Heat and Desire by Cryssie
Summary: Spike and Buffy are back at the warehouse. He’s still not convinced that she doesn’t feel anything towards him... Maybe a little help is needed? ;-)
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3386 Read: 2234 Published: 02/06/2006 Updated: 02/06/2006
Heat and Desire by Cryssie
Author's Notes:
This is my very first NC-17 fic. I’ve never thought I could write stuff like this. LOL But I wrote it after all, so there’s no turning back. :D

Huge thanks to beanbeans for betaing this. This fic wouldn’t be here without her support. You’re the best, sweetheart! Love ya! This fic is dedicated to you as a little thankie for your help. ;-)

”No, Spike. No,” Buffy rejects him firmly, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

”Hey Slayer, I know you want me...,” the blond vampire smirks at her, stepping closer, making her back toward the wall.

”Never,” she utters with disgust, looking into his eyes.

He chuckles, and stares at her trembling lips, enjoying the sight.

”Maybe you can lie to the others, but you can’t lie to me ... ,” he grins, leaning closer, until his face is only inches far from hers. ”Your body can’t lie,” he murmurs.

Eyes avoiding his, she instinctively takes two steps back, but instead of increasing the chance of fleeing, her body meets the hard, cold wall. Great, there is no escape now, she thinks. Buffy, you’ve trapped yourself.

Spike’s strong grip is on her wrist in no time. As she fights against his hold in vain, Spike just keeps on grinning victoriously, seemingly enjoying her struggle.

”Let me go!” she frowns.

Spike laughs.

”You think you can get rid of me so easily?” His ice-blue eyes stare deep into hers. "Luv, you’re bloody mistaken.”

He leans into her neck, slowly, inhaling her exciting scent that always turned him on. Intoxicated, he presses his mouth onto her skin, placing soft, gentle kisses on the delicate curves. Her body quivers and he can smell the fear rising in her. Lookie, the Slayer is scared of me, he smirks with satisfaction and amusement. At the thought Spike’s eyes widen with bright, yellow light, as his demon side comes to surface. Sensing her endeavor to flee, he strengthens his hold on her hands, and pulls her even closer. No, luv, you won’t leave! Not until I want you to.

Noting that Buffy is trapped between the wall and his body, Spike smirks triumphantly, thinking, It has been easier than I thought. He feels the tension building in her body. My girl, he notes with content as his face morphs back into its human self.

”Tell me,” he whispers into her ear, while his hand moves slowly upward on her bare arm, enjoying the feel the velvet of her skin under his touch, ”that you don’t want me.”

”Stop this!” She struggles to push him away with her free left hand, but his firm grip on her other wrist and his muscular body block her every move.

”Tell me that you don’t want me and I’ll stop," he claims, nibbling her earlobe.

”Spike,” she gasps.

”C’mon Slayer, tell me…”

Breathing hard, paralyzed by the tingling sensation that his moves cause, Buffy can’t refuse to admit that no man has ever had an effect like this on her before.

Damn, he is a vampire, your enemy, remember? A soulless creature of the night. A demon. A monster. Not a man, she desperately snaps at herself. Not like Angel. She swallows and flinches at his fierce kisses behind her ear. Not like him at all… She sighs with pleasure, about to give into the pleasant sensation that’s taking over on her.

”I…hate you,” she murmurs weakly.

”Wrong answer,” he grins into her hair.

It’d be so easy to bite her, taste her, maybe also kill her… She is under my control now, a helpless prey of the hunter. If I wanted, I could end her life in a minute.

Playing with the thought, Spike licks his lips with an evil smirk. Smelling the sweet scent of her skin, he is tempted to dive his fangs into its velvet, and take a sample of her slayer-blood.

Her blood… What might it taste like, he wonders. Sweeter than the other slayers’? Spicy just like her? Hot as her breath right now?

He can clearly smell the red vital-liquid rushing in her arteries under the vulnerable, thin skin of her neck, turning him on more and more. His breath ragged, longing for her, the forbidden fruit, Spike slowly and sensously draws his tongue along her neck, making her shiver.

”I don’t…” she starts, but her voice falters as Spike’s mouth moves to her ear again.

Buffy urges herself to stay calm, and hide how much effect he has on her. His strong body so very close to hers, his soft, cool lips and hungry, rough tongue… and the unmistakable smell of his hair and leather duster, both mixing into one exciting scent…

Oh my God… Even if he is just a vampire, he is really hot. Hotter than Angel ever has been.

