Touching Back by Gerbnednav
Summary: AHHHH! I'm so freakin excited this story has been nommed for three fang fetish awards!!!! Thank you to however nominated me! This is what I believe would have happened If Buffy had made one tiny different decision near the end of Touched. Spoilers through Touched and part of End of Days.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 82993 Read: 55208 Published: 05/22/2005 Updated: 09/03/2005
Part five by Gerbnednav
Author's Notes:
Okay a moment of honesty. With the last chapter I seriously thought about it the whole day after I posted it thinking that it wasn't good while I was at work. I mean it was kind of distracting but I thought in all fairness when I got home that I would go ahead and pull it and fix what i thought didn't work. OMG though when I logged in and read the reviews you guys left I couldn't touch it. I mean how could I you were just all so great and you seemed to like it. Who am I to mess with something that was working. (Not like certain filmmakers who keep changing their classic films when there was really nothing wrong to begin with) I truly believe that once posted it belongs to everyone who reads it and if you all like it that much who the heck am I to mess with it. So it has flaws big whoop, most things do. So I just wanted to thank everyone who reviewed the last chapter and let you know that your words are truly touching me and such. Okay I've spouted off long enough. Please continue letting me know what you think and thanks again.
Buffy had to fight to hold in the sigh she felt in her chest at the need to get out of her too comfy position. She would have preferred to stay right where she was with her large vampire shaped body pillow but the call of nature was being overly insistent and she carefully managed to disentangle her limbs with that of his. Holding her breath as she slowly slid away from him she let it go when her feet finally touched the carpet. A quick glance behind her was enough to reassure the feeling that he was still sound asleep.

As much as she knew he would deny it she was certain that Spike had been just as exhausted as she had been. She was more then willing to give him a little more time to sleep.

Stepping back out of the bathroom she stole a glance at the clock by his bedside and noticed that it wasn't even noon yet. Only a few quick hours of sleep and she was up already. It wasn't like she should have been surprised she had been like this since she had been called as the slayer only getting three or four hours of sleep a night before going to school, or work or wherever. Sometimes she was a little jealous of the vampires she had to slay after all they got to have a full eight hours of sleep if they wanted after dodging her all night. Didn't seem altogether fair that she wouldn't be allowed the same.

Pushing the asinine thoughts out of her mind she stepped back into her shorts and pulled on her shirt. Quietly she made her way back into the front room and sat on the couch. She thought about turning the TV on for a moment but dismissed the idea given that at this time of day there wouldn't be anything on worth watching.

Carefully keeping her wandering mind from her more troubled thoughts she just let the quiet in the apartment settle into her. There had been so little time to herself lately and for once it was good to be able just to sit and not really think. Of course it would have been better to know they weren't just about to fight a big apocalypsy type event without even a small clue as to what was going on.

The first pound on the door made her jump to her feet startled. The second sent her quickly stepping to the door. Right after the loud forceful bang that shook the door in its frame she flung the door open.

Her eyes met with a very angry Angel.

His abrupt push past her caused a frown at appear and her brow to furrow. What the hell had gotten into him know? She was sure it was something serious because for the first time she noticed he wasn't brooding he was seething. The look on the dark man's face spoke of a murderous rage she had never seen not even when he had been Angelus.

There was no time for her to react no time for her to question just what he was thinking or what possibly could have happened when he began his rant. His pace slowed as he turned to face her his eyes burning with something close to hate and she felt a small shiver trail down her spine. She knew it wasn't directed at her but the cold burning fury she saw there was scary if directed anywhere.

"Where the fuck is Spike?" He was loud whether by design or not Buffy couldn't tell but she flinched in response.

"Well he was bloody sleepin' till you walked in here like a jack ass Peaches." Said vampire was now leaning in the doorway of his bedroom giving Angel what looked on the surface to be a death glare. But underneath Buffy was sure she could see the light of curiosity and maybe the barest flicker of concern.

His voice made her recall the use of hers and she looked between the two of them for a moment before speaking.

"Angel what's going on?"

"Get dressed." Her gaze met with that of Spike's at the commanding tone Angel had used. Normally such a tone would get him no end of derision from the both of them. After all this was Spike and her like they were good at following orders.

"Answer the damn question, Poof. What's got your knickers in such a twist?" He had stepped into the room his stride bringing him right next to the other man.

"I don't have time for this. We've got to move now."

