Spike the Vampire Slayer: Fallout by PaganBaby
Summary: AU. Sequel to 'Spike the Vampire Slayer'. Spike is the Slayer and Buffy is the cocky British vamp. They've discovered deep feelings for each other, but can they make their budding relationship work?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 56003 Read: 27586 Published: 06/18/2003 Updated: 09/15/2003
Chapter 4 by PaganBaby
The next day, Spike, Willow and Tara sat at a table at the Espresso Pump after classes.

Spike hadn't said much since they sat down. He was preoccupied, worried that he would run into Sam today.

"How did you do on the test?" Tara asked him, trying to draw him into conversation.

"Hmm? Oh, the test. I probably failed it," he said, taking a sip of his espresso.

"Don't be such a Negative Nelly!" Willow scolded him. "You know the material, I'm sure you did fine."

Spike shrugged.

"Spike, are you okay?" Tara asked gingerly.

"Not really... Last night really shook me up," he sighed.

"Xander's sorry he went off like that. He said so." Willow fiddled with a napkin. She wanted to get her friends to make nice.

"I don't care. I'm too pissed off at him right now." Spike frowned.

"Give him a chance to --" Willow began.

"A chance to do what? Tell me how crazy I am again? Tell me my girlfriend is evil and should be dusted? Or that I'm a lousy Slayer and my fuck-ups cause people to die?" he said sarcastically. "Thanks, but no thanks."

"You're not going to forgive him? Spike... we've been friends for a long time."

"I know, Wills." He held her hand. "I wouldn't even be alive today if it weren't for you guys. I love Xander like a brother... but I can't be around him. Not now."

"But maybe... in the future?" she asked.

"Maybe," he said noncommittally.

"Hey." Sam walked up to their table and greeted them with an awkward smile.

"Sam... Hi! How... are you?" Willow asked.

"I'm... doing okay. How are you guys?" She glanced at Spike.

"Fine," Tara said.

"I'm good," Spike said quietly.

"Um, Spike? Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?" Sam bit her lip.

"S-Sure." He got up and collected his napsack and cup. "I'll talk to you guys later," he said to Willow and Tara over his shoulder.

"Bye..." Willow and Tara said.

Sam and Spike walked out of the shop together.

"What's, uh, on your mind?" Spike asked nervously, as they walked along the path together.

"I just wanted to say... I still like you, Spike," Sam said. "I admire you a lot too. I hope that we can still be friends."

He looked at her, slightly in shock. He didn't expect to hear that. Curses and epithets maybe, but not that. “Really? You're okay with us... not being together?"

"If I had a choice? Yes, I'd want to work it out with you... but I still think you're an amazing person. I'd still like to have you in my life."

"Wow, Sam... You're one hell of a woman... I'm... sorry that things didn't work out for us. But I know you'll find that certain someone too."

"Too?" she played dumb, her fingernails dug into her palms.

"Uh... You know, we're all looking for that person that... fits us like a glove. Hopefully, we'll all find the one we belong with, the long haul guy or gal."

He could kick himself for slipping up. Somehow he didn't think that Sam would be quite as cordial if she knew that he was already in another relationship and with Buffy at that.

Samantha Jones smiled wanly, then offered, "Yeah, hopefully."

"I'd still like to be your friend too." He smiled. "Listen, I have to get home. My mom wanted me to fix the screen door on the porch, but... I'm glad we talked."

"Me too, Spike. I'll see you soon." She walked down the path to the left and waved at him.

Spike waved back, breathing a sigh of relief. He was surprised and impressed with Sam's attitude. She was going to make some guy very happy someday (as long as the guy didn't want a blowjob). He walked to the bus stop to get a ride home. He wanted his own car desperately, but never could manage to pass the damn driver's test.

Sam watched Spike walk away, her previously happy and forgiving demeanor was long gone.

