Spike the Vampire Slayer: Fallout by PaganBaby
Summary: AU. Sequel to 'Spike the Vampire Slayer'. Spike is the Slayer and Buffy is the cocky British vamp. They've discovered deep feelings for each other, but can they make their budding relationship work?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 56003 Read: 27562 Published: 06/18/2003 Updated: 09/15/2003
Chapter 6 by PaganBaby
Spike tossed and turned in bed.

His run-in with Dru and the resulting argument had him feeling agitated and restless. But first and foremost, he missed Buffy. The slight indiscretion he’d had with Dru made him shudder with guilt, for he knew that he had just lost his head for a minute with her. His body had remembered how wonderful her touch felt and went on autopilot, taking over his brain for a brief moment. But it was Buffy that he wanted to be with now. He was sure of it.

With a groan, he sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed.

“I have to see her,” he said, standing up to get dressed.

Buffy was sitting in her chair in front of her smashed television set, finishing another bottle of vodka. She wanted to get good and numb.

Spike walked in quietly. “Hey.”

She tensed when she heard his voice.

“I... uh, hope you don’t mind me coming here so late... I wanted to see you.” He walked over to the chair. “Wh--What happened here?” he said looking at the mess. “Are you hurt? Did something attack you?!”

“I did it. Now, piss off. I don’t want you here.” She turned her face away from him.

“Come on, Buffy. Don’t tell me you’re still mad that I couldn't stay? I’m sorry, okay? Can’t we just... get past this?”

As he spoke, Spike glanced quickly around the crypt. He was surprised their fight angered her enough to destroy her home like this. Even her precious telly hadn‘t escaped her wrath.

Buffy clenched her teeth and stood up. “Why don’t you go find Dru? Cause I’m not buyin’ what you’re sellin’ anymore, pet,” she spat. She pushed by him to the refrigerator.

Spike’s mouth was agape, his eyes wide with shock. ‘Why did she say that? How did she know Dru was in town?’

“What... are you talking about?” he said slowly.

“I fucking saw you, so don’t bother denyin’ it or lying to me! Did you have a nice shag? Is she all evil and soulless again?”

“Buffy... I --“

“Don’t! Just get the fuck out of my sight! You were playin’ me all along and I was too stupid to see it.” She laughed. "You couldn't have her, so you settled for ol' Buffy!"

“That’s not true! I... really care about you. Let me explain, please!”

“Save it! I don’t want to hear your bloody excuses!”

“Goddamn it, Buffy! Will you listen to me?!”

“Talk to my ass, my head’s had enough!” Buffy dropped back into her chair, taking a large gulp of vodka.

“Dru showed up out of the blue. She asked me to take a walk, we were just talking.”

“That’s funny. It looked a lot more like dry humping and Frenching to me.”

Spike sighed. “We got attacked in the park by two vamps! They got the best of me and I got hurt." Buffy looked up in unguarded concern as Spike continued, "Um, just a little bit. Dru was checking the marks on my neck when... things got out of hand.”

The British babe laughed bitterly. “Ha! Is that what you call it? Looked like she had everything well in hand to me...” Buffy sneered and lowered her gaze to his groin.

“Look.” Spike moved his shirt collar to reveal a white bandage on the side of his neck. He peeled it down to show her two deep cuts.

Buffy felt another pang of concern, but quickly pushed it back down before her emotion for the Slayer overrode her instinct for self-preservation.

“So, that grievous injury excuses you for sucking face with that bitch?”

“No!” Spike replaced the bandage and starting pacing back and forth. “That’s not what I’m saying. Didn’t you see when I pushed her away, when I put a stop to it?”

“Can’t say that I did. You were pretty into it. Get out.”

“Buffy... I’m so sorry you had to see that. I never meant for it to happen. It will never happen again, I promise. I stopped it as soon as I realized what was happening. Doesn’t that count for something?”

“Fuck you and sod off, not necessarily in that order.” She took another swig.

Spike's eyes burned with tears. “What can I do? What can I say? Tell me!”

