LoveWater Consequences by maryperk
Summary: Sequel to LoveWater. The chaos from the LoveWater fountain spirals outward. What happens when the spell is broken by a jealous Drusilla? Will Spike and Buffy still be able to find love? This story will have sexual situations between Spike and Buffy, please be warned.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 14341 Read: 11879 Published: 10/19/2005 Updated: 02/15/2009
Chapter 5 by maryperk
Author's Notes:
Betaed by Tasha. Yes, there is a lack of Spuffyness in this chapter, just hold your horses and don't get flamy. Can't have them all happy with the choices, can I?
Chapter 5

Jenny Calendar sat in the rocking chair as she stared at her bed, or more specifically, the creature sleeping soundly in her bed. She had just spent the last twenty minutes in the shower ridding her body of his scent and touch. Jenny wasn't sure how well it worked, considering she was having a harder time ridding her mind of the memories.

Jenny felt only disgust with herself. She had allowed the monster that had killed her ancestor to bring her pleasure. Worse, she had lifted the curse on him. He still had his soul, but now there was no happiness clause. How stupid could she be? She groaned at the thought of how mad her uncle would be when he heard.

Angel moaned, and he remembered where he was at. Somehow he didn't think the gypsy would be thrilled with the past few days. The vampire knew Jenny would only feel disgust for herself and him. Angel sank further down under the blankets as he tried to hide from the world. He thought about how he and Jenny had met at the fountain.



Angel searched the cemeteries for Buffy, but he couldn't find her anywhere. There was no sign of Spike either. He was positive he had smelled them together the night before at the Bronze.

Finding Buffy's friends and her Watcher seemed like a no go, too. Angel wondered what in the hell was going on. Why was everyone being so blasted elusive tonight?

Angel stopped in his tracks when he spotted Jenny Calendar sitting at the fountain where she was running her fingers through the water. She's a friend of Giles', he thought. Maybe she knows what is going on.

Jenny looked down into the waters of the fountain. She knew there was something off about the cool, clear liquid, but for the life of her she couldn't figure it out.

"Excuse me," Angel said softly, in the hopes of not startling the dark-haired woman.

Jenny turned to look at who was speaking. She immediately recognized Angelus, but she realized that she had never noticed before how handsome he was. She felt an undeniable pull towards the vampire.

"You're a friend of Giles', right?" Angel asked.

"Yes, I am," Jenny answered. She stared boldly at Angel.

"I was wondering if you had seen him today?" Angel shifted under the woman's brazen gaze. He was not used to women's interest in him.

"No, I haven't." Jenny shook her head. "From what I heard, he never showed up for work today. Buffy Summers had to watch the library because Snyder ordered her to. The little Nazi troll."

"Yes, Buffy's said that a few times," Angel chuckled. "She certainly chafes under authority."

"Come sit." Jenny batted her eyelashes at Angel. "The water is quite lovely." She dragged her fingers though the fountain.

"Well... um... I guess, for a minute," Angel answered in a hesitant voice. He slowly walked over to the fountain where he sat down next to Jenny.

"The water's so nice. You should feel it." Jenny smiled.

Angel was unsure of what he should do. So, he put his hand into the water. He watched his fingers pass through the liquid for a few moments before he looked up at Jenny. Angel decided that she was the most beautiful, intriguing woman he had ever seen. He leaned over to cover her lips with his own.

Jenny whimpered under the cool assault. Her hands crept up the vampire's chest to tangle in Angel's hair. She decided that it felt wonderful to be in his powerful arms, but she soon pulled away.

"What's wrong, my love?" Angel murmured.

"The curse. We can't." Jenny looked at Angel with concern. "If you're happy, you'll lose your soul."

"How do you know that?"

Jenny blushed. "I'm part of the gypsy clan. I was sent here to keep an eye on you and the Slayer."

"Does Giles know?" Angel asked. He wondered if the Watcher was keeping secrets from him. Then he decided no, because otherwise Giles would have limited his interactions with Buffy.

Jenny shook her head. "No, I'm not supposed to tell anyone."

"I want to make love to you," Angel whispered. "Kiss your body from head to toe, explore your fantasies, and give you your heart's desire."

Jenny gulped in arousal. She felt her juices flow, and she saw the vampire's nostrils flare when she knew he smelled her scent. "W-we have to lift the c-curse first," Jenny stammered. "Or anchor the soul."

"I agree, my love," Angel whispered. He pulled Jenny against his body. "Let's hurry. I'm not sure I can wait for very long."

"Me either," Jenny said. "Maybe Rupert has some books in his collection that will help us."

"Sounds good." Angel helped Jenny to her feet. The vampire was so intent on the dark-haired gypsy that he failed to notice an eavesdropper.

"Nasty, nasty water," Drusilla cooed. "Taking my dark prince and my Daddy away. Don't worry. I'll fix everything."


"I think this is it," Jenny said. She handed an open book to Angel. "The ingredients are pretty easy to get a hold of. The magic shop downtown should have them in stock."

Angel glanced at the clock. "It's not that late. The shop should still be open, if we hurry."

"Oh yes, let's go." Jenny rose to her feet. She closed the spell book, and she tucked it under her arm.

Angel took Jenny's free hand. Together they left the library, and they headed downtown towards the magic shop. They chatted quietly until they reached their destination. Angel opened the store door. With a slight bow, he let Jenny go into the shop first.

Jenny gasped when she saw the dead clerk lying on the floor behind the counter. Then, she noticed signs of theft. The shelves looked ransacked, and several broken bottles of ingredients lay on the floor next to the clerk.

Angel paused to sniff the air. He growled when he recognized the scent on the body. "Drusilla," he muttered.

"Your childe is here?" Jenny asked. "I thought she died recently."

"Apparently not," Angel grumbled. "Spike brought her here to heal. Of course, Spike's after Buffy. She has no idea the danger she's in from him."

"I'm sure Buffy can handle herself," Jenny reassured the vampire. She patted him on the arm. "Now, grab what we need. We'll call the police from down the street."

Angel nodded his agreement. He quickly grabbed a few bottles which he stuck in his pockets. Together Jenny and Angel slipped out the back door. Once they were in the alley, the vampire took a careful survey of the surroundings, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The two brunettes casually sauntered down the street to the nearest phone booth. They weren't too worried about witnesses. After all, the Sunnydale denial factor would protect them fairly well.

Jenny picked up the phone, and she dialed 9-1-1.

"Sunnydale Police Department. Please state your emergency."

"Yeah, I heard some screams inside that magic store on Main Street. I looked in the window, and I saw a dead boy. Please hurry!" Jenny hung up the phone before the operator could react.

"Let's go before they get here," Angel murmured. "Besides the sooner we get this spell done, the sooner we can be making sweet love. My place or yours?"

"Definitely mine!" Jenny replied. "I'm getting hungry. I'm pretty sure you're not stocked up for an overnight guest."

"Not yet, my love," Angel agreed. "I will now though." He threaded his arm through Jenny's as they walked off towards her apartment.

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