Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41088 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Winning Season by bloody_bint
Chapter 30: Winning Season

Buffy worried her bottom lip as the Desoto pulled away from Sunnydale High that afternoon. They drove silently, Buffy staring out her window anxiously, Spike paying overly explicit attention to the road.

Spike coughed, causing Buffy to jump slightly in her seat.

She attempted to break the tension. “It’s getting cold.” Her cheeks tinted at the seemingly absurd sound of her voice.

“What? Yeah… it’s a bit chilled innit.” Spike answered, eyes momentarily taking in the exposed expanse of her thigh.

‘Uhhhhn.’ He inwardly groaned.

The tension grew, now a palpable presence.

“So how was class?” Spike immediately cringed, cursing himself for sounding like such a ponce.

“Good, yeah, really good. Yours?” Buffy spared him a sideways glace, tongue darting out inadvertently.

‘Mhhhhn.’ She sighed deep inside.

“It was good. Thanks for askin’.” His eyes slammed shut. ‘Stupid, stupid.’

Again silence filled the car, the thick tension pulsing between them.

Spike pulled into the drive carefully, cutting the engine as the car came to a complete stop.

They didn’t move for a long moment, not making a sound.

“So you want to come in?” Spike asked wiping his palms on his jeans.

“Yeah, sounds great.” Buffy turned a deep red.

“Right then.” Spike exited the car in a hurry, rushing around to the passenger side to help her out.


“You’re welcome.” Spike resisted the urge to smack himself in the head. ‘Actin’ like some nancy-boy, never seen a pretty chit before.’

Spike unlocked the front door opening it wide for Buffy before following her in himself.

Buffy paused in the foyer, turning around to look at Spike she waited for some direction.

He nodded towards the stairs; following after her once more they made their ascension. Staring at her from behind, his jeans tightened to an unbearable ache.

He tried to divert his thoughts. “You thirsty pet? Need anything?” He shoved his hands in his pockets as they continued to climb.

“No thank you, I’m fine.” Buffy answered over her shoulder as she approached his bedroom door, keeping up the polite rhetoric.

Spike leaned around her then; twisting the knob he released the door.

Buffy meandered into the space hands clasped at the small of her back.

Spike entered behind, closing them in.

They spun around, suddenly connected, grasping at each other. Buffy struck the door as they moved back, her arm rising to caress her head.

“Ah. Oh.” She giggled against his lips. “Bed, bed, bed.”

Spike lifted her, stumbling backwards until his legs hit the mattress, instantly buckling.

She was on top of him then, straddling his arousal as they shimmied up towards the headboard.

“You’re…” He moaned between kisses. “So bloody perfect. My perfect, perfect girl.”

“Mmmmm.” She moaned, taking his bottom lip between her teeth, gently nibbling.

Snaking an arm around her waist, he flipped them, positioning himself over her.

They began tugging feverishly at one another’s clothes, his shirt being tossed aside followed directly by hers.

Spike shed her of all her garments, only pausing after she lay naked beneath him.

“Perfect.” He murmured.

Buffy’s eager digits flew to his jeans, popping the button loose with a quick jerk.

“Ah.” His hand jolted out towards the side table, pulling the drawer open as he kissed and thrust into her. “Mmmmm.”

Spike’s hand finally closed around what it was searching for, causing him to sit back on his heels.

Buffy watched with lust filled eyes as he kicked of his remaining clothing, ripping the condom pack open with his teeth.

His hand roamed down to his throbbing shaft, curling around it, pulling the skin up then down in deliberate strokes.

He went to work with the rubber, placing it at the head of his engorged cock, using two fingers to roll it back.

“Shit.” Spike swore, the condom shooting back off with a snap.

Buffy giggled, casing Spike to glare daggers.

“Somethin’ funny Goldilocks?” He growled. “Cause that ain’t exactly helpin’ us out here.”

Buffy bit her lip, stilling her fit. “I think you had it backwards.”

Spike lifted the condom up for inspection, grimacing at it’s now mangled form. “Kinda hard to bloody tell.”

“Here.” Buffy retrieved another from the pack tearing it open with ease. “Let me.”

She took him in one hand, fingers wrapping around his swollen girth. With her other she adjusted the condom at the tip. She pinched the end over the head of his cock, eliciting a strangled groan from Spike, and then rolled it back over his extensive length.

The instant her hands left him, he had her flat on her back, mouth devouring hers.

“Need you now!” His voice was husky and low, his eyes searching for confirmation.

Buffy pulled him down into another fervent kiss, hips thrusting up in reaction to his request.

He guided himself to her opening, body trembling with anticipation and need.

