Nightman by Minamyluv
Summary: Buffy is a frustrated wife who spots Spike, he's a gigolo working hard on a lonely street corner.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 10167 Read: 8242 Published: 10/30/2003 Updated: 08/03/2004
Part one and two by Minamyluv
Nightman Part 1&2

Disclaimer: Joss owns all and James can have anything he wants from me.

~~AU and new~~

It was cold; the only heat was coming from his cigarette. He moved his backside slightly, if only to awaken his bum to warm up. Cupping his hands together careful not to burn himself he blew some warmth into his hands, hoping and praying for warmth.

He'd been here for an hours, waiting for a bloke he'd been calling a regular lately. He laughed at the thought, he was known as Volvo man on the street. Volvo man was handsome older man who like his willie to be attended to while he muttered swear words. Great that meant he was out another $50 and standing about in the cold was freezing the few good bits he had left. Perhaps going commando every night plan should be revised.

Hearing a car coming, he perked up and straightened up. He looked down the street at his buddy Clem who was working another area; a small coupe stopped in front of him and flagged him over. He frowned. Clem waved to him before getting in.

Good luck, working in that small of a car, he thought as they drove away and he readjusted himself to the cold.

He closed his eyes and played a game of anywhere but here, him and Dru having a quiet breakfast at a sidewalk cafe somewhere in Paris. He'd be reading some paper and she'd be admiring herself in her compact mirror. After a coffee she'd give him the eye like she use to and it would be race to their flat nearby. Buttons, zippers pulled out and gone before they'd hit the bed. He'd run his hands over her pale skin, starting with her lips moving down to her-

Another car drove up; he flicked away his cigarette and craned his neck to look at what was coming. It was an SUV a make and model not exactly new but the occupant looked interesting. A lovely blonde, perhaps it came from the bottle but still fairly beautiful even at a glance.

She was obviously in the wrong neighborhood; perhaps she might even need some directions. Or even better perhaps it was his lucky day.

She slowed down at the red light and he got a better view of her. She twisted a lock of hair in hand and tugged at a bra strap into place. She was warm, wearing a short sleeve shirt with out a coat and listening to some annoying music. Before the light changed, she turned her head and took a good look right at him.

She didn't smile, the actual look was bordering on distain or even repulsion. He hated that. He licked his lips and winked at her.

Her head popped back in place looking forward and her wheels made a horrible sound and smell as they peeled away. He couldn't help but laugh and suddenly Spike felt warm all over.


Diseased whore, she thought as she drove away from the still red light. Cute, hot looking diseased whore she reminded herself but still a whore.

She'd never liked this part of town at any time of day but at night, it took on the look of a sewer.

A few minutes later she arrived at the gallery that is where he'd said to go right?

She had problems listening to anything her husband said.

Granted, they weren't exactly together anymore after finding him in a cross dressing outfit, with a call girl, while she was sucking him off at a cheap motel.

She'd been angry, no pissed, no disgusted and okay surprised because she never thought he had it in him. The memory of discovering him in this activity had made her want to vomit. She'd always prided herself on trying new things but it offended her to find him trying new with someone new.

She had met Riley in college, a strapping ROTC guy with ambition. She'd been fooled at first into thinking he was just a corn feed hick. In her senior year he'd surprised her by planning her entire life out for her. Gone were her ideas of becoming an artist and living in Paris. He needed a wife, to bear his children, hold his dinner parties and adorn his arm. And he also swore he'd never leave her.

That was all she needed to hear and said yes to all of it. Her parent’s marriage had been a disaster and something inside her craved the security of being one man the rest of her life. She didn't know that when you give your life away that there won't be anything left for yourself.

She exited her vehicle and went inside. It was another big night at her mother's fledgling gallery. She couldn't remember if it was a show on performance art or just really big phallic hidden in paintings. Her mother's taste left a lot to be desired. But what did Buffy know? She'd sleep thru art history and slept with an English major and Art minor. Her mother had tried every summer and holiday to instill actual culture and business sense into her daughter and the results were mixed. Creating art had been Buffy's love not studying what somebody else thought would make good art.

An arm encircled her and she was confronted with her husband who pulled her into a tight closed mouth kiss. He tried to force her mouth open but her foot pressed down on his and he stopped.

"Hello, dear, how was your day?" He asked scanning the room not making eye contact with her.

"Fabulous, another day spent counseling the unwilling to learn or care and then on my way over here-"

He let her out of their embrace and motioned to someone across the room.

"Sorry, Buff, I've gotta talk to Doug, it's a business thing." He explained his words trailing behind him.

"Sure, no problem, I'll just stand here and pick out a penis painting that looks like yours. I think they have postcard versions." She called after him. Had he ever listened to anything she said?

