Heavenly Dreams? by spufette
Summary: A Victorian Spuffy fic, fantasy for the most part. William and Elizabeth (Lizzy Summers) are preparing for their wedding ceremony in the late 1800's.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 16589 Read: 10653 Published: 12/24/2005 Updated: 02/02/2006
Chapter 3: 'Heaven; In So Many Aspects' by spufette
Author's Notes:
Thank you all for reading and for the lovely reviews I have gotten for this story.
A/N: A quick thanks to Cordykitten for directing me to a very helpful site! I really promise that there will just be two more chapters, tops, of this story!

Summary: The wedding night continues! William and Elizabeth go on their honeymoon to Rome and Paris. When they return home, there is a surprise to be found out!

Chapter 3: ‘Heaven; In So Many Aspects’

William Hampton, Lord of all that he surveyed, was in Heaven, literally. He lay next to his now not-so-blushing bride, their naked bodies so entangled together that it was difficult to tell where one began and the other ended.

Lizzy was giggling wickedly as she ran her fine soft hands up and down his sturdy back. She had, as William suspected she would, taken to the marital bed with gusto. The first time they had consummated their union, both of them were surprised to find that their love-making did not hurt Lizzy so much. That was truly a blessing because once his bride realized how much pleasure they could give each other, she insisted that they repeat the ‘act’ again and again through the night.

Frankly, William was completely, however delightedly, knackered out by his sweet Lizzy’s innate sensual nature. He loved her so much and it pleased him to no end to know that their sexual life together would be a happy and complete as their love for each other would be.

William found the strength to tickle his wife, gently of course, on her lush little bum and the back of her neck. Her neck was still pleasantly flushed from his ministrations to it a few moments earlier. While they embarked in their last round of love-making, William had administered at least two love bites on his bride’s lovely neck.

If his bites of possession had displeased or disgusted Lizzy in any way, she certainly had not displayed any such feelings to the matter. In fact, the new Mrs. William Hampton had been more then happy to receive his ‘marks’ on the pulse points of her sweet, fair neck. At least her moans of pleasure and delight seemed to indicate as much.

“You are a wanton little treasure Mrs. Hampton,” William chuckled deeply as he stroked Lizzy’s plump right breast.

“Good!” Lizzy quipped gleefully, sticking her little pink tongue out at him, affectionately. “I am glad I am a wanton, naughty creature Mr. Hampton, and I certainly hope you are not complaining,” she finished with another light-hearted giggle.

“Oh, not complaining at all Princess,” he murmured huskily, kissing her sweet plump lips, passionately. “I always suspected you would be a little firecracker in bed, sweet. Tis in your nature to be so ‘accommodating’ and 'passionate' in our marital bed, darling. Of course, I do bring out the wildness in you, I mean after all, sweetling, you do love me beyond words and…..”

“You are so full of yourself Lord Hampton,” Lizzy snorted ruefully, but then giggled again despite herself. “I like it though,” she added mischievously. “Especially when ‘I’ am so full of you.”

Lizzy began to giggle outrageously and tried to shimmy away from her handsome young husband’s embrace. William held fast though and pulled her back to his body, allowing her to ‘feel’ how her tart little words had hardened his cock yet again.

“I swear my sweet,” William growled lustily, “underneath that virginal, angelic-like exterior of yours? You ‘are’ a sensuous, naughty little demon through and through.”

“Now,” he snapped abruptly, “shall we take advantage of my renewed vigor and explore your wanton nature yet again?”

She rewarded him with a naughty giggle and pulled his strong, naked body even closer to hers. “We shall,” she burst out into a hearty laugh and boldly ran her well manicured finger nails down his taut, beautiful bum at the same time.

“Oh, Will,” Lizzy panted breathily as her husband thrust into her cunny with his renewed vigor. “That feels…..” He cut her confession off with a passionate kiss on her lips.

“Like Heaven on earth,” William finished for her once he broke away from her mouth, temporarily. He moaned and grunted heavily as he thrust into her sweet, wet little cunny with his hard cock.

“I…..” she groaned loud enough to match his own sounds. “I want to be on top,” she gasped hoarsely.

William immediately accommodated ‘her’ by flipping onto his back, successfully keeping their intimate contact together. Lizzy ended up atop her husband’s slick body, his hands tightly clenched about her slim hips and bum.

