Criminal Games by Ashlee
Summary: William ‘Spike’ Reed is the most successful art thief on record- and he’s never been caught. As one of the most powerful men in the country, he has managed to elude arrest for years while still maintaining a prominent status. When FBI Agent Buffy Summers is assigned to go undercover to capture him, she’s entered a game that she’s not sure she can win.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 40 Completed: Yes Word count: 70341 Read: 65257 Published: 07/01/2005 Updated: 10/25/2005
Comfort Zones by Ashlee
Chapter 10 – Comfort Zones

Walking up the steps in front of Spike’s house a few days later, Buffy rang the bell, feeling extremely out of place. After talking to him on the phone, he had told her to not dress up at all. Entering a mansion wearing jean shorts and a plain white t-shirt was not in Buffy’s comfort zone- especially since she hadn’t been able to bring a weapon with her.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she nearly rolled her eyes.

‘Yes, a gun makes you feel better, but you’re resourceful. If anything happens, you’ll find something to use against him.’

Expecting to see one of his employees open the door, she was surprised when Spike opened it, smiling when he saw her.

“Evening, gorgeous,” he said, raising an eyebrow as he openly appraised her legs before opening the door even wider to allow her entrance.

“You seem like you’re in a good mood,” she said, looking at him with an amused expression.

“Aren’t I always?” he asked, wrapping his arm around her waist.

“I don’t really know you well enough to make that assumption,” she teased, letting him lead her through the house. “Where are we going?”

“Outside,” he said, trailing his hand along her back and over her hip until he reached for her hand.

“And what’s outside?”

“Pool party.”

Pausing for a moment, she watched as Spike turned to look at her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said, shaking her head. “Just…surprised…I guess.”

“You’re sure?” he asked, confusing her even more with his seemingly genuine concern.

“Positive,” she replied, letting him lead her out to the back deck. Stopping when she looked around, Buffy frowned, not seeing anyone. “What’s going on?” she asked.

“Oh, did I forget to mention?” Spike asked with a smile. “It’s a private party.”

“Excuse me?” she asked with a smile, surprised at how easily he could get her to relax.

“Gave my staff the night off- cancelled everything and anything that could interrupt us. Thought we could relax.”

“I don’t have a suit,” she said, turning toward him with a shy look.

“Pool house,” Spike replied, his eyes glancing over her shoulder in the direction of the small house before looking at her again. “I’m sure you’ll find something in there.”

Raising an eyebrow, Buffy took a slight step back. “They’re not left over from someone else who had a ‘night off’ with you, are they?”

“No, love,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Brand new.”

“Okay,” she said, nearly trembling against him. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be here,” he murmured, seeing her raise her eyes to his and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.

Relaxing against him, Buffy held onto his arms, feeling his hands rest on the small of her back as she slowly pulled away. This was getting too familiar and too…nice.

“Going now,” she murmured, smiling slightly when she didn’t make a move to extract herself from his arms.

“I can see that,” he replied, the smile obvious in his voice, even though Buffy didn’t look up to see it.

Shutting off everything in her that told her this was wrong, Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her for a passionate kiss, nearly attacking his mouth with hers. Spike eagerly returned the kiss, growing hard at the feel of her warm body pressed so intimately against his.

Feeling the effect she was having on him, she lightly pushed against him, feeling the hardness against her stomach as he pressed his erection against her.

She knew that lines were being crossed and boundaries were being ripped away, but at that moment, she didn’t care about anything except his lips on hers and the feel of his body fitting so naturally against her.

Pulling away as she gasped for air after a long moment, she closed her eyes, feeling his forehead rest against hers.

“Guess I better go,” she murmured, shivering as he ran his fingertips up and down her arm.

“I can always go with you,” he said, a smile playing on his lips as he watched her.

Hesitating for a moment, she stepped away, smiling at him. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Not looking back at him, she walked into the pool house, shutting the door behind her. Seeing the swimsuits laying out on the bed, she nearly rolled her eyes at the sight of the string bikinis. They would barely offer her any coverage if she actually wanted to do something like swim.

Selecting a navy blue bikini, she quickly put it on, tying the strings at her hips and around her back.

Taking a few minutes, she quickly searched through the house, looking for anything incriminating. She knew that Spike would be too smart to keep anything out in the open, but she had to look.

Not finding anything, she left the room, walking outside into the warm air, smiling when she saw Spike standing next to the pool, wearing a pair of black swim trunks.

Turning toward her before she reached him, Spike felt his mouth go dry at the sight of her toned body, showcased by the few scraps of cloth she was wearing.

“Do I meet your approval?” she asked in a teasing voice, holding her arms out to her sides as she spun in a full circle.