He took one of her hands in his and crouched down to her eye level. Buffy tried pulling her hand away with a snarl, but Spike wouldn't let go. He held her hand against the center of his chest, she could feel his heart thumping away beneath the surface.

“When Dru was kissing me, I thought of you... that’s what snapped me out of it. I don’t want her, I want you. I swear, it'll never happen again. Please, Buffy...”

Buffy fought back her own tears. He looked so sincere. But she was hurting so bad. “I don’t care. I want you out of here. Don’t come back... 'cause I can‘t take it.”

Spike stared at her a moment then slowly stood. “Okay... I guess... I did it again. I-I’m always fucking things up. I just did it a little quicker than usual this time.”

Spike sighed in defeat before he walked to the crypt entranceway, dragging his feet. He opened the door and stood there in the moonlight. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, then left the crypt.

The sound of the door closing was deafening, it sounded so final.

Spike’s heart ached as he walked amongst the gravestones. The last few days had been a whirlwind of happiness and despair. Right now despair reigned supreme. He’d only walked for a minute or two when he had to sit down, his legs felt too rubbery, his stomach roiled, his chest felt constricted. He sat down on a stone monument, resting his elbows on his knees, he put his face in his hands, letting his tears of frustration and regret go. He’d ruined another relationship. He had hurt her so much. And everyone had been so worried about her hurting him...

“I’m crying again, great. God, I’m turning into a fucking wuss,” Spike sobbed.

Buffy stayed in the chair for a few minutes after he left, weighing the implications of what she'd seen against her Spike's -- make that Spike's -- explanation. Despite her harsh words, she still loved him more than unlife itself. The thought of never being with him again, never touching him again, made her ill. More ill than seeing him and Dru together had made her. He really had seemed sincere when he told her she was the one he wanted. Could he really choose her over Dru?

Buffy decided to try to be adult about it. She was, after all, his senior by about a hundred and eighteen years, and she ultimately knew she couldn’t live without him in her life. She’d go find him and they’d have it out. She had questions that needed answering. She put on her duster and went in search of the blond Slayer.

It didn’t take long at all to find him, he hadn't made it too far. He was sitting on a gravestone, looking completely miserable.

‘Good.’ Buffy thought. ‘He should be miserable too.’

She walked up to stand beside him. “Spike,” Buffy said.

Spike looked up, he hadn’t heard or sensed her approach, having been too wrapped up in his emotional turmoil. “Hey...” He wiped at his eyes with the heel of his hand.

“You might as well have a big, flashing neon sign over your head saying ‘Easy Pickings’. What with your neck wound and not paying attention to your surroundings...”

Spike shrugged. “Maybe I don’t care.”

“Well I do. So get your ass back in the crypt,” Buffy said sternly, pulling him to his feet. “This doesn’t mean I’m forgiving you. I just have some things to say to you.”

Spike nodded and fell into step beside her.

Riley scribbled furiously on his notepad as he crouched down in his hiding place behind some trees.

He had been so happy for a minute there. Seeing the Slayer blubbering like a baby was the funniest thing Riley had witnessed since eating that clown last month. Where was a video camera when you needed one?

But then Buffy had to come along and had to make him stop. They had walked back to her crypt and went inside, together. They were definitely having problems, though. Samantha would be happy to hear that.

“Take off the bandage, let me see your boo-boo,” Buffy said, throwing her duster on the chair.

Spike reached up and removed the bandage from his throat, tilting his head so she could see it better. Buffy stepped up to him, inspecting the wound. She touched the area around the scratches lightly with her fingertips. It was already starting to heal. Her mouth watered at the smell of his blood. She wanted to lick and suck on his throat something fierce.

“How... uh, did the nasties get the drop on you?” Buffy asked, trying to ignore her instincts.

“By literally getting the drop on me. I was fighting one when the other jumped out of a tree onto my back. They were able to pin me. I can’t believe I let myself get in that position.”

“And... Dru came to your rescue?” she asked, stone-faced.

“Yeah. She helped me out.” Spike looked down.

“Good on her, then. At least she’s good for something.”

Spike sat down on the sarcophagus. “You said you wanted to... tell me some things?”

