Spike the Vampire Slayer: Fallout by PaganBaby
Summary: AU. Sequel to 'Spike the Vampire Slayer'. Spike is the Slayer and Buffy is the cocky British vamp. They've discovered deep feelings for each other, but can they make their budding relationship work?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 56003 Read: 27571 Published: 06/18/2003 Updated: 09/15/2003
Chapter 5 by PaganBaby
Spike tried all night not to let on how upset he was about his and Buffy's spat.

His mom and Dawn didn't seem to suspect. He and Buffy had arguments in the past that were much louder and much more violent than the one they had today, but this was the first since they were together. Why couldn't she try to understand the position he was in? Like he'd choose watching 'The Sound of Music' with Dawn and Joyce over a night of hot, wild sex.

He loved his family, but hot, wild sex with the woman he... cared for, was going to win hands down every time. Why was she being such a jerk about it?

At 11 o'clock, Spike was taking the trash out to the curb for his mother. They had a nice time tonight. They had some good Chinese takeout, talking and joking around before settling down for a nightcap of uncensored yodeling.

Spike hated that movie, way too sugary for his taste -- but he enjoyed his mother and Dawn’s company. The blond Slayer appreciated these family nights that much more after Joyce's illness. And with Glory still hanging around, Dawn was in grave danger. Who knew what would happen tomorrow? One of them might not be around to enjoy another family night. He wished that Buffy could understand that.


Spike looked up to where he heard the voice coming from.

Drusilla stepped out of the shadows with a smile on her face. She was dressed all in black (slacks, button-up shirt and her long black coat). Her dark-brown hair was done up immaculately, as usual, tight ringlets spilled over her shoulders and down her back.

"Dru?" He was shocked to see her. "Wh--What are you doing in Sunnydale?" It was good to see her. Spike couldn't help the way he always lit up when she was near.

"I had a little business to take care of in town... I thought I'd stop by and say hello. Hello." She grinned.
Spike looked as good as ever, maybe even better than ever to her. He was wearing those button-fly jeans that fit him oh-so-damned-well and a blue t-shirt. He'd never looked more edible.

"That's... great. It's nice to see you. You want to come in?" Spike put the trash bag down next to the driveway.

"I can't stay long... Do you, uh... Would you like to take a walk? We could catch up a little bit."

Seeing Joyce wasn't a top priority for the ensouled nosferatu. It was clear as Viennese crystal that the matriarch of the Summers clan wasn't Dru's biggest fan.

“Sure, yeah. Let me just grab my jacket and let mom know where I’m going. You know how she worries.” He smiled lopsidedly and jogged up to the house.

Dru sighed, watching his pert ass as he went up to the house. ‘Like two cats trying to fight their way out of a paper bag... Mother Mary, the lad has a fine ass...’

She’d been thinking about him a lot lately. It hurt to see him and know she couldn’t have him, but torturing herself was one of the things she was best at since she'd gotten the soul.

Spike and Dru walked in the park, side by side.

“How’s LA?” he asked.

It was hard to talk about her new life, the life she’d left him to start, but he still cared about her. He wanted to know if she was happy.

“It’s okay. Crowded. Lots of demon activity to keep me busy. Traffic is a nightmare. But all in all, it’s a good place to be.” She smiled at him.

“How’s ‘Guardian Angel Investigations’ doing?” Spike asked, referring to the detective agency Dru had started in LA. “Do you get a lot of business?”

“It’s going well. We get our fair share of business. The money isn’t pouring in, but it’s enough to keep us afloat. I’ve helped a lot of people, that’s really the important thing.”

“Good... I’m glad.”

They sat down on a bench and looked up at the stars.

“How is everyone?” Dru asked.

“Oh... they’re fine.” Spike didn’t want to get into the drama that happened yesterday. Dru didn’t need to know about all that. He wasn’t sure if he should tell Dru about him and Buffy. She wouldn’t like it at all and he wanted her brief visit to be pleasant.

They were quiet for a few moments. Dru chuckled.

"What's funny?" Spike asked, smiling.

“I was just thinking... about our first kiss. That was some night.”

“Which part? The part where we actually kissed or afterwards, when you went into game face and I screamed like a woman?”

They laughed.

“The kiss part. It was memorable...”

“Yeah, it was.” Spike remembered how much he wanted her back then. She was so beautiful and mysterious. She still was.