"Okay, honey, get whatever you want."

"Buffy, that wasn't very nice." Joyce commented from behind her.

She turned. "Sorry, mom, I know. I was only kidding. We all know how in love and devoted Riley and I are." She coughed loudly.

"Buffy, you and Riley are lucky to have each other and I hope you'll give this second chance the time and attention it deserves. I have enough to worry about."

"Thanks for the pep talk mom, I'll be sure to pass it on to Riley. And you've been divorced for how many years now?"

Her mother frowned, "I'm trying to stop you from making my mistakes."

"Huh, uh and one of them was moving into this neighborhood, this gallery is located in the worst possibly area of town. I mean you had a great shop on Main Street. Here your neighbors are a liquor store and a condemned building. And my God, I think I saw male prostitute today."

"Buffy, please be careful."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on-"

"Oh, excuse me, honey, Mr. Chase is looking at me, I think he wants the whale's penis painting."

"Great, I'll just get really drunk."

She smiled at her mother's assistant Parker and sipped champagne. She glanced at Riley, he was in an animated discussion with his office colleague Forrest. He smiled at her and she returned it.

After all she had chosen this life and this man.

Her life with Riley had been good, of course it didn't have the spark she’d wanted but it had been comfortable. She thought of him as her rock, giving her the security she'd always wanted.

You don't love me, had been his complaint even before they married. She had tried, but something inside just held back. She gave him all she could and in the end she'd been left standing in a motel watching another woman touch him. She'd been shocked unable to speak and walked away.

Later he found her at home on her stationary bike pedaling like crazy. He told her he was leaving and she'd accused him of being a coward. His words had been a challenge; if she wanted him she'd have to come after him.

It hadn't taken much to stop him from getting on the plane, a plea that she would do better if he stopped going out behind her back. She'd meant it she really had.

But ever since that moment she’d lived with the doubt, she didn’t love him. Something inside her wasn’t the sweet little blonde wife who would stand beside her man. Something was broken she felt empty and now everything was a search to fill it.


"Oh, shit." Spike muttered as the man above him finished. He laughed as he pulled out slowly and smacked Spike's backside.

Spike was tempted to smack him but decided not to when the man threw down an extra $20 and put it in his hand. The man discarded the condom into a small paper bag and discarded it behind a large stuffed animal.

He straightened himself up and winced in pain when he realized he was bleeding back there.

"Sweet ride as always," the man commented as he zipped up his fly.

Spike pulled himself together and exited the van nearly knocking into Clem and Loren.

"Hey," Spike greeted.

"We're headed over to Willie's for a breakfast, do you want to join?"

"No, I've gotta get home, she'll be waiting." He turned his face up to see the sun beginning to rise.

"Is Dru feeling any better?" Clem asked his right arm draped over a smiling Loren.

"No, not really, she doesn't eat, sleep or anything unless I'm there. I've gotta get her to bed."

"After a quick drink, that's what I'm gonna do with this one." Clem laughed pulling Loren in for a quick kiss.

Spike smiled and headed down the street to his place, he stopped into the liquor store and purchased a small bottle of orange juice. He proceeded past the gallery that was next to his home and looked thru the clean clear glass.

He saw the blonde from the SUV, she was backed up against a bare wall, her tiny skirt raised with the lumbering giant above here obviously trying to gain access inside her thong. From the look on her face he could tell his movements bored her. But then the giant pushed roughly against her breast and the top of one popped out. Spike couldn't help but smile. The giant made an attempt to grab at the breast but she pushed him off slightly.

Just then he knew she'd caught sight of him looking at her from outside the gallery.

Her lips curled into a small smile and then she took control of the giant's movements.

She guided his hand inside her thong with a hand on his wrist. Her face was awash with sensation and pleasure. But she kept her eyes locked with his and finally a look of interest flashed over her face. The giant grabbed at his zipper with his other hand and she swatted it away annoyed. Spike felt a slight tightening in his pants and he pressed his hands into the glass to keep himself standing. After a moment she called out and smiled.

She locked eyes with him again, licked her lips and winked.


Part Two


Buffy entered the subway car and tried to hold her nose against the smell. She stood up after noting there were no empty seats this afternoon. She never took the subway, preferring the comfort of her own car but Riley's was in the shop and she needed to visit her mother at the gallery.

Grasping the pole she felt a little silly and she was tempted to wrap a leg around it and make a stripper move. She'd taken a class in pole dancing several weeks ago, a bunch of bored housewife's trying to relight the fire in the bedroom. She wasn't sure if she was suppose to set up a pole in her bedroom so the lesson made sense but she was never tempted to dance for Riley. He didn't deserve it. He should be grateful for what little sex she did give him.

