."

"Damn her, she has been nothing but trouble since she was born," Hank yelled as he picked up a knick knack off the dresser and threw it against the wall, shattering it.

"No, Hank, you have done everything in your power to blame her for what you did to Joyce," Maggie yelled at him. "You are the one to blame. You knew that night you seduced me you were married, and it didn't stop you. You knew you wanted to leave Joyce once you found me but continued to make her believe your marriage was in no danger. You continued to sleep with your wife, wanting your cake and eating it, too. I'm sure it was in case I wouldn't take you back."

Hank stepped back from the anger he noticed in her stare. He was sure this was the end and she was going to leave him. Again, that little bitch was destroying his life.

"Don't make this about Buffy, I can see you are," Maggie yelled at him as she pointed her finger in his face.

"This is about you, me, and Joyce, and your treatment of Buffy," Maggie continued. "You were a monster to her earlier and for no reason. I hope she does decide to leave and she goes off with Spike. She deserves to be loved, and he seems to be the man for the job."

"So, what, are you going to leave me?" Hank asked as he glared at the woman who had never talked to him like this in the past.

"I don't want to leave you, but I can't live with the man I saw today," Maggie warned him. "So if you can't make that man go away, then I will ask you to leave."

Hank glared as he leaned down into her face. "Then let me pack my bags."

"If that is what you wish to do, there is nothing I can do or say further to make you stay that I can live with," Maggie said, having made her decision not to back down.

"Fine," Hank growled as he moved past her. "I'll just grab my suitcase, and I will be out of your hair."

Maggie decided to keep quiet as she left the bedroom and walked down the hall to the stairs. Now would be a good time to do the laundry and other little household things to keep her mind occupied. The last thing she needed to do was lose her nerve and ask him not to leave.

Faith listened from the hallway closet while her parents had argued. She had heard everything and wondered what he could have said to Buffy that had pissed her mother off so bad. Either way, because of Buffy, her father was leaving, and all it did was make her hate the bitch more.


Buffy had never felt so pampered in her life. She sat in the little massage chair as her feet soaked in their own little whirlpool. At the same time, one hand was soaking in soapy suds while Clair massaged the other one.

"If you come and see me at least once a week, we can make these rough little hands of yours soft as ever," Clair said as she added some extra moisturizer.

"I work with my hands," Buffy explained.

"No problem, dear, that is why you have me now," Clair winked as she used some alcohol to wipe the lotion off her nails so she could apply the base coat. "Did you pick out a color yet?"

Buffy felt bad about all this care this nice lady was putting into her nails. "Really, it will only get ruined. I have to finish working on a car later."

Buffy was feeling bad she didn't know she was going to be this long. She thought she would have some time to spend on Angel's car before meeting Spike later. But that looked like it wasn’t going to happen. In fact, she was thinking she might have to cancel, or better yet, maybe he would consider helping her.

"Nonsense, wear some gloves when you can," Clair recommended. "You are walking out of here, everything in place."

"Okay, how about the soft rose?" Buffy smiled.

"Excellent choice," Anya said while thinking of the outfit Dawn had purchased using her father's credit card.

"Anya, I'm sorry it's taking so long," Buffy apologized.

"I knew you wouldn’t be done, just stopped to give you a quick bite to eat is all," Anya winked as she held up the piece of pizza. "Just don't get used to me feeding you."

"Okay," Buffy said as her stomach growled, causing everyone to laugh. "Where is Willow and Dawn?"

"Oh, they're shoe shopping right now,” Anya said with a knowing smile. The other two were looking for the right pair of shoes to go with the little something of a dress they had found for Buffy.

Buffy ate the pizza quickly- she hadn't realized just how hungry she was. Spike had fed her a blueberry muffin earlier that morning when he had ordered room service, and that was all she wanted. He had also bribed her to take a few bites of his eggs by offering her kisses.


Spike smiled and acted like there was nowhere else he'd rather be when in fact, he wanted nothing more than to be back in bed with his girl and feeding her lunch and dinner. He watched as Giles and Wesley wined and dined the elite of Sunnydale.

It seemed they had heard that Giles and company was interested in going into business with one of their own and wanted to make sure they got a piece of the pie as well. He had never felt so sticky sweet as he did today.

"So, Mr. Carpenter, do you think you will get back into driving here at Sunnydale?" Mr. Collins asked.

"Not at this time, sir," Spike said, knowing one day he might just do it to see if he still had it in him. But right now, he had more important things on his mind.

"Why ever not?" Mr. Collins asked, shocked that such a talented driver could just walk away from it. He couldn’t help but think of the business such an event would bring to town.

"Because right now, I have other matters to think about," Spike answered in his most polite voice.

Giles could see how this man was bothering his son and it just would not do. "Spike, could you please check with the hotel and see if your mother and sister have arrived safely?"

"I would love to." Spike gave Rupert a nod of thanks- both of them knew it was too early for his mother and Dru to be here. But he'd take the time to make a call to a certain beauty and see if he could interest her in a little flirting over the phone.


Buffy had just finished having the color rinsed out and was sitting at Lorne's station. He was about to remove the towel when Buffy heard her phone ring.

"Sorry, I have to get that," Buffy tried to explain, knowing it had to be of some importance since no one just called her to gab. She was sure it was Xander wondering where she was.

"Hello?" she asked, confused that she had not recognized the number on the caller ID.

"Hello yourself, pet," Spike purred into the phone. "How is girl's day out going?"

"Well, it's turned into more than I expected," she vaguely answered.

"Really? Care to spill, or can't talk?" he asked, wondering why she sounded strange for some reason.

"Can't talk," she smiled, not wanting him to have any idea what was going on.

"Here I thought I would introduce you to the art of phone sex," Spike chuckled when he heard her sexy little gasp.

"Spike!" she gasped, looking around to see if anyone had overheard what he had said.

"I guess it will have to wait for another day then," Spike purred. "I wonder, pet, can your phone take naughty pictures and send them via internet?" he joked.

"Oh my, you are a perv," Buffy said, making sure no one overheard her.

"Only where you are concerned, my precious," Spike said as he felt a need to be with her, to hold her. "I miss you."

That brought a smile to her face that everyone noticed and gave each other a knowing look. They knew she was talking to that special someone, and he had just said something special.

Lorne smiled and waved to let her know he was waiting for her. He wasn't upset, just anxious to see the finished product.

"I miss you, too, and I will call as soon as we are done, I promise," she said since she wanted nothing more than to be with him right now.

"Okay, luv, buy something pretty you can wear for me later," he suggested.

"Goodbye, perv," Buffy giggled as she hung up the phone after hearing him tell her, "Bye, luv, see you soon."

"Okay, my dear, let's get you looking like the new American Model, shall we," Lorne smiled as he removed the towel and started to comb out her hair. "Oh perfect, sweets. This color is perfect for you, just like I knew it would be."

Buffy's eyes could not believe it was actually her staring back at her from the mirror. Lorne could tell she was just as impressed by the look in her eyes. He wondered what she would think when he was done cutting and styling.


"I can't wear that," Buffy said as she pointed at the skimpy little pink sundress. "I have never showed that much skin before."

"Well, there is a first time for everything." Dawn pushed the dress back at her, along with the little pink thong they bought as a joke.

"I need a bra," Buffy argued.

"No, you don't," Anya disagreed. "Your breasts are just fine. Now put on the dress, or we will come back in here and put it on for you."

Buffy watched as her three fairy godmothers left the dressing room. She took off her shirt and pants followed by her bra and underwear. She was sure Dawn would make her lift her dress and check to see if she put on the sexy little underwear. It reminded her she wanted to stop at Victoria Secret and pick something up for later.

She pulled the dress on with her back to the mirror. The dress felt wonderful against her skin, like silk. She felt naked having never went without a bra before. She turned and could not believe that it was her standing there, looking in the mirror.

She had fallen in love with her haircut and color. They had all been right- she did look better as a blonde. She just hoped Spike felt the same way. She would change it back if he asked her, too, no questions asked. Anya had reassured her he wouldn't ask such a silly thing, that he would love it.

The dress accented every curve, making her look like a woman and not the girl mechanic at the racetrack. She was sure she could get used to this, especially if a certain someone liked it as much as she hoped he would.

She slipped on the pretty pink sandals that matched the dress perfectly. The heels were low, making it easy for her to walk in them, since her experience in heels was non-existent.

"Okay, ladies, it's safe to come in and check out your creation," Buffy called out, preparing herself for their reactions.

"Oh, my God, Buffy." Willow stood with her hands over her mouth.

"I knew you where a knock out," Anya said. "I just hope I don't regret this and Xander decides to leave me for you."

"Wow, you look great," Dawn said as she looked at her sister in awe. "You are so beautiful."

Buffy blushed and didn't know how to respond to the praise. They noticed her discomfort and decided she needed more exposure and compliments from others who had seen her before and now needed to view the after.

"Oh, be still my heart, ducks," Lorne crowed as he got a good look at his Cinderella in full costume. "You, my dear, are the belle of the ball."

"Wow, look at you," Clair said in awe. "You, girl, need to get out of those overhauls more often, honey."

"Yeah," Nicky and Mandy agreed.

Buffy looked at them all and smiled as she told them, "Thank you, because without everyone here, I would not be standing here right now." She walked over and stood in front of Anya. "And thank you for seeing my potential and giving me this chance."

Anya smiled as she hugged the girl she had been unnecessarily afraid of. "You just be happy with that man of yours, and let him keep giving you such wonderful orgasms, and that will be thanks enough for me."

Buffy laughed. "In that case, care to join me in a trip to Victoria's?"

"Oh my, a girl that is after my own heart," Anya winked. "I think I have just the thing. Come on, girls, one more stop, and then we can call it a day."

"I should call Xander and see if he needs help," Buffy sighed. For the first time she could remember, she didn't look forward to having to work.

"Oh, don't worry, I talked to Oz, and the car is done," Willow winked. "So you don't have to worry about a thing."

"Thank God!" Buffy exclaimed.

"Mark this down," Dawn said as she pretended to write something down. "On this day, one Buffy Summers was more interested in something that was not race related."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Anya said as she waggled her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. "I think she is thinking about a certain driver instead of the car, is all."

"Funny, but true," Buffy confessed and blushed at the whistles she got from the others.

"Okay, off to find something that will get that driver's heart a-racing, shall we?" Anya smirked.

They continued down the mall, joking, laughing, and enjoying the mood. Buffy had never felt this good before and had forgotten for the moment what had transpired between her and her father earlier. Her subconscious refused to let it ruin her happy time.

Chapter Ten by Kimber
Harmony noticed Anya, Willow, and Dawn walking with someone she had not seen before. There was something familiar about the blonde she just couldn't place her. She tugged on Riley's sleeve.

"Do you know who that blonde girl is with Anya?" she asked him, regretting it when she noticed the lust that flared in his eyes.

"Nope, can't say I know her, looks familiar, though," he replied, hoping Harmony was nosey enough to seek an introduction. He wouldn't mind getting to know the pretty in pink better.

"I'll ask Anya tomorrow at work," she said as she thought of a way to bring her boyfriend's interest back her way. "Want to pick me out a new outfit at our favorite place?"

Riley had noticed that the sexy little blonde had just entered Victoria Secrets with her little friends. "Sure, baby, would love to." He winked at her as he followed her, thinking he was going to get the chance to meet the luscious little number.

Anya was the first to notice Harmony and Riley and cursed under her breath at the lust she saw in Riley's eyes. The problem was he wasn't looking at Harmony, but Buffy. She caught Willow's eyes and directed them toward the unwanted couple.

"Oh! Goddess!" Willow whispered, the look in Riley's eyes made her uncomfortable.

Buffy was looking at Dawn with new eyes. "You should know nothing about sexy lingerie."

"Can I tell you a secret?" Dawn whispered. "Promise never to tell anyone?"

"Yes, you can tell me anything, and as long as it’s not drugs or something that will kill you, I will keep it a secret." Buffy promised.

"Me and Conner have been lovers for 6 months now." Dawn decided it was time to tell someone her happy news.

"Angel's brother Conner, the nice one?" Buffy asked to confirm.

"The one and the same, and yes, we use safe sex," Dawn informed her sister, trusting her like she had never trusted Faith.

"Good," Buffy sighed, the relief in her voice.

"What are you and Spike using?" Dawn asked.

"Hmm, well, how do I say this," Buffy tried to explain.

"Oh, I know you just stayed up and talked all night so you would get to know each other, right?" Dawn asked.

"Well no, we did, I mean we are," Buffy rambled on, not sure how she could explain it.

"You and he had sex, no protection?" Dawn was shocked. "And you are relieved I practiced safe sex. Are you trying to get pregnant? Spike would be pissed if you trapped him like that."

"No, he knows, and we decided to let whatever happens happen. He said he would not be unhappy if I would become pregnant. Does that make us awful?" Buffy tried to explain.

Dawn smiled as she hugged her sister and reassured her. "No, it sounds that both of you are trapped already." Secretly, she envied any baby they had, for she was sure it would be loved and cherished like babies should be.

"Buffy?" Riley's voice interrupted the sister's little moment. "Is that you?" He asked, the awe in his voice made Buffy's skin crawl.

"God, stupid much," Dawn said as she stood between her sister and her ex. "Do you catch flies with that mouth?"

Harmony felt her anger build as she realized she was looking at a new and improved Buffy and that Riley was acting like a lovesick cow. She hit him in the chest and then grabbed his hand and dragged him out of he store. She realized he had seen Anya and the others come into the store and that was why he had agreed to come with her.

"Mister, we need to talk," she fumed at him.

"Wow, that was Buffy," was all he said as he stood and looked back, trying to get another look.

Harmony stomped her foot right before she kicked him the shin. "Go fuck yourself, you bastard," she yelled as she turned and walked away from him, leaving him practically drooling as he continued to watch Buffy hold up sexy little outfits that made him hard and planning how he was going to make her his again.


Spike was laying on his back, holding his unlit cigarette and smiling at his accomplishment. Three months of being smoke free, and now he looked at the cancer stick and thought of his future and felt no urge to light it.

He knew soon his was room was going to be invaded by either his mother or his sister, or maybe both at the same time- you never knew with those two. He wondered how frail his Dru would look, since slowly, they were losing her to her illness. Her heart was getting bigger and bigger. There was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

Since it was a virus that had attacked her heart muscle, she was not a candidate for a transplant. So all they could do was use medication, oxygen when she needed it, and as much rest as she would allow herself to have.

He could still hear her telling him in her way, "I will get plenty of rest in Heaven, my William, do not worry yourself silly over this."

His heart broke every time he thought of how her death would wound Giles. The man would be losing the only true child of his blood. His mother had not been able to have another baby because of complications after Dru's birth. He pledged to his sister he would make sure to take care of Rupert most of all, since their mother would still have him, her first born.

He jumped, hearing his cell phone ring as he reached over and quickly grabbed it. "Hello, my lovely."

"Gotta love caller ID." Buffy laughed.

"Have a good time?" he asked as he closed his eyes, enjoying hearing her voice.

"Yeah, had a great time," she purred. "Found a few little presents for you."

