Criminal Games by Ashlee
Summary: William ‘Spike’ Reed is the most successful art thief on record- and he’s never been caught. As one of the most powerful men in the country, he has managed to elude arrest for years while still maintaining a prominent status. When FBI Agent Buffy Summers is assigned to go undercover to capture him, she’s entered a game that she’s not sure she can win.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 40 Completed: Yes Word count: 70341 Read: 65217 Published: 07/01/2005 Updated: 10/25/2005
False Impressions by Ashlee
Chapter 3 – False Impressions

Fidgeting the entire way to the mansion, Buffy nervously adjusted her skirt a half a dozen times as the limo continued to its destination. Topping the hill, she could see the lights in the distance, raising an eyebrow at the huge grassy plain that sat in front of the house, blocking it from the view of the gates as the driveway wrapped around the hill, bringing the house into view.

“It’s a helicopter landing,” she whispered to herself, looking at the hill for a moment before focusing on the house. The spacious grounds were meticulously landscaped, accentuating the size of the house as they approached. Dozens of cars were parked on the long driveway, and guests were still walking up the stone steps and disappearing behind the open double doors, where a chandelier could be seen in the foyer.

“Oh boy,” she murmured, biting her lip when the limousine came to a stop. Clutching her purse as the driver walked around the car and opened her door, she immediately became the person she needed to be.

Graciously taking his offered hand and allowing him to assist her out of the car, she smiled and thanked him, securing her shawl more firmly around her, idly wondering why she chose a dress that was the color of blood.

Keeping an indifferent expression on her face, she slowly walked up the main steps, raising an eyebrow when she was immediately stopped by two oversized men in tuxedos.

“Invitation, Miss.”

“I don’t have an invitation,” she said with an edge to her voice.

“Then you’re not getting in there.”

“My invitation was by phone,” she said, tightening her arms around her body.

“Yeah, yours and a whole bunch of other people who want in,” the other man informed her. “No invite, no entry.”

Rolling her eyes, Buffy turned and began her descent down the steps. It wasn’t worth the fight- she would find some other way to get to Reed.

Listening to the sound of her heels clicking against the stone, she stopped when she heard her name. Turning around with a raised eyebrow, Buffy tightened her arms around her body, pulling her shawl closer to her as she watched Spike seemingly appear out of nowhere, running down the steps.

“Leaving so soon?” he asked with a smile when he stopped in front of her.

“Apparently I’m not a wanted guest,” she said, glancing up at the muscle by the door.

Spike looked over his shoulder, clenching his jaw when he realized what happened. He turned around as he took a deep breath, giving Buffy his most charming smile. “Sorry about that, pet,” he said before dropping his voice to a whisper. “Please don’t leave.”

“You really want me here?” she asked quietly, glancing up at the imposing mansion.

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t,” he replied, taking her hand in his and slowly leading her up the steps.

Silently following him, her hand firmly clasped in his, she watched with interest as he maneuvered her until his hand was resting on the small of her back, guiding her through the door. Practically sensing the glare that was coming from him, she tilted her head, catching his whispered words as they passed the two employees at the door.

“Didn’t I tell you to ask for names?” he asked in a menacing voice that Buffy could barely hear. “You better hope I’m in a better mood tomorrow.”

Wrapping an arm around Buffy’s waist, he led her through the throngs of people.

“Powerful man,” Buffy observed, feeling him tense slightly before he threaded his way through the crowd, smiling and offering handshakes as they walked, never letting his other hand leave her back.

“And apparently popular,” she continued with a smile, finally feeling his eyes on her.

“I would have thought you’d have figured out that much,” he said with an amused smile.

“Figured out…what?” she asked, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes.

Pulling her into a quiet corner, he looked at her for a moment, almost as if he was searching for something. “You don’t know who I am?” he asked quietly, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

“William Reed,” Buffy replied, looking around the interior of the house. “Apparently called Spike and very expensive taste. Should I know you?”

‘She doesn’t know who I am,’ he thought in amazement. ‘A man who has been on more power lists than most celebrities, and she has no idea who I am.’

“No,” he said with a charming smile. “Not at all.”

“Well, apparently you’re someone important, or all these people wouldn’t show up,” she said with a smile. “Unless they just want the free food.”

“More like the free drinks,” Spike corrected with a grin, leading her away from the crowded area and through some back halls.

“And where are you taking me, Mr. Reed?” she asked with a smile.

“Someplace we can have a little more privacy,” he said, turning to look at her with a wink. Seeing the look on her face, he continued, “Not what you think.”

“I hope not,” she replied, looking at him with a teasing expression. “I’d hate for you to go to sleep tonight as half the man you are now.”

Raising an eyebrow at the suggestion, Spike gently took her hand in his, running his thumb along her fingernails. “And the kitten has claws,” he said in amusement.


“Pleased,” he replied, never letting go of her hand.

Continuing their walk through the house, Buffy tried to subtly become accustomed to her surroundings, taking in the spacious rooms and high ceilings.