She smiled at that thought and looked up into blue eyes. They were a color of blue she'd never seen before and then she realized she had seen him before. She straightened herself up and looked at him.

He was the male prostitute she'd seen the other night, who'd witnessed her awkward display with her mother's assistant in the gallery. She'd sent Riley home that night complaining that she needed to stay behind and help her mother clean.

Lie, big lie.

Actually she'd stayed behind to find out if her mother's new assistant Parker was gay like she thought or straight like he proclaimed. Even after sticking his hand in her panties she wasn't sure. His hand had been cold and dry inside her. It wasn't a particularly enjoyable experience until she looked up and saw him standing outside watching her. Her orgasm was solely due to the excitement of being watched. Hmmm..

She didn't know what to say to him, sitting a few feet away a paperback in his hands and staring at her. She noted his outfit, he must be on his way to work, and another well fitted shirt and jeans. Tempted to look away but she didn't.

What did you say to a male prostitute? Did he prefer a different term? Was he as well built as he looked?
That scar above his eye, she wondered where did it come from? Did he remember her? Was he going to talk to her? Did she want him to? How much did he cost? Hours of operation? Did he even like girls? Did he look at every girl this way? Was he bleach white all over his body?

He moved in his chair but never stopped looking at her.

If he were a gentleman, he'd have offered her his seat and she wanted to complain. Especially because just looking at him was making her weak at the knees.

He wanted to offer her his seat but with a train full of people they'd immediately notice the bulge in his pants and he decided to stay put.

At the next stop the man next to Spike got up and exited. She took his seat eagerly her shoulder hitting his and she tried to look away. Looking down she noted he was now looking at her legs, lean and tan despite winter outside. The edge of her skirt was just above her knee and he was fixated on it.

She wasn't sure if he was enjoying her outfit or the shape of her leg. She could be about wrong him; he could have just been a drug dealer or a guy who likes to hang out. Yeah right, cause we all know a drug dealer always hangs out on street corners wearing tight shirts and pants and winks at strangers. Well, maybe.

She glanced down at the book, Marquis de something? What, who read French on the subway? She couldn't even find a topic of conversation with him, no wonder she was married to another dunce. Willing herself to look away from him she tried to find something else to focus on. She smiled at a young good-looking guy near them who glanced at her.

"Hey," the guy called out to the man next to her.

"What's going on, Wes?" He asked.

English accent, so sexy, she'd seen Changing Rooms too many times, even his voice was hot. The guy called Wes glanced her way again and then moved to the pole she'd been standing at.

"How are things?" Wes asked.

"Fine. Where you off to?"

"I'm meeting somebody downtown, a friend. What about you off to the ball and chain?"

"Yeah, something like that." He looked down at his boots.

"Hey, I've got this group...thing, next week, you know I wouldn't ask but I kinda promised." Wes sounded a little desperate.

"The club, I suppose, don't you ever get tired of that scene?"

"Not when the benefits are so good, come on?"

"I hate the show, but I'll do it."

"Good, look this is my stop, I'll find you around in a couple of days."

"You know where I'll be."

Wes exited the car and she went back to ignoring him, but only for a moment. She turned her head to rub her chin against her sleeve and then she breathed in deep. The smell of his leather jacket, mixed with some really good cologne and cigarettes.

As the car slowed down to her stop she couldn't help but wonder if he would be getting off too. But when she exited and he stayed behind still reading his book.

She was almost relieved.

The other passengers hurried up the stairs but she stayed behind searching her purse for her cell. When she finally found it a hand pressed itself hard against her back. Her purse fell to the ground as the hand pushed her against a wall. She almost fainted the pain was so quick and intense. Her left cheek was pressed against the cold wall as a knee spread her legs apart and she shuttered. His hands flattened against her hands holding her down.

"Did you get all of that?" He asked and even before he spoke and she knew who it was.

"I didn't-"

"Sure, listen if want to keep living in that safe clean world of yours, stay out of other people conversations. But if you want to try on my world, if you want to slink into the dark with me, it'll cost you little girl. My world comes with a price and I stand on that corner every night."

He let her go without another word and she slumped down to the floor. Her heart was racing out of fear and her mouth was dry. She didn't know what to do; nothing was in her head except for the feeling of his body against hers. He was dangerous, dirty and bad. And she could still smell him on her.

She walked up the stairs slowly a moment later, her knees still threatening to give way. And she begged that ache inside her to just cling to her clean white life. Riley. He was her rock, okay, a cross dressing, cheating, lying bore of a rock but her rock.

This man belonged to nothing and no one.

She rushed inside her mother's gallery and sat down, she could feel the whole world spinning inside her.

"You know what I am, don't you?"

This story archived at http://