Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41111 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Settling the Score by bloody_bint
Chapter 4: Settling the Score

Buffy had skipped dinner; she didn’t want to see her brothers, mainly because she wasn’t really mad anymore. ‘After all,’ she thought, ‘them being all protective tuff guy-ish does come in handy sometimes, but I’m not telling them that, not after they ruined my chances of ever having a social life in like two seconds. Hmph, must be a new world record.’ At that thought she heard a light tapping at her door, “Yeah, come in.”

Buffy’s door creaked open half way revealing a very sorry brother on his knees. Before Buffy could say anything Xander began scuffling into her room, never leaving his knees while putting on the best puppy-dog face he could possibly muster.

“WHAT are you…” she wasn’t able to finish her question as a second, equally sorry brother appeared, following Xander, also on his knees. Buffy couldn’t help herself she burst into laughter.

“Oh yeah, so that’s what we get for trying to apologise huh, that’s juuuuust great,” Xander drew out the word a smile growing over his face.

“You’re going to be sorry for laughing.” Was all Buffy heard as Angel’s arms swooped up pulling her down to the floor.

“No, no, NO! I’m. You. You’ll. Be…” she couldn’t get a single sentence out through her sobs of laughter. She struggled underneath the relentless tickling, loving every second of it.


Spike rubbed his sore calves as he sat on his bed still dripping from his second shower, his blond curls clinging to his face. He winced from the pain radiating from his tight muscles. He sighed, lying back on his pillow letting his heavy eyes fall closed, until a sudden ring caused them to fly open. ‘Bloody hell.’

“This BETTER be important,” Spike hadn’t realised how irritable he had become since practice earlier that afternoon until he answered the phone.

“Cool it man, I’m the barer of good news all around,” Gunn laughed off the rude greeting.

“Ok, so tell me, or do I have to guess why you’re bothering me after we just spent the last three hours getting tortured by captain forehead, together,” he gritted his teeth at the thought of Angel pushing them so hard.

“Well, I just thought you might want to be at the bronze tonight, that’s all.”

“That’s all? That’s ALL? Remind me again why I’m even your bloody friend,” he stood as he spoke.

“You’re my friend because Xander called me and he’s going to the Bronze and I was able to find out that his sister is also going to be there, tonight, so…”

“And why do I care?” he tried to sound indifferent as his mind raced.

“Oh please man, don’t think you can put one over on me, I saw the look on your face when she stormed off today, and so forgive me if I’m trying to help a brother out,”

“What time,” Spike mumbled almost inaudibly.

“Say again?”

“What time you WANKER.”

“Eight, and Spike?”

“What now.”

“Don’t be late.”


Buffy fluffed the hair spouting out from her high ponytail one last time. She straightened her red leather skirt and black halter-top before grabbing the tiny clutch from her bed. Reapplying her lip-gloss as she descended the stairs, she was ready to go have some fun.

“Ready to go Buff?” Xander was eager to get to the Bronze and meet his friends, not to mention Willow.

“Yup, just have to say goodbye to…” Buffy hopped down the last few steps only to be scooped up by Joyce’s waiting arms, “…mom.”

“You two have fun and stay together,” Joyce’s brow creased, “Maybe I should have Angel go with you, this is a new city and…”

“MOM, this isn’t LA and we are so already implementing the buddy system, TWINS remember, we were kinda a package deal.” Buffy pulled her brother close, clutching his arm in her own.

“OH I remember all right, I remember twice the work, and twice the trouble, and…” an arm flung around her neck, a chipper voice interrupting.

“AND twice the love don’t forget, love you mom, we’ll be back early, BYE.” With that Buffy flew from then house tugging her twin down the driveway and away before Joyce could argue.


Spike leaned over the railing, peering into the crowd pulsing to the music, searching, hunting. His body hummed with anticipation as he pursued the droves, yearning for a glimpse of his girl.

‘Where’s she, where’s my girl? Your girl? Bloody hell, you’re acting like some pillock with a nancy-boy crush. Well you’re NOT, and it would do you some good to remember it. Acting like William gets you nowhere. It’s not like you even know the little chit, met her today, so you can just forget ‘bout any…” Spike’s eyes narrowed on Buffy as she sauntered into the dimly lit club, he felt dizzy.

“Bugger this,” his whisper choked through the lump forming in his throat, his mind went blank- relinquishing the battle between him and his inner William. He headed down the stairs, and towards the beautiful blond, his blond.


“HI Buffy, you look so good!” Willow wiggled with glee as her new friend approached.

“Thanks Will, so do you.” Buffy smiled at the redhead’s excitement, but quickly noticed the furrowed brow and change of demeanour.

“You don’t have to say that, I- I know I’m not big with the lookin’ good and sexy dressin’,” she stared through the table to her feet.

“WILL! Shut your mouth, you DO SO look good, and I’m from LA remember so I’m like an expert on these things, so NO arguing.” She nodded her head in one last effort to force understanding, it worked Willow once again was smiling.

“How are my favourite ladies today,” Xander crept up behind his sister, placing an arm carefully over her bare shoulder while winking at Willow.

“We’re great,” Buffy noticed the flush come to her friends cheeks, “but we would be a whole lot better if my favourite twin got us ladies something to drink.”

“No problem… I’m going in,” he turned away from the girls, “if I’m not back in 10 minutes, cut me loose and move on.” With that he disappeared into the swarm of co-eds.

“Alright SPILL!” Buffy eyed Willow’s blushing face and deer-caught-in-headlight eyes.

“No, what? No, nothing to spill,” Willow fidgeted, radiating nervousness.

