4Private Aftershow Party by Sarah Aless
Summary: Follows on immediately from The Floorshow, which follows on from YKYWT and GIMGB. Would recommend at least reading The Floorshow first - if you can't be bothered with the others it dosen't really matter. Buffy has a large kinky streak is about all you need to know....and of course Spike loves it.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 10240 Read: 12054 Published: 02/02/2004 Updated: 02/02/2004

1. Chapter 1 by Sarah Aless

2. Chapter 2 by Sarah Aless

3. Chapter 3 by Sarah Aless

Chapter 1 by Sarah Aless
Title: Private Aftershow Party
Author's Name: Sarah Aless
Author's E-mail: give_it_to_me_spikey@yahoo.co.uk
Disclaimer: They’re on my Christmas list but until I see whether Santa will bring me them I still don’t own them. I don’t make any money from them, (unless they’re keeping it for themselves) I just enjoy playing with them.
Distribution:www.geocities.com/spikeaholic20, One Good Lay, Spanking the Slayerettes, www.vampires-kiss.net . Anyone else..... 'I'm just a girl who can't say no.......' But please tell me where it's going :)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: S/B
Feedback: Yes please.....pretty please.
Author's Notes: Sequel to ‘The Floorshow’ which was a Sequel to ‘You Know You Want To’ and Give It Me Good Buffy’. Again if you can’t be arsed to read those first you don’t really need to, though I would recommend reading at least ‘The Floorshow’ first. All you really need to know is Buffy has a big ol’ kinky/submissive streak and Spike loves it. This part depicts Spike’s reaction to Buffy in a schoolgirl outfit.

Private Aftershow Party
All the way back to the cemetery maintenance shed, where Spike stowed his motorcycle, Buffy clung tightly to him and wantonly rubbed her crotch against his ass and lower back as she straddled him from behind. She knew that Spike was well aware of what she was up to and that she’d probably pay for it when they got back to his crypt. She couldn’t help herself though. Despite her recent orgasm she was still horny as hell and in blissful refusal of thinking about why playing this game with Spike had such a powerful effect on her.

Spike dumped the bike, then turned to stare at Buffy. His eyes sweeping up and down her body, still clad in the schoolgirl get-up. His intense gaze made Buffy fidget nervously. Her eyes widened and clouded with lust as he growled at her.

“God Slayer, that outfit makes me want to teach you all sorts of lessons. Mostly , though, it makes me want to throw you over the back the bike and screw you silly.”

Buffy moaned slightly, as usual Spike’s dirty talk stoked the fire which had already been lit by their little role-play earlier, and her shameless humping of his ass on the way over. Buffy lost the internal fight she was having to stop her hands pressing against the throbbing heat between her legs. Her hand had barely touched her aching mound when Spike saw what she was doing.

“Don’t you dare!” he said in a low and dangerous voice which made her shiver “Put both your hands on top of your head. Now. And keep them there.”

Groaning again Buffy gave one quick push upwards on her nubbin before reluctantly removing her hands and placing them on top of her head, fingers interlocked.

“And don’t think I didn’t see that last little fiddle there!” he admonished. “You WILL learn to do as you’re told WHEN you’re told” he promised “ and the sooner you do the better for you. Now, you obviously can’t be trusted so you’re going to walk in front of me, where I can see you and I don’t want to see your hands move an inch from where they are. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir” Buffy mumbled repressing her desire to offer to put her hands in a very specific part of his anatomy. Although that would be fun for both of them, Spike was master tonight and she knew better than to try to distract him with her womanly charms and skills.
Spike took one last look at her toned stomach. It was beautifully displayed for him, as well as the under curve of her breasts, the elevated position of her arms making her shirt ride up. Sucking in an unneeded breath, to help him control the urge to throw her to the ground, rip her clothes off and pound in to her, Spike roughly man-handled her into position in front of him. He could see his hand prints still on her upper thigh, where he’d slapped her earlier and he knew that her bum would look much the same, were her skirt to ride up just a little higher. Shaking his head at his own lack of control around this girl he shoved her in the middle of the back saying

“Get going then. We’re going to my crypt, obviously, so move that tight little ass of yours before I decide to give it some encouragement.”

Buffy began walking immediately, the idea of another spanking not exactly the worst thing she could imagine; however the chance of it being witnessed by a whole bunch of demons prowling the cemetery was pretty high on her ‘worst imaginings’ list. As they walked Buffy discovered that it’s not easy to keep balance on uneven ground with your hands on your head. One particularly lumpy piece of ground made her stumble and she had to put her hands out to grab the tombstone in front of her to avoid upending herself over it. Spike was unsympathetic.
He caught her up and wrenched her hands back up on top of her head before raising her skirt a little and administering two sharp slaps to her still rosy rear.

“Ow!” Buffy protested. Reaching down to rub her ass before she realised what she was doing

“No fair Spike. I almost fell over.”

“When I give you an order, what do you do?” he questioned impatiently

“What you tell me to”

“And what is the only reason for you to stop doing what I’ve told you to?”

“I only stop if you tell me to or if you give me another order.”

“Are those rules too hard for you to understand or to follow?”

“No Sir” she admitted reluctantly

“Then why are we having this conversation Slayer?”

“There were extenuating circumstances Sir.” she protested.

“I don’t give a rats knacker.” he stated “So put your hands back. NOW! And don’t you dare move them again. They’re very naughty hands you have luv. I think they may have to be taught a lesson when we get back to my crypt.”

Moisture added to the lake between her legs as she pictured him tying her hands to the headboard as punishment. Spike sniffed the air before grinning lasciviously and playfully slapping her rear as he said “Move it young lady. You have a very important appointment to meet with your headmaster about your insolence.” Buffy jumped and squealed before setting off again, trying not to think about what lay in store for her and failing abysmally.

