Playing on the Dark Side by pj
Summary: NEW SUMMARY - When Buffy’s mother dies suddenly, she withdraws from her friends and family, and runs away from home. Venturing the streets of L.A. by herself, she is abducted by a gang when she accidentally interferes in their business. Buffy finds herself in the middle of a cruel life, where violence and rape aren’t given a second thought. Can Spike save her from this life…or can she save him? A story about rape, whether redemption is even possible, and whether love can triumph from it.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: No Word count: 74026 Read: 41163 Published: 04/04/2005 Updated: 10/10/2006
Never Defeated by pj
A/N: WARNING: there is a RAPE in this chapter. If you don’t like that, please don’t read. I originally watered it down because I was worried about flames, only to find that it sucked that way and compromised the story.


At first, standing in the bathroom of her captor’s room, Buffy was hesitant that she should be taking off any of her clothes, even for a shower. But as she stood there and felt the sticky sweat clinging to her skin, clothes covered with filth, a shower was too good to pass up. Nervously eyeing the bathroom door, she quickly shed her clothes and jumped in under the stream.

The water hit her face and soaked her hair, but she remained tense and on edge. She scrubbed herself frantically and prayed that he wouldn’t come barging in at any moment. As the warm water cascaded down her body, the tension abated, soothing away all thoughts of where she was.


“I don’t understand what happened. You mean to say that some guy pulled a hit-and-run and Buffy just was lucky enough to be nearby and witness it all??” Hank screamed at the cop who was explaining the situation. Buffy had been covered with blood – her mother’s blood - and when Hank had tried to find out what the hell had happened, she lapsed back into her daze and wouldn’t speak. Now, she was sitting in a chair in the precinct seemingly oblivious to her father’s tirade. Dawn, by Hank’s orders, was told to go home while they dealt with the police department.

“Listen, sir, I don’t know the details, ok? We need to question your daughter so we can find out more about the driver who killed your wife,” the officer’s voice strained with impatience.

“When you first found her, she didn’t tell you??” Hank pressed in an unbelieving voice.

“All she said was that it was some guy named ‘Parker,’” the officer replied as he turned to get some paperwork.

Hank’s brows scrunched up in thought. ‘Parker…Parker, where have I heard that name before?’ His eyes widened in fury as he realized it was that moron that his daughter used to call a boyfriend. Whipping around, he stalked over to Buffy’s still form and grabbed her by the shoulders to shake her slightly.

“Buffy!” He shook his daughter, trying to snap her out of her daze. Buffy’s eyes snapped up, suddenly jolted out of her thoughts and she looked at her father in confusion.

“Daddy?” Buffy asked in a weak and confused voice.

“Buffy,” Hank tried to calm his angry tone as he gripped her shoulders, “Who did this??”

Her eyes welled up with tears and her lip trembled. “It was Parker…I let him kill her. It’s all my fault, Daddy. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” she babbled as her body broke down into sobs against her confused father.


Buffy pressed her eyes shut and tilted her head up to let the water stream against her face. The memory was vivid in her mind - all the memories were vivid in her mind, but she had somehow managed to feel disconnected from them. It was a life she no longer wanted to know. She laughed to herself ironically at how her plan to start over had failed so quickly.

Turning off the shower, Buffy suddenly remembered where she was, and her body tensed again in realization. Sticking her head out from behind the shower door, she scanned the bathroom for a towel before grabbing one off the nearby rack.

Buffy wrapped the towel around herself and got out. To her utter surprise, she saw her duffel bag sitting a few feet from the door. She thought her bag had been left back in the alley, but more shockingly, she hadn’t even heard him open the door.


Spike was lying on his back watching television from his bed. He had one hand behind his head and the other busy flipping channels with the remote. He heard the shower stop and smirked to himself. ‘Finally,’ he thought. She had taken forever, and seemingly didn’t even notice when he had opened the door to throw in her duffel bag. Stretching out with a smile, he couldn’t wait for the fun to begin.

When he heard the door open, he quickly shut his eyes to feign sleep. Spike felt her pause at the door in hesitation. After a moment, she stepped out quietly and tiptoed across the room.


Buffy moved lightly and prayed he wouldn’t wake up. Suddenly he stirred, shifting in his sleep and causing his silk pants to ride lower on his hips. Her breath caught in her throat as panic laced through her, but she couldn’t help staring at the way his bare chest moved up and down lightly along with his breathing. Her eyes followed the contours of his muscles down to his hipbone and then the bulge of his pants.