'He believed me. Step one is accomplished. I'll have to do some work to totally convince him that I want to be his friend, but I can do that. I'll take care of Step 2 tonight and Riley is going to start Step 3. So far, so good. I will have my man back. And most of all, Buffy will pay for meddling in my life.'

A slow smile spread over her face at the thought of what she had in store for the vampire. She couldn't wait…

At a little after 5 o'clock, Spike ran into Buffy's crypt, slightly out of breath from running across town and racing a cruel bus driver who was known around the Espresso Pump as "the ass with gas".

Buffy stood up from her chair and smiled. Her whole body thrummed with excitement in his presence.

"Sorry, I'm later than I thought I'd be."

"All that matters is that you're here now, luv." She sauntered over to him.

They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed hungrily, running their hands over the other's body. She was able to pretend otherwise, but she'd been practically chewing her nails to the nubs waiting for him. She was ready to bolt out of the crypt and find him as soon as the sun set enough to allow her to travel freely.

He pulled back. "I can't stay," he said breathlessly.

"Say that again?"

"Uh, I said I can't stay. I'm sorry, it's not my choice."

"Someone puttin' a gun to your head, babe?" she asked, annoyed.

"My mom wants to have a 'family night'. Just the three of us. I can't back out of it. I'll make it up to you."

Buffy turned and walked away a few steps. She had been very amiable and easy going since they'd gotten together, biting her tongue and making an extra effort not to let her temper get the better of her. This time she couldn't hide her displeasure. She had been looking forward to seeing him and spending the night with him so much. She also felt some irrational jealousy/hurt that she wasn't included in any Summers family activities. Wasn't she his girlfriend now? Shouldn't she be there too?

"So basically, you came here just to tell me you couldn't stay?" she asked lighting up a smoke, flipping her Zippo open and closed with sharp flicks of her wrist.

"What else was I going to do? You don't have a phone."

"Fine." She got a bottle of vodka out of the mini-fridge then walked over to her chair, flopping down to watch some TV. "Run on home then."

"What? You're mad?" Spike asked. It wasn't like this was his fault. Hadn't she been listening to him?

"Nope. Don't know how you got that impression. I'm just dandy." She took a swig of vodka.

"I explained it to you. I have to be there. Mom was pretty cool about us. If she wants a family night, then I think I owe her that," Spike reasoned.

"You still here?" Buffy said, not taking her eyes off the television.

"Great. You want to act like a spoiled brat? Fine. Sorry I even fucking bothered to tell you!" He stormed out, slamming the door.

"Bollocks." Buffy blew out a puff of smoke. "Now he's pissed at me."

Upon reflection, she regretted throwing the small temper tantrum. She tried to think reasonably.

"He really was disappointed that he couldn't stay... He's not purposely tryin' to stay away...it's a family thing. With any luck I'll be included in those... eventually. But... not if I act like a prat. I'll stop by the house later. Make up with him. Hmm, make up sex... we haven't had that yet..."

She sank into the chair, closing her eyes and thinking of all the things she wanted to do to him. She'd make up for her fit of pique any way he wanted.

Riley spotted the Slayer leaving the cemetery in a huff.

'Aw, trouble in paradise?' He giggled, clapping a hand over his mouth.

It wouldn't do for Spike to notice him. Not yet. Riley hoped that Sam (or Samantha, as he preferred to call her, it was just a lot prettier) would keep her promise and protect him from the Slayer.

He continued on into the cemetery, choosing a good hiding place so that he could watch Buffy's crypt. He got out the little notepad Samantha had given him and noted the time that he saw Spike leave.

Sam walked around the old factory, inspecting it.

It was the same factory that Buffy and Angel had used as a lair when they first came to Sunnydale. The building was run down, but still appeared to be structurally sound. It would be suitable for her purposes.

Now to clean it up a bit and get the equipment she needed set up. She got out her cell phone on the way back to her car and started calling some of her friends from the Initiative that were still hanging around Sunnydale. She was sure they'd be willing to lend a hand.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=100