Buffy took a deep breath. “Yeah. Let's jump right to the million dollar question: Who do you pick? Me or Dru?” she asked, sticking out her chin.

“You,” Spike said without a moment’s hesitation. “I want you. Not Dru. Not anybody else. I’m crazy about you Buffy. I think about you all the time, when I’m not with you I’m wishing that I was with you... I’m so sorry I hurt you, baby. I‘m so sorry...”

“Did you... call me... ‘baby’?” she asked, her heart would have raced at the term of endearment, if it were beating.

He blushed and smiled shyly. “Yeah... I guess I did. I know it’s corny --“

“No... I... liked it. Say it again.” She moved closer to him, looking deeply into his beautiful, cornflower-blue eyes.

He met her gaze. “I’m crazy about you, baby...” Spike said in a low, sexy voice.

Her breathing was getting more rapid, wetness pooled between her thighs. “You promise you won’t let Dru or anyone else’s lips near yours again? Are you mine? Only mine?”

Spike cupped her cheek in his hand, gently caressing her face. “I promise. I’m yours, only yours...”

Buffy threw her arms around him, then fused their mouths together. The kiss was desperate and claiming. She needed to plant her flag back in Mount Spike, as it were, to erase any icky Drusilla vibes. Speaking of Mount Spike...

She pulled back, they panted for breath. “You still have to make it up to me, Spike-pet.”

“I’ll do anything, Buffy. What can I do to prove how sorry I am? To show you how much you mean to me.” Spike kissed a path up the side of her neck to her ear.

She had a few ideas about how he could begin. She‘d soon see how serious he was about it. A devilish glint appeared in her eye. “Anything?“ Buffy asked.

He nodded in the affirmative.

“Come downstairs.”

She pulled away from him, an oddly seductive jack-o-lantern grin upon her beautiful visage.

Spike gulped at the sheer lasciviousness of her grin, wondering what it was that he’d just agreed to.

Two sets of handcuffs dangled from Buffy’s fingers. Spike stared at them, agog.

“Well, pet? Up for it?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Um... I.... uh... handcuffs?” Spike squeaked then cleared his throat, yet strangely feeling suddenly 'up'.

“Is that a ‘no’?”

“If... you want it -- if it's important to you -- then I’ll do it,” Spike said nervously. He wanted to prove he meant what he said.

Buffy smiled. “Take off your clothes and lay on the bed, hands above your head.”

He swallowed hard but did as she asked.

Buffy licked her lips, her eyes roamed over his body as he stripped. ‘Oh, this is going to be so much fun!’ she thought with a grin.

He climbed on the bed and laid on his back. “Okay. What now?”

Buffy crawled up beside him. “Hands above your head,” she commanded.

He raised his arms and let out a shaky breath, his clear blue eyes were wide with trepidation. She took his wrists and secured a cuff to each one, then fastened the other end of the cuffs to a bar in the headboard.

“You can escape anytime you want. The cuffs aren’t reinforced. You got that nifty Slayer strength an' all. So, no worries, right?”

“Yeah... no worries.” Spike laughed nervously.

Buffy opened her nightstand and took out a handful of silk scarves, holding them up for him to see before she went to the end of the bed. She tied one to each of his ankles and then tied the end of the scarves to the bedposts. She stood back and surveyed her handiwork. Spike was now tied and cuffed to the bed, spread-eagle, looking at her dubiously.

“Is this... really necessary?”

“Quiet, Slayer! I’m giving the orders and I don’t recall tellin’ you that you could speak.”

“Buffy?” Spike was getting more nervous. Why was she being mean to him all of the sudden?

She sighed. “It’s just a game, pet. I’m not really going to hurt you. Just play along.”

“I... never did anything like this before...” Spike said uneasily,

“It’ll be fun. You’ll see.” Buffy quivered in anticipation of being the first to introduce him to the wonderful world of bondage. “Pick a safe word.”

“Safe word?”

“A word that you wouldn’t normally use to tell me to stop if it gets too... intense.”

“You’ll... stop right away?”

“I promise, luv.”

“Uh...” Spike’s mind raced, trying to settle on a word. “Um... Farfegnuten!” he blurted out.