“OH come ON Will, he’s my brother like I wouldn’t be happy for you,” Buffy’s arched a poignant brow as she spoke.

‘Will with my brother huh, that could be a good, better then that Anya girl from LA all she ever did was follow him around asking if she could give him many orgasms, thank GOD that didn’t happen, yup this is definitely my new project, must get Xander and Willow together.’ Buffy was torn from her thoughts as Willow continued.

“Do you think he likes me, what am I saying, of course he doesn’t like me?” She worried her hands together.

“He does too, and believe me I can really tell, it’s a twin thing.” She smiled widely at her declaration only to scrunch up her face in contemplation at the strange feeling that had come over her.

“Well ‘ello pet, Red,” Spike nodded at Willow all the while keeping his eyes locked on Buffy.

“What do you…”

“Hi Spike! How are you, how was practice?” Willow bounced lightly on her stool as she greeted him.

“Right, good, lots of running and all that,” he slid his hands into his pockets worried Willow might mention his past.

“You two KNOW each other,” Buffy stared at her friend shocked.

“Yeah Spike and I used to…”

“CLASSES, we had classes together, before, you know at school and all that,” he squirmed uneasily.

“Right, classes, just some normal classes, that we had- together,” Willow smiled devilishly her mind soaring. ‘Spike likes Buffy that is so cute! He’s embarrassed that he use to tutor and be in the writing club with me, what a bonehead, Buffy so wouldn’t care about that. This should be fun to watch.’

“Oh? Well let me try again with the- WHAT do you WANT Spike,” her arms folded over her snug halter in protest to his presence.

“Just thought you wouldn’t mind the company is all, wasn’t my intention to get you all in a huff ‘bout it- even if you do look bloody adorable when you pout,” he bit his lip and widened his gaze, taking in all of her.

“I… um… huh?” she couldn’t form a single thought let alone a sentence.

“Your lookin’ a bit flush luv, maybe you should step outside, get some fresh air- clear your head?” as he placed the reassuring hand on her shoulder he knew he was pushing his luck, but he couldn’t help himself.

“Y- yeah, air’s good,” her mind was blank as she stood, accepting his invitation.

“You right here Red?” Spike didn’t want to miss his opportunity; quickly turning towards Willow to make sure everything was ok, placing a hand on Buffy back simultaneously.

“Fine and dandy, plus Xander will back any minute, GO!” she bubbled over with excitement as she watched the two blonds seep into the bodies and out of view.

“Your drink my-lady, AND… I guess my drink, where’s Buff?” he sat down next to Willow, his eyes searching for his sister.

“She left,” Xander’s eyes came to a worried stop on Willow, “don’t worry she’s with Spike!”

“She’s with WHO and the HUH?” Xander almost spit up his drink, “I thought she hated captain peroxide.”

“Yeah, you were way wrong,” she beamed.

“What about the buddy-system?” he mumbled the words in a defeated manor.

“The what?” Willow questioned.

“On nothin’, she’s safe with Spike, at least I think she is, and I’ve got you, so I’m thinking everything is just fine.” He gathered Willow in to a quick squeeze.

“Definitely!” is all Willow could muster through her excitement and anxiety.


Buffy stroked her tingling flesh as the bite of the chilled air hit her bare arms. The outer area of the Bronze smelt smoky and was lit only by the moon.

“Cold, kitten?” Spike shrugged off his duster draping it across her shoulders in one fluid motion- settling immediately onto one knee in front of her he began to cuff the hanging sleeves.

“W- why are you being so nice, I mean, usually you’re, you’re…” Buffy looked away confused.

“A right wanker. It’s ‘right you can say it,” he stood rubbing behind his neck, “as for the question goldilocks, I can’t answer that,” he enjoyed her furrowed brow and pouting lips, “I can’t answer it cause I don’t know why I was so bloody horrible in the first place, so yeah just forget ‘bout it right- it is what it is.”

“And what is it?” she let a small smile play at her question.

“Whatever you want Buffy,” his sincerity was evident.

“I think I can handle that,” it came out a whisper as she tugged him down, encasing his lips in a kiss.

His hands reflexively voyaged up her frame to her face, cupping her soft skin, caressing. His tongue skimmed across her bottom lip intimately. Her lips parted and she began stirring her tongue with his, tasting him with slow deliberation. They moaned simultaneously before floating apart, drawing in air, their eyes locked, it was tender despite the passion, though it only lasted a moment.

“Oh my god, what is going on! I mean, you, and me, and WE, oh this so isn’t good,” Buffy backed away breaking eye contact hoping it would relive some of the feelings she was still having.

“Isn’t good? Isn’t GOOD! This is a BLOODY REVELATION!” Spike threw his hands up in frustration.

“I- it is? Y- you think so?” her eyes met his again. ‘Big mistake’

“I do.” He swallowed the space between them once more.

“I’m just, I mean, I’m not usually all gung-ho with the public displays.” Her flushed state worsened.

“Really? Would ‘ave taken you for a natural pet?”

“Gee thanks.” Her eyes rolled heavily.

“So ‘bout this revelation we stumbled upon…”

“Can revelations be slow?” a coquettish smile caused Spike’s legs to shake underneath his weight.

“Whatever you want, remember Buffy,” he leaned down bracing himself with her body and placed a chaste kiss on her moistened lips.

“You’re quite the tease you know that pet,” he looked down upon her a think smirk written on his face.

“Hey, It was a weak moment,” the flush burnt into her face now.

“Really not complaining luv.”


*A/N: The Spuffy is in full swing now but much Angst is on the way... please review!!!!*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462