They reached the crypt without much further incident, apart from Spike giving her the odd prod in the back to make her move faster. He also periodically made her promises that if she didn’t ‘shift it’ he’d take his belt off and ‘encourage’ her to go faster right there in the open. No matter how often they did this Buffy’s inner slayer always railed at her to kick his ass. He was just so smug when she was being submissive she really did want to slap him sometimes. She loved the game too much to actually let her slayer take control though. As long as he never refused to stop if she used her safe word Buffy knew she’d stop herself from following her instincts and fighting him. Every now and then though she couldn’t keep her natural wilfulness at bay and she’d end up back answering him which only served to get her into more delicious trouble and she was sure Spike didn’t really mind that.

When they got inside the crypt he ordered her to stop as she reached the centre of the room.

“Go and stand in the corner and face the wall” he instructed “Keep your hands on your head and don’t even think about turning round. I’m going to get some things and you’re going to stand there and behave yourself for once.”

“Yes Sir” she replied taking up her assigned position. Spike was back in a minute with a pair of prim and proper white cotton panties, not that Buffy could see this as she was staring at the wall. He knelt at the side of her and for a second Buffy thought he was about to switch control until he held the panties open and told her to put her right foot into them. She did as he said throwing a puzzled look down at him when he moved to her left and held the panties in the same manner for her to step into.

“It’s going to be a while before I want access there again luv” he answered her look “You have to be punished before I indulge myself. It’s a tad chilly in here, don’t want you catching cold.” he then smirked as his hand purposefully brushed her sex as he pulled the panties up “especially seeing as you’re so wet! Could catch a nasty chill.” He snapped the elastic on her ass as he adjusted the underwear saying “Eyes on the wall again and remember not to move or turn around.”

He disappeared downstairs, he was looking for something judging by the clattering she could hear from the underground cavern. Buffy decided not to mull over why exactly he had underwear like that in his crypt, they sure as hell weren’t hers she was much more of a thong girl. They seemed new though and the thought of Spike buying them had her just about giggling her head off, hence her decision to stop thinking about it. Somehow she didn’t see Spike being happy to find her laughing when he got back. Instead she fell to wondering what he was planning, obviously not your average ‘bit of slap and tickle, wham bam thank you ma’am’ seeing as he’d actually made her put underwear on. That had to be a first. He seemed to be gone for a very long time and Buffy’s arms were beginning to ache. Then she realised that the noise from downstairs had stopped and she could feel his presence. It dawned on her that the noise had stopped a little while ago and she shivered involuntarily with the comprehension that he’d probably been standing there since then just ogling her. She squirmed a little and her panties grew wetter as she felt as if his gaze was now burning into her. Challenging her to do something else he could punish her for.

Spike knew she’d sensed him when he smelt the increase in the scent of her arousal. He was proud of the self-restraint she showed in not turning round to demand what the hell he was doing, and wasn’t he going to get on with it any time soon. Smiling slightly he pushed himself off the sarcophagus he’d been leaning against, considering her ample charms.

“Glad to see you finally decided to be a good girl.” He stated “Now. That little outfit of yours has given me some ideas about how I can punish you for everything; for taking that job, for parading yourself for other men, for refusing to leave with me, your wantonness on the ride over, your naughty hands. There’s a lot to be said for the corporal punishment of naughty little school girls luv. ’Course it’s a long time since I went to school, so your outfits all wrong for my experience of educational discipline. Never mind, it’s probably for the best, teachers in my day were much tougher than they are now, and I think that’s exactly what you need Summers. I’m sure I can deal with what you’re wearing and still give you authentic chastisement.”

All through Spike’s slightly rambling and slightly confusing speech Buffy hadn’t moved a muscle although her arm muscles were now screaming to be shifted from their uncomfortable position. She assumed referring to pupils by their surnames was the done thing in Spike’s day and found that ‘Summers’ actually sounded quite sexy coming from him.

“Now, Summers, turn round and face me.” she did so “do you have anything to say for yourself before we begin?”

“Yes Sir” Buffy said trying desperately to stifle a giggle when she looked at Spike, he was wearing a headmasters gown and mortar board. She desperately looked at the floor to avoid looking at the hat. Unable to contain herself she blurted out on a laugh “Why do you look like you’re graduating from somewhere Spike?”

Spike was not pleased. He ditched the hat but kept the robes as they were kind of imposing. Besides he liked playing at being one of those gits at who’s hands he’d suffered more than a century ago. “Are you laughing at me Summers?” he demanded his voice leaving no question about his anger at her disrespect. “I really hope for your sake you are not. Stop it this instant! Or I swear I will give you something that will wipe that silly grin right off your face!”

Buffy believed him, and now that the hat was gone and he was practically yelling it didn’t seem so funny anymore. “No Sir, I wasn’t …honest I wasn’t. I’m sorry”

“If you weren’t laughing then why are you sorry for it?” he had her with the exact same argument she’d used on him the one time they had switched positions.

“Ok, I’m sorry. I was laughing, but only for a moment and I won’t do it again. I promise.”

“Oh I know you won’t. It’s just one more thing to add to your list of misdemeanours, and when I’m done with you not only will you never do any of them again, you won’t be able to sit down for a week. And that’s MY promise.”

Buffy felt her knees go slightly weak at his promise, the throbbing in her groin doing nothing but increasing as she let herself go completely, to submit to whatever Spike decided to do to her. Solemn faced now she brought her gaze up to meet Spike’s.

“I really am sorry Sir.”