Buffy laughed before shrugging her shoulders and admitting, "Fair enough. That's actually a good one, luv. No chance of that poppin’ up in conversation. Farfegnuten it is. Okay, if things get to intense for you, say that word and I'll stop and release you. Another thing, we're playin' a game here, Spike-pet. And in this game, I'm your Mistress -- Mistress Buffy," the vampire smirked, "Speak only when I ask you a direct question. If you need to ask me anything or address me, you need to call me Mistress, and ask for permission before speaking. Exclamations of pleasure, crying my name or your God's in pleasure are exceptions, you can feel free to let those out all you like. I'll address you as Slayer or Pet. Got it?."

Spike nodded dumbly.

"Remember, luv, don't get too wigged if I say harsh or just plain strange shit, I'm going to be playing the part of Mistress Buffy."

Buffy didn't intend to be too harsh with him, this being his first time and all. She'd try to take it easy on him so she wouldn't totally turn her freak out. She took one more of the scarves, a lovely blue one to match his eyes, and started putting it around his head.

"Hey! What are you doing? I don't want a blindfold." Spike twisted his head away.

"Did you mean it when you said you'd do anything to prove your feelings to me? Or was it just bullshit to placate me, luv?" Buffy looked at him questioningly.

Spike sighed. "I meant it. But..." Spike trailed off when he saw the serious look in her eyes. This domination thing was definitely weird, but he'd known about vampire power structures beforehand and anyways it was important to her...so he'd go along with it for now. "Okay... it's just... weird."

Buffy smiled and went about tying the scarf around his head, covering his eyes. "There!"

She examined the tableau in front of her: Spike, her Slayer, spread-eagle and fastened to the bed, his toned, tanned, muscular body laid out in front of her like a buffet. She giggled.

"You look smashing, pet!" She wiped at a little drool off the corner of her mouth.

He was even more delectable then usual like this, all splayed out and helpless. It was going to be difficult not to just fuck his brains out.

"Yeah, I'll bet. I feel like an idiot. You had better NOT have a camera," Spike muttered.

"Mmm, thanks for the tip, pet. A camera's a really good idea, I'll have to get one for next time. Second of all, you did not ask for permission to speak."

"I didn't know we started. Are we starting now?"

"Spike... you're going to ruin this for me. The game starts... now."

"Now, now?" he asked.

Buffy growled. "You didn't ask for permission to speak. Am I going to have to punish you?"

"Punish? What do you mean... punish?" Spike asked getting worried again.

Buffy growled louder. "You bloody did it again! NO more talking!"

Spike opened his mouth to say something but wisely snapped it closed again.

"Good," Buffy said.

She went over to a box of toys she kept on hand for just such an occasion and placed it beside the bed. Next she went to get some ice cubes from her freezer and a candle.

"Um... Mistress Buffy?" Spike felt so stupid having to call her that. "Uh... what's going on? Where are you?"

Buffy smirked. "Right here, Slayer." She sat on the edge of the bed. "You didn't ask for permission to speak, but I'll let that one go, since you called me by my correct title."

She bent over and took a big, white ostrich feather from her box of goodies. Buffy trailed it lightly over his abdomen. Spike jerked at the new and strange sensation. She continued ghosting the feather over his torso, neck and face.

"Mistress Buffy? Can--Can I speak?"

"Yes," the blonde vampire growled, getting extremely turned on.

"Is--Is that a feather?"

"Yes. Do you like it?" she purred.

"Y-yeah. It's nice..."

Despite his misgivings about this whole thing, Spike was starting to get into it a little. The feather felt pretty damn good. Buffy had him totally at her mercy but he knew she wouldn't really hurt him. It was kind of...exhilarating to give up control to someone else for once.

Buffy smiled as she moved the feather down over his hipbones to his cock, ball sac and thighs. Spike groaned softly, his cock jumped slightly as the feather fluttered over his lower body. He sighed when she took the feather away.

Buffy dug back into the box, this time bringing out a leather cock ring. She wanted to get it on him before he started getting hard. She took his balls in her hands and slipped them, one ball at a time, through the ring.