“Do you even need to ask?” he replied in a husky voice, closing the distance between them and taking her in his arms. Gently brushing a kiss to her lips, Spike pulled back to look at her, seeing the brief hesitation on her face before a smile fell into place. “You look beautiful,” he whispered, his hands brushing along the smooth skin of her stomach, needing to touch her in some way.

Buffy shivered as his hands continued their lazy perusal of her body, seeing the pleased smile on his face that his touch was causing a reaction in her. Closing her eyes when she felt Spike’s lips gently brushing along her throat, she gasped for air when he lightly bit down on the tender skin.

“Spike,” she whispered, her hands immediately moving to his hair, lacing through the soft strands as he continued to kiss her throat. Her intention was to tell him that they were moving too fast, that something would happen if they continued, but the words caught in her throat.

Feeling him lift her into his arms, Buffy turned her head to look at him, surprised when his lips met hers in a passionate kiss. “We have to stop,” she murmured against his lips, silenced when the kiss intensified.

Spike carefully placed her on the soft cushion of the iron chaise lounge that was in the grass next to the pool. Carefully loosening the ties of her bikini top, Spike nearly groaned when his fingertips brushed against the soft skin of her breasts.

Buffy arched against him, her lips separating from his, slightly surprised that she was suddenly topless. Shivering against him, she closed her eyes when he began kissing her neck again. “W-we can’t,” she murmured, moaning when his hands slipped past the remaining fabric, gently teasing her clit, silencing any objections that she could be having while his other hand trailed down her body.

Clutching at his arm until her fingernails were digging into his skin, she was mindless with need, arching her body against his hand, craving more from him, never noticing his hand working on the remaining ties of her swimsuit.

Whimpering when he removed his hand, Buffy barely had a chance to open her eyes before squeezing them shut as her lower body reflexively moved upward when she felt Spike’s tongue gently sweep along her opening as her hands fisted in his hair.

Urging him on with her movements, she cried out and moaned as he continued to bring her to the edge and then slow down, leaving her with a dizzying, unfulfilled feeling.

“Spike, please,” she whimpered after a few minutes of blissful torture, nearly screaming when he latched onto her clit, letting his teeth graze along the sensitive bundle as he put more pressure on it.

Arching her body against his mouth, she cried out, squeezing her eyes shut. Screaming in pleasure when he pushed two fingers into her, heightening the sensations that she was feeling as she climaxed, Buffy clutched at him while she rode out her orgasm.

Slowly coming down, she was vaguely aware of Spike moving up her body and extremely aware of what just occurred between the two of them. Panicking for a moment, she immediately began shaking her head, pushing against his bare chest. “No, no, no,” she chanted, shoving him until he sat up, giving her enough room to reach for her bikini.


“We shouldn’t…I shouldn’t have…”

Frantically shaking her head, her hands trembled as she tried to figure out how to get her swimsuit back on.

Spike grabbed her shoulders, forcefully turning her toward him, seeing the fear that seemed to materialize in her eyes for a moment before she carefully hid it away. Not saying anything, he watched as she opened and closed her mouth, trying to figure out what to say. Casting her eyes downward, her lip poked out slightly. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, slowly raising her eyes to his.

“For what?” he asked, tilting his head to look at her.

“For…for this,” she said softly, gesturing around them before crossing her arms over her chest in a modest effort to cover herself. “And for that,” she added, glanced at the tented fabric of his black trunks.

“Don’t worry about that,” he said, barely giving his own condition a second thought, simply wanting to keep her from leaving. “Is there something wrong?”

“I just…I think we’re moving too fast,” she whispered, blushing as she gently eased his hands off her shoulders and began retying the strings at her hips, relieved that she was offered a little bit of coverage again.

“Okay,” Spike said, drawing Buffy’s attention to him at the unexpected answer.


“I’m not going to push you, Buffy,” he said, taking her hand in his. “But please don’t leave.”

Smiling shyly, she avoided his eyes for a moment, biting her bottom lip.

“And it’s okay that we go a little slower?” she asked. ‘Because I don’t need to be having sex with a criminal,’ she added silently, ignoring the nagging voice that told her it wouldn’t be such a bad idea…especially considering the sight of his strong chest and muscular arms were keeping her resolve weak.

“As slow as you want,” Spike agreed, trying not to let his disappointment show. Pulling her toward him, he left a gentle kiss on her lips, restraining every urge in his body to deepen it and take it a little bit further. He was finally with a woman who excited him and challenged him.

Everything else could wait.

Thanks so much to: Kimber, spuffette, Tahmoe, Just Me, Livia, Cordykitten, caatje, baby spikes, Brittany, B, Caitie, BuffyandSpikeForever, Mariana, willowmouse & Bint for reviewing!
This story archived at http://