Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41079 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Fouled by bloody_bint
Chapter 20: Fouled

Buffy sat in class, surveying the second hand as it ticked away the last moments of the day. Her attention was captivated by both the clock and the thoughts of one peroxide blonde that was now never far from her mind.

‘Two minutes thirty seconds.’ She noted. ‘When I see Spike I’ll make with the cool, ask him to come over tonight, and then I can tell him everything. Two minutes. I have nothing to worry about- after all he said he would never get blame-y, no matter what. One minute thirty seconds. Even after seeing me with Coach Rayne he was still an avid Buffy supporter so I have nothing to worry about. One minute. He’ll understand, he did say that it didn’t matter. Thirty seconds. I have nothing to worry about.’


Buffy jumped up from her seat, paying no mind to the teacher. She was out the door, heading towards the training room before Willow could even say goodbye. Repeating her mantra every step of the way she psyched herself up for what the rest of the day would hold.


Spike hurried to his locker, set on being early to practice for once. Well early to Buffy, late to practice if he had his way. He gave his books a half-hearted toss, only to slam the door and dart off down the busy hall.


Buffy twisted the knob and entered the training room, immediately busying herself with assorted tasks.

The door creaked before crashing shut.

She whirled around- heart racing. Her lips parted, ready to berate whomever had startled her. Nothing came out when her eyes settled upon Ethan Rayne.

“You are a jumpy one aren’t you?” Ethan’s voice slithered off his tongue.

All Buffy could think of was his proximity; he was between her and the door- that and the look in his eyes. She only held his predatory stare a moment before making a pass for freedom, charging him.

Rayne’s arms shot out, one hand taking up her face, fingers sinking deep into the hollows of her cheeks. While the other dug sorely into her hip, driving her back up against the concrete wall.

“But you’re a pretty young thing.” His lower hand ghosted up over her torso and right breast, only to traverse the same path back down again.

Buffy let out a strained cry, Ethan’s grip tightening as a result.

“Oh none of that now.” He tsked. “You hurt my feelings when you struggle.” His tone mocked her efforts.

“Let me go!” Buffy’s voice was a mumbled squeak; barley escaping between severely pursed lips.

The vice hold clenching her jaw constricted yet again. She could taste the metallic tinge of blood on her tongue.

“You don’t really want me to do that.”

“Yes, please.” She prayed.

“No, I’m fairly certain you’ll be more than willing to cooperate by the time I’m through with you.” Rayne eased his hold slightly, leaning in low until their faces almost met.

“Never!” Buffy spat the word with potency.

“Oh? You say that now… but I believe with a little persuasion I can get you to sing a different tune.”

“In your dreams!”

“Make no mistake deary…” Ethan pressed his forehead to hers achingly. “This is no dream!”

“My brothers will…”

“Your brothers? It is interesting that you bring them up… I was about to myself. Those persuasive skills I was telling you about… here’s where they kick in.” Rayne took both of Buffy’s breasts in his hands, squeezing brutally, educing a broken sob.

“You want your brother to keep his pathetic job, then I suggest you rethink your position here. I could make his life quite unpleasant.” His teeth ground together as he spoke.

Buffy’s could hardly hold back the wails that petitioned for release.

“No, please! Leave him alone!”


Spike’s hand reached out for the worn knob, only to halt mid-air when a wrenching plea echoed from behind the door.

“No, please! Leave him alone!”

He backed up two steps without realising he was moving. The words began to resonate in his ear until he was fighting back memories and tears.

“No, please! Leave him alone!” Jenny both demanded and begged, her eyes flashing to her bleeding son.

“Oh yeah, keep it comin’ sweetheart… I like it when you beg… come on scream for me!” A menacing arm swung up, striking her tear stricken cheek with a deafening blow.

Tears began to race down William’s face.

Tears began to race down Spike’s face. He continued to back away, body imploring him to flee, his mind unable to process anything.