"Did you stop at the naughty shop for me, luv?" he asked, his voice smooth and seductive, she almost suggested she put one of them on and join him there.

"Oh that would ruin the surprise, honey," she replied, coy and teasing.

"Are you flirting with me?" he asked, wishing she was with him right now.

"What if I am?" she teased, wishing she was there, saying this in person.

"Don't stop," he encouraged. "I love it when you flirt with me."

"Good, now I have to prepare you that I have a huge surprise for you, and I hope you like it." She decided to give him some warning. "You promise to tell me the truth if you like it or not? Because if you don't, I will change it back, I promise."

"Buffy, what would you need to change?" he asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" Her giggle sounded nervous.

"Buffy, I promise to be honest, but tell me, do you like it?" He decided to find out how important this surprise was to her.

"Yes, I do, but it's not something I can't live without," she told him, believing deep down she could revert back to her brown hair and go back to jeans and tee shirts.

"Then I'm sure I'm going to love it, and I'm being honest, baby," Spike promised. "Now, I have to give you a heads up."


"Nothing too scary really," he chuckled. "Seems Giles told my Mum about you and how he thought I was really serious about you."


"She will be here soon and wants to meet the girl who finally swept her boy off his feet," Spike sighed, hearing her little, "Oh."

"She will love you, just like Giles and Wesley do," Spike reassured her. "Seems you really gave them a good impression, pet."

"Really?" she asked, feeling excited.

"When can I see you?" he asked, hoping she’d tell him to come and pick her up now.

"How about I come there now?" she said as she gave the others a thumb's up when he quickly answered yes. "Okay, I will have Anya drop me off, and you can tell me about your mom."

"Great, luv," Spike smiled as he said good-bye, waiting for her to hang up before he did.

He got up and straightened up his room. He put a call into room service and ordered some snacks and sodas to be sent up. He wanted everything to be nice when his girl arrived.


Cordelia O'Connor walked from the dining room of the hotel with her husband on her arm. They had just had drinks with her parents since they were getting ready to fly to Cozumel for the week. She noticed the blonde wearing the skimpy little pink sundress as she walked into the hotel lobby. She also was aware that her loving husband had noticed her as well.

The closer they got to the girl, she felt her husband stiffen and heard him mumble Buffy's name. "What about Buffy?" she asked as she watched him point at the petite little blonde who was walking toward the elevators.

"She's Buffy," he tried to explain, but he found it hard to speak because he couldn't get over how hot she looked as a blonde.

Cordelia at first thought her husband had lost her mind until she noticed the girl turn around, and she got a good look at her face. "Oh my God!"

"Yeah," Angel agreed.

"Close your mouth, honey." Cordy reached up and pushed up on his chin, encouraging him to close his mouth. "I see you anywhere near her, and I will castrate you, and no one will find it to sew it back on."

That got his attention. "Sorry, baby, it's just a shock, is all."

"Yeah, it sure is." She gave her husband a scathing look as she took his hand and dragged him out of the hotel. She would have to have a little talk with the new little blonde and tell her to stay the hell away from her husband or else she wouldn't be blonde much longer.


Buffy stood in front of the door, holding her packages that the others had presented to her, along with what she had purchased herself. The girls had told her Happy New Birthday, celebrating her new look. All of a sudden, she felt nervous, thinking what if he doesn't like it. What if it turns him off and he doesn’t want anything to do with me again.

Buffy placed her packages to the side as she raised her hand and knocked before she lost all of her nerve. She patiently stood, waiting to see his response when he opened the door.

Spike opened the door and was surprised to see the cute little blonde and hoped this wasn’t a fan he was going to have to chase way before his girl arrived. He was about to give her his very well-rehearsed brush-off.

"Sorry, but you must have the- Buffy?" he asked, having gotten a better look at her. "Luv, what have you gone and done?"

Her face fell. "You don't like it? I can have Lorne color it back. He just won't be able to do it right away. The girls pulled a rouse on me, and it was more an extreme make-over Buffy day."

Spike tilted his head as he watched her ramble. He could see she misunderstood his reaction. Yes, he was shocked, but not in a bad way. He was feeling bad that he liked her as a blonde more and was wondering if she would be okay with that.

"Buffy, what if I told you I don't want you to change a thing?" Spike asked as he moved closer to her. "Would you be mad if I told you I love the blonde look, but I'm not sure I'm happy how other men would like it as well?"

Buffy looked up at him with a shocked expression. "You like it?"

"No, I love it," he said as he reached out and stroked her hair. "It fits you, and it brings out your eyes."

"It was Anya's idea."

"I will have to make sure to give her a special thank you," he smiled as he took in her state of dress. "I love the dress, luv, but I will need to get used to others seeing so much of you."

"I could just wear it for you," she teased.

"Oh, I hope this is not what you bought at the naughty girl store," he purred, feeling the need to take her and see what she was wearing under that sexy pink number.

"Nope, naughty goodness is over there," she smiled as she pointed at her bags. "With the clothes I wore to the mall."

She watched as he reached over and picked up her shopping bags. "Come show me what you bought today- maybe I can talk you into giving me a private little fashion show."

Buffy knew when he took off her new little panties they were going to be soaked. All his eyes had to do was look at her a certain way to make her want him so bad it hurt. She was sure he could make her cum if he looked at her long enough. Especially when he looked at her that special way that he does when he was about to kiss her.


Giles smiled as he watched his wife and daughter make their way toward him. He could see how his Dru appeared more tired than usual.

"Hello, Daddy," Dru addressed him as she hugged him as tight as she could.

"Hello to you, my sweet girl," Giles sighed as he held her close, making it a point to show her how important she was to him whenever he could.

"Well, do you have enough of that to go around?" Jenny asked, smiling at her little family gathering. The only one missing was William.

Giles kept one arm around his daughter and opened the other arm to invite the love of his life to join them.

"Now that’s more like it," Jenny sighed, feeling content to be so loved by this man.

"Was the drive too much for you?" Giles asked Dru, noticing how the circles under her eyes were darker than usual.

"No, just tired is all," Dru reassured him.

Jenny knew she needed to change the subject. The last thing anyone needed right now was realizing how Dru's condition was beginning to deteriorate.

"So where is William?" Jenny asked, seeing their daughter relax.

"I tried calling his room earlier, but he did not answer," Giles replied, seeing right through his wife's maneuver.

"He is with his sunshine," Dru answered with a knowing smile on her face.

"Well, let's get settled then, shall we, and then we can track him down," Jenny suggested as she waved over the hotel porter to collect their luggage.


"So good," Spike panted as he continued to thrust up inside her warm, tight quim.

Buffy felt as if she was outside her body as he continued to work her body with his hands and cock, making her quiver. "More," she begged as she grabbed the headboard tighter as her body danced with his.

Spike knew she was close, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could last. He heard her gasp when his fingers started to rub her engorged nub harder and faster. He felt her squeeze his shaft more, causing him to pump his hips harder.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she chanted as her movements became more erratic. She didn't know which way she wanted to go as she rocked her hips in rhythm to his finger and cock.

"Just let go, baby!" he moaned as the friction she was creating was driving him mad, but in a good way.

Both shouted the other's name as they climaxed. Buffy leaned her back against his chest, sighing when he wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her closer. No words passed their lips as they savored this time together.

"Wow, never done it like that before," Buffy sighed, feeling so relaxed and sleepy.

Spike groaned as his softened member slipped from her warmth. Then he pulled back slightly so he could easily reposition them on the bed. He had it to where he was lying on his back and her cuddled to his chest.

"Good," he purred, feeling ecstatic he was responsible for another first for her.

Buffy leaned up on her elbow, looking down upon his beautiful face and asked shyly. "Is there ever going to be a first for me to you?"

Spike smiled his cocky little smile that made her heart begin to race as he teased her, "But you have, luv."

"How, where, when?" she asked, wondering how she had missed something like that.

"I've never made love before you. You're the first, and if I have my way, the only," Spike grinned as he reached up and gently stroked her cheek. "To me, that's the most important first ever to happen to me, baby."

Buffy felt the tears form after his confession. She had wanted to ask him about the other women in his life, but now, they just didn't seem important.

"Why the tears, luv?" Spike asked, concerned to see her crying.

"No one has ever made me feel so loved before," she told him as she laid back down, cuddling his chest. "They aren't sad tears, but happy tears. You make me happier than I've ever been."

"Glad to hear that, since I feel the same way," Spike replied as he gathered her closer, leaning down to nuzzle her neck. "Don't know how you did it, but I'm all yours, Goldilocks."

Buffy giggled at his new nickname as she reassured him. "You're stuck with me, buster, just so you know it."

Spike smiled at her carefree mood as he teased her back. "I would have to agree, luv."

"Maybe we should shower and get ready to meet your family," Buffy suggested, feeling a nervous flutter in her tummy at the thought of meeting his mother. "You wash my back, I wash yours."

"I have something I want you to wash," Spike said as he waggled he eyebrows suggestively at the same time he curled his tongue between his teeth.

"You are a perv," Buffy sighed as she playfully smacked his chest.

"But you love it," Spike chuckled. "And I only do perv for you, luv."

"You betcha you only do it for me, Mister," She threatened. "Maybe one day, I might get the nerve and return the favor."

Spike took her face gently between his hands. "I look forward to that day, pet," he said while he was pulling her into a soft kiss.

The ringing of the phone caused them to slowly pull apart. "Guess I should get that," Spike moaned dramatically as he reached over to grab the receiver and lifted it to his ear. "This had better be good," he said, thinking it was either Wesley or Giles.

"I'm so proud of my son's telephone etiquette," Jenny said sarcastically in response to her son's rude greeting.

"Sorry, Mum, thought you were Rupert or Wes, is all," Spike tried to explain.

"Oh! So that is the respect you pay my husband," Jenny replied, pretending to chastise her son.

"No, its not like that. It's a guy thing," Spike again tried to explain himself. "You know I respect your husband very much."

"Oh, now he's my husband," Jenny said as she gave Rupert a wink.

"Hope your trip went well," Spike said, hoping to change the subject.

"Yes, it did, thank you for asking," Jenny replied, knowing what her son was doing. "How soon do you think you can join us?" she asked. "I would love to see my son."

"Give me about thirty minutes, and we will join you," Spike answered, smiling down at Buffy as he mouthed ‘mother’.

Buffy blushed, knowing he was talking to his mother while they were lying together naked on the bed. She was sure that his mother knew what they had done since Spike told her they needed a half hour to get ready.

Spike leaned down and kissed her lips when he noticed she seemed uncomfortable suddenly. He realized she was embarrassed that he was talking to his mother while they cuddled in bed together without a stitch of clothing on, not even a blanket or sheet.

"’We’? So I take it you are not alone?" Jenny asked, giving her husband a knowing look.

"Nope, Buffy is here with me," he answered, not embarrassed if his mother suspected anything.

"Then get off the phone and make yourselves presentable," Jenny said, her voice sounding firm and motherly. "I really cannot wait to meet the woman who has captured my son's attention."

"I want you to meet her, too," Spike said as he gave his girl a reassuring squeeze. "She's very special to me."

"Then get your butt in gear and let me meet her,” Jenny suggested, her voice telling him not to take too long.

"Yes, mother," Spike answered, giving Buffy a sheepish grin.

Buffy had stayed quiet during the conversation. She truly believed that Spike's mother already hated her. When Spike gave her that boyish 'I'm in trouble' smile, she was sure of it.

Spike wasn't prepared after he hung up the phone to hear Buffy's question. "She hates me, doesn't she?"

He quickly wrapped his arms around her and tried to reassure her, "Buffy, she hasn't met you to hate you. I promise you she will love you, just like Rupes does."

"But how you were talking, it sounded like she was mad about something," Buffy rambled on.

"No, luv, it was her way of giving her son a hard time is all, but in a good and teasing way," Spike said as he rubbed her back lovingly.

"You're sure?" Buffy asked as she started to relax against him, feeling more confident. "I know I’m being silly.”

"No, pet. Just normal meet-the-parents jitters, is all," Spike said to reassure her.

"You’re probably right," Buffy said as she leaned up on her elbow so she could see his face. "I guess we should get moving before she comes to find us."

Spike nodded, unable to speak, thinking he could spend years with her like this. He would never grow tired of watching her and having her beside him. She somehow in two days had become his world.

"Earth to Spike," Buffy said as she waved her hand in front of his face.

"Spike to Buffy," Spike replied. "You are my sunshine, my moon, my earth, and my sky. You are my world."

"As you are mine," Buffy told him before leaning in to kiss him gently on his lips before telling him, "Thank you for those lovely words."

"You are very welcome," Spike replied as he sat them up. "But you're right, we had better get moving or she will hunt us down."

"Okay, who showers first?" Buffy innocently asked.

Spike just laughed as he gathered her up in his arms and stood up. "There are benefits to showering together. I thought I taught that one to you this morning?"

Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck and teased him, "I'm thinking you might want to go over that one again, teacher."

"Oh, I will teach you something, pet." Spike laughed as he carried her into the bathroom prepared to go over the lesson plan again and again until she got it right if need be.

Chapter Eleven by Kimber
Jenny looked at her watch and then picked up her husband’s arm that housed his watch. She compared her time with his and noticed they were in perfect sync together.

"Oh, to be young and in love," Giles dramatically sighed, feeling sorry for his stepson when he did make his appearance.

"It's been an hour and fifteen minutes since I specifically told him I was waiting." Jenny tried to sound tough, which only caused her husband and daughter to laugh at her.

"She's a beauty," Dru said in awe as she watched her brother walk in with his arm wrapped around a petite little blonde's waist.

Giles turned to look and was surprised to see a different woman so intimately close to Spike. He felt his anger start to rise. ‘The boy has some explaining to do,’ was all he could say to himself.

Jenny noticed the confused expression on her husband's face, causing her to wonder what was wrong here. "Honey, what's wrong?" Jenny asked.

Giles decided to keep his mouth shut until Spike explained where Buffy was and who this other woman was. "I think it would be best if we let Spike explain," Giles replied.

Spike knew that Giles was not going to recognize Buffy right away. He was sure his stepfather was wondering how to act and what to say.

Buffy felt nervous. She noticed the petite dark-haired girl and recognized her from a photo Spike had shown her to be his sister Dru. The other woman at the table was a striking beauty and had to be Spike's mother Jenny. All she could do was hope they would accept her.

"Don't fret, they will love you to pieces," Spike reassured her as they approached the table.

Giles sighed a sigh of relief when he recognized the petite little blonde as Buffy. He silently approved of the change. The hair color enhanced her beauty.

Jenny again became confused when she realized her husband appeared relieved for some reason. She wondered what had happened that had made him tense up before and look worried about something.

"Hello, everyone," Spike greeted his family when he and Buffy made it to the table.

"William," Jenny said as she stood to hug her son, having never taken to calling him Spike. "You need to eat more."

"Yes, Mother," he replied as he returned her hug while rolling his eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes," she reprimanded him softly.

"See, pet, it's true- she's a witch," Spike explained as he tried to keep a straight face.

