Playing on the Dark Side by pj
Summary: NEW SUMMARY - When Buffy’s mother dies suddenly, she withdraws from her friends and family, and runs away from home. Venturing the streets of L.A. by herself, she is abducted by a gang when she accidentally interferes in their business. Buffy finds herself in the middle of a cruel life, where violence and rape aren’t given a second thought. Can Spike save her from this life…or can she save him? A story about rape, whether redemption is even possible, and whether love can triumph from it.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: No Word count: 74026 Read: 41126 Published: 04/04/2005 Updated: 10/10/2006
Comfort by pj
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the long delay! I feel really bad that you guys have been so amazing and it takes me so long, but I am trying *meek smile.* The reviews have just been fantastic – thank you!

If you would like to be added to an email notification list for updates to this fic, then email me with the subject heading “PotDS update list” at and add that email so it doesn’t go to your spam folder.

ETA: I forgot to answer reviews, but I'll be all caught up by next time!

He was ignoring her. And even though it was normally what she wanted, it pissed her off. It had been several days and he hadn’t spoken to her since that night.

She had waited for him to come back the next night so she could ask him what the hell he meant.

“Dru betrayed me.”

“She’s the reason I’m here.”

The more it played in her mind, the more it began piecing together. Spike and Drusilla must have had a thing. It explained the way he shut down and his dream-induced words. The idea of it began to slowly unnerve her until she seethed, more and more each day.

Her eyes shot up as the sound of the training room door brought her back to reality. Speak of the devil.

Spike came striding in without acknowledging her or the rest of them, going towards Wesley and Illyria as if on a mission.

Unfortunately, the entire time her mind had wandered, Buffy was in the middle of training with Darla and had blocked out what the other blonde was trying to teach her.

“Earth to Buffy,” Darla called, kicking Buffy’s feet out from under her. “If I let every guy I fucked affect me, I would be dead by now,” she smirked knowingly.

At the loud impact, Spike turned, seeing and hearing Buffy groan on the floor. Feeling Wesley and Illyria’s eyes on him, he went back to his hushed conversation without a flinch – something that was not missed by Buffy, nor Cordelia, who was watching.

Infuriated, Buffy rolled out of the way just before Darla’s foot came down, grabbed her leg, and yanked the other blonde to the ground as well.

“Knowing how many guys that must be, I’m surprised you haven’t died from an STD,” Buffy retorted, getting to her feet.

“I resent that,” Darla snapped as she got to her own feet.

“Yea, you know they have cures for STD’s now,” Cordelia humored, giving Darla a look at the fact that Buffy had just got the upper hand. “Darla would know.”

“Hey!” Darla pointed an accusing finger at her friend, “that was one time!”

Buffy furrowed her brow in disgust, “Ok, I was kidding, but ew.”

“Riveting conversation, girls, but we have bigger problems.”

Buffy crossed her arms and gave Spike a cold look as he approached them, but he barely even returned the gaze, his eyes only passing over her briefly, uninterested. “Jackass,” she muttered under her breath.

Ignoring her, he said to Cordelia and Darla, “I need you two to suit up. We’re going out tonight to take care of some business.”

“For what?” Cordelia asked.

“I’ll explain. Meet me in the front hall in ten minutes.”

They nodded, silently noticing that has demeanor was similar to how he used to be a few years back, when he first became the leader.

They began to go to their rooms, but Buffy stood there confused, “What about me?”

“What about you?” Spike asked, back facing her.

“Am I going?” her eyebrow was raised as she spoke each word slowly and with annoyance.

“No. We don’t need you. You’ll just get in the way.” With that, he walked out with the rest of them.

Cordelia gave Buffy a brief glance, before leaving the blonde standing there with a furious expression.

When they were all gone, she screamed in frustration. “I’m gonna kill him! Fucking bastard!”

“What’s the matter, little girl?”

Buffy looked up with wide eyes, not having heard anyone enter. It was Drusilla, and she was approaching her. She was suddenly aware of how alone she was. Not wanting to show any fear, she lifted her chin and gave her a steely gaze as Drusilla came to stand before Buffy. “What do you want? And I’m not a little girl.”

“Did you think you could take William away from me?”

“Wha-,…who the hell is William?” Buffy creased her brow, wondering where that question even came from. In fact, she had never spoken to Drusilla, except for the first day when the bitch was screaming at her to shut up.