“How’s... Sam?” Dru asked, making her dislike of his new girlfriend apparent by the tone of her voice.

“We... aren‘t together anymore. It didn't work out.”

“Oh?!” she said happily. “I mean, oh?” she said with mock seriousness.

He nodded.

“I’m... sorry to hear that. She seemed... nice,” Dru said.

“Yeah, I can tell you’re real broken up about it.” He smirked.

“I am sorry that you’re alone. You deserve to be happy, Spike.” She put her hand on his and looked him in the eyes. She was so conflicted. She wanted him to move on and have a good life, but she was also was terribly jealous when he tried to do exactly that.

Spike was considering telling her about his relationship with Buffy when a male vampire walked towards them in game face.

“Well, well! What do we have here?” The vamp grinned, licking his chops. “Young lovers out for a midnight stroll. They’re always so tasty!”

The vamp was dismayed by his prey’s reactions.

Dru sighed and Spike rolled his eyes. This wasn’t the horror-stricken, 'Oh my God, we're gonna die!' reaction he had been shooting for.

“First of all, it’s not midnight, it’s 11:30. And second, do you mind? We were having a conversation here?” Drusilla said with impatience.

“Yeah, could you maybe do a lap around the park and come back? We’ll still be here. Promise,” Spike chimed in with the trademark style of humor that was so often hidden from those in his overt circle.

“What?” the slow-witted vamp squinted. He puffed himself up. “You dare mock me, you pitiful mortals?!” he said in a growl.

Dru and Spike burst out laughing.

“I like him!” Dru wiped at a tear. “He’s cute. Don’t kill him, Spike. Let’s keep him around for comic relief.”

“Wish I could,” Spike sighed and stood up. “But there’s the whole sacred calling thing, you know...” Spike went into a fighting stance. “Sorry, buddy. For what it‘s worth, your comic stylings were enjoyed by all,” Spike said to the vamp before punching him in the face.

The vampire flew backwards in the air, Spike went after him.

Dru sat back to enjoy the show. She loved watching him kick some ass. Spike was so agile, so lithe... He was poetry in motion. She was getting more than a little turned on as she remembered the way his hot, tight, naked, muscular body felt against hers the night of his 17th birthday. The night they had made love for the first and last time. Going evil and losing her soul as a result of her moment of ‘perfect happiness’ kind of put a damper on any future sex. How she longed to touch and hold him again, to feel his strong hands and sumptuous lips gliding over her body. There were so many things that they never got the chance to try...

Another vamp dropped down out of a tree and onto Spike’s back.

With an “Ooomph!” Spike was knocked to the ground on his stomach. The two vampires descended upon him, managing to pin him.

Spike bucked and thrashed under them, attempting to throw them off. His eyes widened in fear when he couldn’t budge them. The vampire on his back opened it’s mouth wide and dropped down towards the back of Spike’s neck. Spike cried out in frustration, rage and pain when he felt the vamp’s fangs against his neck.

Dru was off the bench in a flash and raced to help her ex-lover. She tore the vamp off of his back and flung it with crushing force into a large tree, impaling it on a conveniently protruding branch, causing it to burst into a cloud of dust. It was a merciful end for a vampire who dared attempt to taste what she herself had marked primally as her own.

"Well, that was handy!" Dru quipped. When she turned back to take care of the remaining vamp, she saw that Spike had already dusted it.

“Shit!” Spike was breathing hard. “Thanks, Dru. Don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight... It shouldn’t have been that hard.”

“Thank God I was here. If anything happened to you...” She sniffed the air, smelling his blood. “One of them hurt you.” She rushed over to him. There was blood running down the side of his neck. “You were bitten?”

“I think it’s just scratched.” Spike put his hand on his neck, it came away with a fair amount of blood. “Shit. Wish I could kill the son of a bitch again.”

“Let me see.” Dru examined his neck.

The smell and sight of his potent Slayer blood; the way he looked; her fear of him being hurt; her still deep, undying love for him; all of it combined to make her feel light-headed with lust. She needed to hold him, to taste him again. She pressed herself up against him and snaked out her tongue to lap at the deep scrapes on his tender throat. The taste of his blood made her tighten her grip on him and her eyes roll up, wetness gushed between her legs.

