Flesh By Fantasy by BlessedKarma
Summary: After being brought back to life by the scoobies, Buffy is faced with the realization that the actions that occur in the last twenty-four of hours of life can set the rest of history into a tailspin. Add in an unreciprocated claim, an unexpected pregnancy, a persistent vampire.... Starts out at "The Gift" and completely AU from there
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 11818 Read: 6862 Published: 05/20/2005 Updated: 06/29/2005
Dancing with myself by BlessedKarma
Author's Notes:
Alright, guys, this is my first shot at some spuffy fanfiction so I would greatly appreciate some feedback to let me know if I should continue. I am also searching for a beta, so this chapter might be tweaked later on. Disclaimers are obvious, I bow in awe of Joss and the title of the story is a play off of Billy Idols "Flesh for fantasy" as well as the chapter title is a Billy Idol song. [Not a blink 182 song, rar.] Anyways, I ramble, feedback please!
“Bloody Hell.”

The words echoed throughout the empty, desolate graveyard, laced with a tinge of bitter annoyance. What day was it again? Ah, yes, day one hundred and forty six. Ever since that night, the days no longer had names or even dates attached to them, time was measured in days, hours, minutes, since he had lost his slayer, every since he’d been dancing alone. In those one hundred and forty six days nothing had been able to occupy the platinum blonde vamps mind; patrolling was a waste of time, every demon was blasted with - and dusted by - the fury of the loss that was stealing away at Spike’s soul. Well, if he had a soul that was. All he knew was there was an empty feeling inside of him that nothing could appease. His sharp blue eyes drifted across the graveyard, taking in the emptiness with a disgruntled sigh of unneeded breath. It was all nothing without her. What a pounce he was, thinking on how he missed her well spun barbs and the verbal jabs she tossed at him. She challenged him in so many ways that it was impossible to just not think about her all the time. He tried to put on a tough façade for little bit; his girl was pretty set off by all this and it was all he could do to keep his own emotions in place so that he could help Dawn deal with her hysterics. Plus, this damn habit of letting his mind wander had taken over. It seemed every other moment his thoughts were drifting back to that evening before he’d lost her….

One hundred forty six days previously….

The adrenaline that was flowing through Spikes veins was threatening to overwhelm him any minute. With so much going on, it was getting hard to control the desires of the demon within him, really, all that was holding him back was the tiny blonde who was currently throwing a crossbow over her shoulder directly at his chest. One hand twisted out to grab it, slinging it over his shoulder as he watched her. “Whoa, pet, easy with the throwing of the pointy objects! Know it‘s not made of wood or anything but it‘s the principle of the matter and all”. His eyes drifted over that luscious curve of her backside before he forced himself to pay attention at risk of being impaled what with the Slayer just tossing weapons around like there was no tomorrow. Oh, right, apocalypse and all that, right, could actually be no tomorrow. Slowly, his pink tongue slipped across his lips, moistening them slightly before he took a step closer to her. The crossbow was tossed onto the nearby couch, eyes raking over her form as a look crossed his eyes that could only be deemed predatory. His mind was working over every available option he had here, which approach to take, what could best get him what he wanted in this situation. The scent of her was driving him crazy; the vanilla shampoo, the jasmine body lotion, the cucumber and watermelon body spray, not to mention the lingering scent of her arousal - while he had caught the scent on so many occasions, especially after a good fight - that scent in particular never failed to make him rock hard beneath his tight black jeans.

Clearing his throat, he took a step forward and risked getting bitch slapped, mustering up his courage and running one cold hand down the slayers arm slowly, soothingly. “Buffy, luv, take a breath pet, getting all strung out isn’t going to help anything or anyone..” He smiled slightly, glad she couldn’t see his smug expression as she paused in her rifling. Her body responded by relaxing for a second before it tensed again but this time for all new reasons as he gently tugged her up to a standing position, his hard erection pressing firmly against her from behind while his strong arms went around her midsection. He couldn’t help himself, the little minx had a spell on him; people thought the Red was the one who worked the magic, well they had it all wrong. “Apocalypse and all…” He muttered against her ear, his cool breath causing goose bumps to form on her warm skin “wouldn’t want the world to end without one last shag, huh?” A slow smirk crossed his features at her familiar sentiment of ‘pig’ fell from her lips. He could feel that she wanted it though, could feel it in the way that she pressed back against him, the way the scent of her arousal grew stronger…and it fueled on his desire even more. The way he referred to it so easily -- a shag -- like that was all it was for him but they both knew it was more then that. The sex was an escape for her, it was a demonstration of love for him, it had stopped being about the sex a long time ago. Every time one of these damn ‘end-of-the-world‘ -- ‘must-kill-slayer’ circumstances came up his unsouled body craved her even more then normal due to the fear deep inside him that this could be the one. The fight that she didn’t come out of, that he could lose her…and for some reason it was weighing heavily on him that night.