”I can’t hear you, Slayer.” He provokes her, his mouth moving up to her cheek.

”I don’t… want…” she forces the words. Her heartbeat accelerates as he keeps on teasing her with his skilled lips and arousing touch.

Damn, this is wrong, she reminds herself. He is a vampire. Moreover, he is Spike. A deadly combination. We’re mortal enemies. He is a blood-sucking, soulless killer. I hate him more than anything. But then why am I attracted so much to this damn hot, bleached demon? And why do his touches feel so good?

Sensing her resistance subsiding, Spike pulls back a little, so their noses almost touch.

”What, Slayer?” he asks breathlessly. ”I want to hear you…” his voice turns into a whisper, pressing his muscular body against hers, allowing her to feel the huge bulge in his pants.

His bare whisper makes her shiver, and she can’t help but gasp at the sensation of his arousal against her thigh. She feels the blood rushing in her veins with ferocity, as either hand slides along her side, following the curves of her delicate body. No matter how much she says she hates him, how desperately she fights against him, feeling his desire right now and realizing how much he wants her, makes Buffy be unable to control her body’s instinctive reactions to him.

Grinning satisfied, the blond vampire eases his hold on her wrist. Lifting her chin up with his thumb, Spike forces her to look at him.

The burning fire, desperate desire, dangerous look in his ice-blue eyes… Damn, he is so sexy…, Buffy notes, staring into his blue pools.

Their eyes locked, Spike’s thumb caresses her cheek and kisses her. Closing her eyes, for a moment she just savors his lips tasting hers, then finally letting her instincts lead, returns his kiss. Spike smiles and pulls her closer.

Yeah, pet, I knew you would surrender some day…

“So, tell me…”

“I...”, Buffy gasps as his mouth’s pleasing her neck again. “I don’t... want... you to stop...”

Spike’s fingers find the hem of her shirt and slide under the silky material. Buffy moans as his cold hand meets her hot skin. Her arousal increases as he explores the sensitive places of her breast, making her nipple grow hard. Panting, she wraps her arms around the vampire’s neck, and letting her head fall back, murmurs, “Don’t stop... “

“That’s my girl,” Spike smirks, and his lips crash onto hers in a passionate kiss.

Sliding her hands down on his back under his duster, she desperately tries to remove the coat.

“Hey, luv,” Spike pulls back, amused and pleased at her vehemency, “I love this bloody coat. Don’t tear it, please.”

“Whatever,” she replies in daze. “It’s in the way.”

Spike chuckles, completely satisfied with the change in the Slayer’s attitude.

“Let me help ya, luv,” he smiles, and casually discards the black duster, throwing it onto the ground.

Buffy’s lustful eyes follow his every move.

“Want me to...?” he raises his brows inquiringly, grabbing the hem of his black T-shirt.

Biting her lip, she gulps and tentatively nods.

Bloody hell, I’m stripping for the Slayer, Spike laughs in mind at the idea that is both funny and exciting.

As soon as he takes his shirt off, her hands are exploring the curves of his chiseled torso, her eyes drinking the sight with awe. Spike gasps under her touch. He has been fantasizing about her touching him in this way, but reality is far more amazing.

“Slayer...”, he murmurs in pleasure, and moans as her greedy lips meet his chest. The bulge in his pants is getting painfully bigger in every second.

His torment just increases as Buffy’s hands fumble with the belt of his jeans. Knowing that he won’t be able to hold on for long if she continues teasing him in this way, Spike mutters breathlessly, “Pet, you have too many clothes on...”

Without saying a word, her gaze on him, Buffy tears off her blouse with a quick move.

Spike’s eyes widen in shock at her suddenly wild attitude.

She shrugs, “ I didn’t like this piece of my clothing that much.”

“Bloody hell, Slayer, you can still surprise me...”, he remarks with a chuckle.

“But you like it, don’t you?” her look burning his, she grabs his hand and places it at her lower back, right onto the zipper of her skirt.

“I do. Very much indeed,” murmuring, Spike unzips her skirt, and glides it down her soft, delicate legs, until it ends on the ground, just as his duster has done some minutes before. His hands trail upward on her back, until they reach the clasps of her lacey-bra. Just when his fingers manage to unclasp the intimate piece of clothing, he feels her hands on his belt again. God...

