Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41129 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Re- Match by bloody_bint
Chapter 17: Re- Match

Another game saw completion and another win was tallied to the credit of the Sunnydale High Razorbacks. The entire team had played well, due, for the most part, to Angel’s refined and carefully applied skills.

Dusk was fast approaching and the team was almost an hour from the borders of their little town. Everyone exited for the lockers rooms or home, intent on a speedy departure.

“Come on kitten, gotta get movin’” Spike’s hand brushing across the small of Buffy’s back startled her, causing her to almost drop the things she had just gathered up.

“Don’t creep up on people!” Buffy scowled. “And if you think I’m going out with you looking like that, you missed the memo on personal hygiene, it’s big this year. Believe me.” She nodded her head and lifted her brows teasingly.

“Put the claws away ‘right. I’m walkin’ you to my car before I take to the showers ok, not exactly keen on leavin’ you alone in a strange place got it. So no sass.” At that he began leading her from the field.

Buffy’s initial instinct was to protest, but she quickly remembered Spike’s first hand account of her clash with Coach Rayne and was suddenly more than willingly to accept his protection. They had avoided the subject since that day, to Spike’s dismay Buffy was sure, but he allowed her to push it away and for that she was grateful.

“Keep the doors locked and don’t go getting’ any ideas ‘f joy ridin’. Stay put.” He tossed her the keys before shutting her in the confines of the Desoto and rushing off to clean up.

“Yes sir.” She answered as she watched him race away.


“I have never, in all my years of sportin’ the title of best bud, seen you spend that much time on your hair bro.” Gunn looked terrified.

“Sod off.” Spike shot up two separated fingers.

“Ahhh Spikey got his feelings hurt, you look real pretty we swear.” Xander laughed, throwing his hands up in surrender when a truly brassed off Spike poked one finger into his chest bone.

“If I had to, I could explain away one less brother, I’m sure.” He growled.

“I’m done.” Xander squeaked.

“You are seriously lucky man, what I wouldn’t give. Summers has gotta be a bunny in the sack.” Parker’s abrupt entry into their private conversation wasn’t a surprise- he had no friends. The content of the comment however, was.

Spike and Xander exchanged a heated look before moving into action.

Xander darted behind Parker just as Spike’s fist connected with his nose, educing a braying crack. Parker stumbled backwards only to trip over Xander’s strategically placed leg, tumbling over onto the solid concrete, several more cracks resounding.

“I warned you about this Parker.” Xander bit back his rage as he addressed the cretin.

“And I don’t do warnin’s mate, I’ll kill you next time.” Spike’s tone was deadly before he snapped up his bag and headed out- leaving the boys to clean up the mess.


“So where are we going?” Buffy rocked anxiously as they navigated foreign roads.

“Same place we were the first fifteen times I didn’t tell you luv.” Spike answered smiling with amusement.

“Have I told you a hate surprises? You should probably know that Buffy and surprises are not friends, we have a very rocky past.” She worried her bottom lip.

“Is that so?”

“Uh-huh, the rockiest.” She nodded pronouncedly.

“How can you hate surprises?” He was both awed and perplexed by the beauty beside him.

“Easy, just have to be a control freak with some big time bossiness and you can hate them plenty, believe me.” She smiled brightly at her degrading statement, causing Spike to let out a full rolling laugh.

“I don’t know what’s more sad… the fact that you can million dollar smile while admitting that little gem of information… or that I have no doubt that it’s true.” He laughed again when she slumped into a pout. “Hey, you said it not me.”

“Yeah, but you’re supposed to defend my honour or something, not agree with me.” She folded her arms in protest.

“Sorry. My mistake.” He reached over, finding a hand- caressing gently as he held it.

“You better be.” She squeezed back tightly, eyes rolling over the contours of his profile.



“We’re here.”

Buffy didn’t waste another second, squealing with delight she dove from the car, eager to take in her surroundings.

She froze.