Chilled lips made their way up a previously made trail from the nape of her neck, across her pulse, up to the sensitive skin right below her ear. A satisfied smile crossed his lips as he felt the shudder run through her body; she could call him all the bloody names she wanted to but they didn’t hold the same meaning they used too. It was merely lip service to convince herself that she wasn’t enjoying the touch of the cold vampire that was her constant shadow. Nimble fingers shifted to find the hem of her shirt, sliding calloused tips over the soft skin of her stomach, admiring the smoothness that did little to hide the hard muscle that formed her body. God, she was beautiful. A temptress even when she was just standing still. Fucking poetry in motion. Without words -- words had a tendency to get him a good smack or two -- he turned her in his arms, his lips lowering to hers. As always, the feel of the slayers lips against his sent his body into a reverent awe, to have spent so many nights dreaming of the feeling and then finally experiencing it…well it was bloody beyond words, that’s what it was. Within seconds he had her against the wall, his lips assaulting her with the passion that fueled his very being, deepening the embrace and praising whatever gods had decided to bless him as she parted her lips for him. Strawberry. She was wearing strawberry lip gloss. The girl was about to go fight off the end of the world and yet she still had time to apply the sweetest tasting strawberry lip gloss. God he loved her. His tongue slipped between those lips, regretfully leaving the sweet taste in favor of exploring her mouth. She was so warm, his tongue slipped over hers, performing an ageless dance as he kissed her, so warm…and his thoughts were all a muddle again. She had that ability. Until that point, his eyes had been shut, just enjoying the kiss for what it was before his lids flew open - revealing passion filled cobalt eyes - as Buffy ground herself against his hard erection. A low groan escaped his mouth as he tipped his head back, eyes sliding shut again as her small hand ran over the length of his cock over his jeans, her breath ragged already. The things he was going to do her…his mind ran over images before he was pulled back to reality with her words. “No time…” Her voice was breathless, her actions driven by need as she frantically pulled at the button his jeans.

She was right of course, the scoobies were waiting and there were demons to fight and all that. One hand shifted to capture hers, wrapping his fingers around her wrists and pinning them to the wall above her head as his lips caressed down her throat again, pausing a second at her throbbing pulse before he focused on the task at hand. His dark eyes drifted over her as he undid the buttons on his pants before he paused, dropping her hands. Buffy’s eyes followed him as he ran his hand down her hip and then, unexpectedly, swung her up in his arms. “Gonna need a bit of a lie down before you fight the baddies, pet.” He winked down at her before he headed up the stairs to the living room. Every one was gone, and honestly, he didn’t have the patience to make it to the bedroom so he stretched her out on the couch. Making quick work of losing their clothing so that he could have an extra second, his eyes trailed over her body, his lips worshiping her quickly before he nuzzled her neck softly, his words a soft whisper as he spoke to her. “Guide me in, luv.” Really, he just wanted to feel that hand around his throbbing cock before he buried himself in her. His lips continued their trek over her neck as she reached down between them, bringing the tip of his cock to her entrance. His eyes slid shut as he felt how hot she was, his lip tucking between his teeth as his hand went to cup her breast, kneading softly and smiling as she arched into his touch. A calloused thumb brushed over her nipple, causing it to pucker and harden beneath his touch. She was so bloody perfect, perfect breasts, perfect body, everything was perfect in his eyes. “So wet for me, Buffy, so bloody hot…could lose myself in you..” His words were just mutterings before he thrust into her center, his eyes nearly rolling back as she moaned loudly in appreciation. He paused a second, not wanting to bust so quickly like some school boy -- damn the effects she had on him -- though his little slayer was impatient.

“Fuck me”

The words that spilled from her lips sent him over the edge. One hand went to swing under her knee, bringing her leg to wrap around his hips as he thrust into her. It felt like he was going to burn up in her liquid heat; he was aching to tell her he loved her, but instead contented himself on muttering how beautiful she was, how hot her cunt was, how tight she was wrapped around him and was rewarded by the moans and cries of pleasure she was emitting. She began meeting his thrusts, driving him in deeper, encouraging him to speed up and of course he willingly went along with her urgings. Her head was tossed back, her face flushed; he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, such beauty seemed almost holy to him. His left hand was curled around the arm of the couch, supporting himself and giving him some extra leverage to push into her while the other hand slipped between their slick bodies to find her clit, a moan escaping both their lips as he began rubbing the nub furiously. Within seconds her walls were tightening around him and he could feel his own release building. The pleasure was overwhelming his thoughts, pants of unneeded air escaping him as his lips went back to her neck. Seeing her writhing with pleasure, feeling her orgasm building, it was all clouding his mind and suddenly all he could think was ‘damn the consequences’. She had to know she was his. Even if she wouldn’t admit, he knew that she cared for him, it was on what level he wasn’t sure of. His lips trailed over her neck before he found her pulse, his tongue sliding over the spot as his eyes flickered up to her. “Spike!” His name was a drawn out cry as the swell of pleasure washed over her and in that moment, his game face slipped on, hidden in the curve of her neck. As her walls clenched around him, he slid his fangs into the soft skin of her neck, gently, so gently. Her body bucked wildly beneath his, the sensual act of blood letting merely compounding her orgasm or possibly sending her into her second - he wasn’t sure. The taste of her blood flowing over his lips, across his tongue pushed him into his climax, his seed spilling into her in violent bursts. His tongue soothed the marks on her neck as she thrust against him a few more times, her breath still so loud and ragged that she didn’t hear the words he mumbled in Latin, his face still resting in the curve of her neck. His body was trembling with the pleasure that she had just allowed him but he knew that within seconds she was going to be pushing him off of her so he stood - his eyes on her. Maybe it was the fact that there was a crisis looming over them, maybe it because he had just sent her to cloud nine and back, he wasn’t sure really sure what the reasons were but he didn’t question them, whatever the reason was, Buffy didn’t freak over his bite. Instead, he just watched as she raised her hand to her neck, touching the sensitive skin there before she offered him the faintest of smiles and turned to get dress. Taking his hint from her, he turned to get dress and a few moments later he had a bag of weapons in his hand and was following her out the door. His tongue ran slowly across his lips as he watched the sway of her hips and while the volume of his voice was soft, the tone was firm and possessive as he uttered one word.

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=11620