Jenny glared at him as she patted his cheek. "Careful, my son. Would hate to place a curse causing you to walk around and sprout poetry and get all librarian on me."

Spike leaned down and kissed her cheek, saying, "Sorry, Mum. I promise to try and do better."

Jenny laughed as she playfully said, "That's my boy, but I will only believe it when I see it."

Jenny turned to the pretty little blonde and understood why Dru had called her William's sunshine. "You must be Buffy?" Jenny asked. "I apologize for my only son's dreadful lack of manners."

"Yes," Buffy replied, relaxing when she noticed the woman wink at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Giles."

"You can call me Jenny," she said as she pulled the young girl in a hug.

"Okay, Jenny," Buffy replied as she returned the hug.

"Much better," Jenny replied as she turned to introduce her to her daughter. "This is Dru."

Buffy turned and found herself once again pulled into a warm embrace. "Buffy, it is wonderful to finally meet you."

"Finally meet me?" Buffy asked, feeling confused and weary at her words.

"Why yes, I've been waiting to meet the girl, or should I say woman, that would sweep my arrogant, cocky brother off his feet," Dru answered, realizing neither Buffy or Spike would feel comfortable knowing she had foreseen this day.

Jenny let out a breath she had not realized she was holding at the smooth way Dru had covered her tracks. She knew that if Spike knew of Dru's vision of him meeting his true love, he would run and never look back. His sister's visions scared him, especially since the young man was killed driving his car.

"Come sit, let's get to know each other better," Jenny suggested. "Since I know we will be seeing a lot more of each other in the future."

Giles winked when Buffy looked his way and told her, "I must say, you are looking exceptionally lovely today."

Buffy blushed at the compliment. "Thank you, a couple of friends and my sister Dawn felt the need to pamper me."

"And a lovely pampering job they did, pet," Spike replied, giving her a wink and a wolfish smile.

The waiter chose that time to stop at their table. "Hi, I’m Steve, and I will be your waiter this evening," he introduced himself with a happy grin on his face. "Can I start you off with drinks and an appetizer or two?"

Everyone offered up what they wanted to drink. Spike ordered some wings while Giles ordered his wife's favorite, a Blooming Onion. They then asked for a bit more time to order their food, wanting to look over the menu.

The rest of the evening was spent with stories being told about William and Dru's most embarrassing childhood stories, along with a few racing stories from both Spike and Buffy that had everyone laughing and having a good time.


Dawn knew something was wrong when she first entered the house. It was far too quiet- usually her mother was in the kitchen getting supper together with the radio blasting.

"Mom! Dad!" she called out on her way toward the kitchen.

"They're not here."

Dawn turned and yelled, "God! Scare someone much."

"Sorry, brat," Faith said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Where's the parents?" Dawn asked as her heart rate started to return to normal.

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news," Faith started to say. "But Dad's left home, and Mom's gone over to Kate's to cry on her shoulder."

"Why?" Dawn asked, her voice low as she found her way to one of the kitchen chairs to set down.

"They argued over Buffy, causing Dad to pack his bags and leave," Faith said, her voice angry.

"What, Dad still can't handle that Buffy is with Spike?"

"Oh, it's more than that," Faith answered as she thought to herself how she would love to take some of her frustrations out on Buffy's face right now.

Dawn could not tell whom Faith was truly angry with- be it Mom, Dad, both, or Buffy. She knew her oldest sister did not care for Buffy very much. "I guess I will wait and talk to mom," Dawn said, having decided to wait and hear her mother's side of the story first.

"What, don't think I will tell you the truth?" Faith asked sarcastically, feeling defensive.

"No, just you are biased," Dawn answered, deciding to be honest. "You are like Dad when it comes to Buffy. So I think I will hear Mom's version first, if you don't mind."

"The little bitch is the reason Dad left," Faith yelled.

"So you say," Dawn came back to say. "Buffy could find the cure for cancer, and you and Dad would do your best to still try and belittle her."

"Whatever!" Faith said through her teeth, throwing her hands up. "You're right, don’t need to waste my breath."

Dawn sighed as she watched her short-tempered, shortsighted sister storm out of the kitchen. Soon after, she heard the slamming of the front door, telling her that Faith had left the building. She wondered if she should call Buffy and let her know what was going on but decided against it. The girl was nervous enough as it was since she was going to meet Spike's mother tonight. Instead, she gathered what she needed to make her some tomato soup and a grilled cheese for dinner.


"I really like her," Jenny said as she brushed her hair, getting ready for bed.

"I knew you would," Giles replied as he turned down the bed. "She really is a lovely girl."

"And she understands his love for racing," Jenny sighed. "I know one day he will go back to it."

"I'm not so sure, my love," Giles said, feeling in his heart that Spike's priorities had changed now. "I think because of her, he won't drive again."

"Do you really think so?" Jenny asked, hoping what her husband was saying were true. As much as she wanted her son to be happy, she was never happy about his career choice. Every time he got behind the wheel, her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest.

"Yes, you see, she would support him if he chose to drive again, so that will never be an issue between them. I think he will not want to take the chance of leaving her a widow, and any children they have without their father,” Giles explained. "I think his love for her and the family they would have would be more important to him."

"God, I hope you are right." Jenny looked at her husband with tears in her eyes. "I can only lose one of my children- it would kill me if I lost both of them."

Giles moved quickly to take her into his arms and whisper, "I know, I feel the same way."

"I love you, Rupert," Jenny said through her tears. "I’m sorry I was not able to give you more children."

"My heart is full, my dearest wife. You, William, and Dru have made me a very happy and satisfied man," Giles reassured her. "When our darling girl goes beyond us, I can say without regret that she made me a very proud father and regret nothing but the fact she did not get to fall in love and bear children. Not for me, but for the experience of her becoming a parent."

"How did I get to be so lucky, Mr. Giles?" she asked as she pulled him closer to her.

"No, I'm the lucky one. I have been since a little gypsy and her amazing son stumbled into my world," Giles told her. "I love William as if he was my own flesh and blood."

"And he loves you as well," Jenny reassured him as she leaned up to kiss him softly. "Let's go to bed, Mr. Giles."

"I think that is a marvelous idea, Mrs. Giles," Rupert replied as he led her to bed.


"I really should go home," Buffy said as she started to unbutton his jeans.

"You are home, kitten," Spike replied as he started to unbutton her blouse.

"I like it when you say that," Buffy whispered.

"I like it that you like it when I say that," Spike teased as he slowly pulled down the zipper to her dress.

"You are making fun of me," Buffy pouted.

"Nope, going to make love to you, kitten," Spike corrected her, "Here, kitty, kitty."

Buffy laughed as his fingers assisted her dress straps to glide slowly down her arms as he sang his little tune. "Should I go meow?" she asked.

"No, but I have something you can rub your pretty little body against," he suggested as he let the dress drop to her feet and admired her breasts with the hardened nipples begging for his attention. She was sex on two legs standing there in only her sexy little tong.

Buffy started to rub her body against his as she purred like a kitten. Her hands slipped under his shirt, running her fingernails lightly over his abdomen, then up and around his erect nipples.

"Ah, my pretty little kitty knows what her man likes," Spike encouraged her and groaned when she lifted his shirt, causing her breasts to rub against his bare chest. "Oh, luv, what you do to me."

"Meow," she said as she continued to purr as she removed his shirt completely.

"Lovely little kitty, is your tongue all rough and scratchy, or is it soft and smooth?" Spike asked, offering her a friendly suggestion on what he wanted her to do.

Buffy responded by taking her tongue and twirling it around his nipple while her free hand played with his other erect nub. She felt proud of herself when he groaned and his breathing became erratic. Never had she felt as powerful as she did right now.

"Love what you do to me, baby," Spike moaned as her warm little tongue teased him.

Buffy decided to be more adventurous as her tongue traveled down lower, lapping and licking his skin like a cat would. Her hands traveled to his thighs, squeezing them through his jeans as her tongue swirled around his navel.

Spike continued to encourage her as she moved her hand up to cup his erection through his jeans that were too tight. "You make me so hard, baby," he groaned as she undid the button and used her teeth to pull down his zipper. "God, Luv. Perfect."

Buffy felt a sense of empowerment at his words and actions. She never felt this free to be in control before when having sex. It was always about what the men wanted to do, never what she wanted to do. Now, with Spike, she felt like she was calling the shots, and it felt so good.

"Keep this up, pet, and I will be spoiled rotten," Spike reassured her- he loved everything she was doing.

Buffy leaned back as she pulled his undone jeans slowly down off his hips, letting her lips sporadically tease his exposed skin with brief little kisses. She avoided where he really wanted her lips to travel as she continued to follow the jeans down his legs, slowly going to her knees as she went.

The sight of her kneeling before him about made him cum right there and then. When she looked up and found him watching her so intently, he felt his cock harden more just at her sweet, innocent eyes looking back at him, questioning him silently what to do next.

"Have you ever taken a man in your mouth before, kitten?" he asked as his hand gently pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Once, but I didn't want to," she confessed. "So I embarrassed myself."

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Spike reassured her.

"But I do, I just don't know how." Buffy's voice was soft, showing how hard it was for her to talk about this.

"Maybe we should move this to the bed, make it a bit more comfortable for both of us," Spike suggested as he held out his hand to help her up.

Buffy shook her head no as she leaned forward, pressing her lips to his left hip. "Not yet," she whispered.

"I will go with your lead, kitten," Spike told her, giving her an encouraging smile and a suggestive wink. "Just do what you think I will like, and believe me, I will like anything and everything you could do to me."

Buffy smiled as she took his penis in her soft little hand and explored. It fascinated her to feel him grow longer and harder by her mere touch. She wrapped her hand around his semi-hard shaft and began to stroke him back and forth, feeling it pulse.

"Do you like how I'm touching you?" she asked as she looked up at his face, seeing how his face was taunt, his eyes almost black, showing her how much he was enjoying this.

Spike shook his head yes, trying to concentrate on his breathing. Just the sight of her touching him while on her knees in front of him was enough to make him cum all over her, marking her as his. He wasn't sure what would happen if her mouth even came close enough that he'd feel her breathe against his cock.

"That feels so good, baby," Spike moaned as his hips fell into the rhythm her pretty little hand had set.

Buffy's confidence grew the more she experimented and watched her lover's enjoyment at what she was doing to him. The frequent deep groans and moans from his throat when she took her other hand and started massaging his testicles made her move her hand faster up and down his now leaking cock.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer. He could feel it building, and she had not even used her lips, mouth, or tongue yet. Thought for sure she wouldn't need to as he tried to warn her.

"Baby, gonna cum," he moaned, not sure what she was going to do.

Buffy never felt so much like a woman as she did at that moment. She was in charge- she now possessed the power to let nature take its course and let him ejaculate where she wanted him. Or to back off and slow down, thus prolonging his sexual torture. The first won out as she angled the tip of his leaking member toward her breasts and increased the pressure and speed up while she was fucking him with her hand.

"Buffy!" he shouted as he found his release, watching as he came all over her lovely little tits. Finding it hard to stand, refusing to take her on the floor with his tongue and make her scream.

Buffy couldn't help but smile as she watched the pleasure of what she had done be expressed on his face. The fact he shouted her name made her want him even more. In fact, she wanted him to pleasure her with his mouth right there in the middle of the floor.

Spike leaned down to pull her up off the floor. "Bed, now," was all he could say.

"No, here," she pleaded as she gently pulled away and proceeded to lay back on the floor. "I want you to, you know, with your tongue," was all she managed to get out before he was down on the floor, positioning himself with his face between her legs.

"You smell like dessert, luv," Spike purred as he used his hands to open her up for him as his tongue tasted her nectar.

Buffy's head thrashed side-to-side as he continued to pleasure her anyway he could with either is mouth or tongue. He never enjoyed going down on a woman as much as he did right now.

She begged for more as he used his thumb to rub her engorged clit as he tongue fucked her to an orgasm that had her screaming his name again and again.

Spike crawled up her body as she slowly recovered from the most intense pleasure to date. He found his cock hard and wanting nothing more than to be buried deep inside her.

"Baby, I want you so bad," Spike moaned. "I need you so much it hurts."

Buffy's hands cupped his face, pulling his close to hers. "Then take me, let me make the pain go away."

Spike's mouth consumed hers as he thrust up into her body. Her gasp made him pull away from her lips to make sure he was not hurting her. "Okay?" was all he could ask.

Between tasting herself on his lips as he kissed her and the overwhelming sensation of his body conquering hers, she was on overload it seemed. She didn't know if she was coming or going. All she knew was she didn't want him to stop. "Don’t stop, love me."

"Love you, baby, more and more," he vowed as he pulled out and thrust a little harder, seeing how much she could take.

"Oh! God!" she practically sobbed as he continued to plunder lovingly into her body with his, making sure not to cause her pain.

Buffy woke briefly to find herself tucked safe and warm in bed. Spike was asleep, curled behind her, his breathing soft against her neck, his arm securely around her with his hand in possession of one of her breasts. She didn't remember them going to bed- the last thing she remembered was screaming his name before everything had went black. After a few minutes of feeling content, she quickly fell back into a sound, secure sleep beside her lover.


Hank sat at the hotel bar and stared at his mug of beer, having lost count long ago. He had settled in at the hotel much earlier in the day and was continuing to drown his sorrows. All he could think was how Joyce had got her revenge in the end, in the form of his middle daughter.

"Hey, boss," Angel greeted Hank as he patted the older man on the back as he took a seat next to him. He could see the man was wasted and wondered what the man was doing here so late at night.

"Angel, I'm really not in the mood for you right now," Hank warned the young man.

"I thought you were here to get Buffy," Angel continued to talk, either ignoring the warning or hoping to push the man over the edge. Hank wasn’t sure.

"Why would I be here for Buffy?" Hank asked, wondering how much O'Connor knew about Buffy's unprofessional behavior.

"I hear she's spending quality time here with that has-been Carpenter," Angel informed him, letting Summers know he knew just how like a his middle daughter was behaving. "With her going blonde and now dressing on the risqué side now."

Hank glanced over at Angel and asked, "Come again?"

Angel smirked, thinking to himself that fathers are always the last to know. "Oh, so you don't know about Buffy's little make-over?"

"What are you talking about, Angel?" Hank's voice was dripping with anger.

"Our little Buffy is now a hot little blonde," Angel chuckled at Hank's shocked expression. "And then the little piece of pink fluff I saw her in this afternoon. Well, I have to say, she has discovered her inner loose woman."

Hank looked at the young man and wondered if they were talking about the same Buffy. His Buffy that didn't own a dress, let alone a skirt. Who would rather rebuild a carburetor than do her nails. The one, out of his three children, that shared his love of racing.

"I'm serious, Hank. She is not our mousy little Buffy anymore," Angel explained.

"She's here?" Hank asked, never taking in consideration that Spike was staying here as well.

"I hear she's staying in Carpenter's room," Angel said, wondering to himself why the bleached blonde chicken shit was screwing Hank's little misfit.

"How could she do this?" Hank growled, pissed that she was flaunting such loose behavior with a potential business partner.

"I gotta say, Hank," Angel chuckled, seeing how pissed off his boss was getting. "Never thought Buffy would fall for a man like Spike."

