Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41129 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Teammates by bloody_bint
Chapter 11: Teammates

The bright morning sun echoed that a new day had dawned. Buffy had slept well, and now, as she sat cross-legged on her floor she contemplated her new scheme.

‘Xander plus Willow equals one super sister, one very appreciative brother and a new best friend so giddy-times-ten that she may actually explode. Hmmm, do I deserve some kinda award for this or what?’ She smiled.

The lullaby like chime of the doorbell swept through the house to waiting ears, prompting a giddy voice.

“I GOT it!” Buffy took the stairs two at a time, both hands bracing herself on the door upon her landing.

“HI Will!” She greeted her equally excited friend flinging the door open.

“HI! This is so cool! I’m so glad you called! So TELL me were there smoochies, I bet there were smoochies weren’t there!?” Willow was bursting at the seams.

“Breath Willow! And can we please wait until we are at least munchie clad and bedroom bound before we start with the girly divulging I have TWO noisy brothers you know!” Buffy looked around checking for any unwanted eavesdropping.

“Right! Sorry! I’ll be good, not another word about your date, nothing about Spike, I will refrain from mentioning smoo…”


“Sorry! Sometimes my mouth and my brain stop with the communication and I know I should be quiet but it doesn’t happen so much.” She shied away, embarrassment creeping over her ivory face.

“It’s cool.” Buffy turned, leading Willow towards the kitchen. “I just have to watch out you know…” She looked back at her friend and continued plotting forward. “My brothers are everywhere…” Buffy slammed into Xander’s chest.

“It’s easier to walk around, promise.” A goofy smiled shone down on Buffy.

“See my point.” She shot a knowingly irritated look back at Willow.

“So what are you lovely ladies up to today?” His gaze slid from Buffy to Willow settling there.

“Actually, I’m probably going to regret this later, but if you’re not too busy this afternoon I thought we could all go to the mall. Do lunch, get with the lazy Saturday?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice, and if you did, my answer would still be yes!” He winked at Willow.

“Well, Will and I have much in the way of girly-gossip to get on with, but after we’ll come and get you and we can have fun bugging Angel until he agrees to drop us off, ok.”

“Sounds great except for the NO! See I like living, so I tend to lean towards the self-preservation if you catch my drift. And bugging Angel, NOT on my list of fun things… YOU can get with the bugging and I will hide on the other side of the nice reinforced door, ok.”

“Great I’ll take care of the heavy lifting and you can provide plucky comic relief, sounds like a plan!” Buffy quipped, patting her brother on the arm.

“SEE… we’re twins… apart we are just man, and woman.” He added. “But together we make a super-human! We could probably take over the world.” He giggled.

“Hmmph, we should look into it.” Buffy shrugged.

“Until then we’ll just have to settle for teaming up on big-and-brooding, and by teaming up I mean you teaming and me wetting myself.” He used flamboyant hand gestures to emphasis his points.

“Hmmm?” Buffy thought. “Well at least we’re a well rounded super-human.” Smiling brightly with her light teasing.

“Yeah what you lack in, well, sucky qualities I more then make up for.”

“It’s not good to be too perfect.”

“That’s what I’m here for sis.”

“And you do a super job, really!”

“Gee thanks, I’m really feelin’ the love.”

“Your welcome!”

“I’ll thank you later.” He scoffed.

Buffy looked over to Willow.

“Yeah, I think you will.”


Spike sucked in large gulps of air, arms spread to either side of the door frame. He heard someone plodding towards the entrance and waited, sighing with relief. He wore torn jeans and a dirty shirt, having changed from his dress clothes in a flash before running out the door that morning, no shower, and no sleep.

“Hey man, you’re not looking so good. I mean really bro, you look all kinds of crap.” Gunn regarded his panting friend with a severely arched brow as he opened the door.

“Bloody hell, really NOT baskin’ in the compliments here!” Spike glared pushing himself off the door in a huff.

