Daughter of Darkness by Ashlee
Summary: Sequel to Daughter of Prophecy - A year after the events of the first story, Buffy and Spike move to Los Angeles to begin a new life, intent on stepping up and handling Angel Investigations. But when promises are broken, unavoidable obstacles begin to resurface and boundaries are tested, the other has a decision to make. When you go to the darkest depths of your mind, is the one you love strong enough to pull you back? Or strong enough to let go?
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 26280 Read: 15997 Published: 08/29/2005 Updated: 12/01/2007
Just a Glimpse by Ashlee
Chapter 4 – Just a Glimpse

“Did you get the paper?” Buffy asked, sipping her coffee the next morning.

“Shouldn’t the person who doesn’t run the risk of bursting into flames be the one who gets the paper?”

“I made the coffee,” Buffy said meekly, holding up the mug as if she was waiting for Spike’s inspection.

“Yeh, fine work,” Spike muttered. “Something to stunt your growth when you’re only three feet tall as it is.”

“Hey!” Buffy cried indignantly, narrowing her eyes when he turned toward her with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m over five feet, thank you very much. And you’re one to talk, shorty.”

Squealing when Spike ran around the island to get to her, Buffy ran toward the front of the house and threw open the door, running into the sunlight under the pretense of getting the paper. Turning around to see Spike safely standing in the shadows of the house, Buffy stuck her tongue out at him.

“Have to come back in this house sometime, pet,” he called, leaning comfortably against the doorframe.

Unwilling to walk any closer, Buffy stopped at the front steps, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes.

Smirking at her from the house, Spike looked her up and down, thoughtfully trailing his tongue along his bottom lip.

“What’s going through that demented mind of yours?” she asked.

“Come in the house and find out yourself,” he replied.

“Nuh uh,” she said, shaking her head.

“Fine… guess I’ll have to come out there and get you.”

“Spike…” Buffy gasped when he took a step forward. Flying up the steps, she shoved him back in the house, slamming the door behind her. “What the hell do you think you were doing?” she asked, smacking him on the chest.

“I think I know how to get my girl back,” Spike said, smiling down at her.

Standing up a little straighter to brush a kiss to his lips, Buffy smiled. “You always know how to get me,” she said, sliding her hands down his body, pausing when the phone rang.

“Don’t look at me,” Spike said with a heavy sigh. “You were the one who insisted on having the bloody thing.”

“I didn’t think it would ring at inopportune times,” she pouted.

“What other time would it ring?” Spike asked in amusement.

Sighing as she walked toward the phone, Buffy quickly answered. She’d barely said ‘hello’ when she heard her father’s voice.

“Sweetheart, is Spike there?”

“It’s not even noon, Dad. I think it’s safe to say that he’s here.”

“Okay, I… tell him that I need to see him tonight.”

Frowning at the serious tone, Buffy turned away from Spike’s inquisitive gaze. “What’s wrong?”

“What?” Angel asked. “Oh… nothing. It’s nothing for you to worry about, honey, we just need to, uh… work out a few details from the move.”

“And you can’t do that over the phone?” Buffy asked suspiciously.

“Paperwork,” Angel replied as if he’d only just thought of the reason. “We have to do some paperwork. So, you see…?”

“We’ll be there tonight.”

“No… no reason for you to come with him.”

“Okay, if you wanted me to not be suspicious about something, you’re doing a horrible job of it.”

“I’m sorry,” Angel said, sounding a little more like his old self. “I just thought you’d like to stay in and rest tonight.”

“No reason for me to do that,” Buffy said, still suspicious. “See you tonight, Dad.”

Hanging up before Angel could argue, Buffy turned toward Spike, seeing him leaning against the wall.

“Dad wants us to-”

“I heard,” Spike said, looking at her in amusement when she glared at him. “Hey, now, what’s that look for? I didn’t do anything to you. Not me who’s trying to boss you around.”

“No, but you’re the one who’s eavesdropping on a personal conversation with your stupid vamp hearing.”

“I seem to recall you having better hearing than me, Goldilocks,” he said with an easy smile.

“Not the same,” Buffy sulked.

“Hate to argue with you, Princess, but it’s exactly the same.”

Barely hearing him as she remembered the conversation with her father, Buffy tossed the newspaper on the kitchen island as she walked toward her coffee.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Spike said in a soothing voice.

* * * * *

“Maybe we should have found a place closer to the Hyperion,” Buffy said, climbing on the back of the motorcycle, wrapping her arms around Spike’s waist. “Or maybe I shouldn’t have worn a skirt,” she said, giggling when Spike growled. “What?” she said, seeing him look over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow. “You want me to flash every available man between here and the hotel?”

“Just keep your legs closed, Princess.”

“I don’t think you’ve ever said that to me,” she replied with an amused smile.

“You’re right,” Spike said, starting the powerful engine. “On second thought, just keep them wrapped around me at all times.”

