Redemption by spufette
Summary: Buffy Summers is the adored daughter of Hank and Joyce Summers, farmers in Nebraska, circa 1876. Buffy is engaged to Caleb Montgomery, a local rich farmer. Spike is in a gang of outlaws headed by his older cousin, Angel Crawford. (I love bad ass Spike and Angel, oh yeah, and Rupert, Spike's dad; Xander, Riley, Graham, heck everybody gets into the act!) Anyway, when Spike spies Buffy at a 'social' in Redemption, he decides to 'court' her. Which is going to be tough since he and the gang our about ready to empty the local bank's vault of all it's money and escape the local law. Warnings: Spike and Angel are the bad guys here (yum!). Buffy is temporarily out to pasture with Caleb but their relationship will not be graphic at all, promise. This starts mild, but goes NC-17 in the Spuffy parts!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: No Word count: 90533 Read: 27090 Published: 07/17/2005 Updated: 12/09/2006
Chapter 12: 'The Magic: Love And Desire' by spufette
Author's Notes:
Thanks for the reads and reviews.

Chapter 12: ‘The Magic: Love And Desire’

Summary: A chapter devoted to Spuffy this time. Enough said, right???

A/N: Okay, so I’m not going to say there’s a lot of Spuffy sex in this chapter. I would not mislead the readers here, however, this chapter is filled with (what I hope to be) the kind of emotional and spiritual bonding that I feel Spike and Buffy need to have together.
I can only hope that I relay the Spuffy message I’m trying to give here. Thank you.

“William!” Buffy gasped as she gazed out at the Great Salt Lake of the Utah. “I have never seen anything so breathtaking!” She uttered in awe.

“I have,” Spike chuckled into Buffy’s warm little ear. “You,” he finished with a quick kiss on her cheek.

“Oh, you,” Buffy grumbled good-naturedly as she patted Will’s strong arm with her tiny hand.

“It’s true,” Spike countered affectionately. “You’re the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, Princess.”

After last night, when Buffy and William lay under the stars together? Buffy had been rudely enlightened even more to the history of the Giles’ family. Since she herself had asked the entire truth, Buffy bore the ugliness of William’s painful story, without muttering a word in response.

‘Flashback to the night before; both Buffy and Spike’s POV’

“My mother,” Spike stammered reluctantly, “she was, uhm, well, she was pregnant again. When it happened,” he mumbled in a pain filled voice.

“Oh, God, no,” Buffy gasped in sick shock. “Oh Will,” she whimpered as she snuggled closer against her ‘captor’s’ taut body.

‘Decorum and propriety be damned,’ Buffy reasoned, defiantly. ‘This brilliant, beautiful man needs my comfort and understanding tonight.’ His arms were wrapped about her body and she stroked his golden head, tenderly with her right hand.

“Dad said mum was a few months along when…” William had paused to take a deep breath and swallow hard before he continued in a shaky voice.

“I wasn’t very old, not nearly thirteen,” he continued, hesitating only to breathe. “Drussy, I called my older sister, Drusilla that,” he added quickly with a blush that Buffy found irresistibly endearing. “My big sis was seventeen or so, about your age now.”

“I guess that Connor told you as much as he knew to tell, so no point in going into that again. Mum, she and Drussy were out and about the family grounds. Alone, as usual, since dad was always busy someplace, doing something noble for someone else.”

Buffy thought she caught a strong sense of bitterness in William’s tone, but she said nothing about it. She had decided to let Will tell her everything he wanted, or needed to and that’s what she was going to do. There would be no abrupt questions; no murmurs of shock or sadness; not even words of solace. At least, not until William was completely finished with his sordid tale of sorrow and woe.

“Rayne must have been watching our place, for days, if not weeks,” William mumbled in a gruff voice. “The bastard knew when Da was away on business and he took that opportunity to…”

Buffy placed her tiny hand on Spike’s chiseled cheek. Her green eyes were wide in some emotion that he could only guess at.

‘Feels just like a sweet, soft feather,’ Spike noted, gratefully. Buffy’s little hand and slim fingers stroked his cheek, making his whole body quiver in pleasure.