“I’m sure you are. But you’re about to be a lot sorrier, don’t think you can get out of this by going all ‘sincere’ on me. Sorry or not you need to be taught the error of your ways and deterred from behaving so disgracefully again. Now, you may take your hands off your head, but god help you if they go anywhere near that juicy little pussy of yours. Put them by your sides and come over here.”

Now that he’d said it all Buffy wanted to do was stick her hands between her legs. Not necessarily even with a hope of bringing herself off, just to alleviate the dull throbbing ache for a second. However, she did as she was told and stood before Spike, arms by her sides.

“Hold out your left hand Summers.” he requested pulling his belt from the belt loops of his jeans.

Puzzled but not hesitating for a second Buffy did as he said. He swished the belt down on her hand, hard. Buffy gasped, surprised at how much it hurt, instinctively trying to pull her hand back. She’d learned to take just about anything on her legs, back and ass, even her breasts but this was a new one on her.

“A-a-ah” Spike said grasping her hand at the wrist and pulling it back “You’ll take your punishment like a good girl. No trying to get away. And I don’t want to hear any yowling either. Now, you will thank me for each of these and when I’m done you will assure me that you will control your wandering hands from now on. If I think you mean it then we’ll move on to your other shortcomings.”

“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.” Buffy said in genuine sincerity.


The heavy doubled over belt landed again across her palm.

Wincing slightly “Thank you Sir.”


“Thank you Sir.”

This continued for four stokes on each hand, Buffy becoming more and more aroused with every bite of the leather and also of his hand into her flesh where he held her arm still. By the last stroke her hands felt like they were on fire and although it was the very last thing she’d do, they were really needed between her thighs. Buffy tried to put all her emotion into her apology as she spoke, eyes fixed on the floor.

“I’m very sorry I tried to touch myself without your permission Sir.” she said “It was a very bad thing to do and it won’t happen again.”

Spike made her wait for a moment before deciding whether he was satisfied or whether this particular chastisement was to continue. Buffy let out a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding as he finally spoke.

“Very well, I believe you have learned that lesson. Never ever let me catch you with your hands down there without my express permission. You dirty little girl.”

She sucked the breath back in at the end of his sentence. Surely being called a dirty little girl shouldn’t make her as horny as it just had. She was starting to deeply regret rubbing herself against Spike on the ride here. Not just because she was undoubtedly about to be punished for it, but also because she’d aroused herself so much that everything Spike was now doing was making her much more excited than it usually did. Unfortunately she had no-one to blame but herself for this and she sure as hell wasn’t about to ask Spike to do something about it. He’d take far too much joy in her agitation and would love pointing out she had brought it on herself.

“Now for the real punishment.” Spike said, relishing the sight of the goosebumps which rose on Buffy’s exposed flesh when he said this.

“Stand in the middle of the room Summers.”

Buffy did as she was told, trying to slow her heart rate and stop the ridiculous butterflies in her tummy. Also trying to rub her thighs together as she moved, needing any kind of friction she could get. Spike picked up the leather covered paddle which he’d located downstairs, after a little searching. He walked over to Buffy and began to circle her; her survival instincts reacting before her brain did, she turned as he circled her. Spike tutted and taking a firm grip on her shoulders turned her back round.

“Stand still” he said sternly. Buffy knew what was coming and couldn’t help but push her hips forward as Spike swung the paddle at her ass. “Didn’t I tell you you were to take your punishment like a good girl? Do not try to avoid another stroke like that or I’ll take the skin off the back of your legs with this thing.”

“I’m sorry Sir” Buffy said cursing herself for her lack of control.

“Bend over and touch your toes.” was Spikes only response.

Buffy had learned the first time they had done this, not to hesitate following that particular order. Therefore she immediately obeyed touching her toes with the tips of her fingers. Spike gave her butt an appraising look, then, with a slight frown moved round to observe her from a side-on angle. Buffy was practically panting with lust as Spike’s pragmatic perusal of her form continued. Without warning he slapped a hand hard against the back of her thigh barking out

“Lower! You’re the Slayer, I know you’re more supple than that. Put your hands flat on the ground. I want that bum as tight and high as you can get it.”

“Yes Sir. Sorry Sir” she gasped out, moving her legs outwards a little to shoulder width to comply with his request.

“Just do it girl.” he returned “ stop trying to get on my good side. Head down. Keep your mouth shut! I’ll find use enough for that later.”

He watched for a second as Buffy placed her hands flat to the floor between, but a little in front of, her feet. She had shivered at his last words and he knew from experience of taking the sub side that it was the unfairness which had affected her. He knew well the feeling of loss of control, when no matter what you did to try and please your Dom they (sometimes quite literally) slapped you back down into your place. Reminding you that you are completely at someone else’s whim. That they can mete out pain or pleasure as they see fit, and all you can do is try to follow instructions and hope you please them enough to earn release. His evaluation of what Buffy must be feeling gave Spike a surge of power and, inevitably, lust. He took a moment to control himself, his trousers becoming unbelievably tight around his pulsing erection.

The thought of Buffy as his toy, at his whim and mercy almost made him give up on the punishment, rip her knickers off and fuck her senseless. In order to stop himself he recalled his fury when the demons had told him that Buffy was stripping (he was avoiding thinking about her actually stripping, for fear of tearing his pants with his dick), feeding on the anger to control himself and give Buffy what she barely acknowledged she wanted , but deep down knew she needed.