“Dazed and confused much peroxide-boy?” Xander’s hand hit Spike’s shoulder as he approached his seemingly stunned form.

Spike’s eyes never made contact with the two brothers before he turned and ran.

“O-K, that was both weird and amusing…my brain doesn’t like… I like simple… weird and amusing is not simple. I don’t know whether to laugh or… ” Xander paused. “Oh that’s better, my brain made up its mind.” He broke into laughter.

“Nice! Way to make an effort with your teammates! He could be upset or… maybe…” Angel searched for some sympathetic words, but found they weren’t in him.

“Yeah… cause that attempt is gonna win the peace prize!” Xander challenged.

“At least I tried… for a second… I thought about it!” Angel defended his half-hearted attempt at concern for Spike.

“A little advice… stick to coaching… helping the helpless just isn’t your thing.” Xander snorted before flinging the door to the training room open.

“Hey Buffy.” Angel pulled his sister in for a hug, quickly noticing her condition. “What’s wrong!?”

“N-Nothing…” Buffy’s eyes flashed to Coach Rayne who was sitting at the single desk in the room, looking busy. “I just feel sick, can you take me home.” She left no room for argument with her sniffled request.

“Yeah of course…I just have to let coach know and…” Angel turned towards the sound of Rayne clearing his voice. “Oh?” His brow furrowed at the presence of the older man in the room he thought was empty save his little sister. “Yeah, Xander and I are going to take Buffy home… we’ll be back to practice tomorrow.”

“Of course… Buffy was just telling me she was feeling rather ill, poor little thing.” Ethan’s eyes narrowed on Buffy. “Family always comes first.”

“Yeah thanks.” Angel began to lead his siblings from the room before halting. “Oh and we saw Spike before… he took off… didn’t seem himself, so I don’t think he’ll show.”

“Thank you for letting me know.”

“Yeah.” Angel nodded before making his way outside with Buffy, Xander in toe.

“Y-You said Spike took off?” Upon hearing her brother’s words moments before Buffy had become even more distressed.

“Yep.” Xander answered. “He was outside the training room and then pow, he was hoofing it outta here in a hurry. I guess sometimes you just feel like runin’.” Xander did his best Forest Gump impression.

“Hey Angel?” Buffy looked up with glistening eyes. “I know I said I was feeling sick, and I am, but could you drop me off at Spike’s instead.”

Angel opened his mouth to protest, only to be cut off.

“Please.” Buffy’s voice quivered.

His resolve melted.

“Sure. But you call me the second you’re through and I’ll come to get you… and I do mean second Buffy, you need to get to bed so make it quick.”

“I love you.” Her arms wrapped around her brother’s waist, tears spilling from her emerald orbs.

“What about me? I’m dropping you off too! It’s always about the car… Angel has a convertible and can drive so Angel gets all the…” Xander’s whining was interrupted by his sister’s warm embrace.

“I love you too.”

With that they negotiated their way to Angel’s car and took off towards Spike’s.

‘Why does this happen to you. You always need rescuing. Not this time. Angel and Xander aren’t going to know a thing. They’re already keeping too many secrets for you. It hurts them to know. Making them promise not to tell anyone what happened in LA… you didn’t even tell them everything. Making them believe they could always protect you… that no one needed to know. And now look… they can’t protect you… it would kill them. You can handle this… no one needs to know except... God Spike. It will be fine you’ll see… he probably just forgot something at home. Right. But he said he would never think you were a slut, not ever. No matter what he heard… he won’t think that. He’ll understand… you’ll tell him everything and then he’ll understand.’ Tears cascaded down Buffy’s face as she sat silently willing the pain to go away.

The convertible pulled up to the Giles residence.

Buffy sucked in a deep breath. ‘This is it.’


A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry it took awhile to post, just got back from vacation! Please let me know what you think! Reviews make me a happy lil' author!

Oh and btw I'm back on live journal now as well. http://bloody-bint.livejournal.com/profile. So feel free to look me up there too! *hugs*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462