Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41095 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Play Off by bloody_bint
Chapter 25: Play Off

Buffy rested the entire way to LA; the hum of the road had always lulled her to sleep. She pushed all thoughts of her past and present troubles away and was brimming with anticipation as she stood beside her brothers just outside the field gates.

Everyone gathered together beside the bus, all eyes on Angel as he addressed the group.

“All right. It’s 8:30 now. We play at 10am. After we win…” He eyed each player. “We check into the hotel at one. Any questions?” He paused for only a breath. “Good. Get changed, get stretched out and meet me at the practice field. GO.”

The players quickly disbanded and headed for the locker room.

“Have I ever told you you’ve got great people skills?” Buffy quipped.

“Who needs people skills when there’s force?” Angel winked back at his sister.

“It’s the twenty-first century Angel… men don’t have to be barbarians. The ‘me mad, me yell and hit things’ mentality is of the past.” She patted him on the back.

“Are you saying I’m not hip?”

“No… I’m saying you’re kinda scary.”

“Hey, that hurts.” He pouted in jest.

“The truth often does.”

“I’ll show you scary!” With that Angel took off after a fleeing Buffy.


“You talk to her yet?” Gunn asked as the ball made contact with his head, eliciting a resounding smack.

“Said she needed time.” Spike answered striking the ball back, forehead first.

“So you gonna try again tonight?” He continued to talk while heading the ball.

“Try lookin’ up the definition mate.” Smack.

“Wuss.” Smack.

“Nag.” Smack.

“Enough chatting ladies!” Angel bit out, interrupting.

Smack. “Owe!” Gunn‘s hand flew to his eye.

“Shake it off.” Angel instructed before walking away to oversee the rest of warm-ups.

Spike broke out into laughter as soon as Angel was out of earshot.

“What’s so funny bro?” Gunn snapped.

“You. Your head’s as stark as a cue ball, reckon it’s the perfect target… and still you cop it in the eye… bloody hilarious.”

“At least I’m not coppin’ it from coach… all that hostility, is directed at you my friend.” He pointed emphatically.

“Do you think she told him?”

“Ooooh I think she might have.” Gunn tried to gesture with his head.

“Typical! Bloody women… like I don’t have enough to deal with!”

“Uh, Spike.” Gunn attempted to interrupt.

“I’ve got my own problems, and what a bleedin’ train wreck they are. I’ve got Buffy to deal with, and now my coach hates me!”


He spun around towards the voice behind him, face burning with embarrassment.

“You’re going to have one more problem if you don’t head for the main field… NOW.” Angel barked.

Spike scanned the area, noting the sudden absence of any other player aside from he and Gunn.


He didn’t say a word, just turned and ran.


“Game’s about to start… will you hand me the sub list?” Angel’s eye’s never left the field.

“Yeah sure.” Buffy turned around, rummaging through the duffle bag her brother had brought.

“Where…?” Her face scrunched up in frustration. “Oh! Got it.” She exclaimed, rising.

“He…” Her voice caught in her throat as her eyes focused in on the stands.

“Did you find it or…” Angel spun around in frustration only to freeze as well.

“Don’t worry.” He spoke after a heavy pause.

“No?” Was all Buffy could manage as she stood, staring.

“No. I’m here.”


‘Oh Shit.’


“Look at me!” Spike slapped Xander’s face with restrained force.

Xander’s eyes met his teammate for only a moment before diverting once more, causing Spike to snatch up his jaw in an angry fist.

“Pay attention! You miss ONE more…” He held up a shaking finger. “And I’m personally gonna kick your arse!”

Xander ripped away from Spike’s hold, scowling.

“Keep your eyes on the field mate!” He added.

“Should say the same to you.” Xander’s voice wavered with rage.

Spike’s eyes narrowed.

“Yeah? Well I’m not the one killing this for us!” He sucked in gulps of air.

“Whistle blew.” Xander purposefully avoided the comment.


Spike made his way back to his position in mid-field, eyes sneaking sideways glances as he jogged.

‘Who the fuck is that?’ He tried to shake away the thoughts, but was unable. ‘Wanker won’t keep his eyes off my girl. And what’s with the brothers-grim staring him down?’


“I’m going to kill him.” Angel spat through severely gritted teeth.

“I- I’m sure he’s just here to watch the game.” Buffy answered meekly, becoming paler with each word.

“And that makes a difference? He’s here!” Angel peered over his shoulder for the twentieth time, glaring up into the stands.

“Shouldn’t you be…I don’t know, coaching?” Buffy questioned.

“Rayne’s got it.”

Buffy shivered.

“I’m not leaving your side.”

“And I appreciate that, but we’re in the middle of a game here. A game we are in serious risk of losing if you don’t do something!” She summoned all her strength, not allowing his presence to better her.

“You’re right.” Angel stood, making his way over to Ethan.

“We need to sub.”


Spike couldn’t hear anything but the shouting of teammates as the final whistle blew. Uneasiness washed over him as his eyes darted around frantically. Everyone was celebrating; he had trouble focusing in on anyone in particular. He made Angel’s face out of the crowd; he was being drug onto the field by rowdy players looking to pay homage.

“Come back from behind, against all odds WIN bro!” Gunn slapped Spike’s back as he approached.

“Yeah.” Spike brushed him off, still searching.

“Uh, in case you missed it, we just won here.” Gunn arched a brow.

“I know.”

“Mind telling me what’s with the Ray Charles then? Movin’ your head so much it’s makin’ me dizzy.”

“Have you seen…”

His voice caught in his throat and his blood ran cold.


He watched her form disappear behind the stands, the same stranger in pursuit.

Spike snapped out of his trance just in time to be snatched up by appreciative teammates. They held him high as they danced around in celebration.



“Where’s Buffy?” Angel sounded hysterical as he made his way out of the riot.

“She’s not with you!” Xander’s voice cracked.

“You go that way, I’ll go this way.” Angel pointed. “And Xand…” He waited for eye contact. “Find her, but be careful.”


‘Damn cell phones.’ Buffy thought as she ventured away from the noise.

With each step the clamour died down, though just as she was able to hear well the call disconnected.

“Great.” She muttered. “Hope they leave a message.” She began to hit buttons, checking to see if she recognised the number. “Sorry, Buffy can’t answer the phone right now… she’s deaf.” She giggled to herself as she mocked a message recording.

Blocked number.

“Oh well.” Buffy turned to head back to the sidelines.

After only a step she froze in her tracks, mouth falling agape.

“Miss me?”


A/N: Oh No! *gasp* What's that I sense? Could it be? No she wouldn't? It is! More angst.... *evil laugh* Hope you liked! Please let me know what you think! Reviews are love. Oh and if you have been waiting (a while sorry) for a new chapter of Tears In Heaven... it will be up today! :-)
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462