As it was, the anger made him put a lot of power into the first blow, right across both ass cheeks. Buffy whimpered as she caught herself on her hands, the blow having driven her forward with its force. Spike gave her a second to say her safe word, knowing that he’d hit harder than he meant to before she’d warmed up to this. She didn’t and he grinned, that was his Slayer, quite the little trooper, she was prepared to play hard ball it seemed and Spike determined to give her what she silently asked for. He cracked her once on the inside of each thigh, saying

“I told you Slayer. No yowling. You’re a big girl and you will take what you have coming to you without any of that nonsense.”

Buffy was unsure of the reaction she’d get from speaking so she kept her mouth shut.

“That’s better” Spike praised “Finally doing as you’re told I see. Keep it up.”

He smacked her again, not so hard this time, then rubbed tenderly at her bottom.

“You may be wondering, if I have decided to be lenient by not pushing your skirt up or removing your panties.” He said. Seeing Buffy tense up he smiled, obviously that had been what she was thinking. “Rest assured young lady that someone as troublesome and disobedient as yourself is not going to get off that lightly. This is merely the first part of your punishment.”


The paddle hit each cheek in turn.

“You’re a bad, bad girl and your punishment will fit that.”


“You should have told me you needed money.”


This time Buffy looked up at him standing to the side of her. Fire flashing in her eyes. He could tell she was just dying to tell him that she’d never take his ill-gotten money, she didn’t need his help and he could go to hell. He could also see her conflict, try as she might not to, she loved this and didn’t want it to end.

“Something to say Summers?” he questioned with that cocky grin of his, tongue curled behind his teeth.

“No Sir.” she finally acquiesced dropping her head again.


“Good. Stand up. How does your bottom feel Summers? Warm enough yet?” There was that grin again. Buffy fought her urge to rebel, fixing her eyes on the floor she said nothing. He moved in quickly lifting her skirt at the back he shoved his hand into the back of her panties and stroked her bottom. Then his hand slid lower, under her completely and began to run lightly over her drenched pussy. Buffy bit her lip and suppressed a whimper as his hand got closer and closer to just the spot she needed it to touch her on.

“You’re wet Summers” Spike said retrieving his hand having avoided her pleasure button “you really are a dirty little girl aren’t you? Getting all wet and horny from being spanked. Obviously I’m not making an impression here. Time to step it up a little I think.”
Chapter 2 by Sarah Aless
As Buffy wondered what the hell ‘stepping it up’ would entail Spike gave his next order.

“Hold your skirt up round your waist please. Let me see how adorable those demure little panties look on you.”

Buffy complied and after staring for a moment in a way that made her squirm, he surprised her by moving closer and kissing her gently. She sighed and brought her hands up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck as he deepened the kiss, teasing her tongue with his own. When he pulled back Buffy tried to keep his head in place and continue the kiss. She was unsuccessful and he stepped out of her embrace saying

“Oh dear Summers. You really are quite the little slut aren’t you? Did you think that getting teacher to kiss you would get you out of trouble?”

Buffy was outraged “But you started it! You……”

She was cut off by Spike speaking loudly “AND you moved those hands of yours again. I told you to hold that skirt up! I’ll have none of your excuses.”


“No buts Summers! You disobeyed again and tried to worm your way out of trouble with your feminine charms. Oh but I’m going to enjoy this even more now.”

Again he paused, Buffy knew he was both upping the stakes and giving her a chance to use her safe word at the same time. Well, if he wanted to play like that there was no way she was going to give up! She’d take anything he could give out and he wouldn’t get the satisfaction of any reaction whatsoever out of her.

“Bend over again, but make sure your skirt stays up around your waist.” He commanded.

‘If looks were stakes’ he thought, chuckling slightly as she glared at him before bending over and arranging her skirt as directed and putting her hands on the floor again. He let it go for now though, he wanted to get on with this, he was having so much fun.

He rested the paddle against her butt for a second, letting her feel it there and think he was taking aim. Then he replaced the paddle with his hand, rubbing gently he caressed her panty covered butt round to the damp spot between her legs which was a lot more accessible just now due to her position. Buffy hadn’t been expecting that, she’d been stealing herself for a blow from hand or paddle. One of those she’d have handled without any reaction, his hand stroking her through the underwear caused a small but sharp intake of breath and she mentally slapped herself. Resolving instantly not to show any further response. His hand found her clit and hovered, not quite touching, until he unexpectedly brought the paddle down across one cheek. As he did so he pressed hard on her clit and Buffy’s eyes screwed up, partly from the smarting in her ass, partly from the intense pleasure on the sensitive nub. Her legs trembled a little as she felt Spike’s body move, drawing his hand back for another blow but she didn’t let a sound out. Her brow furrowed and she almost prayed for strength to keep her reactions down as the blow struck with a firm contact to her clit exactly as before. This time however a flurry of blows randomly stuck each cheek afterwards, every one accompanied by his hand on her clit. The blows so close together now that the hand on her nubbin merely had to rub backwards and forwards to coincide with each stroke.

She felt her pussy flood at the mixture of sensations and squeezed her eyes even tighter shut as the last hard blow landed across both cheeks he cruelly pinched her clit . Damn him she felt like she’d come from just one more blow but, as he always seemed to do he stopped just short of her ecstasy. The fact that he’d gotten nothing more obvious than a little knee tremble from her pissed him off somewhat, she could be a tough little bint when she wanted. But he could tell she was close.

“Stand up” he barked, adding “and keep those feet apart” as she had moved them when she stood up, no doubt trying again to get some friction from her inner thighs. ‘Yeah she’s close’ he thought slightly more gleefully.

She stood before him, her face flushed desperately trying to control her breathing, still holding her skirt up around her waist. He hadn’t told her to let it drop and she wasn’t about to give him ANY ammunition.

“Pull your pants down and then hold your skirt up again.” he ordered

Buffy pulled the pants down and had them at her calves, about to step out of them when his voice stopped her. “I said down, not off. Leave them around your knees.”

