Spike the Vampire Slayer: Fallout by PaganBaby
Summary: AU. Sequel to 'Spike the Vampire Slayer'. Spike is the Slayer and Buffy is the cocky British vamp. They've discovered deep feelings for each other, but can they make their budding relationship work?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 56003 Read: 27585 Published: 06/18/2003 Updated: 09/15/2003
Chapter 3 by PaganBaby
Spike hurried to the cemetery to see Buffy, wiping the tears from his eyes.

He knew telling his friends would be hard, but he had no idea just how bad it was going to be. Xander still blamed him for the killings Dru did while soulless, for poor Miss Calendar's death. Did the rest of them feel the same way? Maybe they just didn't have the guts to say it.

Spike wanted to run far, far away. Away from Sunnydale, away from his life as a Slayer. He imagined he and Buffy starting over somewhere fresh, where nobody knew them. But he'd already run away from his life and responsibilities once before, he couldn't do it again. He couldn't leave the people he loved to fend for themselves and worry about his welfare again.

Spike burst into the crypt. He needed to see Buffy, he needed to hold her more than ever, to reaffirm his feelings for her. The crypt appeared empty. Where could she be? His shoulders slumped.


No one answered.

Since he was alone, he allowed the tears he'd been holding back to flow. Spike sat down in Buffy's chair and put his face in his hands. His shoulders shook as he sobbed. He didn't know why his life had to suck all the time. He was the Chosen One, he was most likely going to die before the age of 25, he'd had to send his first love to Hell in order to save the world, he lost her again when she left him after she came back, he faced death everyday in his duty as the Slayer, his mother had been at death's door not long ago and now the people he cared about most in the world (or at least a few of them) violently disapproved of his choice in who he wanted to be with. Could Xander ever get over his objections? Could they still be friends? Would Giles treat him differently now?


Buffy poked her head out of a hole in the floor at the far end of the crypt. She thought she'd heard his voice. A wide smile appeared when she saw that he was indeed here. She had been so worried that they'd talk him out of being with her. Her smile faded when she saw his distraught state and his tears. Anger and concern made her feel like she was going to explode.

'What did those sods do to him?!' She quickly climbed up and made her way over to him, kneeling down at his feet.

"Shit. I didn't think you were here..." Spike wiped frantically at his eyes, feeling stupid for letting her see him cry. It wasn't terribly manly.

"Spike-pet, what happened?" She stroked his knee and thigh.

"It didn't go well..." Spike said dejectedly.

Buffy sat next to him on the chair and put her arms around him, she didn't know what to do and was desperate to make him feel better. She tried to think back to how she used to calm Angel down when he'd get in one of his "moods". If she could make loony Angel feel better, the Slayer should be a piece of cake.

"I'm sorry, luv." Her first instinct was to rip the throat out of whoever or whatever made him feel this bad... but she couldn't do that, for a variety of reasons. She'd have to settle for comforting her lover. "You want to tell me --"

"No. I don't want to talk about it… yet. You must think I'm a big ol' girly-man. Sitting here crying like a baby..." Spike laughed weakly, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, Spike. Everyone cries. Even a tough chit like me cries. You've seen it. You have to let it out every once in a while or you'll go mad." She fingered his blond curls.

He lifted Buffy onto his lap and put his head on her shoulder. "I wish we could stay here like this..."

"We can for as long as you like, pet." Buffy ghosted her fingers along the side of his face.

She felt like weeping herself. Seeing him like this not being able to fix it was killing her. Buffy remembered the night she found the Slayer sitting on his back porch crying, when he'd learned of his mother's illness, afraid for her life. Buffy had gone there to kill him -- originally -- but the moment she saw him, the only thing she wanted to do was make his pain stop, to make him smile again.

"I love you," she said softly.

"I-I think I love you too. But... I don't know what I feel. I know that's not what you want to hear..."

She looked at him and smiled. "Spike, I can wait until you're sure to hear it. I wouldn't want you to say it if you didn't mean it."

"What if I'm never sure? It... wouldn't be fair to you. You deserve someone who --"

"I -- love -- you. Understand? Being with you here, like this... holding each other..." Buffy took a deep breath to keep from getting too emotional, he didn't need her to get all blubbery on him in his fragile state. "It's more than I could ever ask for... I'll take whatever you can give me. I know you care about me and that's good enough."

He tilted his head up to press their lips together.

"Hey, you wanna see the renovations I've made downstairs?" she asked, trying to take his mind off his troubles, if only for a moment. "Very posh, if I do say so myself."

"Sure," Spike said with a weak smile. He was emotionally exhausted.

"C'mon." She pulled him up and over to the hole in the floor and then climbed down.

He followed her.

"Well? What do you think?" Buffy spread her arms wide.