“You’re the one that looks like he might have skipped sleeping for, oh lets say, the last century! Wasn’t your date last night? What’s up with the nastiness, cause face it dude, you kinda smell.” Gunn put his hands up in mock peace before covering his nose.

“If you want me gone you can just say so! Don’t have to lay it on so thick mate. Came here ‘cause I needed a friend so I’m not ‘bout to stick ‘round for you to tell me just how thoroughly repulsive my life is. I’m aware!” Spike backed away as he finished.

“Hold up! Touchy this morning aren’t we! Look man, I don’t want you gone… what I want is for you to tell me why you’re on the verge of being mistaken for a homeless guy and then for you to tell me why you’re here to talk to me and not with Buffy!” Gunn pointed an accusing finger at Spike.

“I’m HERE, you BLOODY wanker, cause I thought you were my friend for fuck sake! Maybe I don’t fancy spillin’ my heart and soul to just ANYONE!” Spike spat through gritted teeth.

“Buffy isn’t ANYONE! And you would know that if you weren’t so HELL bent on kicking your own ASS!” Gunn had to seize Spike’s arm before he turned and left. “Come into the DAMN house and listen to me for a minute, that’s what you’re here for right- to talk? So sit down, shut up and let someone else run their mouth for a change!” Gunn stormed through the living room, pulling Spike along until they reached a back deck and a bench, he slammed Spike down firmly.

“You gonna listen?”

Spike nodded at Gunn like a sullen child.

“Look man… I’ve known you forever, since before you were the big bad and all that, since before your mom died.” Gunn stood over his friend pausing briefly when he noticed tears instantly welling at the mere mention of the deceased.

“You have NEVER, in all that time, felt the way you feel about Buffy. When you were younger that was due in large part to the fact that you were a grade ‘A’ wussy-boy. But the last few years you’ve been practically RUNNING from people, anyone who wants to get close! This self-loathing trip you’re on, it has GOT to end!”

A lengthy moment stretched on.

“I- I’m just… what if she runs screamin’ when she finds out who I am… what I’ve done?” Spike stuttered nervously.

“First off you haven’t done anything…” Gunn was stopped short by the scowl he received. He knew better then to push Spike when it came to the blame he felt for his mother’s death so he just sighed before continuing on. “Right, well if she takes off then I guess your taste isn’t as good as I woulda thought. And look on the bright side, you’ll still have me to come crawling back too.” Gunn winked.

“You tryin’ to be helpful, ‘cause it sounds a lot more like you being a complete prat!”

“I just tell it like it is my friend.”

“Yeah well, you seem to have a knack for pointing out what a pathetic ponce I am.” Spike stood at that, slipping his hands into his pockets.

“Hey, what can I say man. That’s what friends are for.” Gunn threw his hands up.

“Remind me again why I’m your friend?” Spike couldn’t control the smile forming and the laughter that wanted to break free.

“Maybe it’s my devilishly handsome good looks?”

“Not bloody well likely baldy!”

“HEY! If it isn’t the pot calling the kettle black, bleach head!”

“Stupid Git!”

“Big baby!”


“Wait!” Gunn broke the tirade.


“What did you come over for? I mean, what was actually wrong bro?” Gunn’s smile faded to a worrisome expression.

Spike contemplated the events of the previous night, the helpless feeling that had filled him after finding his father lying crumpled on the floor.

As each hour through the night passed he had become more and more convinced that he was becoming weak again, becoming like he use to be. Spike had rushed off to Gunn’s- idea in his head that Buffy was bringing out a side of him that he had spent much effort hiding, a side that wasn’t reliable. Though now, standing in front of a friend that knew him all too well he realised Gunn was right. He couldn’t push Buffy away, he had to be stronger then that.

“You know mate? I think in your own twisted way you covered it.”


*A/N: Hope you like! Thanks again to the wonderful cordykitten, PhotographyNut, Pet and Midnite_Holic for always reviewing I appreciate it more than you know. Please take a moment to let me know what you think! Reviews are love.*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462