Although flushed already Buffy’s face got redder as she did as he said, feeling slightly ridiculous and very embarrassed with her panties round her knees. He knelt in front of her and examined them, before reaching out and gathering some of her moisture from them on his finger. He looked up at her as he sucked the finger into his mouth. She shuddered at the erotic sight of him tasting her from the panties she had drenched. Pulling the finger out he brought it up to her sex and circled her entrance with it. Making her use every ounce of willpower she had not to move her hips to try to get it inside of her. He circled for a couple of seconds before brushing the finger forwards over her inner lips, again studiously avoiding the swollen flesh at the top of her slit. He brought the finger up to her mouth with a slight smirk.

The first time he’d ever done this she’d baulked at the idea and told him he was sick. Although she’d never admitted it, he knew it gave her a thrill now. He loved to make her do this when she was (as happened frequently) trying to pretend that he didn’t have any effect on her.

“Be a good girl and suck it” he said his other hand coming round and pinching her ass to urge her to open her mouth.

Reluctantly she took his finger into her mouth, tasting herself, her reluctance melted. On the higher functioning levels of her brain she found it disgusting. However, she was running on a much more basic, primal level of consciousness now. Moaning slightly she swirled her tongue round his finger cleaning it completely of her juices before he removed it. He slipped the wet finger into her bra and tweaked at her left nipple with it. She moaned again as her chest heaved and her back arched her breast towards him.

Abruptly Spike pulled away having decided that he’d aroused her far enough to move on to the next bit of his plan. He began to circle her again as she tried to stand still and control herself. Her flushed face and wild eyes told him all he needed to know about the state of her mind just now.

“Look at you” he said scathingly as he stopped in front of her “standing there all horny and wanton. Standing there with your knickers round your knees like the naughty little girl that you know you are. Letting me spank your arse because you know you deserve it. How humiliated you would feel if you could see yourself right now.” He began circling again and he could see Buffy’s hands itching to drop the skirt, end the game and probably slap his face hard. He stopped behind her, almost daring her to turn round. “And you love it don’t you?” he said slapping his hand onto her bottom.

Buffy almost came on the spot as she unthinkingly breathed out “Yes Sir.”

“You know you deserve this don’t you?” he questioned “You need this, and you know you do.” He’d moved round again and he swung his hand at her outer thigh, chuckling as she tensed up before placing his hand carefully against her leg and rubbing it gently. “You like me to put you in your place don’t you? Before I’m done you will promise me that you’ll come to me in future if you need help. Now come here.”

He’d moved over to a sarcophagus and seated himself on it. “Seeing as you’re the naughtiest girl in school” he said, going back to the role play after the little diversion into why he was really pissed at her. “I think I’m going to have to take you in hand…….literally.”
Buffy moved to pull the panties off to walk to him.

“Leave them!” he commanded

Flushing bright red at the ignominy, she waddled toward him, more than slightly pissed at the fact that Spike seemed to find the sight so amusing.

“Over my knee” he said when she finally reached him. Hesitating for only a second to roll her eyes at him Buffy did as he said, pushing herself awkwardly into position. “This time,” he leaned down and breathed his words into her ear “you wont have the benefit of skirt or panties to save your precious hide. I’m going to smack your bare bottom until it’s red and your begging me either to stop or to make you cum.”

Buffy swallowed hard and tried to ignore the effect he was having on her. It had been a little while since he’d aroused her this badly before finally giving in and fucking her. She knew he would, eventually, but she was increasingly certain that she wouldn’t last until his dick was in her.

Spike began the spanking, the first six blows were surprisingly light although they were accompanied by a lot of scolding from Spike. After six he rubbed her heated flesh his hands straying towards her pussy but never actually going there. The next six were harder and the scolding more severe. The rubbing in the aftermath was a lot nearer her pussy this time and Buffy’s legs instinctively tried to push themselves wide apart to grant him access. They were hampered however by the panties still clinging round her knees and Buffy couldn’t help but groan. After three more sets of six smacks, each progressively harder and each followed by increasingly indecent groping, Buffy was squirming like a cat in heat.

Spike set her on her feet before him, holding onto her outstretched arms to steady her as her legs threatened to give way. Through the haze of lust enveloping her Buffy had a tiny moment of triumph that he had stopped and she had not begged him to do it, although she was incredibly close to pleading with him to make her cum. “Are you sorry you didn’t ask for my help?” he questioned.

“Yes Sir” Buffy said

“Will you ever again show off that body of yours, which belongs to me, to any other men?”

“No Sir”

“Are you sorry?” One of his hands slid up her thigh and stroked maddeningly just below the crease where her legs met her body.

“Yes Sir” it came out on a shaky sigh and was barely audible.

“Are you really sorry?” he asked, the hand now moving to the same point on her other thigh as his free hand cupped her chin, both moving in tender caresses.

Buffy was puzzled by the sudden gentleness and her only response was to cock her head on one side, trying to work out what Spike was up to, she’d fallen for it when he kissed her, she wasn’t going to do it again. Spike now gripped her chin hard and pulled her head up and down in a nodding motion. He spoke again through clenched teeth “This is the answer I’m looking for.” he said referring to her enforced nodding.

Letting her chin loose he asked again “Are you really sorry?”

“Yes Sir” Buffy almost wailed, still rapidly overheating and not sure how much more playing she could take, her need for release was so great.

“Then prove it Summers” he took a step back “Kneel.”

