How Buffy Fought a Big Bad and Lived by Shippy
Summary: Buffy tells the Scoobies about a fight with a deadly enemy. Humorous and sexy, my favourite fanfic blend. Enjoy.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 0 Read: 1381 Published: 05/04/2003 Updated: 05/04/2003
How Buffy Fought a Big Bad and Lived by Shippy
How Buffy Fought a Big Bad Monster and Lived to Tell the Tale.
Summary: Buffy recounts how she defeated a big bad monster on patrol.
Rating: NC-17, PWP, Vignette.
Spoilers: none.
Disclaimers: No, Buffy, Spike and the Scoobies or any other character on Buffy the Vampire Slayer do not belong to me. They belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I borrow them so they can have some fun, which they truly deserve.
Author’s Note: This is my first fanfic. I have no aspiration as a writer, I just write out about my favourite couple on TV, a couple who is so often badly used. With me you will get no angst, no Riley and definitely no Angel.

“I gave it a good licking, I can tell you…” Buffy boasted to the Scoobies congregated around their table of choice at the Bronze. “You don’t say…” muttered a smirking Spike in a tone no one could hear but Buffy, who blushed accordingly.
** Licking… There was nothing she wanted more now than lick all that delicious whipped cream off his gorgeous body. It did get in the most awkward places, Spike could not be comfortable, and as a friend, she was duty bound to help him get it off. And she did once, … twice… and could she take the third time into account when she herself was covered in delicious Spike cream and truly he was whipped.**
“I mean, it was huge…” she added to the group that was hanging to her every word.
** “How did the bloody whipped cream get there?” thought Buffy as she was bending her tongue right below the ridge at the head of his cock to get rid of the offending sweet treat and clean it good and proper. She then remembered shaking the can and spraying all of Spike’s scrumptious pit stops, oh yeah, I remember now. He truly was delicious and there was so much territory to cover… She moved down Spike’s hard and thick member licking as she went making sure each and every square inch of him was thoroughly laved. When her workplace started vibrating suddenly she lifted her eyes to see her lover purr and dropping his head backwards in absolute pleasure. He was close…**
“I got it, I can tell you… A few minutes later and it exploded before my very eyes…” she announced proudly among thundering clapping from everybody around the table and none more than our own beloved peroxide vampire. “You sure did, luv… But what a way to go!!!”
** She felt his fingers tighten in her hair and the purring turned into rumbling and roaring as Buffy ate up more “whipped cream” than she had ever had in her life. She loved it, she loved him so much, her Big Bad monster.**
This story archived at http://