“He’ll always be mine, you know that, don’t you?” she said prettily.

“Okkkk, I think I’ll be going away from the crazy now,” Buffy began to walk towards the door. She was stopped by the tight grip of Drusilla’s hand on her arm. Eyes widening, she yanked her arm out of her grasp with a furious expression. “Get away from me.”

Ignoring her, Drusilla continued with her cryptic questions. “Now that he’s bored of you, what will you do?”

Buffy frowned, hesitating before asking, “Are you talking about Spike?”

“He’ll never be anything but my dark prince, even if he refuses to play by the rules,” Drusilla assured.

“Your dark prince?” Buffy repeated as she looked at the other girl in confusion.

“They told me you called my name in your head. Something tells me he hasn’t told you the whole story.”

With a tight expression, Buffy managed to retort, “Enlighten me, if you can manage not to speak in haiku form.”

I changed him from the poor, sniveling sap. I saved him. Not you.” Drusilla poked two fingers at Buffy, giving her an eerie and angry stare.

Getting a glazed over look in her eyes, she let her posture slack, beginning to sway her body, “Don’t you think ‘Spike’ is a fitting name? All jagged and rough.”

“Why are you telling me all this?”

She ignored Buffy, continuing on her own train of thought, “I’ll always be the one he loves, always. Why else do you think he moves from one silly girl to the next?”

The one he loves. Love. A word so familiar and a concept so foreign. Was he capable of loving?

Buffy began to laugh, bitterly. Replaying every memory she had with Spike, her anger grew by the second. She knew it. If he was in love with Drusilla, then she was a substitute – a toy. She had always been a toy.

“Did I upset you?” Drusilla asked with obvious glee, laughing. “I’m a creature of the dark, and so is he. He’ll always be in the dark with me. And eventually, so will you.”

“I’ll never be anything like you. Never.”

“Everyone has dark parts,” Drusilla traced a finger down her chest. “You might not see them, but if I cut you up and opened your insides, they would glow. Shall we see?”

Before she could move, Drusilla had appeared in front of her, hand shooting up to choke her. Buffy gripped at Drusilla’s hands, almost gagging. She kicked her off and caused the brunette to drop her.

Drusilla backhanded Buffy roughly, sending her to the ground. “He’s no longer here to help you, is he?” she laughed. “He doesn’t care about you, he never did.”

Infuriated, Buffy got up quickly and blocked the next hit, returning the rough backhand, surprising Drusilla as she flew back a little.

Drusilla stood up, glaring at her. Rushing forward, she tried to attack.

Buffy ducked as her heart rate began to beat faster, narrowly avoiding a fist. She let her own punches loose, and after a series of blocked attempts, she successfully brought her knee up roughly into the brunette’s stomach.

Drusilla shot her a furious look as she stood slightly hunched over, indignant that some little girl could even get in one cheap-shot.

“You’re going to regret that.” Gone was the crazy rambling tone. With a yell, she grabbed Buffy by the shoulders and threw her with renewed strength, causing Buffy to fly back and slide across the floor.

Not even able to register what had happened, Buffy blinked, and Drusilla was there, hovering over her with an arrogant smirk.

Pulling her by the hair, Drusilla lifted Buffy off the floor.

“Now, now, Dru – don’t get carried away,” came a male voice.

Recognizing it as Angelus’ voice, Buffy tensed, sensing things were about to get worse.

“But the little bitch is asking for it,” she pouted, her child-like quality coming out as he entered the room, never letting go of the fistful she had.

Angelus ignored her, approaching Buffy like a predator to its prey.

Reluctantly, Drusilla let her go as Angelus narrowed in on Buffy.

“Stay away from me,” she tried to keep her voice strong.

“Or what?” he asked with obvious amusement.

She seethed, but didn’t answer. Two to one. There was practically no chance that anyone would come back to help her; they were probably gone by now.

Satisfied with her silence, he asked, “So am I supposed to believe that Spike threw you away only a day after he tried to protect you?”

She looked up at him with a steely gaze. “I don’t care what you believe, and Spike can go to hell.”

Chuckling, “I like that answer.” Stepping into her personal space, he moved his face close to hers, all around her face and neck, as if sniffing her.

She dared not to move, not wanting to show her fear, but the closeness of his face to hers made her insides turn. If evil reeked, she now knew what it smelled like.

