Author's Chapter Notes:
I do not own Buffy or any of the show's characters (but I would like to own Spike). Joss owns everything blah blah blah blah blah... you know the drill. The one thing I do own Buffywise is this story. DO NOT TAKE IT!

Chapter 1

“Buffy! Buffy! What the hell did you do with my car?!” Buffy’s dad shouted upstairs to Buffy’s room.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about dad.” Buffy replied innocently.
“I’m talking about the great big dent in the bumper! You know you’re not allowed to drive my car without permission Buffy. How many times do I have to tell you?”
“Sorry dad. I’ll pay for it. Promise.” Buffy replied, using her puppy-dog eyes that could get her anything she wanted in seconds. Her dad walked away, shaking his head. Buffy looked to see if he was gone then a giant smile took over her face. Cracked like an egg, she thought. Buffy walked back to her room and threw herself on the bed. What was she doing staying in on a Friday night? Because there was nothing else to do of course.

Suddenly the phone rang.
“I’ll get it!” Buffy shouted. She picked up the phone.
“Buffy, you’ll never believe what’s happened! This guy, Riley Finn, just invited us to this major college party. You have GOT to come with me.” Cordelia shouted down the phone.
“Gee Cord, I don’t know…” Buffy said sarcastically.
“Great. I’ll pick you up in an hour!” Cordelia hung up the phone. Buffy plonked back on her bed and rolled her eyes. Why would she of all people get invited to a college party? Se got up and walked over to the mirror to start putting on make-up. I wonder if any cute guys will be there? I need a guy, especially since what happened with Angel, she thought to herself. Angel was her step-brother on her mother’s side. She got involved with him last year and it ended badly. She had slept with him and he changed, like he wasn’t that person anymore. Like he had lost his soul. He had started hurting people around him and even his family. He moved to L.A a few months ago though so she is now rid of him for good. What the hell was she doing thinking about him at a time like this? This is a college party. She might actually be able to meet a guy who doesn’t want to hurt her badly like Angel. Angel, ha! Anything but!

Cordelia turned up outside Buffy’s house forty-five minutes later. Buffy, after sneaking past her dad, climbed into Cordy’s car and went speeding off.
“This is gonna be soooo cool! I mean a college party! Who would have thought we would be goin’ to one of them?” Cordy said. Buffy just stared out of the window.
“Oh would you stop thinking about Angel already?! He is a poop head for ever turning you down.”
“Maybe I deserved it.”
“No you didn’t. You are the most desirable woman I know and if I was a guy, I’d make a pass at you in seconds.” Buffy actually laughed at that one. She was right. Why was she thinking about Angel?

Cordelia pulled into the driveway of one of the frat houses at UC Sunnydale. She and Buffy both got out and walked towards the door. Nobody was outside and there were no lights on so Cordy decided to knock. They waited there a minute or two before a young college guy opened the door. Stood before them was a very sexy guy with peroxide blonde hair wearing tight black jeans and a black cotton t-shirt.
“Hello ladies,” he said to them before moving aside and gesturing them to enter. Buffy and Cordy took off their coats and handed them to the sexy doorman. Cordelia saw the guy that invited her to the party and was soon gone. Buffy was left alone with the very sexy doorman.
“Hey,” she said, blushing a little.
“Hey back,” he replied.
“So… you go to school here?” Buffy asked.
“Yeah.” They stood there for a moment just staring at each other. The guy was eyeing Buffy’s very short skirt and halter top.
“The Gap,” Buffy said, giggling a little.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just… you’re pretty.” The guy said, a little embarrassed.
“’Sokay. It’s why I wore it. So what’s your name?”
“Yeah. I spiked the punch at my high school prom. Real name’s William.”
“Wow. Rebel much. Name’s Buffy.”
“Sorry. Just never heard it before, that’s all.”
“That’s okay. I get that a lot. Wanna dance?”
“Nah. Sorry… not that I don’t want to. I get paid for this doorman stuff so, ya know. There’s this thing going on at the Bronze tomorrow night and I was thinking maybe I should go. Wanna come with me?”
“Cool. It’s a date.” Spike finished before walking outside. Buffy spent the rest of the night thinking about Mr Peroxide-Blonde and their date tomorrow night. Would he be like Angel? Probably not. Nobody was as bad as Angel was. She had bleedin’ tragic taste in men.

End of Chapter 1.

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