Show Me The Way To Go Home by Sarah Aless
Summary: Buffy and Spike are drunk. A silly funfic. Also complete PWP - seriously this story wouldn't know plot if it jumped up and bit it!
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 18690 Read: 14238 Published: 02/03/2004 Updated: 03/01/2004
Chapter 6 by Sarah Aless
A/N: Ok this chapter not so much with the funny. Actually I don't
think there's any funny at all. It ain't angsty just smutty as hell
(I hope). There's a bit of rough stuff so if that icks you you might
want to skip it. It's not bad though honestly no worse than the last
chappie really and they're just playing.


Buffy struggled, bit and kicked all the way upstairs to her room;
prompting many promises from Spike that she'd `damn well find out'
what playing rough was if she kept that up. Keep it up she did
though when she wasn't giggling at his threats. She finally stopped
struggling just as they reached her room and Spike risked letting go
of her legs with one hand so that he could open the door. Buffy
immediately used this to her advantage and squirmed down off his
shoulder. He opened the door and turned quickly when she slithered
down. His hand shot out and grabbed her by the nape of the neck just
as she turned to run. She'd intended to run downstairs, or to the
bathroom or anywhere, just so he'd chase her. Spike however, was not
interested in running around anymore.

His grip tightened on her neck and he hauled her into the room.
Shoving her roughly before him they both entered and he shut the
door with his foot. Never taking his hand from her neck he propelled
her towards the bed, growling "This gettin' rough enough for you?"

"Not even close." Buffy challenged from face down on the bed.

With a noise that was practically a roar Spike flung her over onto
her back and immediately dove on top of her.

"This close enough?" he questioned holding her shoulders down as he
thrust his groin hard and repeatedly against hers questioning "Huh?
Huh? Is it slut?" with each thrust.

Buffy thrust her hips right back up at him. "Getting there." She
said, starting to pant a little now. As had happened earlier when
their physical relationship had first been re-established the
giggling seemed to have disappeared rapidly. Not that Buffy wasn't
still having fun. It was just that now it was the kind of fun which
left her chest heaving, her pussy drenched and her blood boiling.

"This what you want?" he asked, continuing the thrusting of his
pelvis against her. He paused to grind his throbbing erection into
the increasingly wet area between her legs.

"You know what I want." She panted "Get your pants off and give it
to me good and hard with that big cock of yours. Slam it into me and
I'll slam right back just how you like. I'll show you
playing rough."

Spike wasted no time standing up to fulfil her request; which
ultimately proved to be his undoing. To Buffy's credit she did wait
until he had his pants pulled down at least before she made her move
(mostly because she was busy fully divesting herself of her bathrobe
though). Springing up beside him with a speed that surprised even
her after the alcohol she'd consumed tonight she grabbed the scruff
of his neck and flung him down on the bed. As he'd done with
her she roughly positioned him on his back. Quickly straddling his
waist she leaned down and grabbed a fistful of his hair. Yanking his
head to the side she bit down on his neck even as she slid her
bottom backwards rubbing his penis in the cleft of her ass cheeks.

She wasn't drawing blood, merely giving him a hickey but she was
sucking and nipping at his neck hard. Spike felt his cock grow even
harder than it already was with a particularly sharp nip from her
teeth. He groaned and his hips bucked beneath her as she continued
the maddening movement of her ass, caressing his dick. The bucking
of his hips caused her to pull back from her task. Keeping her grasp
on his hair she looked down at him before slapping his cheek hard.

"What's that about Spike? Think you're a bucking bronco? Trying to
throw me off you bastard? Gonna ride you hard."

"Was more thinking about me riding you luv." He gritted out. "Riding
you like a pony. That what you want bitch?"

Buffy answered by grinding her clit against him just above his dick
before sliding back and up, positioning him at her dripping
entrance. Spike's whole body tensed at the thought that he was about
to be engulfed by her tight hot channel, but Buffy wasn't finished
yet. She gripped his dick almost too hard and began to pump it
mercilessly, all the while shifting her hips so that the head ran up
and down her aching slit.

"Damnit woman. Put it inside. Now!" he half-ordered, half-pleaded.

"When I'm good and ready asshole." She ground out, now flicking at
her clit with the head.

"Fuck it bitch!" Spike yelled. Giving up on trying to convince her
to do it herself he reached down and grabbed her hips and shifted
her so that his dick was at her opening. Without a pause he slammed
her down onto his cock. Buffy almost came right there just from the
feeling of him entering her so swiftly and brutally. Her eyes closed
and she let out a gasp which turned into a moan at the sensation of
him filling her. Neither moved for a moment and when Buffy looked
down at Spike she saw him staring up at her. The look on his face a
mixture of wonder and also concern.

"You ok pet?" It was a double edged question. He was afraid he'd
hurt her and he was also making sure that all this violence and name-
calling was still causing as much heat in her as it was in him.

She grinned briefly at him then moved her hips in a figure of eight
movement causing him to gasp and her face to be taken over
completely by lust again.

"Oh you're gonna get fucked now you bastard." She moaned out
beginning to slam herself up and down on his rigid manhood. She
leaned forward and latched onto the other side of his neck. Her
fingers came up to his chest and scored deep long scratches as she
moved back on him; pushing against the marked skin hard as she moved
forward again. Spike did his best to thrust back against her but
she was fully in control of the movement because of the angle of her

"Oh yeah….that's it……fuck…." She panted out as she rode him, faster
and harder. "You like that you fucker? Huh? me fucking

Spike was incapable of answering. A series of pants and groans the
only things escaping his lips as she squeezed him hard.