He traced one finger down her cheek, surprised that she didn’t shudder against his touch, and asked in a whisper, “So what did you do to make him not want you?”

She didn’t know where she got the words from, but she replied without hesitation as she glared into his eyes, “I tried to cut off his dick.”

Stepping back a little in uncertainty, Angelus eyed her, gauging her expression. The fear was gone. Her eyes were brimmed with stubborn confidence, something that unnerved him.

Turned off, he finally broke the glare in a huff and simply sent a silent signal to Drusilla. They both left the room after giving Buffy final look that let her know they weren’t done with her.

As soon as they were gone, Buffy let her shoulders sag, and she tried to contain the shakiness that threatened her body.


“It’s been nearly 20 minutes now,” Gunn commented as she waited with the rest of them for Spike.

“I’m getting restless here. If we’re not going there are better things that we could be doing, if you catch my drift,” Faith said with a smirk.

“Please send your drift the other way,” Cordelia answered, rolling her eyes.

“Let’s just go get him,” Gunn shrugged. Seeing Wesley and Illyria nod in agreement, they went to Spike’s room.

They approached the door and could hear screams. Amy’s. Giving each other looks, they listened for any “other sounds” before Gunn knocked on the door loudly.

“Shut up,” they heard Spike yell at Amy before a slap resounded to their ears.

Finally, Spike came to the door and opened it. The sight that greeted them was…intriguing.

Amy was chained up on his bed, stark naked, legs spread apart, and blood could be seen even from the distance of the doorway.

Spike buckled his belt and looked up to them. Lacking sincerity, he smirked, “Sorry. Lost track of time.”

They didn’t comment and had no choice but to follow him in silent stupor.

Cordelia noted that he was chillingly like the old Spike, and she wondered what went on between him and Buffy to bring this on.

Spike kept on his air of indifference and cockiness, but inside, he felt sick. He didn’t know how much longer he could pretend.


Several hours later…

Buffy stood inside her bedroom, next to the door. Every time the lock would begin to turn, she would turn it back into locked-mode.

“Buffy,” warned Spike’s voice from the other side. “Open the door!”

“No,” she replied with resolve.

‘Fuck,’ he thought as he scanned both sides of the hallway to see if anyone was watching.

“Someone’s gonna see if you don’t let me in now,” he tried the key over and over.

“Then you better go back to your room.”

He sighed and stopped, feeling like it was useless. He had been standing there for over 5 minutes. “Fine,” he muttered. Louder so she could hear, he threatened, “Just wait until I get my hands on you.”

“Why do you think I’m not letting you in?” she snapped.

She waited for a response, but there was none. Putting her ear to the door, she listened and heard the faint sound of footsteps fading into the distance. ‘It’s a trick,’ she narrowed her eyes at the thought. Deciding to wait, she stood there for a good 10 minutes before eyeing the door suspiciously and walking away towards her bed.

Buffy hesitantly got into bed, eyeing the lock the entire time. Finally, she relaxed, relishing the feel of the silken sheets on her bruised skin. “Mmmm,” she let out in satisfaction as her face hit the pillow.

“Getting started without me, pet?”

She yelped, her body shooting up as her eyes widened, finding that Spike was next to the bed. “Spike, how the hell-,” her eyes darted to the door, which swung closed, clicking into place.

“I was very quiet,” he grinned, putting his palms and one knee onto the bed, beginning to crawl toward her.

“What part of locked don’t you understand?” she glared at him, pushing him back roughly. The force was hard enough to send him off the bed.

“Bloody Hell!” his back hit the floor with a thud. He tightened his jaw while on the floor. “Can you explain to me just what your problem is today?”

With a tight expression of her own, she glared down at him. “I’m trying to ignore you.” Adding sarcastically, “I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept.”

“Don’t tell me you’re mad about that?” he looked at her incredulously, getting up off the floor. “It’s an act. You know this already.”

“No, that’s the way it should be. This is an act.”

“You know what has to be done if my plan is going to work,” he tried to explain.

“I’m not talking about the plan. I don’t care what you do. Just don’t touch me.” She turned onto her side away from him, pulling up the covers to her neck and shutting her eyes.

He couldn’t hold back his grin as he crawled towards her again. “You know, I could get used to this jealous side of you,” he said, thinking she was upset about Amy.