She was actually surprised that he had taken this long to go down the blow job route. As she lowered herself to her knees her agitation grew at the thought of sucking his big hard dick. She was frustrated almost to the point of tears now from Spike’s constant working her up then leaving her to simmer and cool a little before working her up again. She fervently hoped that if she did a good enough job maybe he wouldn’t notice if one of her hands should ‘accidentally’ slip between her legs and rub her to orgasm. Buffy’s luck was out today though. As her knees hit the floor she reached out to unfasten his trousers. Just as she was about to free his cock he slapped her hands away sharply.

“So eager” he teased looking deep into her pleading eyes. “Trying to distract me with that smart little mouth of yours again? You haven’t earned the right to suck my cock yet. I’m going to give you a chance to earn it though.” Waggling his eyebrows and grinning evilly he challenged “Beg.”

“B-beg you to let me suck your cock?”

“Yes Summers, and for anything else you want, though I suggest my forgiveness should be high on your agenda if you have any common sense.”

Buffy closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, could she do this? It wasn’t like he’d never made her beg before but it was always just at the point of him entering her, or during lovemaking. As aroused as she was she still didn’t know if she could just kneel in front of him and humble herself like that. Spike seemed to realise her problem, rather than push again he decided to help her out. He insinuated his foot between her legs. Without a thought Buffy ground against it the contact propelling her towards a state where she was able to beg.

“Ohhh,…….please, I’m sorry, I am,…..please forgive me………I’m a bad bad girl and …..nnnnggghh……….I…I..really want to suck your dick………please Sir….oh please.”

She opened her eyes and looked up at him.

“You want to come Summers?”

“Oh God! Yes please………I-I know I don’t deserve to but….oooh fuck!!…..I’ll be so good if you let me…..and I really am sorry….I’ll make it up to you if you’ll let me.”

“Ok Summers, if you want to come you’ll do it like you are just now. You haven’t earned a fucking yet either.”

Not caring anymore how much she was subjugating herself or how ashamed she might later feel Buffy went to town on his foot. Grasping it behind the heel she held it in place while she rode herself to a earth-shattering orgasm. Panting and gasping as it began to subside she stilled a little until she realised that another was coming. However, when Spike felt her tighten her grip on his foot and begin to move faster again he pulled his foot away. Buffy dropped back so she was sitting on her calves, her hands limp in her lap. Although the orgasm could have continued she felt a lot better for the release she had had.

“Stand up” he barked although he was now painfully hard from the show she had just given him.

She did so and looked up at him. “Thank you Sir,” she said looking into his eyes. “I meant it Sir. I’d love to make it up to you, if you’ll let me. I also know that I don’t deserve the privilege and I am very sorry. I promise never to flaunt myself again and to come to you if I need help in the future, especially with money.”

“Are you just saying this to get me to fuck that tight little pussy of yours?”

Even though she’d cum she was still horny as hell, she knew she had been on the verge of more, still, through the haze of lust still surrounding her she recognised in his tone of voice that Spike was being playful now.

“Probably” she winked, “but you know you want to………Sir”

“God Slayer” Spike said “It was bloody lucky for me that you weren’t around when I was human and actually tutoring people. I’d have been done for, for ruining your reputation, cos there’s no way I could’ve been your teacher and not had you.”
Buffy’s only response was to stick her tongue out at him.

“That’s it!” he barked “Downstairs with you now! I can see there’s another lesson I need to teach you.”

“And what would that be Sir?” Buffy asked all innocence, now back to trying not to touch herself, Spike might be playing just now but she was sure he’d have something to say (or do) if she made that mistake again.

“I’m going to fuck you so well, and hard and mind-blowingly that you’ll see exactly why you never need another man for anything.
Chapter 3 by Sarah Aless
Liking Spike’s idea very much Buffy started to waddle towards the ladder, the underwear still round her knees. Spike chuckled before placing a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

“You can pull the pants back up” he said. His jaw fell open and he added “or….you could take them off.”

Buffy had bent over in front of him, giving him a delicious view of her ass and soaking wet pussy (hence the jaw dropping), and pulled the panties off completely. Giggling she threw them at Spike’s head and practically dived down the ladder to his underground bedroom.

“Summers!” he bellowed, grinning and taking a good sniff at the panties he followed her down the ladder almost as quickly as she had gone. Reaching the bottom he saw her standing by the bed with frankly the cheekiest, most impish grin he had ever seen on her face. “How dare you throw your knickers at me young lady? I’m not done with the schoolgirl-teacher thing yet luv and I know you still want to play.”

Buffy shook her head, still grinning “ I want your dick in me” she laughed at the look of mock astonishment Spike pulled “I want you to stop playing and fuck me.”

“Tough!” he said struggling to keep a straight face as she continued to smile mischievously. “I’m in charge and I say we’re playing so get your arse over here so I can spank it for being so bloody insolent.”

Buffy winked at him, still feeling playful and covered the distance between them, swaying her hips and licking her lips as she walked. Spike couldn’t do anything but shake his head in amazement at her. When she was about 3 feet away from him she stuck her tongue out before turning round. She bent her knees slightly and placing her hands on her upper thighs, arched her back so that her ass stuck out behind her. Glancing over her shoulder she winked again as she wiggled her backside at him.

Spike shook his head again muttering “Bloody little vixen.”

Buffy laughed again “You want to spank it, come and get it” she challenged.

With a growl Spike did just that. He reached her in one step and, placing a hand on her back so she didn’t straighten up and bolt, he delivered a flurry of blows to her ass.

Buffy squirmed and moaned a little. The small slaps were purely playful and didn’t hurt her despite the fact that her ass was still flaming. They did however get her hotter. He stopped spanking and keeping his left hand on her back he kneaded one ass cheek with his right hand. Buffy let out a long low moan as the kneading turned to caressing and his hand slipped between her legs from behind, brushing over her slick entrance. His left hand moved up and round to cover her mouth as he pulled her fully upright against him. She whimpered against his hand as he ground his solid length against her still burning rear.