Spike haphazardly removes her bra, a fiery light appearing in his eyes.

“You’re beautiful...”, he gasps, adoring her naked torso. “Like ripe fruit...” he whispers in awe.

Leaning in, his tongue licks her bare flesh. As his teeth teases her nipple, she moans in pleasant pain. “Spike...”

“Like it, luv?” he murmurs with a content smile, while giving the same treatment to her other one.

“Yeah,” she hisses, feeling her center longing for release.

Smelling her arousal makes him even more excited.

“I want you,” he murmurs huskily.

Cheeks flushed, eyes glazed of desire, Buffy sinks onto the floor, pulling him with her.

“I need you,” she mutters.

Their tongues twisting, battling and dancing with each other, Spike hand roams over her body and at the end rests between her thighs.

“Slayer, you really liked what I’ve been doing to you,” he smirks with awe and satisfaction as his fingers meet her wet underwear. “Though that was nothing yet, luv.”

She swallows in anticipation, and her hands move to unbuckle his belt at last. And this time he doesn’t stop her.

While she’s working on releasing him from his jeans, he easily removes her soaked panties, and throws them onto the pile of clothes near them.

“You’re a real Goddess...” he admires her naked body. He almost jumps when her fingers touch his cold, hard cock after finally unzipping his jeans. “Oh, God...” he moans in pleasure, feeling her delicate hand around him. His moans are just getting louder as Buffy strokes his length with skilled, clever movements. He hisses as his erection’s slowly getting painful under her touches.

“Buffy, luv...” he’s panting, trying to control himself, “please stop...”

Getting the message, she slides her hands up to his chest.

“You know that I could do anything to you now,” she muses with a smirk. “I could even stake you right here.”

“I know,” he replies, “but you won’t.”

“Why are you so sure?” she grins.

“Cos you still haven’t gotten what you want,” he answers with a mischievous glint in his eyes, and flips them over, so that her body is trapped under his.

She would like to retort, but her breath catches when he begins kissing her stomach and hip, and ends up between her thighs.

Closing her eyes, she lets herself get lost in this incredible feeling that the masterful moves this blond vampire’s tongue elicits in her. First quiet, then loud whimpers escapes from her mouth, as he keeps on teasing her, nibbling, licking and fucking her with his tongue, until she can’t bear anymore, and arching against him, she comes with a loud scream.

She’s never known that there is such a mind-blowing sensation like this. Never heard herself scream so loud and come so intensely.

Oh, my God... This was... wow...

Completely wound up by her orgasm, he hovers over her and kisses her ferociously. Tasting her own juices on him, the only thing she wants is feeling him inside her.

“I want you,” she hears her own husky voice.

He doesn’t need another word. Positioning himself at her wet entrance, he thrusts into her, hissing at the incredible feeling as her inner muscles tighten around him, sending another wave of pleasure through his aroused body. She moans loudly, gasping at the sensation of his coldness meeting her core.

Bloody hell, it really is better than killing her...

Spike keeps up the low speed of his movements, savoring every little whimper of hers at the teasingly slow motions. Grinding her hip against his, Buffy urges him to thrust harder, and end this sweet misery, but Spike whispers into her ear, “No, luv, we play by my rules.”

Her nails sink into his back as she fights against crying, and wrapping her legs around his waist, the heels of her boots, which she hasn’t bothered about to take off, dig into his lower back, making him let out a painful growl.

“Bloody hell...” that’s all he can utter, his body tensing, and his cock inside her hardening more at the unexpected torment. Stars are dancing before his eyes, but along with the pain, intoxicating pleasure fills his body.

Buffy’s eyes flutter open, as she just realizes the reason for the vampire’s annoyance.

“And I thought every man has fantasies about doing it with his girl dressed like this,” she mutters hoarsely, in a slightly amused tone.

Spike catches up his head with shock on his face, and stares into her heavy, glazed emerald eyes.

“So you feel it too,” he whispers, his blue-pools filled with warm sparks, and a tiny smile playing in the corner of his mouth.

“What?” Buffy looks at him strangely, through the mind-numbing daze, trying to get his drift.

“That something is between us,” he smirks, gasping. “That feelings have developed between us.”

Buffy grimaces in annoyance, “What-?? I’ve... already told you-“ she resists, panting.