"What -- Mistress Buffy! Per-Permission to speak!" Spike pulled on the handcuffs.

"Granted," Buffy said, taking his shaft in her hand and putting it through the ring then fastening the strap.

"What is that!? What are you doing?!" Spike tried to keep from panicking. He trusted her, but couldn't help being concerned when he felt something being put around his most sensitive parts.

"It's a cock ring, Slayer. It'll keep you harder longer and best of all, you don't get to cum until I want you to." Buffy trembled, having this much power of him was a heady feeling.

Spike didn't know what to make of this. He'd never even seen one of the things he was currently wearing. He swallowed and willed himself to relax. Buffy wouldn't damage his equipment by putting something potentially dangerous on it, she enjoyed it too much. He tried to contain a self-satisfied smirk before taking a deep breath to sustain himself for whatever Mistress Buffy had in store.

Buffy got an ice cube and ran it over his lips. He parted his lips, the tip of his tongue poking out to soak up some of the moisture. She moved the ice cube down, over his chin, his throat and onto his chest. Buffy bent over and licked a trail from the hollow of his throat up to his lips, kissing him hotly for a few moments before pulling away. Spike panted. She got another cube and rolled it on one of his nipples.

Spike gasped, clenching his toes and balling up his hands into fists. He knew she was going to do that eventually, but the coldness was still a shock. Buffy repeated her action on the other nipple. After that cube was melted, she lit the candle she had brought over with her Zippo lighter.

"M-Mistress Buffy?" Spike said in a shaky voice. He was both afraid and excited about what she would do to him next.


"What was that noise?"

Without responding, Buffy held the candle over one of his nipples, tilting it. Hot wax dripped on to his sensitive flesh. Spike inhaled sharply and arched off the bed. She repeated on the other nipple.

Spike hissed through clenched teeth, breathing harder. Buffy put the candle aside, picked up another ice cube and reapplied them to both his nipples, then dripped the wax on him again. The variations in temperature were driving Spike crazy. He gripped the bars of the headboard, trying not to cry out or say anything.

Buffy dribbled the wax in a line from the middle of his chest to his belly button. With her other hand she smeared the wax around. Putting the candle aside again, she got another cube and circled it around his navel before trailing it down through his pubic hair and along the length of his cock to the tip. She took his member in her hand and rubbed the slit with the remainder of the cube.

Spike whimpered and moaned.

With yet another cube, she made sure to go over every inch of his dick until it was glistening with moisture. Without letting go of him, she picked up the candle and dripped wax down the sides of his prick, the skin turned pinker where the wax touched. Buffy then dripped the wax onto the head, swirling it around with her thumb.

Spike bucked off the bed when he felt the hot wax drip down on his cock. "Ngahhh! Ahhh!"

It was painful, but also very... stimulating. He had never felt anything like it. He was getting more aroused by the moment.

Buffy smiled slyly and pumped him a few times when she felt his cock twitching and growing harder in her hand. She knew the Slayer would get off on a little pain mixed with his pleasure, just like she did.

"Everything alright, pet." Buffy asked, checking on him.

"F-fine!" Spike grit his teeth.


Buffy gave his balls the same treatment: Using the ice then dribbling the wax.

"Jesus! Buffy!" Spike gasped and trembled.

Buffy smiled, blowing out the candle and putting it on her nightstand. She dug back into the box and brought out her self-heating, mango-flavored body oil then poured some out into her palm. She rubbed her palms together, making the oil heat up, then started rubbing it onto his shoulders and chest.

Spike sniffed. Whatever she was putting on him smelled like fruit. "Smells nice..."

Buffy rolled her eyes. He just couldn't get the hang of the whole 'Ask permission to speak' thing. She'd have to chastise him a little. She took a small paddle out of the box and swiftly, but lightly, gave his cock a swat with it. Spike gasped loudly, arching his body off the bed.

"I told you, Slayer, you must ask before you speak unless I ask you a question," Buffy said sternly. "Understand?"

"Y-YES MISTRESS!" Spike stuttered.

That had definitely taken him by surprise. He kept forgetting the rules of her game. Why couldn't they just have sex like they usually did? He was good at that.