“Dru!” he gasped when he felt her tongue on him. “What -- what are you doing?!” His eyes fluttered shut, he couldn’t help the involuntary shudder of desire that wracked his body.

“Shhh. It’ll help it heal faster...” she whispered, continuing to lick his neck sensuously and grinding her hips slightly against him.

Her hand drifted down his chest to the button-fly of his blue jeans. She loved when he wore these kind of jeans. He looked so good, so delicious. She rubbed his bulge lightly, feeling it grow under her palm.

Spike was reeling. Seeing Dru again was difficult enough, but having her wrapped around him, holding him so close and so tight, licking his neck -- it brought back a flood of memories both sweet and unbearably painful. He was lost to the sensations shooting through his body. Fights always made him hungry and horny, just like another Slayer that shall remain nameless.

Dru moved her mouth quickly from his neck to his lips, she kissed him zealously, thrusting her tongue between his parted lips.

Spike moaned. An image of Buffy suddenly popped into his head, snapping him out of the stupor he was in. His eyes flew open. He took Dru by the shoulders and held her away from him.

“Stop!” He backed away, running a hand through his hair. “We can’t! I can’t!”

Dru snapped out of her daze too, cursing herself for losing control, it was so easy to do around him. She rubbed her forehead, it was bumpy.

“Spike, I’m sorry. I... got carried away... I didn’t come here to... I know it’s too tempting with the curse..." Dru stammered in uncharacteristic uncertainty as she fought to maintain her human visage.

“It has nothing to do with that.” He held the injured side of his neck.

“Oh? Then what is it?”

“I’m... with someone,” Spike said looking away from her. He had to tell her about Buffy. This wasn’t going to be easy.

“You’ve got someone else? Not Sam?” Dru said with a touch of jealousy. “Anyone I know?”

He braced himself. “I’m seeing Buffy.”

Dru looked behind her, misunderstanding him. Her brain couldn’t comprehend any other meaning. “Where?”

“No, Dru. Buffy and I are dating. Well, we haven’t actually gone out on a real date yet, although having pizza with mom and Dawnie could count..."

She stared at him incredulously. “You’re joking? Spike, tell me you’re joking.”

“I’m not joking. I care for her. She loves me. We're together.”

“Are you... insane?! Buffy!? Where do I even begin to list the reasons why it’s wrong?”

“You sound just like Xander,” Spike said, rolling his eyes.

“Well, Xander is 100% right! Wow, never thought I’d say that...”

“I don’t need to be lectured by you too. I’m heading back home.” Spike turned and started walking away.

Dru followed him.

“So everyone else is telling you the same thing? Hey, maybe there’s a reason for that! Like you’ve taken a giant leap away from your good senses!”

“Leave me alone, Dru.” Spike stopped and turned to her. “And it’s really none of your business anymore, is it? You left me, remember? I can see anyone I choose to.”

“I left you so you could have a normal life and you take up with Buffy? The original bad seed?”

Spike was getting aggravated.

“As I recall, you didn’t give me a vote when you left ‘for my own good‘,” Spike spat out as he made air quotes and continued, “which we both know is total bullshit! You left because you didn’t want to be tempted into making love with me again. You couldn’t handle it, so you took off.”

“Did you fuck her?!” Dru grit her teeth.

“Again with the 'none of your business'. You don't really want me to answer that, do you?”

“How can you be so stupid? Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?” Dru was practically vibrating with rage. The thought of Buffy daring to touch him made her borrowed blood boil in her veins. He was hers, she had marked him.

“Oh, yes! Drusilla the Wise speaks!” he said sarcastically. “Tell me the error of my ways, O Wise One!” He pursed his lips. “You don’t think much of me, as a person, outside of the Slayer gig, do you? You can be so... fucking condescending! When you broke up with me, all that was missing was a little pat on the top of my head before you told me to toddle off.”

“I love you. I’ll always love you,” she said roughly.

Spike’s features softened slightly. “Part of me will always love you too. But it’s over. You were my first love. But I’m not dead, Dru. I want to live and make my own decisions about my life.”

“It’s like you’re spitting in my face! After the sacrif-“

“Don’t say it! ‘Your sacrifice’? You’re just too noble for words. Sacrifice, my ass!”

“You’re with her to get back at me? That’s it, isn’t it?”

He barked with laughter. “Ha! God, Dru, everything in the whole world isn’t about you! The world doesn’t revolve around you. Some people actually make decisions based on their own feelings, not on how it will affect you.”