“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not jealous!” she whipped up from her position to yell before flopping back down on the bed.

Ignoring her words, he crawled next to her and promised in a devilish way, “I’ll make it up to you.”

Her voice tired and defeated, “Please, just leave. All I want is to go to sleep.”

Halting his movements, he frowned. Hesitating, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Just leave.”

Reaching over to touch the back of her shoulder lightly, “Buffy…” As soon as his fingers touched her skin, she whipped around and pushed him back violently.

“I said get out!” She screamed in a sudden fury, getting off the bed as she continued to push and hit him wherever she could.

Taken by surprise, Spike could only move back away from her reach, but Buffy kept coming towards him.

“Leave!” Her voice was filled with both anger and a pleading quality.

She pounded at his chest with her fists, and he reached around her to try and hold her to him. “Ok, ok, I will,” he assured, tightening his arms around her.

“No,” she protested in a strained voice, her arms trapped between their bodies. Trying to push away from him, she felt her resolve break as his hand ran gently through her hair in an attempt to calm her. She closed her eyes against his shoulder, letting herself forget for just a moment. When she realized that they were in an embrace, she pushed away from him roughly and backed up.

His eyes full of confusion, “Tell me what’s wrong.”

She shook her head, her eyes lined with unshed tears that she refused to let go, her voice filled with conviction, “I don’t want it - I don’t want your comfort.”

“What are you talking about? You’re not making any sense, pet.”

I’m not some conjugal visit you can just…visit,” she finished lamely with contempt, completely changing her course of thought.

“I never said you were,” Spike looked at her as if she had grown two heads.

“You don’t have to say it. You act like it,” she replied, a slightly hurt look flashing across her features before masked it with anger.

“When? I-,” he stopped, figuring out what she meant. Spike realized that to her, it could very well seem like he was only coming to her for sex. After all, he had acted like a perverted jerk. Frowning, he wondered why that part of him came so naturally. He didn’t admit to himself that it was a cover – it had become the only way he knew how to interact with her without starting a fight.

“I’m not a toy,” she tried to keep her tone from wavering.

He shut his eyes tightly before opening them and looking up at her with regret. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

Those words only served to piss her off more. “You never mean it like that. You’ll never be any different, Spike. Sometimes I fool myself, but you’ll always be the same.”

Her words hit home. Combined with what he had been pretending to be these past few days, he did feel like a monster. Buffy was the only one who knew of the plan, and he had fooled himself into thinking it would make her forget about the past. About what he had done. All of a sudden he had the intense urge to tell her he would try and be different, that he wasn’t the same anymore. That he wasn’t heartless, that he was wrong, that he hadn’t always been that way.

But he answered solemnly, “Yea, you’re right.”

“Don’t think you can just agree with me and make things right. Were you planning on telling me that you’re in love with Drusilla?” her voice was tight. It wasn’t that she loved him or wanted him or was jealous. She hated him. But the fact that he had not only done those things to her and was in love with someone as evil and vapid as Drusilla…maybe he really was just a monster.

“What?” the disbelief in his voice only began to show his surprise.

“You heard me.”

“Where did you-,” he started with wide eyes, but cut himself off. Changing his expression to a masked one, he stated clearly, “I’m not in love with Drusilla.”

“Are you sure? Are you sure you’re not her dark prince?” she mocked.

He didn’t know how she knew, but the sudden thought of it angered him. “Where the hell did you hear that?”

“Where do you think?”

The only one who had ever used that phrase was Drusilla, when she tried to justify why she betrayed him. He looked at Buffy incredulously, about to ask, when she cut him off.

“It doesn’t matter. What matters is you’re disgusting. And I never want you to come near me again. I’m not going to be your cheap substitute, or anyone else’s.” She began to scurry around the room, looking for clothes. If he wouldn’t leave, she would.

“Buffy…,” he called her name in a reasoning tone.

“Don’t you Buffy me,” she gritted before going back to her task at hand.

“God, just…stop for a second and listen to me,” he yelled, frustrated. He was tired of this daily battle with her, even though he knew it was his doing and that he deserved it.

To his surprise, she did stop, even though she didn’t turn around to face him.

Long moments of silence passed between them, and she hadn’t made an effort to face him.

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. Wondering how he got here, back to this re-hashing of the past, he started, “Dru and I…” Seeing her tense, he reluctantly continued, “We were ages ago. In a different life, a different world, even.”