"Do you have his room number?" Hank asked, the alcohol making him not think rationally.

"Yep, 416," Angel informed him. He thought to himself his plan was going like clockwork.

When he noticed Hank in the bar, it hit him. He would use his boss to get Spike out of the way. Then he'd step in and help Buffy get over the pain in the ass Carpenter. He was sure he'd be able to bend her to meet his needs.

Hank picked up his beer and finished it. There was no way he was going to let her get away with this whorish behavior. He was sure that Carpenter was just using her to get to him, and he would make damn sure he knew it wouldn't work.

Angel smiled to himself as he watched Hank Summers stalk off. He was sure this would end the Spike and Buffy affair. Then it would make it possible for him to walk in and maneuver her back into his bed. He wanted to have a go at the new and improved Buffy and see what she had learned over the years since high school.

Chapter Twelve by Kimber
The pounding on the door woke Spike up immediately. He looked down, noticing his girl was still sleeping soundly, all nestled against him. All he could think was he must have wore her out on the hotel floor earlier.

"Carpenter!" a male voice called out from the other side of the hotel door. "I know you're in there."

"Better be important," Spike grumbled as he gently dislodged himself from his warm and cozy Buffy blanket.

"Spike," Buffy mumbled in her sleep.

"Go back to sleep, baby," Spike whispered as he kissed her forehead before grabbing his jeans off the floor.

"Carpenter, open this door."

Spike growled when he noticed his girl looked as if she was waking up. He pulled on his jeans and quickly moved toward the door.

"This had bloody well be important," Spike hissed when he threw open the door.

"Where's Buffy?" Hank demanded, ready to kill, seeing the young man standing before him shirtless and his jeans unbuttoned at the top.

"She's sleeping, and I would like it if she stayed that way," Spike replied, his voice carrying a threatening-like tone to it.

"This isn't right," Hand said as he made an attempt to enter the room.

Spike put his hand on the older man's chest and pushed him back into the hallway. "Come back and talk when you're not so pissed," he informed the drunken idiot.

"Why her? Of all the women you could chose from, why her?" Hand asked, wondering what the man saw in the tomboy.

"I will not discuss her with you like this," Spike answered, his voice harsh. "Now go and leave us alone. But I will give you this advice, mate- don't fuck with her, she's mine."

Hank, even as drunk as he was knew, he had crossed a line here tonight. "I hope she is worth it," was all he said.

"She is," Spike replied, fighting the urge to ram his fist into this bastard's face. "So leave."

Hank turned around and walked away, muttering under his breathe how someone was going to pay for this.

Spike watched until he was sure the man was not returning before he stepped back into their room and shut the door. He reached up and did something he'd never done before as he put the door chain securely in place, giving him that feeling of extra security.

He walked over to the bed and let his eyes drink in his sleeping beauty. He thanked the Powers That Be for letting her sleep through her bastard of a father's deplorable behavior.

"Don't worry, princess, you won't be going back to that house except to collect your things," Spike promised as he again removed his jeans and rejoined his girl back in their bed.

He smiled a smile of contentment when even in her, sleep she would seek him out. The way she cuddled to him in slumber reinforced his belief she was his. He vowed to keep her safe from harm. Even if it meant protecting her from her asshole of a father.


Maggie sat at the kitchen table and continued to stare out the window. Normally, she was making a big breakfast since it was racing day. Everyone would sit around and grumble. Faith and Dawn would gripe about having to go to the track. Hank would explain why they needed to learn the business since one day it would be theirs to run. Buffy would quietly sit and nibble on her food and keep to herself.

She knew she had failed Joyce in the worst way, not by stealing her husband away. No, it had to do with her treatment of Buffy. She should have made more of an effort to include the girl as family. Unlike Hank, Buffy reminded her what sins she committed, thus keeping her at a distance and not letting her inside her heart.

Last night, as she poured her heart out to Kate, she had come to realize why she treated Buffy the way she did. Kate also helped her realize how she had let Hank's treatment of Buffy to go unchallenged, as well. That she had let Hank put their girls above Buffy, thus contributing to what was happening right now. The only difference is she was ready to make it up to the girl, if she'd let her.

"Are you okay?" Dawn asked from the doorway, having noticed how sad her mom looked.

Maggie looked at her youngest and new it would be easier dealing with Dawn first. She had a feeling that Dawn did not dislike Buffy the way Faith did. That her youngest only fed off what she was seeing.

"No, Dawn, I'm not," Maggie said, deciding to be honest and tell her everything.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Dawn asked, hoping her mother would open up and tell her everything and not try and cover them with more lies.

"Yes, I do," Maggie replied. "I need to tell you about how me and your father met."

Dawn smiled, knowing she was about to learn the truth concerning the triangle of her parents and Buffy's mother. She also knew that after today, her and her mother would be closer as well.

Maggie pointed at the chair across from her. "Come, have a seat, and let's have a heart-to-heart, shall we?"

"I would love to," Dawn replied as she took the seat and prepared to learn that her parents were not the prefect people she had once believed them to be.

Maggie prayed that when she was done, she ended up not losing her youngest daughter. She decided she’d start off telling her how she and Joyce had become best friends in college. How Joyce one summer vacation had met a young race car driver and gave up her dreams to become his wife. That they had never seen each other again but had kept in touch with letters and cards. Until one day she met the man that stole her heart, only to find out he was married to her one time best friend.

By the time she was done explaining, they both were crying. Dawn could not understand how her father could blame Buffy for all of this mess. She was both disappointed and proud of her mother, hearing how she wanted to try and make it up to Buffy. She told her mom about how she ended up helping Anya and Willow in the Buffy makeover.


"I need to go home and change clothes before going to the track," Buffy explained as she sat in bed and let Spike feed her grapes off his plate.

"And I said I will take you," Spike insisted, not about to let her face that maniac of a father alone.

"Why are you being all protective and possessive all of a sudden?" Buffy asked, having noticed how tense he had become when she had mentioned going home.

"Buffy, your father came to visit late last night," Spike decided to tell her exactly what happened. "I'll be honest, luv, I don't like the man."

"He came here, and you didn't wake me up?" Buffy asked, feeling embarrassed her father had come here looking for her. It didn't help that he had left such a bad impression with Spike. "What did he say?"

Spike went on to tell her what occurred. "I mean it, baby, you are not going back there unless I’m with you."

Buffy's eyes filled with tears as she told him what happened after he had dropped her off yesterday before going out with the girls. "I guess I will need to find a place to live."

"You have a place, right here. You are not going back to live there, Buffy. I don't want you around him," Spike answered, placing his index finger over her lips to stop her response. "This will not interfere with business unless Hank lets it. He will have to learn to accept that I'm with you, and only you."

"Okay," she said when he removed his finger. "How long were you planning on staying in Sunnydale?"

"Was planning just the weekend, that is, until this sexy little bird came into my life," Spike said, giving her a wink. "So I guess I'm going to be looking for something more permanent."

"Really, a bachelor pad?" she teased.

"Nope, thought we could look for something together that we'd both like," Spike offered, hoping she'd move in with him.

"Spike, don't you think we are moving too fast?" she asked.

"No, I don't," he replied. "I know what I want here, and it's not some fly-by-night little fling we are having."

"I know, I feel the same way," Buffy reassured him. "I just wanted to make sure you were not having second thoughts."

Spike wished he could gather all the people responsible to make her feel so unsure of her worth and low self-esteem. He would stake them in the heart for causing his girl so much pain and self-doubt.

"Baby, no second thoughts about us. Maybe a few five or six on what position to introduce you to next, is all," Spike teased as he wiggled his eyebrows and gave her a playful leer.

"You are my one and only favorite perv, just so you know," Buffy said as she got out of the bed. Earlier, she had put on one of Spike's tee shirts, not as comfortable as someone else in the room with nudity.

"Where do you think you are going, woman, with my shirt?" Spike playfully demanded.

Buffy laughed. "I need to shower and get home and change, honey."

Spike's smile when he heard her call him honey made her heart flutter in her chest. "I like that."

She just blew him a kiss, knowing he was thanking her for the endearment she used. "I need to get to the garage and make sure everything is ready today. Normally, I've been there for a couple hours already."

"Okay, shower, and off we go," Spike replied, knowing this shower would not have the extras their previous showers had. "No foreplay, luv, sorry."

Buffy's eyes grew wide at what he implied. "We don't have much time."

"Don't worry, kitten. We'll come out clean as a whistle and well-satisfied and ready to face the day," Spike told her as he jumped off the bed and chased her into the bathroom.


Spike stood in the doorway of the Summers home and waited as Buffy ran back up to her room. She said she had forgotten something and would be right back. Maggie and Dawn had greeted him with welcoming smiles. Buffy had been shocked when Maggie had hugged her close and encouraged her to follow her heart.

Then the woman had surprised him when she had threatened bodily harm if he did anything to hurt Buffy in any way, shape, or form. The same occurred when he had a few minutes alone with Dawn. She had promised she would find a way to hurt him, mumbling something about being asleep and waking up on fire.

Buffy had packed just the essentials she would need until they found a place of their own. On the way over, he had convinced her to move in with him. When she agreed, he had pulled the car over to the side of the road. He then pulled her onto his lap and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

He was lost in his thoughts when he heard raised voices coming from upstairs at same time the front door was opening and Hank Summers was walking through. Both men tried to stare the other down, neither one succeeding.

"Go ahead, bitch, and leave. No one wants you here, anyway." Faith's voice could be heard since she was yelling. "It's all your fault Dad's left. Maybe if you leave, he might come back."

Buffy walked away and was at the head of the stairs by the time Faith had finished her hateful little rant. She turned toward the older girl and replied. "You can't blame me for him being an ass and leaving. He can't continue to blame me for being born since he played an important part in it, as well."

"Get the fuck out, and I don't ever want to see you again," Faith growled as she reached out and slapped her now bleached blonde sister.

Neither girl was paying attention to how close to the stairs they were standing. Buffy reeled from the hit and lost her balance. Everyone down on the first floor had seen what was about to happen but was powerless to stop it.

Spike screamed as he watched his girl lose her balance and fall, "NO!"

Hank joined Spike as they ran toward the stairway as Buffy toppled down. The sound of her body hitting the wood made everyone cringe. Hank Summers for once felt fear for his middle daughter’s safety enter his thoughts.

Faith stood at the top of the stairs, feeling like everything was going in slow motion. She stood in shock as she watched her sister's body continue to bounce as she rolled down the steps. She prayed Buffy would be okay- she never wanted this to happen, not really.

Spike was able to get to the bottom of the stairs and catch his girl before she hit the bottom. He carefully assisted her to the floor, looking her over and praying she was okay. His sighed his relief when he noticed her frightened expression gazing back at him.

"It's okay, luv, I have you." He carefully stroked her hair back off her face. "Take a deep breath and tell me what hurts."

"Buffy, honey, are you okay?" Hank asked as he kneeled next to his daughter, taking one of her hands in his.

Buffy closed her eyes as she tried to gather her thoughts to answer both their questions. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that she now could see Maggie and Dawn's worried faces, as well.

"I'm okay, I think. My head hurts, and my right shoulder hurts right now," Buffy answered as she looked into Spike's worried blue eyes. "Nothing feels broken."

"Good, baby," Spike cooed as he gently assisted her to sit up, moving so he could sit behind her and help prop her up. "Take it slow and easy, luv. I've got you."

"Buffy, does your neck hurt?" Hank asked as he gently started to examine her neck.

"No, just the side of my head here," she said, taking his hand so he could feel the small lump forming on the right side of her head.

"I think we should still take you to the hospital to be checked out," Hank suggested.

"No, I'm fine, Dad. Just a little shook up, is all," Buffy reassured them as she rolled her shoulders and stretched out her right arm without difficulty. "I'm sure I will be really sore tomorrow."

"I will get an ice pack," Maggie said as she went into the kitchen to get one, taking Dawn with her.

Hank looked up and noticed Faith standing there in shock. "Faith, she's okay."

Faith looked at her father and started to cry. "I didn't mean to make her fall, Daddy, I swear."

"I know, sweetheart." Hank said, to his eldest as he leaned in and shocked Buffy when he kissed her on the head before standing to take the stairs to take care of his distraught oldest child.

"Are you sure, baby, you are okay?" Spike asked as he pulled her closer to him. "I was so scared, kitten."

"Spike, I'm fine," Buffy replied as she leaned back against him. "Will you help me stand?"

"Sure, baby," Spike answered as he reluctantly stood and then assisted her to stand.

Buffy was surprised she was not feeling more pain upon standing. "I'm okay, no broken bones."

"Good, cause I would hate to have to kill your sister," Spike snarled as he hugged her close. "I love you, baby, and that was too close for comfort."

"I love you, too, and it wasn’t only Faith's fault, but mine, too," Buffy explained, accepting some of the responsibility as well. She should have known better than being so close to the stairs and not paying attention.

Hank helped Faith down the stairs. She looked over and noticed how protective Spike was holding Buffy. She caught her sister's eye and apologized. "I'm sorry I let my temper get the better of me. I swear I didn't mean for you to fall."

Buffy could tell by the expression on her sister's face she was telling her the truth. "Its okay, Faith. We both got caught up in the heat of the moment."

Spike avoided looking at the woman, for he was not feeling so forgiving. He wanted to reach over and smack the stupid bint that had caused his girl's fall.

"Buffy, I think you should rest today. Stay away from the track," Hank suggested. "I'm sure Xander and the guys can handle it today without you."

"I, for once, agree with your dad, pet," Spike offered his two cents as well. "You can rest and let me take care of you."

Buffy was about to refuse until she started to feel some of her muscles start to tighten up. "I think you guys are right."

"This time I will have to agree," Maggie said as she came out of the kitchen with two ice packs. "One for your head, the other for your shoulder."

"Thanks, Maggie," Buffy said as she took one ice pack and placed it on the side of her head while Spike took the other one and gently applied it to her shoulder.

"Here you go," Dawn said as she brought up the rear, bearing a glass of water and a couple Motrin tablets. "Take these now, and maybe you won't hurt so much later."

Buffy said "Thanks" while taking the glass of water and pills from her sister.

Hank walked over and reached out to touch her but dropped his hand when noticed her flinch. "When you feel up to it, I think we should make the time to really talk," he said quietly.

Buffy looked up at her father and nodded her head yes, agreeing they did. She just didn't have anything to say to him at the moment. She was surprised at the concern he had shown when she had fallen.

"You know how to find her," Spike told him as he took the glass of water out of his girl's hand and gave it back to Dawn. "Right now, I'm going to take her home and give her another look-see."

"You act like I'm a child," Buffy said, getting a little defensive.

"You’re no child, pet," Spike said, giving her a meaningful look that told her his thoughts of her being a child was very far from the truth.

Maggie came up and gave Buffy the bottle of Motrin, saying, "You gave us quite a scare, Missy, so let him make sure for himself you are really okay."

Buffy smiled at Maggie, knowing she was giving some sound advice. Then she let Spike take her hand and start to lead her out of the house.

"Buffy," Hank called out, causing her to turn and look at him.