“Look who’s talking! You’re one of the most self-involved people I’ve ever met!” she struck back.

“Whatever, Dru,” Spike said tiredly before turning to continue the walk home.

“She’s a killer, Spike. You’re going to be very sorry...”

“I’m a killer, you’re a killer, she’s a killer...wouldn’t you like to be a killer too?” He laughed without humor. “She’s trying to change her ways, Dru. And I’m going to help her.”

“She can’t change! She doesn’t have a soul.”

Spike stopped again and, turning to face Dru, threw his hands up in the air. “You know what? I’m done with this conversation. I'm tired of having to justify making my own decisions to everyone. I’m going home. I think that you should go back to LA if you’ve finished your business in town. I mean, if you really did have another reason to be here besides dangling your wonderful self in front of my nose, just out of reach.”

“I’m not going to let you make the biggest mistake of your life,” Dru said dangerously.

"Is that a threat? What do you mean by that, exactly?" Spike narrowed his eyes.

"Damn it, Spike! What's wrong with you? Can't you see what a bad idea this is?" Dru said in exasperation.

"Go back to LA, Dru. You can't talk me out of this. You gave up any right you had to tell me how to live my life when you left. I’m with Buffy. You can’t change that. And if you go near her...” he trailed off, an edge to his voice. “Just stay away from her. Goodbye, Dru. Have a safe trip.”

He walked away at a brisk pace.

Drusilla watched him walk away. She yelled after him, “You stupid, stupid man! You want me gone? Fine! I'll go and I won't come back! Just don't come crying to me when the worst happens! Do you hear me?! She's going to hurt you!”

Spike kept walking.

Dru's shoulders slumped. "Why the hell did I come back here? Oh yeah, the penchant for torturing myself...keep forgetting about that," she mumbled, walking back to Willy's where she'd left her car.

She'd go back to LA and wait -- wait for the inevitable call that would come. Spike would get his heart broken by Buffy somehow, some way, eventually...

Dru sighed. She knew, damn well, that despite what she'd said, she would come to him if he needed her, if he asked her to. She forgot just how young and naive he really was sometimes...

A little while earlier...

Buffy got impatient to see Spike. She had to apologize for getting bitchy with him. He was just trying to be a nice bloke and spend some time with his family. As much as she wished it were so, she couldn’t monopolize all his free time.

She hurried to Revello Drive, hoping that he would talk to her. She knocked on the front door. Joyce opened it a moment later.

“Hello, Buffy.” Joyce smiled.

“Hey, Joyce. Is your eldest around? I need to talk to him.”

“He went for a walk a little while ago. Probably doing a little patrolling before bed. Is everything all right?”

Spike hadn’t mentioned that he was taking a walk with Drusilla to Joyce. He knew that his mother would be worried if she knew his former lover was back in town.

“Yeah, fine. I just... wanted to see him.”

“Maybe you can catch up with him,” Joyce said helpfully.

“Yeah, I’ll do that. Thanks. See ya, Joyce.”

“Have a nice night, Buffy.”

Buffy walked to the end of the yard. He couldn’t have been on his way to see her, they would have passed each other. She sniffed the air for his scent. She smiled when she caught a faint whiff of his unique fragrance and started off in that direction.

Buffy was so focused on finding him and only him, that she missed the other familiar scent on the air. That of her dear old Grandsire.

She entered the park looking for him. She stopped short and the smile dropped off her face when she saw Spike and -- Dru embracing.

Dru was wrapped around him. Dru was humping against him like a bitch in heat while she had her face buried in his neck. One of Dru's hands cupped his bulge, rubbing and squeezing. And he wasn’t resisting.

Buffy felt bile rise in her throat when Dru crushed her lips against Spike‘s. Buffy spun around with her hand over her mouth, willing herself not to vomit, and started jogging then running away from the gut-wrenching sight. Tears of pain and rage poured down her face. The urge to go back and rip them both apart with her bare hands was strong. But she kept running.

Buffy ran all the way back to the crypt. She tried her anger management technique:

"Calm blue ocean! Calm blue ocean! Calm blue o-OH SOD IT!"

She tilted her face up to the ceiling and let out an inhuman shriek that would have frightened any creature within earshot, before proceeding to demolish the upper level of her crypt.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=100