Frowning when he brought her to a back door, she looked at him quizzically, surprisingly put at ease when he smiled at her. Following him through the door, she looked at the beautifully landscaped backyard, the lights shimmering off of the huge pool as a few of the guests mingled around the deck.

Bypassing them quickly, Spike led her further into the gardens until the sounds of the party were whispers in the night.

The comforting feel of her gun brushing against her thigh when she walked kept her from shying away when he continued to lead her further away.

“Spike?” she said, letting an appropriate amount of nervousness enter her voice, reminding herself that she was supposed to be a helpless young woman. “I-I don’t really like this.”

“Just a little further, love,” he whispered, turning toward her and gently cupping her cheek in his hand. “I want to show you something.”

“If that’s some kind of sexual innuendo, buddy, you’ve got another thing coming,” she said with a teasing smile, hearing his answering chuckle.

“I promise, nothing sexual…unless you decide to initiate it, that is,” he said with a sly smile, earning a light slap on the chest from Buffy.

Spike took her hand, leading her further down the path. Unable to see the house anymore, she finally stopped, a playful smirk on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Tell me why a strange man, who I just met, tracks me down, invites me to his house, and leads me out to the middle of nowhere when I’ve barely even known him for fifteen minutes.”

Smiling as he grabbed her hands and walked backwards, he led her through a small clump of trees, revealing a breathtaking view of the ocean.

“That’s why,” he replied.

“That’s not an answer,” she whispered, unable to take her eyes off the crashing waves below them as the moonlight reflected off the glassy surface.

Walking behind her, his hands intimately grasped her hips as he looked at the view of the ocean from over her shoulder. Staying quiet for a long minute, he finally responded, “Maybe I just wanted to share this with someone.”

Listening to what he said, Buffy rolled her eyes with a disbelieving smile on her face, shoving his hands away from her body and walking back to the path.


Turning around to face him with a heavy sigh, she shook her head, looking up at the sky. “I swear, you’re all the same,” she said with a slight laugh.

“Who?” he asked in confusion.

“Men!” she cried in exasperation. “It’s always ‘how fast can we get under her skirt’. Did it ever occur to you that not all women are the plastic bimbos you’re used to? I don’t fall for the smooth lines or the ‘love at first sight’ crap…”

Forgetting for a moment that she was undercover, Buffy trailed off, hoping she hadn’t just blown it with her little outburst.

Stunned into silence for a moment, Spike stared at her, his lips parted in an unreadable expression.

“Look,” Buffy said after a moment, taking a deep breath as she stared at the ocean in the distance. “I’m flattered…really. Girls like me aren’t usually singled out by the…millionaires,” she said, struggling to find a word as she gestured in the direction of the house. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to compromise anything to get closer to you. I just…I’m not swayed by the attitude and the money and the…whatever else you have,” she continued, noticing the slight smile as he glanced at the ground before his eyes raised to hers once again.

Unable to say anything else, Buffy turned to leave, knowing that she was possibly compromising something.

Her job.

If she failed this assignment before it really began, she didn’t want to think about the consequences. But she also wasn’t willing to jump into the bed of a known criminal just to get some information that may or may not help the Bureau.

“I’m sorry.”

Buffy stopped when she heard the voice behind her, nearly breathing a sigh of relief that she hadn’t blown it.

Turning to face him, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt as he approached her with his hands shoved deep in his pockets, a sheepish expression on his face.

“You’re right…I am used to getting my way with ‘smooth lines’ and money. It’s never exactly hurt my chances when it came to my…company…in the past. And I’m sorry if I insulted you.”

Smiling slightly as she looked at the ground, she brushed her hair away from her face before looking up at him again. “You didn’t insult me,” she said, shaking her head. “I just…you hear one line, you’ve heard them all and…maybe I should go,” she finished, slipping back into ‘character’ as she gestured over her shoulder, hoping that he would do what she planned.

“No,” he said quickly, taking a step toward her as Buffy tried to hide her smug look. “I mean,” he continued in a slightly nervous voice. “If you’d rather go…I understand, but if you want to stay…”

He trailed off, tilting his head to look at her.

Deciding to surprise him once again, she took a step forward, looking up at him as if she was searching for something. “On one condition,” she finally said, staring at him with an unwavering gaze. “You drop the act. Because if you really want to get to know me, then that’s fine, but I’m telling you right now that you will not be getting me into your bed tonight.”

“Direct, aren’t you?” he said with a slight smile.

“I’m just letting you know…if that’s your goal tonight, you won’t be reaching it with me.”

Seeing the strength that she possessed and the spark in her eyes, Spike nodded. “Alright, Miss Summers,” he said with a gentle smile, offering her his arm, which she happily took. “I believe there’s a party that we should be attending.”

Thanks so much to: Stephanie, Carrosparro, Caitie, lacey, Jessie, jenny, Raven, willowmouse, Shippy, Cordykitten, BuffyandSpikeForever, gypsy_jin, Livia, Alison, Kelly, Megan, Celia & spikette55 for reviewing!
This story archived at http://