Without having to tell him to continue, Spike went on, hesitating from time to time. He was really trying to remember the nightmare from over seven years before. That and to keep up his courage to continue the awful story.

“I was away, at school then,” Spike muttered in disgust, as if he could have done anything to stop the horrid events that took place.
“I’m not going into everything, Buffy,” he mumbled harshly, “I just can’t. I’ll say this much though. Rayne and his filthy friends raped my mother and sister, just like that. Like mum and poor Drusilla were just…”

“Don’t say anymore,” Buffy cried, burying her head into William’s chest. “Please don’t say anymore, Will,” she began to cry quietly, ignoring her self-promise of just moments earlier.

“Need to,” Spike rasped, now stroking Buffy’s long golden hair with his large hand. “I need to say this Buffy, please listen. Won’t you?” He hated the weak pleading sound of his voice, but for some reason, Spike felt that he must tell Buffy as much as he could about that horrible time.

Buffy looked up and into William’s clear blue eyes, now tinged in pain. She worried her lower lip and swiped the tears from her own eyes. Without saying a word, she nodded for him to continue, but not before she laid her head on his shoulder.

“Like I said, I can’t go into everything. I just can’t and for a lot of reasons,” he whispered. “It’s enough that you know that my mum died, almost during the attack. She bled to death,” he muttered harshly.

Buffy fought the urge to gasp out loud by covering her mouth with her hand. The one that was not gently stroking William’s arm that was about her.

“Drusilla lived, for a while anyway, after the attack. Dad made sure she had the best care, perhaps too little too late, but…”

Spike choked on the last sentence because he knew, deep down that no matter how much either of the Giles’ men wanted to blame themselves? It was Ethan Rayne that had brought this horror and mayhem on their family.

“Before you ask why Dad didn’t just go after Rayne, Buffy? Don’t,” he spat. “Things were different then here, Princess. Class and status mean more there and Rayne were completely untouchable. Untouchable by the law; by the church and by my family. It was as simple as that.”

“So you and your father came here?” Buffy asked meekly, “to get your revenge on Lord Rayne? How? By robbing him to death?”

“Sort of,” Spike smiled for the first time in hours. “Rayne sought out my mum and sister, out of revenge on my dad. So, dad and me? We came here to get our own brand of revenge on Lord Ethan Rayne. The fucking…”

“Will,” Buffy murmured with a blush. William’s crude language could still embarrass her, no matter how hard she tried to be tough and all.

“I’m sorry, Princess,” he groaned with remorse, “but I hate the bastard and that’s that. Drusilla, she lasted a month or so, after the attack. Just long enough to find out she was pregnant with one of those bastards’ spawn. She lost the rest of her bent mind, right after and hung herself in our attic.”

“I know,” Buffy whispered in horror. “Connor told me about it, but he left out the baby part,” she added in a strangled voice. “I had no idea…”

“You know,” Spike spat bitterly, “when dad sought justice, against Rayne and his men? No one could, or would help us? After everything dad had done, for all those people back home? No one raised a finger, or a law book or anything to help us out. That’s when dad remembered mum’s half-brother, Wesley Pryce.”

“You mean ‘the’ Wesley Pryce?” Buffy asked, shocked that the respectable Mr. Pryce was a part of all this. “He is engaged to a very good friend of mine, Winnefred Burkle.”

“Yup,” Spike nodded, lighting a cigarette, “that one. He housed us, near Redemption. Told me all about you, luv,” the blond outlaw chuckled in pleasure. “He also told me to forget about you and just get the hell out of town. After we robbed the bank of Ethan Rayne’s precious gold that is.”

“But I couldn’t just leave Redemption, Princess,” he muttered bashfully. “It was too late you know. The moment I saw you? I knew you were my redemption and salvation, Buffy.” He sounded desperate and it shamed him for some reason.

“I’m a human woman, Will,” Buffy murmured into his soft, golden hair. “I am no saint or angel, but a flesh and blood woman, William Giles,” she whispered gently as she nuzzled his cheek with her lips.