"I like what you've done to your hair," Hank said, hoping she would take it as a peace offering of such. "It really does bring out your eyes."

Buffy stood wide-eyed as she stared at her father, asking, "What have you done with Hank Summers?"

"Let's just say he did some self-evaluating and found he was lacking in a few very important areas," Hank replied, hoping she gave him a chance to tell her how sorry he was.

"Then I guess we do have some things to talk about," Buffy said, giving him a brief smile.

"That's more than I deserve," Hank replied.

Spike snorted as he was about to tell him just how right he was. He didn't deserve a second chance, as far as he was concerned. His comment was a grunt instead when his girl elbowed him in the stomach.

"Not now," Buffy whispered, knowing Spike was about to say something rude.

"Fine," Spike said but gave Hank a look that told the older man everything the younger man was thinking.

"I will call and check on you later, after we clean up after the race," Hank said. His respect for Spike grew as he watched how the Brit treated his daughter with love and respect.

"That would be great," Buffy encouraged, hoping maybe they could move on and find the father and daughter relationship she had dreamed of all her life.

"For some reason, I'm thinking it just might be," Hank reassured her as he watched her leave with the man that would now be taking care of his daughter.

"It would seem you don't hate her anymore." Maggie said, watching the pain flash in her husband's eyes briefly.

"I had time to really think about some things, and the tumble she took knocked down a few more walls as well," Hank replied, knowing he and his wife had a lot to talk about tonight.

"I really didn't want her to fall," Faith said.

"I know, honey, it was an accident," Maggie reassured her daughter, but had seen the look on Spike's face and warned her, "But I would avoid Spike Carpenter for awhile until he puts this behind him."

Faith nodded her head as she reached over and hugged her father. "I'm glad you came home."

"I should never had left," Hank said as he returned the hug.

Dawn smiled as she moved to embrace both her father and sister, with Maggie joining the family hug. They knew they had to get ready to go but knew they needed this moment of healing as well. Maggie knew it was a long shot, but she hoped one day Buffy would be included as well.


Giles noticed the grimace on Buffy's face. Feeling concerned, he asked, "Buffy, dear, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Giles, just took a little trip down a couple stairs," Buffy said as she gave Spike a look that told him not to say anything.

"Has she seen a doctor?" Giles questioned Spike.

"Says she doesn’t need one," Spike muttered, trying to keep his anger under control. The more it flashed in his mind, the angrier he would become.

"You should get checked out, make sure," Giles suggested, wanting nothing to happen to her.

"Honest, I'm fine. In a couple days, I won't even feel any pain," Buffy reassured him.

"You will promise to see a doctor if you start to feel worse," Giles pleaded, feeling concerned that she might be overlooking something.

"I promise," she said, wondering where this overprotective part of Spike's stepfather was coming from.

Spike understood exactly where Rupert was coming from. "Don't worry, Da. I will make sure she is seen if she starts to feel any worse than she does now."

Giles' body visibly relaxed at Spike's words. "Alright, then, enough of my ramblings then."

"I appreciate your ramblings,” Buffy replied as she reached up and kissed his cheek. "It tells me that you care."

Giles blushed as he took off his glasses and started to clean them. "It's very easy to care."

Now it was Buffy's turn to blush, for she didn't know what to say to that really. In the last couple days, she had more compliments given to her than most of her whole life.

"Call me later, and we will see about dinner," Spike said as he took his girl by the hand to take her into their room and settle her. Then he would get a porter or two to help unpack his car.

"Are you not going to the race today?" Giles asked.

"No, going to be the day of pampering my favorite little klutz here," Spike dramatically sighed, as if this was the hardest thing he'd ever done. "Daddy dearest gave her the day off, understandably so."

Giles was perceptive to the sarcasm in Spike's last statement but let it go upon witnessing Buffy's little glare and nudge of the elbow to his stepson's side.

"Well, I will discuss with your mother plans for dinner and give you a ring later on," Giles said just before he thought of a better idea. "Or you could call us when you are done pampering our Buffy here."

"Right, I will give you a call," Spike winked as he waved goodbye and used his arm that was wrapped around her waist to lead his girl to the elevator.

"Spike, please don't tell them what happened today?" Buffy asked when the door to the elevator closed.

"What will you give me if I keep my mouth shut?" Spike teased her.

"What do you want?" Buffy decided to play his little game and see where it led.

"Hmm, there's a lot I want from you, my pretty," Spike said with a little cackle to his voice. "Can I think about it and get back to you?"

"As long as you keep your mouth shut," Buffy threatened.

"I know a way you can keep it busy and otherwise occupied," Spike suggested, giving her a seductive glance.

"I guess I could order room service," Buffy giggled.

"Sorry, luv, it's not on the hotel menu," Spike sighed as the elevator door opened on their floor.

"No? Then where would I find it?" she asked, curious where this was leading as she followed him out of the elevator and down the hall, toward their room.

"No, kitten," Spike chuckled. "What my mouth craves can only be found on the Buffy menu."

Buffy blushed as she finally understood where he was going with his innuendos. "So, you think my menu would keep you occupied long enough until you decided your payment for keeping quiet was paid in full?"

"More than enough, baby. I would be looking at appetizer, main course, dessert, and then a little after-dinner cocktail," Spike said, giving her his cocky smile as he pulled out the key and opened the door.

"Tempting offer." Buffy pretended to think it over as she walked over and sat down on the bed.

"First, rest for you while I get your things out of the car," Spike informed her as he pushed her back onto the bed. "Then we can continue negotiating."

"I told you I can help," she told him, feeling frustrated.

"Buffy, for once in your life, let someone take care of you," Spike pleaded. "Let me take care of you. If it was me instead, I would let you take care of me."

Buffy nodded her head, feeling the tears gather in her eyes as she said, "Just remember this when it's my turn."

"You bet I will remember this." Spike reached down and removed her shoes and then leaned down and kissed her tempting lips. "Rest, I will be back as soon as I can."

"Love you," Buffy whispered against his lips.

"Love you back," he replied, giving her lips a swift peck before pulling away. "Back in a jiffy, luv."

Buffy watched him hurry out the door, wondering what she had done to deserve such a man. She was sure she was going to spend her life working on cars and watching everyone else find love and live happily ever after.


Angel kept watching for Buffy. It was unusual for him to arrive at the garage and she not all ready be here. He just needed to see her and find out if Hank had broke her and Spike up.

"Hey, Ozzie and Harriet," Angel called out to Oz and Xander. "Where's Beaverette?"

Oz's expression never changed as he looked at his best friend. The last thing he was doing was telling O'Connor anything about Buffy.

Xander gave Oz a mocking look as he sarcastically asked him, "Oz, honey, did you hear anything?"

Oz patted Xander on the arm and shook his head no. "I didn't think so," Xander replied.

Angel was about to ask them again where Buffy was when Hank walked in the garage. "Angel, there you are."

"Hey, Hank," Angel replied. "Where's her Royal Highness?"

Hank fought the urge to tell the young man a thing or two. His opinion of his lead driver changed once he sat down and talked to Harris. "Buffy is taking the day off."

"Really, how interesting," Angel commented, wondering if she was home crying over her break up with Spike.

"Yes, she took a fall, and Spike is taking care of her," Hank said as he turned to Harris and asked, "So, all the cars are ready to go?" He didn't see the anger that fleeted briefly in Angel's eyes, but Oz did.

Angel bit his lip to keep from telling Hank how that was a mistake. How was he going seduce her while she was grieving her and Captain Peroxide's breakup if they haven't broken up?

"Yep, ready, set, and go," Xander told him.

"Good, good," Hank rambled. "I think you both deserve a bonus for the excellent work this weekend."

"Really?" Xander asked, the surprise noted in his voice and in Oz's wide-eyed expression.

"Yes, you will see it in your check. I want you to know I really do appreciate the hard work you do here." Hank smiled his appreciation.

"Wow, thanks, Mr. Summers," Xander said, thinking how it would come in handy since he found the house he and Anya wanted, and the extra cash would help with the down payment.

"Thanks," Oz said, wondering what had come over the man.

"Welcome," Hank said as he turned to his lead driver. "Angel, cross that finish line first."

"You know me, Hank," Angel bragged. "I won't settle for anything less."

"Good,” Hank replied as he wondered to himself what the young man was going to say when they talked tomorrow. He was sure the man was not going to be happy.

Oz watched as Hank, and then Angel, left the garage before he turned around to express his fear to Xander. "I think Angel means to cause Buffy trouble."

Harris quickly turned to look Oz in the face. "Spill."

"Angel asked about Buffy," was all he had to say for Xander to get his point.

"Anya says Buffy looks hot," Xander said as he gave his friend a worried look. "Do you think Mr. Can't Keep It In His Pants got a look at the new Buffy and wants in her coverall's now?"

Oz just nodded his head yes, knowing it was exactly what had happened. Willow had told him her concerns about their run in with Harmony and Riley and how too interested Riley had been in Buffy's new look.

"Well, we will have to give the Buffster a warning," Xander said as he glared at the door that O'Connor walked out of. Neither man noticed Angel's very angry wife standing off to the side. "But then I'm sure Spike will be able to handle Captain Dickhead."

Chapter Thirteen by Kimber
AN Sorry for the delay, hope you haven't forgotten. Enjoy!