“What does that even mean?” she asked, finally whipping around.

“It was…before,” he chose to say.

“You mean before you became a part of this gang, don’t you?” her anger subsided to curiosity just a little bit. It was hard to imagine him having a before.

“Yea.” He looked away, unable to hold her gaze.

“So what? You just decided to join a bad-ass gang? Let me guess, you did it for Drusilla?”

He strode forward and brought his face close to hers, his anger bubbling again. “I didn’t join anything. What makes you think you’re the only one who came in against your will?”

She narrowed her eyes, “Are you trying to say you were a poor, innocent victim?”

“I was stupid.”At her uplifted eyebrow, he continued, “I was a fool - naïve back then. She changed right before my eyes and I never saw it…she had been having an affair with Angelus.” Spike paused as the next words got caught in his throat. But he would put aside his pride, because she wouldn’t be satisfied until she knew. “The next thing I know, I was attacked…,” he spread his arms out, gesturing to the space around him, “and here I am.” But he knew it wasn’t as simple as that.

“And you became one of them? Just like that?”

He could’ve said more, but he didn’t want to. It made him feel powerless to his past. So he answered with a solemn nod, “Yea, I guess so.”

She laughed, “So what am I? Revenge on Drusilla?”

Spike knew she wasn’t, but there was no way he could win this argument. He wanted to pull her to him and just have everything he wanted to say be said. Trouble was, he barely knew what to say.

He was looking at her in that way again. She let her expression drop into a tired one, and she finally said in a quiet tone, “Just leave.”

So he left, like she asked.


He didn’t want to go back to what he left in his room, but now he had no choice. Opening the door, he was greeted by the harsh sight of Amy still exposed on his bed. As he closed the door behind him, she woke from her half-sleep.

He went over to cover her up before taking out the key to her chains. To his surprise, she laughed.

“What could you possibly find funny right now?” he asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

“Anyone else would’ve just fucked me instead of faking it all in some lame, elaborate plan. I mean, what kind of bad guy are you supposed to be?”

“The kind that doesn’t enjoy having sex with a bleeding corpse.”

“Or the kind that is whipped.”

His head jerked up at that.

“I knew I was right,” she exclaimed, laughing, seeing the caught and surprised expression on his face. “Since you strung me up naked the whole night, I had lots of time to think. I figured out why you’re doing all of this, and all the late night getaways you pull are pretty obvious. It’s all for her, isn’t it?”

He yanked on her chains, pulling her to her feet so he could take her back to the bathroom. Before he continued, he grabbed her by the throat and brought her face close enough to see his expression clearly, “Do you want a gag too?”

She remained silent but her body shook from the suppressed laughter, irking him even more.


Spike tossed and turned, not able to sleep at all. It had been 3 hours already. Giving up, he got up and threw on some clothes. Grabbing his cigarettes, he went out the door.

As he passed into the front corridor, he saw Angelus speaking in hushed tones with Lindsay. Lifting his brow, Spike watched as they turned to see who it was.

Angelus turned to face him with a smirk, “And for a moment I thought you were avoiding me.” He dismissed Lindsay with a tilt of his head, and Lindsay left reluctantly, glaring at Spike.

“I can’t help it if you’re a sore sight. Blind me with your ugliness, you do,” he answered Angelus non-committally.

“I’m fucking handsome and you know it.”

Spike rolled his eyes, trying to control the urge to let Angelus know that he knew it was him who had been sabotaging everything. But it would be more fun this way.

“Yea, like a first-class dog,” Spike retorted sarcastically. “What do you want, Peaches?”

“You know what. You broke a code at the club and now you’ve basically started a damn war between us and Rack. And don’t even try to pretend it’s because of Amy. We both know she’s not worth it.”

“I never said we kidnapped her because I wanted her. I did it to show them who’s better. The fact that I’m fucking Amy is just an unexpected bonus.”

“Oh cut the crap, Spike. You and Amy? I’d be stupid to believe that. Two seconds ago you were acting like a blithering idiot over the blonde bitch at the club.”

Spike had to control himself at that. Calmly, he asked, “It worked, didn’t it? Rack let down his guard enough for us to get a good attack on him.”

Angelus eyed him skeptically. “You’re trying to say it was all a plan?” After a moment, he shook his head, “No way you’re that smart.”