“Now then Summers, you’ve teased me into inappropriate behaviour with a pupil” he said launching right back into the role play “it wouldn’t do for anyone to overhear what your headmaster is doing to you in his office, though. I think you should be as quiet as a little mouse so we don’t get caught.” Buffy’s imagination was working overtime today and she had no trouble convincing herself that she was in a headmasters office and not Spike’s bedroom. The thought giving her a thrill at the idea that they were doing something taboo and could be caught. Despite what he’d just said she whimpered again as his free hand reached round and pinched each nipple in turn. He sighed heavily at the sound.

“Hmm.” he mused “How *can* I keep you quiet?” he looked around as if searching for something to shut her up with. His eyes lit up as he was struck by a wicked thought. Grabbing her by the right ear he led her across the room.

“Ow!” she protested as he yanked her along, her ear pinched between his fingers and thumb.

“Oh stop whining Summers!” Spike said “They did this to us all the time when I was a lad, does you no harm. In fact it’ll mean your ear matches the lovely red shade of your bum soon. It’ll be pretty.”

Buffy began to roll her eyes at him, an expression which was halted in its infancy by Spike placing a hand on her left shoulder. He simultaneously pulled down on her ear and pushed down on her shoulder, saying with an eyebrow waggle, “On your knees Summers. I know exactly how to shut you up good and proper.”

“I thought I hadn’t earned the right to suck your dick” she observed impertinently with a hint of an impudent smirk on her face.

“Maybe you haven’t” he countered “I didn’t say you had. I mean that was a fantastic show you put on for me up there luv, but I may want a little more effort before I allow you to suck it.”

A shiver ran down Buffy’s spine; partly from his words but also from the sight of him rubbing his hand over the considerable bulge in his trousers. Spike saw her eyes go wide at the impressive sight of his arousal, straining at the material of his trousers. Her tongue unconsciously darted out and licked at her lips. Chuckling, he said, “Hungry for it are you Summers? Come and get it then. Oh and don’t be so imbecilic as to think you’ll be aloud to use your hands. Lets have them back on top of your head young lady.”

She shot him a filthy look as she nevertheless complied; when her hands were on her head she looked up at him expectantly , obviously waiting for him to get it out.

“Come on then” he said “lets see some of that Slayer initiative you’re so well known for. I’m not going to help you, but I may have to reprimand you if don’t get on with it soon. And believe me, when I say reprimand I *don’t* mean a severe talking to.”

Driven by her lust Buffy moved her head up and forward towards the fastening of his trousers. She strained her neck struggling to open the button as Spike looked down on her, maddeningly laughing softly at her exertions at her awkward task. Finally she got the button undone, after which the zipper was child’s play. Gripping it in her teeth she pulled it down easily as it was held taut from the pressure of his erection. When she got it all the way down she had to pull her head back quickly as his manhood sprang forth, almost whacking her in the face.

Licking her lips again she moved her mouth to the head. She ran her pointed tongue over the slit at the end. It was Spike’s turn to shiver now as she then went to work with a great deal of gusto. Running her tongue round the head she couldn’t help but smile as Spike began to rub his dick from the base up and back down. ‘Hah!’ she thought ‘regretting the no hands rule now aren’t you Mister.’ She moved down and took a ball in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it as Spike groaned a little. She moved back to the shaft, following his hand up it then playing at the head again. As she continued to suck and lick, really starting to enjoy herself now she was puzzled to feel Spike’s hands move to her braids. He quickly pulled out the elastics holding them and teased the hair out of the braids into a wavy mane around her face.

His hand slid round to the back of her head and tangled in her hair. With another groan his hand gripped a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. “This is great fun luv,” he gritted out “but I’m done playing. Take it all, suck my dick right into that luscious mouth of yours.”

Buffy tried to comply, Spikes dick brushed her lips and she opened up moving her head forward to take it in. He was still holding his dick with the hand that wasn’t in her hair though and as she moved he moved it to the left. Frowning slightly she shifted her head as much as he would allow her and tried again. This time he pulled his dick away to the right. He kept this up for a good minute, moving his dick out of her reach every time she tried to suck it.

“I thought you wanted it” he taunted “C’mon Summers, suck my dick”

“Well keep it still and I will” she groused, now seriously considering taking her hands off her head and grabbing hold of him.

“But I love to see how eager you are for it” he smiled evilly “such a wanton little hussy, chasing my dick around so you can give it a good sucking.” He could tell that the things he was saying were making her hotter but truth be told, he had pretty much teased himself as much as he was going to. “Fine!” he sighed holding her head still with the hand in her hair and thrusting his dick into her welcoming mouth.

Buffy went at it like a woman possessed deep throating him straight away. Taking his dick down her throat and swallowing around him, making him groan out loud and yank at her hair. He pulled out slightly before thrusting back in hard, holding her in place, he essentially began to fuck her mouth. Buffy fought back in the only way she could, making sure to hollow her cheeks and suck hard on every outstroke using her tongue at every available opportunity. “Fucking hell Summers!” Spike exclaimed as she let her teeth very lightly graze his shaft. As he pulled back she looked up at him questioningly.

“Doesn’t matter how much noise *I* make Summers. I can do what I like, I’m the headmaster, I’m beyond reproach. You however, should stay silent, you scream like a banshee when you come, obviously due to my amazing prowess, and we simply can’t have that.”

