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Disclaimer: Don't own a thing

Buffy couldn’t sleep as memories of young girls dieing and being beaten up by the ugly uber vamps ran around in her head. She tiptoed to the kitchen, not wanting to wake Spike up, to get a drink. Buffy looked at her watch, it was still early morning. She wanted to open the fridge but remembered that all the food was spoiled because the electricity had gone out. She sat there in the darkness, sipping water from a dirty cup she found and staring out at the cloudless sky. As much as she tried, her thoughts couldn’t stop slipping back into the topic of her nightmare. The slayer remembered watching the uber vamps kill as she fell after she got stabbed in her guts. Buffy then saw the scythe, “Where the heck did I get that?” she thought to herself. She tried to think back to the nightmare but she just couldn’t remember where she got that weapon. There was a rustling sound coming from the master bedroom as Buffy tip toed back to see if Spike was awake. Spike just laid there, looking like a dead body. He looked so peaceful as he slept, Buffy thought of his speech before they went to sleep. He can be so sweet when he wants to. Suddenly, her brain remembered something. Spike said that she was right, there was something in the wine cellar. Buffy got ready to go but then remembered Spike, he would think that she ran off again, like she how she did last year. She grabbed a pen and scribbled something onto the piece of paper. She placed it gently beside Spike and couldn’t help giving him a chaste kiss before she went on her hunt for the weapon.


Buffy came to a stop in front of the house and took a deep breath.

“Lets go kick some preacher butt.” And with that, the slayer walked into the house.


Spike woke up reluctantly. He was having a very nice dream involving Buffy and whipped crème. But those thoughts quickly vanished as he noticed that the woman he loved wasn’t in his arms like he had remembered. Replacing her was a folded note on her pillow.

“Well, what’s this?” Spike asked himself as he unfolded the note,

“Dear Spike, I don’t know if I told you this already but you look really sexy when you sleep. Anyways, please don’t think I ran off again. I just need to get something. Meet me back at my house ASAP.

Spike laid back onto the pillows, hands under his head. He smiled a little as he reread the first lines of the letter.
“So she does find me sexy….” Spike thought aloud, smiling. He let out a deep breath as he read the last lines of the letter again. He quietly put his coat back on and grabbed a random blanket. Spike looked back at the room once more and last night, was the best night of his unlife. With that, he grabbed his blanket and flung open the door as he raced towards the nearest sewer entrance


Buffy ran as fast as she can towards her house in the early morning. The town was silent since everybody ran off the day before. She eventually slowed down as the sun came out from under the clouds, meaning the uber vamps Caleb set on her can’t follow her anymore. She jogged towards the house until it struck her. What was she gonna say to them? How will they react? Buffy crammed those thoughts into a corner of her mind as she noticed that she had reached her house. The slayer gripped her weapon like her life depended on it as she entered the true battlefield.

What she saw she never expected. Girls, moaning in pain, bleeding all over the tarnished floor of her house. The whole house came to a full stop as she entered the house.

“Buffy,” Giles acknowledged, “We need to have a little talk.” They walked up the stairs into Faith’s room. Willow and Xander soon joined them. They stood around Faith’s bed, not know what to say first.

“Ok, what’s going on? Why are all the girls bleeding to death down there?” Buffy asked, a little pissed at the turn of events. The scoobies just seemed to look at each other before Faith spoke up.

“It was a trap.” The other slayer replied, lying in bead with bandages around her hands, “I thought that we were right. We thought we had pin pointed the something, but then it blew up.”

“How many girls got killed?” Buffy asked, giving Faith a cold stare.

“W-we don’t know.” Giles said, cleaning his glasses out of habit. A silence hung over them as they just looked at each other, calculating who deserves the blame.

“I know that we’re gonna miss the girls but we have something more important on hand,” Buffy stated, breaking the silence, “We have to figure out what this weapon is, I feel there is something special about this scythe. I can feel some sort of power in it.”The Scoobies for the first time noticed the scythe she was holding. She handed it to Giles as the ex watcher took a good look at it.

“Willow,” He commanded, “Go search the internet for any information on this weapon, I’ll take a look in my books.”

“Yes Sir” Willow said with a mock solute, trying to lighten up the tension in the room. “Can I take a look at it first?”

Giles handed her the scythe. Her brow scrunched up after a few seconds of flipping the scythe over.

“Something wrong Wills?” Xander asked, leaning the wall beside the witch.

“Buffy, I feel something like you said.” Willow said, voice filled with amazement, “I think there’s some sort of magic in this thing.” She quickly handed the weapon to Xander as she ran out of the room to get her laptop.

(**********************END CHAPTER***********************)
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