She caressed the side of his face for a moment before applying more oil to his body. Buffy massaged the warm oil all over his body: arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, hips, thighs, calves and right down to the tips of his toes. She sucked on his toes for a minute of two, making him moan.

Nobody had ever paid any attention to his feet before. Spike never would have imagined that having your toes sucked on could feel so good, that it could be so hot. With what little brain power he had left to work with, he tried making mental notes about stuff he wanted to do to her the next time he had the chance. A little 'tit for nad' so to speak. His cock strained as he experienced the curious and exciting sensations Buffy was producing in him while thinking about having her tied up like this, doing delicious and naughty things to her body.

Buffy regretted not being able to get to his back and ass when he was in this position, but that could wait until another time. She kneeled between his spread thighs and got more oil on her hands, taking his balls in her hands, she caressed them, coating them with oil. Then she went about stroking his cock from root to tip, until it too was shiny and coated with the fragrant oil.

Spike was moaning, groaning and gritting his teeth as Buffy manhandled his balls and dick. He wanted to fuck her so bad, he wanted to cum so bad. When was she going to stop the game? He didn't know how much more he could take.

"How's that feel, pet?" Buffy asked, running an index finger down his slick chest and abdomen.

"Buf-Mistress Buffy, when... is this going to be over?"

She smiled wickedly. "Soon," Buffy said, moving the finger she'd run down his chest further down, she tugged his balls lightly before continuing down, slowly stroking his perineum.

"Uhhhh! Oh God!" Spike moaned.

Buffy moved her slippery finger down again, circling his hole. Spike tensed up, breathing raggedly. She slid just the tip of her finger into his ass while she began stroking his cock with the other hand.

"Buffy! Ohh--Oh God! I-I don't want that!" Spike protested.

She could sense some curiosity on his part but she didn't want to do anything he really wasn't ready for. She removed her finger from his hole. That, too, could wait for another time.

"Alright, Slayer. But I think you'd find it... pleasurable."

She leaned over and pressed a kiss to the head of his cock, darting her tongue out to lick up the pre-cum that seeped out. She wriggled the tip of her tongue, toying with the slit.

"Ahhh! God! Ahhh!" Spike writhed under her, trying to buck himself up into her mouth.

"Want me to suck your cock, pet?" she asked, continuing to lick over and around the bulbous head. He was getting as hard as granite.

"YES! Yes!" Spike panted. "Please!"

Buffy grinned then put her mouth over the head, sliding down his staff then bobbing her head up and down.

"Oh--God--Ohhh Buffy!" His hips bucked. He groaned loudly and gasped for breath when she released his member.

Buffy got off the bed and took off her clothes quickly.

"M-Mistress? What's... Where are you?" Spike asked shakily.

He was frustrated beyond belief that she stopped sucking him off.

Buffy went into the box one last time, to get her 8 inch long, black vibrator, or Maurice, as she sometimes called it.

"Right here, pet." She crawled back onto the bed, kneeling between his legs again.

She parted her legs and switched on the vibrator.

Spike's head lifted slightly when he heard the buzzing sound. "Mistress?"

"It's a vibrator, Slayer. You look so good, so bloody hot... I have to get myself off." Buffy touched the vibrator to her clit and moaned.

"I... Permission to speak?!" Spike said in a high, tight voice.

"Mmmm, granted," she breathed.

"What about... uh... me? Why --"

"You want to fuck me?" Buffy asked, moving the vibrator along her soaked gash.

"Yes! Oh God -- YES!" Spike strained at his bonds.

Buffy smiled and put the vibrator to his lips. "Taste," she was starting to pant.

Spike's tongue darted out, licking her juice off the sex toy. "Buffy, so good...." he mumbled using that wonderfully long tongue of his to clean off the vibrator.

She pushed it slightly into his mouth. Spike wrapped his lips around the tip and sucked her juices off of it as she moved it gently in and out of his mouth. Buffy shivered with need.

Buffy took it away from his mouth, if she watched him doing that any longer she thought she might cum without him even touching her. He was so fucking hot. She touched the vibrator to one of his nipples, circling and rubbing it. Spike groaned. She repeated the action to the other nipple.