Spike smiled as he fed another grape to his girl as they laid next to each other, watching the pre-race on Sunnydale's local channel. He suddenly had an idea as he took a grape and squeezed it between his fingers and let the juice dribble on her bare back.
"Hey! Mister!" Buffy giggled as she felt the cool liquid touch her back.
"I can't help it I found a new way to enjoy my food," Spike chuckled as he lapped up the grape's juice off her back before popping the rest of the grape in his mouth. "Don't knock till you try it, luv."
He had come back to the room and seduced her while she was napping. The pain medication made the pain in her head go away, and her shoulder barely had a twinge. She still felt the heaviness in her body from their prior encounter.
"Is that all you think about is sex?" she asked as she picked up a grape and squeezed it on his chest.
"Never, ever think of sex anymore," Spike said as he watched as her mouth descended toward his body.
"Never?" she asked as she licked her lips, noticing how she was affecting him.
"We don't have sex," he explained as his breathing quickened in anticipation of her mouth touching him.
"We don't?" she asked, her tone skeptical.
"No, baby, we make love- there's a difference," he informed her, his stare fixed on her mouth as she hovered over him, driving him crazy. "Lick me."
She barely let her tongue touch his skin as she teased him with it. Using her tongue, she spread the grape's juice around. Her fingers skimmed his thigh as she traced her way up and around his navel area.
"Buffy!" he gasped as she took his erection in her hand and started to pump it slowly.
"Yes, baby,” she said as she stroked his chest with her tongue, enjoying the taste and his response as she took one of his hardened nipples in her mouth and gently suckled it in time with her hand job she was giving him.
"I love it when you turn the tables on me," he said as he laid back and enjoyed what she was doing to him.
"You wouldn't mind if one day I was the one to, you know?” she asked, feeling shy, since in the past, if she ever tried initiating the sex, she was told it was wrong.
"Baby, anytime you want me, you come and get me," Spike encouraged her. "I would love to come home and have you jump my bones."
"Crude much," she snorted as she nudged him onto his back. "Touch me, feel me, love me."
Spike watched as she straddled his body. He knew she would be able to take him in easily with very little foreplay. He could feel how wet she was as she rubbed her pussy right above his groin. Her words inspired him as he took his finger and started to rub her swollen clit. He took his other hand and massaged her breast, occasionally pinching her nipple. He felt like he was going to pop.
"The race is about to start," she told him as she lifted up so she could rub her wetness against the tip of his penis.
"Like this race better," he replied as he took his finger off her clit and used that hand to maneuver his cock into her entrance. "No losers here- we both get across the finish line and take home the prize."
"I like that," Buffy moaned as she lowered herself onto him, taking him in slowly. "Oh, God, this feels so good."
"Beautiful," Spike grunted as both his hands were filled with a breast each. "I'm yours to do with as you wish."
"Mine to command?" she asked.
"At your service, my lady," he cooed as she started to moved up and down, in and out.
"Suck," was all she was able to say as she continued to ride his cock.
Spike let her set the pace and kept his hips still as he sat up and took a breast into his mouth and did as he was told. He felt the response when he felt her vaginal walls tighten around him. He took turns as he suckled on the other perfect little mound.
"Yes, oh, so deep," she moaned- never had he been so deep inside her before. She ran her hands through his hair as she held him to her chest. She glanced down and noticed he was staring at her face. His eyes almost black, his pupils dilated so wide.
He was enthralled as he watched her expression as she fucked him. She was never more beautiful as then right now, looking free and wild with her hair bouncing as she moved over him. He was sure if he wasn't keeping her pretty little tits captive in his hands and mouth, they would be bouncing, too.
Spike knew she was close and let one of his hands drift down between them. Two of his fingers started to rub her very sensitive nub, making her practically scream from the intense pleasure it caused. He started to thrust up inside her, keeping in rhythm with her.
She pushed his face away as she started to ride him harder and faster, him meeting her thrust for thrust and his fingers kept up the added friction. "Soon," she said as she panted and moaned.
He felt her pussy tighten up and spasm as she screamed, "Yes! Spike, God yes!" He was sure if anyone was in the rooms next door, they knew what they were doing.
Spike rolled her over onto her back, bringing her knees up over his shoulders, and he continued to thrust up inside her. Four, five, six thrusts, and he was shouting, "Buffy! Buffy!" as he came hard and deep inside her. He continued to rock against her, wanting to milk this as long as he could.
"Mine," he growled as he leaned down to kiss her lips.
"Yours," she replied, feeling like he had claimed her as his just now.
Neither cared what was on TV as they gently kissed and cuddled as they came down from their natural high. Both whispering loving words and phrases to the other as their heart rates slowed down to normal and their breathing became less labored. Both faced the other, lying on their sides, enjoying the moment for as long as they could.
Spike knew now was a good time as any to ask his question. He had run into his mother down in the lobby on his return with Buffy's things. She pulled him aside and gave him his grandmother's ring. It was the same ring his father had first presented to her when he had asked her to marry him. It was antique silver with a half-carat diamond. Seemed his mother recently had it cleaned and polished.
"Buffy, I have something I would want to ask you," Spike said, taking a deep breath as he reached over the side of the bed to get the ring.
"You know you can ask me anything," Buffy replied, giving him a smile that caused his heart to race.
"Buffy Anne Summers, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Spike asked as he showed her the little black box. "In this box is a ring that once belonged to my grandmother. My father placed it on my mother's finger when he asked her to be his bride. I wish to do the same, if you would have me as your husband, your mate, your lover, until death do us part."
Buffy could only nod her head as she held out her hand and watched him place the beautiful ring upon her left ring finger. Its fit was just a little big, but in her eyes, it was perfect. She could not hold her tears any longer as she watched him kiss the ring as if he was sealing it there.
"I promise to honor you, cherish you, love you, and protect you until the day I die," Spike vowed.
"I will love you and only you until the day I die," Buffy made her vow. "I will make you proud."
Spike placed his finger against her lips and made sure she understood something. "Baby, I'm already proud of you. You have nothing to be ashamed about."
Buffy hugged him close and started to laugh. "I have never been so happy as I am right now."
Spike closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment himself. "Neither have I, pet. You have made me the happiest man on earth right now."
She pulled back her hand to look again at her ring. "It's a little loose," she told him as she held her hand in front of her face. "But it's still the most beautiful thing anyone has ever given to me."
Spike smiled as he reached out to touch the ring. "We will go tomorrow and get it sized to fit. Last thing I want is my girl losing our ring."
Buffy smiled as she told him as she gazed lovingly into his eyes, "I like that, our ring."
"I don't want to wait a long time for us to get married," Spike said, hoping she’d agree to as early as next week.
"How about next week?" she asked, hoping she wasn't rushing him.
"Perfect, just enough time to have Wesley get the license for us and time enough to plan our honeymoon." Spike wrapped his arms around her and rolled them until she was lying on top of him.
"Can I still work for now?" Buffy asked, hoping she'd be able to work until they found someone to replace her.
"Until you find a replacement worthy, or you become pregnant, which ever comes first," Spike offered, hoping the pregnant part would come first. He couldn't wait to see her waddling about, carrying their child.
Buffy knew there was a great possibility the second could already be a reality since they had been doing it like rabbits since they'd met. "Okay, fair compromise."
"How about we shower, call my parents, and tell them and Dru over dinner?" Spike suggested. "Then tomorrow we can tell your family."
Buffy knew he couldn’t wait to tell his parents. She just thought it strange that he would have the ring here with him. "Spike, did you bring this ring with you?"
Spike looked a little sheepish. "No, luv. It would seem Giles told Mother he thought you were the one. So she brought the ring to show me. She had to meet you to make sure she approved first, and might I say she adores you."
Buffy asked, "She does?"
"Yeah, told me she'd disown me if I let you get away," Spike exaggerated mildly.
"Stop telling stories," Buffy laughed as she playfully smacked his chest. "Now tell me the truth."
"She told me I would be a fool if I let you slip away," Spike told her the truth. "So, here is how I will not let you slip away."
"No wanting to slip away, so don’t worry, you're stuck with me," Buffy reassured him as she kissed first his forehead, then his cheeks, then his eyes, before kissing his lips. "Do you think we can nap first?" she asked as she fought off a yawn.
"Sure, baby, we have all the time in the world," Spike answered as he maneuvered them up to the head of the bed, turning down the covers so they could slip under. "Sweet dreams."
"You bet, since you will be the star of the show," Buffy sighed as she nestled against him, feeling suddenly very tired.
"As you will be in mine," Spike replied as he kissed her hair, taking a deep breath, memorizing her scent as he, too, drifted off to sleep.
Jenny sat and watched for her son and Buffy to join them in the lobby. She was sure a certain piece of jewelry was going to be on Buffy's left ring finger. The thought that soon she would have a daughter-in-law and future grandchildren made her smile. She was one that had never looked forward to becoming a grandmother, but now she couldn't wait.
"What has you smiling so?" Rupert asked his wife.
"I gave William the ring." She sighed, knowing the significance it would mean to Rupert.
"Ah, I see." Giles chuckled, "Anticipating some one wearing it today."
Dru just smiled, knowing soon her time to leave this world would be upon them. But before she departed a new life would appear and give them a reason to rejoice. It would be one of many, but she could not tell them that for it would ruin the surprise that living life would bring them.
Spike made it a point to hold Buffy's left hand, wanting his family to wonder if he'd proposed yet. He was sure it was the hot topic of conversation. When he noticed their questioning looks and glances at her left hand, he knew he was right.
"They suck at Poker I hope you know." Spike whispered, "Look how they are checking you out to see if you are wearing the ring."
"I'm just scared I'm going to loose it." Buffy said, feeling truly worried it would fall off.
"Once the bunch has seen it on your finger, then we can put it on the chain around your neck for safe keeping." Spike reminded her.
"Then tomorrow it gets sized and after that it never leaves my finger again until it's passed on to one of our children." Buffy told him as she squeezed his hand.
"Sounds like a life long plan to me, Pet." He replied, enjoying the frustrated look on his mother's face. "She is dying to know if I proposed to you."
"You are evil for deliberately hiding the evidence." Buffy giggled as she gave the Giles family a very warm smile.
"He did, he asked her." Jenny whispered excitedly to her husband.
Giles never doubted his wife's intuition, and if she said Spike had asked Buffy to marry him, who was he to disagree." "I believe you, dearest."
Spike could not keep it to himself any longer as he held up Buffy's left and presented them with the visual testimony that they were in fact engaged.
"I take it we have something to celebrate that is more important then Angel's win today?" Giles asked, feeling blessed being able to share this moment with his family.
"Definitely, a more momentous occasion to celebrate tonight then the Poofter crossing the finish line first." Spike boasted proudly, as he wrapped his arms around his girl and twirled her around. "Today is the second happiest day of my life, for now."
"What was the first?" Jenny asked.
"The day I met my wife to be is." Spike replied as he gently placed Buffy back on her feet but holding her close. "I've decided it will always be, because if I hadn't met her then the rest of the happiest days would not be waiting to happen."
"Love has made you sappy, my William." Dru teased as she looked on at the happy couple, "But that is a good thing not a bad one."
"I have to agree, it sometimes is okay to be sappy." Jenny agreed with her daughter.
Buffy didn't know what to say as they each came and gave her a hug and welcomed her into the family. She gave them return hugs and told them thank you hoping she was not going to bust into tears. It made her happy and sad at the same time. They were practically strangers treating her more like family then hers ever did.
"Okay, time for food, I'm starving." Jenny interrupted the happy moment, seeing how uncomfortable Buffy was becoming. She was sure there were things that in time she would learn about as she got to know the young woman better. Rupert had hinted that all was not as it should be in Buffy's family make up, but she'd wait for either William or Buffy to explain further if they wanted her to know.
"I vote for Italian." Spike spoke up. "All in favor say aye."
The vote was unanimous and Buffy told them the best restaurant was Isabella's. The lasagna was out of this world, and the atmosphere was perfect making you think you were eating in the heart of Venice or Rome.
Chapter Fourteen by Kimber
Cordelia sat at the table with her husband sharing the celebratory dinner with the Summers family. Angel had come in first and in record time. She was proud of him, but still wanted his head served to her on a platter. She had dreaded the dinner, thinking Buffy would be there. She was surprised to hear that she was now with Spike Carpenter now, wondering how that ever happened.

She noticed how her husband's demeanor changed and snuck a glance over to where he kept trying not to stare. She felt her anger begin to boil as she noticed that Buffy had arrived in the company of Spike and a group of strangers. Before this night was over she and the little newly turned blonde was going to have a delicate discussion. Then she was going to lay down the law to her wandering eyed husband.

Faith noticed the change in Angel, and looked to see what had gotten him to chance his wife seeking vengeance. She knew that look of lust, and was surprised to see it directed at her sister, Buffy. She would do Buffy a favor and head this one off at the pass. She'd make sure O'Connor did nothing to bother her, it was the least she could do after earlier today.

Angel noticed Buffy walking in holding hands with the has been Carpenter. He felt he could not wait to seduce her and remind her, what it was like to have a real man in her bed.

"Look, Honey, its Buffy and Spike." Maggie said getting her husband's attention from the menu.

Hank glanced over at his wife and then turned see if Buffy had noticed them. The first thing he noticed was the fact that Spike treated her like a lady as he held her seat out as she sat down. He noticed the soft touches, the side glances, and occasional reassuring touches they shared. He was able to see just what it was his wife had been telling him, they were in love.

He looked over at Maggie and gave her an understanding smile as he told her, "As always my lovely wife you are right, its love."

Hank excused himself and stood to go over and say hello, making the first real attempt at making things better between him and his middle daughter.

Dawn shared a smile with her mother, for the first time she truly felt her whole family had a chance to heal. She was never so proud of her father as she was at this moment as she watched him make his way toward Buffy's table.

Hank noticed how Spike and Buffy both tensed up when it appeared Mr. Giles had warned them of his approach. He would make it short and simple and ask how she was doing.

"Excuse me, Buffy for interrupting I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Hank explained, as he noticed her anxious expression.

"I'm doing much better, thank you for asking." Buffy replied, relaxing just a bit having noticed the concern directed at her in his eyes.

"Hello, Spike, Mr. Giles, ladies." He addressed everyone at the table.

"Mr. Summers, may I introduce you to my wife Jenny, and our daughter, Dru." Rupert introduced his family, worried at the angry look on Spike's face.

Buffy looked at Spike and said, "Now is as good a time as any."

"That indeed it is, Luv." Spike agreed, giving his girl a reassuring smile.

"Dad." Buffy addressed him as she stood up. "I have some great news and I really do hope you will be happy for me."

Hank was not stupid man and noticed the smiles on everyone's faces and realized his daughter was going to tell him she was either getting married or moving in with Spike.

"I promise to keep an open mind." Hank said as he gave her what he hoped was an encouraging smile.

"Spike asked me to marry him and I said yes." Buffy said, waiting for her father to react in a not so good way.

Hank's face broke out in a huge smile as he pulled into a hug for the first time he could ever remember. "I'm happy for you, Buffy, I really am."

Buffy could not keep her tears from falling as she returned his hug with one of her own and said, "Thank you."

"Oh, Buffy, we have so much to talk about, but know this, I do love you. I think it will just take us time to work out all the things that was wrong on my part and get us to the good." Hank promised his daughter, feeling all the resentment he had misplaced falling away. "I'm sorry for everything and hope we can find balance."

Buffy shook her head yes, unable to speak at this time. Hank seemed to understand and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "How about you come over and share the news with the rest of the family, or do you want me to tell them?"

She pulled herself together and was surprised when her father handed his handkerchief, "Don't worry it's clean."

She giggled as she used it to dry her eyes saying, "Thank you. I would love it if you'd escort me over so we can share the news." She said as she looked back at Spike.

She noticed he appeared angry, and understood why. But this was her family and if she had a chance to make it better how could she not. She reached out her hand toward her now fiancé hoping he'd stand with her and not against her on this.

Spike stood and took her hand as he pulled her toward him and said, "If we are going to do this, then we do it right."

Buffy's smile made him realize playing nice with the Summers would be worth seeing her smile like that again. He pointed to her neck hoping she take the hint. Spike smiled as she lifted her hair out of the way so he could remove the chain holding their ring.

She looked at her father and smiled, as Spike took the ring off the chain and placed it on her left ring finger again and explained, "It was his grandmother's and it's just a tad too big."

"I recommend The Magic Box if you are going to get it sized." Hank suggested, "They have the best workmanship around."

"I appreciate the info." Spike replied as he took his girl's hand, allowing her to lead the way.

Everyone waited for Hank to rejoin the table, with everyone having different feelings about the couple that was accompanying him.

"Everyone, it appears as if we have something more to celebrate other Angel's win." Hank said and then turned the floor over to his daughter and soon to be son-in-law.

Buffy suddenly felt shy, having Angel and Cordy glaring at her. She understood Angel hated her, but Cordelia had never acknowledged her existence before today.

Spike noticed the look in Angel's eyes and knew the man was lusting over his girl. He felt like going over and poking the Poofter's eyes out. Then at the same time he wanted to rub the gits face in the fact she was now his, Spike's girl, and be damned if anyone was going to take her away from him.

"I guess the only way to say this is me and Spike are getting married." Buffy quickly blurted out.

Dawn jumped up and ran over to hug her sister, "Oh, Buffy I'm so happy for both of you."

Buffy relaxed as she noticed that Maggie as smiling as well and waiting to give her a hug as well. She wondered what Faith would say, if anything, that would dampen the moment.

"Congrats, "B"." Faith said as she gave her sister a soft smile.

"Thanks." Buffy said as she returned the smile with one of her own.

Cordelia could see the couple was real. She realized she had nothing to worry about from Buffy's end, there was no way she was interested in Angel. The girl had not even paid attention to either her or Angel, especially her husband. The signs told her that Buffy was head over heels in love with Spike Carpenter.

"So when is the wedding?" Cordy asked.

"Friday of next week." Spike said, as he pulled his girl against him, letting the broody prick know she was his.

"That awful sudden isn't it?" Angel asked.

"Not soon enough as far as I'm concerned." Spike replied, as he nuzzled her neck. "Would marry her tonight, but she wants to have it here and invite friends and family."

"I just think Vegas doesn't say forever and is tacky." Buffy pouted. "At least for me."

"All in your hands, baby, would marry you in the middle of the cornfield if it made you happy." Spike purred.

"How about on the racetrack at the finish line?" She asked him as she leaned back so she could see his face.

"That would be so romantic." Dawn squealed.

"Yes it would." Maggie agreed.

"And so fitting for both of you." Faith agreed. "You both love the racing world, so why not."

Spike looked around and noticed the Summers family seemed to like the idea, and in fact his liked it as well. It is what brought them together. He would talk more about it with Buffy tonight. If it's something she would want to do, since it was her big day, he'd move Heaven and Earth to make it happen. He really didn't care where they got married as long as it soon and legal.

"It's worth thinking about." Buffy said, thinking she talk to Spike about it later. "But I think we need to get back to our table and order." She turned to her father, "Either way I would like it if you gave me away." She figured she'd offer and hope he'd accept.

Hank's eyes filled with tears when he heard her ask him to give her away. He took her hand in his and told her. "I would be honored to not give you away, but to walk you to the next step of your life."

Buffy hugged her father and kissed his cheek before she turned to go back to her table. She felt too emotional to speak. All she could think was it looked like she was going to have a father that loved her after all.

Spike gave Hank a serious look before he held out his hand to the man, "Let's start clean, the last thing I want is Buffy to be unhappy. I know deep down she loves you no matter what and if she is willing to give you a second chance, so am I."

Hank took Spike's hand and gave it a firm shake. "You’re a good man, Spike. I know you will treat her as she should be treated."

"Til the end of the world." Spike vowed.

Spike gave his future father-in-law's hand one last shake before he turned and followed his girl to their table. He knew he would be watching Hank and Faith closely. He would give them a chance, it didn't mean he fully trusted them, yet. Maggie and Dawn he truly believed cared for his girl, and had no trouble trusting them not to hurt Buffy.


Buffy walked into the garage the next morning with a smile on her face that light up the room. She noticed Xander and Oz talking to a few of the guys that came the day after a race to help them clean up and go over the cars that get housed with them.

"What's the reason behind the toothpaste advertisement, Buffster?" Xander asked.

"Oh, good news and better news." She replied as she walked up to her best friend and lightly punched him on the arm.

"Hey, that hurt." Xander pretended to sniffle. "Gotta say I love the hair."

"Yeah, me too." Oz agreed.

"I have a big favor to ask you Xander." Buffy sighed, hoping he'd say yes.

"Anything that is within my power and Anya will agree too." Xander said giving her that lopsided grin of his that said he'd do it.

"I would like for you to be my man of honor." Buffy said.

"Man of honor, does that mean I have do defend you honor or something?" Xander asked, as he gave her a confused look.