Spike was impressed. There were a few lamps (how did she get electricity in here anyway?), a table, an over-stuffed chair, a few tapestries hanging on the walls, a makeshift bar and the most prominent feature, a huge bed, covered with cream-colored silk sheets. He smiled.

"Wow! Looks great, Buffy. Where'd you get all this stuff?" He looked at her suspiciously. "You didn't steal it, did you?"

"No. I scavenged it. Even did a few odd jobs for some blokes to get the dosh for some it. So, no law breaking was done by me... this time."

Spike smiled, pursing his lips. "Okay then. It does look good. Almost makes you forget you're surrounded by corpses..."

Buffy walked up to him and put her arms around him. "Your mates will come round, pet. They need time, is all."

"Maybe." He rested his forehead against hers.

"We've got the tentative approval of your mum. And the Nibblet was practically doing bloody cartwheels. They're the most important ones to win over."

"Why does everything have to be such a struggle? Don't we have enough obstacles to get past without my friends giving us a hard time? I knew it was going to be bad..."

"Did they change your mind about anything? Do you still want me? And keep in mind that if you say that you've decided not to give us a go, you can just --" she swallowed hard, "-- just bloody well stake me right now."

Spike pulled her against him tightly and kissed her deeply. He wanted her to know he still felt the same way about her. He finally broke the kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I s'pose it does," she panted for unneeded breath.

She grinned and plastered her lips back on his. She wanted him so much -- he was like a drug to her. Only a short time without touching him and she had been climbing the walls. She needed her fix in the form of a Hot Spike Injection. She pulled his t-shirt out of the waistband of his jeans.

He put his hands on hers to stop her. "Buffy... I don't think I can right now. I still want you, but I'm just..."

"S'okay, luv." Buffy hid her disappointment.

She wanted him bad -- but the scene with his friends (she just knew that the Whelp was the main one who upset him... the wanker) had taken a lot out of him. She could wait until he was in the mood.

"Can we just..." Spike looked at the bed. "Could we lay here, together... for a while?" he asked, looking apologetic.

Buffy smiled and kissed him softly. "Anything you want, Spike-pet."

They got on the bed and laid down together. She laid in his arms with a hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating reassuringly under her palm. She felt more at peace than she could ever remember being. Having this was even better than the sex...well, this was good too. It proved that she was more than just a good -- make that a great -- fuck to him. She cuddled up against him, a sigh of contentment escaping her lips. They were quiet for a few minutes.

"I can't believe the way Xander talked to me..." Spike said quietly.

"What'd he say?"

"Oh, he said lots of stuff. Lots of nasty, shitty stuff. One thing was that you'd get the chip out and start killing again." Spike couldn't say that he hadn't had the same thought. He prayed she wouldn't but...

Buffy clenched her teeth but thought of the lessons she'd learned from her anger management tapes she'd been listening to.

'Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean -- blue like my Slayer's eyes...' She breathed in and out, feeling the anger melting away.

"He said that, did he? Well, what's he know? I could give a toss about the Whelp's opinion, he can go get stuffed. The question is, do you think I'd do that?" She looked up at him.

"I... want to believe that you wouldn't."

Buffy raised up on one elbow and looked down at him. "I'm tellin' you now, Slayer, I'd be free of one bloody inconvenient government chip... but nothing could make me risk what we have. Nothing."

"Can you really do it? Go against your nature like that? It wouldn't be easy..." Spike's breathing was becoming more labored, the intensity of her gaze was heating him up from the inside out. She meant what she was saying, he could tell.

"For you? God, pet... I'd move the Heavens and the bloody Earth for you. I love you. I won't make you regret being with me." Buffy's eyes were alight with love and passion.

Spike hadn't thought he was going to be up to anything tonight, but he was getting turned on by the depth of her feelings for him. It was true that Buffy was not a typical vampire, she broke all the rules. If any of them could go against their demon, it was her.

He put his hand on the side of her face and brought her down to his mouth. They kissed and touched each other lightly. Buffy smiled when she felt his cock getting hard against her thigh.

"Pet, I thought you didn't want to..."

"Changed my mind... Slayer's purgative." He kissed her neck softly.

Buffy laughed. "You mean prerogative?" He was just too cute.

Spike raised his head to look at her. "Here's a tip: Correcting my grammar? Not sexy." He winked.

He did find it sexy. Buffy had hid her smarts for a long time behind her tough, street-wise exterior. Spike liked the thought of being with a woman who was intelligent as well as physically attractive.

"I don't know. I could be the naughty English teacher, you could be my recalcitrant student... who needs some special attention..." She curled her tongue behind her teeth.

"Recalcitrant, eh? I'll pretend I know what that means... Am I a bad boy?" He traced her jugular with his tongue.

"Ahhh -- Oh yeah, you're soooo bad, luv." Buffy closed her eyes. "Might have to use the paddle on you..."