“Like usual, then?” Buffy teased, sliding closer to him on the seat until Spike was groaning at the feel of her body pressed against his.

Turning the bike down the street, Spike put more pressure on the gas, briefly glancing over his shoulder. “Hold on to your knickers.”

Leaning forward even more, Buffy playfully nipped him on the side of the neck before leaving tiny bites in her wake. Her tongue darted out to flick over the sensitive skin behind his ear. “Not wearing any,” she said, her voice getting lost in the wind, but the way Spike’s muscles tensed beneath her hands, she knew that he’d heard her.

Raising an eyebrow as he glanced over his shoulder at her, Spike had to smile when he felt her hands slowly trailing along his body, lightly playing with the bulge in his pants. Taking a deep breath as he faced forward, Spike attempted to stay focused on the road, trying not to notice how her warm hand was gently stroking him through the thin layer of denim.

“Wanna play?” Buffy asked, biting his earlobe after she spoke.

“What kind of game?” he asked in a husky voice, her heightened senses picking up on the soft question.

Not bothering to answer him, Buffy carefully popped open the button on his jeans, sliding the zipper down until she could slip her hand inside, gently stroking him as Spike tried to maintain his focus, steering the motorcycle down the street.

“Not playing fair, love,” he said, inhaling sharply when her grip tightened as her hand moved up and down on his cock.

“What fun would that be?” she replied, the smile obvious in her voice as her movements sped up. Hearing the soft groan that came from him, Buffy idly thought about how dangerous this was, but the shallow thrusting of Spike’s hips, urging her on, was too much to ignore. Pumping him harder, Buffy’s eyes widened when she saw Spike turn off the main road, pulling into a darkened alley and shutting off the engine.

“Spike, what’re you-”

Her question was cut short as Spike leapt off the bike, maneuvering her until both of her legs were on one side. Arching against him when he plunged into her, Buffy smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, meeting his rapid thrusts while he frantically moved with her.

Threading her fingers through the soft hair at the base of his neck, Buffy gasped when he pushed into her with more force. “Got you worked up,” she murmured, bracing one hand on the seat of the motorcycle to prevent her body from flying over the edge of it.

Growling low in his throat at her soft words, Spike quickly picked her up and spun her around, slamming her against the wall of the alley. Feeling the bricks biting into her skin, Buffy enthusiastically met his thrusts as he continued his vicious assault. Gently wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, Buffy guided him toward her neck, closing her eyes when she felt him nuzzle her close, offering a glimpse of the love that he felt for her, even as he was pushing her violently toward the edge.

Feeling her orgasm building, Buffy moaned, shivering against him when she felt his face change. Ridges brushed against the skin of her neck as the demon showed ownership over her, ensuring that she was okay in spite of what was occurring between them.

“I love you,” Buffy breathed, closing her eyes when his fangs slid into her throat as he took two short pulls of her blood. Tightening her hold on his shoulders, Buffy trembled as her orgasm washed over her, feeling Spike’s movements slow down as he came.

Licking the blood that began to pool from her wound when he pulled away from her, Spike took a deep breath. Leaning away from her, almost afraid to see the judgment in her eyes, he gave her a soft smile when he saw nothing but adoration. “Love you, too, baby,” he whispered, kissing her tenderly as he lowered her to the ground.

Pulling him close to her for a warm hug once he’d zipped his jeans, Buffy held him tight, feeling a shiver run through her. Looking around the alley, she noticed that Spike was looking at her quizzically.

“Something wrong?”

Never taking her eyes away from the shadows, Buffy shook her head. “Just a case of the creepies. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.”

“Someone there?” he asked, narrowing his eyes to tune into their surroundings, criticizing himself for getting too lost in the moment and putting Buffy in a dangerous situation.

“I don’t think so,” she murmured, interlacing her fingers with his and leading him toward the bike, her eyes still on the dark shadows of the alley. “Come on… we’re already late and I’m sure Dad expects one hell of an explanation.”

“No problem, pet,” Spike said with an easy smile, sitting down and waiting for Buffy to get readjusted behind him. “I’ll just tell him I was fucking his daughter in an alley. I’m sure he’ll be fine with it.”

“Oh yeah,” Buffy replied in the same sarcastic tone. “Never mind that he’s human, Spike. If you piss him off, he’ll still manage to put up a good fight.”

“You saying I can’t take him?” Spike asked with a smile, starting the bike.

“Nope,” she said, shaking her head. “Not saying that you couldn’t take him. Just reminding you that my father is not exactly Mr. Joe Restraint when it comes to over-protecting his little girl.”

“Neither am I,” he replied, his voice turning serious as he pulled out of the alley, never seeing the movement in the shadows.

Thanks so much to: Spikes Sweety, Cordykitten, Wikka Tara, willowmouse, Franchesca, spufette, bloodshedbaby, BuffyandSpikeForever, shelly, Caitie, Brunettepet, Melissa, baby spikes & Crystal Pegasus for reviewing!
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=13859