The vampire grins, and his hand cups her breast. Sensously caressing the bare flesh, he murmurs huskily, “That was before you...” Eyes fluttering in pleasure, she swallows hard. “...before you touched and kissed me like that…And before you said that you had wanted me,” Spike twists her nipple, so that she can’t hold back a whimper anymore.

“Subconciously you already know the truth...” he thrusts into her hard, which make Buffy grit her teeth fighting against a loud scream as his hand pinches her rock-hard nipple, and moves down to the tiny, silky curls that cover the hottest and most sensitive spot of her strong, yet delicate body. But soon she loses the battle, and cries out loudly as his skilled fingers attack her clit, while his cock digs further into her, sending a mindblowing wave of pleasure through her limbs.

Her reactions arousing him like hell, he crashes his lips onto hers, while increasing the pace of his thrusts.

“Tell me...” he gasps, not stopping his moves for a moment, “that you feel that too... heat and desire...”

Buffy’s nails draw some red lines along his back, as she’s writhing beneath him. Feeling to be close to the highest peak of the tide that’s washing over them, she breaks away from his lips, and lets her head fall back in ecstasy.

Spike inhales sharply as her inner muscles tighten around his manhood again, stronger than before. Smelling her scent of arousal, he knows that she’s almost there. The mere thought excites him even more than the blood of his preys has ever done. Sensing his own release not being far either, he thrusts into her once more sending both of them over the edge at the same time.

Buffy’s body shakes in the intense orgasm that overwhelms her every cell, giving her the most ecstatic sensation she has ever experienced. She screams loudly, her fingers desperately grasping the platinum hair of the vampire who has made her blood boil.

His throbbing member finally getting release, emptying himself into her Spike growls, and collapses breathlessly onto her, spent. He has never acheived such an extreme, violent orgasm ever, hasn’t even imagined that such heights of pleasure existed. Glancing at her through the daze from under his heavy lids, he can tell that she’s the one. The one who turned his unlife up-side-down, made him a traitor of his kind when he fell for her. She’s strong, wild, wicked and hell of amazing in bed. Having been inside her, he felt how much they suit to each other. Every inch of their bodies fit perfectly to the other. A match made in heaven or hell, or both.

“Heat...desire...” he hears her hoarse voice murmuring the words he wanted to hear from her.

Spike lifts up his head, his breath caught. His gaze meets her exhausted one; shame, confusion and guilt mingling in her dark eyes. He sweeps a sweaty strain of hair out of her face, and smiles.

“I knew that. Knew you would realize that too,” he says, and leans down to kiss her, but she pushes him away.

“No, Spike,” she frowns and sits up, holding a hand in front of her breasts, while her eyes are roaming around searching for her clothes. “I admit there was heat and desire between us, but nothing more. We’ve acted on that, so it’s over,” she grabs her torn blouse, and hastily puts on to cover her naked torso. “No more desire. We both got what we wanted, so now let’s forget it, and move on,” she fishes her skirt from under Spike’s jeans.

Spike sits up, supporting himself with one hand, and casts a shocked and annoyed look at the Slayer.

“You were there with me, felt what I did, I know. And don’t try to deny it, cos I bloody know what you felt.” He tilts his head to one side. “Vampire senses, luv, if you forgot.”

“Whatever,” she shoots him a disdainful look, “that was all. One night stand.”

She turns to leave, but Spike jumps up, still completely naked, and blocks her way.

“I don’t buy that, Slayer,” he refuses her point, “That heat and desire are still there,” his eyes burning into hers, he raises an eyebrow, and smirks seductively. “And they will grow. You won’t be able to get rid of them. They’ll haunt you every day, every hour, every minute. You can try to disregard them, but you won’t succeed. You’ve tasted me, I’ve tasted you, and we both liked the flavor of this sweet encounter. You’ll crave more. You’ll return to me time after time to get more. And as time goes by, you’ll realize your love for me.“

“Never,” she utters with sulky determination, “You might dream, Spike, but in vain. I’ll never love you. I’ll never be your girl,” she says and leaves.

Hurt and angry, he just stands there, helplessly staring in the direction she has just left, “You’re mistaken, luv, you’re bloody mistaken,” he mutters with resolution, “You might not be aware of it yet, but you are already my girl.”

He wipes a burning tear from the corner of his eyes, and collects his clothes. Frowning, he lights a cigarette, and leaves the place he had the Slayer for the first time. The first time...
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=17305