“You’re my angel,” Spike mumbled, his mouth buried into Buffy’s warm, soft neck.

“Why would you need redemption or salvation William?” Buffy was confused because she had assumed that Will had never killed a man. At least not done murder, or done anything as horribly wrong as that.

“Because I was gone away, from my family, my sweet Buffy,” he whimpered, unable to meet her green-eyed gaze. “I should have been home, with Dad, my mum and big sister. If I had of been…”

“Then those monsters, Rayne and the others? They would most likely have murdered you, sweetheart,” Buffy whispered. “I am selfish enough to be glad that you are not dead, but here, with me now.”

Spike had not missed the sweet endearment of ‘sweetheart’ from Buffy’s lovely mouth. “Both my dad and me? We’ll live with the shame and horror of our inability to act, or react I guess. To what that bastard, Rayne did to us and our family. But if it meant me, coming here and finding you? My salvation?”

He pulled Buffy closer to his body and began to pepper hot, tender kisses on her face and neck.

“I think you had better rein in your passion, William,” Buffy almost giggled. “I have to admit, pleasant as your passion is for me? I am certainly not ready for that, yet,” she added coyly.

“Do you think I’m a monster, Buffy?” Spike asked, rather stung by another of Buffy’s rejections. “Because I am what I am and all? The things that my father and family do, now, here in your home? Am I a monster to you?”

Buffy did not answer that question right away, instead she pondered it for a few moments. When she replied, she wanted to be sure to put the words right and try to make William understand her inner most thoughts and feelings.

“Not a monster, Will,” Buffy sighed sadly. “Look,” she clasped his face with both of her hands and stared right into his open blue eyes.

“If the situation was reversed,” she began carefully, “and it was me that had this catastrophe fall upon my family? Then, I have to think that I too would want for revenge and all the pleasure it might bring to me. Dear God, Will, if anyone hurt Mama, or Dawnie and little Hank? I would want to rip their heads off, with my bare hands!”

Spike had to smirk slightly. No question about it, his Buffy was a little pistol!

“Who am I to judge you William? Or your father and friends? My life has not been easy,” she continued, thoughtfully. “However, it has been somewhat sheltered and protected for me. If someone ever even threatened the security and sanctity of my family, then I would have no other recourse but to seek them out and destroy their evil. I believe it is human nature to protect what is ours, or what we think is ours. Be it family, land or even self-pride.”

Buffy dropped her head, suddenly a little ashamed by her passionate outburst. After all, didn’t her mother, Joyce, raise her better then to sermonize or spout off randomly?

“You’re mine,” Spike stated with authority. “You are my girl, Buffy Summers,” he finished by placing a chaste kiss on her sweet forehead.

“I want to be your girl, Will. I do, completely,” she added with a virginal blush. She cuddled his blond, curly head to her lace covered breast. With tender kisses, Buffy tried to comfort and ease her William’s inner torment.

“Go to sleep, Will,” Buffy ordered him, gently. “When we wake up in the morning, I am sure we will have to ride like the wind to escape the hounds of hell from Redemption. For the record, sweet William, I want you to know that Mexico seems like paradise to me, now that is.”

‘Present Day’

Buffy stared out over the Great Salt Lake, still mesmerized by the vastness of the thing. She could not fathom the idea of an ocean even bigger then this.

“I can’t wait for you to see the Gulf, luv,” Spike murmured into her ear. “It’s supposed to be gorgeous; all blue and green water and waves. Promise you’ll swim, in the waves with me, Buffy?”

“I will, promise,” Buffy giggled happily. “Except, I have no proper bathing attire, Will. Whatever shall I wear in the water?” She glanced up at him, coyly, from under hooded lids and dark lashes.

“Nothing sounds pretty good to me,” he mumbled as he gave her little ear a nice sweet kiss.

“You are a cad, William,” Buffy gasped in mock shock, “I do believe that you’re going to be…”

“How sweet,” Graham grunted from behind the couple, interrupting their special moment.

“I thought Angel and me told you to stay away from Miss Summers, Graham,” Spike growled through gritted teeth. “In fact,” he continued in a deceptively calm voice, “I believe my cousin told you to not even glance at my Buffy.”

