Apocalypse by lindsay
Summary: Buffy has left L.A to try to make it on her own. Things arent looking so good when she gets fired from her job after only two weeks. She responds to an add for a bartender at the only club Sunnydale has "The Apocalypse", see what happens when sparks fly between her and her new possible boss. Discalimer: I own nothing Buffy wise!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 8004 Read: 16173 Published: 05/05/2005 Updated: 05/13/2005
Smiles by lindsay
Author's Notes:
I hope y'all like it, i tried lol so i hope its good enough. This last chap is actually my fave. and was the most fun to write. Thanx for everyone whos been reviewing and who will review, even though its done ill still respond to everyone so please let me know what you thought. The song i use is Smile by Ghost of the Robot
Buffy wiped down the bar, last call had been 15 minutes ago so she was cleaning up when she heard him speak into the mic. She looked up and saw Spike standing there on stage with a couple of guys she knew played in a band called “Dingoes ate my baby”.
He looked like Billy Idol and it was hot. He was wearing a black wifebeater with faded torn jeans and his hair was spiked up instead of slicked back as usual.

“This ones for a special girl I met a while back, who’s stolen my heart. Happy 6 months baby.”

Buffys eyes widened. He’d told her he had something special planned but she’d figured it had something to do with the handcuffs shed found behind his bed. Kinky lil stud muffin she thought with a grin and started to listen as the notes filled the air.

“In, I’m falling in
I didn’t want to.
Not so fast boy.”

Wow. He was really good. She walked out from behind the bar and made her way to the front through the throng of people, signalling Gunn to watch the bar for her. He gave her a wink and set up post as she went to listen to her man.

“Slow, don’t wanna hurt the girl
Give her a pretty box
You better fill it.”

Damn his voice was sexy, she looked up to see him staring at her and he blew her a kiss between lyrics.

“And I get blinded when she opens the door.
It’s like looking into the sun, ya know.
And I’m just blinking, mumbling, staring at my shoes.
And she just looks at me and…

Tears sprang to Buffy’s eyes, she’d never eard such wonderful things directed at her before he came into her life and they’d never been sung to her before. It was the most romantic thing she’d ever experienced. Yup, he was a keeper for sure.

“Oh, there we go again,
And it feels so good.
We’re falling up and down.
And down, it’s two a.m again
And she kisses me goodbye.
For the 16th time”

She beamed at him. The other week she’d had to go home to take care of some stuff and even though she was coming back hed insisted on kissing her goodbye a bunch of times.

“And I’m driving home and it’s 2 a.m
And I look at the sun coming up over the hills
And the clouds are turning pink and green
And all I can see is her

“I get blinded when she opens the door
It’s like looking into the sun ya know
And she just looks at me and

When the last notes where played he put the guitar down and reached out his hand to her. She took it and he pulled her in for a hug before getting down on bended knee. Buffy’s tiny hand went to her mouth in shock. The band started playing Billy Idols ‘White Wedding’ in the background softly, without the lyrics.

“Buffy Anne Summers, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

She removed her hand and screamed yes so loud that everyone laughed. She blushed and her hand shook as he put the beautiful ring onto her finger.

“Oh my god Spike…I’m so happy.” She cried as he pulled her in for a kiss.

He shot the bar keys to the new manager Wesley and asked him to close. “Theres one more surprise pet.” He whispered and pulled her out the back door into the alley where his car was parked.

They drove in comfortable silence, her hand on his knee the entire time until they pulled up to a beautiful house with a white picket fence.

“Oh, are we telling someone you know the happy news?” she asked as they got out and walked to the door. “It’s pretty late to be making housecalls baby.” She said nervously, not wanting to wake anyone up.

“I’m sure the owner wont mind pet.” He said with a sly grin.

“Okay, if your sure.”

They got to the door and he just stood there.

“Um aren’t you gonna ring or knock or something?”she asked confused.

He pulled a piece of paper and some keys out of his pocket and looked at her, handing them both over.

For the second time that night her hand flew to her mouth. In her hand was the deed to the house in her name and the keys as well.

He looked down at the ground. “Spike, I cant accept this.” She whispered.

“First off kitten I wont have us raising a family in an apartment when we decide to have one and the clubs been doing really well lately, mostly because of our beautiful bartender making all the men drink more so they can have a beer induced hallucination that they have a shot with her.”

They both laughed but at the same time Buffy was thinking. He’d remembered. He’d remembered when she’d told him that all she ever wanted was her own home, something just for her. But over the course of their time spent together shed come to realise that she already had something just for her. Him.

She looked up at him and gave him the very same smile that had inspired him to write a song.

“Spike, I’ll accept this under one condition.”

“Whats that pet?”

“That tomorrow we get this paper changed so that it has our names on it, not just mine.”

“But you always wanted….”

She cut him off.

“What I always wanted before you is NOT what I want now. There is no “me” anymore Spike, there’s only us. I love you William.”

It was his turn to get teary eyed as she gazed at him and took his hand into her own as she used “their” hand to open the door to their new house, home, future.

Please review, let me know. :)
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=11069