Spike blinked rapidly when Buffy pushed the silk scarf above his eyes, allowing him to see again. They locked gazes. Buffy smirked, taking his rigid cock back in her hand, she lowered her mouth back over it, engulfing him once again in her cool, moist mouth. She ran the vibrator up and down the sides of his dick, sucking on it like a lollypop while she massaged his balls.

"Buffy! PLEASE! OH GOD! Want to CUM!" Spike looked down at her, a frantic and desperate look on his face. He thrust up into her mouth, his hands wrapped around the bars above his head.

Buffy smiled around his cock and moved the vibrator down, running it over his sac then down to his hole, sticking just the very tip into his ass. If possible, he thrust even more frantically, gasping and crying out in pleasure and frustration. Buffy shuddered as a mini-orgasm washed through her body. Seeing him like this, having him like this was too decadent for words. She had to have that big, gorgeous, Slayer cock stuffed into her aching pussy right now, she couldn't play the game anymore.

Buffy took the vibrator out and moved to straddle his waist. She slid down onto his rock-hard cock like butter parting under a hot knife, smoothly and effortlessly. They both gasped and moaned when he was fully encased in her snatch. He was even bigger and thicker than usual.

"YES--YES! Ohh Buffy!" Spike thrust up.

Buffy groaned and tossed her head back as she rode him at a gallop, rubbing the vibrator over her clit. It only took a minute for her to scream in ecstasy.

"Sp-Spike! OHYESOHFUCKYES!" Buffy sucked in air and wailed, bouncing up and down on his cock as she came hard.

"BB-UUFFY! PLEASE!" Spike yelled, he'd never wanted or needed to cum so bad and not been able to.

Buffy released the strap on the cock ring. Almost immediately, Spike's entire body went stiff as a board, he arched his back off the bed and threw his head back, as he started cumming harder than he ever had. His eyes crossed then rolled up in their sockets.

"OH FUCKYESFUCKYES! AAGGHHH--BUFFY!" Spike howled and shook as he unloaded buckets of cum into her cunt.

Buffy dropped onto his chest, panting for breath, still humping against him. He kept cumming and cumming, losing all track of time, dark spots danced in front of his eyes, his eyelids flapped like window shades as he continued to cry out in sweet release.

Buffy's pussy was stuffed to overflowing with his cock and thick spunk. Their combined liquids pooled beneath them. She had cum again when she felt his cock spasming violently inside her.

The next thing Spike knew Buffy was laying beside him on the bed, his arms and legs were free from their bindings, the scarf was gone from his forehead and the cock ring had been removed.

Buffy was breathing hard, her eyes were closed, a huge smile was plastered on her face.

"Buffy?" Spike rubbed at one of his sore wrists.

She turned her head and smiled at him. "Welcome back, luv. You decided to take a little nap."

"I passed out?" he asked, his eyes as big as dinner plates.

"A little bit. Thought I really did kill you for a moment there..." Buffy giggled.

"Wow... that was... holy shit!" Spike looked up at the ceiling, a look of awe on his face. "God, I never... that was fucking..." He looked back at her, goofy post-orgasmic grin firmly in place. "You're very talented."

Buffy smiled widely and rolled against his side, running her hand over his slick chest. "You are too, Spike-pet. At one point I think you were actually speaking in tongues."

They laughed. She snuggled against her powerful, beautiful, passionate Slayer.

"Did I do okay? I never did anything like that before..." Spike asked self-consciously.

"Mmm, you need to work on following orders." Buffy laughed. "But you were wonderful, luv...so bloody wonderful." She tilted her head up to press their lips together.

He caressed the side of her face. "Are we okay, now?" Spike asked, searching her eyes.

"Yeah. I... know you meant what you said. You have no idea how... I love you so much, Spike." She swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

"I know." Spike gently kissed her forehead, eyes, cheeks and finally her mouth.

He was getting closer to realizing that he loved her just as much as she loved him. But there was still something that kept him from recognizing his deep love for her.

"Now, we really do need a shower." Spike chuckled and sighed.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=100