Overcome by Flibble
Summary: An unsatisfied Buffy comes across Spike while patrolling. This story is set in Season 4. Buffy and Riley are a couple but Spike is pre-chip.
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes Word count: 23070 Read: 35441 Published: 06/26/2005 Updated: 10/17/2006
Chapter Three by Flibble
Author's Notes:
Huge thank yous to everyone that has reviewed this story. I couldn't do it without you guys.
Chapter Three

Buffy backed away from Spike with a feral grin. She could feel the alcohol she’d consumed earlier coursing through her, allowing her inhibitions to take a much needed vacation. Running her hands slowly up her naked body she gently kneaded her breasts as she watched Spike approach. “And just what would a big bad vampire like yourself want me to do?”

Spike chuckled with delight. He’d never seen the Slayer so…playful. Taking advantage of his enhanced speed he shot forward to grab her around the waist and drag her body up against his.

Slowly he ran his tongue over her bottom lip, smiling when she sighed. “Make me beg.”

Buffy stared at him in shock for several moments before a wicked smile stole across her face. Spike could have sworn he saw her eyes flash yellow before she crashed into him once again. Her lips and teeth devouring him with a ferocity that surprised even him.

Buffy had never been as grateful for her supernatural strength as she was when she picked Spike up and threw him bodily onto a large sarcophagus. Clambering up after him she quickly straddled his hips and pinned his arms above his head at the wrists. Taking a long moment to saviour the feelings coursing through her Buffy watched the vampire with a sense of exaltation.

Make me beg.

The words made her shiver as they replayed in her mind. Spike’s breath was coming in harsh pants, despite the lack of necessity. His blue eyes were fixed unblinking on her face, the hunger within them unconcealed. The evidence of his arousal was pressed intimately against her and when she flexed her hips slightly she was rewarded with his gasp as he grew even larger beneath her.

Make me beg.

She smiled in anticipation as she fully recognised her own power over him. Finally, with this man, she could be free. She could do anything to him and he would thank her for it. She could hurt him and he would only want her more. Anything.

Releasing his wrists, Buffy dragged her nails slowly down his arms to his chest, drawing intricate patterns over the muscles she found there. When Spike began to lower his arms her hands stilled and her eyes snapped back to his. Understanding her silent command Spike returned his arms to their place above his head, crossing them at the wrists. Even so the smile on his lips and the defiance in his eyes dared her to try to tame him.

The heat of lust shot through Buffy at the combination of submission and rebellion. Keeping her eyes on the expressive planes of his face, Buffy recommenced her play. She let her fingers dance at will across his skin, learning, teasing, exploring. Pinching his nipples she smiled when he hissed softly. Lowering her mouth she ran the flat of her tongue over one hard pebble before pulling it between her teeth and biting down.

Spike groaned loudly as he arched up toward her mouth. The slight pain of her little teeth nipping at him sent a bolt of fire straight from his nipple to his groin and he had to remind himself not to plead for more.

Ever so slowly Buffy slid her body up his, making sure they were just touching. When she reached his mouth she darted her tongue out to lick the corner of his mouth, springing back when he tried to capture her lips with his own. Looking into his eyes she reached between them and drew one finger up the underside of his shaft then twirled it lightly around the head. As he writhed and moaned beneath her she whispered, “When you’re done begging me, I’ll let you do anything you want.”

Spike choked on the words, his straining body warring with the pride that wouldn’t let her defeat him so quickly. Enjoying the effect her words had on him, Buffy grinned happily and started to work her way back down his body. Kneeling between his legs she breathed heavily on the inside of his thighs, causing a violent tremor to pass through him. Moving up slightly she took one round sphere into her mouth and sucked firmly as she rolled her tongue around it. Then she repeated the action with the other.

“Oh God Buffy,” Spike shouted, his voice raw with unfulfilled passion.

Buffy chuckled with glee as she stared hungrily at the rock-hard erection in front of her. Starting at the base she licked him like a lollipop, and then changed to short, hard licks all over him, making him whimper as he sought desperately to direct his aching flesh closer to her mouth.

Deciding she couldn’t wait any longer Buffy crawled back up his body. Her aching centre hovered over him as she watched him looking at her there. The stark longing on his face, and the almost inaudible keening sound coming from him, made her want to put him out of his misery. Almost.

Grasping him firmly with one hand she guided him to her core, sliding him between the heated folds of flesh. She moaned his name as she felt her muscles clenching, desperate for the feel of him stretching her, filling her. Giving in to the needs of her body Buffy slid down onto him, only to bounce straight back up until only the tip remained inside her. Spike’s shout of joy quickly faltered as the scalding heat that had engulfed him disappeared.

Buffy raked her nails sharply down his chest and over his stomach. Hissing at the pain, Spike’s eyes snapped back to her face to find her watching him avidly. Holding his gaze she quickly bounced on him again. Down. Up. Neither could help the sounds that tore from them at the feel of flesh sliding against flesh.

Buffy prayed he would break before she found herself begging him to beg. Desperate to tear those sweet words of supplication from his resisting body she sank once more and groaned loudly. “Oh Spike, I want you.”

At her words the final thread of Spike’s control snapped. Suddenly he found himself clutching at her hips, trying desperately to hold her to him as he bucked up into the heat of her body. The words that had been lodged in his throat burst forth in a torrent. “Oh God please…Buffy…please…need you…now!”

Throwing her head back Buffy released a wild cry of triumph and relief. Clenching him tightly inside her she let her body fall forward onto his chest as she rode him at a furious pace, her thighs gripping his body like a steel trap.

Quickly approaching an explosion of unknown proportions Buffy was surprised when Spike flipped them over. Slipping his arms under her legs he lifted them onto his shoulders before thrusting hard into her. Buffy never would have believed he could touch her so deeply and that one heart-pounding thrust sent her spiralling over the edge. Spike felt like she was strangling him as he drove into her and, watching her sweat-soaked body twisting and arching under him, he was awed by the savage beauty of her completion. His own climax hit him with the force of a tidal wave and with a great roar he followed her into the pulsating blackness of release.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=12648