Lizzy raised her hips and slid her soaked cunny up, nearly off of Will’s long, slick cock. She then slowly slid back down onto it, all the way to the hilt. After doing this particularly pleasant move for a while and by clocking Will’s looks of ecstacy, Lizzy tried something different. Wildly rocking on William’s hips, his cock fully sheathed in her; Lizzy began a rythematic rotation movement, then back and forth and so on.

“Oh, Lizzy,” Will cried huskily, “that’s simply marvelous my sweet. Don’t stop, Lizzy, never stop, please,” he implored before he lifted his upper body up so that his mouth could her right breast in it.

“I will never, ever stop loving you Will,” Lizzy gasped between thrusts. “I will always……”

“Love you,” William again finished her sentence, but truly meant it for himself. “I love you Lizzy. I will always love you; even in my after life,” he cried as they both came together.

Later, after they had come down from their orgasms, Elizabeth lay in William’s strong arms and sighed in total contentment. She had meant what she had said earlier; she had never felt so alive in her entire existence.

‘Rome, Italy, early 1880’s’

“It is magnificent!” Lady Elizabeth Hampton gushed as she looked up at the wonder that was Michelangelo’s masterpiece. The Sistine Chapel, in Vatican City, was truly a marvel. More so, even then her husband had described it to be.

“Look, Lizzy,” William whispered in awe, “that is the 'Creation’, as if I have to tell ‘you’ that, eh?” He held his bride tightly and winked down at her, lovingly.

“Adam is beautiful,” Lizzy murmured reverently. “I cannot imagine how the Master managed to pull this all off,” she finished with a concentrated scowl.

“Well, he painted most of it on his back, on a scaffold, darling,” William informed her knowingly. “I believe he painted the ‘Creation’ panel first and worked out from there.” Then he frowned himself and stared down at Lizzy, a hurt expression in his beautiful blue eyes.

“You think Adam is beautiful, Princess? More beautiful then me?” He mumbled under his breath, trying not to let his insecurity show.

Elizabeth burst out into laughter, eliciting a reproachful look from their tour guide. She quickly got her laughter under control and snuggled deeply into her husband’s long arms.

“Yes, dear,” Lizzy giggled softly up at William. “Adam is beautiful but hardly as beautiful as you my love.”

William seemed appeased for the moment, but Lizzy would not let the matter drop at this. She tenderly pulled her man’s blond head down so that she could whisper in his warm left ear.

“You are truly much more beautiful then any man-made painting, my love,” she purred, grinning mischievously when William broke into a huge smile. “Besides,” she continued in her husky whisper, “you are definitely much more endowed here, then old Adam,” she slipped her hand discreetly atop his trouser clad erection.

“Lizzy,” William gasped, grinning in delight at his bride’s bold actions. “He will see,” he continued with a pout, looking at the tour guide who had seemed to disappear from sight.

“He is gone,” Lizzy giggled slyly, “and after this stop on today’s tour? I would like to be gone, too, to our villa room. I thought perhaps we could have an early, simple supper this evening Will. Then we can go to bed and……” she giggled again and brought William’s blushing face to hers and kissed his lush mouth, quickly.

A few days later, secluded in their honeymoon villa, William and Lizzy lazed about all that day. They had not even bothered to dress properly; deciding instead to wear their bed clothes and knickers.

William had acquired a wonderful easel in Rome; having forgotten to bring his with him. He did, however, remember to bring his drawing pencils and charcoal. This fine afternoon, their last one in Rome; William had coaxed his beautiful bride to ‘pose’ for him.

“I shall miss this magnificent city, Will,” Lizzy pouted momentarily as she tried not to shift from her pose too very much. “I shall love Paris, I am sure but……”

William poked his head out from behind his easel and stared affectionately at his wife. “Sit still, Princess,” he commanded her in his deep, gentle voice. “I want to draw you as Venus, the Goddess of Love,” he murmured, thoughtfully smudging one of his penciled lines.

“I am hardly the Goddess of Love, Will darling,” Lizzy burst out into her girlish giggle. “More the….”

“You are far more beautiful then Venus my sweet,” William mumbled as he gently bit his lower lip, somewhat nervously.

“Hmmmm,” Lizzy purred and tried her very best to sit still for the ‘master’ drawer that was her husband. “That is all very fine and well, Will,” she continued pertly, “but do I ‘have’ to expose my bare breasts for the drawing? I mean, you claim that this drawing is for our eyes only but…..”