"I think she is asking you to stand up as her honor person." Oz explained, having understood what Buffy was asking.

"Well you can't be my maid of honor now could you?" Buffy asked, trying not to laugh at memory that brought back to life.

"Don't even go there, either of you two." Xander growled as he gave them each a glare that dared them to say anything about that incident.

"I think you made a pretty woman." Oz snickered, causing both of his friends to look at him strangely. "Hey, it was a memorable occasion seeing Xander dressed as a woman and then made to strip down to the womanly unmentionables at the frat party."

"Oz, are you okay?" Xander asked, concerned. "I don’t think I have ever heard so many words come out of your mouth at once."

"Yeah, it's like your yearly quota in one minute." Buffy teased the normally quiet man.

"Wait, does this mean you are getting married?" Xander asked, as what Oz implied hit him.

"Yes, this coming Friday, here at the track." Buffy explained, "I want you and Oz to stand up with me, as well as Anya and Willow."

"Be an honor, Buffy." Oz answered as he walked over and gave her a big hug. "Spike?"

"Yes." She said.

"You and Spike, married after knowing each other 3 days?" Xander asked, the concern her felt inflected in his voice.

"I know it sounds like we are rushing it, but we both feel we found our soulmate." Buffy explained. "He completes me."

"Just as long as he knows I will kill him if he hurts you." Xander told her, and she was sure he was not joking.

"Listen, Dad gave me the next couple of weeks off, but if you need anything let me know." Buffy went on to tell them, "I will let you know the particulars as they come together. I'm off to find Anya and ask her, and then I'm stopping off to tell Willow."

"Get lost, Summers, Anya is over at the concession stand with Harmony right now." Xander said as he shooed her away. "Just don’t put Oz in purple, it's just not his color."

"I like purple." Oz said with his usual mono toned voice.

Buffy laughed at the funny look on Xander's face as Oz shared a wink and a smile with her. She waved goodbye as she went in search of Anya. Her plans if Anya agreed to help was to grab Willow and they go shopping for a Wedding dress.

Chapter Fifteen by Kimber
God, I can't believe you was shopping with that-" Harmony didn't get to finish before Anya interrupted her.

"Harmony, stop right there," Anya commanded, "I would appreciate if you did go any further with that statement. I do not have to explain to you who I decide to be friends with just so you know. I like Buffy, and I’m sorry I took so long to get to know her. I was a jealous blind fool for nothing."

"OHHHHHHHH! She had better stay away from Riley is all I have to say." Harmony fumed before she stomped her foot and walked toward the back coolers to get the sodas so she could stock the front coolers.

"I think it would be best if you told Riley to stay away from Buffy." Anya replied with a roll of her eyes as she turned to get back to counting the buns, so she would know how much they needed to order.

Buffy found Anya humming to herself as she was filling out the food order. She looked around to see if she saw Harmony, she so did not want to deal with that pain in the ass right now. She knocked on the cooler door to get Anya's attention.

Anya looked up and smiled when she noticed it was Buffy making the noise that frightened her just a bit as she acknowledged her, "Well, look who decided to come up for air."

Buffy blushed, knowing the innuendo behind her words as she replied, "Was wondering if I can take you to lunch and ask a favor of you."

Anya smiled as she asked, "What favor?"

Buffy's smile was radiant as she explained, "I'm getting married and was hoping you and Willow would like to help me pick out my dress today."

Anya's eyes grew wide as she dropped her clipboard and ran over and hugged Buffy saying, "Oh, wedding, I know weddings and love to help. I know just the place to go and we will stop at Lorne's and make sure he keeps that morning open for you. Let me just finish this order and we will be off, in the mean time call Willow so she can find a sitter and Oh, God this is so exciting."

Buffy laughed, you would think the other woman was getting married this coming Friday with how excited she was acting, "Okay, I will go and call Willow and you finish here. How about I meet you at Willow's?"

"Great, go so I can get back to work and I will be there, say, in no more then 30 minutes." Anya promised as she rushed back to pick up her clipboard. "Spike is one lucky man."

"No, I'm the lucky one." Buffy told her.

"No, honey I have to say both of you are very lucky." Anya said, as she thought of how much like a fairytale this was, with Buffy as Cinderella and Spike as Prince Charming.

"Hey, you and Xander are going to be married very soon." Buffy reminded her.

"Yes, and we have to get you fitted for your dress." Anya informed her. "Carmen said it was not too late to have you a dress made in time for the wedding. That is if you would do me the honor and be a part of wedding party?"

Buffy felt honored as she replied. "I would love to stand up at your wedding too. I'm glad we had this time to get to know each other better."

"Me too!" Anya said as she then shooed the girl away, "Now off with you, so I can get this done."

"Okay, see you at Willow's." Buffy giggled as she turned and left.

Neither of them noticed the angry blonde concession stand worker. Harmony stayed hidden and listened to Buffy as she announced she was getting married to Spike. It burned her that the little bitch was stealing her dream from her. She was supposed to be the one to marry a famous driver and life happily ever after. Not the little grease monkey who's Daddy didn't even care about her.


Buffy had made it to her car, having parked near the garage, when she heard someone calling her name. She dreaded facing the person the familiar voice belonged too. The last thing she wanted was to talk to Riley of all people.

"Buffy, wait up, I really need to talk to you." Riley called out, thinking how great it would be to get her naked and in the back seat of her car.

Buffy reluctantly turned to face the man that gave lover a bad name. He had made her feel cheap and used by the end of their relationship. The one thing that loving Spike and being loved by him physically and emotionally had brought to light, was the fact Riley and Angel both didn't know the first thing about really satisfying a woman, let alone loving them.

"What do you want Riley?" She asked, her voice carrying with it an irritated tone.

Riley being Riley either ignored her tone or it had truly gone over his head as he came to stop just a little to close for Buffy's comfort. She tried to step back up but found her way blocked by her car, so she moved to the side.

"Come have lunch with me." Riley suggested as he moved closer, almost pinning her to the car.

Buffy reached up and placed her hands on his chest, and tried to push him away as she replied with a disgusted voice, "Get away from me. I would rather eat dirt."

"Baby, you don't mean that." Riley said his voice overconfident, thinking she was just trying to play hard to get.

"I mean it Riley. I don't want you touching me." She again tried with all of her might to push him away.

Riley pushed her completely up against the car, taking a hold of her wrists as he said. "Buffy, baby, you know you want me, so why fight it."

She could feel his erection pressing against her, but she could not raise her leg up to knee him. She turned her head in time, keeping his lips from touching hers. They ended up on the side of her head instead, but then she felt him lean toward her neck as she pleaded, "Please don't do this Riley, I don't want you. I'm with Spike now, and we're getting married."

"Bullshit, you belong to me now." Riley growled into her ear as he ground his hardness against her.

"I don't bloody think so," Spike decided to inform the bastard as he grabbed the man's shoulders with both of his hands pulling him off his girl and then pushing him against the car, placing a arm across the man's throat. "Don't ever come near her again, she told you not to touch and you did."

Buffy stood in shock as she watched Spike threaten Riley. She didn't notice at first her father's presence until he put his arm around her and pulled her close to him.

"Spike, let him go." Hank advised, "I will see that he is taken care of, he's not worth the trouble. Why don't you come and take care of Buffy."

Spike had his fist pulled back ready to knock the man's block off when Hank's words penetrated his blind rage. All it took was hearing his say, 'take care of Buffy', and all the fight drained from him. He backed away and then turned toward his girl and opened his arms to her.

Buffy ran to him and threw herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and cried, "Just hold me, please, just hold me."

"I have you, baby." Spike's voice was gentle and loving as he held her close.

Hank walked over to where Finn was standing and gave the boy an evil grin before he raised his fist and cold cocked him in the face. He watched the younger man fall on his ass, before he took his foot and pressed it against Riley's crotch and warned him, "If I ever see you even look at either my daughters in a way I don't approve of I will crush these, do you understand me. In fact if you see them coming toward you, cross the street and walk on the other side, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir!" Riley mumbled, finding it hard to talk due to his jaw feeling like it was on fire.

"In fact why don’t you get out of Sunnydale and never come back." Hank offered as a suggestion with his look and tone of voice telling Riley that it just might be the best idea.

Angel watched quietly as he watched it all unfold. Spike had approached him and was about to have himself a little chat as he called it when they noticed Riley's attack on Buffy. O'Connor was sure that the bleached blonde was about to warn him away from Buffy. After witnessing Riley's blunder, he knew it was best to leave Buffy Summers the hell alone.

Spike opened his eyes and noticed Angel scrutinizing the situation and thought to himself he might not have to have that little talk with Peaches after all. Maybe this little kick the Riley killed to birds with one stone. It let both of Buffy's ex-poor excuses of manhood know not to come sniffing around her anymore.

"Want me to take you home, Kitten?" Spike asked as he continued to sooth her with his touch.

She shook her head no and said, "Meeting Anya at Willow's."

"Want me to drive you there?" Spike asked, thinking if he got her talking she might start to relax some.

She shook her head yes, as she said, "Going shopping."

"What for?"

"Wedding dress."

"Can I come?"

Buffy leaned back suddenly and glared at him and gasped, "I don't think so, its bad luck for the groom to see the dress before the wedding."

"Well, I figure I should have some say since I'm the one going to take it off of you. Make sure it's not one of those dresses I have to find the secret hole and push the special button and all that rot." Spike continued to tease, never intending of going with her in the first place.

"No! You can't go. But I promise it will be simple, even for someone as clumsy as you to handle." Buffy teased back when she realized his tactic was to get her mind thinking about other things.

"Keep it up, Kitten and I will take you behind the bleachers and show you just how clumsy I can be." Spike playfully warned her, wondering if she knew they still had an audience. Which he didn't mind, he liked flirting with his girl and letting other alpha male types know she was taken.

"You are a perv." Buffy giggled as she leaned in to kiss him forgetting anyone was there.

Hank did his best to keep the smile off his face. He had noticed how Spike had directed a lot of what he was saying toward Angel. He had suspected his lead driver's interested in Buffy had inspired by her changed appearance, and he too would be having a special talk to O'Connor about avoiding his daughters. Whom incidentally he noticed slithered off like the snake he really was.

Hank cleared his throat, before he leaned down toward Riley. "Don't make me regret letting you leave here with no blood spilled today, do you get my meaning."

Riley's eyes grew big at Mr. Summers implied threat, his voice quivered as he replied, "No sir, you won't regret it, I promise."

"Good, now get the Hell off my property." Hank said as he removed his foot off Riley's personal delicate property.

Riley didn't hesitate as he quickly climbed to his feet and practically ran toward the parking lot where his car was parked. He made a hasty career choice to see about joining the Army since he was sure his racing career was over. There was no way Hank would not get him blackballed in retaliation for Buffy.

Spike and Buffy had heard her father clearing his throat causing them to end the kiss and direct their attention his way. Both was amused at how Hank was handling Riley and watching Finn squirm. Both were happy to see him run away like a whipped puppy with his tail between his legs.

Hank turned to smile at his daughter and laugh, "I am a real idiot for ever thinking I'd want him for a son-in-law. God, What was I thinking?" Hank said he shook his head.

Buffy gently pulled away from Spike and quickly walked over to her father and smiled, "Let's just say it was a different time and a different Hank Summers."

Hank opened his arms and felt a heaviness leave his chest when she walked into them. "No, it's because I thought I had lost you on the stairs that I realized how I transferred all my self hate onto you. It was so easy to blame you, cause it made it easier to look at myself in the mirror every morning."

Hank realized he hated himself for doing what he had done to Joyce. That after realizing he was in love with Maggie he continued to try and make his marriage work out of guilt. He knew that Joyce loved him, and he didn't want to be the one to break her heart. So finding out Joyce was pregnant after finding out he and Maggie shared a child, had killed any hope he might have of a future with the woman he loved.

When he should have picked up and loved Buffy when she was born, he distanced himself from her instead. Now he understood it was because he knew that in the end he was not going to stay. It was his way to protect him from feeling bad about leaving them. Blaming them made it that much easier to leave and not look back and helped block the guilt he felt.

"Now, I need to get back to work. I have a special meeting with Angel to iron out a few things." Hank gave his daughter an extra squeeze before letting her go, and sent Spike meaningful wink. "Nothing you need to worry about, since you are on vacation."

"Don’t forget rehearsal dinner on Thursday, just don't know where yet." Buffy reminded him with a scrunched up look on her face wondering where they would have it.

"How about we have it at O'Shea's?" Hank suggested, "we can rent out the back room and relax and enjoy ourselves."

Buffy walked back over and let her man pull her to his side. She thought about her father's suggestion and nodded her head yes, as she glanced up at Spike, "I think you would like it there, they have the best wings."

"Sold, can we have the reception there too then, you know how I love wings and things." Spike asked with an excited look on his face, knowing she was going elbow him.

"You are really pushing it, Buster." Buffy gave him a playful glare. "Daddy, I think you need to have a talk with him."

Hank chuckled, "On that note I think I will make my hasty retreat using the excuse of work."

"You do that, mate, while I attend to convincing my girl here the benefit of pleasing her man." Spike's laugh was short lived when he felt her mighty little elbow make contact, "Ow, careful with the merchandise, don’t need a bruised up groom now do ya?"

"I will talk to you later Dad, I have to set someone straight about something." Buffy said as she put her hand on her hip and shook her finger at her husband to be. "Listen, I love you but no reception in the bar. I think the banquet hall at the hotel is perfect."

"So do I luv, won't have far to carry you after we say goodbye to the guests." Spike replied as he kissed her lightly on her lips.

Buffy gave him a worried look as she whispered, "I couldn't get away from him." Feeling she could confess since her father was gone and they were now all alone.

"Oh, baby, I believe you would have found an opening and kneed him where it hurt. I have faith you would have taken him." Spike tried to reassure her and did believe she would have found a way to break free.

"All I could think of was how you would leave me if he'd forced me to, you know." Buffy tried to explain, her voice shaky as she told him her biggest fear.

Spike used his finger to lift her face up so she would look at him and said. "Sorry luv, you never would have lost me. Until death do we part and that will be when we are old and gray. No separate bed either, I will make love to you until I physically can't, but doesn’t mean I won't talk naughty."

Buffy blushed as she realized he was telling the truth, "I think I love you, and then you go and make me fall in love with you all over again."

"Get used to it, baby." Spike groaned as he leaned down to peck her on the lips. "Are you okay to drive, or do you want me to drop you off at Willow's?" He asked again, knowing she would decline the offer now that she was feeling more in control.

"I'm okay." Buffy reassured him as his cell phone rang.

Spike pulled out his phone and checked the caller ID before answering, "Hello." He said, not recognizing the number.

Buffy listened to the one-way conversation and pieced together Spike was talking to the jeweler.

"Great, I will be there to pick them up be the end of the day, and thanks mate for the speedy service. Oh, I will make it a point to tell him thanks as well." Spike said before he hung up the phone.

"Our rings will be done by the end of this business day." Spike informed her with a look of wonder on his face. "Seems your old man called in a favor and they did a rush job."

Buffy felt overwhelmed, her father was surprising her more and more. She was sure it involved guilt, but then again for him to feel guilty he must love her.