"Angel?" She softened her voice hoping that he would calm and be a little more reasonable.

"They have him alright? They fucking took him out of his own house and now he's god knows where. So could you please get your asses moving so I can find him?" He was still yelling and Buffy had the distinct impression that the word please was only tossed in her direction.

"Could you clear that up a little mate? Who have they got and who are they?" Spike's head was cocked quizzically at Angel but there was no smirk on his face.

But Buffy was finding that she didn't need this spelled out for her for once. It was really pretty simple.

"They took Connor." She placed a hand on his arm the gesture sympathetic in nature and she was glad that this time she got no possessive vibe from Spike. There was just so much she could deal with right now and jealous vampire crap was way down at the bottom of the list.

His slow nod the only conformation she needed she headed back to the bedroom to change her clothes.

"Who the bleedin' hell is Connor?" She could hear the confusion and the tint of annoyance in his voice. Turning back to look at him she took stock of his defensive stance and Angel's closed off face.

"Angel I'm going to go get dressed maybe it would be better if you told Spike what was going on."


"I'm not trying to tell you I told you so Angel but he needs to know what's going on. Give me a minute and I'll be right out."

She stepped into the bedroom and hastily found something to wear and threw it on. Roughly pulling a brush through her hair she tied it back into a ponytail and went into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Those mundane chores completed she walked back into the living room.

"How is that even possible?" The incredulity in Spike's voice lead her to believe he was having a hard time with the whole vampires having children thing. Well she couldn't blame him for that one herself she still didn't really get it but the fact was there was a child albeit an eighteen-year-old one that was raised in a hell dimension.

Angel ran a hand through his brown hair causing it to spike in an odd angle.

"There was some prophecy involved and he just is okay?"

"When did they take him?" Buffy asked as she sat back on the sofa while she watched the two vamps continue to stand. She assumed that Angel was just to aggravated to sit and Spike well he was Spike after all.

"This morning about dawn. They yanked him right out of his own bed and killed the people that he thought were his parents."

"Any idea where they would have taken him?"

The look of devastation on his face was clear and she resisted the urge to run over to him and give him a supportive hug.


"Well maybe you should call the others and get them over here. Gunn included maybe he knows someplace that they keep hostages for negotiations or something."

"There isn't time Buffy."

"Angel we don't even have a clue of where to look for him. Make the calls."

"Why bother no one is going to believe any of this. Not without some kind of proof." He stepped towards the door his hand reaching for the knob.

"Angel where are you going?"

"To get some answers." As the door opened she let out a small gasp to see Hamilton standing on the other side of it.

The surprise must not have been quite as bad for Angel considering he had grabbed the man by the throat before she could blink. He was dragged into the apartment and there was a dull thud as his body made contact with the wall. A low growl came from Angel's throat and Buffy felt a momentary chill as the other man wore a cold smile.

"Angel lovely to see you again." The polished words were a bit strained with the lack of oxygen but the absence of fear was plain.

Spike had moved to come up along side Angel staring into Marcus's dark eyes.

"Strange coincidence the suit showing up here and all. Got something you want to share?"

The smile never left his face and he didn't answer. A look passed between the men and Angel's grip tightened even more.

Hamilton looked like he was struggling to say something and the grip on his throat loosened enough for him to pull some air into his lungs and make his vocal cords work.

"Everyone ever tell you not to kill the messenger?" His voice still held that false cheer that creeped her out.

"If you don't have anything to say...." Angel's words were low and dangerous. He began to squeeze his fingers into the man's neck again.

Easily and before the rest of them had a chance to react Hamilton knocked Angel back across the room. He seemed to take in their startled looks before straightening his suit and tie.

"Now let's have a civilized discussion about this. We obviously have something you want and we want you to do something for us."

Buffy was the first to react and she walked closer to the man. His gaze traveled over her appreciatively and this time she didn't bother to hide the revulsion on her face.

"Where is he?"

"Uh uh." He tisked at her. "Let's not be hasty here. Maybe we should all get to know more about each other first."

"Over my dead body." Spike growled at the man. "Best you keep your eyes to yourself mate."

A small chuckle left the suited man's lips. "You really think I'm bothered by your posturing? The truth is I could kill everyone in this room and not blink an eye. But I am a business man and we have business to conduct."

Buffy watched as Spike's body seemed to coil as if he was a snake ready to strike. She put a hand on his shoulders to stop whatever impulse he was about to follow and turned to face the other man.