"Gonna make you cum so fucking hard……..make you give me all…….all
your cum…….make you scream bitch."

Had Buffy not been astride him riding him for all she was worth
Spike would have been amused by and probably shocked by the things
she was saying now, especially calling him bitch, that would have
cracked him up. However he was apparently capable of one thought and
it struck him as Buffy finished speaking. He was just lying here and
wonderful as this was he wanted to give her a taste of her own
medicine. He was compelled to action when she leaned down as if to
kiss him but avoided his lips, running her tongue up his jaw line
she bit hard on his cheek.

"You little bitch!" he exclaimed shoving her shoulders until they
were both sitting up, their faces inches apart as he now began
thrusting in earnest. Using his hands on her hips he slammed her up
and down her breasts dancing before him as he shook her like a rag
doll. With a movement that spoke of years of experience he turned
them so that in an instant she was on her back on the bed beneath

"Now who's doing the fucking?" he panted out. "You want my dick
huh?......good and hard was it?'re gonna get it now
baby……….I'm gonna make you scream you little slut."

"Oh fuck…….. Yes…….give it to me asshole…….oh…oh…."

Buffy could feel her orgasm spiralling inside of her, as he pounded
her as if his life depended on it. She was certain her inner thighs
would be bruised tomorrow from his wonderfully fierce thrusting.
Opening her legs as wide as she could she wrapped her ankles around
his ass where they banged against him as his pace picked up. She
scratched her nails down his chest again before Spike stopped her by
grabbing her wrists with a growl. He quickly pinned her arms above
her head before bringing his mouth to her neck.

Insane with the need to climax Buffy turned her head and arched her
neck towards him. He hadn't been about to wait for the invitation
but he welcomed it anyway. His vamp face came raging to the fore as
he bent to her sweat streaked straining neck and sunk his fangs in.

"Oh oh god……..ah…ah…..ungh….unghh…..FUCK!" Buffy screamed as her
orgasm rolled over like a tsunami pulsing in time with him drawing
on her blood. Just as the red light behind her eyes started to clear
Spike withdrew his fangs and reared up a little. He still hadn't cum
and he had a serious urge to give it to her from behind. As he
positioned himself to pull out of her and flip her over his hand
brushed her clit. Her reaction was instant. Her inner muscles
clenched down on his dick almost painfully and her thighs clamped
around his pelvis, holding him to her like superglue. Her eyes
screwed themselves tight shut as she came again grunting loudly.

Spike's plan to turn them around was temporarily forgotten as he
gazed at her in wonder. He could make her cum again just like
that? `She must have been really worked up' he thought with just a
hint of manly pride. This time he touched her nub on purpose giving
it a tweak. Again her entire lower body clenched around him and
Spike groaned along with her as she came again. He tweaked again,
and again, and again.

Buffy's head thrashed and she wanted to scream but her brain only
seemed to be able to focus on gripping Spike. She couldn't believe
the effect his playing with her nub was having. Each time she came
she shuddered and felt herself squeeze almost inhumanly hard with
pussy and thighs and her inner fluids literally gushed out of her.
Each time she was sure that was it, sure she couldn't possibly cum

Finally "ungh….ungh….UNGH!!!!...too much….too much….." she moaned.

She came again as Spike pulled his dick almost all the way out
(which took a concerted effort on his part as she was clamped so
tightly around him). Pressing the heel of his palm to her swollen
clit he slammed back in, cuming the second her inner walls did the
inevitable squeezing.

Spike roared as his hips jerked without any rhythm, his seed
spilling copiously into her. His roar was joined by Buffy's scream
as the biggest one of the lot tore through her and left her a
twitching boneless lump of sheer exhaustion beneath him.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as what could only be described as
an aftershock shuddered through her when Spike withdrew. A small but
satisfied moan escaped her lips and her glazed eyes slipped slowly
shut. Spike grinned to himself before lifting her under the covers.
As carefully as he was able he slipped into bed beside her, spooning
up to her back.

"Cold feet." She grumbled sleepily

Spike chuckled, "Silly Slayer," he whispered wrapping an arm round
her waist. "Get some sleep. Gonna have a hell of a hangover luv." He
said kissing the back of her head.

Buffy wiggled back against him and sighed contentedly. Spike avoided
thoughts of what would happen tomorrow, when Buffy was awake, and
sober and not all mushy from cuming like a good 'un. He briefly
entertained a thought of how miserable he would be when she
inevitably kicked him out. He quickly gave up on the entertaining
and sent the thought packing without any dessert in favour of
snuggling a little closer and enjoying the feeling of her body
against his while it lasted. He smelled her hair as his own eyes
closed and the exhausted, supposed mortal enemies drifted into a
satiated, if drunken sleep.


Ok I'm gonna take a vote on this one –
Do you want the morning after or should we leave them on a blessedly
peaceful note and end it here? I'm easy (so they tell me) so it's up
to you guys :D (Yeah I know shameless way to try and manipulate
Also let me know what you thought of this chapter.....please
This story archived at http://