“We killed three of his men and captured his favorite whore, who so happens to be fully trained. What do you think?” Spike smirked, “And I was smart enough to betray you.”

His expression grew cold before he lightened up and gave a tight smirk. “Something that you’ll regret one of these days,” said Angelus.

“Yea, yea, that’s what you say everyday. Now what is it you want because you’re wasting my precious quality time with my cigs.”

“You know what happens because of the rule you broke.”

“Right. A fight. What will it be?” Spike asked, no worry in his voice.

Angelus smiled calculatingly for a moment. “Buffy. I could have a lot of fun with that tight body of hers.”

“Fine by me,” Spike put on a small suppressed smile of relief. “And I’m sure you could.” The words felt like poison in his mouth.

Angelus eyed him warily. Wanting to goad and test him more, he continued, “Judging from her reaction earlier, she likes being tortured.”

The implications behind his words ran through Spike’s head, but he had to tell himself to not react. Buffy hadn’t mentioned anything about an encounter, but by the way she was acting earlier, it suddenly made sense. And he felt like tearing off Angelus’ head and drinking from his brain stem.

“Drusilla finally boring you, or is it the other way around?” Spike finally asked with a raise of his brow. “Perhaps she’s fucking someone else.”

“Shut up,” Angelus gritted, Spike’s cool demeanor starting to grate on his nerves.

Just then, a string of loud curses pierced through the hallway. Amy. Smiling, Spike thanked the bitch’s timing. “If there’s nothing else you want to bore me with, I’ll be getting back now. I think her drugs are wearing off, which should be fun.”

For the first time, Angelus looked confused as he watched Spike walk away.


He thought of 450 ways he would eventually kill Angelus as he rushed to Buffy’s room. And why hadn’t she told him? Just what did the bastard do? Or was he making up the whole thing for a reaction?

As he turned the key in the lock, he felt a little wave of guilt for going back when he had promised to leave. But he needed to find out. Stepping quietly into the room, he looked over at the bed and saw that she was seemingly asleep.

Slowly approaching her, his eyes roamed over the exposed parts of her skin but saw nothing. “Buffy?” he whispered. When there was no answer, he knelt down beside the bed and looked at her face.

Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open as light breaths came in and out. She frowned in her sleep and turned, letting out a small groan of discomfort.

His expression softened involuntarily as he watched her in her troubled sleep. He could resist the urge to touch her, but he found himself unable to leave.

Finally, he crawled into bed carefully, lying next to her but far enough away to not be touching her. Lying on his side, he just watched, until he finally succumbed to sleep himself.


She was warm and comfortable. For the first time, she felt completely safe and nothing about reality seeped into her dreams, even for a second. Feeling sated, she snuggled her face into her blankets as her eyes began to open and her mind came out of sleep.

She froze. To her dismay, she was on the bed, snuggled into Spike’s arms as he slept beside her, her face comfortably against his chest. She pushed away from him abruptly with a frustrated whimper, falling off the bed in turn.

A loud thud broke his own comfortable sleep as a feeling of soft warmth fell away from him. Blinking his eyes open, he saw the top of Buffy’s head behind the edge of the bed as she struggled to get up.

“When did you come back in here?” she demanded, getting to her feet.

He sighed. “Sometime last night.” Seeing her open her mouth to yell, he continued before she could, “Look, I couldn’t sleep, is all.”

“And what does that have to do with me?”

“A lot, actually. As it turns out, I can only bloody well sleep when you’re around.”

Her eyes widened at the truth in his tone, before narrowing, “Well maybe I can’t sleep when you’re around.”

“Oh really? So you were awake in my arms just now?”

Stuck in her own word play, she let out an aggravated yell before picking up a pillow and throwing it at his head. “I was not in your arms!” Beginning to throw everything at him from off the bed, she felt her frustration choke at her. It was everything and it was anything. She just felt it all strangle her emotions. “I can’t do this anymore,” her voice wavered.

With a frown, he automatically heard himself comfort, “You don’t have to,” approaching her as soon as he saw the expression in her eyes. He realized at that moment, that besides all her anger and hate for him, there was a fragile girl underneath.

“You’re not a substitute, you’re not a toy, and you hate me - I know.” Reaching out to brush his thumb across her cheek, he leaned in to kiss her lightly - not looking for more, but just…comfort, because he knew she needed it, and so did he.

This story archived at http://