He released his grip and pulled his dick out entirely and Buffy briefly wondered if he was about to punish her. “Stand up” he said hauling her to her feet before walking her backwards towards the bed. When the back of her knees came into contact with it he pushed her back so she lay with her legs now dangling off it. He tutted at her as he ensconced himself between her legs. Leaning down so that his lips almost touched hers, he ground his erection into her aching wetness saying “Are you going to be good and be quiet Summers?”

Buffy’s only answer was a groan as he wickedly rubbed the head of his cock against her swollen clit.

“Guess not” he said evilly “Well Summers, delicious as you are, I can’t risk my reputation over you. I *am* going to fuck you so I guess I‘ll just have to find another way to keep you quiet.” Reaching into his back pocket he retrieved her still soaking underwear, which he’d shoved back there after she’d thrown them at his head. “Perfect” he said with a waggle of his eyebrows and a grin of pure sin.

Buffy didn’t realise his intent until he had turned them inside out and pushed them crotch first into her mouth. Her face scrunched up in consternation and she instantly moved to pull the panties out.

“A-a-ah” Spike chided catching her wrists and pinning them by her sides, “be good.” He grinned again as he said “ I need you to be quiet and you obviously can’t manage it by yourself so you will leave them where they are.”

Buffy tried to tell him that she would be quiet and she didn’t need a gag but all that came out were quiet little muffled grunts which just made Spike chuckle all the more. He thrust his stiff cock into her wet heat, groaning a little himself at the sensation of her engulfing him. The groan caused Buffy to raise her eyebrows at him challengingly and attempt to free her wrists from his grasp. Spike shook his head and held her hands down more firmly as he began to thrust into her. “Rules don’t apply to me Summers. I already explained this to you, pay attention. Do you know why they don’t?……… Because I say so. Besides I plan on making you scream so the gag stays.” Buffy rolled her eyes at him, then gasped round the material as he shoved his dick in as far as it would go and ground his pelvis against her most sensitive spot. “Anyway you look so cute Summers.” he added before returning to thrusting in and out of her again, “and I want you to taste what I do to you. Can you taste yourself?” it was a rhetorical question “all that cream, for me, so desperate for it you were, taste it Summers, taste how hot I make you.”

Buffy wanted to sob now as what he was saying left her limp and needing him to pound her until she came. He recognised the signs of her reaching the point of no return and released her hands. He was pleased to see that he’d judged correctly and that her hands stayed put, any thoughts of removing the panties now gone from her mind. He reached down and ripped her shirt open. Thanking god she was wearing a front closing bra he ripped that open too. Finally he ripped the skirt open so that she lay naked beneath him, her clothes useless on the bed under her sweating body. She made an indiscriminate sound at the clothes ripping but Spike ignored her and fell to wetting both nipples before taking one in his mouth and one in his hand. The one in his mouth he suckled hard and pulled at with this teeth. The other he circled with his thumb before pinching and pulling at it. The heat between her legs grew so much that Buffy was sure her juices would burn Spike. Her head began to thrash at his teasing of her body, he had stopped thrusting again to play with her breasts and it was killing her.

Suddenly he left her breasts alone and grasping her legs behind the knees he lifted them up his sides and leaning forward pushed her knees up to her chest. He then pushed her legs apart into a wide ‘V’ holding her calves. The position was an easy one for Buffy with her lithe and supple slayers body. She was spread out and open so wide for him that Spike could have cum right there. He almost did as he looked up to where his hands held her legs and realised she was still wearing the ankle socks and Mary Jane’s. He couldn’t draw this out any longer at the site of her so exposed in nothing but the cute little shoes and socks, his cock rammed into her pussy which, stretched as she was, just seemed to beg for more of him.

With a growl he held her in position as he began to slam himself into her like there was no tomorrow. Buffy couldn’t really move much, held as she was, but she didn’t really need to. Spike was thrusting fast and hard enough for two people, and ever the considerate vampire he made sure to lean down over her a little so that every time he slammed in his body hit her clitoris with almost bruising force. Buffy didn’t think he’d ever gotten this deep before it felt like he was pushing right up through her womb as he pounded her relentlessly. It wasn’t long before her head was thrashing and she was whimpering, feeling the start her release spread through her body. Spike could see the flush creeping up from her chest and kept up the pace.

“Open your eyes Buffy” he demanded “let me see you cum.”

Buffy obeyed and as soon as she saw him, looking at her through the frame of her outspread legs as he held her still while he fucked her she exploded. Despite the gag it was very obvious to Spike that she was yelling and when her eyes went impossibly wide with release and locked onto his he followed suit immediately. His grip on her ankles tightened as he jerked into her filling her with his cum. Buffy didn’t even notice. With his last spurt he rammed himself tightly into her, before letting her legs go and fall to the side before he collapsed on top of her.

There followed a good few moments panting before either of them moved again. Spike was first, lifting himself off her to lie by her side. She lay flushed and quivering for another moment before turning her gaze to him to find him grinning at her. He reached over and pulled the panties from her mouth. Laughing, Buffy said “thanks”.

“Well I plan on kissing you good and proper in a minute luv.” he replied “don’t want my little bitch do have a dry mouth”

She ignored what he’d called her knowing that he was just playing. “No I mean thanks for everything today Spike.”

Spike pulled his head back and gave her a quizzical look which she ignored. She wasn’t going to go into any more detail or say it again. “Just one thing though.”

“And what would that be Slayer?”

“This outfit belongs to the strip club, not me. I’m pretty sure that they’ll want to be paid for it seeing as I can’t give it back now that you’ve gone and torn it up.”

“Oh” said Spike “Sorry about that luv. I’ll sort it. I will.” He looked thoughtful for a moment before adding “You don’t have to give the socks and shoes back though, do you?”
This story archived at https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=1574