"Well, you had best be heading over to Willow's, Pet." Spike said to bring her back to focus. "I think we will have to do something really special for you Dad."

"I think we already did." Buffy said with a smile that lit of her face. "I, I mean, we, are giving him a second chance."

"I think you might be right about that, Luv." Spike replied as he walked her to her car and opened the car door.

"Love you, baby." Buffy said right before she got behind the wheel and put on her seatbelt.

"Love you too, Kitten. Buy something naughty to go under that wedding dress." Spike purred as he leaned down to kiss her goodbye.


The week passed so quickly with wedding plans and house hunting. Now was the day Buffy and Spike had been anxiously waiting for, after today they'd be man and wife. They had found a wedding band to match perfect with her ring. Hers an antique silver band with a 1 caret diamond in the middle with a ½ caret on each side. Spike had wanted something bigger, but Buffy refused, saying the size of ring was not important, but how it felt on her finger was. All she had to do was tell him that it felt right, for him to agree happily with her.

His was a band was an interwoven gold and silver band, with a fine Celtic etching of the lover's knot encircling the band. Once he had seen it he knew it was what he wanted to represent his vow of forever. Like the chain their love would never be broken.

Spike stood at the finish line and watched the little tent they had arranged for Buffy to wait in. e HeHe He did not join the minister to await the Bridal march until she was safe and unseen inside the tent. She really did not want him seeing her until the music started and her father escort her to meet him. Giles and Wesley stood beside him, his father holding the ring until he needed it. His mother and sister sat in the front row with the Summers waiting for it all to begin.

He knew without being there how nervous his girl was. Last night was the first time they spent apart since meeting. He had found it close to impossible to fall asleep without her beside him cuddled close, keeping him warm. He wondered if she had the same problem.



The next chapter will be the last of this story. I wish to thank everyone so far that has reviewed and encouraged me to continue to post it.
Chapter Sixteen by Kimber
I wish to thank everyone that has reviewed. Most of all I wish to thank whenbuffysmiles and brat for inspirting me to finish and giving me the courage to post it. Especially Brat for turning me on to this site. This is the end and I hope you have enjoyed the ride. I don't think I will ever come close to writing anything like this again.....

Buffy's mind was a blur as she mentally checked things off her list. She had very little sleep, and was amazed how addicted she had become to having him beside her at night.

"Xander, you have the ring, right?" She asked, as she became more and more nervous something was going to happen to stop the wedding.

Xander rolled his eyes as he opened his mouth to reassure her when instead he said, "Oh my God, I must have dropped it since the last time you asked me five minutes ago."

Buffy eyes grew wide and felt her heart stop until his sarcastic tone sunk in. She gave him a glare that warned him not to do that again.

"I wouldn't do that again if I was you." Anya warned him, as she punched him in the arm.

"Hey, that hurt." Xander yelped, as he gave his fiancé a pout.

"That wasn't nice." Anya told him as she leaned up and kissed his cheek, "Now show her the ring and don't tease her like that again, Honey."

"Yes, dear." Xander mumbled as he pulled out the ring showing it to Buffy before putting it back before he did indeed lose it.

"Thank you, Xander." Buffy said as she gave him a soft smile.

"Okay, everything is in place." Oz announced before turning to Buffy and asking, "Ready to become Mrs. Carpenter?"

Buffy's smile lit up her face and took away some of the butterflies as she answered, "With all my heart."

Oz grinned as he gave the sign for Devon to start playing the Wedding March on his keyboard.

Hank offered his arm to his middle child and smiled proudly when she took it and they walked out of the tent behind Dawn and Connor walking together as a couple, then Oz and Willow, followed by Xander and Anya. Everyone had picked what they wanted to wear since Buffy had kept it all simple, nothing fancy.

Buffy's dress was antique white dress with a low back and a scoop neck. The hem came to right above the knee and the fabric flowed like silk. She wore her hair up in curls, with a crown of daisies and babysbreath mixed in the crown and some in her hair.

Spike stood in a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt with the two top buttons undone. He wore his hair slightly tousled just how Buffy liked it. He felt his heart race when the music started, knowing it signaled that he would officially be a married man very soon.

The vision was spectacular as she emerged from the tent. To Spike she looked like an angel walking toward him. The significance of her wearing the daisies where not lost on him. The dress was just as she promised, simple but elegant and would be easy for even someone like him to remove it.

Buffy knew only seconds was passing, but it felt like an eternity as her father escorted her toward Spike and their future together. From this day forward they would be a family, and if her suspicions where true it would be an expanding family before their nine month anniversary.

Spike wanted to pull the minister and meet his girl half way, time was passing too slow for him. He wanted nothing more then to hear the minister pronounce them man and wife and you may now kiss the bride. Then he wanted the reception to move along, so he could acquaint himself with his wife.

Hank smiled as he and Buffy reached the finish line and he handed Spike his daughter and said, "I trust you to care for her for the rest of your days."

Spike accepted Buffy on his arm and reached out with his free hand to shake his soon to be father-in-law's hand and reply, "I will love and honor your daughter until the day I die, sir."

Hank nodded his approval as he returned the handshake before stepping back so he could go and sit with his wife. He knew Buffy was safe, and he had nothing to worry about as long as she had Spike in her life.

"Hello, Cutie." Spike whispered before he and Buffy turned to face the minister.

Buffy replied with a smile and a squeeze of her hand as she turned her attention to the minister. She did not want to mess anything up; she wanted it to be perfect when they gave their vows.

Before either one of them knew, it was time for Reverend JW Whistler to pronounce them man and wife. Before everyone present Spike did just want the minister said, he kissed his wife. Everyone applauded and well wishes shouted as the couple continued to kiss, lost in their own little world for the moment.

"Hello Mrs. Carpenter." Spike greeted his wife once they came up for air.

"Hello Mr. Carpenter." Buffy sighed, as her tears slipped down her cheeks. She never thought this would happen to her. But it did, standing here in her wedding dress kissing her loving husband having her biggest fantasy come true. That being she had found the man she loved and he found her as well something she was sure was never to be.

Spike leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Let's make them leave and you and me finish what we started up in the bleachers."

Buffy giggled as she replied, "Keep that thought handy, baby. I see it in our future, I'm thinking it would be a nice anniversary present."

"Just as long as you wear those coverall's so I can watch you wiggle out of them like last time." Spike chuckled.

"Just for you, but with nothing else under them is what I'm thinking." Buffy replied as she waggled her eyebrows and curled her tongue between her teeth.

"I say, I could use a drink." Wesley said loud enough to get the newlyweds attention. "There are some wonderful refreshments waiting for us back at the hotel."

"I hear ya, Mate." Spike playfully grumbled, "Fits with my plan, faster to feed you bunch the quicker I can take my wife and make marital bliss."

Everyone laughed as Buffy blushed, but pulled her husband by the hand and announced to the small crowd, "Yeah, just what he said."

Spike gathered his bride up into his arms and moved quickly to the limo that was waiting to take them to the hotel. His plan was to get some serious snogging in before getting to the reception. But it would seem his plan was foiled when Jenny, Giles, Wesley, Fred, Lilah, and Dru joined them in the limo.

Jenny's excuse, "What is a reception if the bride and groom are not present."

This caused every one to laugh, including Buffy, and Spike to offer his mother a wounded look. He had so wanted to snuggle with his wife. But, then again, after realizing they had the rest of their lives he enjoyed the ride with the seven of the most important people in his life right now.


"Grammy," Nicki yelled, running toward Jenny as fast as her little 5-year-old legs would carry her.

Jenny looked on with pride as her granddaughter came charging across the yard, followed by her 3 year old brother Giles. "Oh my little precious darlings," she cooed as she dropped to her knees to welcome her little pride and joys.

Just, a few weeks short of Buffy and William's nine-month anniversary, lovely Nicole was born, kicking and screaming until they placed her into her father's waiting arms. Six months later, they buried Dru after losing her battle with her heart disease.

Nicki, was her granddaughter's nickname, her full name being Nicole Anne Carpenter and her brother Giles Henry. Nicki had been named after Dru, whose middle name was Nicole, and Anne since it was Buffy's and Buffy's mother's middle name. They named Giles after Rupert and Hank, making both men very proud.

Rupert joined his wife as he kneeled down so his lovely grandchildren could pounce on him, and he could hug them back. Nothing made him happier than when he visited his son's family. Since the day of Spike's wedding, he addressed the young man as his son.

"Grandpa," Giles said as he jumped into his grandfather's arms.

"How is my boy?" Giles asked as he placed a kiss on the top of his head. He really didn't expect an answer.

"Your boy broke the ceiling fan," Spike told his father as he came to welcome his parents.

"He did what?" Rupert asked, not believing a three year old could so such a thing.

"Thought he was Tarzan and tried to swing on the vine." Spike tried to look angry as he said this, all the while fighting to keep from laughing.

"Like father, like son," was all Jenny said as she looked down at the carbon copy of her son at this age. "I see looks are not the only thing you two share."

"Oh, now you tell me," Spike chuckled.

"How's Buffy?" Jenny asked.

"Oh, waddling about, giving me orders," Spike said as he pointed over at his very pregnant wife as she was giving everyone instructions.

"How many children are you two planning on having?" Jenny asked.

"I left it up to her," Spike replied. "Told her when she didn't want anymore, then I didn't either."

"You could end up with enough to make your own soccer team," Giles teased.

"Fine by me," Spike said as he watched his girl move with such grace for one in the family way. If he had his way, she'd stay pregnant, not because it kept her in her place, but because that was when her beauty was most breath taking.

Hank was at the grill, taking care of the food. It had taken some time, but eventually, he and Buffy worked out their problems, and since then, he was a very attentive father and grandfather. Maggie and Buffy had gotten close as well.

Faith had settled down at last. She had shocked everyone when she started dating the high school principal Robin Wood. No one cared he was black, for he brought a sense of peace and happiness that made Hank's oldest very happy and content. The man tamed what everyone had come to believe was untamable. They had been married for one year and were expecting their first.

Dawn and Conner ended up married. Both became very involved in the racing scene, both being well-respected drivers. Dawn's career was going on an indefinite hold since they decided to start a family of their own.

Xander and Anya sat with Willow and Oz at the picnic table, talking and watching their children play. Xander and Anya had two and had decided that was enough for them to handle. Willow and Oz had two as well, and a third one on the way. In fact, Willow and Buffy were due around the same time, both expecting boys.

Angel had crashed and burned in his marriage four years ago, and now was a divorced man, working at Home Depot. When Hank and Giles became partners, the first thing Spike recommended was for Angel to be fired. It seemed it was too expensive to pay him as well and to keep fixing his cars.

Riley’s life terrible turn on a more personal level- last year, he died of AIDS. It seemed his extracurricular activities came with a hefty price in the end. Unfortunately, Harmony ended up being one of his victims since she didn't protect herself, even after knowing he was cheating on her. She was HIV positive, now living in LA with her father.

Buffy, being eight months pregnant, waddled over toward her in-laws. "Jenny, Rupert, I’m so glad you could make it."

"We would not miss this for the world. Wesley and Fred will be here with their brood very shortly." Rupert leaned over and kissed his daughter's cheek.

"It will be great to have us all together to celebrate her life." Buffy patted his cheek as she smiled up at him. "For she will not be forgotten for as long as I live."

"You are so right," Jenny said as she hugged her daughter of 6 years. "I'm so happy William found you."

"I second that," Spike said as he blew a kiss to his wife, causing her to giggle.

The only thing Dru had asked for before she died was that they remember her on her birthday. No matter where she was, that on the day celebrating her birth, those that love her would band together to remember her on that day. So they had made it a tradition to have a gathering of friends and family on Dru's birthday to celebrate her life and rejoice in what they have now.

Spike walked up behind his beautiful wife, whose roots were showing, but he didn't care. "You are my life, and I find myself falling in love with you more and more everyday that I'm with you."

Buffy leaned back against him and replied, "You are saying that so you get laid tonight."

"I get laid every night, and sometimes twice in the mornings," Spike chuckled as he nuzzled her neck as his hands spread out across her expanding tummy and was rewarded with a kick. "Have I told you that you are the best thing that every happened to me?"

"Hey, you stole my line, mister," Buffy sighed as she pressed her bottom against him started to rock to the music.

"Buffy, what if I told you I wanted to race one last time?" Spike asked, wondering how she would react.

Without skipping a beat or hesitation, she answered, "When and where?"

Spike smiled as he nibbled her neck, "Maybe next year, maybe never."

"I'm behind you no matter what, baby." Buffy turned so she could look up at him. "I will not hold you back from your dreams."

"So far, baby, you've made my dreams come true," Spike replied as he leaned down and kissed her with the same passion as on the first day he kissed her. He would never risk what he had now to take on driving again. He had too much to lose, but it felt good to know she would have been there for him if he had chosen to drive again.

Hank watched as his middle child and her husband cuddled. Over the last few years, he took the time and got to know Buffy and found he was very proud of her and indeed did love her very much. Once he worked out all the anger and frustrations that all came down to being because he made poor choices, he had been able to open his heart and accept he cared more than he realized about his middle daughter.

"Okay, everyone, a toast," Jenny said since everyone had arrived. Wesley and Fred and their two were seated at the table with Giles.

She looked over at her son and his wife and knew how truly blessed she was. Dru had told her before she died that everyone would live a long and happy life. Spike and Buffy would have six children and would live to be very old. Spike would be the first to move on, with Buffy following shortly after. When it came time to talk about Giles and herself, she had asked for Dru not to tell her. She knew by telling her William lived to be very old that he would out live his mother, and that was all that was important. For she could not bury another child, and neither could Rupert.

It brought tears to her eyes as she gazed at all the children gathered there today who would carry on this tradition of celebrating death with life. These beautiful creatures were the future, and she wanted them to understand that with death, it does not mean the end, but the beginning of something more. She wanted them to believe in the here after, and that it was a wonderful place, because that is where her daughter was now.

"To Dru, may she be looking down upon us with a smile on her face and laughter in her heart. For one day, we will see her again, and when we do, we will keep a place for those we hold near and dear in out hearts for when they join us there as well." Jenny lifted up her cup. "Cheers."

Everyone lifted their cups and bottles and repeated after her, "Cheers."

Up on the Heavens, two women stood side by side. "I did as you asked of me."

"And you did a wonderful job," Joyce said as she put her arm around the dark-haired angel. "She is so happy, it makes my heart so full it feels like it's about to burst."

"She is his sunshine, how could I not wish it to be so?" Dru leaned her head against her mentor's shoulder. "They make each other very happy."

"Yes, they do," Joyce agreed. "You did well."

"No, we did well," Dru corrected her.

Both of them stood and watched as Spike and Buffy kissed before separating to move around to check on their guests and make sure the children were okay. Buffy peeked up at the blue sky and sent a wave. She knew in her heart that her mother had greeted Dru in heaven- why else would Spike's sister whisper "Joyce" right before she passed away? She had been the only one to hear it, since Dru had taken her last breath as Buffy placed a kiss on her forehead.

The End.
This story archived at http://