“See something you like?” he asked suddenly with his eyes still closed. She gasped in surprise and quickly plastered herself against the wall, putting more distance between them.

He opened his eyes and gave her a wicked grin, letting her know that he had been awake the entire time. Fury ran through her veins at his cocky attitude and his mind games. Her heart raced as she remained tense with her back against the wall.

“Come here,” he said as he began to stalk over to her slowly. Spike perused her body and chuckled at her obvious statement. She was wearing a long-sleeved loose sweater and jeans – probably the least revealing thing she had in that little bag of hers.

Buffy refused to move. She tried to keep the defiant glare on her face, and to not gaze down at his chest. Her heart raced faster and her breathing began to intensify as he came within three feet of her. Buffy quickly ran left towards the door, but Spike lunged forward and slammed both his hands down on the wall on either side of her.

Spike had her trapped against the wall and she couldn’t help trembling behind closed eyes as she felt his body inches away from hers. His breath was lightly brushing against her face and she tensed as she felt his erection press up against her lower stomach. She began to struggle against him, trying to push him off of her, but he fiercely grabbed her hands and pulled them down to her side, stilling them.

“Don’t do this,” she ground out in an angry, but fearful tremor.

“And why not?” he said in a silky voice against the skin of her neck.

“Because it’s sick and wrong,” she replied shakily. Buffy shut her eyes as she felt him brush his lips against the side of her neck, commanding herself to not react.

At her words, he pulled back and gave her an amused look. “Trust me, princess, it won’t feel so wrong,” he said in a low, sexual voice.

He saw the panic in her eyes, her chest rising and lowering as she breathed deeply. His gaze traveled up to her collarbone, and her neck, and finally settled on her face. Her cheeks had a clean fresh glow, and her hair was still damp and wavy. He found himself staring at her mouth and the way her little breaths came out between her slightly parted lips. He looked up and saw her staring back at him with a mixture of fear, defiance, and he could’ve sworn a bit of lust.

Without wasting time, Spike leaned in to give her a demanding kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth and pulling her waist roughly to him. As her wrist was freed, she brought it up to smack him in the chest, trying to disconnect his kiss with a muffled protest. He ignored her resistance as his tongue pushed in to explore her mouth. Spike picked her body up firmly without pulling away from the kiss, and he strode over to the bed while she fought in his arms. He tossed her down on the mattress and looked down at her with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

Buffy gasped for air as he threw her down and broke the kiss, scrambling to move off the bed and run away. But he was too quick for her, grabbing her by both shoulders and slamming her down against the mattress again. Spike pinned her beneath him and said in a low voice and a look of pure lust, “You promised not to struggle.”

She closed her eyes, feeling sick at the way his silky voice managed to both disgust her with his words and make her stomach clench.

Her eyes shot open and she gasped at the feel of his cool fingers dipping into the front of her pants. Her hands came up to stop him, but as his finger plunged in between her legs, she involuntarily arched up. He grinned, pleased at her reaction, and he began thrusting two fingers into her folds.

She let out a cry – a cross between unwanted pleasure and desperation. His fingers moving inside her heat was too much to control. A single tear rolled down the side of her face as the conflicting emotions seemed to tear her apart. Buffy felt incredibly sickened that a part of her was attracted him, that her body fought her mind. And she HATED him for making her feel this way.

Spike added another finger into her and pumped, as he hardened even more from the way she was gasping for control. He could see her willing her body to remain tense and unresponsive – passive. It only turned him on even more. With the other hand, he began pulling at her clothes roughly.

“No, don’t!” she cried, desperately pushing his hands away from her sweater. Panic laced through her at the idea of being naked in front of him. His eyes hardened at her plea and he violently tore at the fabric, ripping it from her body as she let out a choked sob, but she refused to let the tears flow free. She shuddered from the feel of the cool air against her chest, and felt his hand move up to cup her breast roughly as his fingers remained pumping inside her. Her mind cried out, hating him for trying to break her resolve.

Spike extracted his fingers and her body arched at the loss. Slumping back down against the mattress, she willed herself to stop trembling from the way her body was singing in dissatisfaction. She shot him a hateful glare, one filled with watery, unshed tears. He gave her a smirk as he yanked off her pants and tore her panties off swiftly. Shutting her eyes at the degrading feeling that permeated her senses, she didn’t notice that he had tossed his pants aside until she opened her eyes again. Looking down, she felt a jolt of fear and awe at the sight of his hardened cock. Buffy closed her eyes again in shame at her own reaction.

Spike gave her an arrogant smirk as he leaned down to position himself at her entrance, prying apart her closed legs. He swooped in for a bruising kiss before plunging into her in one swift motion.