"So talk already." She could sense Angel come stand behind the two of them again.

"Of course." He looked seriously at Angel. "The Senior Partners are a little concerned that you're not living up to your end of the bargain. Let's say that they wanted a little insurance in that regard."

"If they've done anything to him-"

"He's perfectly safe I assure you. As long as you keep doing your job of course."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He denied.

"You know you are an exceptionally bad liar. I wonder if that's just the soul? No matter. Who do you think you work for Angel? We have the most powerful seers and psychics in this and every other dimension working for us. Didn't you think we would know when your thinking changed?" He glanced back over to Buffy. "A pity really we had such high hopes for you."

She felt her body tense at his words and she kind of wished she could just pummel the guys face in. The only thing keeping her back was the thought that this guy knew exactly what had happened to Angel's son and she was determined to help him get the boy back.

"What do they want?"

"Just the same thing they wanted when Angel came to Wolfram & Hart. He's to go back and run the place just like he was doing before you showed up on his doorstep." His leer was back and she thought that if she had eaten anything in the last few hours she would be tossing it on to the floor right about now.

"That's it?" She knew the disbelief she was feeling was quite clear in her words.

"For Angel yes. For you that's a different matter all together." He stepped closer to her ignoring the bleached vampire at her side. "We know holding Connor is enough to hold him in check but you're kind of a loose end. Something that needs tying up."

She was used to innuendo of course knowing Spike as long as she had would certainly be enough of a lesson on the topic even for the most naive of people. This seemed different though somehow. It wasn't something he was using just to get a rise out of her as Spike had in the past and it wasn't the bantering that they had shared in the past both in harm and in fun. No this innuendo was far worse and she was sure that he fully intended to live out the ugly picture that was dancing in his head. A thought she was in no way happy to have.

"Is there a point to all of this or are you getting off on hearing your own voice? Cause to tell you the truth I'm getting a little bored over here." She channeled her disgust with him into her words. Sneaking a glance at Spike she was amused to see the smirk cross his lips at her words.

"Oh there is a point as I'm sure you know. The Senior Partners would like a meeting with you."

"A meeting? You've got to be kidding."

"No I'm very serious. You realize that they don't request meetings with mortals very often don't you? It's really an honor."

"And you want her to walk into the lion's den?" She wondered if Spike's eyebrow got any higher would it disappear into his hairline.

"Somehow I'm thinking this isn't a good thing."

"Think whatever you want. This is the only way to ensure the young man's safety. It really is no concern either way to them."

She wished she had the power to damn this man. Well more then he already probably was considering his alliances but the fact remained they had them over a barrel and she only had one choice. Damn her sense of right and wrong.

"Fine. Do what you have to set up make a schedule whatever. Just as long as you leave right now." Taking a threatening step closer to him she settled her hands on her hips.

"Very well. Good to see you as always Buffy. Perhaps it will be under better circumstances the next time."

"Somehow I doubt that Marcus." She said his name with as much disdain, as she was capable of.

But he was already out the door and she was forced to close it behind him.

"Stupid. How could I have been so stupid?" She muttered to herself. Well it would have been except for the exceptional hearing of her two companions.

"Just what are you thinking luv?"

"Please Spike don't take that tone with me. Did you see another choice? Cause if you did I so want to hear it." She gave her eyes a roll for good measure.

"How could you agree to meet with them? You know they don't even exist in this dimension?" Angel shook his head.

She flinched at that.

"Okay so I didn't think of that. Still not seeing the other choices here." She walked back towards the little kitchen area without looking back. "You have a better plan then spill."

She searched in the cupboards and found a glass. Turning to the sink she twisted the tap and filled it.

"Buffy you can't just go to a meeting with the Senior Partners." Angel was in such a sad state of denial and she wondered how many hours he was going to waste on Wolfram & Hart's payroll sitting in his office and brooding.

"Gee thanks for that bit of info. And that is also not helping." She took a long sip of the water glad to have the cool liquid soothe her throat.

"I'm just stating the facts you go in there and they're going to kill you."

She slammed the glass on the counter water spilling out of it in all directions.

"News flash Angel if they wanted any of us dead I'm sure we'd be that way by now. I don't think this is their only option." Taking a deep breath she tried to curb the frustration she was feeling.