“I promise, kitten,” he chuckled in reply, “only you and I will ever see this drawing. Pity though,” he added with another pout, “I believe it will be quite fine. Oh, and yes,” he laughed warmly, setting his charcoal pencil down and wiping his large hands on his art apron.

“You definitely ‘must’ bare your luscious titties, sweet.” William hurried to where his wife sat and took her in his arms. After kissing her passionately on the mouth, he pulled back his fair head and grinned at her. “Besides being more realistic; as far as capturing the essence of the Goddess of Love? I do enjoy seeing your naked, lovely titties exposed as much as possible.”

“Will!” Lizzy squealed, her laughter denied her look of shock. She batted at Will’s apron clad chest, playfully and scrunched up her pink mouth in her patent pretty pout.

“You are scandalous Lord Hampton!” She huffed in mock disdain. “I should not let you into our bed this night, just to punish you and…..”

“Like blood hell we’re not sleeping together tonight!” William roared like a lion, his jaw clenched tightly.

“Will,” she hissed lowly, successfully shushing him, “I was only playing with you, darling. Why would I punish myself by not having you with me in our warm bed?”

William calmed immediately and grinned down at his lovely bride. “You are a minx, Princess,” he sighed happily. “Thank God,” he added before kissing her twice more for good measure.

‘The Lourve, Paris, France, early 1880’s’

“I shall miss Paris, Will,” Lizzy murmured somewhat tearfully while she took comfort from her groom. “I know that we should be home in fair England, day after the next and all. However, I shall miss Paris as much as I have missed Rome,” she sniffed childishly.

“I know my darling,” Will cooed as he stroked his bride’s slim little arm with his left hand. He leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her golden head that lay on his shoulder at the moment.

“I shall miss it also,” he sighed heavily, “but look at it this way. When we return to London, everything will be in place in our new house. Think of all of the pleasure we shall take in beginning our life together; our own family together, in our cozy little home?”

“I know,” Lizzy sighed in reply, but she smiled lovingly at her handsome husband. Green eyes met blue and held each other in their loving gazes.

“Besides, sweetling,” William continued happily, “I believe that you and I shall be on our honeymoon for all eternity, shan’t we?”

“We shall darling,” Lizzy sighed again, but this time in contentment.

‘London, England, early 1880’s’

“I love our home, Will!” Lizzy squealed gleefully for the hundredth time in a week. “How can we ever repay your parents for this wonderful gift?”

“Our union is more then enough payment for my folks,” William hummed in contentment after he took his pipe from his mouth. “We are not the only deliriously happy ones about our marriage, Princess,” he nodded firmly. “Now, the only thing that could be more perfect for you and I, is the birth of our first child and……”

Lizzy halted her animated movements and shyly sidled up to where her husband sat on his favorite chair, his pipe comfortably between his teeth. She gently sat down on his sturdy lap and wrapped her arms about his neck, delighted when he sat his pipe on the table and embraced her, lovingly.

“Will,” Lizzy began in a shy, whispery voice. “I have something to tell you,” she continued breathily.

“What is it, Lizzy dear,” William asked, suddenly anxious when he noted the odd look in his wife’s emerald green eyes.

“I wanted to wait, to tell you, here, in our home when we were truly alone,” she continued, halting between every other word.

She looked deeply into her William’s heavenly blue eyes and smiled, lovingly.

“We are going to have a baby, Will,” she murmured softly. “I am with child, for certain and…..”

William did not let his wife finish her sentence; instead he leapt up, Lizzy still in his arms. He yelped with joy as he whirled them both about the parlour of their cozy little home.

The couple did not halt their joyful weeping; finish their celebration dance; or cease their wild laughter until late in the evening. By that time, they had completely missed their regular supper and instead, headed upstairs, Lizzy still encased in Will’s sturdy arms.

Their marital bed awaited them and along with the promise of an even brighter future together.

A/N: Okay, this thing has taken on a life of its own! I swore to myself I would only keep this at three chapters, max, and here we are, headed into a fourth!

Anyway, I hope this isn’t too sappy, the way I’m writing this plot line. It is Victorian England and all, so the language is a little unfamiliar to me. There was definitely another ‘hint’ in this chapter as to the future plotline. Actually, it was almost an anvil, really.

Thank you for reading and please review, I am a little unsure about this story. Thanks, spufette.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16272