Each waved crashed in, frothy white mixed with black silk in the night. The sea licked at the shoreline, dancing along the sand. The moon cast a dull silver glow over every rock, every grain pilled high on the beach.

The boom of a car door slamming interpreted Buffy’s trance. She swivelled back around, mouth falling agape.

There Spike stood, arms filled. The endless fabric of a dark wool blanket bulging from between his torso and tricep, in one hand he held a small cooler, in the other a guitar.

Her lips pulled themselves into a reverent smile.

“Lead the way goldilocks.” Spike motioned towards the surf with a nod. “Pick a spot that suits and I’ll set us up.”

She didn’t want to turn away, aching to stay absorbed upon the man before her.

A smirk began to grow across his face at her appreciative stare. He swallowed the break between them, pausing just inches from her dazed form.

“I reckon you’re in all kinds ‘f trouble luv.” He bowed down until his pink lips were grazing her temple. “Cause you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

He brushed past her stunned figure, feet sinking into the sand as he strode across the moonlit coast.

“Comin’?” Spike tossed over his shoulder.

Buffy nodded wanly before following after Spike, catching up in a hurry.

They made their way into the seclusion of the dunes before halting. Spike shed himself of the items, laying out the wool in one fluid action.

He opened the miniature cooler and began to short through it.

“Fellin’ a bit peckish pet?” He looked up at her, continuing with his activity. “Got lots of tasty, yummy things for my girl.” He winked.

Buffy bit into a peach as she settled onto her side, sprawling out over their woollen island.

‘Hmmm… more sexy fruit.’ She noted to herself as her eyes poured over his gestures.

He began to hum.

Buffy let her lids fall closed as the deep vibrations rolled over her.

A cord reverberated through the night, more followed until the guitar’s soft sounds matched the melody.

And then…

He began to sing…

I’m fallin’ in
I don’t want to
Not so fast boy

Buffy’s eyes sprang back to life, focusing on his azure depths.

Don’t want to hurt the girl
Give her a pretty box
Better fill it

Spike’s words rained heavily from his lips, drenched in passion and affection.

Then I get
Blinded when she opens the door
It’s like lookin’ into the sun
And knowin’ I’m just
Starin’ at my shoes
And she just looks at me and smiles

Tears broke free from their barrage, flowing liberally along Buffy’s tinted flesh.

There we go again
And it feels so good
We’re fallin’ up and down
And down
It’s 2 am again
And she kisses me goodbye
For the sixteenth time
And I

The weight of the words struck them both, eliciting a strangled gasp from Buffy, while tears begged Spike to be unleashed.

Driving home it’s 5 am
And I
Look at the sun comin’ up over the hills
And the clouds of pink and green
And all I can see is her eyes

Buffy shook, wide emeralds staring, hints of an awed smile.

Then I get
Blinded when she opens the door
It’s like lookin’ into the sun
And knowin’ I’m just
Starin’ at my shoes
And she just looks at me and smiles

His fingers strummed out the final notes until silence fell over them.

Need… admiration… love… their eyes spoke of their own accord.

Without sound Spike placed the instrument upon the sand before crawling over to Buffy. Like second nature she was lulled onto her back as he glided over her. He wisped a few unruly hairs back behind her ear.

She whimpered.

He kissed her then. Kissed her hard, and long, uncontrollable and fierce he savoured her.

Spike let out a strangled groan before relinquishing the embrace, dropping his head down onto her shoulder.

Buffy struggled for breath. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he began to shiver still buried within her tresses.

Holding him firmly she tilted her head, warm breath spilling onto Spike’s ear.

“Mine.” She whispered, nuzzling him.

The heaving of his chest and his soft intermittent moans ceased for a moment, he was frozen.

His neck bent slightly, until his lips were upon her warm skin.



A/N: The song Spike sings is Smile by James Marsters. Hope everyone liked.... more date to come... and some smut! *gasp* Let me know what you thinked! Please review!*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462