She cried out at the sudden invasion and reflexively grasped his shoulders, digging her fingernails into him.

He groaned and clenched his jaw at the feel of her heat around him.

She began hitting him wherever she could, but he just leered at her, obviously turned-on by her defiance. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head.

Abruptly, he began pumping in and out as she willed herself not to move against him. Buffy could feel the sensations building up inside her at the feel of his cock grinding against her inner walls. She hated him, and used her fury to disconnect herself from her body. He noticed happily that her body had become slightly responsive, her hips thrusting up occasionally as he plunged down.

“What did I tell you,” he taunted in a low, sexual voice. Buffy was about to thrash out against him in anger, but he started driving in deeper, hitting her spot and causing her body to quake. She grasped his muscular arms and let out short pants as she felt her control begin to unravel.

The sensations built up, threatening to strangle them both, his cock filling her, her heat strangling him. Gazing down at her cloudy expression, Spike wanted to lean down and kiss her, taste her lips, her skin – devour her. But he couldn’t. It could only be sex. With his face dangerously close to her lips with each thrust, he fought the urge and focused on his movements.

Spike knew she was near her peak when her body began to tremor, and he began to pump into her roughly, focusing on his own release. He closed his eyes as he felt her clench against him, tightening the feeling of her wet heat around his shaft. He let himself go and drove into her with force, releasing into her sporadically as she began to spasm in her own orgasm. Buffy cried out in involuntary pleasure and tilted her head up, gasping for air and clutching the sheets. He let out a primal roar as he spilled into her one last time.

Spike slumped down on top of her with a satisfied groan.

Disgusted with herself and fury evident in her eyes, Buffy tried to move, but Spike’s heavy body lay on top of her, his head between her breasts. After a moment, Spike rolled off of her and pulled out. He moved close to her ear and whispered, “I told you it would feel good.” Rolling to the side to lie down beside her, he shut his eyes and adjusted himself for sleep, not bothering to cover up his nudity.

His words laced through her like a knife, making her feel sick at the way her body was humming with satisfaction. Tears finally flowing free, she turned on her side and pulled up a sheet to cover herself. She remained tense on the bed, hoping he would fall asleep soon and prayed she could make a run for it.


Buffy waited for two torturous hours until the clock in his room showed 4 am. She hoped that everyone would be asleep by then, and luckily, Spike was in a deep slumber. Slowly and lightly, she inched her way off the bed, stopping whenever he moved. Glancing at him nervously, she inched her way to the bathroom where her bag of clothes were. Once inside, she threw on another pair of pants and a tank top, face filled with fury at the memory of her torn sweater. Looking up into the mirror, she saw herself, and shame washed over her. She felt like she could have done more to stop him, but hadn’t.

Pushing away her thoughts for now, she moved slowly out of the bathroom and tiptoed her way over to the door. Spike turned in his sleep, his right arm coming around to hit the other side of the bed – the side she was just on. Her breath hitched in her throat as she prayed he didn’t wake up. Hearing him mumble but fall back into a calm slumber, Buffy finally worked her way over to the door. Her heart pounded wildly as she spent a good two minutes carefully turning the handle without making it squeak. Spike appeared to be completely out still, and she flashed his sleeping form a cold look before turning back around and slipping out of his room.


Outside in the hall, everything was quiet. She looked both ways and didn’t see anyone. She turned right and started running lightly, going towards the main room. At any moment, someone could appear in the hallway and she would have nowhere to hide. She could feel her heart practically pounding out of her chest. All she heard was the rhythmic beats vibrating through her head as she ran away from his room, hoping to never come back.

Buffy almost reached the main room. She could see the clearing in front of her. Desperation filled her at the relief of seeing the stairs that led up to the door in the distance. A voice boomed out, and she halted in her steps and flung herself flat against the wall.

The voice was coming from the main room, but she could tell it was off to the left, and her position was safe from view.

“And what were his exact orders?” a male voice asked.

“He wants us to botch Spike’s two deals tomorrow, hopefully get his members caught in the process,” a familiar voice answered. Buffy’s mind searched for remembrance, and then she realized it was that guy who had appeared as soon as Drusilla opened the trunk – Lindsay.

“In that case, my pleasure,” the guy answered with obvious glee.

“Riley, what did I tell you about letting your hate cloud your judgment?” Lindsay asked with a smile. “You might just get your ass beat again.”

‘Riley’ huffed. “I’ll get Spike back. I’m counting on it.”

The two men pushed back their chairs and stood.