“He did,” Graham spat in contempt. “Truth is, I come to tell you we need to ride on now. Angel sent me so don’t go gettin’ all fired up at me. Besides,” the taller man grinned at the couple, “can you truly say that Buffy Summers is really your girl? Have you…”

“Don’t say another word,” Spike hissed, pulling his gun out of his holster and aiming it at Graham. “You say another word about Buffy and me and I’ll…”

“Let’s go, Will,” Buffy whispered. “Ignore him, please Will,” she begged. “He’s only trying to get your goat and force your hand.”

“For the record,” Buffy began, glaring at Graham, haughtily, “I ‘am’ William’s girl. Always will be,” she added spitefully.

Without another word, Buffy grasped William’s hand and led him from the shore of the huge lake. She did not look back at the angry, spiteful murderer behind them.

Spike did, however, look back at Graham that is and with the most smug look on his face. ‘Mine’ Spike shouted silently with pride as he followed Buffy to meet his cousin and friends.

“They were here,” Samual Lightfoot grunted as he scoured the empty cabin. “Not long ago neither,” he added; his expression was unreadable.

“Is my darling Buffy still with them, Sam?” Hank Summers pleaded, fearful of the Indian tracker might tell him.

“She is,” Samual replied simply. “I believe they’re headed through the Utah,” the stoic Samual stated without much emotion.

“It makes sense,” Marshal Merrick spat without much emotion. “To take a woman through the prairies of Utah and bypass the harder terrain.”

“Buffy is not ‘just’ any woman,” Hank muttered impatiently. “She is my wife’s and my daughter, our oldest child. The girl is more important to us then anything you can imagine and I won’t have a bunch of heathens just take off with her!”

“Please Mr. Summers,” Deputy Scott Hope pleaded with the older man. “It won’t do no good to get all fired up about this. Samual Lightfoot says that your lovely Buffy is with the gang, safe at least. We need to hold out hope.”

Samual Lightfoot looked at the father of the missing white woman and nodded. He hoped that it gave the Summers man a sense of hope and comfort. The truth was? Lightfoot ‘saw’ things in the traces and signs left behind of the things he tracked. There was a magic afoot here and Samual sensed this.

The girl, Buffy was it? She was not so much being carried away by a heathen sprit. Of that, Samual was certain. No, the young woman was being spirited off by something stronger then a human sprit, good or evil.

Buffy Summers was being swept away from her old life; of that Sam was sure. By something more powerful then human will or a white man’s greed. The young woman these trackers were searching for had been enveloped by the most primal magic’s of all:

‘Love and desire’

Samual was smart enough to realize that these two magic spirits came from the most powerful force in the world. The Great Spirit from above. No man, white, Indian or otherwise, would ever be able to break the spell of the two greatest magic’s known in any world.

“We’ll go down past Sandy and Nephi,” Angel was saying as the gang rode slowly through the prairie land. “We have to avoid Salt Lake City and Provo, at all costs,” the dark haired leader stated. “As much as we’re rebels and renegades with a mission? The good people of Salt Lake and the Utah in general won’t want us to stop by for a chat. If you know what I mean,” he chuckled with an amicable wink at Buffy.

Spike watched Buffy’s reaction, carefully. He was savvy enough to know that his girl was feeling a little guilty, whether she should be or not. If Buffy was not riding along with them? The gang would have been through half of Colorado by now, at least Graham was honest about that.

Without thinking, Spike reached out and took coaxed Buffy’s right hand from the reins of her horse. He grasped her tiny, warm little hand in his and squeezed it tightly.

“You ‘are’ mine,” he assured Buffy sincerely.

“I believe I am,” she replied in a whisper, unable to look directly at William. Her face was hot and flushed from her shyness, but she felt completely free. For once.

A/N: Okay, next chapter, I promise more Spuffy, a lot more. I can’t be sure if I should have Buffy ‘give herself’ to Spike in the next chapter or if I should wait?


Thanks for reading and please review, spufette.
This story archived at http://