Broken Betrayal by maryperk
Summary: Buffy's back from the dead and the secret she learned is a doozy. Spike always says magic has consequences.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 33921 Read: 40159 Published: 12/19/2005 Updated: 05/30/2006
Epilogue by maryperk
Author's Notes:
Thanks to JackofSpikes for her help with the ceremony in the last chapter. Thanks to Tasha for betaing.

"I can't believe you made Xander read that poem he wrote for Anya in front of the whole gang," Buffy announced from her place on the bed. She watched as her vampire hastily stripped off his clothes. The day had been spent switching Buffy and Tara's bedrooms around. The evening had been spent at the Bronze with the rest of the Scoobies and the gang from L.A. The only conspicuous absences had been Willow and Giles.

"That was bloody hilarious," Spike chuckled. "I have to admit, though. It was pretty good for a first try." He walked towards the bed, uncaring of his nudity. Spike slipped under the covers, and he was pleasantly surprised to find his mate just as naked. He slipped his cool hands around her waist to pull her close.

Buffy sighed when her body fit perfectly next to Spike's. She tightened her arms around her vampire mate and flung one of her legs over his. "This is perfect. I never want to leave this bed ever again."

"Me, either, pet." Spike kissed Buffy's forehead. "Did Giles and Red get off alright?"

"Yep, they drove to L.A. and caught the noon flight for London." Buffy chewed her lip. "It's my fault that Willow did all this stuff. If I had done my job and staked Angelus instead of having her reensouling him this wouldn't have happened."

"Don't you bloody say that, Slayer," Spike snarled. "If it hadn't of been that, it would have just been something else." Spike paused for a moment. "When I kidnapped her and Harris, she was going to attempt a delusting spell on them. So, you see, it's always been there, luv. She has a need to control things instead of letting them run their course."

Buffy buried her face in Spike's neck while she let his soothing thoughts wash over her. She lifted her face to his and moaned when he covered her lips with his. Buffy slid her tongue along Spike's bottom lip while she sought entrance inside. Mmmm, best kisser ever.

Spike chuckled, in spite of himself, when he heard Buffy's admittance. You, too, Goldilocks. He pulled away from his mate, and he stared down into her dazed face. Spike whispered, "We have to keep an eye on Glinda, pet. This has hit her hard."

"I know. We'll all be here for her. After finding out what Giles and Angel did, Willow seemed just as upset as the rest of us." Buffy laid her head on Spike's shoulder. "I hope the coven can help her. I'm gonna miss Willow. Her and Xander are my oldest friends, ever since the first day in Sunnydale."

"Ah, pet. Don't fret. It'll all work out, I promise." Spike vowed solemnly. "Hey, and the Cheerleader got something good out of her trip to Sunnyhell."

"Yeah, she did, didn't she?" Buffy replied. "Did you see her face when Brenna showed up to go with them to L.A? And the rest of them? Wes's in researcher heaven, Gunn's infatuated, and Fred babbles just like Willow. It was so cute." She laughed at the memory.

"Peaches looked more constipated than usual."

"Speaking of Angel, I asked Wesley what the problem is." Buffy twirled her forefinger around one of Spike's nipples. "It seems there's a prophecy about a vamp with a soul, averting an apocalypse and becoming human. Apparently, it's something that Angel's known for a few years, and he's been using it as an excuse for his actions."

"He's always used excuses for his actions, pet. Even back in the day." Spike shivered when Buffy tweaked the nipple she was caressing. "Now come here and give me some crumbs, Slayer."

"All you want is crumbs, Spike?" Buffy giggled, "I had planned on giving you the entire cookie jar."

"Been too damned long since we've been together," Spike growled gruffly. "I've seen the best and the worst in you. You're the one, Buffy. Always the one."

Buffy answered Spike by straddling his hips and licking the claim mark on his shoulder. She groaned when he reached down to hold his erection steady. Buffy flung her head back when he bucked his hips into hers, and his cock slid into her molten pussy.

"Ride me," Spike panted. His hands settled on Buffy's hips. When she sat up, he smoothed his fingers over her golden skin until he got to the full globes of her breasts. Spike gritted his teeth in an effort to stop his orgasm when Buffy began to raise and lower herself on his engorged shaft. He watched while her face grimaced in pleasure.

"Love you, Spike." Buffy looked down at her mate. "Change, baby." When Spike let his demon slip to the surface, she leaned down to run her tongue across his fangs. Her smirk turned to a gasping moan when his hips lifted off the bed, and he slammed his cock deeper into her depths.

The mated pair rolled until the vampire was a top the Slayer. Spike hissed when Buffy trapped his body against hers with her limbs. He lowered his mouth to her breast, and he sucked the nipple into a hardened point while being careful not to gouge her with his fangs.

"I'm different now, baby," Buffy whispered. "Your chip won't work." She arched her back until her breast slipped deeper between his cool lips. Buffy shuddered in wanton need when his fangs sliced open her flesh.

Spike slammed his cock hard into his mate when her blood filled his mouth. He braced his feet against the footboard while Buffy raised one hand to brace herself against the headboard. They hadn't planned on their first time being so wild and frenzied, but their control slipped as soon as they started the oldest dance known to man and vampire.

Buffy buried her face in Spike's shoulder. She felt her teeth enter his flesh as her orgasm took over her body. Her body went taut as if lightening had shot her, and she saw bursts of light behind her closed eyelids. Spike, she screamed into her mate's mind.

Spike squeezed his eyes closed while he lapped at Buffy's blood. He tried to hold on, to ride out her pussy tightening around his cock, but the pain-pleasure intensified with each wave of her orgasm. The final straw was her rapture-filled voice filling his mind. Spike slammed one last time into her willing body before spewing his cool cum against her silken walls.

They collapsed together, panting amid declarations of love and affection. Buffy snuggled up to Spike, at peace at last with her life. Oh, sure there were problems like Willow and the yet unknown Nerd Herd, but the Slayer and her vampire mate lived happily ever after... until the next crisis.


"Hello? Cheerleader? Slow down. What? Bloody buggerin' fuck. Yeah, we'll be there as soon as we can. Let me and the Slayer gather the herd. Talk to you then."

The End.
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