Buffy remained plastered with her back against the wall, trying to control her breathing as the silence increased her fear. Were they coming in her direction? She remembered something Cordelia said about each gang having two separate hallways. Buffy hoped to God that they wouldn’t come her way for some reason. Hearing their descending footsteps, she waited for what seemed like forever.

When she was fairly sure they had gone, she stepped out into the main room cautiously. She almost cried out with relief when she saw the empty room, not a single person in sight. The door was so close now. She was just a couple feet away from the stairs. Buffy begin to move with haste, darting into a full-on frantic run. She took the stairs two steps at a time, and reached the top. The possibility of being caught threatened to strangle her as she reached out to yank the old double doors. They opened and Buffy almost felt her heart flip. She started running out into the warehouse, never looking back down into that trap that they called their home. Until she ran right into two brunettes in leather.

She gasped and stopped in her steps, almost falling over at the sudden halt. They whipped around and looked at her with scowls.

“Who the hell are you?” one of them spat out, reaching down to her side for her gun.

Buffy panicked and she tried to run past them before the woman could lift her gun, but the other was too fast. She grabbed Buffy by the wrist and whipped her body violently back towards them.

Buffy tensed as she felt the end of the gun on her temple.

“Oh wait!” the other girl exclaimed in realization. “She must be Spike’s new toy. I heard there was a new captive today.”

The woman with the gun had an amused smile, “Really? Should we take the little runaway to Angelus then?”

Buffy’s eyes widened in panic. She was not only caught, but these women were obviously from Angelus’ side. Fear rose within her at the idea.

“No! Please don’t,” Buffy pleaded, forgetting all resolves of defiance.

“What do you think, Eve?” the woman with the gun still pointed at Buffy asked. “Maybe I’ll just blow her brains out, ruin Spike’s fun that way. I think Angelus would like that.”

“Nah. I don’t want to have to clean up the shit afterwards,” Eve replied as she stared at Buffy with an amused look.

“Not like you’re not use to cleaning up shit,” a sudden voice jumped in from behind them.

The three of them looked up at the intruding voice, and found two other women approaching. The speaker was a blonde, and the other was Illyria.

“Oh look, Lilah,” Eve continued sarcastically as she looked at the blonde, “Darla’s back for more,” she turned to look at Illyria with a smug smile, “and she brought her body guard this time.”

“Are you testing me?” Illyria asked in a low voice. She gave Eve a deadly look that melted the amused expression right off of her face.

Buffy’s gaze shot back and forth between the women. Eve and Lilah on one side with her, and Darla and Illyria on the other. Remembering the sting of Illyria’s earlier slap, Buffy stepped back in the opposite direction from her.

“I believe,” Darla stepped forward slowly, “that the new girl belongs to us?” With a challenging look, she went face to face with Lilah. “Or are you breaking code? Because I would love to see your ass get beat on by all of us.”

Lilah’s tight expression lit up with furious eyes. Grudgingly, she put away her gun. Motioning for Eve to follow, the two women shot them hateful glares before turning to leave.

Darla watched them leave and then turned to inspect Buffy for the first time. “So you’re our new little addition.” She circled around her as Buffy remained still, knowing she was in for it.

Darla stopped in front of her and gave her a smile. She said, “You made a big mistake, sweetie,” before flinging her fist forward to smash Buffy in the face. Buffy screamed in pain as she fell to the ground. The intensity almost knocked her out, and her hazy mind wasn’t fully registering she was being dragged on the ground. Dragged back down underground, back to her trap.


She felt a pain in her face and groaned. Eyes fluttering open slowly, she felt her heart drop when she realized she was back in the lockdown room. Tears threatening to spill, she got up and ran to the bathroom, and vomited into the toilet. There was no particular reason, but that yesterday was something so perverse and hopeless that she felt sick just from thinking about it. Buffy realized that yesterday, she was nowhere close to escaping. She didn’t even have a clue how far underground they were. She was stuck here. And that idea finally began to sink in.

Buffy got in the shower, but no amount of warm, soothing water could make her forget her one overlying thought. ‘I hate him. And I won’t let him win. I won’t let him break me.’


A/N: Ok, before we start flaming, I am in NO WAY saying people who are raped enjoy it. DEFINITELY NOT. I’m saying that Buffy and Spike have an initial attraction, and Buffy can’t help it if her body betrays her. The sex progression is a very important aspect of how they develop. You’ll have to make a decision as to whether or not you want to stick around for the end result. Either way, I appreciate you reading :) but no flames, just back away kindly.
This story archived at http://