Spike's dick stood up and saluted. He'd really enjoyed spanking her last night while they fucked (had it only been last night since they first got together?) he wondered what it would be like for her to do that to him... Would he like being on the receiving end too? He had a sneaking suspicion that he would. He rolled her over on her back and kissed her passionately as they pulled at each other's clothes.

"Stupid, dumb Slayer..." Riley mumbled into his beer. "Thinks he can take my Platinum Baby away from me. Well, I'll show him."

Spike probably used some kind of eerie, Slayer mind-control power to make Buffy fall for him -- and to make her call out his name when Riley was making sweet love to her. That really burned him up. Why couldn't Buffy be happy with him? He did everything with her happiness in mind.

"Hey, I don't want no trouble," Willy said nervously.

"Oh, there's gonna be trouble, all right! I'm going to --" Riley said menacingly.

"Not you, Einstein," Willy said. "I was talking to her." Willy pointed to the entrance of the bar.

Riley turned on the barstool and saw the Slayer's girlfriend, Suzy or Amy or something like that. She was outfitted in dark green combat fatigues and holding a large gun.

"How's business, Willy?" Sam asked, fingering the barrel of her weapon.

"Uh... not bad. You... want a drink? On the house, of course. And how's the Slayer? You two make such a --"

"He's an idiot! We're not together anymore," Sam shouted.

Everyone in the bar froze. A pissed off woman wearing army fatigues and carrying an automatic weapon spelled trouble. Some of the customers discreetly slipped out the back.

Sam looked at Riley, he thought he might piss himself. She narrowed her eyes.

"You. I know you. You shot me with a crossbow. You're Buffy's not-so-little friend."

"Um... Hi! How are you? You seem all better now, good for you! I'll just be going now, I have a doctor's appointment..." Riley tried to breeze past her but she blocked his path.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Her eyes glinted dangerously. "I need to have a little chat with her."

"I-I don't know. And I don't care!" he said haughtily. "It's all that asshole Slayer's fault! Oh! I hate him so much! He made my Blondie Bear turn on me! She kicked me out..." Riley hung his head. "She said his name when we were... together..." he whispered.

Sam felt something she never thought she would for a creature like Riley. Sympathy.

"Sorry. Those two... they don't know enough to stay away from each other. Maybe... we could help them understand."

Riley looked up at her. "You... and me?" he squeaked.

He wasn't too keen on spending another minute near the trigger happy woman. Although, if she had a plan to break up the Slayer and Buffy, it might be worth the risk. She wasn't too bad looking either... actually kind of hot -- for a weak human.

"You up for it? Seems like you'd like a little slice of vengeance yourself?" she asked.

Sam thought it was a shame that a handsome guy like Riley had been vamped. He looked so wholesome, or at least he probably had been once.

"Yes. I'll do anything to get Buffy back." He brushed his floppy dark-blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Can't say much for your taste in women, but you're welcome to help. One thing though, if you try to bite me, you're toast."

"No biting! I swear! Scout's honor!"

"You were a scout?"

"No, but I ate one once." He laughed. He stopped abruptly when she scowled at him. "Kidding! Just kidding! Just a little... vampire humor. So... uh, what do we do about them?"

"Let's go somewhere... more private to talk."

Sam planned on exterminating the pest that was Buffy with extreme prejudice. But Riley didn't have to know that. He could prove useful setting Buffy up for the fall. Maybe she'd put Riley out of his misery too when this was over.

They walked out of the bar together.

Spike and Buffy laid on the bed in post-coital bliss.

"Mmmm, pet." She kissed and nibbled at his earlobe. "Brilliant, as always. Too bad fucking isn't an Olympic event. We'd win the gold..." He grinned at her. "You wanna try to get some sleep?"

"I can't stay," Spike said regretfully. "I'd like to, but I've got to take that test tomorrow. And Mom would be worried if I didn't come home."

"I understand..." She did. But she didn't have to like it. She wanted her beautiful, blond Slayer to stay here in her arms.

"Maybe tomorrow night." He brushed her hair away from her face.

"It's nice... waking up with you."

"Yeah. I liked waking up next to you too." Spike grinned and kissed her. He groaned as he got out of bed and started getting dressed.

Buffy watched him dress with a small smile on her face.

He bent down for one last kiss. She fought the urge to grab onto him and keep him here with her, making love all night like they did before.

"I'll come by after school tomorrow, if nothing apocalypsy comes up," he joked.

"See you then, Spike-pet." She smirked.

Spike climbed up to the first level and out of the crypt.

Buffy sighed, missing his body next to hers already.

"Come on. Toughen up!" she said, talking to herself. "You're over a hundred bloody years old. You can spend one night without him... Without his arms around you, without his heart beating like a drum against your body, without feeling his skin sliding... Oh, for fuck's sake!"

She punched her pillow. Then rolled over and attempted to get some sleep.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=100