Date: 10/16/2007 - 05:49 am Title: Goodbye My Lover
totally loving this story so far. i'd love to read more

Date: 10/04/2007 - 09:18 am Title: Goodbye My Lover
Absolutely loving this story! :)

Date: 10/04/2007 - 03:50 am Title: Goodbye My Lover
There's angst - then there is this. I waited for two chapters to see if you could make Spike human; but unfortunately he is too big of an asshole for me to want him to ever be with Buffy. If he actually dares to leave her in this time of emotional upheaval then, sorry, there won't be a way to redeem him. You don't walk away from commitments like that. I wouldn't be able to stomach Buffy even talking to him again let alone getting back together with him. If he does actually leave, I might read another chapter to see if you give Buffy someone to love that is actually worthy of her or to see if one of her friends gives Spike the beating that he deserves.

Date: 10/04/2007 - 03:40 am Title: Goodbye My Lover
intesteing story. you portray the angst really well. looking forward to more

Date: 07/24/2007 - 03:08 am Title: Mad World
I don't know about this story. It might too much angst for me. I'm not a fan of a lot of angst. Plus, I'm not a fan where Spike is a total jerk. I like my sweet William. I love your other story though.
Author's Response: I do understand. Dont worry Spike isnt a Jerk through all of it. The way ive planned it after a few chapters i will Probably skip a few years so there will be less angst this way. Remember hes grieving and didn't mean it. Once you understand the situation more youll understand Spikes feelings