She nodded faintly, eyes closing in ecstasy, back arching into him.

That was it; he rolled his hips forward, cock sinking in half way before he paused.

“Bloody hell.” He groaned out, his breath already laboured as her pussy constricted around him.


With that he thrust in completely, growling deep as she swallowed him whole.

“Buffy, Buffy, Buffy.” He panted her name, sliding out in one long measured pull before dipping back into her exquisite vice.

“Mnaaaw.” Buffy moaned, spreading her legs wider to take him in deeper.

“Christ pet, so bloody tight. So bloody good.” He swallowed hard, clenching his jaw to keep the steady rhythm.

Buffy sensed his need. “Faster.” She gasped, meeting his last thrust, her own orgasm building within.

It was his undoing. His pace intensified, his cock slipping in and out of her wetness with a renewed fury.

“Fuck Buffy.” His eyes slammed shut as he pounded into her.

She pulled him close, biting down on his shoulder she swivelled her hips with each blow.

“God Spike I…” She began to shake, body convulsing in a heavenly crescendo. “Ohhhhh.”

“Fuck.” His lips attacked hers, swallowing her blissful cries as he rocketed into his own jarring orgasm.

They rocked together as delicious aftershocks wracked their bodies, purring words of contentment.

“Mmmmm.” Buffy licked her lips, smiling up at Spike’s breathless form collapsed on top of her.

“Mmmm-hmmm, that was…”

“Quick.” Buffy finished in a gasp.

Spike’s eyes snapped open as he pulled back gazing down at her in exhaustion and shock.

“Not what I imagined your reaction being luv!” He rumbled.

“What? No! God no!” She corrected. “I meant quick as in I…” She cleared her throat, blushing. “It was... good very quickly. Which is good… very good.”

“Oh. Good then.” He smiled a lazy, lopsided smile before rolling over.

He discarded the condom in a tissue before rolling back, lying face to face with Buffy, pulling her close.

She snuggled into him. “Mmmm, I love this.” She sighed.

“Love you.” He whispered, kissing the top of her head tenderly.

“Spike?” Buffy’s voice was hardly audible.


“When do you start counselling?” She asked faintly.

He leaned back on his pillow, looking down at her. “Why do you ask pet?”

“I just… well I…” She took a deep breath. “I want to go with you.”

He smiled. “Sure kitten, I’d love for you to come along, it would mean a lot.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I meant go… as in see someone… myself.”

Spike’s brow furrowed. “God I didn’t even think…” He rubbed his eyes in frustration. “I’m so sorry Buffy, after everything that you’ve been through, I can’t imagine I’m…”

“It’s okay… I’m fine. I just thought it would be a good idea for us both to get help. I want to give myself to you… fully, and I don’t want anything getting in the way of that.”

He took her face in his hands placing a kiss on her forehead. “Alright pet… we’ll both go.”

“Maybe after we feel comfortable… after a while…” She assured. “We could have a couple sessions together… there are things…” She paused. “I just want you to understand everything, and I want to understand you and I think it would be good and…”

“Okay pet. It’s okay.” He soothed her, running his fingers through her hair. “Sounds like you got it all figured out. Don’t worry, we’ll do this together.”

“Thank you.”

“No need pet.”

“You know you’re good at this stuff.” Buffy added, burrowing into the warmth and comfort of his chest once again.

“What stuff is that luv?”

“I don’t know… helpful stuff. You’re all sweet and understanding, you’d be a good counsellor yourself I’ll bet. And with your grades the doors kinda wide open.”



Spike rolled away, swinging down under the bed momentarily he returned brandishing a thick stack of papers.

“What’s…?” Buffy began as Spike tossed the pile in front of her.

“Spike? These are applications to college.”

“I’m aware.”

“When did you get these?” She beamed, looking up at him briefly before returning her focus to the many universities.

“After you nearly belted me for not caring about our future I went to see the career counsellor, grabbed a heap.” He stated casually.

“Do you realise you grabbed two of each?”

“I said our future didn’t I?”

Buffy opened and closed her mouth several times before diving at him, instantly dotting little kisses all over his face.

“Love you love you love you!” She cooed, continuing her worship.

“Love you too.” He laughed.

She sighed contentedly as she pulled away, gazing down at him, a smile firmly in place.

“So luv, just one thing left.” He purred.

“What’s that?”

He reached over, dragging the stack of applications over to them.

“Pick one.”


A/N: So there you have it... last official chapter! Epilogue is next... hope you all enjoyed thus far! Stick around, one more chap! Please let me know your thoughts! Reviews are love!
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462