Her glance finally settled on Spike and suddenly he seemed awfully pale to her. She wondered why that would be and thought about the conversation they were currently having. Her eyes widened when the thought ran through her head like a giant banner. The guy just learned she had a prophetic dream about her own death and here they were talking about her dying. When had she become so dumb any way?

She walked to him quickly and wrapped an arm around his waist as she faced Angel. Hoping that silent reassurance would be enough until she could deal with the other vamp in her life.

"That doesn't-"

"Just drop it Angel okay?" She let out a deep sigh. "You better go to the office before they start thinking you're not holding up you're end of the deal. Spike and I will think of something. I hope."

"No worries luv. Nasties won't get a chance at you." Wrapping her arm a little tighter around him she was grateful that he was here.

"Right. So you want me to go back and act like nothing is wrong?"

"No I want you to go and let them see you there. No one said you had to be happy about it."

"Fine I'll go but I want to know the second you hear from Hamilton. Or if you think of a plan."

Buffy didn't like the tone he used but she let it go. They had enough problems without fighting amongst themselves. She gave him a nod and kept her eyes on him as he walked through the door.

Once the door shut behind Angel she dropped her arm and faced Spike.

"Don't even say it." She warned him quietly.

"What that I think your makin' a bloody fucked up mistake?" The sarcasm in his voice was biting.

"Then you tell me what the hell I was supposed to do. I didn't hear you coming up with any bright ideas." She had started to increase in volume but she couldn't control it.

"I don't know but I sure as hell wouldn't have volunteered to a face to face with the bastards."

"God were either of you even in the same room with me? I don't recall volunteering being an option. Besides this isn't about me it's about saving Angel's son. I don't have the time for this so let it go."

"You don't have the time?" His tone was dripping with incredulity. "That's positively rich pet. Seems to me you haven't the time for much now days." He took a step towards her practically blocking out everything in her vision with his proximity. "This the part where you tell me it was a barrel of laughs but you really got to run? Think we're back to that old standard. Well got news for you luv, this vamp ain't playin' that game." His breath came out heavy almost in a pant as his eyes bore the hurt she had witnessed on too many occasions. But she was damned if she was willing to shoulder the burden of that this time.

She spun away from him taking a few steps to give her some room and a moment to collect her thoughts. Taking a steadying breath she faced him once more.

"You think that's all this is? A sick game? Do you think so little of me that I would ever go back to the way I was then?" Searching his eyes she found that for once she couldn't find her answers to him there. "Maybe you do. Hell maybe I deserve it. But this whole mess isn't about that is it? You want to make it my fault? Fine by me. Won't be the first time. But don't you dare accuse me of shutting you out when you're doing it to me." She crossed her arms over her chest trying to keep it from heaving in her anger. Turning her back to him she continued to keep her arms wrapped around her body.

Fuck for once couldn't she catch a break from all of the emotional turmoil? Did her life have to resemble an episode of Passions all the time?

She was unsure of how long they stood that way. Each of them silent left to whatever horrible thoughts wanted to filter through their troubled minds. Time itself seemed to stretch out and finally Buffy was able to get her mind on track. If she was lucky there would be a time and place for this thing she and Spike had going on. But now was definitely not it. Too much was riding on her shoulders and she needed to focus.

Her head tilted down in concentration and for the first time since she had gotten dressed she actually noticed what she was wearing. A cream v-necked tank and faded blue jeans. Nothing out of the ordinary in her wardrobe except for one glaring fact.

This was what she had been wearing in her dream.

It took her a moment and a few blinks of her eyes before she could really focus on the fact. When she did she tried to tell herself that it was only a coincidence that it meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. But that stupid little rational voice in her head berated her and whispered that there was no such thing as coincidences and she should know better after living so many years on a Hellmouth.

The thought had her spinning wildly out of control in just a few seconds. Was this the day? Was today really the day she was going to die again?

"Spike?" His name came out a bit breathy not at all like the strong slayer she had been a few moments before.

"Yeah?" He however was gruff his anger and hurt apparently not dampened by the time he had been silent.

"A plan would be so of the good right now." She turned back to face him her eyes shining with tears she would not allow to fall.

His reaction was swift as she knew it would be once he assessed the stricken look on her face, the tears hiding in her eyes, and the race of her heart. He was by her side in an instant arms wrapping themselves around her drawing her close to his body.

Here in the comfort of his embrace she let the world drop away once more even if it was for just a fleeting moment.
This story archived at http://